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Football: Poker forum/Grosvenor Lane III - March 8th



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,039 ✭✭✭Theresalwaysone

    Guys Keith is taking over football operations for now.

    After reading a lot of what has being posted above I want to make a few comments.

    1. I don't agree with all the negativity or the way in which it's expressed. Yes people didn't play as good as they have etc etc - but everyone worked their socks off and put in 150% in effort. Everyone of us could walk off the field with our heads held high. This is only our 5th match together and we haven't put out the same team twice yet. Defensively we were good yesterday and only for a couple of laps in concentration and a few individual mistakes they would have found it hard to score.

    2. Gordon I disagree with your post. I effectively wanted to play a long ball game yesterday and we didn't play that way at all. I wanted the ball played from back to front quickly and the one goal we scored from open play was when Llyod kicked it long to me from a goal kick and Kev ran beyond me in support and he scored.

    3. Both Daragh and I worked our asses off upfront, in general the quality of ball we got bad at best and when we did get it we had little to no support most of the time. Apart from Kev a couple of times and Daragh (of course) I never got 1 call of man on, pass it right, left etc.

    4. Steve was our man of the match yesterday, no question. He was a rock in the middle and not much got passed him, he battled well and broke up their play beautifully. However I don't recall Steve completing 1 pass to either Daragh or I. Also I disagreed with your attitude, you didn't partake in the warm up, and you walked away during the pre match chat. On the field you lash in to your own players when they make a mistake which decreases morale. Last thing - while I appreciate you calling for the ball please stop calling for the ball when there are 2+ people around you. I know when I hear you calling for the ball now I have to double check you're actually free as I don't want to look stupid by passing to the other team.

    5. Defensively they were ok, but not as good as everyone makes out. My finishing was a disaster yesterday and I still should have had anywhere between 2-5 goals. Brian hit the bar and Daragh found himself in acres 2-3 times only for the final ball to be poorly played. They are extremely organised and when you give them a chance to settle and 'organise', then yes they are a tough team to break through. We played right into this yesterday by not playing the ball forward quicker.

    6. I agree that Sam and Brian destroyed their full backs - however (and no offense guys) for the amount of possession you had, their was really little end product. Yes Brian hit the bar once, and yes Sam gave me 2 fantastic balls that I should have scored at least 1 from. But there was nothing else I can remember apart from that.

    I'm sure Daragh will agree with me about the lack of passes and support that came our way in the match

    Lastly guys, if you insist in critising at least call a spade a spade.

    Ok, I really dont agree with any of this.

    1.Im not trying to be negative and Im sure Keith or others arent either. I just think giving everyone a nice big pat on the back and saying we gave it our all is ridiculous.No, everyone DIDNT give 150%. At all. I know myself, I could have given more, especially for a certain goal and in giving support. Im not singling anyone out, if you dont know yourself you are delusional or a fraud.

    2. I dont really agree with Gordons post but I think he is thinking along the right lines. You saying you want to play the long ball is ridiculous. It doesnt work against most teams and it certainly wouldnt have worked against Jeffs aerial dominance. Also, asking the team to play a long ball game is severly undercrediting the team as a whole.

    3. You cant seriously be giving out about the lack of support support when you advocate a long ball strategy. Doesnt make sense. I do agree about the support not being there though, I mentioned this myself. I also agree with the fact no one was shouting man-on/house or w/e. I said this to Keith a thousand times.

    4. Me not completing a pass you Daragh or you is quite harsh. I can remember clearly 3 times I did, and Im sure there were more. Daragh even said it in his post. Yes they dried up, I mentioned this myself. My fitness let me down from time to time and I was effectively midfield on my own for most parts but Ricky you need to RUN to get to a ball. Giving it to your feet was clearly not working.

    Re: Giving out about me calling for a pass when a) you were giving out about no support and b) giving out about no one communicating is pretty laughable. You dont have to pass to the other team. Pass to me. I am well able to handle myself.

    5. Daragh needs to be less shot-shy. And jeeez daragh stop cutting back in.:p I thought he was our second best attacking threat behind Brian yesterday but if he starts putting the foot through the ball I think he will have a lot more success. I say this to him a lot too.

