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Squats, Squats, Squats



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Felt sooo good to be back in the gym today, nothing special workout wise - the first 4 weeks are more of a prep. phase
    - Since im starting off with lighter weights, im using it as an opportunity to switch to low bar squats, and i managed to do all 5 sets low bar to day. It was uncomfortable at first, esp in my shoulder blades, but it gave me a much better leverage over the bar, and it actually felt a good 10-15kg lighter - i just need to make sure i stay upright. Once i get used to low-bar, i can see it making a difference.
    - On the spreadsheet, it calculated and 87.5kg 5rm from a 92.5kg 2rm, which is too high, and i only managed 4 reps @ 80kg today, so i will drop it by another few kgs to ensure i dont stall

    20kg x 10
    65kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5
    115kg x 5
    130kg x 5

    20kg x 10
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 4

    BB Rows
    42.5kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    85kg x 5

    Decline Crunch (plate behind head)
    +5kg x 15
    +5kg x 15
    +5kg x 15
    BW x 20

    DB Shrugs
    38kg's x 15
    38kg's x 15

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    kevpants wrote: »
    That's it man. Just use April to try and achieve what you didn't on Saturday but knew you were capable of. That's what I'm gonna do, a proper bench and any kind of pull :pac:

    yeah, i feel i have some unfinished business with that squat rack :pac:

    there is no real reason to stop me, so i probably will

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Im starting to like using low bar, even though i only worked up to 97.5 x 5 today, it is a lot more comfortable out of the hole.
    - Im probably going to ditch the db rows, or do them on one of the days when i do bb rows, doing rows 3x/week is too much for me, and form was pretty sloppy today.
    - Weight felt just about right for deads and inclines, doing 5 rep sets of deads fairly works up a sweat. I know I was deadlifting on saturday, and wednesday is probably too soon, but it wont be a regular thing, they will be once a week from now on, i just want to stick to the programme as rigidly as possible, and the workload wasnt too much today anyway.


    20kg x 8
    65kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5

    Incline Bench
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    70kg x 5

    60kg x 8
    110kg x 5
    130kg x 5
    155kg x 5
    177.5kg x 5

    Leg Raise
    +5kg x 20
    +5kg x 20
    +5kg x 20

    DB Row
    38kg x 12
    42kg x 9
    46kg x 6

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,179 ✭✭✭FunkZ

    Dude youre getting very strong, keep up the good work. Your deadlift is savage!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,602 ✭✭✭celestial

    podge57 wrote: »
    - Im starting to like using low bar, even though i only worked up to 97.5 x 5 today, it is a lot more comfortable out of the hole.
    - Im probably going to ditch the db rows, or do them on one of the days when i do bb rows, doing rows 3x/week is too much for me, and form was pretty sloppy today.
    - Weight felt just about right for deads and inclines, doing 5 rep sets of deads fairly works up a sweat. I know I was deadlifting on saturday, and wednesday is probably too soon, but it wont be a regular thing, they will be once a week from now on, i just want to stick to the programme as rigidly as possible, and the workload wasnt too much today anyway.


    20kg x 8
    65kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5

    Incline Bench
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    70kg x 5

    60kg x 8
    110kg x 5
    130kg x 5
    155kg x 5
    177.5kg x 5

    Leg Raise
    +5kg x 20
    +5kg x 20
    +5kg x 20

    DB Row
    38kg x 12
    42kg x 9
    46kg x 6

    Jiminy Christmas!

    Any tips for building a huge deadlift man?! I find it the most satisfying lift by far.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    i was wondering what out of the hole means and in the hole means? i hear em alot and i feel so confused

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    FunkZ wrote: »
    Dude youre getting very strong, keep up the good work. Your deadlift is savage!
    celestial wrote: »
    Jiminy Christmas!

    Any tips for building a huge deadlift man?! I find it the most satisfying lift by far.

    thanks lads,
    ive always been pretty good at deadlifting, having long arms helps, although there isnt much you can do about that, my deadlift seems to increase whatever I do.

    up to last week, I had only deadlifted twice in about 10/11 weeks, and I put 20kg on my deadlift during that time, good mornings helped a lot, and i realised I was slow of the floor, so i did deficit sldls, and now my speed off the floor is great.

