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The Holocaust



  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Neutronale

    Where are you going with this?

    Just discussing the issue, this is a history discussion site isnt it :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Neutronale

    I would also like to know this. I can't make up my mind if you are just someone who is happy to stir things for a reaction or you have a serious historical interest in the subject.

    What exactly is your issue? Do you have trouble believing the Nazi's targeted Jews, or that they murdered them in vast numbers ? Is it the method of murder that's the issue or the number or if it really all is an urban myth?

    State your point of view and you will get serious replies no doubt. if you are just looking to throw a grenade into a room and enjoy the carnage, I'm not interested in wasting my time going around in circles.

    I'm reading this pdf at the mo and just wondering what peeps think of its ideas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Neutronale

    I have found another relevant page that serious scholars of History may be interested in. It's from the same file WO208/4138-page 626. Recorded on July 30th 1944.

    Oberleutnant Gayer(2AR/ 272) Captured St Andre 20 July 1944
    Oberleutnant Verbeek (1AR/272) Captured Maltot 23 July 1944
    Oberleutnant v.Buch (3AR/272) Captured Verriers 25 July 1944

    Gayer: I myself have seen the SS killing women and children. They are lined up by an anti-tank ditch and shot down with machine guns and then the next lot have to walk up and shovel earth over them and then they are also shot. The shaft of a mine at Charty? is full to the top with bodies.

    v.Buch: The Germans are a kind hearted people. Who are these swine?

    Gayer: The SS did that. At Osnabruck, people were taken out of their homes and immediately shot under the guidance of the Gestapo. Some Jews were employed in my father-in-laws business at Osnabruck. An order was received one day stating that all Jews were to report at such-and-such a time. They were allowed to take with them as much as they could pack into a suitcase, a certain size was laid down. They were never heard of again. They were all taken away to the East and shot there. They shot seventy thousand Jews at Minsk. Do you know that the ghetto in Warsaw was dive bombed by Stukka’s until it was completely destroyed? It was barricaded outside so nobody could get out. That was last year, I was there and I saw it. A few of them attempted to assassinate the town major, thereupon the whole ghetto was completely destroyed. Two of my cousins were shot in Norway because several Norwegian officers escaped to England. Thereupon some of the remaining officers including my two cousins were shot. These are facts. I have personal knowledge of them. Do you know that a Czechoslovakian village was completely razed to the ground after the attempt of Heydrich’s life? I know two large lunatic asylums, the inmates of which were not shot be gassed. One of them was at Osnabruck.

    In 1937 Peiz the seventy two year old M.O.H. was dragged through the streets of Osnabruck and stoned to death because he was a Jew. I saw that myself with my own eyes.

    It depends what motivation the Germans had for saying this.

    They were captives at the mercy of the Allies, probably been thru very traumatic times and wanted desperately to survive, as you do.

    Its noticeable for example that Germans who gave the "right" sort of information got light sentences.

    Others like Hoess were beaten and mentally tortured and had their families threatened until they "admitted" horrendous crimes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭Reekwind

    I would also like to know this. I can't make up my mind if you are just someone who is happy to stir things for a reaction or you have a serious historical interest in the subject
    Let's see:
    • Suggests that those disappeared Jews may have gone to Israel or the US, rather than to death in the camps
    • Insinuates that Höss was innocent
    • Posts a link to a work by Holocaust deniers
    Yeah, I think I can see where this one is going

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭boomchicawawa

    Please re-read the description of the file. Its not an interrogation file, its a 'listening/tapping' file. They are not giving evidence...:rolleyes:..... Still awaiting your point of view to be put forward instead of random statements, but beginning to lose interest/patience because you appear to be in the 'time wasting' department. Can't help wondering why you feel aggrieved at not being able to hold a mature discussion as you seem to be unable to formulate a concise point of view. last time...spell it out.....what is your stand on this issue?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Neutronale

    Reekwind wrote: »
    Let's see:
    • Suggests that those disappeared Jews may have gone to Israel or the US, rather than to death in the camps
    • Insinuates that Höss was innocent
    • Posts a link to a work by Holocaust deniers
    Yeah, I think I can see where this one is going

    You have problem discussing this issue on a history site RW?

  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Neutronale

    Please re-read the description of the file. Its not an interrogation file, its a 'listening/tapping' file. They are not giving evidence...:rolleyes:..... Still awaiting your point of view to be put forward instead of random statements, but beginning to lose interest/patience because you appear to be in the 'time wasting' department. Can't help wondering why you feel aggrieved at not being able to hold a mature discussion as you seem to be unable to formulate a concise point of view. last time...spell it out.....what is your stand on this issue?

