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The dole is too much!!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    speaking of the dole being too much, do ye have the same opinion on one parent family allowance, and the back to education allowance?
    they are all similiar rates to the dole, including rent allowance, medical card, discount for travel and the 204.30lump sum every week.

    any views on this?

    One parent family allowance

    Rates are lets see 215 euro around for one woman and child.
    235 euro for one woman and two children.I am not sure but i think it goes up 15 euro for the next child or something like that.
    So one person on dole feeding and clothing themselves on 204 euro a week cant cope,and alot of them live at home and cant get their finger out of butt and scrub a toilet.But a single mother if not one of the ones who are ripping off state,Is meant to live cloth and feed and pay bills on the few euro more than one person.
    No its not to much for single parents.Also the back to school education.People who do that should be monitored to make sure they are taking it serious and applying themselves.

    I voluntarily worked with women who are in these circumstances and majority of them are depressed and some even suicidal. They are mortified to even ask for help alot of them.Christmas especially for alot of them women is soul breaking.I met one woman once who had no Christmas dinner and spent forty euro on her children for presents because they wanted her to have enough money to get through.They can not afford clothes for their children.Also if they go out and work they are stuck then either to pay childminder and it costs them more to work.If they are lucky enough to get work and children are in school,when holidays from school comes,that all comes crashing down around them.They have to pay bills and eat.You can not live realistically even remotely happy on the dole.Its ludicrous to even suggest it:rolleyes:
    Honestly people talk like they are going out and buying Armani.Obviously the people on the dole etc.. who are living beyond what they are getting are doing something criminal or else getting tax free work or boyfriends are living with them.
    For a single person there is no excuse as they only have to worry about themselves and especially ones who live at home.

    Back to school,let face it Irish education system has gotten out of control expensive and again government fault.

    And when we think about it on average how many times a year would a parent bring their child to the doctors and get medicine really?
    On average three times? if even then cost of medicine to.Only seriously ill people and their children would be likely to go often(and they need it should we cut them off).The junkies getting their methadone off social imo is a complete disgrace though.

    Discount for travel from what i know is only for job searching and they should be forced to show where they have been going for jobs searching.
    One parent families get it from SVP and only once a year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    sorry, you are dead right. I understand for many its a time of need, but for some its just an abuse.

    I get ya, thats the worst part because theres so many people working the system and actually think dole is great that then when a genuine person goes in they get treated like dirt.

    I couldnt believe the way I was looked at and spoken to in the dole office, it was horrible, I know they must deal with a lot of people that are obviously ripping the system off but my god I had a letter saying I had been let go etc and I am no rip off agent/scumbag.

    I was mortified because of the way I was treated and I shouldnt of been made feel like that, I felt sh&t enough being called in and told we cant pay you, ypur gone friday week. I think in the dole office I attend anyway that the staff would want to cop on, the way they look at ya!! Its disgraceful and thats no lie. Speak down to you like your stupid, Im no dope not bigging myself up but I had a good job and good education and did not appreciate being looked down on and spoken to like a dog.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,048 ✭✭✭✭Snowie

    Im uneployed a year, in december I went out for the first time for a few drinks since last decemeber... Its all well and good saying oh some people just completely take advantage of the system... Other don't and are genrally scrimping and saving to get things how did i got out, all my savings of 1s 2s 5s 10s 30s and 50s got put in a machine, and even then I went out with 35 euros. I got invited to a session at a mates house in 2 weeks time and its my borthday at the weekend ya think i can afford to go out... no...

    Sittin in and enjoying a few friends compnay if you think its simple being unemployed then you got another thing coming it horrible lonley and depressing.

