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Who'd you vote for?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Flinter08/09

    Firstly I would like to thank all those that have voted this year, as for those of you that did not or further more were unaware that the election process was taking place I hope that through improved communication we will reach out to you next year.

    Secondly, we all know that there are issues within DIT and also within DITSU. Many of the people on boards will be able to point that out, I have been on boards for a number of months now and meet we many students trying to resolve a number of issues that have come about since September. We as a Union are working at getting better to improve every student experience within DIT.

    One of our massive down falls is that we are not good at letting students know what exactly we have done for them. It's easy to state the obvious but behind the scenes there are a number of things happening. There is alot of useful info on our web site where you can read reports of what exactly we are doing and what we have achieved from the president to both vice preisdents and also convenors.

    We as representatives sit infront of your council of over 60 students who have been elected by your class reps and justify our work and achievements regurarly. No question is not put, I ask of any person who had doubts with the Students Union and their representatives to come and witness it for themselves.

    As a person who has been involved within the Students Union this year I have seen both its strengths and weaknesses. I will not state that there is no such thing as weaknesses within the Union because there are. Many of these Strenghts and Weaknesses is why I decided to run for President. Coming from the "inside" it gives me the ability to see what needs to be changed, it has also allowed me to build necessary relatonships within DIT for the better of all students. Rome wasn't built in a day, it takes time to build trust within DIT and it takes alot of hard work over several years but we have not got several years we have 2 max. There are many issues that we will face over the next year, we are already facing a number of cut backs within DIT and guess what folks its only going to get worse.

    We now, more than ever need to pull together and progress as a Union and we can't do that if we are divided. Many unions have become displaced within Ireland because when times were great nobody needed them. The tide has turned and already we have seen an increase in the amout of student cases we are dealing with. The massive issue at the moment is Student Assistance. A fund that has become some what depleted due to high recognition by students this year, we are working at pumping more money into this so students can afford to come to college, pay for materials, pay their rent and also get the education they deserve.

    As I said one of the main down falls of the Union is students not understanding what we do for them, it is a problem that we are working on. I am delighted that I was elected in as President for the next academic year as I believe it takes alot of balls to stand up in times of economic crisis and demand a better experience for all students within DIT. It's not going to be easy on any of us but I believe that there are issues within DIT that need sorting and I do not want students getting the short straw at the end of the day!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7

    the_dart wrote: »
    Yes I am for real. Are you? Because you sound like an “insider” to me. So instead of just posting your emotions, why don’t you listen up and take some notes.

    Can you honestly put your hand on your heart and say that DITSU has improved or even remained static since the end of the Bob Coggins era? I believe it has gone off a cliff. It seems that incompetent fools are being elected to these positions, obviously because they’re popular enough among certain circles but also because of a lack of competition for the job, ie. Congratulations to Sean Campbell for successful being elected in an uncontested election. That’s a fantastic achievement.

    Of course the lack of real competition for these jobs stems from a lack of interest because for right or for wrong (I’d argue it’s right) students perceive the union as being run by incompetent, unaccountable cronies who are only interested in themselves and their C.V.’s rather than working for the students, improving DITSU and making DIT overall a better college experience for the students who attend the college.

    Don’t talk to me like I’m an unknown, I’ve been involved with student life in DIT. I’ve dealt with our overlords in the SU over the years. I’ve seen them in action. I was very much impressed when I was a first year student during Bob Coggins’ year of President, since then I’ve watched the demise. DITSU and student life in general in DIT rates poorly compared to UCD and Trinity. I think DIT does care about this and the SU is very lucky to have so much support from DIT, such as “Campus Life”, the “Societies Office” etc. It would also appear that DIT funds its societies etc. very generously. Point is it could be a lot worse.

    Tracey has been VP in a year that I would classify thus far as a failure for DITSU. There appears to be absolutely nothing going on, nothing happening. And from talking to fellow students from my own course and other courses, the general consensus I’ve found has been DITSU is a disgrace. Of course, these people are not inside people.

    So, “” seen as your obviously on the inside, can I ask you a few questions which you might be able to answer.

    1.How much do these balloon heads get paid to run DITSU on our behalf for the year?