    Sorry to hear you are losing patience but not my problem really, if you dont want to discuss the issue why are you here?

  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Neutronale

    Reekwind wrote: »
    Let's see:
    • Suggests that those disappeared Jews may have gone to Israel or the US, rather than to death in the camps
    • Insinuates that Höss was innocent
    • Posts a link to a work by Holocaust deniers
    Yeah, I think I can see where this one is going

    1. I think its self-evidently true that pre- and post-WW2 many Jews (and others) emigrated to the US. There were also huge population movements within Europe throughout the period.

    2. What I actually said was that Hoess was tortured and his family threatened. This is a description of the threats and torture from Legions of Death,

    3. Your pov on the author is of little interest to me, you can call him all the names you want, I will read whatever views I see fit and decide myself about the truth or otherwise and the nature of the author etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,108 ✭✭✭pedroeibar1

    Neutronale wrote: »
    1. I think its self-evidently true that pre- and post-WW2 many Jews (and others) emigrated to the US. There were also huge population movements within Europe throughout the period.

    2. What I actually said was that Hoess was tortured and his family threatened. This is a description of the threats and torture from Legions of Death,

    3. Your pov on the author is of little interest to me, you can call him all the names you want, I will read whatever views I see fit and decide myself about the truth or otherwise and the nature of the author etc.

    You resurrect a thread that is almost 5 years old and have added nothing of note other than a few spurious or ambiguous comments, some of which hint at Holocaust denial. Read whatever you want, but do not expect anyone to take you seriously when you write the stuff that (as you mentioned) got you banned on another board forum. When you see someone like me agreeing with Reekwind :eek: on a topic you should have a close look at your position.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭Reekwind

    Neutronale wrote: »
    You have problem discussing this issue on a history site RW?
    I do actually. Holocaust denial is not serious history and shouldn't be treated as such. Ditto with someone who suggests that the collapse in the numbers of Jews in Europe was due primarily to emigration to the US & Israel

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,577 ✭✭✭jonniebgood1

    Neutronale wrote: »
    Just discussing the issue, this is a history discussion site isnt it :confused:
    It is a history discussion site and in moderating it I am going to ask you to clarify what your aim is if I want to.
    Neutronale wrote: »
    You have problem discussing this issue on a history site RW?
    This sort of comment is nothing to do with history- It is trolling IMO
    Neutronale wrote: »
    Sorry to hear you are losing patience but not my problem really, if you dont want to discuss the issue why are you here?
    More trolling.

    1 week ban. Don't bother coming back if you only intend to continue with the type of trolling thus far shown.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭boomchicawawa

    On a recent tour of the forward areas in First and Third Armies, I stopped momentarily at the salt mines to take a look at the German treasure. There is a lot of it. But the most interesting — although horrible — sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops the tendency to charge these allegations merely to “propaganda.” Dwight D Eisenhower 1945.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭boomchicawawa

    Testimony during interrogation of Jakob Hanreich, Waffen SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, captured in France 1944. (TS26/856 pages 231/232)

    (1) Poland: Between 20 and 25th of September 1939, at least 50 Jews were murdered by the Music Pl of the Leibstandarte (LSAH) in the area of Burzeum. About 3 Km west of Warsaw. The order for this atrocity was given by the Obermusikmeister of the music Pl, Mueller-John. Those that were murdered had to dig their graves first, were then put in front of it and shot. Mueller-John was to be brought before a military court but evidently he was not punished for he appeared shortly afterwards at the Coy. Today Mueller John is leader of the Musikzug at the 1 Pz korps of the Leibstandarte.

    (This incident is verified in Rupert Butlers book : “SS Leibstandarte, The History of the first Division 1934-1945 page 50” His Superior Officers in the German Army brought a charge against him for this atrocity but after an intervention by Hitler personally, the charges were dropped. Mueller-John committed suicide at the end of the war)

    (2) Russia: During the time that PW had been in action in Russia, he was told by the then Comd of the III Btln LSAH, H.Stufue. Albert Frey that thousands of Jews had been murdered S of Mariupol and in Tanganrog by the SD Einsatzkommando . They were brought out of the towns by being told that they were to be transferred, but were brought in front of some A/Tk ditches. There they had to undress, descend into the ditch and were then shot. The A/Tk ditches were then covered with earth. PW stated that, as far as he knew, members of the LSAH were not concerned with this crime. The SD Einsatzkdo was lead by an Obersturmbannfuhrer whose name was kept secret and whom PW has never seen.

