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  • 13-03-2009 2:33pm
    Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭

    Hello there folks, as you can tell by my post count this will be my first post and after looking through the extensive list of forums there are, I honestly don’t know where to post. So, since I live in Cork City I thought I’d post it here. Generally speaking, I’ve been working in a retail store for almost a year and a half now and I’ve come across a wide range of people from very pleasant people to folk who seriously deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Hades, I’ve seen one or two threads about the retail store I work in (With one of them being a store in another county) and how negatively they portrayed the store because of price, staff attitudes and so on.

    Now, I will not give the name of my work place for the simple reason that I really can’t afford to risk losing my job but I’ve had just about enough of the attitude of the majority of our customers which is staggeringly vicious a lot of the time. Others who work in retail will have many of their own stories and I can bet there will be a lot of negative reactions to this post but I don’t care. Part of this is to get the frustration and anger off my chest. So, if you want to read on, by all means, otherwise, you can close the tab or web browser of your choice.

    Any following dialogue will usually be prefaced with a simple letter for the person, M: for manager, C: for customer and Me: for personal experiences.


    C: Can you look after my child? I’ll only be half an hour.

    No, lady, I can’t. This is a toy store not a nursery. And before you decide to have a look through Smiths or whoever, I don’t work in a toy store but I have heard this being said.

    While maybe not verbatim word for word, but the very last line of what was said by the customer is. This also happened midway through February.

    C: Hello, this doesn’t work. I want an exchange

    M: Okay, what’s the fault?

    [M takes the item in question and looks at it, there is no packaging]

    C: I don’t know, it just doesn’t work.

    M: Alright, that’s not a problem, do you have the receipt?

    C: No. I think I threw it away.

    M: Can you tell me when you bought it?

    C: No, can’t remember. It was before Christmas anyway.

    M: Did you buy it by card or cash? If you bought it by card I should be able to find it in the system.

    C: Cash I think.

    M: Okay, did you buy anything else with it?

    C: Don’t remember.

    M: I’m sorry then, I can’t give you an exchange.

    C: Why not? It never worked for me. I’m entitled to an exchange. You know what, never mind. Just give me a refund.

    M: I can’t give you that either unless you can tell me the date you bought on it or the receipt.

    C: Look, I bought it here and [pointing at same product on a peg] you have some more of them there. You cant get these anywhere else in Cork.

    M: I understand that, but I can’t do anything without a receipt or the date it was bought on. Look, everything that’s sold goes through the system which is how our stock is controlled. Stuff brought back needs to be run through the system as well. Coming up to Christmas, that particular item was on special offer and we sold loads of them. If I was to just exchange it back to you with someone else’s receipt code and that customer was to come back with their unit if it went faulty, we could fail our audit and get in a load of trouble with head office.

    C: I don’t care, I’m entitled to an exchange or a refund. I demand to see the store manager.

    M: You’re talking to him. I’m sorry, but you’re not. It’s your responsibility to keep your receipt as proof of purchase. I’ve explained to you how our returns policy works and I can not give you a refund or an exchange unless you can provide me with a receipt or the date of purchase. I’m sorry but that’s just the way it is.

    C: Fine. I hope I see you on the dole.

    Yes, he actually said that before walking out. Think about that. Now, imagine you have to deal with stuff like that on a regular basis.

    Another example;

    C: Excuse me, can you tell me about this?

    Me: Hmmm, I’m sorry, I don’t know about that particular item… [Cut off here]

    C: Well why the f*ck not? You work here. You should know about what you’re selling!

    Now then, this happens quite regularly too. Some stores sell a very wide range of items and not every employee can know everything about everything in the store. If the idiot in question had let me finish, I would have told her that I’d get someone who does.

    C: Get this for me. Now.

    Well, hold on there sparky. I’d like to introduce you to my fist. Now. But no, that would be rude. Just like you are. I work in retail and yes, I am paid to help you in any way I reasonably can. But that doesn’t give you the excuse to treat me like something unpleasant you just stepped on. Simple, every day courtesy like please and thank you go a long way. Is it a wonder why people feel that floor staff can seem hostile or belligerent? As everyone should know, we’re all human. We all have our own lives, hopes, ambitions and desires. Under no circumstances do you deserve to treat people like scum because they work in retail.


    Acting like a self important douche certainly doesn’t make retail staff any happier. I am referring to a customer who, on the phone demanded, rather loudly and forcefully for a particular item. We had one left and when asked if he’d like it to be reserved for himself he said no, he’d only be an hour. An hour later and when he arrived, it turned out it had been sold. He then berated me for not keeping it for him. I told him that I had offered to reserve it for him (We have to do this, there are actually disciplinary actions if every item of stock isn’t accounted for). Luckily for him though, we’d gotten a delivery between then and we had one to spare. On the way to the till he yelled out IS ANYONE AT THE TILL only to stop off midway down the shop to inspect something and then arrived at the till five minutes later. Don’t be a douche.

    C: This is really expensive, can you give me a discount on it?

    Why? Why should I give you a discount? What exactly entitles you to pay less than the next person who might want this item? This question or the variations of it piss the Hades out of me. There are many other people who will happily pay the asking price for something without believing they’re entitled to a discount simply because the item is expensive. If you can’t afford something, either save up or buy somewhere else. If we’re the only suppliers, tough luck. If you have coupons or discount vouchers, yeah you can have your discount.

    C: I come here all the time, how about a discount?

    And? We have a lot of other repeat customers who are more than happy to not expect discounts simply because they shop here.

    C: This is the last of your stock on this? Can you give me a discount on it?


    C: I just got broadband but they never gave me a modem. If you come out to my place I’ll buy one from here.

    Not only is this creepy and possibly the start of a missing person’s case, I’ll going to go along with the idea that the guy isn’t mentally disturbed. Simply put, no. We sell the stuff but that doesn’t mean we have to install it for you either.

    C: Listen, I need an item that does this, this or this.

    Me: I’m sorry, I’ve never heard or seen something that does that, that or that.

    C: Well why the hell not?

    This can happen with any number of things that do any number of things. But unfortunately, if I don’t know about what you’re talking about or I’ve never seen or thought about using something in the way you’re talking about, asking me why I don’t know is a pretty stupid thing to ask, no?

    C: My brother bought an item here last week and I want it too.

    Me: I’m sorry, we don’t sell that here.

    C: Is there anyone else who works here who’d know?

    Me: I’ve been working here a year and if anyone knows more about that item than me, I’d be quite surprised.

    C: F*ck you. [Leaves.]

    Indeed. The following didn’t happen to me but I was there to see it anyway.

    C: Hi, I got this hear two weeks ago and it never worked for me so I took it to a repair store and they told me that the entire model of this item is faulty. I want a new item.

