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starting strength and milk



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    thursday 13/8/09


    85kg 2x10

    left after that cause my girlfriend wasnt feeling well so we went.

    im going to go back to the lower rep stuff next week, i feel like im pissing in the wind atm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    oh look at me i have a girlfriend.. show off!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    oh look at me i have a girlfriend.. show off!

    i was going to bring something up about being a painfully single 16 y/o in respnse but im bigger than that.

    no im not actually.


    she might be getting dumped if she keeps interfering with training though.
    Not really though (in case she reads this)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    well, em, im taller than you, so there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    saturday 15/8/09

    front squat
    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x7
    70kg 3x5

    OH Press
    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x7
    40kg 3x5

    P Clean
    30kg 1x5
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 3x1 with a push press last rep

    bw+10kg 3x8

    setted with

    bw+5kg 3x4

    nice and handy last night, front squats were tough but theres still more weight there.

    press was hard, always is. but ive a way to go till pr levels.

    cleans were rough, some very rough. did some power snatches too up to 40kg. probably shouldnt have gone from 40 to 60. having 60 over my head was cool though.

    dips and pullups were tough on the aul shoulders.

    nice to feel like im going somewhere again, just need to eat more now.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Tuesday 18/8/09

    40kg 1x10
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x5
    92.5kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x5
    62.5kg 3x5

    BB Row
    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 3x5

    aw i feel weak. my squats suck. form was a bit ropey tonight too. felt fairly heavy. all in all not good.

    bench was ok heavy enough.

    rows were heavy too. last rep didnt come up all the way.

    im gonna take things easy enough til im back in college. work has been hard lately and i feel a bit tired.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Thursday 20/8/09

    warmed up with some hang cleans and snatches.

    Front Squats

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x2
    70kg 2x5


    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x5
    35kg 1x2
    42.5kg 3x5

    42.5kg 1x10
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    100kg 2x5

    BW 1x10,1x8,1x8 last set was chinups, all sets medium grip.

    not too much today. front squats and deads were fine. press was hard, oh so hard, did not think id get all the reps, im so weak. pullups were ok.

    im gonna do some oly lifting as a warm up to practice the technique, i only go up to 40kg, it gets a good sweat going, my snatches suck tho. i need to throw in some shoulder prehab too cause mine hurts a fair bit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Sunday 23/8/09

    Oly warm up

    40kg 1x10
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    97.5kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x3
    65kg 3x5

    WG Pullups
    +5kg 4x5

    +10kg 3x8

    Hanging leg raises
    1x10 hard

    Ab Pulldowns
    34kg 1x10
    41kg 1x10
    48kg 1x4

    fairly heavy and hard. still weak.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Tuesday 25/8/09

    Shoulder Prehab YTWL

    Oly warm up


    40kg 1x8
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    100kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x5
    37.5kg 1x3
    45kg 3x5

    BB Row
    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x3
    62.5kg 3x5

    Face pulls
    plate 5 3x10

    NG Chins
    BW 1x14

    Calf Raise
    20kg 2x20

    squats were better tonight, felt a little easier, but form wasnt off for some.

    press was brutal, barely got the reps

    rows were good, easier than last week. face pulls were interesting, theyre a bit unsteady tbh. chins were grand, and calfs were horrible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Thursday 28/8/09

    Shoulder warm up 4kg

    Front Squat
    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x3
    70kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    55kg 1x3
    65kg 3x5

    P Clean
    20kg 1x5
    30kg 1x5
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x5
    62.5kg 5x3

    25kg 1x10
    50kg 1x5
    70kg 2x8, 1x10

    CG Bench
    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x5
    40kg 3x10

    Front squats are grand just for recovery really. ill add weight next week.

    shouldve went higher with the bench damn didnt realise til now. was heavy though:(

    cleans were hit and miss, some good some not. very army.

    sldl were fine, really hit my back hopefully hit my hams too. they were almost to the floor.

    cg was good, did 3x10 a few weeks back this was easier.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi Bigstar

    Nice workout. Impressive weight on the Cleans.

    I was playing around last night with the second stage of the clean, starting at knee level and trying to "shrug" the bar to rack position. Was only using 30kg. Sometimes thought technique was ok and weight was not too bad. Could probably squeeze to around 40kg, but reckon it will be a long time before I can clean 60+.

    You were cleaning the weight I was squatting and dead lifting :eek: Well impressive.

    Best Regards,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 859 ✭✭✭BobbyOLeary

    bigstar, nice work with the cleans, they're a good exercise. Front squats are class too, I prefer them to back squats any day.

    If you can, post up a video of your power clean form, it's a tricky exercise to get right on your own. Typically you'll be strong enough to a point to muscle (very army in your case) the barbell into position but suddenly you won't be able to make the lift. It'll be like someone turned off your power cleaning switch!