    (Verification that the Leibstandarte and the Einsatzkommando unit were in Tanganrog and Mariupol and that Jews were massacred there can be found with a cursory internet search as this web page shows:

    (3) II/2 Reg were particularly eager to execute the order to burn villages. The Bn accomplished the burning down of the villages by means of soldering lamps and called itself the Soldering Lamp Btln.

    (This accusation is made against the Btln lead by Jochen Peiper, who had been an adjutant to Himmler until 1941, he came into the radar of the Western Allies in December 1944 when troops under his command were accused of murdering captured American Soldiers during the ‘Battle of the Bulge’, again a cursory search for his name will confirm the truth of Hanreich’s testimony about the ‘infamous’ Blowlamp Btln.
    This is not an accusation made against murder of the Jews, but it leads into the next piece of evidence and I have included it to verify the statements made for our next ‘witness’ as his character is questioned by the Allied intelligence Officers who looked at this evidence. They were not altogether satisfied that he was a deserter and they caught him out giving incorrect information about his name and rank. However, we can see today that his information about the ‘Blowlamp Btln’ has been verified and therefore we cannot take the rest of his story as sceptically as the British did at the time in 1944, perhaps they found his story to horrible to comtemplate.)

    M370 – Schutze (SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) Surrendered as a deserter Italy 8 Nov 43.

    M236 – Oberfeldwebel (Sgt Major: Staff of the 334 Div) Captured Tunisia 9 May 43

    Recordered 7th Feb 1944 - (WO208/4138 page 3)

    M370 :….They were out with Blowlamps and machine guns: They shot the civilians and set fire to the houses with their blowlamps. A large blowlamp is painted on their vehicles. It has become a sort of badge and has become associated with bloody crimes.

    M236: Is that an SS Battalion?

    M370: ‘Leibstandarte’…….I drove out to fetch food supplies when I heard screaming and wailing to the right of the road. We drove slowly around a hill, through a sort of gorge. I wondered what was up there, so I got out – there was shrieking and wailing. ‘Here it is’ he said , we went over there, round the hill and into the gorge. A heavy machine gun had been placed there, there was another one there too, and the ‘Hauptsturmführer Rower - who had the German Cross in Gold – the swine – was standing there watching whilst all those civilians, women and children, old men. Boys, everyone, were being crowded into the gorge. Schwinded arrived – he couldn’t stand the sight of it either. A horrible….that draft-conducting ‘Battalion’ consists only of seventeen-eighteen and nineteen year old boys- those beasts, dogs, hyenas……….all the women had to strip and are examined: when one of those nice little girls stands in front of one of those lustful beasts, one of those idiots – the way he mishandles her with his bayonet! That is a fact. When we had gone a bit further a rifle went off; then we heard more rifle shots. You could still hear them screaming several miles off.

    ……Rower was a filthy young swine. It was always like this in the Jewish quarter in the ghetto in Warsaw. When I was in command of the ‘Zug,’ I had boys in the ‘Zug’ who had come over from the ‘Totenkopfstandarte’ in Warsaw and had taken part in the measures against the Jews there. The tales those devils told! First of all everyone above ground was rounded up and butchered. The lads described that too. They make use of the ‘Askaris’ who are sort of Russian volunteers, the Ukrainians….’Askaris’, they are bestial, uncivilised with the one idea:’The Jew spells death for you, seize him!’ It’s as though a kitten were put in front of a cat-trapper; he doesn’t like cats so he catches them. The ‘Askaris’ are just the same. They’ve had everything, including helpless women and children – ‘seize them’ it was a feast for those dogs. He said:

    “They rounded them up and drove them down to the station. There was an ‘Askari’ walking beside me. There was a small boy of four, another of ten and a few old women bringing up the rear. The ten year old boy was carrying the child of four in his arms. They all had to walk very quickly, the boy couldn’t manage any longer and wanted to let the child walk, he was pulling him by his hand. So they dragged behind a little. The ‘Askari’ took the child by the head and foot and banged him on the ground. The ten year old boy flung himself on the child and the swine of an ‘Askari’ stabbed him in the back with his bayonet.” That’s humanity!

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Reekwind wrote: »
    I do actually. Holocaust denial is not serious history and shouldn't be treated as such. Ditto with someone who suggests that the collapse in the numbers of Jews in Europe was due primarily to emigration to the US & Israel
    I agree 110%. There was clearly a concerted effort in escalation year by year by the nazis and those of similar bent to harass, exclude, expel, rob and finally murder every Jew they could find in their sphere of influence and they were horrifically good at this task. That's a cast iron given and the weight of evidence from documents, pictures(moving and still), speeches, eye witnesses on all sides corroborating this is monumental. As for emigration to the US and Palestine, such as it was, that was effectively over by the start of the war, after which very very few got out that way(or at all) For Jews in newly nazi occupied territories like Poland, Russia, Greece, France the Low Countries etc. this was simply not an option. They were trapped and an easy target for the regime, from local scum with a grudge all the way up to the high command.