    I'd love to be out meeting new people, as well as women but the fact of the matter is I can't afford to I have to pay rent bills heating bills as well as, food etc just because i get 204 a month this is what it goes on

    75 rent
    10 esb
    15 heeting oil
    60 food
    10 tabaco
    10 credit for a crappy 3 g internet connection
    10 fuel for my car
    5 for foot ball
    4 euros left.
    I treat my self to a coffe onece a week
    5 call credit

    So to you all chin strokers who seem to think that we live a wonderfull life your joking me I cant go out with friends I can't go do anything

    Yet you think 204 a month is a lot. i recently applied for a minum wadge job in deli...
    Id come out with 240 a week after tax... id have a hole 40 euros to actually spend on my self... personally thatd be great...

    and when the buget comes i don't even no how Im going to live on less then 204 my parents are movcing to france after christmas... so Il be living god know where.
    who the hell wants a unemployed person in there house renting a room ?
    because personally I wouldnt.

    And you no w2hat sickins me most of all there are people claim travelle exspences soical allowence, as well as clothing and rent allowence, i can't claim any of them....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    For that money they should be doing something.

    Other countries get those on state welfare to actually contribute.
    ie. Recycling, cleaning the streets, green projects,etc.

    I know a few guys who act tried to get fired so they could Dole it, pathetic.

    I agree with you they should hand them a card for bin men etc.. and they have to be there for certain amount of hours a week in what ever job it maybe for the amount they receive.It will make them feel more respect for their money and for themselves. If they don't turn up they get docked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Rev. BlueJeans

    I have a younger brother-now pushing 30.

    I'm sick to the teeth of members of my family saying to me, "God love him, he's only getting fifty a week on the dole".

    The reason being, he served a "mockyah" apprenticeship after jumping ship from school at the age of 15. (IOW, he simply started working as a plasterer with his father-never got a cert, or went through FAS etc.) Times were on the up at that stage construction wise-they both worked under the radar on one off developments, house extensions, that sort of thing. (His father-not mine-was claiming dole all along, so free medical cards, and all that entailed, were par for the course :mad:) He was, of course paid cash in hand, and once things really took off, took to taking the mondays and fridays off-didn't want to lose out on valuable drinking and Paddy Power time, you see. His three days saw him take home far more than I was in my apprenticeship at the time, and even subsequently, he still had more in his pocket-particularly when I was paying a mortgage and rearing two young kids. He never paid a cent of tax throughout this time, nor a stamp.

    Now the sh1t has hit the fan, and the work has dried up. The moaning and whinging is non-stop, and he can't reconcile the fact that he can't get two hundred a week to keep a car under his ass (still able to run it though), despite sitting under my mother's roof feeling sorry for himself, (as is his father).

    Very frustrating, and nobody can tell me he merits full dole, family or not.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    caseyann wrote: »
    I agree with you they should hand them a card for bin men etc.. and they have to be there for certain amount of hours a week in what ever job it maybe for the amount they receive.It will make them feel more respect for their money and for themselves. If they don't turn up they get docked.

    I paid my stamp! Ive contributed my money. So what now ya want the bin men on the dole aswell?? Give the dolers the bin mans job and let him sign on aswell is it?? ps how dare you say it would make us feel respect for ourselves??? Have you never been down on your luck? It must be wonderful to be you and know how others feel and how we should be all made beg for our dole money to give us back our self respect:mad:

    Get us lazy dole bastards off our dope smoking holes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 972 ✭✭✭redarmyblues

    I get ya, thats the worst part because theres so many people working the system and actually think dole is great that then when a genuine person goes in they get treated like dirt.

    I couldnt believe the way I was looked at and spoken to in the dole office, it was horrible, I know they must deal with a lot of people that are obviously ripping the system off but my god I had a letter saying I had been let go etc and I am no rip off agent/scumbag.

    I was mortified because of the way I was treated and I shouldnt of been made feel like that, I felt sh&t enough being called in and told we cant pay you, ypur gone friday week. I think in the dole office I attend anyway that the staff would want to cop on, the way they look at ya!! Its disgraceful and thats no lie. Speak down to you like your stupid, Im no dope not bigging myself up but I had a good job and good education and did not appreciate being looked down on and spoken to like a dog.

