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Zero-ish to Connemara Half to Cork Full in 6 months.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33 SunnySideUp

    Well done nightowl, you seem to be well set!
    The furthest i've gone is about 11 miles so will hopefully get a 12 or 13 miler in tomorrow or the day after. Like yourself had a bit of a mad weekend so didnt get much milage clocked up! Hopefully i havent left it too late to be doing my longest run?
    This is a first for me and i'm kinda looking forward to it to be honest (not sure i'll be doing another one though but sure we'll see how it goes!). Will prob stick with the shorter races from now on!

    What kind of distances will all ye half-marathoners be covering in the week before the real thing?:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,551 ✭✭✭chinguetti

    Hi Sunnysideup, i did my last long run yesterday of 12 miles which went well and did 5 tonight so just ticking over now until the 22nd. Will do around 7 miles on Saturday and 5 miles x 3 and 1 short speed session and thats it.

    I think less is more in the week before a race, like cramming for exams in school, its causes more harm than good trying to fit miles in at the end. However if something else works for you, go with it as everyone has their own plans/rountines so really its whatever you're having yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33 SunnySideUp

    Thanks for that chinguetti! I havn't been sticking rigidly to any particular training schedule so it great to see what other people are at in the run up to the big day!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Well, i've totally neglected my log for the past couple of weeks, cue excuses:
    1. I sat an important exam last week (and may have winged it;))
    2. Had a prolonged cold
    3. Limited internet access
    4. Cheltenham
    So, i'll try and bring it back on track.

    The two weeks before Connemara I took relatively easy but got in my long runs. I had an absolute blast at Connemara, the night before was unbelievable, first the rugby then the boxing. So it was v. late to bed but worth it. Next morning the sun was out and there was a great buzz at the start. The run was good, I did find it very warm but the water stops were great. Originally i had hoped on finishing under 2 hours but I think after the first 2 slowish miles it was outta the question. I did get passed by the legend that is Ron Hill(M.B.E) which was great. As for the HOTW, I was expecting it to rise ala Everest out of the skyline so when it came around it wasn't too bad at all.
    All in all it was a great experience and Id love to come back for a shot at the marathon next time.

    After a few days recovery (not from the run but from the excessive night that followed) I've got back into the swing of things. I haven't done a proper plan for Cork yet at all but Im thinking that I need to incorporate speed work at least once a week . Right now my longest run is 14 miles. A vague plan is to do 1 day of hill work, 1 day speed session, 1 or 2 days mid distance and then 1 LSR, increasing the LSR over the next few weeks to peak at 21miles. Haven't a clue whether this is an advisable plan just pulled it outta the top of my head. The other thing im worried about is running in the heat as I did find that tough in Connemara.

    Once my last (hopefully ever) exam is done this Friday I'll implement a plan.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Nightowl84 wrote: »
    Well, i've totally neglected my log for the past couple of weeks, cue excuses:
    1. I sat an important exam last week (and may have winged it;))
    2. Had a prolonged cold
    3. Limited internet access
    4. Cheltenham
    So, i'll try and bring it back on track.

    The two weeks before Connemara I took relatively easy but got in my long runs. I had an absolute blast at Connemara, the night before was unbelievable, first the rugby then the boxing. So it was v. late to bed but worth it. Next morning the sun was out and there was a great buzz at the start. The run was good, I did find it very warm but the water stops were great. Originally i had hoped on finishing under 2 hours but I think after the first 2 slowish miles it was outta the question. I did get passed by the legend that is Ron Hill(M.B.E) which was great. As for the HOTW, I was expecting it to rise ala Everest out of the skyline so when it came around it wasn't too bad at all.
    All in all it was a great experience and Id love to come back for a shot at the marathon next time.

    After a few days recovery (not from the run but from the excessive night that followed) I've got back into the swing of things. I haven't done a proper plan for Cork yet at all but Im thinking that I need to incorporate speed work at least once a week . Right now my longest run is 14 miles. A vague plan is to do 1 day of hill work, 1 day speed session, 1 or 2 days mid distance and then 1 LSR, increasing the LSR over the next few weeks to peak at 21miles. Haven't a clue whether this is an advisable plan just pulled it outta the top of my head. The other thing im worried about is running in the heat as I did find that tough in Connemara.