    M: [Looking at the item which has been pried open and messily reassembled] I’m sorry, but we can’t take this back. It’s been opened and that voids its warranty.

    C: That’s not what the guy in the other store told me! He told me that you’ll have to give me a replacement.

    M: Was it another branch of our store?

    C: No, it was item menders.

    M: We’re not affiliated with that store. They have no say in our returns policy.

    C: I don’t care, he said you had to give me a replacement because the entire batch of this model were faulty.

    M: And that’s fine, yes, but you should have brought it back here and gotten an exchange immediately. But since it’s been opened, the warranty has been voided. That’s standard on all electronic goods like this.

    C: Are you the manager?

    M: Yes I am.

    C: Then I want the number of your regional manager. I’m going to have your job.

    M: I can’t give that out but I can call head office and see what I can do.

    C: Fine. But I’m not leaving here without a new, working phone.

    M: [Talks to head office for a few minutes] I’m sorry but the best I can do is send it back to head office for our engineers to look at it but that’s it.

    C: But the guy at item menders says it’s faulty! Just give me a new item!

    M: Madam, we have to follow company policy. The say so of someone from a different store doesn’t change that.

    At this point, I was leaving after being served but on the way out I heard several yelled curses and the sound of the alleged item breaking.

    C: I can get this online for half the price?

    Well why don’t you? I honestly don’t know if people realise this, but of course something is going to be cheaper online than it is in a retail store. Why? Because online retailers basically consist of a warehouse and a skeleton crew of workers meaning they can sell items at near cost price and come away with a profit while retail stores need to pay taxes on each store, rent (If they don’t own the location they operate on), lighting, necessary staff, water, maintenance, visible promotions and transport from central warehouses, sometimes to different countries like a few stores in Ireland getting their stock from the UK. No doubt there are plenty of other charges but that is the general reason why you pay more in a retail. But that also means you get face to face support and usually, the chance to examine the item before you purchase it.

    C: You charge for your catalogue?

    Yes, we do. A lot of stores are not Argos who’s business model revolves around them (Which is why when you go into Argos, you get the item code and go to the till to pick it up instead of just picking it up off the shelves. Don’t like it? Tough.

    C: Hey there. How are you? Listen, I need this f*cking etc.

    Swearing continuously, even if you’re not layering abuse at the workers is not appreciated. There might be children about or people who are easily offended and while they might not complain to you they certainly will complain to us about leaving people like you into the store.

    C: Hey bud, do you think you could open up a little early so I can get what I want?

    No. I’m paid to work a set number of hours. I’m not going to open especially for you even if I could.

    [Shop is closed but we’re finishing the night pack or face off or whatever]

    C: Hey! [Banging on entrance] Can I get in? I need to get something?! Please!?

    No. The store is closed. Come back tomorrow. Believe it or not, we have our own lives and, just like everyone else, we have no great desire to prolong our work day another ten or twenty minutes just you can grab something. Adding to this, if the store is closed or the entrance doesn’t open automatically, that doesn’t invite you to force the doors open and get into the store. Just don’t.

    C: Excuse me, can you help me?

    Me: Certainly, just give me a minute, I’m sorting out another customer.

    C: That’s not good enough, it’s Christmas Eve and I have a load of shopping still to do.

    Me: [Strung out from a busy day full of rude, inconsiderate people barging and pushing everyone else around them] Okay, certainly. Would you like to then go down and tell that guy in the electric wheel chair that I can’t serve him any more because you’re too impatient to wait three minutes?

    C: F*ck you. I hope you have a miserable Christmas.

    And yes, that happened to me at approximately three o’clock last Christmas Eve.

    C: I’m from this place.[He did give me the name of where he lives but I’m not posting it here even if I should] Tell me what broadband services are available there.

    Me: [Confounded for a moment] What?

    C: [Talking to me as if I’m an idiot child] What broadband services are available from where I live.

    Me: I haven’t a clue. You’ll need to contact Eircom or someone else to see who’s available at your place.

    C: I don’t like Eircom [Fair enough, they’re sh*te I know]. Are you in on the conspiracy too? You sell modems, you should know what’s available at my place!

    Me: How? I don’t even know where your place is! If you want to find what services are available in your area, google it.

    Yes, this was an actual conversation. I truly wish I was making it up.

    Children. Simply put, if you can not control them, do not bring them into the store. If you see your little fat b*stard offspring running around making a mess, then yes, you should get him and explain to him why he shouldn’t. Just letting him muck up the place, causing unnecessary work is not appreciated. And if you’re told that you need to reign him in or leave, don’t get snippy about it.

    On another note but of a similar vein, while most places won’t have signs to the effect, dogs, unless they’re guide dogs should not be brought into the store with you. Cleaning up their sh*t or p*ss is not something anyone wants to do. Clearly everyone but you knows not to bring their pets into stores.

    Most stores can order stuff in if they don’t have it in stock at that time. Because it may take more than two days does not give you the right to complain about it. If you’re told you’ll get a phone call when it’s arrived. Calling in or phoning us two days after ordering it in when you’ve been told it’ll be a week is a waste of your time and ours.

    For now, that’s all I can think of but I’m sure there are plenty of other people who work in retail who’ll have plenty of other examples.




  • Registered Users Posts: 6,487 ✭✭✭kingtut


    Your post would have been perfect for the randomness thread. I know the name of the store you work in based on what you wrote but don't have a clue which branch...

    On another note I agree with you about the indicating, it is a very common subject in the motors forum and is one of many things that piss me off. Not indicating, indicating at the wrong time, not using your lights in the pitch dark, dangerous overtaking, undertaking, tailgating....... the list is endless!


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,554 ✭✭✭Pat Mustard

    The catalogue bit is throwing me.

    Harvey Normans?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭bigeasyeah

    Hello there folks, as you can tell by my post count this will be my first post and after looking through the extensive list of forums there are, I honestly don t know where to post. So, since I live in Cork City I thought I d post it here. Generally speaking, I ve been working in a retail store for almost a year and a half now and I ve come across a wide range of people from very pleasant people to folk who seriously deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Hades, I ve seen one or two threads about the retail store I work in (With one of them being a store in another county) and how negatively they portrayed the store because of price, staff attitudes and so on.

    Now, I will not give the name of my work place for the simple reason that I really can t afford to risk losing my job but I ve had just about enough of the attitude of the majority of our customers which is staggeringly vicious a lot of the time. Others who work in retail will have many of their own stories and I can bet there will be a lot of negative reactions to this post but I don t care. Part of this is to get the frustration and anger off my chest. So, if you want to read on, by all means, otherwise, you can close the tab or web browser of your choice.

    Any following dialogue will usually be prefaced with a simple letter for the person, M: for manager, C: for customer and Me: for personal experiences.