    Another thing, it is very hard for you to score with your backs to goal. You both like taking it into your feet. A bit of movement and running would give ye both a better chance especially against a centre half like duck taking it into your feet is playing into his hands and making things a lot easier for Jeff. You are probably more guilty of this than Daragh tbh.

    6. Wingers need support too and not just from the midfield, crossing the ball doesnt work either given your dislike for heading the ball. Leaving a winger isolated is again playing into the Lanes fullbacks hands. Collectively as a team we took too much out of the ball I agree and Sam and Brian are probably more guilty than most when there is no support for them then it becomes hard for them to release the ball so its a team problem as much as it is theirs specifically.

    I dont think Ive ever done anything more than call a spade a spade.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭jbravado

    Lads we need to be sure this doesnt get messy as the second it is not fun any more is the moment the games will dry up.Saying that constructive critism is always usefull.

    We wanted to win-I think that was very evident on the pitch.
    I agree with Ricky though-Steven,you need to control roaring abuse at people-there are some this works with and some it doesnt-the nature of this game ie no coach manager etc-means it is basically always going to provoke a negative response as the Alpha male response will come into play.

    We didnt perform as well as we could have but I dont think it was due to a lack of effort. Ricky basically should be our go to man imo-he can hold the ball up and basically guarantess us a few goals a game. That said Ste is right-you need to make the ball yours-and your movement needs to improve.

    I wasted a lot of ball in retrospect and certainly need to be more aware of those around me.Fitness wise I would be killed against real opposition atm but hopefully that can improve.

    Kev M can do more imo-its not enough that he just goes about his game without any mistakes-basically hes too good a footballer for that. He can threaten in attack aswell and needs to really go for it.

    Keith you played well but you need to go through the ball take whatever is in front off you out of the way and really make the defensive line yours.

    HJ-You really need to be able to strike the ball with your bad foot-maybe one of the days you play just use your bad foot and force yourself to shoot,pass,dribble with it. You will look like a genius but who cares. It is easy to restrict you atm as you only go one way in most cases.

    I would love to beat these at some stage and I think with Donal/Tony there we could. Hopefully it wont be the last time we play them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    Remember we are all on the same team! Whatever tactics and or personnel we decide to use we face major disadvantages when we play grovenor. Most of us play little or no 11 a side, we don't know each other very well (on the pitch anyway) and we don't have a manager or training or any of that nonsense! Even being able to compete against them and not losing by a landslide is an achievement. Also their goalkeeper was excellent, which is a huge advantage There was twice when I was racing through trying to get the ball and the goalkeeper came out very quickly to just get their in time. Most keepers wouldn't of gotten there, and one or two goals would of made a big difference. Fair play to lloyd though, he did really well.

    With that said though I'm going to give my opinion...

    I'll try to shoot more, I come from games with very small games where shooting from any sort of distance is a waste of the ball, so my instinct is to hold on to the ball and pick out a pass. Strange problem for a striker to have!

    When Ricky talks about a long ball, he doesn't really mean playing the long ball ala Jack Charlton, what he means is getting the ball up quickly to the strikers, rather than trying to run the ball in defence or too much in midfield. Arsenal used to play like that a few years ago, where the emphasis was always on moving the ball into attack as quickly as possible. Ricky and I got hardly any passes to us for most of the game. I think there were three problems causing it though

    1) Basically only Steve ever looked up to see if there was a pass on to us when we up front. Everyone else seems reluctant to pass the ball more than 5 yards

    2) The strikers could of made more runs, asked for the ball more

    3) The opposition makes it much harder to implement any tactic. We had it relatively easy against the soccer forum. Its much harder to do anything right when they press you aggressively.

    I do think everyone is trying really hard, none of our problems come from lack of effort. Its important we don't argue or bicker too much, its natural that on a team of 14 players there will be several different opinions on how to play. Different sections of the team will naturally view the game in different ways.
    Roll on the next game!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭The_Chopper

    The reason the long ball worked that once is because Jeff was at the other end of the pitch. Any long ball when he was there, as Steve pointed out, was just punted straight back at us.