    Once my last (hopefully ever) exam is done this Friday I'll implement a plan.
    Hi there,
    Just looking at you rplan for Cork there, what do you have in mind for your speed work , I'm finding that i'm getting more benifit out of good tempo runs then a pure speed work session at the moment , Maybe incluse a tempo eash week in place of a speed session?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    shels4ever wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Just looking at you rplan for Cork there, what do you have in mind for your speed work , I'm finding that i'm getting more benifit out of good tempo runs then a pure speed work session at the moment , Maybe incluse a tempo eash week in place of a speed session?

    Hi Shels, thanks for the advice

    I was initially thinking of 800m reps but I think you're right about the tempo runs so i'll give it a go this week.
    Last week I went for a short run of around 3.5miles and decided to up the pace and I found I could cut quite a chunk of time off when I pushed myself.
    So, Im just going to incorporate a shorter distance run where I'll run at a pace above my comfort zone.

    Also I've noticed my flexibility has decreased since i've started running regularly, has anyone got any suggestions??? (Im not great on the stretching front)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,551 ✭✭✭chinguetti

    Hi Nightowl84, well done on finishing the Connemara Half. I'm a fan of the tempo runs and do a fast 4 or 5 mile run every second week. I'm haven't done any fast speed work but plan to do one during the week to see if i like it. If you're looking for a running plan to get you to Cork, i'm basing mine on 4 hour plan.

    As for the limbering up, i do a half hour each morning and evening and before and after each run to try and keep the joints and muscles as free from injuries. Also hot baths and jacuzzis help too. Good luck with the training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Im finally finished the exams (the last one was horrendous:() so i've no more excuses for slacking off on the running.

    Yesterday I managed to squeeze in a 4 miler in 34mins. I was fairly happy with that but the way home was tough, running against the wind and lashing rain.

    This evening i plan on doing a 7mile + run.

    I've started incorporating some core work each day. Im slowly building it up, so im doing some different types of crunches, back stretches, hip lifts:eek: etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Saturday April 10th:

    I planned on doing a long run this weekend to try and kickstart myself back into training (which hasn't been ideal lately).

    I set off on what would normally be a 13/14 mile run but I felt great after 6 miles and decided to up the mileage, so I just kept running. At one stage I did get a bit lost which totally messed with me mentally but I got back on route. In total the run came to 18.5 miles which I was completely shocked with, I thought it was around the 16 mark. Very happy with it though, I did a bit of walk/running for the last 2 miles but still put in a good time. Hobbled in the door to my family who officially think i've lost it:rolleyes:

    My only gripe was my lack of preparation for the run, Im obsessive about hydration and I dont think I had enough water, a few sweets would have gone down a treat aswell. Will know for next time to pre plan the route and have supply drop offs.

    Today I feel 100%, I think spraying my legs with cold water from a hose straight after the run helped aswell as some stretches. Definitely taking a rest day, i've got a date with a serious slab of chocolate.......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Sunday April 12th:
    Rest day, todays diet was almost entirely cocoa based, nearly consumed my own body weight of the stuff, by the afternoon i'd vowed never to to touch chocolate again....that lasted all of 2 seconds

    Monday April 13th:
    AM: Moderate core workout
    Back to soccer training, god it was fairly tough, my overall fitness is better than it ever was but playing soccers totally different from the running and I was a tad stiff the next day. Slightly worried though cause it will be difficult trying to juggle 2 trainings + 1 match per week with running and a day of rest. Great to be back though.

    Tuesday April 14th:
    AM: Moderate core workout
    7.5 mile run in the afternoon.

    Wednesday April 15th:
    AM: Core workout
    3.5 mile run at a fast pace.
    PM: Soccer Training

    Thursday April 16th:
    AM: Core
    Afternoon: 14 mile run, slow pace. Tough running today, id only cycled this route once before and i had forgotten how undulating it was. Lots of testing hills but i coped well with them. I also carried jellies for the first time which provided a much needed psychological boost. I needed to get this run out of the way as soccers on at the weekend. Afterwards I was hobbling around so used the cold water treatment followed by a suana session, which worked a treat.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Friday April 17th:
    Rest and then soccer training in the evening.