    C: Can you look after my child? I ll only be half an hour.

    No, lady, I can t. This is a toy store not a nursery. And before you decide to have a look through Smiths or whoever, I don t work in a toy store but I have heard this being said.

    While maybe not verbatim word for word, but the very last line of what was said by the customer is. This also happened midway through February.

    C: Hello, this doesn t work. I want an exchange

    M: Okay, what s the fault?

    [M takes the item in question and looks at it, there is no packaging]

    C: I don t know, it just doesn t work.

    M: Alright, that s not a problem, do you have the receipt?

    C: No. I think I threw it away.

    M: Can you tell me when you bought it?

    C: No, can t remember. It was before Christmas anyway.

    M: Did you buy it by card or cash? If you bought it by card I should be able to find it in the system.

    C: Cash I think.

    M: Okay, did you buy anything else with it?

    C: Don t remember.

    M: I m sorry then, I can t give you an exchange.

    C: Why not? It never worked for me. I m entitled to an exchange. You know what, never mind. Just give me a refund.

    M: I can t give you that either unless you can tell me the date you bought on it or the receipt.

    C: Look, I bought it here and [pointing at same product on a peg] you have some more of them there. You cant get these anywhere else in Cork.

    M: I understand that, but I can t do anything without a receipt or the date it was bought on. Look, everything that s sold goes through the system which is how our stock is controlled. Stuff brought back needs to be run through the system as well. Coming up to Christmas, that particular item was on special offer and we sold loads of them. If I was to just exchange it back to you with someone else s receipt code and that customer was to come back with their unit if it went faulty, we could fail our audit and get in a load of trouble with head office.

    C: I don t care, I m entitled to an exchange or a refund. I demand to see the store manager.

    M: You re talking to him. I m sorry, but you re not. It s your responsibility to keep your receipt as proof of purchase. I ve explained to you how our returns policy works and I can not give you a refund or an exchange unless you can provide me with a receipt or the date of purchase. I m sorry but that s just the way it is.

    C: Fine. I hope I see you on the dole.

    Yes, he actually said that before walking out. Think about that. Now, imagine you have to deal with stuff like that on a regular basis.

    Another example;

    C: Excuse me, can you tell me about this?

    Me: Hmmm, I m sorry, I don t know about that particular item& [Cut off here]

    C: Well why the f*ck not? You work here. You should know about what you re selling!

    Now then, this happens quite regularly too. Some stores sell a very wide range of items and not every employee can know everything about everything in the store. If the idiot in question had let me finish, I would have told her that I d get someone who does.

    C: Get this for me. Now.

    Well, hold on there sparky. I d like to introduce you to my fist. Now. But no, that would be rude. Just like you are. I work in retail and yes, I am paid to help you in any way I reasonably can. But that doesn t give you the excuse to treat me like something unpleasant you just stepped on. Simple, every day courtesy like please and thank you go a long way. Is it a wonder why people feel that floor staff can seem hostile or belligerent? As everyone should know, we re all human. We all have our own lives, hopes, ambitions and desires. Under no circumstances do you deserve to treat people like scum because they work in retail.


    Acting like a self important douche certainly doesn t make retail staff any happier. I am referring to a customer who, on the phone demanded, rather loudly and forcefully for a particular item. We had one left and when asked if he d like it to be reserved for himself he said no, he d only be an hour. An hour later and when he arrived, it turned out it had been sold. He then berated me for not keeping it for him. I told him that I had offered to reserve it for him (We have to do this, there are actually disciplinary actions if every item of stock isn t accounted for). Luckily for him though, we d gotten a delivery between then and we had one to spare. On the way to the till he yelled out IS ANYONE AT THE TILL only to stop off midway down the shop to inspect something and then arrived at the till five minutes later. Don t be a douche.

    C: This is really expensive, can you give me a discount on it?

    Why? Why should I give you a discount? What exactly entitles you to pay less than the next person who might want this item? This question or the variations of it piss the Hades out of me. There are many other people who will happily pay the asking price for something without believing they re entitled to a discount simply because the item is expensive. If you can t afford something, either save up or buy somewhere else. If we re the only suppliers, tough luck. If you have coupons or discount vouchers, yeah you can have your discount.

    C: I come here all the time, how about a discount?

    And? We have a lot of other repeat customers who are more than happy to not expect discounts simply because they shop here.

    C: This is the last of your stock on this? Can you give me a discount on it?


    C: I just got broadband but they never gave me a modem. If you come out to my place I ll buy one from here.

    Not only is this creepy and possibly the start of a missing person s case, I m going to go along with the idea that the guy isn t mentally disturbed. Simply put, no. We sell the stuff but that doesn t mean we have to install it for you either.

    C: Listen, I need an item that does this, this or this.

    Me: I m sorry, I ve never heard or seen something that does that, that or that.

    C: Well why the hell not?

    This can happen with any number of things that do any number of things. But unfortunately, if I don t know about what you re talking about or I ve never seen or thought about using something in the way you re talking about, asking me why I don t know is a pretty stupid thing to ask, no?

    C: My brother bought an item here last week and I want it too.

    Me: I m sorry, we don t sell that here.

    C: Is there anyone else who works here who d know?

    Me: I ve been working here a year and if anyone knows more about that item than me, I d be quite surprised.

    C: F*ck you. [Leaves.]

    Indeed. The following didn t happen to me but I was there to see it anyway.

    C: Hi, I got this hear two weeks ago and it never worked for me so I took it to a repair store and they told me that the entire model of this item is faulty. I want a new item.

    M: [Looking at the item which has been pried open and messily reassembled] I m sorry, but we can t take this back. It s been opened and that voids its warranty.

    C: That s not what the guy in the other store told me! He told me that you ll have to give me a replacement.

    M: Was it another branch of our store?

    C: No, it was item menders.

    M: We re not affiliated with that store. They have no say in our returns policy.

    C: I don t care, he said you had to give me a replacement because the entire batch of this model were faulty.

    M: And that s fine, yes, but you should have brought it back here and gotten an exchange immediately. But since it s been opened, the warranty has been voided. That s standard on all electronic goods like this.

    C: Are you the manager?

    M: Yes I am.

    C: Then I want the number of your regional manager. I m going to have your job.

    M: I can t give that out but I can call head office and see what I can do.

    C: Fine. But I m not leaving here without a new, working phone.

    M: [Talks to head office for a few minutes] I m sorry but the best I can do is send it back to head office for our engineers to look at it but that s it.

    C: But the guy at item menders says it s faulty! Just give me a new item!

    M: Madam, we have to follow company policy. The say so of someone from a different store doesn t change that.

    At this point, I was leaving after being served but on the way out I heard several yelled curses and the sound of the alleged item breaking.

    C: I can get this online for half the price?

