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Man U - FA Cup 3rd Rnd



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,317 ✭✭✭Dublin Spur

    years of mismanagement that under jol, and for a short while arnesen, that got to a bogey dinner of the CL ? On the pitch for two of the last 3 seasons we had been pushing towards the top 4, although we may not have got there we were going in the right direction. Eitherway, the issue of mismangement was down to Levy and his appointment of comolli after arnesen left. if he was to scrap the idea of the DoF he should have done it when a manager of Martin Oneills calibre was available but wouldnt come to us because of the structure.... but instaed at this stage we have the wonderful harry redknap, who's CV consists of the big clubs such as southampton, pompey, west ham... the man has already brought one team down out of that lot. Despite all his years in football he has won 1 trophy. it just shows how far we have fallen when we pin our hopes of survival on such a man.
    He has never accepted blame for anything, if the players aint motivated to try against man utd, well thats his fault im afraid, its his job to motivate them to want to play for the pride of the club if not themselves.
    Of course he is at the club for the money, he even said if we go down he's off... some loyalty that.
    Either way, i dreaded the day we were linked with him as i always thought he was an idiot who'd scrap a result or two a season that would keep fans of clubs happy to be staying up content, but now he's at the helm of our club lets not try and pretend he is something he is not.
    I will always cheer and suport the club and i pray we stay up, but while he is here we will be nothing more than a mid table club.

    You obviously hate him, which is a shame.
    Time will tell if your opinion is accurate.

    Also, You might need to think about changing your user name :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    Why shouldn't he publicly slag off a player ?? Obviously a quiet bollocking isn't working. Bar Defoe and Palacious none of the players are Harry's and he knows that most have little or no future at the club. That's great news to me.

    Shouldn't wash his dirty linen in public Shane, it might pacify the fans but it hurts the club in the long run. Redknapp is supposed to be a great motivator, do you think Bent will be inclined to bust a gut for a man who's just slated him on national TV? This is the same Bent who sat as 4th choice all last year without complaint, and still managed to score goals when he got his chance.

    I don't think Bent's attitude was the worst in that squad, but it's hard to see a way back now.

    Redknapp needs to do his talking on the training ground, not for the Sky cameras.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,395 ✭✭✭Hatch99

    Shouldn't wash his dirty linen in public Shane, it might pacify the fans but it hurts the club in the long run. Redknapp is supposed to be a great motivator, do you think Bent will be inclined to bust a gut for a man who's just slated him on national TV? This is the same Bent who sat as 4th choice all last year without complaint, and still managed to score goals when he got his chance.

    I don't think Bent's attitude was the worst in that squad, but it's hard to see a way back now.

    Redknapp needs to do his talking on the training ground, not for the Sky cameras.

    Bang On. He is making a mockery of the club in my opinion that way he has publicily spoke about the players, and also the way he is dealing regarding transfers. He does way too much talking in front of the cameras. All of this talking should be done in private surely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    Will bent miss a chance that easy if he gets another one soon?
    I dont think so... Bent will make sure next time the ball is played to him in the box he is focused and the critical chance is taken to the best of his ability. Either that or he'll huff.

    Harry was frustrated, he is being criticized for saying what he thinks about players who are probably used to being pussyfooted around. I think these players wages reflect what is being expected of them on the pitch, Harry is simply asking them to be men and stand up and they arent doing it.

    Maybe not the most tactful but I respect his right to criticize, in private or in public.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    Will bent miss a chance that easy if he gets another one soon?
    I dont think so... Bent will make sure next time the ball is played to him in the box he is focused and the critical chance is taken to the best of his ability. Either that or he'll huff.

    Alternatively, a player who's had a torrid 18 months at the club and who might have needed an arm around the shoulder and a bit of encouragement is now even lower in confidence, and more likely to fluff his lines next opportunity he gets (if at all). I can't get over how much people ignore the very basics of human nature at times like these, some people react to pressure in different ways. Some need a kick up the arse, some need gentle encouragement. Cnuting an under performing striker (who is still carrying a knock) on live TV is not good management.

    Maybe the problem is our inexperienced striking coach Les Ferdinand? Our forwards have hardly been pulling up trees since his arrival, yet the arrival of Tony Parks has done wonders for Gomes which goes to show what a good coach can achieve in a short space of time.

    What makes it all the more frustrating is Redknapp arrived at the club making all sorts of comments about team spirit and morale, and players who'd been frozen out, then tells us as fans we should give Ghaly a 2nd chance...where's his 2nd chance for Bent?

    It is counter productive to criticise your own players in public, Redknapp likes the sound of his own voice too much and needs to keep it in house.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,317 ✭✭✭Dublin Spur

    I like Harry and his no nonsence appraoch - we've had too many soft managers over the years and putting you arm around some of our overpaid cowards is a waste of time.

    He's trying to tackle a long running malase at Spurs. It's a very difficult job. I imagine he's already given the private bollockings with no effect, after that going public is a good alternative option. These players have been getting away with murder for years. It's about time they were shamed. they're a fcuking disgrase and most of them should never have been allowed anywhere near the club.

    Having a go at them in public is refreshing, what he has said is 100% correct. I imagine he's hoping they'll be shamed into action. Dirty linnen in public - couldn't care less - everyone kowns we're a shambles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,375 ✭✭✭Antisocialiser

    nail on the head dublin spur.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    Some shocking stuff on here, you slate your own players in public like that and you rapidly lose the dressing room.

    If Harry wants rid of Bent and others then let him show them the door, instead of sniping at them in public when they are still Tottenham players. I've no problem with them being fcuked out if they're not up to the task, but Redknapp is flipping and flopping all over the shop, calling for team spirit and unity then doing his best to undermine all that.

