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Help the public sector beat the poverty level

  • 23-02-2009 1:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 432 ✭✭

    How can I complain about the private sector??

    I have worked in both the public and private sector and I still find it hard to adjust to dramatic difference I have experienced in both at the same job. I argue with myself sometimes as to which is a better role for me at a personal level. Seen as the public sector has come into much review the last while, I have decided to write my experiences of both. As most people who start working in the public sector stay in the public sector there are not many people who have an actual independent opinion of both, those who have will find it hard to argue with me.
    Also id like to add that seen as I don’t work for either the public or private my views will not be skewed in either direction by my current position. I have been jobless for some time now and I find it a bit sickening the protests recently over a reduction in pay. But I guess that’s what happens to spoilt children who don’t get there way rolling around kicking and screaming over a 6% pay cut blaming everything and anything they can get there hands on. You don’t see the 300`000+ jobless protesting who would gladly be in their position. Or the 1000s of people who actually paid into a pension scheme there entire lives only to see it crushed by the changes in the economy who would gladly be in the position of a secure pension scheme.
    All I seem to here about is the poor public sector and how will they survive I seriously think they should get a grip of reality and realise how lucky they actually are before they drive this country more and more into the ground, by go-slows, blue flues, protests and strikes after all if they hate there jobs that much surly they can leave and be replaced buy one of the 300`000+ unemployed. After all there not that important or skilled with the exception of management most of the Neanderthal’s that where protesting yesterday who haven’t got a clue of this country’s financial problems could be easily replaced. Why must a Fireman, Garda, Prison Officer be paid 50`000+ to complain and strike especially when there jobs are unskilled, once you have a leaving cert and a clean record you can apply not really that hard to understand why these positions are in high demand.
    I can understand these positions being paid efficiency wages but in comparison to the rest of the market for unskilled labour are extremely generous with a prison officer earning 68`000 after 2 years it’s a bit out of proportion. The basic salary can be multiplied by at least 1.5 with overtime aswell in these positions. I’ve heard stories of prison officers earning 100`000 in overtime in the past and people wonder why were in this position now. They will probably argue the risk factor Involved and over glorify their positions to protect them and there own self-esteem what else would you expect them to do.
    But this greed concept that these so-called efficiency wages attract, is a worker who is attracted to the job because of the benefits not the job itself. Maybe if the wages were in context with the rest of the unskilled labour market they would attract more people who be applying for the job and not just the benefits. The system is in place where a worker unhappy in his position but is well paid is common practice it’s a normal thing in the public sector. What are they expected to do there trapped in a system. There unskilled and what skills they have learnt in the public sector are relatively useless in the private sector. They have no choice but to stay in a job they don’t like get paid well and spend most of there time complaining about anything which may effect there get paid well syndrome no wonder these jobs are so unionised they need them in order to protect their overpaid labour. What happened to picking a job you enjoy, money should not be a major influence on how you spend 40+hrs or a week. But what the public sector creates is this wage imbalance that creates this get paid well factor into our lives without it many public service workers would leave. This minor reduction in nominal pay, which they will receive back in lump sum and pension benefits in the future, is hardly a reflection of what’s actually happening to this countries economy.
    It has a deficit of 11% the worst in Europe anything over 3% in the EU your in trouble for dragging the rest of the European Unions economy down. Ireland had a GDP of –0.7 last year I wonder if the protesters know what this means. It means the country is in recession not only that but at –0.7% our economies decreasing at a rate alongside North Korea and is 8 worst economy in the world at the moment. Not saying much for our economies management or how its been handled it couldn’t be much worse.
    The government is blaming the banks, the financial markets that’s all you hear is how they took excessive risks to boost short term profits to acquire bonuses. Which is bad for long term efficiency of a business. The last time I checked the banks don’t run the country the government does. And by the looks of things it’s the government that took excessive risks to boost the economy in the short term for political gain which has obviously has had a long term effect of weakening the economy, imploding under the first sign of economic stress. Maybe what’s best for economies in the long run isn’t necessarily best for the governments popularity but a more sensible approach has to be implemented in the future. Squandering money just cause we have it is not going to last forever how could it be good for the long run efficient economy. How could we have spent all surpluses of the Celtic tiger already in 6 months of a recession is bad management of any business, corporation economy. Its so obvious that the government is blaming the banks for doing the same thing as what they’ve done to stay in office blaming the banks is just a cover-up of there economic incompetence of running the country in the long term. Even the 5 year contracts of the directors of these banks is the same as the governments, all geared towards short term gain why would they be concerned with the long run efficiency. If this government cannot run the public sector with efficiency how do can they be expected to run a country or even be allowed. The whole concept is just wrong they are digging themselves into a whole, which is getting deeper by the minute. Even the Social welfare payments are geared towards a booming economy which will not work in efficiently in a economy that is in recession, They are 3 times what the UK government hands out with the given exchange rate. This country cannot afford the current wage bill and just like what’s happened in the private sector the public sector will have to face the recession at some point no mater how privileged or protected they feel in there jobs. Protesting against something they cant change or is unchangeable is just reducing the efficiency of an already inefficient public sector. People who are suppose to be in place to educate, protect, and service it cannot hold this country ransom there jobs should be the same as everyone else’s and the country run more like a efficient business and not the nepotistic approach that this country is rooted in.


