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One Good Summer

  • 16-03-2009 7:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 633 ✭✭✭

    Hey all, thought id just stick in a log just to see if it helps at all to keep track in other ways other than my little black book of kcals and kg's.

    Im 20 years old, 6'2 and weigh in around 89kgs. My (inacurate) body fat going off a calipers puts me in around 16-17%

    Main reason for training is to supplement my rugby. This is my first year since ive started doing any kind of weights traininng that im (touch wood) not fighting off certain injurys, namely the bain of my life, my hamstrings.

    Anyway, these vastly improved over the last 6-9 months due to continues strength training, improved flexibility and vastly improved core (which seemed to be the main problem)

    Im ususally a 2 night a week weight training, 2 nights a week rugby training and 1 game. I finished up for the season a week n a bit ago, so took the time to just relax, went away for a weekend with the lads (in no shape or form healthy). so got that out of the way.

    Im aiming for....

    Now (mid march) - end of june: keep up low reps, mainly 5x3's, target constant weight gain on approx 5k kcals a day with a 40/40/20 split.
    Planning on trying a 3 way split, to train 4 days a week and then something differnt on a fifth day (sprinting, mountain biking ect) Im finalising my programme at the mo, but was going 2 try and go for 2 very big days of the split, and the third slightly easier to allow for more training.

    July - Mid August: Drop a session a week, up the reps, drop the weight and target a more powerful lift. Dropping the extra set here to start working back up speed again with combination of sprint/outdoor circut training style. Also, planning some kind if holiday for end of july, so will probably want to slightly cut for a couple of weeks (vain, i no, but sure whats a lad to do) mid month just to shift that bit of fat i will undoubtably gain in the previous while.

    I'll post up my "planned" programme later, with it very much open to the floor for suggestions. Gotten into good habbits the last while of watching my food, counting kcals and worked hard on my form in the big lifts, so im hopefull now itll all come together when the hard work starts. I would like to get a few sessions in with someone in the know just on a couple of oly lifts as I percieve these as a vital part of what im going for, but not the easiest to learn from vids n talk.

    So any suggestions/thoughts from anyone are extreamly welcome.


    Just to finish off with whats stuck on the ceiling over my bed, first view in the morning, last thing at night sorta thing.

    if you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

    The price of excellence is discipline, The cost of mediocrity is disappointment