    B-Builder, you're not trying to "shrug" the bar from above the knee to the rack position. The oly lifts, and the power variations especially, are all about that second pull, the explosive opening of your hip joint. In laymans terms this means a jump. The shrug is the culmination of the 2nd pull and the beginning of the 3rd pull, not the be all and end all of the movement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    cheers bobby i have to video it alright. its not too heavy tbh but my technique is a bit sloppy, some reps are easier, i think thats when i get it less wrong.

    b-builder youll be surprised how fast the weight goes up. i found that adding a few kilos to the bar made it better, if it was too light it was harder to practice the technique. add some weight every week as long as you feel like your going in the right direction.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Sunday 30/8/09

    Diesel crew shoulder warm up 4kg 5 reps

    Oly warm up to 40kg

    40kg 1x10
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    102.5kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    27.5kg 2x5
    35kg 1x3
    47.5kg 2x5,1x4 PR for reps

    WG Pullups
    BW 1x5
    +5kg 4x5

    Ab Pulldowns
    27kg 1x10
    34kg 1x10
    41kg 1x10
    48kg 1x10

    Seated Alternate curls
    6kg 1x10
    10kg 1x10
    12kg 3x10 each arm

    happy with the squats today, starting to feel easier and better, hopefully get back up to 112 fairly quick.

    well happy with the press so close to getting all the reps.

    pullups are coming along nicely too.

    ab pulldowns are up too. only got 4 reps last week. so really happy there, only 3 plates of using the full stack. last rep was a big struggle though probably only about parallel.

    curls suck, my left arm was in bits. have a bit off a shoulder issue i have to get looked at, today i was in a bit of pain, have been for a weeks. not nice. anyone recommend a good physio in dublin. shoulder warm was too may reps ill go back to 3 and the oly lifts are kicking my ass before the squats so something will have to change there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Tuesday 8/9/09

    40kg 1x10
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    90kg 1x2
    101.25kg 3x5

    Shoulder warm up YTWL 2kg
    cuban rotation and press 2kg

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x5
    40kg 1x3
    55kg 1x2
    65kg 3x5

    took a week off because my left shoulder wasnt in good shape. benched last night and i feel ok today, i should probably get it checked but im an optimist. bench was heavy.

    sqauts felt kind heavy, i need some consistency to get back on track.

    didnt do anything else im a bit wary of pressing and pulling too much.

    keeping the shoulder warm ups low i dont need any prs here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Thursday 10/9/09

    Front Squats
    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    50kg 1x3
    60kg 1x2
    67.5kg 3x5

    Diesel crew shoulder warm up 2kg x2

    20kg 1x10
    25kg 1x5
    30kg 1x3
    35kg 1x2
    42.5kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x5
    40kg 1x3
    50kg 1x2
    60kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x10
    40kg 3x10

    rows were handy enough. press wasnt too bad but now my shoulder is crying. no pressing for a while me thinks. seeing the physio on tuesday :(.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Sunday 13/9/09

    35kg 1x10
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    90kg 1x1
    105kg 3x5

    Single leg squats
    20kg 1x6 each leg
    30kg 2x6 '' ''

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x8
    45kg 3x10

    Plate loaded Leg Curls
    20kg 3x10 each leg

    setted with

    Back Ext.
    BW 1x10
    +10kg 3x10

    Ab pulldowns
    27kg 1x10
    34kg 1x10
    41kg 1x10
    48kg 1x12 barely

    setted with

    Calf raise sled
    15kg 1x10, 1x15, 1x20

    squats were tough very tough, getting closer to pr's though.

    single leg squats were awful, nearly fell over a few times. could also be bulgarian squats, basically back foot up on a bench and try not fall over as you squat down.

    GM's were good.

    curls are meh. its a kind of kneeling one leg curl machine loaded with plates.

    back ext were fine. abs were good last few reps were very ropey. and calfs were ok no arches of fire. felt it more in the calfs at least.

    no upper for the moment, shoulders a bit fcuked, seeing a physio on tuesday, hoping for the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,829 ✭✭✭TommyKnocker

    Hi Bigstar

    Just wanted to say good luck on Tuesday with the shoulder. Hope all is well. Been suffering a little with my own right shoulder lately, so I can understand what a pain the the ass it is.

    Hope the Physio has good news.

    Best Regards,


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    B-Builder wrote: »
    Hi Bigstar

    Just wanted to say good luck on Tuesday with the shoulder. Hope all is well. Been suffering a little with my own right shoulder lately, so I can understand what a pain the the ass it is.

    Hope the Physio has good news.