    Which is why I wanted to play the ball from back to front quickly as their FB and Jeff liked to join up in attack.

    It was my hope that playing it forward quicker would give Daragh and I more room. Also by playing it forward it cut down on the individual mistakes and not let them break up play in our third and have punts at goal.
    Nobody, not a single coach in the entire world, advocates the long ball as a serious strategy in anything other than as a last ditch "stick the big man up front" fall back plan. Even when it is, rarely, deployed as a strategy it requires the midfield to flood up after the ball to support the front man. The goal we scored was not a "long ball" goal. It was a counter-attack goal. There is a serious difference.

    Fair point - I suppose I really meant counter attack quickly, rather then long ball.
    I think we did ourselves proud yesterday and a team that plays together 2-3 times a week and obviously go to great lengths to prepare found it very tough to turn over 14 individuals who have played together 5 times ever. That's not nothing.

    Agree 100%
    3. You cant seriously be giving out about the lack of support support when you advocate a long ball strategy. Doesnt make sense. I do agree about the support not being there though, I mentioned this myself. I also agree with the fact no one was shouting man-on/house or w/e. I said this to Keith a thousand times.

    The strategy I wanted to play was get the ball forward quickly, whether that was long ball or counter attacking as Keith pointed out. My game plan wasn't followed. I remember challenging for the ball in the air only in the first period when the wind was against us.
    4. Me not completing a pass you Daragh or you is quite harsh. I can remember clearly 3 times I did, and Im sure there were more. Daragh even said it in his post. Yes they dried up, I mentioned this myself. My fitness let me down from time to time and I was effectively midfield on my own for most parts but Ricky you need to RUN to get to a ball. Giving it to your feet was clearly not working.

    Maybe a little harsh TBF.
    Saying I need to run more is also harsh. I got in behind them numerous times and on another day we would have had a handful more goals. I also fooked up my hamstring sprinting down the line in support of Sam lets not forget.
    Re: Giving out about me calling for a pass when a) you were giving out about no support and b) giving out about no one communicating is pretty laughable. You dont have to pass to the other team. Pass to me. I am well able to handle myself.

    That's not the point - the point is you're screaming for the ball when the pass is not on. I've said this to you in the past in other games and Kev (your midfield partner) also gave out to you about this during the match.
    5. Daragh needs to be less shot-shy. And jeeez daragh stop cutting back in.:p I thought he was our second best attacking threat behind Brian yesterday but if he starts putting the foot through the ball I think he will have a lot more success. I say this to him a lot too.

    I agree RE: Daragh.

    So you thought Daragh and Brian were both more dangerous then me on Sunday? If that's your opinion then fine, but I would be shocked if anyone agreed with that statement that was at the game.
    Another thing, it is very hard for you to score with your backs to goal. You both like taking it into your feet. A bit of movement and running would give ye both a better chance especially against a centre half like duck taking it into your feet is playing into his hands and making things a lot easier for Jeff. You are probably more guilty of this than Daragh tbh.

    See above. Also if Jeff and his merry men are so fantastic in defense (no offence) explain how we've scored 7 against them and how I (who by your statements above don't rate) has scored 5 of them.
    6. Wingers need support too and not just from the midfield, crossing the ball doesnt work either given your dislike for heading the ball. Leaving a winger isolated is again playing into the Lanes fullbacks hands. Collectively as a team we took too much out of the ball I agree and Sam and Brian are probably more guilty than most when there is no support for them then it becomes hard for them to release the ball so its a team problem as much as it is theirs specifically.

    See above regarding torn hamstring. But yes they could have done with more support

    Edit: These are just my opinions and aren't meant to be causing arguements, just a healthy discussion.

    Also it's good to see that people care about losing, regardless if I agree with the way they are going about it or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,924 ✭✭✭shoutman

    First off, I think everyones posts are from the viewpoint of constructive criticism so people shouldn't be getting upset by what people are saying.

    Secondly, Soccro people seem to be softies, I'm still bemused as to why the ref walked off after the second third because people were complaining at him. That's life get on with it.