    2.How do you justify your previously stated belief that Tracey deserves to be President, while she promises to change college life for the better, when she is currently VP, and appears to innocent bystanders, to be doing nothing to change DITSU

    3.Julian got elected by going around classes promising all kinds of great improvements to student life in DIT by cleverly ranting against the current state of DITU (“RAG week just gone by, I barely noticed” – I quote Julian) – Why is Julian such a disaster? Has anyone hinted to him that he’s a disgrace? How can we get him sacked? (serious question – if he can held to account for his action, or inactions rather, prove it. And I don't want to hear anymore nonsense about getting yourself elected a convenor etc. These morons are elected to work on our behalf. The top three, especially Jules, are incompetent and I'm simply asking how we the students can hold them accountable for not fullfilling their promises)

    4.Has Martin Dunne done anything that’s tangible and of any importance? (not interested in turning this into a fees debate)

    5.Have you done any surveys of students’ attitude towards the union and how they rate their elected officials with comments for improvement? Rating the student officers is very important. It’s called performance measurement. If you circularise it generally and not amongst your buddies, you may be surprised by the results which I believe will highlight a high degree of dissatisfaction among students. Of course this would bring some accountability and publicity into the arena, and that’s not what these banana heads want.

    6.Can I opt not to be a member of DITSU?

    7.Can I have my money back?

    You can go on if you like, burying your heads in the sand, but you will continue to hear these sorts of complaints and many more on a regular basis, until you finally wake-up and smell the cheese or until someone competent, finally manages to get elected to a position of influence. I wouldn’t bet on it. DITSU is a shambles and a thundering disgrace.

    I not going to lie, I was not around for the 'Bob Coggins Era' but I have news for ya, HE IS NOT HERE ANY MORE so get over it!

    Im not an insider, I said I was involved, I just listen to what is going on and I know the work that is being done, obviously you have just been burying your head in the sand and not bothered to find out whats been done.

    You just sound like you like to complain

    And Sean Campbell was uncontested because NO ONE BOTHERED TO RUN AGAINST HIM. Its up to a student to nominate themselves not the union so its not like there is a select group of people who can and cannot run...its student union not a secret organization.

    And as for improving college its up to DIT to change, all the union can do is tell them what to change and hope they listen, and without the union they wouldnt listen to anything because no1 would be there to tell them.

    As for Tracey, she is VP for Student and Academic affairs, she deals with the behind the scene academic stuff, like if people need to appeal results and fail and need accomodation and whatever, so the 'average' not involved student wouldnt know what she does, its that simple, thats why not many people hear about the work she does.

    And as for the questions

    1. I have no idea, why dont you call/mail/talk to them, its not like they are uncontactable

    2.As Iv said Traceys stuff is behind the scene stuff, why dont you find a student who failed, Tracey got the exam board to reconvene and pass that student to tell you how valuable she is to the union and the student populace. Or again call her and ask her, everything she has achieved has been recorded and Im sure she could give you a run down if you cared enough to listen

    3.Again, why dont you call him, tell him yourself, tell him what you want to see happen, its called student input. And as for RAG, its next week, why not wait to see what happens before you slate him for it. And the RAG trip didnt happen because DIT did not allow it, not the union. Dermot also deals with facilities, again not something a lot of people hear a lot about but he has done a lot on that side of things

    4.Im not a fan of Martin, Im not going to lie, he is the head of the union and chief spokes person and I only know what happened becuse I am involved, the average student does not have a clue and this is his fault, again why not contact him, all the presidents are accountable to every student

    5.Why not contact them and tell them you want it done, they are actually looking for feedback... but most people just like to sit back and complain to their mates, or on boards, insted of to the people they should be complaining to

    6.Drop out


    Hope that helped!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Ass

    Look at that wall of text.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Ass

    Also, next time around I'm going to vote for the black guy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭sunnyjim

    Again a totally uneducated response! There is loads of ways to contact the presidents and convenors if you have issues. Convenors are always on site to talk to. The numbers and e-mails for the presidents are on the website or in your SU office, and the presidents float around so you can talk to them face to face, so you can contact them at any stage, you dont NEED to be a rep or convenor. If you really feel strongly about your issues why dont you contact them and say it to them, rather than you sitting behind your computer waiting for them to read all your bull and complaints on boards!

    Are you listening to what I'm saying at all?

    How about we remove the red tape. How about making the lines of communication shorter by making it easier for a student to have their views and opinions known.