    Form-wise, I still follow mark rippetoe's setup, by cutting my feet in half with the bar, bending at the hips, grip the bar, then invert the knees - this has helped me get a little more leg drive, as i usually start very high
    i was wondering what out of the hole means and in the hole means? i hear em alot and i feel so confused

    basically, it is the lowest point of the squat, where you make the transition from descent to ascent

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Really enjoyed todays workout, squats were great, worked up to 132.5 x 3, which wasnt hard, but not too easy either. I think low bar is making a pretty big difference. I have also got better at filling my stomach with air before the squat, i used to do it with a bit too much going into my chest, but having watched some of the big squatters at the comp, im inhaling more through my mouth than nose now
    - First time doing weighted dips in a long time, i should be able to increase them by a good amount next week.
    - Overall, im really happy with the first of the 5x5, its not as boring as i had feared, and im looking forward to starting to increase the weight

    20kg x 10
    65kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5
    115kg x 5
    132.5kg x 3
    97.5kg x 8

    40kg x 5
    47.5kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    80kg x 3
    57.5kg x 8

    BB Row
    45kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    87.5kg x 3
    65kg x 8

    +10kg x 8
    +16kg x 8
    +20kg x 7

    DB Extension
    38kg x 8
    38kg x 8

    Rope Hammer Curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Great workout, squats and bench went v. well. In my gym, the only squat rack is in front of a mirror, but i focused on not watching myself today, helped me stay upright and get a feel for parallel. Have also changed my bench technique a bit, im pushing back a bit more, instead of straight up and down (ie metal militia style instead of westside)
    - Im glad that i reset my bench last week, had no prob. with the 80kg today. The great thing about this programme is doing mondays heavy sets for 3 reps on the previous friday, it had a big psychological effect.

    20kg x 10
    67.5kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    115kg x 5
    132.5kg x 5

    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    80kg x 5

    BB Row
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    77.5kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5

    Kneeling ab pulldown

    Hang Clean
    50kg x 5
    57.5kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Good, quick session today. My traps were still in bits from hang cleans, so squatting was a bit awkward.
    - Deadlifts were really quick off the floor, but lockouts were slow. I suppose this could be because of my traps too, but ill monitor the situation and address it if neccessary. Also it was my first time deadlifting in the gym away from the mirrors, its a lot different
    - The incline bench in my gym is fixed at a really bad position, from next week, i will use OHP, i stopped at 4 reps on the last set of inclines today, it didnt feel right at all.

    20kg x 9
    67.5kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    100kg x 5

    45kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    72.5kg x 4

    60kg x 8
    112.5kg x 5
    135kg x 5
    160kg x 5
    182.5kg x 5

    +5kg x 15
    +5kg x 15
    +5kg x 12

    Leg Press
    200kg x 15
    200kg x 15

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Brilliant workout today, even though squats werent performed at a max, my setup and form was spot on, squatting 3x/week has really helped me perfect it. 137.5 x 3 felt really easy
    - Had to wait a while to get a free bench, and had done some db extensions, and form was a bit sloppy when benching, but weights felt pretty easy.
    - Weight is up to about about 203lbs, which i think is about 91.7 kg

    20kg x 10
    67.5kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5
    100kg x 5
    115kg x 5
    137.5kg x 3
    100kg x 8

    BB Row
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    77.5kg x 5
    90kg x 3
    65kg x 8

    BB Curl
    30kg x 20
    30kg x 20

    DB Extension
    34kg x 8
    38kg x 8
    38kg x 8

    40kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    82.5kg x 3
    60kg x 8

    +16kg x 8
    +20kg x 8
    +24kg x 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Good workout, squats were pretty easy, just need to push my knees out more.
    - Benching felt really good, followed hanley's tips with my arch and setup, shortened my ROM, and i felt really powerful off my chest
    - Need to decide soon if i will do the IDFPA nationals, I really want to, but there are a few other factors affecting my decision that i have to sort out

    20kg x 10
    67.5kg x 5
    102.5kg x 5
    120kg x 5
    137.5kg x 5

    40kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    72.5kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5

    BB Row
    45kg x 5
    57.5kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    77.5kg x 5
    90kg x 5