    Well why don t you? I honestly don t know if people realise this, but of course something is going to be cheaper online than it is in a retail store. Why? Because online retailers basically consist of a warehouse and a skeleton crew of workers meaning they can sell items at near cost price and come away with a profit while retail stores need to pay taxes on each store, rent (If they don t own the location they operate on), lighting, necessary staff, water, maintenance, visible promotions and transport from central warehouses, sometimes to different countries like a few stores in Ireland getting their stock from the UK. No doubt there are plenty of other charges but that is the general reason why you pay more in a retail. But that also means you get face to face support and usually, the chance to examine the item before you purchase it.

    C: You charge for your catalogue?

    Yes, we do. A lot of stores are not Argos who s business model revolves around them (Which is why when you go into Argos, you get the item code and go to the till to pick it up instead of just picking it up off the shelves. Don t like it? Tough.

    C: Hey there. How are you? Listen, I need this f*cking etc.

    Swearing continuously, even if you re not layering abuse at the workers is not appreciated. There might be children about or people who are easily offended and while they might not complain to you they certainly will complain to use about leaving people like you into the store.

    C: Hey bud, do you think you could open up a little early so I can get what I want?

    No. I m paid to work a set number of hours. I m not going to open especially for you. If I could.

    [Shop is closed but we re finishing the night pack or face off or whatever]

    C: Hey! [Banging on entrance] Can I get in? I need to get something?! Please!?

    No. The store is closed. Come back tomorrow. Believe it or not, we have our own lives and, just like everyone else, we have no great desire to prolong our work day another ten or twenty minutes just you can grab something. Adding to this, if the store is closed or the entrance doesn t open automatically, that doesn t invite you to force the doors open and get into the store. Just don t.

    C: Excuse me, can you help me?

    Me: Certainly, just give me a minute, I m sorting out another customer.

    C: That s not good enough, it s Christmas Eve and I have a load of shopping still to do.

    Me: [Strung out from a busy day full of rude, inconsiderate people barging and pushing everyone else around them] Okay, certainly. Would you like to then go down and tell that guy in the electric wheel chair that I can t serve him anymore because you re too impatient to wait three minutes?

    C: F*ck you. I hope you have a miserable Christmas.

    And yes, that happened to me at approximately three o clock last Christmas Eve.

    C: I m from this place.[He did give me the name of where he lives but I m not posting it here even if I should] Tell me what broadband services are available there.

    Me: [Confounded for a moment] What?

    C: [Talking to me as if I m an idiot child] What broadband services are available from where I live.

    Me: I haven t a clue. You ll need to contact Eircom or someone else to see who s available at your palce.

    C: I don t like Eircom [Fair enough, they re sh*te I know]. Are you in on the conspiracy too? You sell modems, you should know what s available at my place!

    Me: How? I don t even know where your place is! If you want to find what services are available in your area, google it.

    Yes, this was an actual conversation. I truly wish I was making it up.

    Children. Simply put, if you can not control them, do not being them into the store. If you see your little fat b*stard offspring running around making a mess, then yes, you should get him and explain to him why he shouldn t. Just letting him muck up the place, causing unnecessary work is not appreciated. And if you re told that you need to reign him in or leave, don t get snippy about it.

    On another note but of a similar vein, while most places won t have signs to the effect, dogs, unless they re guide dogs should not be brought into the store with you. Cleaning up their sh*t or p*ss is not something anyone wants to do. Clearly everyone but you knows not to bring their pets into stores.

    Most stores can order stuff in if they don t have it in stock at that time. Because it may take more than two days does not give you the right to complain about it. If you re told you ll get a phone call when it s arrived. Calling in or phoning us two days after ordering it in when you ve been told it ll be a week is a waste of your time and ours.

    For now, that s all I can think of but I m sure there are plenty of other people who work in retail who ll have plenty of other examples.

    You should not work in Retail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,487 ✭✭✭kingtut

    The catalogue bit is throwing me.

    Harvey Normans?


  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    Nope, I don't. But I'd rather not give out where I work for the obvious reasons. And as it just occured to me, another thing, if you see a floor worker on the phone, don't poke him in the side to get his attention. It's not nice.

    [Edit] Also, if you're a large guy, screaming your head off in frustration at a female worker... don't. That's happened twice now and with third time's being the charm, it'll probably happen within punching distance from me and I can guarantee you, I will mess your face up badly. There is never an excuse for roaring into the face of a woman. Ever.

    [Edit2] And as for my job, contrary to my rant, I actually like it an awful lot. I work with interesting and funny people. It's just the constant trudging arrogance and spite of a lot of people who feel they're entitled to be treated like royalty.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭bigeasyeah

    Nope, I don't. But I'd rather not give out where I work for the obvious reasons. And as it just occured to me, another thing, if you see a floor worker on the phone, don't poke him in the side to get his attention. It's not nice.

    [Edit] Also, if you're a large guy, screaming your head off in frustration at a female worker... don't. That's happened twice now and with third time's being the charm, it'll probably happen within punching distance from me and I can guarantee you, I will mess your face up badly. There is never an excuse for roaring into the face of a woman. Ever.

    [Edit2] And as for my job, contrary to my rant, I actually like it an awful lot. I work with interesting and funny people. It's just the constant trudging arrogance and spite of a lot of people who feel they're entitled to be treated like royalty.

    You should not be working in Retail.You are just not cut out for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    Why not?

    Yeah, anyone who knows me knows I'm a complete freak and other less mentionable adjectives but I always maintain a polite exterior even if I am imaginging in vivid detail throttling the life out of some of rthe idiots out there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭bigeasyeah

    Why not?

    Yeah, anyone who knows me knows I'm a complete freak and other less mentionable adjectives but I always maintain a polite exterior even if I am imaginging in vivid detail throttling the life out of some of rthe idiots out there.
    That just proves my point.The reality of retail is that you will always meet unsavory characters.Deal with it-its part of your job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,372 ✭✭✭Illkillya

    Ya you need to get a new job that is not customer facing. Some people can deal with unreasonable customers, some people just make them become more unreasonable. I'm with you on the indicator thing though. Need to introduce the death penalty on that one imo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,551 ✭✭✭SeaFields

    Well CM I can relate to everything you describe. Have been working in retail in Cork city all through college. As I am coming to the end of my stint in this game I could honestly write a book on some of the stuff Ive seen some customers do within the store I work in.

    So heres a few of em...

    Firstly, there are always the usual abusive conversations regarding products out of stock, prices etc. My name badge says 'store assistant' - do these people honestly think I have anything to do with any of these?!

