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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thanks. :) Yeah, was a close one alright. You're right about that home territory thing. It's one of the things that bugs me. The mrs. goes mental over it. One of the lads got badly shafted on Sunday (split idea how these people score sometimes). Next fight is on home turf though. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Next fight is on home turf though. :)

    Haha so you're guaranteed a win if it goes the distance :pac:

    Same thing happened one of the lads in my club a few months ago, if you're holding a show - you should arrange 3rd party judges. Fair play for stepping up again though. You'll have to make sure you end the next fight before it goes to the judges :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Haha so you're guaranteed a win if it goes the distance :pac:

    Something like that. :D (edit: Actually, I'd really hate to get a win that I didn't feel I'd earned)
    Same thing happened one of the lads in my club a few months ago, if you're holding a show - you should arrange 3rd party judges. Fair play for stepping up again though. You'll have to make sure you end the next fight before it goes to the judges :)

    Now yer talkin'. That's the plan alright. Easier said than done mind you. At amateur level I'd a 50% TKO rate (That sounds impressive, but I don't have a lot of amateur fights under my belt), but the fitness level at pro is a big jump up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Well, I've been away for the last week on a family holiday. Crackin' time. Didn't let the fitness slide completely either (though i did most definitely overeat).

    Anyway...back on the horse....

    Weight today was 64.5. Not too bad. 3 weeks and 2 days to my next fight. Can't wait.

    Yesterday did hill sprints (had no equipment....damn they're exhausting though). Today I'm home so I went for a cycle after breakfast for weight control and I'm heading training in an hour. Looking forward to getting back to hitting pads. Aiming for a 700 calorie deficit today to ease myself back into weight loss mode. I don't /look/ like I've gained a lot, so I'm hoping the weight will fall off a bit easier this time around.

    If anything, I've learned that I can probably make a bit more this time than I did last time. Gonna try to arrange access to the competition scales beforehand (they're the old style medical scales) and compare them to my own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭hooplah

    Hi Punchypunchy,

    Great log - I've recently taken up Muay Thai so am finding this very interesting. Jaysus the amount of fitness and diet control you go through amazes me, fair play.

    Is it ok to ask questions here? if not no bother. If so, you've mentioned post workout ahakes before here. Would you take them only after a workout with weights or would you also take them after training? In terms of getting fitter and improving at MT (my two goals for 09, well 2 of my goals...) I know supplementation is down the list after diet and proper training but I'd be interested in your answer.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Sorry about the delay in replying. I've been off work and not near the internet much.
    hooplah wrote: »
    Hi Punchypunchy,

    Great log - I've recently taken up Muay Thai so am finding this very interesting. Jaysus the amount of fitness and diet control you go through amazes me, fair play.

    Thanks very much. :) It does grow to have a fairly hefty impact on your life alright.
    hooplah wrote: »
    Is it ok to ask questions here?

    Sure, no problem at all.
    hooplah wrote: »
    if not no bother. If so, you've mentioned post workout ahakes before here. Would you take them only after a workout with weights or would you also take them after training?

    Short answer: Both. Longer answer: Depends if I'm trying to lose weight or not. If I'm trying to lose weight I'll generally try to eat some carbs and protein instead of trying to drink a shake. It's a mental thing, but it all counts.
    hooplah wrote: »
    In terms of getting fitter and improving at MT (my two goals for 09, well 2 of my goals...) I know supplementation is down the list after diet and proper training but I'd be interested in your answer.

    I think it's all part of the bigger picture. Working harder is the biggest one. Diet next. Supplementation 3rd. I've found though that supplementing has reduced the amount of time that I'm out through illness (or at least the two happened around the same time, but of course my diet was improving and I was getting fitter too so I can't say for certain that supplementing is the direct cause).

    I will say though that I found it very difficult to reach required protein intake from diet alone when I ran out of whey recently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Righto....back on track with the log.

    Last 3 weigh ins have been:

    64.3, 63.7, 64.0.

    Exercise has been hampered somewhat by being on antibiotics. Started the course on Friday and was immediately bollixed so took that as my rest day. Saturday went training. Sunday did went for a cycle and did a session of pull ups, press ups and worked my obliques with weights in the evening. Yesterday just did some interval training (got sent away with work on short notice) in my hotel room.

    Had to get up pre-5am this morning, so may not get too much done today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Weight was 64.5 this morning. Weight loss needs to move up a gear.

    Did 5 x 3 minute rounds on pads at lunchtime.

    Did my 1000 punches thing this evening (100 punches in 30 seconds, 30 seconds rest, repeat 10 times).

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    weight was 63.8 this morning

    Had about a 900 calorie deficit yesterday which was decent.

    Yesterday: exercise consisted of 25 minutes on the cross trainer at lunchtime then going training last night. Fitness seems to be reasonable enough. Strength is good. I'm still on the way up which is good and I don't have that "beaten down" feeling that you get after a while.