    I am an employer and I was asked to go to the dole office to sign a form for an ex employee who was making a claim. I first refused to go saying the inspector was to come to me, but she put me on the spot and I went. The inspector made wait in the room for 20 minutes with all the people waiting to sign or make a claim. The inspector was dressed like and the manners of a tramp and seemed to regard me as some sort of fraud artist. In the middle of the meeting the janitor who had obviously seen me going into the interview room came in (on the pretext of closing the windows) to see what a local employer was doing being interviewed.

    And you know what he could have posted the form out to me to sign, a waste of an afternoon.

    In the future I will burn money rather than give it to this state.

    BTW, this thread contains no real debate those who say the dole is too much or those who sign are rip merchants etc, are doing it merely to be morally superior. I bet some of those paragons have been laid off since this thread started and I furthermore will hazard that they are not giving any of their surplus dole back.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    I am an employer and I was asked to go to the dole office to sign a form for an ex employee who was making a claim. I first refused to go saying the inspector was to come to me, but she put me on the spot and I went. The inspector made wait in the room for 20 minutes with all the people waiting to sign or make a claim. The inspector was dressed like and the manners of a tramp and seemed to regard me as some sort of fraud artist. In the middle of the meeting the janitor who had obviously seen me going into the interview room came in (on the pretext of closing the windows) to see what a local employer was doing being interviewed.

    And you know what he could have posted the form out to me to sign, a waste of an afternoon.

    In the future I will burn money rather than give it to this state.

    BTW, this thread contains no real debate those who say the dole is too much or those who sign are rip merchants etc, are doing it merely to be morally superior. I bet some of those paragons have been laid off since this thread started and I furthermore will hazard that they are not giving any of their surplus dole back.

    Sure maybe some of them can come on the bin route with me eh:rolleyes: This thread has actually made me fairly angry. Whats worse is I doubt half of the people saying its too high have 10 or 11 years service behind them. They dont get that yes we had responsibilites and bills before the dole and because the job diapeared doesnt mean the bills did. Absolutely make ya sick. This country is so bad now that people begrudge genuine redundancy cases social welfare:rolleyes: I could go on but Id be banned for fowl language.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭miami2007

    I get ya, thats the worst part because theres so many people working the system and actually think dole is great that then when a genuine person goes in they get treated like dirt.

    I couldnt believe the way I was looked at and spoken to in the dole office, it was horrible, I know they must deal with a lot of people that are obviously ripping the system off but my god I had a letter saying I had been let go etc and I am no rip off agent/scumbag.

    I was mortified because of the way I was treated and I shouldnt of been made feel like that, I felt sh&t enough being called in and told we cant pay you, ypur gone friday week. I think in the dole office I attend anyway that the staff would want to cop on, the way they look at ya!! Its disgraceful and thats no lie. Speak down to you like your stupid, Im no dope not bigging myself up but I had a good job and good education and did not appreciate being looked down on and spoken to like a dog.

    i feel so bad for you jonnybravo. i had to sign on in september and was expecting to be treated as you described (had heard many similar stories) but the lady i dealt with in maynooth welfare office was really nice which made the whole thing a little better.

    anyway, chin up - i hope things get better :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    miami2007 wrote: »
    i feel so bad for you jonnybravo. i had to sign on in september and was expecting to be treated as you described (had heard many similar stories) but the lady i dealt with in maynooth welfare office was really nice which made the whole thing a little better.

    anyway, chin up - i hope things get better :)

    Its like anything miami, you get nice people and horrible people. Glad you got a nice one and had no issues with the sign on:)

    Good luck on getting work yerself too:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    I paid my stamp! Ive contributed my money. So what now ya want the bin men on the dole aswell?? Give the dolers the bin mans job and let him sign on aswell is it?? ps how dare you say it would make us feel respect for ourselves??? Have you never been down on your luck? It must be wonderful to be you and know how others feel and how we should be all made beg for our dole money to give us back our self respect:mad:

    Get us lazy dole bastards off our dope smoking holes.