    For me, to deny this murderous attention focused on Jews (and other groups considered "lesser") is beyond daft. However, I do think it should be discussed. Let the deniers speak and pick apart their arguments, rather than just dismiss it out of hand. No society should have sacred cows exempt from debate, because that rather than diminishing their arguments just tends to feed the less savoury notions in a society. By engaging you shine a light on things and get a clearer picture.

    Personally? I have some issues with the narrative. Not the intent, nor the mass murder. Hell in the Warsaw Ghetto alone, one hundred thousand Jewish men, women and children died in 18 months of starvation, disease and more direct murder. In the smaller Lodz Ghetto over half that number died in the same time period. That's just two tiny places in the whole of Nazi occupied territory. This doesn't include the "work" camps where unimaginable numbers were worked/starved to death, nor the mass shootings and burnings of Jews "on the ground"(as boomchicawawa outlined). To wear a yellow star was for the vast majority in nazi territory a death sentence and for millions this sentence was carried out. Where I have some issue is in regard to the mass gassings and the practicalities of that and the quite differing witness reports into the whole thing. The evidence for the other German atrocities is damning and solid and has many sources that agree, the mass gassings a lot less so and the narrative has changed with time.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭Reekwind

    Wibbs wrote: »
    For me, to deny this murderous attention focused on Jews (and other groups considered "lesser") is beyond daft. However, I do think it should be discussed. Let the deniers speak and pick apart their arguments, rather than just dismiss it out of hand. No society should have sacred cows exempt from debate, because that rather than diminishing their arguments just tends to feed the less savoury notions in a society. By engaging you shine a light on things and get a clearer picture
    My problem with this is twofold:

    Most obviously, Holocaust denial is such an irrational belief that it cannot be seriously examined or questioned. The sheer scale of the lie at the centre of the deniers' arguments (ie that there was no murder of millions) can only be supported through obfuscation, fraudulent 'research', misrepresentation and evasion. This is what destroyed Irving's reputation but we see it on a pettier scale on these forums - how many times do you see a denier articulately and intelligently put forward a reasoned case and engage in healthy debate on the subject?

    It doesn't happen because defending the indefensible is difficult. What we end up with is conspiracy theories, a genre alien to critical reasoning

    More worryingly though is the reality that Holocaust denial is simply antisemitic in nature. And in doing so it bleeds into that much older tradition of antisemitic conspiracies. Why should we disregard all the witness statements of those who survived the camps? Because they were Jews of course! And everyone knows that there's a secret Jewish/Zionist plot to... well, to do something. Why do governments insist that millions of Jews died (when they clearly all moved to New York to control the banks)? Because it serves the interests of the Israeli government. And so on

    So no, I don't see the value in engaging with deniers. They can't be engaged with on a scholarly level, their theories are impervious to reason: all they're doing is propagating a disturbing antisemitism. And I don't believe that anyone should be provided with a platform in which they can expound their crackpot racist theories and ideas

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Reekwind wrote: »
    Most obviously, Holocaust denial is such an irrational belief that it cannot be seriously examined or questioned.
    Which is fair when dealing with the daft notion that there was no such government planned and widespread attack on European Jews that killed millions, but what about questions about the methods of same? EG I am no holocaust denier, but I do have some issues with the historical accuracy of the narratives of some of the methods of this murderous campaign. Is that on the table or is that considered irrational too? Put it this way when I was a kid it was considered a given that Jews were turned into soap and human skin lampshades by the nazis, yet today that's considered utterly daft in the first case and there is zero evidence in the second.
    More worryingly though is the reality that Holocaust denial is simply antisemitic in nature. And in doing so it bleeds into that much older tradition of antisemitic conspiracies.
    Oh damn right it is for the majority of such adherents. That antisemitism goes well deep and the nazis didn't lick it from a stone and it wasn't just them either. More often than not, those non Germans in the newly captured areas handed up their friends and neighbours with disturbing ease, especially in the East and France.
    Why should we disregard all the witness statements of those who survived the camps? Because they were Jews of course!
    For me the Jewish aspect isn't the issue, but the differing accounts in some aspects of the story. And not just from Jews, but Poles and others and indeed Germans.
    And everyone knows that there's a secret Jewish/Zionist plot to... well, to do something. Why do governments insist that millions of Jews died (when they clearly all moved to New York to control the banks)? Because it serves the interests of the Israeli government. And so on
    Oh yes there is more than the whiff of the Protocols of the elders of Zion alright. :rolleyes: That said Raul Hilberg, one of the very first to take the historical scholarly approach to the Holocaust(and under some disapproval and resistance at the time), did consider the Holocaust was being used as a political football by some and no way could he be described as a holocaust denier. Indeed he's usually on their "hit list" of "authors that can't be trusted".
    So no, I don't see the value in engaging with deniers. They can't be engaged with on a scholarly level, their theories are impervious to reason: all they're doing is propagating a disturbing antisemitism. And I don't believe that anyone should be provided with a platform in which they can expound their crackpot racist theories and ideas
    I take things a different way myself R. I say let them ply their wares and by debate onlookers can see where they are so full of holes. It may even convert some who are "on the fence". If all such debate is resisted then you may run the risk of having more buy into the BS. Conspiracies are very attractive to the human mind, especially ones that are considered "sacred cows". Hell there are some gobshítes who don't believe we walked on the moon.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭boomchicawawa

