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Feels good to write it down!

  • 14-03-2009 12:51am
    Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭

    Hey all!

    I said I'd better start writing everything down to encourage me to keep up the training and also this way I can't lie to myself and pretend I'm doing more than I am.:D

    I'm a total newbie to the triathlon world but I've decided to stop talking about doing one and actually do it this year. I have always liked sports and but don't have a history of serious sporting achievements. More just hobbies, so I suppose I am basically starting from scratch with regard to this triathlon. My aim is to complete the novice Tri of the Joey Hannon in Limerick on 3 May. 500m swim, 26k cycle, 5k run.

    Well well, pretty tired this week as had really bad cold but feel like the training went well. Ever feel like you wish you didn't have to work so you could concentrate on your training....maybe I'm starting to sound like someone who's bitten the triathlon bug!:D

    Monday 9th

    Went out for a 5k run - 27 mins. Felt good this time. So much easier to run in the evenings than the mornings. Still making slow progress on the running though. Gonna keep working at it.

    Wednesday 11th

    Out on the bike 21k - 1hr 9mins. Brutal costal wind....errrgh so disheartening also disheartening to see all those pros in lycra flying it when I seem to be at a standstill in the wind!:D All in all though a good cycle. Still didn't manage to sort out my gears on my bike so frustratingly trying to cycle in the same gear all the time.:mad:

    Thursday 12th

    Out on the bike again 22k cycle - 1hr 6mins. Really nice cycle. Lovely evening to be out. Really enjoyed it even though I was wrecked coming home from work and didn't think I'd last 5 mins. Felt good to clear the head though. Feel like the legs are coming on but still really feeling the burn. Still issues with the gears. Got home and pleadingly asked fiance to sort out my gears and oh man what a thicko I am. I didn't realise that you flick the brake bars in to change the gears. I kept trying to press the release switch to change the gears and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Thought I had bought a dud bike and was about to have words with Cyclesuperstore! I should have known not to doubt them though. Seriously though. It was not obvious how they should work!!! Any other bike just has the gear changer in plain sight:pac: Spot the newbie who hasn't had a racer in years!Hopefully next cycle will be much easier now that I have more than one gear at my disposal!

    Friday 13th

    Nipped into the pool for a swim - 500m 12:09 plus a number of extra lengths. Felt like I could have had a faster time but lanes were very busy and got stuck a few times behind people. Didn't spent too long in the pool as wanted to get home to put the feet up after a long week!:)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Mr Amazing

    Wow, thats some serious training, keep up the great work.

    I really like the way you said....
    Nipped into the pool for a swim - 500m 12:09 plus a number of extra lengths.

    Like it's no big deal :eek:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Hehehe thanks Mr Amazing! Just love your name....hope starting the job went well during the week:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,517 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Mr Amazing posting in an ExcitementCity thread?! Sounds like a Marvel comic!
    Congrats on committing to the triathlon. Would love to do one myself some time, but it will have to wait until I'm done with my running commitments this year, so I look forward to tracking your progress.

    Sounds like you're already in good shape to do each of the segments separately, you just need to stitch them all together!

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Hahaha your right Krusty does sound like a Marvel comic!:D

    Defo need to start putting them all together now. Might try this week to put two together.

    Sunday 15th March 2009

    5k run - 26.43 mins. Weights - 60xtriceps, 70xbiceps. Did the St Patrick's 5k today. Aw such a lovely day weather and race wise. Really happy I finally managed to break the 27 min mark even if only just! Might have done better if I didn't have that bottle of wine last night and climbed into bed at 2am.:o I'm encouraged though to keep at it. Can't believe fiance beat me by a whole 400 places though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Well it's been a while so I said I'd better catch up on my log. Had a bad week training wise and only managed to get a couple of sessions between one thing and another and being up on Connemara for the weekend watching all the pros. Can't believe all you half marathoners, marathoners and ultramarathoners...I'm in awe!

    Friday 20th March 2009

    24k cycle - 1hr 9mins, followed by 5k run - 28 mins - Run was really tough after the cycle. My feet were frozen solid and I couldn't feel my toes for the first 2k's. Tough trying to get used to running on jelly legs!Once again frustrated with slow run and running progress in general but I suppose it's not much slower than my normal 5k pace after doing the cycle so that's encouraging.

    Saturday 21 March 2009

    3k run - 16 mins. Just a really quick jog before jumping in the car to Connemara. Really should have got myself sorted earlier and done the full 5k.