    Johnnnybravo chill :)
    It wasn't directed to you,You earned your stamps.I am talking about the ones who wont work and haven't bothered to work should be handed them cards to go and work.They don't have to let anyone off just add some people to certain areas as they are already been paid to do nothing.No one looses a job.They just gain extra workers.Like grounds helpers in farms anywhere there is a extra hand needed or would be appreciated.And they have to work for their money so might respect it more and themselves.Again the ones who do not want to work and not worked for years.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    caseyann wrote: »
    Johnnnybravo chill :)
    It wasn't directed to you,You earned your stamps.I am talking about the ones who wont work and haven't bothered to work should be handed them cards to go and work.They don't have to let anyone off just add some people to certain areas as they are already been paid to do nothing.No one looses a job.They just gain extra workers.Like grounds helpers in farms anywhere there is a extra hand needed or would be appreciated.And they have to work for their money so might respect it more and themselves.Again the ones who do not want to work and not worked for years.

    Dont tell me to chill.

    I see now where your coming from when its explained but I dont need to chill or be told to.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,582 ✭✭✭✭TheZohanS

    caseyann wrote: »
    Johnnnybravo chill

    No backseat modding caseyann, thanks.
    Dont tell me to chill.

    I see now where your coming from when its explained but I dont need to chill or be told to.

    Guys lets just tone it down a bit, thank you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    Dont tell me to chill.

    I see now where your coming from when its explained but I dont need to chill or be told to.

    Sorry :) But i did assume people would know ofc not directed at someone like yourself.But then again i can see why because you have the ones who will attack anyone for been on social for what ever reason.

    Good luck in finding work again :)

    p.s yes been down on my luck didn't eat for 4 days sometimes here and there just toast so i could feed my kids and keep roof over heads :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    TheZohan wrote: »
    No backseat modding caseyann, thanks.

    Guys lets just tone it down a bit, thank you.

    Sorry i used it as friendly chill :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    caseyann wrote: »
    Sorry :) But i did assume people would know ofc not directed at someone like yourself.But then again i can see why because you have the ones who will attack anyone for been on social for what ever reason.

    Good luck in finding work again :)

    p.s yes been down on my luck didn't eat for 4 days sometimes here and there just toast so i could feed my kids and keep roof over heads :)

    I really dont want to get into an argument with you, we had crossed wires. But you made a general statement, I know now who it was directed at but it wasnt clear when I read it.

    Cheers on the good luck:)

    Glad you got sorted out CaseyAnn! :)And my apologies re crossed wires.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 310 ✭✭Nebit

    hey every1,
    im currently a student and because of this im not entitled to any dole etc but i am to a grant, im not complaining about this at all i think its entirely fare.
    however my parents were hit by recession, both losing their jobs.
    its been a year now since that and my fathers had no work at all. my mother is working for 100e a week, this being reducted off the dole. (as its calculated as a family unit or something) so we have a dole of 110e now i think.
    my father doent stay around the house all day in fact his responcible for big community going ons back in mayo to build up spirit.
    We are a family with 3 kids including myself and have to last on 210e a week, the morgage isn't paid for them and payments on that are close to half the dole, we can't afford to move, we need a car as we live in a field in mayo. my sister and brother go to school, we got an allouance of 150e for uniforms and books (i defy any of you to be able to buy all the school supplies on this allouance alone).

    by the end of the week. it turns out to be:
    100e on morgage there abouts
    50e on bills
    40e on food
    20e on car (essenncial)

    i live in dublin for uni and because of this they cant claim anything for me, not even books allouance etc there fore this is to keep a family of 4 happy.
    They never go out and it is putting struggle on the family to which can cause arguments.
    They cnt afford to help me which puts stress on them, as i said im a student and not complaining as i get alot from the government and hope to get the grant in febuary due to the large amounts of requests it takes this long. untill then i must last on 1200e which wont even pay my rent untill then therefore i work. and hardly see my family due to a herfty travel cost via train. again not complaining its just an example to show the effect on my family.

    The point of this being that i think the dole is the correct amount, my family could do with more but sure they cope.
    single people getting the same that live in a city in my opinion could get by with alot less, that said the rent here in dublin is fanominal compared to say galway. :eek:
    there are also those people, that scam of the dole and do nothing, however theres little way to tell who these people are, its not right and if that falls under one of your catorgories cop on to yourselves!
    but for the majority of people i think its genuine, so i say to people here to think before posting!

    also sorry this is so long haha fair plays to ya for reading it.:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    I really dont want to get into an argument with you, we had crossed wires. But you made a general statement, I know now who it was directed at but it wasnt clear when I read it.

