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Team/player form in fifa?

  • 17-03-2009 4:57pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,536 ✭✭✭

    Was playing Fifa there at the weekend playing ranked matches. I played with Liverpool as usual but for some reason could not buy a win. Was loosing some games 2-1 some 6-0. Granted I came up against a few fellas who are ranked 230th and such in the world but everything I did seemed slow, sluggish, passes going all over the place shots id usually put away not going in. And some of the other teams being pure demons with perfect passes and speed.

    I thought I couldnt of gotten this bad from a week or so of not playing it. Had a look at the form and noticed Liverpool were the lowest ranked in the form teams. So is it this thats actually causing the whole stray passes players having terrible touches etc? Or am I just gone ****e?

    Ive even dropped out of the world rankings aswell which was a bit annoying. Think from about 10 games I won 2.
