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  • 13-02-2009 6:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭

    Hands up. This is a 2nd reg account for me. Anyone who even vaguely reads the fitness forums will know exactly who I am in about 5 lines time. I'm posting in the fitness logs under a different login because (unlike Roper) I'm slightly wary of letting people who I may fight in on my training.

    So....without further ado.....

    Friday 13/02/09
    Lunchtime: Crossfit - First day back after injury. Used a lighter weight than prescribed for the thrusters.
    Running either tonight or in the morning depending on life.

    Diet was reasonable today. 3 eggs + toast for breakfast. Fruit and a protein shake for lunch. Homemade protein flapjacks for mid-afternoon snack. Not sure what dinner will be yet.

    I've started this up because I'm trying to work out a reasonable plan and stick to it. I've a fight in 7 weeks and 2 days from now (so 7 training weeks). My plan so far looks like this:

    (note: I'll be picking and choosing anaerobic / strength training workouts for crossfit, but in chronological order, because they do rotations for a reason)

    Friday Lunchtime: Crossfit
    Friday Evening: Run 7-10K (otherwise run Saturday morning)
    Saturday Afternoon: Muay Thai (2 hours)
    Sunday: Rest day
    Monday Lunchtime: Crossfit
    Tuesday Lunchtime: Muay Thai
    Tuesday Evening: 8-10pm Muay Thai
    Wednesday Lunchtime: 5 x 2 minute rounds on pads + Crossfit
    Thursday Lunchtime: Light swim (maybe 20 or 30 lengths of 25M pool)
    Thursday Evening: 8-10pm Muay Thai

    Rinse, repeat x 7

    I have to lose around 3-4KG of fat to make weight. Want to minimise muscle loss. Currently aerobically fit but fighting unfit.

    If anyone made it this far, thanks. Open to comments.



  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Saturday 14/02/09:

    More or less did as I said I would today. Went cycling with the nipper instead of running. Didn't work up much of a sweat, but cycled for a long time.

    Did Muay Thai training in the afternoon. First full session back after injury. Absolutely loved it.

    Learned that my fight in 7 weeks is pro level. Don't think I'll change what I'd decided on above.

    On weight loss: 4KG to lose (6 to make weight, ~2 will be water). I'm gonna do week on, week off. First week on (i.e. losing weight) starts Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭gabgab

    Best of luck with it punchy, will be following this with interest. (never fought but always amazed by people that do and love reading their training and idea's)

    I do have one question is the road running 7,10km to keep loose or do you feel it has a transfer to conditioning, sorry I dont know is it a 5 minute round you're fighting,

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thanks for reading Gabgab. Very nice post. I'd thank you, but I don't seem to be able.

    The roadwork is mostly for weight control, for me at least. A good few of the lads in the gym use it for fitness though.

    Full rules MT is 5 x 3 minute rounds with 2 minute break between rounds. I'll only be doing 3 x 2 minute rounds with 1 minute break between rounds. That doesn't sound like a lot, but MT is fairly explosive. It's amazing how all those hours and hours of conditioning makes you barely able for 6 minutes. :)

    On to the log bit....

    Sunday 15/02/09

    Rest day. Ate a bit of rubbish today, but mostly clean diet. Really not looking forward to the weight loss week coming up. Had fairly widespread doms from Friday and Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Monday 16/02/09

    Weight loss week starts today. Weighed 65.5KG on waking (post pee and in the buff) this morning.

    Pulled an old trick out of the book (read "my book", so I've no idea how useful it is) and walked to work carrying a 500g weight in each hand. Also going to a far away toilet when I need to use it. It all counts. :)

    Also had a bit of a nasty realisation: on weight loss week, days that I do only crossfit, it's gonna be very tough to make a large calorie deficit. Think I'll try to get my better half to go for a long stroll this evening.

    Diet 100% clean today. Doing well and not feeling deprived so far.

    Todays workout was:
    stretches, 500m on the concept 2 for warmup
    sumo deadlift high pull x 10, 10 dips, 7 rounds.
    stretches and 500m on the concept 2 for warm down

    Absolutely _banjaxed_ after it. Managed it in 15:56 (excluding warmup / warm down), which is probably a really bad time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Cool log, I will be keeping an eye on it :)

    Just one question - does the calorie deficit affect your recovery times?
    You've a lot of training going on ther - twice a day on Tuesday.
    The whole Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday routine looks seriously tough!