    Cheers on the good luck:)

    Glad you got sorted out CaseyAnn! and my apologies re crossed wires:)

    I dont either thanks :) I know you from my old user name always liked your posts :) sorry again

    My apologies to i so understand why you are getting annoyed people painting you with same brush as everyone else is very infuriating.
    They haven't got a clue what they are talking about.Your measly 204 euro is gone before you even walk out the door of the post office and then you have to figure out how you are going to cope.

    Thanks alot half normal at the moment but getting better and best of luck to you :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    I work in Dublin
    I get an infamous bus known as the 78A, rough as a bus can be at certain times of the day.

    My bus and Luas ticket costs €113 per month though there are tax savings.
    And it seems to me every junkie and waster on the bus has some sort of bus pass they flash at the driver. Well no, sometimes they just roar "Pass" and the driver lets them on.
    I've seen the passes, it has the logo of the DSFA logo on it. Is it for disability allowance? Disability for a young fit person who can't or won't take care of themselves?

    I'm no begrudging anyone anything on this thread.
    Can anyone tell me how I get one of these passes so I and my employer can save a hefty bill?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    mikemac wrote: »
    I work in Dublin
    I get an infamous bus known as the 78A, rough as a bus can be at certain times of the day.

    My bus and Luas ticket costs €113 per month though there are tax savings.
    And it seems to me every junkie and waster on the bus has some sort of bus pass they flash at the driver. Well no, sometimes they just roar "Pass" and the driver lets them on.
    I've seen the passes, it has the logo of the DSFA logo on it.

    I'm no begrudging anyone anything on this thread.
    Can anyone tell me how I get one of these passes so I and my employer can save a hefty bill?

    So your on an internet forum asking how to rip off social welfare?? Im unemployed and not entitled to one anyway.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    mikemac wrote: »
    I work in Dublin
    I get an infamous bus known as the 78A, rough as a bus can be at certain times of the day.

    My bus and Luas ticket costs €113 per month though there are tax savings.
    And it seems to me every junkie and waster on the bus has some sort of bus pass they flash at the driver. Well no, sometimes they just roar "Pass" and the driver lets them on.
    I've seen the passes, it has the logo of the DSFA logo on it. Is it for disability allowance? Disability for a young fit person who can't or won't take care of themselves?

    I'm no begrudging anyone anything on this thread.
    Can anyone tell me how I get one of these passes so I and my employer can save a hefty bill?

    I know them ones god it annoys me.Yep disability because they are junkies:mad: They disabled themselves and now lounge around getting their free everything.And free methadone and doctors to.Its crazy:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac


    Not at all and I wouldn't be entitled to a bus pass. And I'll never get one or try to claim for one. Well I will when I'm 65 :cool:
    I'm just surprised that's all. Young people and sure they need help but they get bus passes and everyone else pays over a hundred euro a month for theirs?
    Are they in a rush? Got somewhere to go?

    But a lot of this thread is about about people who can't or won't work, I've never once commented on it as I don't know a lot about it

    My only exposure to it all is bus passes to the locals around my way, who certainly would struggle to get anyone to give a job!

    As I said, I've never commented on anyone else here and what they're claiming. If you're entitled then claim it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,115 ✭✭✭Johnnnybravo

    mikemac wrote: »
    Not at all and I wouldn't be entitled to a bus pass.

    But a lot of this thread is about about people who can't or won't work, I've never once commented on it as I don't know a lot about it

    My only exposure to it all is bus passes to the locals around my way, who certainly would struggle to get anyone to give a job!

    As I said, I've never commented on anyone else here and what they're claiming. If you're entitled then claim it

    Yea ya have to be on "disability" for it. I wonder do they just give them this stuff to get them out of the office?? Im sure if I looked for it, Id have to produce all sorts of documentation, Ive already had them call to me house and all as it is to be tested for rent allownace.