    I really hope this job isn't too much for him...:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    the thing that gets me is that obviously some of the players have shocking attitudes, but they are in the minority. Gomes, corluka, woodgate/dawson/king, gunter, zakora, o'hara, modric, pav, lennon.... all of these have been giving a sterling effort this season, performances may have been lacking but none of them piss or moan or have an attitude. From that lot i expected lennon to be all ganstar and attitudey, but hes been one our most consistent performers. I think that redknapp has the media eating out of his hand, and he has always deflected the blame away from him. It is partly his fault and to 'wash your laundry' and individualise blame to players in public is disgraceful. None of the successful managers have ever done this. I remember Fergie after winning a cup with aberdeen was interviewed on the pitch after the game and he lambasted the performance of the team on the TV, the thing was that he never mentioned one player... it was the team that under performed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,317 ✭✭✭Dublin Spur

    Views are getting a bit polarised on Harry. It looks like you're either your pro or anti Harry. There doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground. I'm obviously pro Harry for the reasons I've already given.

    He's gonna rid us of the lazy passangers that have been dragging us down for so long.
    If he lays into one or two along the way (on private or public), great. I would hate to see those pr1cks getting an easy ride out of the club.

    He also talks openly about the inner workings of the club and I think that's fantastic. No more cloak and dagger stuff. More information in better then less (IMO). For years we've been scratching our heads wondering what the hell's happening inside WHL. Now we're getting more insight than ever and some are making this out to be a bad thing. I don't agree. I take on board the alternative views but I honestly don't agree with them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    Couple of things Shane...

    I don't think Bent is a prick, or a coward. He's a limited player, capable of doing a job in the league with the right kid of service, and when others couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo he was scoring under Ramos at the start of the season. I don't see any point in hating a player because he's not proved up to the task put to him, I've not seen anything from him to suggest he's not trying TBH. I also think his comments last week about the kid GK he was considering having on the bench against ManYoo (Mirko Ranieri) were incredibly disrespectful (can't remember the exact phrasing, but along the lines of "I've a kid on the bench on Saturday called Ranieri, I don't know who he is, is it Claudio?"). That is piss poor behaviour from any manager.

    I'm all for a bit of honesty from the top of the club, but is that what we're getting? Just because Redknapp is quicker to talk than his predecessors doesn't mean it's all in our interests. He needs to shut up about players at other clubs for starters, already West Ham have said they wouldn't do business with us for Bellamy and I've heard rumblings along the same lines from Boro over Downing. Whatever you think of those two players, do we really want half the league pissed off at us, adding a few 100k on to every transfer fee just because it's us? It looks like Harry is using his friends in the media to pressure Levy into spending money this window (which is a good thing) but a lot of it looks like he's preparing the ground for excuses in case he doesn't get us out of the sh1t by the end of the season.

    I know we've been starved of info in the past, but the novelty will wear off some time in the future and people will want to hear the truth from 'Arry, not just his version of the truth. And I say that with the greatest hope that he can drag us to safety this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,317 ✭✭✭Dublin Spur

    Couple of things Shane...

    I don't think Bent is a prick, or a coward. He's a limited player, capable of doing a job in the league with the right kid of service, and when others couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo he was scoring under Ramos at the start of the season. I don't see any point in hating a player because he's not proved up to the task put to him, I've not seen anything from him to suggest he's not trying TBH. I also think his comments last week about the kid GK he was considering having on the bench against ManYoo (Mirko Ranieri) were incredibly disrespectful (can't remember the exact phrasing, but along the lines of "I've a kid on the bench on Saturday called Ranieri, I don't know who he is, is it Claudio?"). That is piss poor behaviour from any manager.

    I'm all for a bit of honesty from the top of the club, but is that what we're getting? Just because Redknapp is quicker to talk than his predecessors doesn't mean it's all in our interests. He needs to shut up about players at other clubs for starters, already West Ham have said they wouldn't do business with us for Bellamy and I've heard rumblings along the same lines from Boro over Downing. Whatever you think of those two players, do we really want half the league pissed off at us, adding a few 100k on to every transfer fee just because it's us? It looks like Harry is using his friends in the media to pressure Levy into spending money this window (which is a good thing) but a lot of it looks like he's preparing the ground for excuses in case he doesn't get us out of the sh1t by the end of the season.

    I know we've been starved of info in the past, but the novelty will wear off some time in the future and people will want to hear the truth from 'Arry, not just his version of the truth. And I say that with the greatest hope that he can drag us to safety this year.

    Bent has been like timid little lamb since he came to Spurs. He has never imposed himself on a game like he did regularly at Charlton. His lack of self motivation and confidence is shocking. For a 6ft+ proven premier league center forward, this kind of carry on is totally unacceptable and I totally agree with Harry's stance, even if it means we get less money for him when he's finally offloaded. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's better to hear the truth insead of nothing (or even worse - lies), which we have been fed for years.

    Also, I can't see Harry being the reason West Ham wouldn't sell the us. Their chairman said that they wouldn't sell to us as we are their biggest rival and that it would be "a smack in the face for West Ham fans". Fair play to him actually, I like his stance and he showed a bit of bottle and charicter.

    Supporters need to get behind Harry Redknapp, he's trying to turn a desprate situation arond. It's an extremely difficult job and he needs our support. If he fails, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. But there's nobody better qualified to deal with our situation than Harry.

    I've nothing more to add on this, as I think I'm starting to get a little repetitive, I'm sure someone else will want to have the final word :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭positivenote

    word :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭opeldave

    word :)

    Word +1
