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Champix aka Chantix/Varenicline



  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    The urges will be with you all your life, but they are getting easier to handle and less strong. We were addicted to nicotine and like an alcoholic, we always will be. Stick it out! Was smoking from 1975 till 2010. Quit with Champix and approaching my third year as a nonsmoker. Good luck to you, you can do this as well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭connewitz

    Hi Terenc! nice to see you are still on the thread and Donnie as well. feeling guilty now, that I was not here so long! But, I will look in to it noe and then. There are a lot of newbies here. Nice to see!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Bakkie

    Actually quite funny. Will feel guilty if I start smoking again and at my age were I could careless about most things

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Hi Bakkie, well done coming this far its no mean feat after 35 years of smoking, your whole body has been reliant on having that cig for all them years (on tap) suddenly its not there so you are bound to go through stages of wanting to have a smoke, but the longer your off them the easier it gets, I still have the urge to have a cig (connewitz) but it s nothing now just a feeling that goes very quickly, I dont know what age you are but you are never to late to stop smoking read through the thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Bakkie, DONT GIVE IN!!! I am taking the tablets only 9 days and am in no position to be givin advice but don't give in! This is a battle, and to be free of the cigs for over 2 months is a massive achievement. Take to the bed, go visit a pal, take up knitting, anything to destract yourself, the oldies on here are saying it gets easier, so hang on in there. Remember we are watching you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Harpy

    Hi guys,
    So had 1 months champix at home the last month or so.
    Decided to take it on 4th march.
    Was fairly certain to stop smoking even before I started taking them.
    Also read Alan Carr at the weekend so had no desire to smoke after that really.

    On day 10 of Champix and haven't smoked since day 7.
    All Champix did for me really was make fags taste did not slow down my smoking.
    I still get cravings but I just laugh them off.
    I'm thinking about just stopping the Champix today really.
    I just don't think I need them to be honest.

    Restless nights and waking up with tightness in my chest like I've been kicked in the ribs all night.
    They just seem more hassle than there worth for me.
    It was Alan Carr's book which has got me off the fags.
    I seem to be taking Champix just for the sake of having them really.

    I'm just looking for peoples advice?
    Has anyone been in the same boat before?

    Should I wean my way off the Champix or just stop completely?

    Congrats!! I'm off the fags 58 days i only had a one month pack of champix and i got to day 20ish taking them and then stopped, i didnt intentionally stop i just started forgetting to take it so i was only taking one a day and then id completely forget about it one day and take one the next day.. Ive found ive been fine, ive been debating whether to take the rest of the pack but im doing ok so i think ill just leave it off.. I think if you have your mind set on it and are determined i wouldnt worry about coming off the champix but i think id wait until u kind of just forget to take them..

  • Registered Users Posts: 370 ✭✭DonnieL

    Just wanted to wish a HaPpY St. PaTrIcK's DaY to all my FORMER smoker friends and all the new stop smoking "Soldiers"!! Don't let a few Guiness lower your defenses!! =^)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Harpy

    Made it through Paddys day, had one or two bad cravings as i got a little drunker.. I really have to slow down on the drinking im definitely drinking drinks a lot faster since giving up...

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Well done harpy! I went for a few on Sunday and I was fine, believe it or not I found yesterday worse! I think it was a bit hungover and was blaming not smoking for me being a bit agitated, so I just had a chat with myself and made myself realise I was being an idiot!
    I am almost at the 4 weeks so I am not in a hurry to undo the good I have done.
    Hacker21 did you stick to your quit date and if so how are you doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    I was supposed to quit yesterday, day 12, but didnt. I hadnt been smokin much less that normal either. I was feeling a bit frustrated by the whole thing. So I just didnt buy any cigarettes today, smoked my last one before going into work and said what ever happens, happens. So cant believe it myself I made it through the day and haven't smoked, I was cranky and rude but I made it through the day!! :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    I could not recommend Champix.
    1. I experienced psychotic episodes while on it.
    2. I had no history of mental illness before trying it.
    3. I now suffer from MDD .
    Champix is scary stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    We'll done hacker21, that's the first and one of the biggest hurdles cleared.
    It's funny but for my first week or so I would go out of my way to pass someone smoking on the street because the smell would make me realise I was doing the right thing by not smoking!:)
    Keep us posted on your progress and try to stay strong!!:)GOOD LUCK!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3 Bakkie