    Most recent of all the memorable events a man came into the shop and asked to speak to the manager. I wasn't around the particular area of the shop at the time but saw a lot of the staff were becoming uneasy before one came up to me and asked would I stand next to the manager. This fella had been aggressive before. Both myself and the manager are in our 20's - I'm male 6'2" and manager is girl about 5'2". This fella calmly asked for all managers names, staff he previously dealt with and security guard (I'm not a security guard btw) as he believed they had all laughed at him during his previously visit. So just as manager handed over list of names he went psycho, physically went for the manager with me in between holding him back. Q 999calls, panic buttons and a paddy wagon on scene fairly quickly. Alas he was long gone apart from a few follow up, rather scary, phonecalls.

    Next how about the guy that turned up one Saturday morning, produced a used condom, threw at at the counter and told us how it had broken the night before and it was our fault. How exactly?!

    On a similar theme there was the lady (i use the term loosely) that came in and threw a urine soaked pregnancy test on the counter telling the staff on the counter that it was 'broke cuz im preggers like and that says im not like'.
    Classy bird indeed.

    There was also the case of the man who came in one evening (Paraphrasing here)-
    "It still hasnt gone away"
    Staff member - "Im sorry sir, what hasn't?"
    "Well I took it a few hours ago and it still hasn't gone away"
    Staff member - "what hasnt gone away sir?"

    AT which point the man choose to show the young girl what hadnt gone away - he had taken Viagra. (Do I need to explain more? :D)

    Ah working in retail in Cork city -tis an experience I tell ya! :D

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 9,946 ✭✭✭mik_da_man

    SeaFields wrote: »

    On a similar theme there was the lady (i use the term loosely) that came in and threw a urine soaked pregnancy test on the counter telling the staff on the counter that it was 'broke cuz im preggers like and that says im not like'.
    Classy bird indeed.

    Good stuff - keep it coming :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,185 ✭✭✭asdasd

    You need to stop quoting the entire post of the guy you are replying to. go back and fix it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 107 ✭✭sparklepants

    I’ve seen one or two threads about the retail store I work in (With one of them being a store in another county) and how negatively they portrayed the store because of price, staff attitudes and so on.
    You needn't tell anyone here that retail staff have to deal with unreasonable and discourteous customers. This is clear to most. However, using this as an argument to refute claims about high prices and the attitude of staff in your store is not particularly customer friendly.
    I’ve had just about enough of the attitude of the majority of our customers which is staggeringly vicious
    Time to find another job I think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,660 ✭✭✭Blitzkrieger

    If you didn't quote the entire post, did you think we'd be confused about who you were addressing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,487 ✭✭✭kingtut

    Nope, I don't. But I'd rather not give out where I work for the obvious reasons.

    lol your original post makes your workplace pretty easy to figure out ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    You needn't tell anyone here that retail staff have to deal with unreasonable and discourteous customers. This is clear to most. However, using this as an argument to refute claims about high prices and the attitude of staff in your store is not particularly customer friendly.
    Time to find another job I think!

    Maybe. But I am never discourteous to customers. As much as I'd like to cause physical harm to some of them it boils down to the fact that I can't afford to because I need to keep this job. My arguments are not about refuting high prices or anything like that. I'm simply trying to show people who might go into a store and not get a gushing reception and then wonder why, exactly, a worker isn't as pleasant as a customer believes he should be. That, and as stated, as just a means to get some stuff off my chest. You'll note that I the paragraphs written with just the line the customer said precedes it, is simply my opinion which I'd never be able to voice without risking my job. And so far, to my knowledge, no staff member in the store I work is unfriendly to the customers.

    Also, my points still stand. A lot of people are complete and utter entitlement whores.

    Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. One of the things we get (Thanks to those retards at head office changing prices randomly and daily with only rarely issued warnings or advanced notices) sometimes the prices are somewhat off than the price tag states. Believe it or not, this does not entitle you to get the item at that price. If you're warned at the till that the price is wrong, then you have either the choice to still go through with the sale or walk away. Read me. The second question is what's relevant here.

  • Site Banned Posts: 5,904 ✭✭✭parsi

    Oh yes, thanks for reminding me. One of the things we get (Thanks to those retards at head office changing prices randomly and daily with only rarely issued warnings or advanced notices) sometimes the prices are somewhat off than the price tag states. Believe it or not, this does not entitle you to get the item at that price. If you're warned at the till that the price is wrong, then you have either the choice to still go through with the sale or walk away. Read me. The second question is what's relevant here.

    You're still obliged to display the correct price.

    PC World are a prime example of this with regularly incorrect (always to their benefit) price labels.

    Speaking of which I got three smoke alarms for nowt in Tesco last night because they were mispriced.

    Also there's nowt wrong with asking for a discount, maybe we got too used to paying through our noses because only "poor/prudent folk asked for discounts" and the Celtic cubs didn't wish to appear poor..

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    Yes there is. If it was a mom and pop store maybe but a branch of a lot of retail stores?

    Would you go into McDonalds and haggle over the price of a hamburger? Would you haggle with a Pennies check out girl about the price of a jacket? Would you go into Waterstones and demand a free book because you're buying a more expensive hard back copy of a book instead of a cheaper soft back? If you're buying designer clothing at what ever boutique, would you haggle for the price of an over priced shirt? Would you haggle with a jeweller's over the price of a watch or an engagement ring?

    Of course not.

    It'd be like going into Dunnes, taking a loaf of Brenins and demanding to pay half a euro because that's what the Dunnes' brand costs but you want the Brenins loaf because it's better for whatever reason.

    Do you think any of the till girls or guys can give you a discount? Only the management can and they certainly have no reason to do that unless there's something wrong with it like it's crushed or the wrapping is torn.

    Coming up to someone and asking for a discount when they can't is horrible to the worker. On one hand they have a customer trying to guilt them into giving a discount and on the other they have management and head office breathing down the back of said management demanding to know why they were given a discount.

    [Edit] Obliged yes, but there simply is only so much we can do. At the store I'm working at, we're down a full time worker and two part timers thanks to the recession. Calling the handful of people still working there a skeleton crew is laughable. From what I've been told, when the store originally opened there was a good number of people working there. Now, there's four full timers, four management and three part timers who only work one day of the week each.

  • Registered Users Posts: 986 ✭✭✭Bill-e

    Is someone having a case of the Mondays?

    seriously tho, that job's not good for your health. You see I expect everyone to be complete fúcktards and when they do stupid sh!t it just makes me smile cause I'm not even half as stupid :D

    You let this sh!t build up and you seem to remember every little bit of it in great detail. I think you should do something else. Maybe something that doesn't involve people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    I have to bottle it up. I can't very well go to the cause and explain this to them. I'd just get fired. And trust me, this is just a small portion of the crap we get. Like some moron who was screaming at one of the management because without the receipt or the date he bought it she couldn't put through his refund. Or the many times someone has just started swearing blind because we're out of stock of something. I've forgotten more than I could hope to remember.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 219 ✭✭MissIT

    I work in a supermarket and it's unreal how rude some people are. Why do people find it so hard to say please and thank you?

