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What in Gods name is wrong with some people?

  • 02-02-2009 6:29pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,736 ✭✭✭

    I was just at the river beside the rowing club giving the swans and ducks some wholemeal bread and lettuce. I heard someone making noise in the park and I looked over and saw some teenagers dragging something large around (it looked like a palette or crate). They then threw this large wooden object at a number of swans and almost killed them. Luckily the swans got out of the way in time but if these moronic imbeciles had had their way there would be about three dead swans in the river Barrow now. I shouted over at them "leave the swans alone you little f*****s!".

    What the hell is wrong with people? I did some stupid things when I was younger but I never went around terrorising innocent animals. I've seen kids harass the swans before but this has been the most sickening thing I've seen. Why don't these kids parents teach them to respect the beauty of nature and animals?


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭patrickc

    I was just at the river beside the rowing club giving the swans and ducks some wholemeal bread and lettuce. I heard someone making noise in the park and I looked over and saw some teenagers dragging something large around (it looked like a palette or crate). They then threw this large wooden object at a number of swans and almost killed them. Luckily the swans got out of the way in time but if these moronic imbeciles had had their way there would be about three dead swans in the river Barrow now. I shouted over at them "leave the swans alone you little f*****s!".

    What the hell is wrong with people? I did some stupid things when I was younger but I never went around terrorising innocent animals. I've seen kids harass the swans before but this has been the most sickening thing I've seen. Why don't these kids parents teach them to respect the beauty of nature and animals?

    thats disgraceful, did you call the Gardai or the ispca?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    I was just at the river beside the rowing club giving the swans and ducks some wholemeal bread and lettuce. I heard someone making noise in the park and I looked over and saw some teenagers dragging something large around (it looked like a palette or crate). They then threw this large wooden object at a number of swans and almost killed them. Luckily the swans got out of the way in time but if these moronic imbeciles had had their way there would be about three dead swans in the river Barrow now. I shouted over at them "leave the swans alone you little f*****s!".

    What the hell is wrong with people? I did some stupid things when I was younger but I never went around terrorising innocent animals. I've seen kids harass the swans before but this has been the most sickening thing I've seen. Why don't these kids parents teach them to respect the beauty of nature and animals?

    Havent you heard IG? They are bored God bless them! They have nothing to do, no where to go, they are idle and lacking in motivation! Bless the the little darlings!


    A good kick in the ar$e is what they need, but what can you do now adays? Nothing, they arent afraid of anyone, nor dont respect others or public property. (By 'they' I mean a minority of course!).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,736 ✭✭✭Irish Guitarist

    patrickc wrote: »
    thats disgraceful, did you call the Gardai or the ispca?
    There's not much point in calling the ISPCA in Carlow as they never respond (there have been a couple of occasions where swans had fishing lines caught in their bills and I tried for hours to contact them). Looking back I should have phoned the Gardai though. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time because I was shocked to see anyone do this. :(

    Thanks for commenting. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,736 ✭✭✭Irish Guitarist

    Havent you heard IG? They are bored God bless them! They have nothing to do, no where to go, they are idle and lacking in motivation! Bless the the little darlings!


    A good kick in the ar$e is what they need, but what can you do now adays? Nothing, they arent afraid of anyone, nor dont respect others or public property. (By 'they' I mean a minority of course!).

    You're right that it's just a minority. Most kids just admire the swans and give them some bread. I've seen a few incidents though where teenagers have bothered the swans. It's a pity there's not a park warden around when you need one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,456 ✭✭✭stick-dan

    There's not much point in calling the ISPCA in Carlow as they never respond (there have been a couple of occasions where swans had fishing lines caught in their bills and I tried for hours to contact them). Looking back I should have phoned the Gardai though. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time because I was shocked to see anyone do this. :(

    Thanks for commenting. :)

    I'm going to agree with this. We all read a few months ago on this at the lack of action on a park wardens behalf when another swan was hurt in the not too distant past in carlow. There is no service properly administrated to look after the wildlife in carlow and it is a shame.

    To be honest tho you shouldnt really be shocked the "minority" in carlow seldom do anything productive.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,736 ✭✭✭Irish Guitarist

    stick-dan wrote: »
    I'm going to agree with this. We all read a few months ago on this at the lack of action on a park wardens behalf when another swan was hurt in the not too distant past in carlow. There is no service properly administrated to look after the wildlife in carlow and it is a shame. Tell you what them a55holes should have been f()ked into the river too.

    To be honest tho you shouldnt really be shocked the "minority" in carlow seldom do anything productive.

    With any luck they slipped in the snow on the way home and broke a few bones...

    You're probably right. Nothing anyone does in Carlow should shock me anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    Personally I'd love to throw them into the river and throw a large wooden object at them.

    With any luck they slipped in the snow on the way home and broke a few bones...