    Saturday April 18th:
    Went for a midday run today, it's about time I start adjusting to running when its warm (although one would think Im preparing for the MdS the way I keep harping on about the heat! By the way I could never do that challenge without running alongside a drip and a band of medics)
    Ran 7.8 miles at roughly a 9.35 min/m pace, not record breaking material but i was pretty happy with it.

    Sunday April 19th:
    Went for a really nice slow paced jog with my sister around midday. Again it was very warm but very enjoyable run, 3.5 miles.
    Evening: Soccer match

    Miles this week:36.3

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Monday 20th April:
    Went for a 9.5 mile run in the evening taking it easy enough cause my left leg wasn't 100% after the soccer.

    Tuesday 21st:
    10 miler at about 9:30 minute mile ''pace''. The run was grand but my left leg was acting up a bit.

    Wednesday 22nd:
    Soccer Training

    Thursday 23rd:
    Rest. I was worried about my leg so I took another day off from running. Did lots of gentle stretching.

    Friday 24th:
    7 miles on the local track. This consisted of warm up + cool down, 5 miles at 8.36 m/m. Delighted with the run considering that I only decided to push it mid way during the run,

    Saturday 25th:
    9 miles. Didn't get a long run in this week as planned so Im hoping to do a 18-20 miler on Tuesday of next week.

    Sunday 26th:
    Soccer match, the less said about that the better:eek:

    Total miles this week:35.5

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Monday April 27th:
    Core exercises:Crunches, Planks and Supermans.
    Went for a jog with my sister, both of us were doubled over with stomach aches during it, we suspect that the pre run easter egg did the damage:)
    Miles: 3.5

    Tuesday April 28th:
    Today was the day for my long run. I had made one drop off at around the 12 mile mark. It all started well, and I felt great for the first 10 miles. Unfortunately due to road works I had to alter the route mid run and then promptly got lost. Once I got my bearings I headed towards home via the drop off. It was a very tough run largely because of getting lost and then not having any supplies until near the end. I'll make sure Im better organised for the last few LSR's.
    Miles: 24.5 (walked almost 4 of those)

    Wednesday 29th:
    Did lots of core work today. Also i've started using our home gym (in a shed in the yard, hardcore). From reading the fitness forums I've decided to do some weights maybe twice a week. Did a light session today which was very enjoyable.
    P.M: Soccer

    Thursday 30th:
    Another weights session as well as a 7.3 mile run.

    Friday May 1st:

    Saturday May 2nd:
    10 mile run. Very happy with this run mostly because it was a warm day and I coped pretty well with running in the midday heat.

    Sunday May 3rd:
    Soccer match. Took a few bad hits during the game, particularly to the legs. I could feel my right quad wasn't right so i'll take it easy for a few days.

    Miles this week: 40.8

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Monday May 4th- Monday May 11th

    Only managed 2 runs this week due to bereavement. The first was nice 4 miler, the second was a 10 miler going at 9 min mile pace which is quicker then im used to but it was good to be out of my comfort zone.

    Otherwise I did a few gym sessions in the shed as well as soccer training.
    I also played a soccer match and my right foot got absolutely crunched by one of the girls studs. As well as that my legs are yellow+blue in places:eek:. On a positive note though at least we won:)

    The plan was to get back on track and do my possibly last lsr tomorrow but it all depends on how my foot and legs are feeling tomorrow....time for the frozen peas i think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Monday 11th + Tuesday 12th:
    My right foot was killing me after Sundays match so running was outta the question( I was actually thinking there could have been a fracture). Instead I did alot of gym and core work as well as icing my foot. Playing soccer is not helping my running one bit as I keep picking up small injuries I normally would never get, that said I couldn't give it up.

    Wednesday 13th:
    I finally felt ok to run so I ran one of my shorter routes at a fast pace. Todays run was 3.5 miles in 28min 48 sec. In the evening we had soccer training which consisted of relentless sprinting drills:(.