    Today: Went for a cycle after breakfast. Not sure what I'll do this evening. Probably hit the bag. I'm going to invest some time later in putting a plan together for the next two weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭hooplah

    Hi Punchy,

    What weight do you have to make? Looking at older posts you had to make 62kg for your last fight right? Is it easy enough to get matched with guys for the same weight every fight or would you sometimes have to go up or down?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Hi Hooplah.

    I've to get to 60KG, but I'll stop losing weight at around 62 and "make" the rest. Same as last time alright.

    I've had to move up and down weights for a fight before alright. I've fought at 60, 61 and 62KG. Muay Thai seems to be getting more and more popular though and with my club joining the IMC there are a lot more fighters going around at each weight. Realistically, if offered, I'd probably take a fight anywhere from 58-63KG (depending on notice....I'd need probably 6 weeks of notice for the upper / lower ranges there) but I'd say my coach would only take fights in the 59-61KG range for me now.

    edit: who you're matched with is dependent on both weight and experience. Your coach will weigh up the pros and cons there, make a call and let you know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Been a bit busy lately. :)

    Last few days.....

    Monday: Weight was 63.9
    Went swimming at lunchtime. Did the 1000 punches thing at home that night. Ran about an 800 calorie deficit.

    Tuesday: Weight was 63.5
    Did Muay Thai at lunchtime and in the evening. Ran about a 900 calorie deficit.

    Wednesday: Weight was 63.0 this morning which made me happy, but I note that it's the morning after training and that seems to be a recurring thing (low weight the morning after training). I did drink a litre of water after training last night (some of it in my recovery shake), and ate when I got home. Anyway, I was happy enough.

    Was meant to go for pads at lunch today but the place we use was booked. :( That's kinda thrown me for the day. I'll figure out later what I'm gonna do tonight. Aiming for a 700 calorie deficit today, which is being slightly messed up by the lack of exercise at lunchtime.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,510 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Is it a struggle for you not to eat when on a calorie deficit?

    Do you just eat smaller portions more often to curb the hunger pangs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    BossArky wrote: »
    Is it a struggle for you not to eat when on a calorie deficit?

    It depends. If I've been running a 700+ calorie deficit for more than, say, two weeks then I find it starts to become difficult. I'd need a few days of maintenance calories to take the edge off. I also find it (generally) no problem at all on weekdays that I do Muay Thai training. Those days maintenance calories for me is 3000-3500. depends on how fat I am. :pac: :D The last KG of fat is the hardest to shift.
    BossArky wrote: »
    Do you just eat smaller portions more often to curb the hunger pangs?

    I do yeah. I got that one from the stickies tbh. :) I'm mostly munching away throughout the day. I'd have a fairly large breakfast though (400 calories minimum usually) , regardless of whether or not I'm running a deficit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    While I'm here....(I'm working late tonight, or early, I'm confused because it's bleedin' 3am)....

    Weight was 64.5 going to bed, so would have been 63.5 getting up if I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night for work.

    Last night I did some weights for the first time in a while and really enjoyed it.

    Military press: 42KG 5 x 5
    Deadlift: 63KG (bodyweight) 10 times

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Weight was 63.0 this morning

    Went training last night. Did 6 rounds on the pads instead of the usual 5. This is the "in thing" for the pro fighters now. :) (B and A class fighters would have been doing this already)

    Feeling a bit run down this morning and have been for a few days now, which isn't great.

    On the fight itself: Found out my opponent is just back from a few months training in Thailand, which isn't great. On the plus side I saw a fight he had over there with a non-Thai lad (which he won by TKO) and it improved my confidence. :) (I wont say any more than that)

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Took Friday as a rest day instead of today because of feeling run down. Also took maintenance calories that day.

    Went to the club for normal training yesterday. Weight was 63.5 waking.

    Weight was 63.0 waking this morning. Decided to go with weights today. More deadlifts and military presses. Going to do some core work later. Diet has been very clean the last week. Not finding stuff all that tempting at the moment which is great. Weight cutting process starts tomorrow.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,510 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    It depends. If I've been running a 700+ calorie deficit for more than, say, two weeks then I find it starts to become difficult. I'd need a few days of maintenance calories to take the edge off. I also find it (generally) no problem at all on weekdays that I do Muay Thai training. Those days maintenance calories for me is 3000-3500. depends on how fat I am. :pac: :D The last KG of fat is the hardest to shift.

    I do yeah. I got that one from the stickies tbh. :) I'm mostly munching away throughout the day. I'd have a fairly large breakfast though (400 calories minimum usually) , regardless of whether or not I'm running a deficit.

    Ok, cheers.

    Do you include pull ups / chins in your training? I don't see the mentioned on this page.

    I'm wondering if you find it easier to bang them out with current bodyweight. Cowzerp recently mentioned he managed sets of 25 on the main forum at fighting weight :eek: i.e. Are they a staple of a fighters training regime?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Weight this morning was 62.7 which is bang on for now.

    Going training this evening. Gonna be pushing it as I wont have done much else today.
    BossArky wrote: »
    Do you include pull ups / chins in your training? I don't see the mentioned on this page.