    Best of luck, Hail!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Cool log, I will be keeping an eye on it :)

    Thanks. :) Mostly for myself really but I'm glad someone else is getting something from it.
    Just one question - does the calorie deficit affect your recovery times?

    Eh.....A bit alright. I'd have to say that's just anecdotal though. I've never actually tried to measure it in any way. I find the PWO shake is a hard one to stick with when you're trying to run a deficit, so I'll usually swap it out for a decent feed (I did today).
    Best of luck, Hail!

    Thanks very much. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,448 ✭✭✭Roper

    Send me €10 a week or I'll out you.

    The reason I've no bother with being public about my training is because I'm confident nobody will outwork me. I mean, if they do, fair play to them and besides they probably don't know what any of the stuff I do means anyway. But they won't and besides I keep most of the juicy technical work private.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Roper wrote: »
    Send me €10 a week or I'll out you.

    Hehe. This re-reg is only the thinnest of veils and I'm happy enough with that.
    Roper wrote: »
    The reason I've no bother with being public about my training is because I'm confident nobody will outwork me. I mean, if they do, fair play to them and besides they probably don't know what any of the stuff I do means anyway. But they won't and besides I keep most of the juicy technical work private.

    Fair enough. I agree for the most part. I think it'd be hard to outwork me too and as you move up the ladder in MT fitness becomes more of a given and skill starts to take over as the deciding factor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Tuesday 17/02/09
    Weighed 64.9KG this morning (down 600g). Obviously some water weight in the difference there.

    Ran about a 1000 calorie deficit yesterday, give or take. Found my brain was total mush in work, so I'm front loading my calories today and that seems to be making a big difference.

    Fairly nasty doms today from yesterdays workout (especially my chest) but the lunchtime session helped loosen them out a bit. Got some good sparring in.

    Diet 100% clean again today. Not having any cravings for rubbish yet, but I think that knowing the maintenance calorie week is only 5 days away helps that.

    Looking forward to training tonight, so I suppose that's a good sign.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Wednesday 18/02/09
    Weighed 64.4KG this morning (down 200g from yesterday, 1100g total). Felt a bit dehydrated though. I expect this to level off fairly soon, or even go up. Some of the loss has to be water weight.

    Ran about a 900 calorie deficit yesterday. Front loading worked well for concentration levels in work, so I'm gonna stick with that. Diet 100% clean still. No desire for crap, which is good (although the PWO shakes do help calm your sweet tooth a bit).

    Crossfit today was:
    500M rowing
    21 burpees
    400m run
    x 3 sets

    Found the burpees absolutely horrible. Had some doms in my titties that just wouldn't let me do the press ups with any ease. Time was much worse than expected at 20:36.

    Did 5 x 2 minutes on the pads about 15 minutes after crossfit. Banged out 5 solid rounds, so pretty happy with that.

    I'm glad that's the exercise for the day done though tbh. I'll go for a walk later to keep the calorie deficit decent.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭fippy

    This is prob a silly question but what are doms?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    doms = delayed onset muscle soreness, or just "jesus my muscles are really sore from that workout the other day".

    Thursday 19/02/09
    Weighed 64.4KG this morning (same as yesterday, down 1100g total).

    Ran a calorie deficit of about 800 yesterday, give or take. Went for a walk again in the evening to try to keep the defecit high enough. Was absolutely _trashed_ last night and slept like a log for 8 and a half hours.

    Feel pretty decent today except for a twinge in my right elbow. Just going for a stroll at lunchtime instead of swimming because of it. Looking forward to training this evening.

    Not entirely sure what to do this Saturday. The gym's probably closed because there are fights on and I've to go to a christening and meal afterwards anyway. I'm thinking a long run in the morning and hitting the bag in the evening. I'll see how my weight is. Might squeeze in a maintenance calorie day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    Not entirely sure what to do this Saturday. The gym's probably closed because there are fights on and I've to go to a christening and meal afterwards anyway. I'm thinking a long run in the morning and hitting the bag in the evening. I'll see how my weight is. Might squeeze in a maintenance calorie day.

    your giving the game away with this paragraph :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Heh. Probably true, but I'm really only trying to avoid a casual google bringing up my training program. A bit like roper says, I think you'd be doing well to outdo my work volume without pushing yourself into overtraining territory. Anyone who's a regular on here is in no doubt about who I am. Correlating it with my actual name would only be a matter of effort.