    Thursday 14th: My last long run:).
    I decided to do a 20 miler today and reduce the mileage until Cork. God, it wasn't pretty. I started off pretty well until roughly the 12 mile stage, then things began to get a bit psychological. I battled on but there were moments when I wanted to give it all up. It wasn't my best run at all but I finished it and the time wasn't horrendous considering I did stop to eat jaffa cakes and walked a few times. Based on my longer runs I reckon 4 1/2 hours is the aim for Cork.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Nightowl84 wrote: »

    Thursday 14th: My last long run:).
    I decided to do a 20 miler today and reduce the mileage until Cork. God, it wasn't pretty. I started off pretty well until roughly the 12 mile stage, then things began to get a bit psychological. I battled on but there were moments when I wanted to give it all up. It wasn't my best run at all but I finished it and the time wasn't horrendous considering I did stop to eat jaffa cakes and walked a few times. Based on my longer runs I reckon 4 1/2 hours is the aim for Cork.

    Fair play on that run, that should give you confidence that you can finish cork no problem. you have crowds etc to cheer you on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Friday 15th:
    Didn't go for a run today but this was more then compensated for by the nausea inducing sprinting drills at soccer training in the evening. Totally undid the benefits of yesterdays run by going on a major session later on:(.

    Saturday 16th:
    Spent the day in a total daze, finally got it together in the late afternoon.

    Sunday 17th:
    Soccer game, we won:). Thankfully I decided against wearing the heart rate monitor, i've never sprinted so much in 90 minutes before, I can imagine the readings would have been through the roof.

    Monday 18th:
    7.75 miles in the evening with my sis. Lovely relaxing run. Its such a treat to run with someone else when 95% of your training is done alone. Pace was 10.52 min/mile.

    Tuesday 19th:
    3.5 miles before lunch @ 8.44 min/mile, could have perhaps done it a bit faster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Well done on all your training, nightowl. i think your overall fitness will stand you in good stead.

    i especially like the reference to jaffa cakes - my favourite... altho would have them 30 mins or so before a run rather than during it!

    See you in Cork!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭shels4ever

    Nightowl84 wrote: »
    Its such a treat to run with someone else when 95% of your training is done alone. Pace was 10.52 min/mile.
    Yes I'd agree there its great to run with a group, makes it seem so much easier.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Killerz wrote: »
    Well done on all your training, nightowl. i think your overall fitness will stand you in good stead.

    i especially like the reference to jaffa cakes - my favourite... altho would have them 30 mins or so before a run rather than during it!

    See you in Cork!

    Thanks Killerz, Im hoping having the miles under my belt will stand to me. I've definitely disovered that I prefer distance rather than speed.

    As for the Jaffa's, I usually cannot stomach much before/during a run but decided to experiment. Didn't go too bad but I think lucozade sport is as far as i'll go on the day.

    Can't wait for Cork now, I'd say you're well on for your predicted time in Cork(if not quite a bit below it)if Connemara is anything to go by, nice running btw. Best of luck with your taper.
    shels4ever wrote: »
    Yes I'd agree there its great to run with a group, makes it seem so much easier.

    Yeah so true, I may try and isolate someone who is the same pace as me for a good ear rotting session:D, it makes the time go by very nicely.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Tuesday 19th:
    As noted above I did a 3.5 miler today. I kept it short due to soccer training in the evening but this was called off due to weather. So instead I went for a gym/shed session. I was going great until my bro and his friend came in and started doing random lifts with no pattern whatsoever. They also loaded up all the bars with massive weights so I just gave up:mad:.

    Wednesday 20th:
    Headed off for a run in the evening. I didn't have a set route in mind and just made it up as I ran. Ended up doing 11 miles @ 10.02 min/mile pace. I was happy with that. HR was an average of 161bpm. I'm not sure what my max is but I have checked it in the morning and it was about 48bpm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Nightowl84 wrote: »
    Can't wait for Cork now, I'd say you're well on for your predicted time in Cork(if not quite a bit below it)if Connemara is anything to go by, nice running btw. Best of luck with your taper.

    Thanks nightowl84 - i suppose its all down to the italian taper + race day feelings at this stage! i hear its c. 30 degrees over there now - will get a bit of warm weather training at least... see how the boy usain bolt works his stuff (ie training in the heat)!

    i'm race number 554 by the way. we've all got to exchange nos prior to race.. or is that taboo on boards... oh the boldness of it all!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Thursday 21st:
    Rest Day

    Friday 22nd:
    Away on a hotel break and could only manage 2 miles on the treadmill. First time i've been on one in about 4/5 months.