  • Site Banned Posts: 5,904 ✭✭✭parsi

    Not my prob if your shp doesn't have enough staff to comply with the law.

    Not my prob if you can't give a discount. Maybe if enough people asked it would filter back to the "management". Should people have to write a letter ?

    The guy/gal on the till is (in most cases) the interface between the company and the consumer. They should be able to pass on simple clear polite requests.

    You may recall I mentioned "asking" for a discount and not "demanding" a discount. There is a world of difference. No-one mentioned McDonalds - we're talking about discounts on higher-priced items.

    Seems to me your problem is with your command structure but your frustration is vented on the customer.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,659 ✭✭✭✭dahamsta

    bigeasyeah wrote: »
    You should not work in Retail.
    You should not post on forums, because you don't know how to use them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    parsi wrote: »
    Not my prob if your shp doesn't have enough staff to comply with the law.

    No, but there's still no need to be a prick about it either. It's not your job on the line after all. I have no problems about customers who are simply misinformed about something or at least let you know that they're not trying to be a hassle but they're trying to look out for themselves which I fully understand. It's the people who don't care who it causes misery for so long as they get two or three euro off the price of something.
    parsi wrote:
    Not my prob if you can't give a discount. Maybe if enough people asked it would filter back to the "management". Should people have to write a letter ?

    Thrust me, the only way upper management could care any less would be if they were dead.
    parsi wrote:
    The guy/gal on the till is (in most cases) the interface between the company and the consumer. They should be able to pass on simple clear polite requests.

    And hold up the rest of the people queuing behind you while they contact a member of management, get them to ask them about it who'll, if they're decent say no and the price can't be changed or if they're typical management, will chew out the person working the till for wasting their time.
    parsi wrote:
    You may recall I mentioned "asking" for a discount and not "demanding" a discount. There is a world of difference. No-one mentioned McDonalds - we're talking about discounts on higher-priced items.

    Fair enough. But my McDonalds bit was an analogy to show how people wouldn't ask or demand for discounts.
    parsi wrote:
    Seems to me your problem is with your command structure but your frustration is vented on the customer.

    You'll find this in every retail chain. From Dunnes to Golden Discs to Halfords. Head offices are usually too far away and uncaring about what happens in their shops so long as they get profits. The customers can range from perfectly decent to belligerent pricks who seem to think that if they snap their fingers the only step they should hear is the huge one it takes for one of us to have leapt across the floor to help them.

    As I've said, we're just as human as you are and regardless of what's being said or what's going on, we get the sh*t end of the stick.

    What kind of job do you have? If you ran a chip shop and I came in with five euro and asked for a meal that was sevn or eight euro, would you give it to me? Of course you wouldn't. You'd know that I'd spread the word and then you'd have every other cheapskate coming in asking for this or that and expecting to pay two or three euro below the asking price.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭bigeasyeah

    Hello there folks, as you can tell by my post count this will be my first post and after looking through the extensive list of forums there are, I honestly don t know where to post. So, since I live in Cork City I thought I d post it here. Generally speaking, I ve been working in a retail store for almost a year and a half now and I ve come across a wide range of people from very pleasant people to folk who seriously deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Hades, I ve seen one or two threads about the retail store I work in (With one of them being a store in another county) and how negatively they portrayed the store because of price, staff attitudes and so on.

    Now, I will not give the name of my work place for the simple reason that I really can t afford to risk losing my job but I ve had just about enough of the attitude of the majority of our customers which is staggeringly vicious a lot of the time. Others who work in retail will have many of their own stories and I can bet there will be a lot of negative reactions to this post but I don t care. Part of this is to get the frustration and anger off my chest. So, if you want to read on, by all means, otherwise, you can close the tab or web browser of your choice.

    Any following dialogue will usually be prefaced with a simple letter for the person, M: for manager, C: for customer and Me: for personal experiences.


    C: Can you look after my child? I ll only be half an hour.

    No, lady, I can t. This is a toy store not a nursery. And before you decide to have a look through Smiths or whoever, I don t work in a toy store but I have heard this being said.

    While maybe not verbatim word for word, but the very last line of what was said by the customer is. This also happened midway through February.

    C: Hello, this doesn t work. I want an exchange

    M: Okay, what s the fault?

    [M takes the item in question and looks at it, there is no packaging]

    C: I don t know, it just doesn t work.

    M: Alright, that s not a problem, do you have the receipt?

    C: No. I think I threw it away.

    M: Can you tell me when you bought it?

    C: No, can t remember. It was before Christmas anyway.

    M: Did you buy it by card or cash? If you bought it by card I should be able to find it in the system.

    C: Cash I think.

    M: Okay, did you buy anything else with it?

    C: Don t remember.

    M: I m sorry then, I can t give you an exchange.

    C: Why not? It never worked for me. I m entitled to an exchange. You know what, never mind. Just give me a refund.

    M: I can t give you that either unless you can tell me the date you bought on it or the receipt.

    C: Look, I bought it here and [pointing at same product on a peg] you have some more of them there. You cant get these anywhere else in Cork.

    M: I understand that, but I can t do anything without a receipt or the date it was bought on. Look, everything that s sold goes through the system which is how our stock is controlled. Stuff brought back needs to be run through the system as well. Coming up to Christmas, that particular item was on special offer and we sold loads of them. If I was to just exchange it back to you with someone else s receipt code and that customer was to come back with their unit if it went faulty, we could fail our audit and get in a load of trouble with head office.

    C: I don t care, I m entitled to an exchange or a refund. I demand to see the store manager.

    M: You re talking to him. I m sorry, but you re not. It s your responsibility to keep your receipt as proof of purchase. I ve explained to you how our returns policy works and I can not give you a refund or an exchange unless you can provide me with a receipt or the date of purchase. I m sorry but that s just the way it is.

    C: Fine. I hope I see you on the dole.

    Yes, he actually said that before walking out. Think about that. Now, imagine you have to deal with stuff like that on a regular basis.

    Another example;

    C: Excuse me, can you tell me about this?

    Me: Hmmm, I m sorry, I don t know about that particular item& [Cut off here]

    C: Well why the f*ck not? You work here. You should know about what you re selling!

    Now then, this happens quite regularly too. Some stores sell a very wide range of items and not every employee can know everything about everything in the store. If the idiot in question had let me finish, I would have told her that I d get someone who does.

    C: Get this for me. Now.