    Many thanks to the previous two posters for their eloquence and well structured and concise points of view. I agree with both points of view in relation to Holocaust deniers. Yes, I do agree that the vast majority of them just do not want to see the truth that is before their eyes for reasons of prejudice, racism or as objectors to the state of Israel You can argue with them until you are blue in the face but they refuse to listen because they just don't want to believe, it doesn't suit their argument and their deep seated prejudices. They have no interest in engaging with rational and well read people who know their facts, they live in a world of smoke and mirrors and delusion. I don't know the actual number who died, but is 4.5 million less worthy than 6 million ?? Were some camps not death camps at all? I would say, does that matter...if you herd a large group of people into a confined area without proper medication, sanitation, nutrition or shelter, you are killing them anyway. There has never been any logical Holocaust denier story that has ever remotely swayed me not to believe that the Jews were murdered on a very large scale and in the must barbaric way.

    But there may be a small minority hovering on the periphery of this group who are misguided rather than prejudiced, who feel there may be some questions to be answered, and if the door is always slammed before a discussion can start, this just makes them more suspicious that there is a 'cover up'. So, I would initially engage with an individual who appears skeptical and if they are willing to be swayed by a well founded argument (ie multiple stories from multiple sources and all strangely with a common thread), then I would continue to engage with them, if however, they are in the first category, I would quickly tire of their presence. As seen with the previous skeptic who even questioned the veracity of a story about an 'Einsatzgruppen' action which was recorded from a primary source and a German one to boot! That poster could not even set their stall out, there was just random disjointed statements with as much historical logic as a flea jumping on a dogs back.

    We are still in a situation where these atrocities happened in living memory. The little four year old whose head was smashed on the ground would be the same age as my mother if he had been allowed to live, she has enjoyed many happy years that he was denied, simply because he was born into a Jewish family. There is no excuse for skeptics not to board a Ryan air flight to Poland or Latvia or Lithuania and investigate these stories for themselves before it's too late. How farsighted of the Americans and British to make the Germans visit the camps after they were liberated and for Eisenhower to do so knowing that some day, these loathsome people would question whether the holocaust actually happened.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭Reekwind

    Wibbs wrote: »
    Which is fair when dealing with the daft notion that there was no such government planned and widespread attack on European Jews that killed millions, but what about questions about the methods of same? EG I am no holocaust denier, but I do have some issues with the historical accuracy of the narratives of some of the methods of this murderous campaign. Is that on the table or is that considered irrational too? Put it this way when I was a kid it was considered a given that Jews were turned into soap and human skin lampshades by the nazis, yet today that's considered utterly daft in the first case and there is zero evidence in the second.'
    Obviously genuine historical research should not be off limits but this is something that has to be approached by care. The reality is that anyone who questions the existence of the gas chambers is going to be looked upon with suspicion - simply because their are so many antisemite loons doing the same thing. However I think your approach has been the right one, Wibbs - caveating everything with a clear disclaimer as to your approach and denial of denialism

    Contrast with the refusal of the various deniers on this board to clearly state their belief/approach

    On an academic level, a good example of this from a field that I'm familiar with was the challenge around the number of Stalin's victims following the opening of the Soviet archives post-1991. And yes, there were plenty of brickbats thrown at those who revised the death counts down but the likes of Getty were quite patient in explaining that 'No, we're not trying to justify these crimes and, yes, Stalin was a terrible dictator but the evidence shows that X'. It's a long slog to challenge the orthodoxy in such an exceptionally politicised field of history but ultimately they've largely won through
    I take things a different way myself R. I say let them ply their wares and by debate onlookers can see where they are so full of holes. It may even convert some who are "on the fence". If all such debate is resisted then you may run the risk of having more buy into the BS. Conspiracies are very attractive to the human mind, especially ones that are considered "sacred cows". Hell there are some gobshítes who don't believe we walked on the moon.
    And I do hear what both yourself and boomchicawawa are saying on this point. It's fair enough: if there is a genuinely open minded denier who can be convinced that this theory is incorrect then why should we stifle that opportunity?

