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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Wednesday 04/03/09
    Up pre 5am today to make the stupid flight, so didn't bother to weigh myself.

    Got to the hotel and no reservation. Alternate hotel has no gym. Plan slightly arseways as a result. Anyway....

    Today did:
    50 press ups
    2 minute plank (front)
    50 press ups
    1 minute plank (left side)
    1 minute plank (right side)
    50 press ups
    2 minute plank (front)

    Long day, so I'm not gonna overdo it.

    No calorie deficit today (deliberate). Plan on going running 8-10K in the morning before heading to the customers. We'll see. Might do it in the evening instead. If I go with the evening I'll push that to 12-15K (I can have a bit of a lie in on Friday morning).

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thursday 05/03/09
    Went running in the evening. Ran for just over an hour without stopping. Took it at a moderate enough pace so probably covered around 11K ish.

    No calorie deficit (or very small, maybe 300). No access to weighing scales.

    Friday 06/03/09
    Walked a good bit, but didn't exercise. By the time I got home I was banjaxed from all the travelling so just kicked back.

    Around a 700 calorie deficit. No access to a weighing scales in the morning, so no weigh in.

    Saturday 07/03/09
    Weight 64.3KG. Happy enough with that. Starting to look leaner alright. Forgot that the home scales is slightly heavy, so that's nice. :)

    Going training in the club later. Looking forward to it. Expect to run a 700-1000 calorie deficit today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Sunday 08/03/09
    Weight 63.7KG. Rest day today. Just wanted to keep track of the weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Monday 09/03/09
    Weight 64.1. Trend is downwards which is good news.

    Crossfit today. Forgot to check the website before heading to the gym, so subbed based on a mates best recollection (I'm behind real time).

    row 500m
    30 press ups
    30 sit ups
    row 500m
    25 press ups
    25 sit ups
    row 500m
    20 press ups
    20 sit ups
    row 500m
    15 press ups
    15 sit ups

    Didn't get an overall time (for a good reason, but long story). Best 500m row time was 1m40s. Worst was 2m02s (cramped about half way through). No trouble with the press ups. Stopped twice briefly during the sit ups (the 25 and 20 rep rounds) to catch my breath.

    Lungs were screaming at the end. Great stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Tuesday 10/03/09
    Weight was 64.3KG. Two MT sessions on Tuesday. Really enjoyed both but flippin' exhausted as a result today. Slept poorly last night too, which is a sign (for me at least) that I overdid it a bit yesterday.

    Wednesday 11/03/09
    Weight 63.8KG. Crossfit and pads today. Will report back how I get on. Very tired though because of sh*tty nights sleep.

    gabgab wrote: »
    I do have one question is the road running 7,10km to keep loose or do you feel it has a transfer to conditioning, sorry I dont know is it a 5 minute round you're fighting,

    Was told not to go on runs like this any more by the boss man (and thought of you). Oopsie! 5Km max, at a decent pace. Alternatively sprints. The reason: They're more sport specific.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Crossfit today:
    Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1

    I got:
    60KG (fail)

    Then did 5 x 2 minute rounds with focus mitts. Feel a lot better after it actually. Hungry as a mofo today mind you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thursday 12/03/09 (and Friday 13/03/09)
    Weight was a disappointing 64.5 yesterday morning (and again this morning) though i did feel bloated and that has only gone today. :)

    Ran a calorie deficit yesterday. Decided to front load the weight loss now since my fitness and strength are both good and weight isn't shifting the way I'd like. Don't want to have any crazy weight to lose in the last week.

    Did two MT sessions yesterday. Enjoyed both a lot. Slept terribly last night. Seems 2 sessions in one day doesn't agree with my sleep. Taking a rest day today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Saturday 14/03/09
    Weight was 64.1KG.

    Went to the usual training session today. Got my nose busted open by one of the less experienced lads in the first round of sparring. :/ First time that's happened to me at the gym. Weirdly, I can smell really clearly since. Good padding session though, which was nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Monday 16/03/09
    Weight 64.0KG

    A planned lunchtime session didn't work out. Worked on the weaker parts of my game Sunday and Monday (like I have any....right? amirite? :pac:).

    Tuesday 17/03/09
    Weight 63.7 KG. Was starting to get a bit concerned with the weight, but things are looking reasonable enough with the few days hovering close to 64 and under it today. Hungry all the time the last few days despite only running a moderate calorie deficit. Will hit the bag later this evening and go for a walk for calorie control.

    edit: just got a text that training's on tonight, so I'll head to that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Wednesday 18/03/09
    weight 63.6KG this morning. Glad to have it below 64 on the home scales two days running.

    Training was good last night. 5 good solid rounds on the pads.