    Right now, it looks like a student must be either:

    a) a class rep
    b) governor
    c) SU sabbat

    To get anything done, because the response given seems to suggest that it's the only way to get anything done. How about the SU actively look for problems, rather than the reactionary "wait for people to come knocking".
    2.As Iv said Traceys stuff is behind the scene stuff, why dont you find a student who failed, Tracey got the exam board to reconvene and pass that student to tell you how valuable she is to the union and the student populace. Or again call her and ask her, everything she has achieved has been recorded and Im sure she could give you a run down if you cared enough to listen

    This stuff that involves repeats - how exactly is it that the SU gets exam boards to reconviene? Surely its a case of just applying for a remarking of your paper etc. Where exactly does the SU come in?

    Not knocking Flinters achievements or anything.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 995 ✭✭✭Ass

    The students union should just be disolved. DIT should stop wasting money on it and spend it on things like improvments to the Games Lab in Kevin St. instead.

    I don't know if any of you have noticed, but we're in a bit of a recession at the minute, and pissing away a bunch of DIT's money on a Student's Union is foolish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭the_dart

    tonyfloney wrote: »
    so you want to leave the union good for you...dont come crying your eyes out when you fail your exams or miss a deadline or your lectures tell you to F..k off as you are on your own....brains should be your new names or dopies!!!

    Very simple people no union no legs to stand on!!! believe it or not the union does loads of work so dont start all the s..te talking just cos you couildnt have the balls to run for elections

    True? balls? join in the union and see for yourself? pick one office tomorrow and go in and start asking questions and see what life is like outside of your bedroom......................M/B:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

    Do you speak english? I can't comprehend half of what you just wrote. But the part that's legible "dont come crying your eyes out when you fail your exams or miss a deadline or your lectures tell you...", I'll respond to.

    I've never failed an exam, ever. So, I don't know what it's like to be "crying your eyes out" and I don't intend failing any exams so I'll decline your offer of help in advance. Although apart from being a shoulder to cry on (as you seem to be suggesting) I don't see what else the union could do about failing an exam. I can tell that you seem to be familiar with this and judging by what you just wrote, I'd wager you've failed a few in your time. But this is getting off topic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭the_dart

    And as for improving college its up to DIT to change, all the union can do is tell them what to change and hope they listen, and without the union they wouldnt listen to anything because no1 would be there to tell them.

    I’m not complaining about DIT. I’m complaining about the DITSU.

    1. I have no idea, why dont you call/mail/talk to them, its not like they are uncontactable[/quote[

    That’s a cop-out. We should know how much they get paid. Is it over or under 20k? Perhaps Tracey will answer that one as she’s posting but managed to miss that question. It’d be nice to know if we’re getting value for money from our union overlords. The salaries of college heads are printed in the paper. What’s with the secrecy as to what union “leaders” get paid?
    2.As Iv said Traceys stuff is behind the scene stuff, why dont you find a student who failed, Tracey got the exam board to reconvene and pass that student to tell you how valuable she is to the union and the student populace. Or again call her and ask her, everything she has achieved has been recorded and Im sure she could give you a run down if you cared enough to listen

    How does Tracey manage to pass students who fail? Can you explain that one to me? So if you fail because you were out drinking the night before or didn’t bother to turn up to any of your lectures, can she get you passed?
    3.Again, why dont you call him, tell him yourself, tell him what you want to see happen, its called student input. And as for RAG, its next week, why not wait to see what happens before you slate him for it. And the RAG trip didnt happen because DIT did not allow it, not the union. Dermot also deals with facilities, again not something a lot of people hear a lot about but he has done a lot on that side of things

    Didn’t directly answer my question. But the point has been made. I predict RAG week will be ****e
    4.Im not a fan of Martin, Im not going to lie, he is the head of the union and chief spokes person and I only know what happened becuse I am involved, the average student does not have a clue and this is his fault, again why not contact him, all the presidents are accountable to every student

    Oh trouble in paradise? So you are willing to accept Dunne is incompetent. You see, you’re starting to come around to my point of view. If you’re aware of these shortcomings, why don’t you deal with them, seen as you’re an insider.
    5.Why not contact them and tell them you want it done, they are actually looking for feedback... but most people just like to sit back and complain to their mates, or on boards, insted of to the people they should be complaining to

    They’re not looking for feedback. It’s very easy to get feedback, to do a sort of marketing survey. I mean it’s stupid to say they’re looking for feedback but they don’t get any. Go out and get the bloody feedback. They don’t even need to get their hands dirty. They can hire someone to do the survey. The union is well able to piss away our money on sorts of poorly organised gigs and they can’t do a survey? Again, I don’t think they want the feedback, because they it won’t be good.
    6.Drop out

    Nice. So there’s no way to disaffiliate from the union? Maybe this option should be provided.