    My problem is that I've never met such a person. And I'm probably unlikely to on the internet, where positions immediately harden and pseudo-science is always close to hand. The question probably becomes how much time do you want to spend wading through the obfuscation and nonsense in the odds that the person on the other end is that rarity: a denier who wants to learn?
    For me the Jewish aspect isn't the issue, but the differing accounts in some aspects of the story. And not just from Jews, but Poles and others and indeed Germans.
    I have no problem with inconsistencies in eye witness accounts. That the nature of witness statements: ten people see an event and you get ten different versions. Particularly in the absolutely chaotic and idiosyncratic Nazi regime

    It's when people use these natural inconsistencies to write off all eye witness statements that I get suspicious. People saw what happened. The attempts by deniers to write all this off - the Germans because they had 'better prospects' if they supported the Allied narrative, the Jews because they were Jews - is something that I strongly disagree with

    I'm not suggesting of course that you are doing this but it's the reason I disagree with you on the issue of chambers. Regardless of the minute details, I've no reason to question the testimony of those who witnessed the events

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭boomchicawawa

    I am posting a page of testimony from my file WO208/4138-300. This is to verify that such a file exists and to show anyone interested the format of these files.

    We can see in this one that this is a 'hear say' testimony, the narrator has been told this story and has not witnessed it himself. His companion states that he has only ever heard rumours but seems to be unsure as to the truth of the matter.

    We see also that the narrator is totally unaware that he is being overheard as he tells his companion that he has had to lie under interrogation as he did not want to admit that the Germans had been party to war crimes. The place mentioned 'Tarnopol' is in present day Ukraine and there is online evidence that the Jews of Tarnopol were massacred by Ukrainians and Germans during the occupation from 1941 to 1944. The narrator discusses the shooting of the Jews and of gassing them in vans. This method of execution has been widely reported in various publications also.

    There is also mention of the Katyn atrocity. The Germans had made public the finding of these bodies in 1943. The Soviets blamed the Germans, but in fact it was the Soviets who had carried out the executions of Polish Officers in 1940.

    As I mentioned in my first posts, I obtained this file as I was chasing a lead against a WSS General for war crimes that may or may not have been related to the Holocaust. I had read these pages when I got the file a few months back but I had not looked into them in depth as I was only particularly interested in one page. It was only when I saw this thread did I feel the need to publish these others in the public domain(as far as I know they have never been published anywhere else) looking at them again now it surprises me how many can be verified from unrelated sources.

    Further proof if needed (not by me or other informed posters here) that these events really did happen. Not all the accounts given in my file will be 100% accurate, as RW pointed out, there will be inconsistencies as befits human error but these accounts are historic gold as they confirm the details from the perpetrators side and its obvious from some of the accounts that many of the German soldiers themselves were horrified at the excesses of the Nazi regime.

    This page is a bit faint unfortunately but hopefully you can read it. It was recorded in June 1944 when the Allies were still trying to fight their way through Normandy but were beginning to capture a substantial number of POWs.


  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Reekwind wrote: »
    However I think your approach has been the right one, Wibbs - caveating everything with a clear disclaimer as to your approach and denial of denialism
    Thanks RW, I was hoping that was coming across, because no way in hell do I think that there wasn't a top down to the rank and file long standing and publicly stated aim to rid the fascist regimes of their "Jewish problem" and that they came up with many "solutions", up to and including the "final solution". Ditto for their treatment of opposing political viewpoints, "undesirables", the disabled etc. The Nazi's were sterilising and then putting the disabled down like animals in officially run "hospitals" from the early 30's. The holocaust wasn't an outlier in nazi procedure.
    On an academic level, a good example of this from a field that I'm familiar with was the challenge around the number of Stalin's victims following the opening of the Soviet archives post-1991. And yes, there were plenty of brickbats thrown at those who revised the death counts down but the likes of Getty were quite patient in explaining that 'No, we're not trying to justify these crimes and, yes, Stalin was a terrible dictator but the evidence shows that X'. It's a long slog to challenge the orthodoxy in such an exceptionally politicised field of history but ultimately they've largely won through
    That is a good example indeed and well handled too by the sounds of it.
    I'm not suggesting of course that you are doing this but it's the reason I disagree with you on the issue of chambers. Regardless of the minute details, I've no reason to question the testimony of those who witnessed the events
    For me on this particular question, it's not the minute details it's the wider questions that I'm puzzled over. I avoid the usual shíte you hear from deniers that "oh X said such and such chamber was 10 meters long and Y said it was 9, so therefore it didn't exist...". To dismiss such testimony is as you say RW just a nonsense and obfuscation. I'd be more earthy and call 99% of it utter bollox.