    I would yeah. I'd do some down the gym at the end of a training session. I also have a chin up bar at home (it's on the bracket I have for my bag). I suppose I just consider them part of a normal training session. Same with working knees on the bell shaped bag or shin conditioning on the hard bag...just part of a session, though not everyone does them.
    BossArky wrote: »
    I'm wondering if you find it easier to bang them out with current bodyweight. Cowzerp recently mentioned he managed sets of 25 on the main forum at fighting weight :eek: i.e. Are they a staple of a fighters training regime?

    I can do 15 wide grip pull ups at the moment (all the way down and all the way up...I find people cheat a lot with these for some reason). Not sure how many chins, but almost certainly more than that (I find them a lot easier). Could probably push that 15 a bit if I practiced them a bit more. I suppose the slightly lower bodyweight is going to play a part in it alright, but I wouldn't generally go much beyond 65KG at any time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Weight was 62.5 this morning. Again, happy enough with this. A little bit over what I'd like, but nothing alarming.

    Went training last night. Got some really good sparring in.

    Training at lunchtime today and again this evening.

    Tomorrow I'll go for a run at lunchtime, light training in the evening and that'll be that.

    I probably wont post again until after the fight.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    Good luck Punchy, sock it to em!

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭hooplah

    Good luck with the fight! I've got my ticket, looking forward to it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Lost on points again. :( Fitness was the deciding factor this time. I was banjaxed by the end of the 2nd round (it was an all out war in the clinch for most of the fight). I had a cold for the last week which I didn't post up here too much about (in case my opponent was reading this) but it badly interfered with my final week of prep. No excuses though. Good solid fight. Plenty of very solid knees from both of us. More from him than me in the end (especially in the 3rd round). I landed one absolutely _beautiful_ right kick. Could feel it going _right_ into his ribs.
    Good luck Punchy, sock it to em!

    Cheers. :)
    hooplah wrote: »
    Good luck with the fight! I've got my ticket, looking forward to it!

    Well....what did you think? I really enjoyed the night. Come over and say hello next time. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭hooplah

    Well....what did you think? I really enjoyed the night.

    I really enjoyed it, wasn't sure what to expect but thought the fights were great to watch, the atmosphere in the crowd was good and was impressed with the venue. I'll defo go again.
    Come over and say hello next time. :)

    will do:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Glad you enjoyed it. It's my first time in the ringside as a participant and it's a vastly different experience being there as a fighter I have to say. Always thoroughly enjoyed going there though. Brilliant atmosphere in the place. The full bar really helps things too. :)

    On training: Was going to start back today but I'm feeling a bit run down so will leave it 'til tomorrow. Also.....Of all the weird things, the vaseline they rub into your face pre-fight, coupled with a beard and some scratches from during the fight have made absolute **** of my face. I've a few minor injuries too, but nothing that would prevent training. edit: I've a nice shiner from a clash of heads during the fight and a nice cold sore on top of all that. A real picture of beauty. :)

    I've been poking the boss man to try and get me a fight in 3 weeks. Keep things ticking over. I'm not feeling the need to gorge myself out this time so hopefully weight loss wont be that much of an issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Unlucky man - fair play to you taking another fight so soon, your a legend!

    Any handy tips on toughening up the shins? No heavy bags near me I'm afraid...

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    Thanks. :o

    On toughening your shins: What I read (and believe) is that normal training (i.e. just kicking pads and sparring) is enough to give you shins like baseball bats over time. Before I'd done the pro fight thing (i.e. when I wore shin pads in the ring) I was certain that the shin on shin thing must hurt like hell (christ...that *noise*), but all the lads said you don't feel a thing. I was sure that this was some inner circle joke thing and that we'd all have a great laugh about it when my shins were in bits after my first pro fight, but actually they're right; You don't feel a thing. Adrenaline's an amazing drug.

    So....I have kicked the heavy bag a bit for conditioning in the past, but I don't think I'll bother any more. Don't think it's necessary if you're training regularly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,589 ✭✭✭Hail 2 Da Chimp

    Reason I'm asking is I must have girly shins :pac:
    Blocked a light kick last night (no shin pads) and I'm in bits, although it actually feels like the muscle going down along the bone thats hurting. I don't think I was turning my shin into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    If it's the muscle that runs along the outside of the bone, that can be _excruciating_. My experience with that injury (I've had it twice) is that it's not too painful at the actual time (sore enough mind you) but any impact the next day is absolute agony. Takes about 10 days to heal. I wouldn't kick anything until you're sure you're not going to cry like a baby from doing so. :)

    The two times I got it it was from throwing a kick at slightly the wrong angle which my sparring partner blocked perfectly (i.e. with their knee digging into my muscle). Both times I got the injury through the pads! :eek:

    Maybe it's not the same thing mind you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭punchypunchy

    No scales at the moment (long story) so I can't say what weight I am.

    Started back today. Crossfit at lunchtime:

    5 x chin ups
    10 x press ups
    15 x squats
    repeat as many times as possible in 20 minutes.

    I stopped after 10 sets (about 14 minutes in) because a minor thigh injury I picked up on Saturday was niggling me.