    Well, hold on there sparky. I d like to introduce you to my fist. Now. But no, that would be rude. Just like you are. I work in retail and yes, I am paid to help you in any way I reasonably can. But that doesn t give you the excuse to treat me like something unpleasant you just stepped on. Simple, every day courtesy like please and thank you go a long way. Is it a wonder why people feel that floor staff can seem hostile or belligerent? As everyone should know, we re all human. We all have our own lives, hopes, ambitions and desires. Under no circumstances do you deserve to treat people like scum because they work in retail.


    Acting like a self important douche certainly doesn t make retail staff any happier. I am referring to a customer who, on the phone demanded, rather loudly and forcefully for a particular item. We had one left and when asked if he d like it to be reserved for himself he said no, he d only be an hour. An hour later and when he arrived, it turned out it had been sold. He then berated me for not keeping it for him. I told him that I had offered to reserve it for him (We have to do this, there are actually disciplinary actions if every item of stock isn t accounted for). Luckily for him though, we d gotten a delivery between then and we had one to spare. On the way to the till he yelled out IS ANYONE AT THE TILL only to stop off midway down the shop to inspect something and then arrived at the till five minutes later. Don t be a douche.

    C: This is really expensive, can you give me a discount on it?

    Why? Why should I give you a discount? What exactly entitles you to pay less than the next person who might want this item? This question or the variations of it piss the Hades out of me. There are many other people who will happily pay the asking price for something without believing they re entitled to a discount simply because the item is expensive. If you can t afford something, either save up or buy somewhere else. If we re the only suppliers, tough luck. If you have coupons or discount vouchers, yeah you can have your discount.

    C: I come here all the time, how about a discount?

    And? We have a lot of other repeat customers who are more than happy to not expect discounts simply because they shop here.

    C: This is the last of your stock on this? Can you give me a discount on it?


    C: I just got broadband but they never gave me a modem. If you come out to my place I ll buy one from here.

    Not only is this creepy and possibly the start of a missing person s case, I ll going to go along with the idea that the guy isn t mentally disturbed. Simply put, no. We sell the stuff but that doesn t mean we have to install it for you either.

    C: Listen, I need an item that does this, this or this.

    Me: I m sorry, I ve never heard or seen something that does that, that or that.

    C: Well why the hell not?

    This can happen with any number of things that do any number of things. But unfortunately, if I don t know about what you re talking about or I ve never seen or thought about using something in the way you re talking about, asking me why I don t know is a pretty stupid thing to ask, no?

    C: My brother bought an item here last week and I want it too.

    Me: I m sorry, we don t sell that here.

    C: Is there anyone else who works here who d know?

    Me: I ve been working here a year and if anyone knows more about that item than me, I d be quite surprised.

    C: F*ck you. [Leaves.]

    Indeed. The following didn t happen to me but I was there to see it anyway.

    C: Hi, I got this hear two weeks ago and it never worked for me so I took it to a repair store and they told me that the entire model of this item is faulty. I want a new item.

    M: [Looking at the item which has been pried open and messily reassembled] I m sorry, but we can t take this back. It s been opened and that voids its warranty.

    C: That s not what the guy in the other store told me! He told me that you ll have to give me a replacement.

    M: Was it another branch of our store?

    C: No, it was item menders.

    M: We re not affiliated with that store. They have no say in our returns policy.

    C: I don t care, he said you had to give me a replacement because the entire batch of this model were faulty.

    M: And that s fine, yes, but you should have brought it back here and gotten an exchange immediately. But since it s been opened, the warranty has been voided. That s standard on all electronic goods like this.

    C: Are you the manager?

    M: Yes I am.

    C: Then I want the number of your regional manager. I m going to have your job.

    M: I can t give that out but I can call head office and see what I can do.

    C: Fine. But I m not leaving here without a new, working phone.

    M: [Talks to head office for a few minutes] I m sorry but the best I can do is send it back to head office for our engineers to look at it but that s it.

    C: But the guy at item menders says it s faulty! Just give me a new item!

    M: Madam, we have to follow company policy. The say so of someone from a different store doesn t change that.

    At this point, I was leaving after being served but on the way out I heard several yelled curses and the sound of the alleged item breaking.

    C: I can get this online for half the price?

    Well why don t you? I honestly don t know if people realise this, but of course something is going to be cheaper online than it is in a retail store. Why? Because online retailers basically consist of a warehouse and a skeleton crew of workers meaning they can sell items at near cost price and come away with a profit while retail stores need to pay taxes on each store, rent (If they don t own the location they operate on), lighting, necessary staff, water, maintenance, visible promotions and transport from central warehouses, sometimes to different countries like a few stores in Ireland getting their stock from the UK. No doubt there are plenty of other charges but that is the general reason why you pay more in a retail. But that also means you get face to face support and usually, the chance to examine the item before you purchase it.

    C: You charge for your catalogue?

    Yes, we do. A lot of stores are not Argos who s business model revolves around them (Which is why when you go into Argos, you get the item code and go to the till to pick it up instead of just picking it up off the shelves. Don t like it? Tough.

    C: Hey there. How are you? Listen, I need this f*cking etc.

    Swearing continuously, even if you re not layering abuse at the workers is not appreciated. There might be children about or people who are easily offended and while they might not complain to you they certainly will complain to us about leaving people like you into the store.

    C: Hey bud, do you think you could open up a little early so I can get what I want?

    No. I m paid to work a set number of hours. I m not going to open especially for you even if I could.

    [Shop is closed but we re finishing the night pack or face off or whatever]

    C: Hey! [Banging on entrance] Can I get in? I need to get something?! Please!?

    No. The store is closed. Come back tomorrow. Believe it or not, we have our own lives and, just like everyone else, we have no great desire to prolong our work day another ten or twenty minutes just you can grab something. Adding to this, if the store is closed or the entrance doesn t open automatically, that doesn t invite you to force the doors open and get into the store. Just don t.

    C: Excuse me, can you help me?

    Me: Certainly, just give me a minute, I m sorting out another customer.

    C: That s not good enough, it s Christmas Eve and I have a load of shopping still to do.

    Me: [Strung out from a busy day full of rude, inconsiderate people barging and pushing everyone else around them] Okay, certainly. Would you like to then go down and tell that guy in the electric wheel chair that I can t serve him any more because you re too impatient to wait three minutes?

    C: F*ck you. I hope you have a miserable Christmas.

    And yes, that happened to me at approximately three o clock last Christmas Eve.

    C: I m from this place.[He did give me the name of where he lives but I m not posting it here even if I should] Tell me what broadband services are available there.

    Me: [Confounded for a moment] What?

    C: [Talking to me as if I m an idiot child] What broadband services are available from where I live.

    Me: I haven t a clue. You ll need to contact Eircom or someone else to see who s available at your place.

    C: I don t like Eircom [Fair enough, they re sh*te I know]. Are you in on the conspiracy too? You sell modems, you should know what s available at my place!