    The questions I'd have would be broader and more along the lines of; Auschwitz and every other concentration camp had crematoria to dispose of inmates, whether they died from hunger, disease, overwork, medical experiments, murder or natural causes(yea, vanishingly few of the latter, though what death certs remain usually state this, including heart attacks in ten year olds :rolleyes:). However the "pure" extermination camps set up to murder as many people as possible; Treblinka, Chełmno and Sobibor didn't. That makes no sense to me. These camps were set up late enough in the day, the nazis had long experience with building camps, killing the inmates and disposing of their bodies by cremation, yet they build specialised camps as "death factories" with direct support from the very top echelons and don't even consider what they're going to do with 100s of 1000s, even millions of bodies when their evil plan is in full flow? I have to admit this just makes no sense to me. IMHO there are bits of this picture missing.

    Secondly the method used is problematic. All witnesses agree that they used soviet tank diesel engines to produce the gas to kill people. 1) why would Germans use a Soviet engine? What happens if it breaks down? Where do they get the replacement parts, or expertise/experience to run/fix it? They had enough diesel engines of their own. 2) of all the internal combustion engine fuels diesel is the least toxic for this purpose by quite a measure. At full chat it's pumping out far more O2 than CO, so even oxygen starvation would be hard to achieve. Petrol engines would have been significantly more deadly. However they had a third engine in widespread(and official) use in Germany at the time because of fuel shortages and that's the coal/wood gas internal combustion engine. Easy to convert diesel engines and gives off levels of CO that were scarily fatal when working perfectly even to civilian users who weren't careful. Very easy to run them so they're even more toxic. Plus with widespread fuel shortages that were crippling Germany's ability to fight they would have been nearly "free" to run, by burning the wood all around them. Yet they didn't use these(ditto for the gas vans). Again makes no sense to me. Or again bits of this picture are missing.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    The narrator discusses the shooting of the Jews and of gassing them in vans. This method of execution has been widely reported in various publications also.
    It has indeed B, but again by hearsay. No example of such a van has ever come to light even in the immediate postwar period. Pictures of ones that have come to light have in at least one case turned out to be a Soviet "photoshop" of a removal van. I have a problem with this(and the method itself. One witness who claimed he worked on one clearly had no idea about how such a mechanism might work).

    On the other hand we do have lots and lots of direct and indirect evidence for mass shootings, burnings, hangings and general sheer bloody mass murder of Jews(and other locals, but especially Jews) in the east by the nazis and their cohorts(and "average" German forces with it). There is more than one film of hundreds, even thousands of Jews being lined up and shot to tumble into mass graves with the nazis happy to stand around in shot to document such a vile act. Ditto for burning whole towns and villages to the ground, often with the people locked into said buildings and burnt alive. There is no mistake these vile bastards were operating under a truly evil purpose and regime. Hell, they even had newsreels shown in German cinemas of the horrors of the Polish Ghettos, where "good" Germans could watch living breathing skeletal children mere gasps away from dying for the "good of the Reich", before they'd sit back and enjoy some badly written feelgood propaganda flic featuring chiseled Aryan men and big chested Aryan women courtesy of Herr Goebbels. The German word for "shame" seemed to have fallen out of the lexicon for a decade. Amazing how easy it is to change a civilised people to such ends. It doesn't take much. Anyway... but of the gas vans we have pretty much nothing but hearsay and conjecture, with very few direct witnesses and their stories vary all over the place. By comparison the hearsay and conjecture of those not involved in the in your face cold hard fact atrocities all match up. So mass shootings of men women and children and the elderly into mass graves by German soldiers was grand in the general scheme of things, showing dying Jewish children purposely starved was grand in the general scheme of things, but the "scientific" and "efficient" "pest control" by gas vans wasn't? For a decade the German public through the mass media had been treated to the image of Jews as rats, vermin in need of pest control. It would hardly have been too much of a step too far to explain this away as "difficult, but necessary for the Reich" Again for me we're missing some of the picture here.

    Great find BTW B

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 249 ✭✭boomchicawawa

    Regarding 'Gas Vans' I admit I'm no expert in this particular area, I just have a general overview like the majority of people. But I have seen documentaries which have portrayed these 'gas vans'. However, on reflection they may have been reported as perhaps very basic prototypes which were never widely used.