    Went training at lunchtime today. 5 rounds on the pads, then some bag work and chin ups. Going to do a 5K run tonight (at a decent pace) for weight control, or possibly just a walk with the mrs.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Haven't posted in a bit for a reason. Thought I'd injured myself badly enough to affect my training, but I've healed very quickly.

    So...without further ado....

    Monday 23/03/09
    weight 63.7 this morning. Consistently below 64 for a while now, but haven't hit 62.x yet (which I'm hoping to very soon). Just under 2 weeks go to now.

    Crossfit today.

    Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1

    I did:
    95 (was trying for 100 here, but there wasn't enough room on the's not a weightlifting gym. Not sure whether I would have made it or not. I was struggling a bit with 95, but felt like I could have done it).

    Will go running for weight control tonight if my legs aren't bollixed from the deadlifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Tuesday 24/03/09
    Weight 63.6 this morning. I've noticed this uncanny ability to predict my weight to within 100g before I step on the scales.

    Didn't go running last night. Was absolutely knackered. Went for a decent walk instead and slept for 8.5 hours without interruption. Feel absolutely magic today as a result.

    Back's a little bit stiff after the deadlifts yesterday. Two MT training sessions today. Looking forward to both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Wednesday 25/03/09
    Weight 63.3KG.

    Was a bit short on time at lunch today. Did my 5 rounds on the pads and ran a mile.

    Will go running later to make a decent deficit for today. Getting tired of running a calorie deficit. Really looking forward to the day after the fight. :) Hope to have another fight 5 weeks after it, so not having to lose a chunk of weight for that will be nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thursday 26/03/09
    Weight was 63.7 this morning which is high for now but I felt really bloated (still do a bit). I think it's because I've been eating a lot of fruit and veg over the last while and my body's still adjusting.

    Anyway, I think my "real" weight is around 63KG at the moment (allowing for the bloating and my slightly heavy scales). That leaves around 1KG of normal bodyweight to go and 1.5-2KG of water / food weight with 9 days to weigh in. Tired of dieting tbh.

    No more moaning. :)

    Went for a run after dinner last night like I said I would. Enjoyed it more than I expected (not a fan of running). It's a lot more enjoyable when you're fit. Lets you take in the scenery a bit more.

    Going swimming at lunchtime today for a few reasons: Good for breathing control, moderate for calorie burning and I enjoy it. :)

    Training tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Friday 27/03/09
    Weight was 63.2 this morning (so under 63 given the scales). Pleased enough with that. Yesterdays bloating was really bloating. I feel better today as a result.

    Yesterday I tried having a (very) light breakfast before leaving the house (I've a long commute to work) to try to keep the calories low before lunchtime. This was a total disaster. Didn't feel decent until after training yesterday evening. Treated myself to a high calorie breakfast this morning (~600 calories, around 40g of which were protein). Good for the head as well as the tummy. :) Feel really good today.

    Focus has to be on weight loss a bit for now so I'm going to go running this evening and work strength throughout the day by doing chinups. I'll post my total tomorrow. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Sunday 29/03/09
    Weight was 62.1 this morning. I got another scales. The old one is f*cked it seems. :) I suppose it helped me though, by being horribly over. I calibrated the new one to make sure it was correct (or as sure as I can be).

    Anyway, Friday I did a measly 22 chin ups (12, then 10 later) but went for a run in the evening. Saturday went training in the day time and went for a walk in the evening. Going running tonight (Sunday's supposed to be my rest day, but I've got ants in my pants and a run doesn't really take it out of me that much).

    T-Minus 1 week and it'll all be over, i'll be locked on 2 pints and holding a filthy kebab (and / or a shiner). :)

    I've another one lined up for 5 weeks after it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Monday 30/03/09
    Weight 62.2KG. 5 days to weigh in now. Weight cutting prep starts today. Not going to go into this too much. It's a bit of a "to each their own" kind of thing, but I'll be using tried and trusted methods with minor variations to get rid of the last bit.

    Feeling confident and fit. Ran 4.4K in 20 minutes last night. Never really timed myself over distance /properly/ before. Used which is a very handy site (think I owe Roper for that one).

    Taking it handy today until training tonight. The plan for the rest of the week is:

    training tonight
    pads / sparring lunchtime tomorrow
    training tomorrow night
    pads lunchtime wednesday
    training thursday night
    rest / cut weight until weigh in after that

    I expect to be on early. Looking forward to watching the rest of the fights / having a few drinks after my own fight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Tuesday 30/03/09
    Weight 62.0 this morning. About perfect. Weight cutting starting to annoy me a bit. I actually don't mind the pre-weight in not eating / not drinking bit that much (or at least, that's what I say now :)).