    Back to the match, obviously I'm by no means an authority on the game, but in the first period we conceded no goals, in this period our back four were very rigid ie. no forward runs from either fulbacks, plenty of talk to the lads in front of us in midfield. Brian, in front of me, did great defensive work in the first period. He didn't make many tackles but he pressurised the opposition into making mistakes.
    The one time I made a forward run, I didn't get the ball, but it probably did create space for the lads on the inside and gave us a real chance in that first period. So maybe if we instruct wing backs to stay rigid but don't be afraid to overlap on the wing if they see the chance to. Especially if one of the central midfielders is getting tired and wants a break, they can stay in a defensive position and cover across to fullback if the attack breaks down and the opposition looks to counter. I'm not sure if this is plausible but anyway.

    As for attacking, we did have our chances, and there was plenty of more goals in the front two, maybe it was just one of those days where it "didn't happen". A pacy option in attack might also work, although the lack of a pacy forward on the bench doesn;t solve that problem.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,039 ✭✭✭Theresalwaysone

    Which is why I wanted to play the ball from back to front quickly as their FB and Jeff liked to join up in attack.

    It was my hope that playing it forward quicker would give Daragh and I more room. Also by playing it forward it cut down on the individual mistakes and not let them break up play in our third and have punts at goal.

    Jeff isnt an idiot. He is going to know when the time is right to join up in attack and when not to and also, one of you forwards should be tracking him too given the danger he poses.

    How does playing it forward quickly cut down on individual mistakes? I would say it makes no difference. You/Darragh made as many mistakes when you got quick balls and when we didnt get it forward quick enough? I really dont understand that point.

    If anything, You and Kev (midfield) were guiltiest of not releasing the ball quickest.
    Fair point - I suppose I really meant counter attack quickly, rather then long ball.

    The strategy I wanted to play was get the ball forward quickly, whether that was long ball or counter attacking as Keith pointed out. My game plan wasn't followed. I remember challenging for the ball in the air only in the first period when the wind was against us.

    I dont know many people who can outrun a 50-60 yard pass. So playing it quick up to you and Darragh immediately means that you have no support. Ineffective Strategy. Also, given both your penchants for not challenging with ye're heads, taking it with your back to goal and the lack of support means its never going to work.

    Maybe a little harsh TBF.
    Saying I need to run more is also harsh. I got in behind them numerous times and on another day we would have had a handful more goals. I also fooked up my hamstring sprinting down the line in support of Sam lets not forget.

    You were for want of a better word, lazy. Your injury, while unlucky, does not mean you were tirelessly or effectively supporting either winger. "On another day" doesnt really cut it with me, they are still mistakes, it wasnt bad luck, it wasnt "one of those days" it was simply mistakes/bad finishing/bad play or w/e way offends you the least.
    That's not the point - the point is you're screaming for the ball when the pass is not on. I've said this to you in the past in other games and Kev (your midfield partner) also gave out to you about this during the match.

    I still maintain me screaming for the ball whether its not on or not is much better than me not screaming at all.I will try be more aware though. I think its a huge part of the game.
    I agree RE: Daragh.

    So you thought Daragh and Brian were both more dangerous then me on Sunday? If that's your opinion then fine, but I would be shocked if anyone agreed with that statement that was at the game.

    Brian was certainly more dangerous than you tbh and Daragh did a lot more running off the ball and gave more options, was always in more space.
    See above. Also if Jeff and his merry men are so fantastic in defense (no offence) explain how we've scored 7 against them and how I (who by your statements above don't rate) has scored 5 of them.

    When did I ever say I didnt rate you? Stop playing the victim. You had a bad game. Everyone has them.

    Sundays goals were two penalties and a long ranger from Kev? How is that not a good defence? I very much doubt Jeffs team give away penos that stupidly on a regular basis.
    See above regarding torn hamstring. But yes they could have done with more support

    Again, torn/strained hamstring has absolutely nothing to do with the level of support you gave the wingers.
    Edit: These are just my opinions and aren't meant to be causing arguements, just a healthy discussion.