    It was also possible that these documentaries were in relation to the murder of mentally handicapped German nationals before the war started. So its interesting that in the document I posted earlier (WO208/4138-626)Oberleutnant Geyer states 'I know of two lunatic asylums were the inmates were not shot but gassed', he does not state the method of gassing though. It would interest me to know if anyone has read more on the subject and can quote a good source for proof that this method was used.

    Realistically this method would have had huge limitations as it could only have killed a small number of people at a time, if it was ever to be used efficiently against the Jews, there would have had to be 100's if not 1000's of these conspicuous vans in use.

    For me, the documents I have read have raised the question of 'how much did the British really know and could they have done anything to stop the slaughter'? I think there is a perception that the horrors of the concentration camps were only fully known by the 'west' with the liberation of Belsen in April 45. But from reading these testimonies, its clear that the British would have heard of the camps from 1943 at least if not before with the capture of troops in Africa. My file only has about 10 pages out of 800 of conversation regarding the mistreatment of the Jews, but there are apparently 1000's of these types of documents and someone must have been collating them. The British/Western Allies were surely aware from these alone that something very sinister was afoot.

    Reading up on in in the last few days, there is evidence that initially the stories that trickled out directly from Poland were put down to 'Jewish propaganda', then later when the Soviets found the camps in the east it was put down to 'Russian propaganda' only when the British/Americans liberated camps themselves was it fully acknowledged.

    Its sobering to think that Ann Frank was still alive when many of these conversations were being transcribed and also the Jews of Hungary were only targeted in 1944. Could the western Allies have done more to help, could a concerted bombing campaign against the camps, railway lines have prevented a large number of deaths or was this an impossible task ?

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,146 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    It was also possible that these documentaries were in relation to the murder of mentally handicapped German nationals before the war started. So its interesting that in the document I posted earlier (WO208/4138-626)Oberleutnant Geyer states 'I know of two lunatic asylums were the inmates were not shot but gassed', he does not state the method of gassing though. It would interest me to know if anyone has read more on the subject and can quote a good source for proof that this method was used.
    Well they were certainly murdering the disabled by phenol injection(ditto for camp inmates). In time no doubt more "efficient" methods were sought.
    For me, the documents I have read have raised the question of 'how much did the British really know and could they have done anything to stop the slaughter'? I think there is a perception that the horrors of the concentration camps were only fully known by the 'west' with the liberation of Belsen in April 45. But from reading these testimonies, its clear that the British would have heard of the camps from 1943 at least if not before with the capture of troops in Africa. My file only has about 10 pages out of 800 of conversation regarding the mistreatment of the Jews, but there are apparently 1000's of these types of documents and someone must have been collating them. The British/Western Allies were surely aware from these alone that something very sinister was afoot.
    They would have had to have been blind deaf and dumb not to realise something sinister was afoot. The man on the street knew of the nazi persecution of the Jews even before the war. This was widely reported. A friend of mine has a book printed in the UK in 1938 IIRC entitled something along the lines of "the threat from Germany"(I must ask him for a loan of it) and in that there is much talk of how German Jews are being singled out for "special treatments". There were enough reports coming out of nazi occupied territories of atrocities and that filtered down to men in the armed forces.

    I suspect for the governments their attitude was "win the war at all costs and then sort out what comes after and sure what can we practically do to stop this, if it's really going on at this scale and not wild hearsay". And what could they have done in practical terms? These camps were deep in nazi occupied Europe, for much of the war well out of range of aircraft and even if they could make it there and back they'd have to run the gauntlet of heavily defended airspace all the way. On top of that what could they do if they reached the camps? Bomb them? OK, but outside of specialist dive bombers and later aircraft like the Mosquito bombing accuracy was pretty dismal for much of the war, so you'd risk carpet bombing civilian prisoners on the basis of smuggled out stories that may not have been true. Imagine if these had been relatively well run "relocation camps" as per Nazi propaganda and not centres of murder? Talk about a post war PR disaster if the allies had bombed them in such a case.

    For the man in the street the scale of it would have seemed fantastical and only when the film footage came out would it have been "real". Even then the sheer horror of it all would still seem fantastical. Even among frontline German military fighting in theatres away from the "dirty stuff" could have passed away such whispers as wild rumour. I've seen and read interviews with German pilots and the like who genuinely seemed to be shocked at the scale of it when it all came out. All in all I don't see what the allies could have done even if they had the full facts at their disposal. The chance to do something was before the war when many nations could have opened their borders to fleeing Jews and few enough did and numbers were small as a percentage of those at risk.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.