    Plus, half the MT gyms in the country will be closed on Saturday. The show that's on is _HUGE_. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    Heh. Probably true, but I'm really only trying to avoid a casual google bringing up my training program. A bit like roper says, I think you'd be doing well to outdo my work volume without pushing yourself into overtraining territory. Anyone who's a regular on here is in no doubt about who I am. Correlating it with my actual name would only be a matter of effort.

    Plus, half the MT gyms in the country will be closed on Saturday. The show that's on is _HUGE_. :)

    i personnally wouldnt have a problem with my opponent finding out wat way my training program was structured as they could never know your effort or level of intensity put into each session.

    good luck with your fight man

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    dave80 wrote: »
    i personnally wouldnt have a problem with my opponent finding out wat way my training program was structured as they could never know your effort or level of intensity put into each session.

    Yeah, that's very true.
    dave80 wrote: »
    good luck with your fight man

    Thanks very much. Really looking forward to this one. Headgear off. Body shield off. Shin pads off. Bring it on!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,448 ✭✭✭Roper

    Just FYI, French Fred trains with me and he is opening your gym on Saturday. We were chatting tonight by complete coincedence. I'm just a mine of random useful info I am.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    lol@French Fred. I think that's gonna be his new nickname. Trains with you eh? BJJ is it? I know he does some door work, but I will out his non-purist ways. :D

    I was down training tonight and heard it was gonna be open Saturday. Thanks though. Appreciate it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Friday 20/02/09
    Ran about a 1000 calorie deficit yesterday. Training last night was brilliant, though I look like a bit of a thug at the moment. Shiner and a few scratches on my face. Took a nice kick in the head last night. Jaw's really sore from it this morning.

    Weighed 63.9KG this morning (down 500g from yesterday, 1600g overall). Slightly worrying figure. Means I've probably been underestimating the calories I'm burning (or overestimating the calories in foods when I have to guess). I certainly look a lot leaner than I did on Sunday. Decided to go with a maintenance calorie day today because of it. Even if only 1KG of the 1600g difference is actually fat, I'm happy. I'll see what I'm like in the morning and go from there.

    Disaster struck with work. I've to go over to France for a few days next week. Gah! Ruined my nice plan. Went running at lunchtime because I was a bit flustered. Crossfit later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Sunday 22/02/09
    Weight was 64.6 this morning. Down 700g from yesterday (bit of a speed bump there :confused: ) and 900g overall.

    Did a run on Friday lunchtime, then couldn't find my bar in the evening to do the weights with crossfit (think newphew yoinked it while I was away on hols). Did find a barbell bar, so used that to sub in 20 x 40KG deadlifts (couldn't fit any more on the barbell bar) and 50 x bodyweight (edit: i.e. no weight) squats.

    Swapped Sunday for Saturday as my rest day because of life.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Monday 23/02/09
    Weight was 65.2 this morning. A bit depressing. :/ Up 600g from yesterday, down 300g overall.

    Went for a run yesterday in the early evening, then did my patented* "thousand punches" -- 100 punches in 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, repeat 10 times.

    *not patented, but I did invent it, last night

    Crossfit today.
    50 dips, run 400 metres, 50 press ups, run 400 metres, 50 incline press ups, run 400 metres. Forgot to time it. :o

    Will probably go for a walk later for calories. It's a maintenance week, but I think I'll take one weight loss day at least. Bit bugged by the jump up in weight over the last few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Tuesday 24/02/09
    Sick :(

    Weirdly, I felt pretty wrecked after crossfit yesterday, then didn't have my usual PWO shake (thought I was on my way to eat lunch). Ended up rushing some yoghurt and cottage cheese into me before going to a meeting and went downhill slowly but steadily from there.

    Ravenous all day today. Thank god it's maintenance calorie week. May head along to MT training on Friday to make up for missing 2 sessions today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thursday 26/02/09
    Sick again yesterday. Mostly recovered today.

    Weight was 65.3 this morning. Down 200g overall. Didn't weigh myself yesterday. Average has been high for a few days now so I'm going to run a deficit today and tomorrow.

    Going back to training today (per plan) and tomorrow (instead of crossfit). Fight specific fitness and sparring are a priority over doing crossfit tomorrow after missing 2 days of training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Friday 27/02/09
    Weight was 64.3 today. Down 1200g overall and 1KG from yesterday. I note that it's the day after training and was also at its lowest this day last week, though I did drink a good bit of water last night after training (about 1L).