    Then how can we see the books and see how these yahoos are spending our money? Why can’t we choose not to avail of the union and instead get a discounted registration fee?

    Tracey is promising a lot, as she has in her post above. I’m unconvinced. I hope she achieves her promises. I really do. We’re all DIT students and we have nothing to gain from DITSU failure, apart from being able to say “I told you so”. I predict more of the same.

  • Site Banned Posts: 5,346 ✭✭✭wixfjord

    Post Reported

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    wixfjord wrote: »
    Post Reported

    Why? He didn't actually call anyone in particular a wanker?

    He has a point, get involved bla bla bla...

    I have no interest in getting involved with the SU but I have found them really helpful in the past.

    For example: One of the rooms in Kevin St had a sort of staple hanging out which was holding the material to the wood on the chair and I put my hand down on it by mistake. Had to get a tetanus shot and a stitch which i needed to pay for. The SU got me a full refund of the money I had to pay for the doctors visits, tetanus etc and arranged for DIT to fix the chair.

    The reason most people i think feel the SU do nothing is because they've never had to deal with them. I myself thought they did shag all until the above incident happened.

    Sean Campbell as said already, is a very popular character in Kevin St and I hope he lives up to what he said he's going to do which i'm pretty sure he will.

    Re Martin Dunne: What are people's problems with Martin? Anytime there's any news reports on the TV about students unions or fee's he's always out on the front line. So much so that I sometimes think to myself "what the feck is that gob****e doing on the telly!"

    I didn't hear anything about any of the candidates this year (bar on here) or when the elections were on and i HATE the hand written posters but fair play to everyone who took part.

    I wish you all the best of luck and best of luck to everyone else who works behind the scenes in the SU that work just as hard but never seem to get a mention.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 5,346 ✭✭✭wixfjord

    orla wrote: »
    Why? He didn't actually call anyone in particular a wanker?

    He has a point, get involved bla bla bla...

    I have no interest in getting involved with the SU but I have found them really helpful in the past.

    So he has a point then eh? :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭the_dart

    tonyfloney wrote: »

    Get off the fence and into the game...if ye don't do that ye are a bunch of W*nkers.......who just want to cry to mammy on-line.

    Very intellectual. You really learn a lot in college, don't you?
    Sean Campbell as said already, is a very popular character in Kevin St and I hope he lives up to what he said he's going to do which i'm pretty sure he will.

    Popular doesn't mean competent. Brian Cowan was popular. I'll reserve judgement on Campbell. But he walked into the position, didn't really get elected. Hopefully he wants it for good reasons.
    Re Martin Dunne: What are people's problems with Martin? Anytime there's any news reports on the TV about students unions or fee's he's always out on the front line. So much so that I sometimes think to myself "what the feck is that gob****e doing on the telly!"

    Would that be on Martin Dunne TV? Don't know what news channels your watching, I've never seen Dunne been interviewed on TV or read a quote in the paper. Still though, the fees protest is a laugh. DITSU have a British citizen and the forefront of their campaign to lobby the Irish taxpayer to continue to pay for third level education for Irish citizens - the irony. Other than ranting about fees, nobody has been able to cite anything important or tangible that Martin Dunne has achieved over the past year and a half. In fact, the pro-DITSU loving posters here thus far seem to be rather unhappy about the DITSU President as well. I quote one DITSU lover:
    : Im not a fan of Martin, Im not going to lie, he is the head of the union and chief spokes person and I only know what happened becuse I am involved, the average student does not have a clue and this is his fault

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    the_dart wrote: »
    Popular doesn't mean competent. Brian Cowan was popular.

    Yeh poor Brian Cowan. Did you know the worlds recession was actually caused by him? Not an exactly a good comparison.
    the_dart wrote: »
    I'll reserve judgement on Campbell. But he walked into the position, didn't really get elected. Hopefully he wants it for good reasons.