    You're probably right. Nothing anyone does in Carlow should shock me anymore.

    Well you'll have to excuse me seen as how I've just had to deal, or at least try to deal with a bunch of hoody wearing, foul mouthed scumbags (approx 15-20) whom were plastering my house with snowballs and proceeded to do the same to my parents when they went out after them and asked them to stop!!

    Having a bit of fun in the snow is one thing, but delibertly targeting houses in order to provoke a responce is another thing and a responce they'd get from my dad. When we went out we got the usual vulgar language, insults, treats, ie 'you cant touch me, I'm f*&king brilliant, I'm so cool......etc etc'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,467 ✭✭✭shenanigans1982

    but we live in civalised times............or so it seems :rolleyes:

    We live in a time where the law benefits scumbags rather than their victims.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,456 ✭✭✭stick-dan

    We live in a time where the law benefits scumbags rather than their victims.

    and they know it too, which makes it so much more worse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    We live in a time where the law benefits scumbags rather than their victims.
    stick-dan wrote: »
    and they know it too, which makes it so much more worse.

    Unfortunately thats the case! :mad::rolleyes:

    Ye know, I'm only 25, still a young fella, but I can remember when I was young there was still a healthy fear for the gardai, adults etc, not that I ever got up to any wrong doing, I was (am) a quiet fella :P. Where did it all go wrong?

    Personally I put in down to the recent wealth and change in lifestyles in the past number of years. Money means (or at least until recently) nothing, anything can be got now. What teenager hasnt got a flatscreen tv in there room, god knows how many computer consoles, PC, iPods, mobiles, cars etc etc, everything is widley availible and expendible, nothing holds its value. Christ, I remember when Christmas was THE TIME to get something amazing and you'd look forward to it all year, now, its literally Christmas everyday.

    What I'm getting at is, a lack of respect for personal items leads to a lack of respect for other persons/public property. Its all they know, why should they respect someones property when they realise themselves, or believe that its expendible or can be replaced easy.

    I thank god that I at least got to experience a number of years pre 'celtic tiger', I'm not saying times were hard or anything, but holy jaysus! I have a 17 year old brother and the different in his lifestyle growing up compared to mine, its amazing! Now he, like most his age I'd imagine is of the belief that everything is expendible (god knows he's gone through enough Playstations, MP3 players, games etc etc) but thankfully he's been thought to respect others and have some self dignity. What did we do before there was any of these anti social issues? before there was youth clubs or such?

    Whenever this issue is raised the topic of 'oh they have nothing to do' gets brought up, personally this boils my blood!!! Put them back in the late 80's/early 90's then they'd have nothing to fecking do! and we, nor hardly anyone in the area went around causing trouble like tramps! Its goes back to what I was saying again, they have too much, they get easily bored, nothing can keep them satisfied, so its out onto the street.

    Now great, have clubs, places to meet, activity groups etc etc, but I believe there are, and always will be a minority who are well beyond all that. Where are the parents?! Why havent they kept tabs on little 'Johnny' or 'Sally', I dare say if they tried hard enough they could, or could have thought they kids a little bit of respect and decency, but then maybe its the parents whom are the role models in the first place!

    **Steam escapes violently from both ears!!!!!!!**


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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭patrickc

    I have edited your posts as they were advocating violence. this is not permitted under boards rules, I will specify this in our charter also.

    consider this a warning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,456 ✭✭✭stick-dan

    patrickc wrote: »
    I have edited your posts as they were advocating violence. this is not permitted under boards rules, I will specify this in our charter also.

    consider this a warning.

    Fait point, apologies about that, just have a strong sense of hatred for these people. Apologies again, warning heeded.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    Aye, my apologies too :o. Just having a 'bad day' as they say.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,736 ✭✭✭Irish Guitarist

    Sorry. I just wanted to rant about these kids and I got carried away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,478 ✭✭✭wheres me jumpa

    Im involved with a local soccer team and our pitch seems to have some magnetic attraction for local hooded beings, flies on sh*t comes to mind. The hassle, the damage and the just plain old frustration they cause is beyond belief.

    Every town / area has a certain category of people / youngsters that fall into this lifestyle.This always has and always will be the case. However the lack of any respect / local pride these people show these days(christ Im old) is worrying. I can remember even the worst behaved youngsters I grew up with would know that certain things just should not be done.

    The poor old swans of Carlow come in for regular abuse, I just really wish one of the swans would unleash their fury and kick some hooded, Ben Sherman wearing ass. Although then we would have to put up with pictures of the poor innocent boy who was attacked by an angry breed of swan terrorising the streets of Carlow. Because another thing that amazes me about this category of people, they spend their day damaging others without consequence. But the minute anything is inflicted on them, they are the first to kick up a fuss and demand justice.