    @hacker21.Well done. Stay on the meds and remember you are now an ex-smoker

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    heliguyheliguy, What an ordeal you must have been through. We all start this medication in good faith but to hear of your story scares me anyway. Oh but for the grace of god go I.
    Bakki and DMCC71 thanks for the encouragment, its appriecated! Day 2 went well enough, have cravings but are not near as severe as cold turkey. Looking back at yesterday I think I used the excuse of quitting to be a bit rude to a couple of people who actually deserved it, Ha! I'm feelin positive about this, stay strong people and mind yerselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    hacker21 wrote: »
    heliguyheliguy, What an ordeal you must have been through. We all start this medication in good faith but to hear of your story scares me anyway. Oh but for the grace of god go I.
    Bakki and DMCC71 thanks for the encouragment, its appriecated! Day 2 went well enough, have cravings but are not near as severe as cold turkey. Looking back at yesterday I think I used the excuse of quitting to be a bit rude to a couple of people who actually deserved it, Ha! I'm feelin positive about this, stay strong people and mind yerselves.

    It's not easy being open about it but with no mention of the risks here; I felt it was important.
    The side affect warnings mean nothing, till it happens to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    heliguyheliguy, tbh with you it was all the positive messages here that help me decide to give champix a go. At the same time I am an adult and made my own informed decision about it. I cannot imagine what you've been through and I agree it is important that anyone who contemplates taking this medication does so at a risk. My own doc would not give me a repeat script and as a rule does not give repeat scripts for this medication so you have go back. I admire her for this, I think she is taking responsibility but also acknowledging that that this medication is not for everyone and caution should be exercised when taking it. Heliguyheliguy, from me anyway, thank you very much for posting about how Champix can have a dreadful affect on people. We all need to know these risks are very, very real and not just words on paper. We need to be very aware of ourselves. Heliguyheliguy I do hope you are well in yourself, and all is good with you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Harpy

    Well done hacker, It starts getting easier after the first few days.. Get yourself a calendar or something to mark off your days..

  • Registered Users Posts: 13 Catsup99

    Yes well done, the first full day is the weirdest/hardest - new routine etc. to get used to, but you're on your way now and you know you can do it.
    Every evening going to bed you can congratulate yourself on another day completed successfully. Keep it up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Thanks Catsup99 n Harpy, how are ye getting on?
    Had a few moments today where I said " I'll just have a fag and then I'll do abc", then realising NO I don't smoke!!! Old habits eh! But going well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,891 ✭✭✭Harpy

    hacker21 wrote: »
    Thanks Catsup99 n Harpy, how are ye getting on?
    Had a few moments today where I said " I'll just have a fag and then I'll do abc", then realising NO I don't smoke!!! Old habits eh! But going well.

    Alls going good here, day 64...
    Yeah its funny, i found in work it to be hard... my breaks are now much longer though id always plan my breaks around been able to have a fag like, now im not trying to get through the food as quick as possible so i have time for a fag as well, i can actually sit down and relax during my break..

    Ive noticed the extra money in my bank account too although it doesn't last :P ive defo been treating myself too much haha im buying myself new clothes so much more and new make up, i just justify it by saying to myself sure you quit the fags you deserve it...

    I have a holiday coming up which im worried about cause that's where it all came apart for me last year, but i think im stronger this year at this stage last year i was smoking when i was drinking, im not doing that at all this time so hopefully it'll be ok... Just not let the stupid voice in my head telling me it'll be fine smoke on holidays get the better of me this time haha..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Hi Hapry. I know exactly what ya mean about hols? Same thinghappened to me a few years back, minute my bag hit the apartment floor I had afag in my gob!! I needed to smoke or I wouldn’trelax! And just like that I was back on them. Did ya ever read Alan Carr’s Easy Way? I am reading it at the moment andhe goes through all the reasons why we think we smoke and proves them wrong, (I need all the help I can get). 64 daysis massive though, looking forward to the extra money too. I am going to treatmyself at the 4 week mark, that’s a little goal I set myself. I am having strangedreams and waking up tired and having to drag myself out of bed in the morningsbut I can handle that, otherwise that all side effects have gone luckily. Iknow its early yet but its all looking good for another day!!!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Hi all, great to read all the success and positivity! Hacker I went to an Allen Carr seminar a few months ago and your right, it's now I am getting the benefit from it. When I think I would like or need a smoke I am quickly able to realise why I'm thinking that way and then reconfirm why I wanted to stop in the first place and also how much better my life is and will be without them.
    So I think my success so far is down to 3 things, 1 champix 2 Allen Carr 3 this thread!
    I am near the 5 week point and I have actually reduced my dose to 1 tab per day, I now only take the one in the morning to see if that will reduce the dreams. It's not that the dreams were bad but they were sometimes intense and I was waking up feeling like I had barely slept. I will try this for a few days but if I feel I need to I will be straight back on the second tab because I would rather be tired for another couple of months than to go back smoking.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,409 ✭✭✭✭gimli2112