    Me: How? I don t even know where your place is! If you want to find what services are available in your area, google it.

    Yes, this was an actual conversation. I truly wish I was making it up.

    Children. Simply put, if you can not control them, do not bring them into the store. If you see your little fat b*stard offspring running around making a mess, then yes, you should get him and explain to him why he shouldn t. Just letting him muck up the place, causing unnecessary work is not appreciated. And if you re told that you need to reign him in or leave, don t get snippy about it.

    On another note but of a similar vein, while most places won t have signs to the effect, dogs, unless they re guide dogs should not be brought into the store with you. Cleaning up their sh*t or p*ss is not something anyone wants to do. Clearly everyone but you knows not to bring their pets into stores.

    Most stores can order stuff in if they don t have it in stock at that time. Because it may take more than two days does not give you the right to complain about it. If you re told you ll get a phone call when it s arrived. Calling in or phoning us two days after ordering it in when you ve been told it ll be a week is a waste of your time and ours.

    For now, that s all I can think of but I m sure there are plenty of other people who work in retail who ll have plenty of other examples.


    Sorry about this-I dont know how to post.

  • Site Banned Posts: 5,904 ✭✭✭parsi

    No, but there's still no need to be a prick about it either. It's not your job on the line after all. I have no problems about customers who are simply misinformed about something or at least let you know that they're not trying to be a hassle but they're trying to look out for themselves which I fully understand. It's the people who don't care who it causes misery for so long as they get two or three euro off the price of something.

    There isn't any place for rudeness on either side of the till.

    I've said, we're just as human as you are and regardless of what's being said or what's going on, we get the sh*t end of the stick.

    And a dissatisfied customer who gets his head bitten off also gets the dirty end of the stick. Or the auld wan who realises that the scanned price was way more than the shelf price and is too embarassed to hold up the queue while she complains, gets the dirty end of the stick.

    If you ran a chip shop and I came in with five euro and asked for a meal that was sevn or eight euro, would you give it to me? Of course you wouldn't. You'd know that I'd spread the word and then you'd have every other cheapskate coming in asking for this or that and expecting to pay two or three euro below the asking price.

    I thought we'd clarified that we're talking about discounts on high value items not looking for 50% discount on a fish supper...

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Chaos Marine

    parsi wrote: »
    There isn't any place for rudeness on either side of the till.

    Except I am never rude to the customers. Ever. I will argue back my side of an argument but that is all. If it's clear nothing I can do will alleviate the situation, I'll call management to deal with it.
    parsi wrote:
    And a dissatisfied customer who gets his head bitten off also gets the dirty end of the stick. Or the auld wan who realises that the scanned price was way more than the shelf price and is too embarassed to hold up the queue while she complains, gets the dirty end of the stick.

    I do not bite anyone's head off. Second of all, I have rarely seen anyone ever care if they're holding up the rest of the cue if they can save a euro or two.
    parsi wrote:
    I thought we'd clarified that we're talking about discounts on high value items not looking for 50% discount on a fish supper...
    Fair enough. And what about the Jeweller's for a watch or ring? Or to an electronics store where you hassle the people over the price of a widescreen LCD television? Or going to a ticket office and haggling with the guy for a front row ticket to a gig or match but not wanting to pay the full price of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭a4j_ie

    I have to laugh at this entire thread. It seems that CM seems to have a somewhat valid point and nobody is taking the time to listen to him!

    The store he works in does not (for the most part) have high ticket lines they are small and somewhat cheap. A high ticket line to me seems to be something over maybe 200 which is not very many products in the store. Most of the high ticket lines that people "haggle" on in this store are already discounted if they are over that price limit I set of 200.

    There were a number of rather unkind remarks to "upper management" throughout the posts and if people have never worked in higher management, they do not understand the issues that there are in that.
    You start work at 9 and finish at 5 you not have to deal with the company breathing down your neck asking questions of every small detail when you return to work the following day. You turn up to work, do your hours, get criticized here and there for lack of performance and either buck up or quit and go somewhere else. There's a world of difference between sales staff and management and I suggest you all evaluate that in your understanding of retail and it's structure before you post anymore derogatory comments.

    I think this thread needs to come to an end and we all need to realise that if you have an issue in a store the wrong way to approach ANY situation on EITHER side of the transaction is to be rude, abusive or obnoxious. I almost guarantee that if you are polite and understanding you will always get a better response. I certainly am willing to help a customer who is more polite than someone who straight away starts quoting their rights, how they're annoyed and starts cursing.
    Next time you have an issue with a product or service try the "nice" route it will work a lot better for you.

    Chaos Marine....see you at your work soon!

  • Site Banned Posts: 5,904 ✭✭✭parsi

    a4j_ie wrote: »
    The store he works in does not (for the most part) have high ticket lines they are small and somewhat cheap. A high ticket line to me seems to be something over maybe 200 which is not very many products in the store. Most of the high ticket lines that people "haggle" on in this store are already discounted if they are over that price limit I set of 200.

    The angel of divine inspiration forget to mention that.

    a4j_ie wrote: »
    were a number of rather unkind remarks to "upper management" throughout the posts and if people have never worked in higher management, they do not understand the issues that there are in that.
    You start work at 9 and finish at 5 you not have to deal with the company breathing down your neck asking questions of every small detail when you return to work the following day. You turn up to work, do your hours, get criticized here and there for lack of performance and either buck up or quit and go somewhere else. There's a world of difference between sales staff and management and I suggest you all evaluate that in your understanding of retail and it's structure before you post anymore derogatory comments.

    I didn't see any derogatory comments except perhaps some frustration expressed by the OP in relation to Head Office ("retards") or "the only way upper management could care any less would be if they were dead".

    However the consumer doesn't need to have any knowledge of retail and its structure when commenting on service whether poor or otherwise. Consumers only see (need to see) the Swan floating without having to concern themselves with the feet paddling merrily underneath.
    a4j_ie wrote: »
    think this thread needs to come to an end and we all need to realise that if you have an issue in a store the wrong way to approach ANY situation on EITHER side of the transaction is to be rude, abusive or obnoxious. I almost guarantee that if you are polite and understanding you will always get a better response. I certainly am willing to help a customer who is more polite than someone who straight away starts quoting their rights, how they're annoyed and starts cursing.
    Next time you have an issue with a product or service try the "nice" route it will work a lot better for you.

    I've always found that companies that treat the consumer well tend to be treated well in return. The dear-departed Roches Stores was a prime example of this.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,739 ✭✭✭✭minidazzler

    parsi wrote: »
    I've always found that companies that treat the consumer well tend to be treated well in return. The dear-departed Roches Stores was a prime example of this.

    I always found the Vice Versa to be true. When the Consumer treats the employee well, the employee and whoever will do what they can to help the consumer.