    Worked what I consider the weaker side of my game at lunchtime (like I have one. Amirite? High five anyone?). Normal training session this evening.

    <moan>Getting very tired of getting home late in the evening. Really looking forward to a few days off after the fight.</moan>

    Less than 5 days now. Less nervous than I expected to be. I feel confident in my own ability anyway. My fitness is really good. Strength is really good and that'll help in the clinch. Skill is about bang on for C class fighting. Not really concerned about the bare shin on shin aspect of it (though I hate that sound when I'm watching fights.....*shudder*). Everyone says you don't feel a thing anyway. I'll find out soon enough. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    *high 5 + flip side *

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    Tuesday 30/03/09
    Weight 62.0 this morning. About perfect. Weight cutting starting to annoy me a bit. I actually don't mind the pre-weight in not eating / not drinking bit that much (or at least, that's what I say now :)).

    Worked what I consider the weaker side of my game at lunchtime (like I have one. Amirite? High five anyone?). Normal training session this evening.

    <moan>Getting very tired of getting home late in the evening. Really looking forward to a few days off after the fight.</moan>

    Less than 5 days now. Less nervous than I expected to be. I feel confident in my own ability anyway. My fitness is really good. Strength is really good and that'll help in the clinch. Skill is about bang on for C class fighting. Not really concerned about the bare shin on shin aspect of it (though I hate that sound when I'm watching fights.....*shudder*). Everyone says you don't feel a thing anyway. I'll find out soon enough. :)

    been following your log your weight has come down nicely, just a couple of questions re the weight in, wen do you weigh in? (24 hours before the fight?) and when do you stop eating before the weigh? (24 hours before that?)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thanks for reading. :)

    Weigh in is supposed to be 24 hours beforehand for pro fights (can be as little as 2 hours for amateur). Because we're
    flying in, then straight on the scales it'll be around 18 or 20 hours (ish). Should be plenty of time for a full recovery anyway.

    Fluid and food restriction will start 24 hours before the weigh in alright. There are a few other things that I'll be doing which should make some difference too. Nothing crazy like laxatives or sweat suits or anything though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    how did ye get on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Hey Punchy, was your fight this week? How'd you get on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Just got home. Lost a very close, hard fight on points. Thought I'd done enough to shave it to be honest. One judge scored it a draw (which I would have been happy with), the other two scored it for my opponent. I heard after that all three judges were from his gym. :) Anyway, it was a really good scrap. I learned a shed load. Have a nice shiner too. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    Just got home. Lost a very close, hard fight on points.

    next time man
    Have a nice shiner too. :)

    now ye can walk around the office like edward norton in fight club (thats if ye work in a office):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    dave80 wrote: »
    next time man

    Cheers. :) Appreciate it.

    dave80 wrote: »
    now ye can walk around the office like edward norton in fight club (thats if ye work in a office):D

    Hehe. I do work in an office. I'll bet it's gonna be like that tomorrow alright....

    Richard Chesler: [Reading a piece of paper] The first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club?
    Narrator: [Voice-over] I'm half asleep again; I must've left the original in the copy machine.
    Richard Chesler: The second rule of Fight Club - is this yours?
    Narrator: Huh?
    Richard Chesler: Pretend you're me, make a managerial decision: you find this, what would you do?
    Narrator: [pauses] Well, I gotta tell you: I'd be very, very careful who you talk to about that, because the person who wrote that... is dangerous.
    [Gets up from the chair]
    Narrator: [Talking slowly] And this button-down, Oxford-cloth psycho might just snap, and then stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-10 carbine gas-powered semi-automatic weapon, pumping round after round into colleagues and co-workers. This might be someone you've known for years. Someone very, very close to you.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    unlucky mate, ul get them next time

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    unlucky mate, ul get them next time

    Cheers. :) Next fight is just over 4 weeks away now. Looking forward to it already. Would love to do a fight a month for the next while, just to build up experience.

    Weight was 64.5 this morning. :D I've been eating crap the last few days though. Gonna start back training tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Well.....started back yesterday. Still nursing a slight injury from Sunday, so couldn't kick much. Hit the pads in a relatively half-hearted way. Next week's gonna be difficult because I'm going away for a week and expect to have access to next to zero equipment. My body still feels tired from the fight, so I'm gonna do 3 days on, 1 day off, with yesterday considered a day on.

    Today I'm travelling, but I'll try to get out for a run / some sprints before I head off.

    Haven't weighed myself since Tuesday morning. I've been overeating the last few days (but not a huge amount). Gonna aim for maintenance calories from now on and leave myself with very little to lose for this fight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Unlucky man, sounds like a close fight - very hard to win on home territory.