    An Overpaid unemployed bum


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,588 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Jesus man, you made that very hard to read. For my own benefit, and that of others...

    How can I complain about the private sector??

    I have worked in both the public and private sector and I still find it hard to adjust to dramatic difference I have experienced in both at the same job. I argue with myself sometimes as to which is a better role for me at a personal level. Seen as the public sector has come into much review the last while, I have decided to write my experiences of both. As most people who start working in the public sector stay in the public sector there are not many people who have an actual independent opinion of both, those who have will find it hard to argue with me.

    Also id like to add that seen as I don’t work for either the public or private my views will not be skewed in either direction by my current position.

    I have been jobless for some time now and I find it a bit sickening the protests recently over a reduction in pay. But I guess that’s what happens to spoilt children who don’t get there way rolling around kicking and screaming over a 6% pay cut blaming everything and anything they can get there hands on. You don’t see the 300`000+ jobless protesting who would gladly be in their position. Or the 1000s of people who actually paid into a pension scheme there entire lives only to see it crushed by the changes in the economy who would gladly be in the position of a secure pension scheme.

    All I seem to here about is the poor public sector and how will they survive I seriously think they should get a grip of reality and realise how lucky they actually are before they drive this country more and more into the ground, by go-slows, blue flues, protests and strikes after all if they hate there jobs that much surly they can leave and be replaced buy one of the 300`000+ unemployed. After all there not that important or skilled with the exception of management most of the Neanderthal’s that where protesting yesterday who haven’t got a clue of this country’s financial problems could be easily replaced. Why must a Fireman, Garda, Prison Officer be paid 50`000+ to complain and strike especially when there jobs are unskilled, once you have a leaving cert and a clean record you can apply not really that hard to understand why these positions are in high demand.

    I can understand these positions being paid efficiency wages but in comparison to the rest of the market for unskilled labour are extremely generous with a prison officer earning 68`000 after 2 years it’s a bit out of proportion. The basic salary can be multiplied by at least 1.5 with overtime aswell in these positions. I’ve heard stories of prison officers earning 100`000 in overtime in the past and people wonder why were in this position now. They will probably argue the risk factor Involved and over glorify their positions to protect them and there own self-esteem what else would you expect them to do.

    But this greed concept that these so-called efficiency wages attract, is a worker who is attracted to the job because of the benefits not the job itself. Maybe if the wages were in context with the rest of the unskilled labour market they would attract more people who be applying for the job and not just the benefits. The system is in place where a worker unhappy in his position but is well paid is common practice it’s a normal thing in the public sector. What are they expected to do there trapped in a system. There unskilled and what skills they have learnt in the public sector are relatively useless in the private sector. They have no choice but to stay in a job they don’t like get paid well and spend most of there time complaining about anything which may effect there get paid well syndrome no wonder these jobs are so unionised they need them in order to protect their overpaid labour. What happened to picking a job you enjoy, money should not be a major influence on how you spend 40+hrs or a week. But what the public sector creates is this wage imbalance that creates this get paid well factor into our lives without it many public service workers would leave. This minor reduction in nominal pay, which they will receive back in lump sum and pension benefits in the future, is hardly a reflection of what’s actually happening to this countries economy.

    It has a deficit of 11% the worst in Europe anything over 3% in the EU your in trouble for dragging the rest of the European Unions economy down. Ireland had a GDP of –0.7 last year I wonder if the protesters know what this means. It means the country is in recession not only that but at –0.7% our economies decreasing at a rate alongside North Korea and is 8 worst economy in the world at the moment. Not saying much for our economies management or how its been handled it couldn’t be much worse.

    The government is blaming the banks, the financial markets that’s all you hear is how they took excessive risks to boost short term profits to acquire bonuses. Which is bad for long term efficiency of a business. The last time I checked the banks don’t run the country the government does. And by the looks of things it’s the government that took excessive risks to boost the economy in the short term for political gain which has obviously has had a long term effect of weakening the economy, imploding under the first sign of economic stress. Maybe what’s best for economies in the long run isn’t necessarily best for the governments popularity but a more sensible approach has to be implemented in the future. Squandering money just cause we have it is not going to last forever how could it be good for the long run efficient economy.

    How could we have spent all surpluses of the Celtic tiger already in 6 months of a recession is bad management of any business, corporation economy? Its so obvious that the government is blaming the banks for doing the same thing as what they’ve done to stay in office blaming the banks is just a cover-up of there economic incompetence of running the country in the long term.

    Even the 5 year contracts of the directors of these banks is the same as the governments, all geared towards short term gain why would they be concerned with the long run efficiency. If this government cannot run the public sector with efficiency how do can they be expected to run a country or even be allowed?

    The whole concept is just wrong they are digging themselves into a whole, which is getting deeper by the minute. Even the Social welfare payments are geared towards a booming economy which will not work in efficiently in a economy that is in recession, They are 3 times what the UK government hands out with the given exchange rate.

    This country cannot afford the current wage bill and just like what’s happened in the private sector the public sector will have to face the recession at some point no mater how privileged or protected they feel in there jobs. Protesting against something they cant change or is unchangeable is just reducing the efficiency of an already inefficient public sector. People who are suppose to be in place to educate, protect, and service it cannot hold this country ransom there jobs should be the same as everyone else’s and the country run more like a efficient business and not the nepotistic approach that this country is rooted in.


    An Overpaid unemployed bum