    DMCC71 wrote: »
    Well done harpy! I went for a few on Sunday and I was fine, believe it or not I found yesterday worse! I think it was a bit hungover and was blaming not smoking for me being a bit agitated, so I just had a chat with myself and made myself realise I was being an idiot!
    I am almost at the 4 weeks so I am not in a hurry to undo the good I have done.
    Hacker21 did you stick to your quit date and if so how are you doing.

    I tend to get cravings after a session. Still get them three years in....:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    Yeah Allen Carr is a big help, when I feel a strong urge to smoke I imagine it is my noctine monster fighting for his life!! And in my own mind I have the monster drugged so I control him i.e. the Champix and I am starving him to death by not smoking!!! DMCC71, See how it goes with just one tablet, but like you I'll put up with the triedness. 5 weeks is great going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,190 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    DMCC71 wrote: »
    Hi all, great to read all the success and positivity! Hacker I went to an Allen Carr seminar a few months ago and your right, it's now I am getting the benefit from it. When I think I would like or need a smoke I am quickly able to realise why I'm thinking that way and then reconfirm why I wanted to stop in the first place and also how much better my life is and will be without them.
    So I think my success so far is down to 3 things, 1 champix 2 Allen Carr 3 this thread!
    I am near the 5 week point and I have actually reduced my dose to 1 tab per day, I now only take the one in the morning to see if that will reduce the dreams. It's not that the dreams were bad but they were sometimes intense and I was waking up feeling like I had barely slept. I will try this for a few days but if I feel I need to I will be straight back on the second tab because I would rather be tired for another couple of months than to go back smoking.:)

    It's not always the tablets giving you the bad dreams, remember your brain and body will be adjusting after stopping smoking, your brain is de fogging don't jump straight at the tablets to blame.
    I'd advise against changing the recommended dosage it's ended in disaster for everyone I know that did. The dreams will pass don't worry about them just accept them as dreams, remember when you used to dream way before you started smoking and no tablets were involve? Your brain is just waiking up.

    Keep the dosage up please I've seen to many people fail at the point your at now, your nearly there, no harm getting lax with the tablets in the last week or two but not now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,190 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    If you look up the side effects of stopping smoking from people who just stop using willpower with the aid of no tablets they can get the vivid dreams, sweats, anxiety, depression and whole host of side effects. There's an awful cocktail of drugs in cigarettes and your body is certainly going to jump through a few hoops while being flushed out by starving it of cigarettes.
    People are quick to blame the champix, it's not entirely fare and its no reason to give them up.
    The dreams will pale in signifince when you put on some jacket you never washed after you stopped smoking and you realise how bad you stank when you were a cigarette smoker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Hi drunkmonkey, I hear what your saying, I might go back to the 2 tabs per day and see how things go. I know all the nicotine is gone from my body now but I'm not sure it takes for all the other crap to clear out.
    I am feeling really good though and thinking about smoking less and less every day and I'm at the point where I could go for hours without it crossing my mind! Ha ha I wonder if can I actually call myself an ex smoker yet!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,190 ✭✭✭✭drunkmonkey

    5 weeks your nearly there just don't get too confident that you can handle it fully on your own that's why i'm saying stick with the plan, if you do the next 5 weeks with the 2 a day then cut it down to 1 a day or every odd day just finish the full course, it'll get to a stage your so sick off the tablets that your brain will think about having a smoke, then think it never wants to take the tablets again so you won't smoke;)
    Your doing excellent, 5 week and going strong, i'd say you can now say your an ex smoker, don't be afraid to be proud of yourself, everything else in life becomes easier once you stop smoking, well done :) Time to visit the dentist for a teeth clean??? Wash any clothes you've smoked in!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 hacker21

    1 week & 1 day smoke free!! Can;t believe it myself, it is all good except for one thing ..................... my sense of smell is coming back! Jesus Mary n Joeseph people take showers, water charges aren't here yet!! And I must have smelt like a walking ashtray myself for the last 27 odd years.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭DMCC71

    Well done hacker! The smell thing is amazing alright, if someone passes me that is a smoker I can tell straight away which is great because I don't want to go back to that!