    Decline Crunches (Plate Behind Head)
    +5kg x 15
    +7.5kg x 10
    +5kg x 15

    DB Row
    42kg x 10
    46kg x 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Another good session today, trainings been going really well lately. Deads were no problem, easier than last week, so it must have just been my traps holding me back last week
    - Instead of switching to OH press, i propped the incline with some plates to put it at a muc better angle.
    - Tried rolling db extensions for the first time, theyre a good exercise, but i will do sets of 10+ from now on

    20kg x 10
    67.5kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    102.5kg x 5
    102.5kg x 5

    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    72.5kg x 5

    80kg x 8
    115kg x 5
    140kg x 5
    162.5kg x 5
    185kg x 5

    Ab Pulldown

    Rolling DB Extension
    14kg's x 8
    14kg's x 8
    12kg's x 12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Not the best workout today, was up really early, didnt eat enough beforehand, although those arent legit excuses.
    - Too much forward lean on the 140x3 squats, didnt look up and drive my head back enough, and my benching was a bit ugly too. The weights were fine, form was not. As long as I tidy it up by monday, i should be ok

    20kg x 10
    67.5kg x 5
    102.5kg x 5
    120kg x 5
    140kg x 3
    102.5kg x 8

    BB Row
    45kg x 5
    57.5kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    77.5kg x 5
    92.5kg x 3
    67.5kg x 8

    40kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    72.5kg x 5
    87.5kg x 3
    62.5kg x 8

    +16kg x 8
    +20kg x 8
    +24kg x 5

    DB Floor Press
    30kg's x 12
    26kg's x 8 :mad:

    Machine Preacher

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Excellent session today, form was way better than friday, hit the numbers pretty easy. Got a really good arch going on bench, improved my stroke a lot.
    - Even though it only been 3 weeks since the comp, i think ive made good progress since then, even if i was off that day

    Squat: 150kg - Missed on command, but should have got it
    Bench 95kg - Was a bad day, have done 102.5 in the gym
    Deadlift 212.5kg - Should have got 222.5

    Latest (not maxes)
    Squat: 140kg x 5
    Bench: 87.5kg x 5
    Deadlift: 187.5kg x 5

    20kg x 10
    70kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5
    105kg x 5
    122.5kg x 5
    140kg x 5

    Leg Raise
    +4kg x 15
    +6kg x 12
    +6kg x 12

    BB Row
    47.5kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5
    95kg x 5

    Lat Pulldown
    80kg x 10
    80kg x 10

    42.5kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    how are you finding the bench at the end of a squat session...its something i never thought of doing. i was squatting and benching on the same day twice a week as part of a russian cycle i was doing...i played around with it and found bench then squat then the assistance work...never though of leaving the bench till the end though...the beauty of logs!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    how are you finding the bench at the end of a squat session...its something i never thought of doing. i was squatting and benching on the same day twice a week as part of a russian cycle i was doing...i played around with it and found bench then squat then the assistance work...never though of leaving the bench till the end though...the beauty of logs!!!

    its not intentional, theres only one bench in my gym and theres always someone using it, so i usually have to get my other stuff done first

    It has never bothered me though, in fact i think i bench better when i do it at the end

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Didnt hit my numbers today, im not overly concerned though. I went to football training for the first time in ages last night, and i had not recovered. I need the 48hrs rest, so i dont think i will be doing it again.
    - Ran out of chalk before my last 2 sets of deads, 190 x 5 was always going to be a task - got the 5th up to my knees but couldnt hold it

    20kg x 10
    70kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5
    105kg x 5

    45kg x 5
    57.5kg x 5
    65kg x 5
    75kg x 3

    60kg x 8
    120kg x 5
    142.5kg x 5
    167.5kg x 5
    190kg x 4

    Captains Chair
    +14kg x 12
    +16kg x 10
    +14kg x 12

    Rolling DB extensions
    12kg's x 12
    12kg's x 12
    12kg's x 12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Decent workout, only got 3 hours sleep last night, but i ate plenty and managed to muster up the energy.
    - Form was good, weights were tough enough, but they are going to be tough from now on

    20kg x 10
    70kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5
    105kg x 5
    122.5kg x 5
    142.5kg x 3
    105kg x 8

    42.5kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    90kg x 3
    67.5kg x 8