    Best Regards,


    cheers builder, physio said its a postural thing, got some exercises to work on and see him again next week. my shoulder stability aint what it should be apparently. hopefully i can start pressing again in a week or so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭chillywilly

    hows the milk intake goin? :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    hows the milk intake goin? :D

    about 2 litres a day id say, sometimes less, sometimes more. i dont really try to drink it unless i think i havent eaten enough. i love milk though so i could easily drink a litre just because its there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Tuesday 15/9/09

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    90kg 1x2
    107.5kg 3x5

    hams have really bad doms so i just sqaut. walked around after warming up for a bit and did some leg swings to loosen the hams, so sore. didnt have time for much else anyway. very hard tbh, reps were slow and i took a few seconds between each. 90 - 107 is probably too much of a jump too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    thursday 18/9/09

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 2x5

    Back Ext.
    Bw 2x10
    +10kg 3x10

    Decline Sit ups

    Calf raise sled
    20kg 1x10, 1x15, 1x20

    recovery on squats.

    back was really pumped after extensions. i was gonna add weight for sit ups but they were hard enough. decline was bout 45 deg.

    calfs kill my feet, they suck.

    cant do much else till the shoulder is better, meh.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Saturday 19/9/09

    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x5
    80kg 1x3
    95kg 1x2
    110kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    30kg 1x10
    45kg 3x10

    heavy and hard squatting. GM's were hard too glutes and hams really felt it.

    left at that, i was feeling wrecked. need more food tbh, i havent been eating much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Tuesday 29/9/09

    lots of scap work
    -DB retractions, protractions, scap pullups, overhead shrugs 4kg

    Leg Press (not including any bulit in resistance)
    40kg 1x10
    80kg 1x10
    120kg 3x10

    Leg Curls
    20kg 1x10
    27kg 1x10
    34kg 1x10
    27kg 1x8

    i hate leg curls, not too fond of presses either. still working on getting my shoulder sorted. another 2 weeks at least before i touch an oly bar :(

    didnt go to gym last week, but i figure i might as well do any leg work i can. ill do some ab and lower back work next time. also have an excuse to try GHR's again, im awful at them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    wednesday 25/11/09

    shoulder rehab stuff
    6kg Db protractions setted with scap pushups 3x15
    scap pullups setted with 4kg Db overhead shrugs 3x15
    20kg muscle snatch (too heavy) 1x8
    10kg muscel santch 3x12

    Upper back stuff
    face pulls
    level 1 1x10
    L2 1x10
    L3 1x10
    L4 4x15

    inverted rows
    3x12 feet on ground

    seated row
    L5? 3x15

    leg press
    40kg 1x10
    80kg 1x10
    130kg 1x10
    180kg 1x10
    200kg 3x10

    lying leg curls
    14kg 2x10
    20kg 1x8
    25kg 3x10

    swiss ball leg curls


    seated calfs
    5kg 1x10, 2x15

    standing calf machine
    L1 2x15

    ab circuit
    crunch, reverse crunch, 5kg twists

    been doing something like this for a few weeks, about twice a week. logging this just so i know where i stand now.

    im going to start squatting and benching a and the rest on saturday. ill leave the shoulder presses for a while. shoulder still doesnt feel right but i cant be arsed waiting for it to heal anymore and farting around in the gym. if it gets wrecked again ill just throw myself under the nearest x ray machine, physios suck.

    note to self - calfs are too weak. and hams arent much better.
    upper back needs lots of work. biceps tire way before back on rows. anyone got anything good for winged scapula let me know.

    i was hoping t compete in feb in a powerlifting meet but im not sure how realistic that is now. ill see how my sorry excuse for a shoulder gets on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    Sunday 29/11/09

    DC shoulder warm up 2.5kg

    8kg Db retractions setted with scap pushups 3x15

    Seated Db powercleans 4kg 2x10 (hard)

    Voyer shrugs 4.5kg 3x12

    cable rear delt fly 3.5kg 3x12

    SKWAAATS at last
    20kg 1x10
    40kg 1x5
    60kg 1x3
    70kg 1x2
    70kg 3x5

    20kg 1x10
    25kg 1x5
    30kg 1x3
    35kg 1x2
    40kg 3x5

    20kg 2x10
    25kg 1x5
    30kg 1x3
    35kg 3x5

    Face Pulls
    L5 3x15

    BW calf raise 2x20

    ab circuit
    5kg crunch/reverse crunch/5kg twist 2x15

    felt good to do some proper exercises but how weak am i.

    lots of upper back stuff. seated PC were very hard so ill drop it back to 2kg. not sure about the voyer shrugs, theyre supposed to be good for posture/upper back so ill do em for a while. prefer the cable fly to db so ill keep em in.

    squats, mm yes i enjoy very much. light but heavyish. ill add 5kg next time but ill keep things slow for a while.

    bench was good. closer grip just inside the rings on the bar but the markings are different to a proper bar. id say about 2 foot apart maybe a bit more. trying to keep the shoulder safe. light weight though but nice slow reps. i can focus on form for a while.

    trying to keep my biceps out of the rows. felt decent could feel the back do the work. ill see when the it gets heavy. face pulls just more upper back work.

    calf raises suck 2 sets at bw and i was nearly crippled. weak.

    but i squatted. yay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    thank god! for a few weeks atleast i can squat more than you :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,037 ✭✭✭bigstar

    thank god! for a few weeks atleast i can squat more than you :P

    yep and everything else. bet i can do more scap pushups than you though :rolleyes:.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    that a bet ?