    This local blogger took a good course of action:

    Recording the antics of the hooded Ben Shermaners seemed to have the desired affect.


    Just thinking about, the finest example of the above is the bus stop shelter in the coach park. Originally walled by glass. This glass was continually broken. To get around this, it has been replaced with a beautiful black steel enclosure offering its occupants a lovely warm feeling of ..... being in a container crossing the Atlantic. And also to passers by it looks like the A-Team van has just been left on blocks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    The poor old swans of Carlow come in for regular abuse, I just really wish one of the swans would unleash their fury and kick some hooded, Ben Sherman wearing ass. Although then we would have to put up with pictures of the poor innocent boy who was attacked by an angry breed of swan terrorising the streets of Carlow.

    I fear the simple answer to such an event happening would be that the swan would be 'put to sleep' as it'd be classed as a danger to the park users or something silly like that :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,478 ✭✭✭wheres me jumpa

    I fear the simple answer to such an event happening would be that the swan would be 'put to sleep' as it'd be classed as a danger to the park users or something silly like that :rolleyes:

    That swan sacrificed his life for the good of his fellow swan!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Carlo_Junkie

    :mad:The real problem with the ‘Youth of To-Day’ is the lack of DISPLINE at home and at school. So is to blame for the disgusting behaviour of these youngsters? I put the blame fairly and squarely on the parents. Where are the parents? They are probably sitting in a pub somewhere getting sloshed.:eek:
    I had my car scratched, a message written on the boot lid with a sharp object in broad day light in Mountmellick. I have had footmarks on the roof and bonnet of my car while it was parked outside my house.
    As you said they have no respect for property, animals or people for that matter.
    I say the authorities should make the parents responsible for their child’s behaviour.:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭Bards

    The problems is that our astute politicians and the judicary are all so weak.

    What we need to do is tear up the Criminal Justice system and replcace it with the "Victim Justice System" where the needs of the victims are put first not secondary to the criminal as is the case now.

    Then we would see how quickly these kids would soon fear the Guards again

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 keithshirley

    "This local blogger took a good course of action:"

    I was actually quite surprised that it had a positive effect. I'm not sure what I would have done if they had turned around and told me to f off.

    Being 6'2" probably helped.

    What did surprise me is how many really nasty emails I got. Some were so over the top that I just laughed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,504 ✭✭✭SpitfireIV

    What did surprise me is how many really nasty emails I got. Some were so over the top that I just laughed.

    Seriously?!! You got nasty e-mails for having prevented a bunch of youth from causing vandalism??! :eek: No doubth from these youths or there associates? Thats crazy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,373 ✭✭✭✭foggy_lad

    they all look half starved and doped to the eyeballs but that says more about their parents or to put it better the people charged with rearing them as most of them are not parents!

    these little hoods will never be anything except a huge burdon on the state and locality and should with their families be cut of all benefits including social welfare community welfare and free education untill their parents teach them some respect for the property of others and their elders.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 363 ✭✭mirror mirror

    foggy_lad wrote: »
    they all look half starved and doped to the eyeballs but that says more about their parents or to put it better the people charged with rearing them as most of them are not parents!

    these little hoods will never be anything except a huge burdon on the state and locality and should with their families be cut of all benefits including social welfare community welfare and free education untill their parents teach them some respect for the property of others and their elders.
    BRAVO ...SPOT ON:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 keithshirley

    Seriously?!! You got nasty e-mails for having prevented a bunch of youth from causing vandalism??! :eek: No doubth from these youths or there associates? Thats crazy!

    I think it's a knee-jerk reaction to saying something negative about graffiti. There were a number that reflect what was already mentioned here - poor lads, leave them alone, nothing better to do etc etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,534 ✭✭✭SV

    Should work in security around Carlow.
    You get to see the real 'lovely' kids in Carlow.

    yesterday I was told to **** off, told that they "can do whatever the **** we like" and threatened with being knifed.

    by a bunch of 5 girls, eldest 15.
    for removing them from private property for causing hassle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 363 ✭✭mirror mirror

    ClioV6 wrote: »
    Should work in security around Carlow.
    You get to see the real 'lovely' kids in Carlow.

    yesterday I was told to **** off, told that they "can do whatever the **** we like" and threatened with being knifed.

    by a bunch of 5 girls, eldest 15.
    for removing them from private property for causing hassle.
    their parents should be proud of them,bet they only remember they have kids when they pick up children allowance money......

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,895 ✭✭✭patrickc

    anymore derogatory terms used in this thread, and there will be bans issued. final warning

    please refer to the forum charter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,181 ✭✭✭aynon

    their parents should be proud of them,bet they only remember they have kids when they pick up children allowance money......

    whose saying they remember the kids when they collect the allowence?
    with a comment like that you've obviously never been i a council house filled with working class "intelligencia"