    Also it's good to see that people care about losing, regardless if I agree with the way they are going about it or not.

    Same here. I would rather we discuss it instead of spouting silly non-truths about everyone giving their all and how we were the better side etc etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,993 ✭✭✭Trippie

    Firstly let me say I wasn't trying to criticise anyone as i know I am in no position. (cast the first stone and all that)
    jbravado wrote: »
    Kev M can do more imo-its not enough that he just goes about his game without any mistakes-basically hes too good a footballer for that. He can threaten in attack aswell and needs to really go for it.

    I guess this was what I was trying to get at. Without singling out Kev it really isnt enough in what we are doing now. We need to try more and do things which move us out of our comfort zone. We will never get better if we dont. We really have no link up play between us and playing the quick ball up front regardless of who is there is still going to isolate you. Despite Steve's passing ability and Donal's tenacity they dont have the legs to get forward as quick as the ball is being played, controlled and even held up. The defence's attitude of clear it and make sure you are in the right position for when the ball comes back hinders us somewhat. We need to be able to start building from the back so that the opposing teams just dont flood the midfield, tighten the space and mark up having us run into corners and dead ends.

    I think that when we play the soccer forum next time the result should be irrelevant and we just just work on trying to recycle and keep the ball. Their fitness levels will come into play and if we have practiced in passing it about and holding onto the ball it will help build moral and efficiency for future games against jeff's lads etc

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,860 ✭✭✭ditpoker

    i'm staying clear of tactical analysis, at least for a bit, as i dont want to be splashing about in someone else's pool with my ore (bonus points for my metaphor i think :pac:).

    Re penalties conceded - in 3 and a half seasons we have condeded 5 penalties. 4 against the poker team, and 1 in a league game where our left mid made a brilliant diving save when we were 2-0 up in a cup with 5 mins to go. That in itself tells its own story i think. Also, re both penalties from sunday, i appreciate people saying you cant do x and y and z and expect to get away with it, the reality is the opposite... you can do x y and z and expect to get away with, how many pen's do u see given for shirt pulling from a corner etc etc. my take on both pen decisions (and bear in mind i was 5 feet away not 60 yards like some kayroo's and people! :p) the first one, both players ran into the box, pushing and shoving eachother, both went down and i took the ball away... no ref in a competitive league gives that, none. The second one, the "you cant push someone from behind" one... over the course of the 90 minutes i would say i pushed HJ and chopper about 30+ times from behind, i'm trying to win ball, and put them off their game, how many headers from goal kicks had one or both midfielders pushing each other... suffice to say, in my opinion, both penalties were generous and the second one the "victim" folded like superman on laundry day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,924 ✭✭✭shoutman

    I think both penalties were clear as the light of day. The first one the attacker was clearly dragged down from behind, no complaints.

    The second one the attacker was bundled into from behind, would be a free anywhere on the pitch and as a result it should and was a penalty.

    As a referee I wasn't being pernickity, in fact i'm sure the poker lads would have liked if I had called up a few more physical challenges, but mneh, Soccer is (should be anyway) a physical game, grow a pair of balls and take the rough and tumble.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,860 ✭✭✭ditpoker

    shoutman wrote: »
    I think both penalties were clear as the light of day. The first one the attacker was clearly dragged down from behind, no complaints.

    The second one the attacker was bundled into from behind, would be a free anywhere on the pitch and as a result it should and was a penalty.

    As a referee I wasn't being pernickity, in fact i'm sure the poker lads would have liked if I had called up a few more physical challenges, but mneh, Soccer is (should be anyway) a physical game, grow a pair of balls and take the rough and tumble.

    ok, re the first one, why wasnt it a free out? they both fell over??!?!?

    "The second one the attacker was bundled into from behind....but mneh, Soccer is (should be anyway) a physical game, grow a pair of balls and take the rough and tumble...." no pen, physical game, etc.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,924 ✭✭✭shoutman

    But its different being shouldered off the ball etc, and being pushed from behind. One is legal, yet gets called up all the time, and the other is clearly a foul. Re. the first one they didn't fall over each other, the defender dragged down the attacker so therefore its a foul.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    ditpoker wrote: »
    i'm staying clear of tactical analysis, at least for a bit, as i dont want to be splashing about in someone else's pool with my ore (bonus points for my metaphor i think :pac:).