    Ran a bit of a calorie deficit yesterday. Around 500 calories.

    Went walking at lunchtime and training in the evening. Got padded by "the boss". Sweat pissed out of me.

    Chest still isn't fully recovered based on what I coughed up this morning. Doing grappling at lunchtime but think I'm gonna leave it at that for today. Might do the "thousand punches" thing in the evening depending on how I am after the lunchtime session.

    My better half had made rice crispy buns last night. Pigged out on 4 of them for breakfast (and 2 eggs). Om nyom nyom. I defy any man, woman or child to resist rice crispy buns. "This crack is very moreish".

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Weight 64.8 this morning. Chest hasn't recovered from the cold during the week so I was in two minds but went to training. Really enjoyed it, but was fooked. Rest day tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    im sure u already know this technique( pretty much guaranteed :D) but before my brothers fight, he went to teh gym in two sets of tracksuits with a sauna suit over it and did high intensity intervals on cross trainer for 15minutes, then sauna, weighed himself every 2 cycles and repeated until under 70kg. he also didnt eat or drink for 24 hours before weigh in

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Don't take this the wrong way "Cardio, shoot me" but I'll be hoping to avoid that kind of last minute weight loss. :) Of course I'll be using some dehydration though. :)

    Monday 02/03/09
    Weight was 64.6 this morning. Been around that for a few days now, so that's probably my "actual" waking weight. Weight loss week this week. Actually started it yesterday because I'll be abroad with a customer on Wednesday and Thursday and don't want to be slow in the head while I am. Think I'm gonna do crossfit both days that I'm away. There's a gym in the hotel that I'm staying in.

    Crossfit today. Front squat 3-3-3-3-3.

    I did:
    warmup, some stretches, 20 reps no weight then
    15kg x 3
    30kg x 3
    40kg x 3
    45kg x 3
    47.5kg x 3

    Obviously I'm still learning where my limits are (the 15kg reps). Enjoyed this though. Clavicle bone (sp?) a bit sore from bearing the weight.

    Did some stomach conditioning with a mate and a med ball afterwards. Probably going to hit the bag or walk this evening to try and hit the 1000 calorie deficit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    non taken, just put in my two cents, it was his first fight ,and he hadnt got his diet structured perfectly, but ended up being 1.5kg under target

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,448 ✭✭✭Roper

    Crossfit today. Front squat 3-3-3-3-3.

    I did:
    warmup, some stretches, 20 reps no weight then
    15kg x 3
    30kg x 3
    40kg x 3
    45kg x 3
    47.5kg x 3

    Obviously I'm still learning where my limits are (the 15kg reps). Enjoyed this though. Clavicle bone (sp?) a bit sore from bearing the weight.

    Did some stomach conditioning with a mate and a med ball afterwards. Probably going to hit the bag or walk this evening to try and hit the 1000 calorie deficit.

    Clavicle shouldn't support the weight. Try to think about shrugging your shoulders up and forward so that the meat of your shoulders bears the load. Do you have the flexibility in your arms to adopt the proper hand position? If not you could use cross grip to avoid the soreness until you get the flexibility sorted.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Cheers Roper. It didn't really feel right at the time alright. I'll try that shoulder shrug next time. Arms are fairly flexible alright. I didn't really have any trouble getting the elbows right up. I'll check out that cross grip though.

    Tuesday 03/03/09
    Weight 64.7 this morning. Hovering around this consistently for a while now which is good. Ran about a 600 calorie deficit yesterday. Got soaked on the way home and felt like crap walking in the door so I decided to have a fairly hearty dinner (of salad!).

    Diet good today. Did 5 x 3 min padding at lunchtime and hit the bags a bit after. Loved it. Fitness is returning nicely after the holiday injury. Can't see myself having any trouble with 3 x 2 on the day (around 4.5 weeks to go).

    Heading to France with work tomorrow. Back Friday afternoon. Gonna run a very small deficit (if any) both days as I'm customer facing. Hotel that I'm staying in has a gym so pretty sure I'll stick with doing crossfit as planned. May also (or alternatively) do some running for weight control. I'll see how things pan out. My experience is that you never have the free time you think you'll have when you're away with work.