    He didn't walk in people could have voted no.
    the_dart wrote: »
    Would that be on Martin Dunne TV? Don't know what news channels your watching, I've never seen Dunne been interviewed on TV or read a quote in the paper.

    Are you serious? He's been on RTE news loads of times. Speaking about students fee's, and accommodation etc. He also camped outside the Dail.

    What's done is done. Can't be changed now so unless your going to "get involved" next time, stop complaining.

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 10,686 Mod ✭✭✭✭melekalikimaka

    tony my friend... your input is welcome on the forum... but no need to resort to name calling... a week off might help clear your head

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,325 ✭✭✭Frankiestylee

    tonyfloney wrote: »
    Its nice to know that you think the student politics is petty, you don't know much about it then so, the work the students union do is great and if they weren't there then alot of students wouldn't be in college. DITSU is a shining lite across the country as unions go they are the only union in the country that have a back bone of full time staff to help out students. Its very easy to make sweeping statements and just say the union is crap and that the union is s**t etc but its your union your money and your attitude that have the union put down every time on boards or where ever else you piss on people as you don't care about helping other people along that way but just sit on the fence....good work people!!!! I say get involved with the union and STOP CRYING YOUR EYES OUT WITH THESE SILLY COMMENTS!!!!

    P.S I am a student who cares and the union has helped me with my problems so than you to them!!! and I did vote for Tracey, Jen and Seany.

    Lots of people do good things in college, I wouldn't put the SU on a pedestal.

    If you saw what other SUs were like you'd be amazed. Compared to TCDSU (for example) DIT are far from a shining light.

    I'm pretty sure other unions have a full time staff.

    It IS our union and our money, hence we've a right to criticize.

    Y'know, it's always the same really... people give out about the SU and then someone comes along and tells them to get involved in the SU. Same logic would suggest you should become a TD in order to give your view on how the country is run.
    Everybody should vote though... alot of people seem to think that adding to the poor turn-out is some form of protest, but really once people get elected they will act like they have a mandate from the students, even if it's only a percentage of a small percentage. There is a handy option, R.O.N. Re-open Nominations, that'd really show your displeasure.

    I'm on Erasmus at the moment so can't speak about on-campus publicity, but I didn't even know the elections were taking place, nevermind who was up for election... I imagine my situation might have been similar to those from the smaller buildings around the place.

    I dug up a version of Toast, and I'd say the best people were elected, though I hate when people are unopposed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,243 ✭✭✭✭Jesus Wept

    The Flintmeister General!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28 spiderpig101

    I have never seen the SU do anything, SHAG week was a sham, so will RAG week. As for the election if I had of voted it would have only been to spoil my vote, and those hand written posters where never replaced with proper ones and I didnt even know when it was on until the last day. The only people running for election I saw were the lass that came around to the class and seany who was at the main door to Auinger st. Very poor show by the rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,575 ✭✭✭✭Creamy Goodness

    orla wrote: »

    you said tet-anus.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 tonyfloney

    ....the week off was great really, spain this time of year is lovely....cleared my head....ha ha ha

    So we are all happy people now right?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 Clever Kermit

    DTSU is not there to spoon feed all of its information to students, it is there to represent all students at all levels within DIT and to assist/guide and help students in difficult times.
    All information is available on its website and also you can call/email any sab at any time in working hours....
    you can sit here and complain that the union does nothing for you, it represents students day in day is not feasible for the union to communicate all 22,000 students needs on a weekly basis.
    Also DIT does not fund DITSU as somebody previously mentioned.

    While I acknowledge there are problems and issues that need to be resolved within DIT, people should do a little research before they come on here and discredit the hard work of may volunteers, students, class reps, councillors, sabs and full time staff.

    Action and results will only come with effective particiaption be that students themselves feeding into the system or else through class reps and councillors....every student is mature enough to take responsibilty for their own education, DITSU is there to facilitate them and help them along the way.

    Remember we are not consumers within DIT or DITSU we are service providers and as such need to give feedback on the service to communication channels available to us. DIT is a large bureaucratic organisation that DITSU works hard with to navigate the rights and entitlements of the way this is not an easy task and services cannot be drastically improved semester after semester..its an incremental process. Following my four years almost in DIT i can see big changes...well done DITSU and particularly Tracey Flinter for her tireless work.

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