    You get bonus points for the metaphor but lose them for being retarded with your malapropism. Oar, not ore.

    ditpoker wrote: »
    Re penalties conceded - in 3 and a half seasons we have condeded 5 penalties. 4 against the poker team, and 1 in a league game where our left mid made a brilliant diving save when we were 2-0 up in a cup with 5 mins to go. That in itself tells its own story i think.

    Yeah, that you are more disciplined in league games.
    ditpoker wrote: »
    the first one, both players ran into the box, pushing and shoving eachother, both went down and i took the ball away... no ref in a competitive league gives that, none.

    That's nonsense Jeff. Both of us have seen penalties given for way less and others turned down for way more. All you are saying is that Sunday league refs are brutally inconsistent and I agree with you.

    ditpoker wrote: »
    The second one, the "you cant push someone from behind" one... over the course of the 90 minutes i would say i pushed HJ and chopper about 30+ times from behind, i'm trying to win ball, and put them off their game, how many headers from goal kicks had one or both midfielders pushing each other... suffice to say, in my opinion, both penalties were generous and the second one the "victim" folded like superman on laundry day!

    I never said you couldn't push someone. I said you couldn't do it that blatantly and get away with it. I also said your defender was naive, which he was, and I am sure you can tell from that cryptic piece of writing that what I meant was that it was the fact that the foul was so obvious that made it a nailed on penalty rather than what he was actually doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,324 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭tribulus

    Didn't realise I'd missed the Champions League Final :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭semibluff

    yeh Terry missed the final penalty. It was sweet

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    semibluff wrote: »
    yeh Terry missed the final penalty. It was sweet

    You were missed Donal. Funniest bit was the ref refusing to ref the final 3rd. Apparently sticks and stones can break his bones but names will never hurt him, although they might force him to sit in his car in a huff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭semibluff

    Funniest bit was the ref refusing to ref the final 3rd. Apparently sticks and stones can break his bones but names will never hurt him, although they might force him to sit in his car in a huff.

    thats priceless - hope he dint get paid??

    Any discussion of another game? wouldnt mind a nice wet game on the grass, visions of taking anto and Jeff in the one tackle are flooding tru my head!

    Edit: Is brian (BMH) the small black haired dealer from the fits?? He used to play for stella back in the days??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,049 ✭✭✭The_Chopper

    Jeff isnt an idiot.

    Nor is he the footballing God you all make him out to be. In fact Jeff had a quiet game Sunday, at least in attack IMO.
    He is going to know when the time is right to join up in attack and when not to and also, one of you forwards should be tracking him too given the danger he poses.

    Well we made it really easy for him by letting him get settled when in defence when we attacked - so the point/opinion is irrelvant

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    semibluff wrote: »
    thats priceless - hope he dint get paid??

    Any discussion of another game? wouldnt mind a nice wet game on the grass, visions of taking anto and Jeff in the one tackle are flooding tru my head!

    Edit: Is brian (BMH) the small black haired dealer from the fits?? He used to play for stella back in the days??

    Don't know if he got paid actually. He was a mate of Lloyd's apparently so you could ask him.

    Brian is the dealer from the Fitz and he was pure class.

    I'd play another game anytime. Might stick a thread up in Soccer first, don't think Jeff's manager was too enamoured with us after the last game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,039 ✭✭✭Theresalwaysone

    Nor is he the footballing God you all make him out to be. In fact Jeff had a quiet game Sunday, at least in attack IMO.

    Well we made it really easy for him by letting him get settled when in defence when we attacked - so the point/opinion is irrelvant

    Id expect a centre half to have a quiet game in attack. Call me crazy.

    Um...what? YOU were the guiltiest person of not releasing the ball quick enough. You also never once harassed a defender in possession or tracked them on a forward run...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭semibluff

    never mind being amoured!

