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Time to get rid of the nanny state?



  • Registered Users Posts: 18,393 ✭✭✭✭silverharp

    SeanW wrote: »
    I found a great essay on "Campaign For Liberty" on how government meddling in the economy can have devastating results, called "The First 100 Days."

    Kind of explains why the crash of '29 turned out to be such a mess.

    I guess price fixing seems antiquated now , however people in 50 years will wonder what the hell were they thinking wasting taxpayers money trying to prop up Auto companies etc when there is no demand.

    A belief in gender identity involves a level of faith as there is nothing tangible to prove its existence which, as something divorced from the physical body, is similar to the idea of a soul. - Colette Colfer

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭trentf

    AlekSmart wrote: »
    On the OP`s wider topic of the Nanny State there is little doubt but that the current level of Social Welfare supports cannot be maintained for much longer.

    The biggest contributory factor to this collapse is the sudden contraction in the numbers contributing TO the SW pot combined with a commensurate increase in those seeking to claim from it.

    Nobody appeared to question the sheer scale and extent of the DSFA`s benefit`s machine.
    The ease with which a generation of young,healthy and productive people were able to opt-out of the entire notion of workin-for-a-living did cause many to stroke their chins,but those nay-sayers were usually dismissed in a flurry of high-pitched comments about "knowing-your-entitlements"

    The theory and practice of "Entitlement" became reason enough to hop on board and the ever compliant Department of Social and Family affairs facilitated this by largely abandoning the notion of housekeeping or exercising any level of oversight on its own schemes.

    The result is we now face a very real threat of total collapse as the Money runs out (Rapidly).

    The thousands of young co-habiting couples along with their children who had quite easily availed of the unmonitored state of the DSFA`s systems to combine Lone Parent,Jobseekers and Private Rented Accomodation Allowances and the various child related add-on`s now represent a very real problem as internal audits start to highligh the anomalies so easily disregarded in Times of Plenty.

    Yet,even in these straightened times we see a ray of hope,as surprisingly madcap suggestions of Local Authorites "distress purchasing" large blocks of vacant private housing stock in order to "allocate" these units to "qualifying" housing list applicants are given credence.

    Thus,for many, the natural progression from State Assisted private rented accomodation into State Subsidised Local Authority housing is maintained.

    Yet in some cases I am familiar with,it is the €35 per week element of personal contribution which has to be constantly followed up on by the Landlord as of course the State Payment simply rubber stamps in each week,hail,rain or snow !

    The availablity of these State Supports/Relief`s to a substantial number of claimants who have NO long term history of making contributions INTO the system represents the rather basic and fatal flaw in the entire DSFA machine.

    I seem to recall an old textbook describing the basic principle of all insurance as being:

    "The contributions of the many thus funding the needs of the Few"

    Sounds SO Victorian......far to commonsensical a motto for a country roaring ahead on the crest of a never ending wave ?

    Where will it all end ?

    I suspect we are all going to find out far sooner than many currently think !! :(

    No mate you've got it all wrong. Your making a lot of assumptions there, your looking in the wrong direction. Firstly your making the assumption that people are naturally lazy minded don't want to work and want to live off entitlements.
    The biggest contributory factor to this collapse is the sudden contraction in the numbers contributing TO the SW pot combined with a commensurate increase in those seeking to claim from it.'
    Yes and the biggest reason people are on entitlements at the moment is an economic crash caused by the unbridled greed of the corporations and ceo's.

    Secondly your suggestion that we should be limiting benefit supports to people at a time where we are at the worst point economically for over 100 years is just stupid. So whats your suggestion? We just let people starve on the streets. Theres close to 350,000 people out of a job at the moment and projected figures are to hit 400,000 thats 1/8 of the irish population. There simply isn't any jobs being created at the moment to handle and retrain these people. Any call for an end to entitlements in this country would cause massive civil unrest and the government are not stupid enough to do that.

    Im not for hand outs for those that abuse the entitlements system but what i am against is people calling for an end to entitlements for those most struggling to make ends meet.

    Take a look around you mate the richest elites in the world own half the worlds wealth the ceo's of large multinationals have paid themselves off in billions, used taxpayers bailout money to buy corporate jets and pay themselves millions in retirement funds all during the current economic hardship. They do this then expect the taxpayers (or whats left of them) to bail them out yet again even whilst they do this. No you have it all wrong its not the weakest of society we should penalise or those on the bottom tier, we should take those trillions owned by the corruptors and give it to ever single person in ireland and the western world and elsewhere. 50,000 each. Have no doubt it is these people and their elk that are entirely responsible for things crashing around us as we see. They haven't had enough either, whilst they sit on their yaughts in the carribean counting their billions they are coming for your pensions and savings next whilst you toil on the line every day 9- 5 for a miserable pension.

    The money paid out in the social welfare system is peanuts compared to the excesses of money wasted by corporations and financial mismanagement(and thats giving it the nicest term possible)the very reason we find oursleves in this situation. It's not because the average joe soap doesn't want to work. The bailout package in the usa alone will run into the trillions. Thats direct money on the shoulders of the taxpayers to bailout a group of people so greedy they used the money given to them to pay themselves off and buy corporate jets and prostitutes on company money.

    Yes thats right lets let people starve on the street who had nothing to do with the economic crisis and let the people who caused it off scott free, in fact lets pay them yeah good idea. Lets hit those already hit hard enough and bleed them dry some more..Better yet lets just revert back to slavery because thats what's really going on here. Modern day slavery disguised by corporations and governments alike.

    Anglo irish bank was just the start of a look into the level of corruption and greed that exists. Big payouts to the fat cats whilst the workers slave on the line for peanuts. Modern day slavery corporate style. Enough is enough. If dell wasn't an example how these people think then nothing is they don't care anywhere that will provide them with more profits at slave labour prices thats all that matters. Wake up mate.

    Why give money to those that just waste it and deny others jobs? People are on entitlements at the moment because of the unbridled greed of the fat cats. I say its time to turn the tables take the money off them and give it to the normal folk. Restribution of wealth. Make them feel the pain they caused. Get this straight in your head its the government that owes the people not the people that owe the government. The people elect the government to serve them not the few elitist rich. See people are begining to wake up and see whats really going on here.