    Monday 23 March 2009

    Back to reality after a lovely weekend away - 24k cycle - 1hr 5 mins - gradually getting the minutes down. Frustrated at my slow progress but I suppose I am getting there and managing to knock a few minutes off my time each time I go out. Got a gel padded saddle cover for the bike in Tesco and man what a difference a bit of comfort makes!!!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Tuesday 24 March 2009

    850m swim - 500m in 12.15mins (25m lengths rather than 50m lengths might have notched on a few secs than if I had done it in 50m lengths but lanes were really busy) legs were a bit tired during the run but this was probably due to the cycle yesterday. Followed by a 5k run - 28.49 mins - on the treadmill. Felt like I was running much faster than I normally do outside so was suprised by the length of my time. Maybe it just feels much longer in the gym rather than out on the road!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Well well

    I have been really bad at keeping my log lately so I though it was high time I started back updating it again. Had nice weekend for the easter and managed to get out a couple of times.

    Friday 10 April 2009

    Decided to go out and do a trial run of the triathlon distances. Swim - 500m - 11.44, Cycle 25k (loop was 1K short) - 1Hr 5, Run - 28mins - Total 1Hr 44. Was so glad to see that I could manage all the distances. We'll see how it all goes come race day now!

    Sunday 12 April 2009

    Just went out for a leisurly 13.5K cycle. Took it really easy. Was nice to just get out in the sunshine!

    Monday 13 April 2009

    Went up to the Phoenix park and went for a run - so proud of myself, managed 9.5k run around the park in 1Hr 2. Was great to see that I could do that distance. Think I might sign up for the Calcutta run and see how I go!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Just posted this in the first novice thread but thought I would update my training log with my race report too so I can remind myself how I it all went on my first tri even though I haven't always been too good at keeping my log up to date.....:o

    ''Well I finally did it! Can I now say I'm a triathlete? Did the Joey Hannon novice tri, my first one and made it through.:D:D

    I was so chuffed with myself and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I was so worried when I arrived and all I could see were trisuits and tribars everywhere and was beginning to wonder what I had signed up for but the nerves went out the window when I got in the swim lane. :)All the other guys and the only other girl in my lane were just so nice and wished me well in my first tri and were already giving me plenty of advice for the next one.

    We were lucky that we only had a lane of 5 so we just flew along and it wasn't stressful at all. The transition went fine too and I managed to pull on the ol shorts and top quick enough. I have to say though I found the bike so tough. The wind on the way out just had me at a standstill and I also dropped my waterbottle by accident and silly me nearly stopped to pick it up when I suddenly realised 'hey im in a race here, I can get a new bottle'! what was I thinking!It was disheartening having people pass you by but the girl who passed me just before I came into the transition turned around in the transition and said 'hey, great cycle'. I mean where else would you get another athlete telling you were doing great in the middle of the race?!It was just so nice and encouraging:)

    ....getting off the bike I couldn't feel my toes as they were like ice so the first kilometer of the run was a struggle. As I ran down the road I could see my fiance trying to get a pic of me and all I could think was 'smile, get round the corner and then you can take a rest where no-one can see you'! :o But I didn't and I got into it, and even managed to pass a few people on the run. Finally made it to the last run up to the finish line and my finace was there to jog the last 500m with me and my support group(aka family:D) were cheering me as I crossed the finish line feeling like I had just won the whole race even though I'm completely sure that I was rite down the bottom of the finishers, but who cares where I came. I took part and finished! Haven't a clue what my times were yet but my swim was defo the quickest that I have done in all my trainings as I heard them say 11.20 when I jumped out of the pool and I've never gone that fast in my life before. :)

    I just want to say thanks a mill to everyone on boards for all the tips and the encouragement. :)Must go sign up for another one now! In the meantime the Calcutta 10k run in the Phoneix Park in 2 weeks will be my target!:D"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭osnola ibax

    Hey, great report, congrats, I don't think I could ever do a tri, I just run so well done on a fantastic acheivement. I particularly like the story about the in race encouragement from the fellow athlete. It reminds me of my one and only race, a half marathon, when I was running up a hill and I passed a spectator I work with, she was willing me on and I shouted - I'm not acclimatized to this weather (it was quite warm), at this point a fellow runner ran up on the inside of me and said "well you are still chatting on the hills, so you can't be too bad", added to the overall experience

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,517 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Congrats on a great first tri and a great report! You really seemed to enjoy it. It's a great advert for people like me to give it a go..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 134 ✭✭excitementcity

    Thanks a mil osnola ivax and krusty clown!:D