    Lets get a full team back. Bring in aakenny and Jayminator to the squad. Ill be there, and fran will be back too with rooney and Bref and Thomas. Lets get a grass game against the Lane again.
    I'll take the reigns if nobody else wants it (this is presuming because Rickys injured he wont be there??? if not work away)

    Getting a game against the soccer forum is well and good, but isnt really going to challenge us too much (no offence intended). Lets arrange another game, whatever date Sam is back in ireland (if its soon) and on a grass pitch.

    Yeh played against Brian years ago, used to be a forward yeh??

    Lads, leave the bickering out. Its gone from constructive criticism to handbags tbf.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Id expect a centre half to have a quiet game in attack. Call me crazy.

    Um...what? YOU were the guiltiest person of not releasing the ball quick enough. You also never once harassed a defender in possession or tracked them on a forward run...

    Both of ye need to let it go.

    It was a tough game and pointing fingers won't help. There were lessons to be learned and we can talk through them another time. I think it's time to let this die and just chalk it down to experience.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    semibluff wrote: »
    never mind being amoured!

    Lets get a full team back. Bring in aakenny and Jayminator to the squad. Ill be there, and fran will be back too with rooney and Bref and Thomas. Lets get a grass game against the Lane again.
    I'll take the reigns if nobody else wants it (this is presuming because Rickys injured he wont be there??? if not work away)

    Getting a game against the soccer forum is well and good, but isnt really going to challenge us too much (no offence intended). Lets arrange another game, whatever date Sam is back in ireland (if its soon) and on a grass pitch.

    Yeh played against Brian years ago, used to be a forward yeh??

    Lads, leave the bickering out. Its gone from constructive criticism to handbags tbf.

    Fook it, yeah, I am up for it.

    Sam, when are you next back???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭jbravado

    Im due to be blogging for the I/O SO will be back for 4/5 days whenever that is. Id love another game but obv has to suit the majority-Grass would be great.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    jbravado wrote: »
    Im due to be blogging for the I/O SO will be back for 4/5 days whenever that is. Id love another game but obv has to suit the majority-Grass would be great.

    If you book it...they will come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,324 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    No he didn't get paid. He was a mate doing a favour - coming out to blow the whistle on a miserable cold day so that everyone could get on with playing and enjoying the game. He did his best, making a few mistakes like any untrained referee would. And then like any adult who realizes he has the ability to make choices - he said '**** you' when he'd had enough of ye whinging like spoiled little kids, and retreated to the warmth of his car for the last half hour. Very good decision on his behalf as far as I'm concerned.

    OK Lloyd, for a start, I just asked the guy a question and I apologised (which is more than I can say for any of the Grosvenor Lane players) after the game if he took offence to me asking him to keep an eye out for the odd jersey tug. Alan decided to make a bigger deal of it as far as I could see and had his little "take my ball and go home" moment. I didn't hear any of the midfielders having a go other than Sammy asking for a free kick after the 1,000th time their full back got frustrated and hung out of him.

    FWIW: I think he did a thankless job and I hope he accepted my apology as genuine. When the Grosvenor players shouted at the ref for something about 3-4 mins after I had spoken to him I made a joke about not getting on the refs case which even he laughed at (Alan didn't think it was funny mind you) and I thought the issue was put to bed. I am sorry he felt so aggrieved but it was not explained to our lads that, unlike the last few games where we had a trained referee, your mate didn't know what he was doing. I would imagine that piece of info would have altered their attitudes to the referee quite considerably.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,924 ✭✭✭shoutman

    Cost for tomorrow will be about 10 each (90, pitch + 25, ref + 25 ball).

    Is there some money resting in someones account :P

  • Posts: 0 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    shoutman wrote: »
    Is there some money resting in someones account :P

    You neglected to mention the ball part too. Did we have a new ball?

    Ricky, you got some splaining to do!!!*

    *Difficult to make an "I love Lucy" joke via the internet

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,860 ✭✭✭ditpoker

    trained ref??? it was the same guy!!?! unless you're talking about des from the soccer forum... and i hope he is not "trained".

    also, "quiet" is being generous to my sunday performance... i was brutal (and proud of it! :p)
