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  • 22-01-2009 11:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭

    Right, I was going to start logging all this in Excel for myself, but figure if its open to public eyes it'll help keep some form of motivation, even if only I look at it, especially while I've no specific goals!

    Basically, 10 months ago I was a blubbery 94KG minimum mess. I say minimum, because that was the last measurement I took, but I reckon I easily passed 96KG a month or so later as I kept piling the weight on. About 7 months ago, I started to get my diet to resemble something 'proper' (assuming junk food and beer doesn't constitute a proper diet!), and about 6 months ago I took to getting bits of exercise in; simple stuff like walking a few miles a day, and so on.

    I don't use a gym, so any exercise is done from home with the bare basics of dumbells and a rowing machine, with the exception of walking. I'm planning on getting a bike shortly, which will hopefully give some beneficial exercise on the commute, which would be just short of 7 miles each way.

    The facts:
    Age: 24
    Height: 5" 10'
    Weight: 60.5 KG

    As mentioned, I don't have any specific goals - yet at least. I don't have a sport to train for, I just want to maintain some overall level of healthiness, and not return to being a ball of lard. I've lost over 30KG of fat in 7 months, and would like it kept at bay! I'm not adverse to gaining weight per say, once its healthy and is muscle weight or something.

    Thursday, 22 January 2009:
    Porridge, with added linseeds, raisins, frozen blackberries, and honey.

    Handful of raw cashew nuts.

    Roast beef, mash, carrots, brocolli.
    (I'd usually bring my own lunch to work, but was stuck for time this morning. The food above was canteen food, and no doubt packed full of all sorts of unwanted ingredients).

    200ml milk.
    Small baked potato, with cheese, tin of tuna, sweetcorn, spring onion and a few raw baby carrots.

    Feeling quite run down today, low on energy but quite heavy so to speak - I'm blaming the dodgy lunch! ;) Just kinda mucked into the below with no real plan; no stressful weights and very easy going, but better than nothing - I reckoned?
    UPRIGHT ROWS	4x5	(10KG)
    SINGLE ARM ROW	6x10	(10KG)
    CRUNCHES	3x50	(10KG)
    SHRUGS		4x5	(2x15KG)
    HALF SQUATS	3x10	(2x15KG)
    ROWER		2000M
    PUSHUPS		2x20
    ROWER		2000M

    Slice of brown bread, with half a tin of baked beans, and some cheese. I does like cheese! :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭Töpher

    Porridge, with added linseeds, raisins, frozen blackberries, and honey.

    Handful of raw cashew nuts.

    Wholegrain brown bread sandwich, with poached chicken breast, Dubliner cheese, and fresh pesto.

    2 clementines.

    Feeling a bit more human, for want of a better word, today so picked it up a bit over yesterdays. The below was worked through in two moderately intense halves, with a good five minute rest in between.
    ROWER		5000M
    UPRIGHT ROWS	4x6	(2x12.5KG)
    HAMMER CURLS	4x10	(2x10KG)
    CRUNCHES	3x50	(10KG)
    ONE ARM ROW	6x10	(15KG)
    PUSHUPS		3x20
    PLANK		2x60secs
    ONE ARM SWING	1x40	(13KG, alternating hands every 10 swings)
    PULLUPS		2x3	
    ROWER		2000M
    The pullups are just done on a door, with a towel thrown over the top for comfort. Pretty appalled at how poorly I fared, although it is something I've never done much of. I suppose thats a short-ish term goal there, to improve on my ability (or embarassing lack of! :pac:) there.

    Baked potato (with Dubliner cheese), poached chicken breast, boiled egg, raw baby carrots, and fresh pesto.

    Slice of toasted wholegrain brown bread, with half a tin of baked beans.