    Saturday 23rd:
    Soccer match, wait for it, we got whooped...........9-0:eek:

    Sunday 24th:
    9.5 miles in the evening at roughly a 9.35 min/mile pace. Very enjoyable run, lovely weather and I felt good throughout.

    Monday 25th:(1 week go)
    3.5 miles on my most frequent route. Pace was 8.45 min/mile.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Tuesday 26th:
    Soccer training

    Wednesday 27th:
    5.2 miles averaging 9.48 min/miles. Haven't done this particular run for ages (includes a mile long drag of a hill). Really happy with the run, felt relaxed throughout.

    Thursday 28th:
    4.4 miles at midday. This was tough, temperature was about 20/22. Pace was 9.53 min/mile. I must say that I hate running in the heat.
    Later on I must have done my fastest 1/2 mile ever chasing after stray animals (cows....long story). Where's the bloody chip timing when you need it??:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Friday 29th:
    4.4 miles with my sister in the evening. Nice and easy run/jog.

    Saturday 30th:
    Did absolutely nothing today, I think i'll save myself until Monday. I was tempted to go and play a soccer match but it would have been madness. Otherwise I have been carb/protein/fat loading all day:). Stocked up on supplies for Monday, waterproof sunscreen being top o the list.

    This will be my last post until after Cork. Heading down to Cork tomorrow around midday. Hopefully i'll catch the Tipp/Cork match. Tipp beating Cork and Man U losing the CL final.....that would make one nice week.

    Best of luck to everyone doing Cork, hopefully I'll be writing a happy ending to this log sometime next week....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    best of luck nightowl84 - see you down in cork! hope its not too hot for us!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 158 ✭✭Nightowl84

    Alright so it's time to wrap up this log with an account of my first marathon, Cork 2009.

    All week the nerves were building (not helped by reports from my brother that Monday would be a roaster). I tried to remain positive but I knew that Monday would indeed be a roaster. So, I tried to drink lots of water in the run up to the big day. On Sunday I headed down to Cork with my sister. A good precedent was set by Tipperary's victory over Cork. I must say that it was bloody hot and reports were that Monday was to be even hotter. I was casually joking about running in the heat and the adverse effects it would have on me but in reality I was sh!tting the prospect of running in those temperatures.

    I didn't want to go to bed at all last night (trying to delay the inevitable waking up next morning to a marathon:eek:). I eventually did but had a fairly crap nights sleep. Got up early and made porrridge, drank coffee and lots of water. By 8am my brother had arrived and we grabbed a taxi into town.

    The start was calm enough, we walked around for a while and then got into position. At 9am the run began. I made sure to ease into the first mile and clocked around 10.36 for the first mile. I can see how easy it would be to get carried away and go mad running at a faster pace. The next 2/3 miles were roughly at a 10 min pace. After that I was knocking a bit off each mile. I don't know when exactly but around 13 miles the heat started to become a factor. Then came the mental battles. At the halfway I was clocking easily sub 10 min miles and was well on target for sub 4.30. The latter half is where the fun began. It was so hot, and fairplay to the locals with the water hoses( I kept thinking of Father Jack..more water:D). I took advantage of every spray. Credit has to go to the organisers for the amount of well stocked water stations.

    Anyway alot of the miles are a bit of a blur, I kept on going as best I could. At about 19/20 I drank some Lucozade Sport and had a bit of cramping as a result. I was running as far as I could before having to walk due to stomach pain. I even tried to divert my brain by counting as high as possible (one very crap mental technique I don't recommend!!!),
    The last 2 miles were great though, the support was brilliant and I picked up the pace to finish with the obligatory sprint-ish finish. My finish time was 4 hours 34 mins, nothing spectacular but I'm delighted with it.

    I know i'll be on a high from this for quite some time. The weather you can't predict but everything else was great. The local support was class, all along the route people were out cheering us on. The water stations couldn't be faulted and the route was great for someone unused to Cork.

    So, mission accomplished, during the 13-20 mile stage there today I was questioning my sanity/vowing to never run again. Now that Im finished it looks like Dublin/possible foreign marathon could be on the cards:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Congratulations on your first marathon finish :)

    Was doing the relay, the heat was bloody brutal. Every one of you who did the full marathon is absolutely amazing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    congratulations nightowl, you really did brilliant! No hassle to you doing Dublin - i reckon yesterday's experience will really stand to you.

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