    It would make ya sick though, those people will never work and have no intention of ever working and I think its horrible that a lot of people cant see the difference between those and genuine people.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Terry wrote: »
    That cracked me up.

    Nothing to do with you personally, Mr. Bravo.
    It's just that I saw coming two years ago.
    The AH regualrs at the time were full of themselves. They were mouthing off about dole scroungers back them. The same people are now giving out about being broke because their jobs are gone and they have to get by on the dole.

    I know it's really crass and low to laugh at them, but I'm going to laugh anyway.
    They laughed at me two years ago when I told them that they may end up on the dole themselves some day. They were too blinded by the Celtic Tiger to believe me.

    If I knew them personally, I'd go to their local welfare exchanges and point an laugh at them. Not because thet are on the dole, but because they sneered at those in the same situation two years ago.

    Not a lot of people had an excuse to be on social welfare 2 years ago, considering the amount of immigration needed to fill positions.
    SLUSK wrote: »
    The dole is a transfer of wealth from the productive to the inproductive. There should be no dole, I myself am voluntarily unemployed and I take no part in these welfare schemes.

    There should not be a dole.

    Not a good idea...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Isn't Terry a teacher though?

    Well I can only speak for my sister who teaches who gets laid off every summer and has to find to a summer job or go on the dole.
    It isn't automatic to get a permanent job, takes a few years

    And yes since you're going to post about immigration to fill jobs, if you're a teacher looking for a summer job, every bar work or kitchen porter job you compete against thousands of immigrants.
    Looking for more then minimum wage for a physically tiring job? lol, you'll be shown the door

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,991 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    mikemac wrote:
    Looking for more then minimum wage for a physically tiring job? lol, you'll be shown the door

    See this is the issue. Why do a minimum wage job when the dole pays nearly as much and you don't have to tire yourself out? The immigrants are happy to do it as they're not entitled to the dole.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,012 ✭✭✭✭thebman

    mikemac wrote: »
    Isn't Terry a teacher though?

    Well I can only speak for my sister who teaches who gets laid off every summer and has to find to a summer job or go on the dole.
    It isn't automatic to get a permanent job, takes a few years

    And yes since you're going to post about immigration to fill jobs, if you're a teacher looking for a summer job, every bar work or kitchen porter job you compete against thousands of immigrants.
    Looking for more then minimum wage for a physically tiring job? lol, you'll be shown the door

    Why would you be looking for more than minimum wage for a job that should be paying minimum wage?
    Stark wrote: »
    See this is the issue. Why do a minimum wage job when the dole pays nearly as much and you don't have to tire yourself out? The immigrants are happy to do it as they're not entitled to the dole.

    Well there is the respect. Personally I'd rather work than be on the dole or unemployed at all. Some immigrants can claim the dole.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭whatdoicare

    I'd love a job- I have too much education to get on a fas course, too high a fetac level to get any grant or BTE allowance on any other course anywhere and have just been told I'd have to start from scratch to get a degree as this is their new "policy" to discourage people skipping years (ie new policy for more money!)- so three years of getting qualifications I already have before I can do that final degree year and all of that with no grant or BTE allowance!
    I send out C.V.s on a weekly basis and could fill a book with rejection letters....including the very prestigious cleaning lady job, supermacs job and my personal fave - rentokil exterminater!
    I hate being on the dole, it feels like my life is on hold- why the heck would anyone be happy with this life?? I wish everyday that just one C.V. would lead to an interview and then onto a paying job- I don't care if it ends up the same as the dole or even less- I'd do it, just to have my life back!
    And's nowhere near enough to live on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    If you had any morals you'd cut yourself off. I don't care if it's your only source of income while you frantically look for jobs in a tiny pool along with countless others - you are sponging off the state.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,398 ✭✭✭whatdoicare

    Dudess wrote: »
    If you had any morals you'd cut yourself off. I don't care if it's your only source of income while you frantically look for jobs in a tiny pool along with countless others - you are sponging off the state.
    What shall I live on?