    BB Row
    47.5kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5
    97.5kg x 3
    70kg x 8

    +20kg x 8
    +20kg x 8

    Tri Pushdown

    Machine Preacher

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Good session, some prs. Squats werent hard, bar was a little too low on my back, so some slight gm'ing
    - Bench was good, first 3 reps very strong & quick, lockout was slow on the other 2, but got them in the end. Will do 90x5 again next week, i was only scheduled to hit next week , but because i dont have 1kg plates, im a little ahead

    20kg x 10
    72.5kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    107.5kg x 5
    125kg x 5
    142.5kg x 5

    20kg x 10
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    77.5kg x 5
    90kg x 5

    47.5kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    82.5kg x 5
    97.5kg x 5

    +22kg x 8
    +22kg x 8

    Decline Crunch (behind head)
    +5kg x 12 x 3

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Decent workout, only got 4 reps on deads again. I think after the 3rd rep on my heavy set, form starts to deteriorate. I am going to make some changes, solely for deads, i will probably work up to a 3rm every other week, and alternate deficit sldls and rack pulls from my sticking point on the other weeks
    - hurt my shin playing gaelic yesterday, didnt affect me though

    20kg x 8
    72.5kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    107.5kg x 5
    107.5kg x 5

    Overhead Press
    45kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5

    60kg x 8
    120kg x 5
    145kg x 5
    167.5kg x 5
    192.5kg x 4

    Ab roller

    DB Flyes
    16kg's x 12
    16kg's x 12

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Things are looking good!!

    Any decisions on Belfast yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    Hanley wrote: »
    Things are looking good!!

    Any decisions on Belfast yet?

    thanks, training has been going well

    not sure if i will be able to make it to belfast, i will have a lot of exams and assignments due around then, and money is pretty tight too

    although i will probably be moving to the US in a few months for a while, so that would give me some good opportunities to compete later on in the year

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Pretty good stuff today. Squats were strange, some of my lighter sets were awkward and had bad form, but my heavier sets were all pretty good. I was a bit shaky on the 145kgx3, still getting used to low bar
    - Very pleased with my benching, the 92.5 felt very good, easier than 90 last week.
    - My deadlift lockout has been poor lately, so im hoping some db rows will help

    20kg x 10
    72.5kg x 5
    90kg x 5
    107.5kg x 5
    125kg x 5
    145kg x 3
    107.5kg x 8

    20kg x 10
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    77.5kg x 5
    92.5kg x 3
    67.5kg x 8

    47.5kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    100kg x 3

    +22kg x 8
    +22kg x 8

    DB Row
    38kg x 12
    46kg x 5
    34kg x 20

    Rope Hammer Curls

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Nice work on the bb rows and squats. Are you following a particular version of 5x5?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    thanks, im happy with the improvements im seeing

    im using the bill starr version, although i just increase by 2.5kg every week instead of doing it as a %

    this explains it pretty well

    and heres the calculator

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    i've said it before and i'll say it again.. ur deadlift is ****ing sick!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    i've said it before and i'll say it again.. ur deadlift is ****ing sick!

    thanks :)

    ive got all the right leverages for a good deadlift, im not worrying about it too much right now though, it seems to take care of itself

    bench and squat are the priority

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    - Great session, hit some good pr's, enjoyed it. Squats were pretty much perfect, i was really driving my head back and pushing my knees out, 145x5 was no problem.
    - Bit of a frak incident when benching, a bit of sweat from the spotter landed between my eyes on the last rep, totally threw me off, and I lost my form - I had no chance. The first 4 reps were solid tho.
    - Finally managed to do the standing ab pulldown, was only about 50% of my kneeling, but felt good

    20kg x 8
    40kg x 8
    75kg x 5
    95kg x 5
    115kg x 5
    130kg x 5
    145kg x 5 (PR)

    BB Rows
    50kg x 5
    62.5kg x 5
    75kg x 5
    87.5kg x 5
    100kg x 5 (PR)

    20kg x 8
    45kg x 5
    55kg x 5
    67.5kg x 5
    80kg x 5
    92.5kg x 4

    Standing Abs

    Leg Raise
    +5kg x 12
    +5kg x 10

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    jeez, sweat in the eyes must be a concentration breaker, a bit on my forehead pisses me off no end :)
