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crazy pool party in roebuck!



  • Registered Users Posts: 12,981 ✭✭✭✭bnt

    By all means have fun, but there are lines you don't cross. The "snow mob" went too far by rampaging across the campus, pelting people with hard snow and stones, and damaging equipment. This "pool party" crossed the line when property got damaged.

    You do not mess with fire alarms (fire exits, extinguishers, other safety or lifesaving equipment). What a drag, eh? "The man" doesn't want you to endanger your life and the lives of others? You can never say "oh, that equipment won't be needed" - that is not your call to make. Did you notice how the sympathy level in this thread fell off a cliff, as soon as you mentioned damaging fire alarms? You (or whoever) crossed the line there.

    One thing I've learned: "the man" is often someone who's been there, done that, and finally gets just how stupid he was when he was a kid. People are not born old, and even your parents were once your age, and remember what they were like. (Ask them if you don't believe me.)

    From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch’.

    — Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,825 ✭✭✭Mikeyt086

    Can i ask why everyone is saying "Ah jesus HE shouldnt have ripped the alarms, thats too far?"

    How do you know it was him? Anyone who has been at a gaff or house party will know that certain blokes show up, mostly not wanted, and take it too far.

    Now, i wasnt there, i didnt know this guy, but it seems to me to be the classic case of Guy organises party, a bit wild, people keep showing up, few tanked up lads who barely know said Guy start doing stupid ****.

    Always happens, at least once a day an alarm is set off in UCD by a friend of a friend of a guy who gets in trouble.

    So i wouldnt say "He should have been kicked out of college" because nobody knows exactley what HE did. They should find and fine the vandals.

    Eviction seems fair because he did breach the rules.

    Maybe im wrong, maybe one guy did do everything, but that is bloody unlikely.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭vote4pedro

    Tayto2000 wrote: »
    The visitor policy among other things is currently unfair. Fair and reasonable changes to the res rules should be what the SU should be aiming for, and it's an achievable target.

    Chicken/Egg situation here imo.

    So you want to be treated as an adult yet somehow not be responsible for your actions? Riiigghht... Good luck sticking it to 'the man' too, it's always hilarious hearing from privileged 3rd level attendees about how they're being oppressed :rolleyes:

    You strike me as being the type of person in primary school likely to come out with "Teacher, teacher, john hasn't got his homework done".

    How do you know I'm privileged?

    Look at how Trinity works, no snow riots, their <snip> passess off without people needing to wreck their beautiful college grounds, no buses being smashed to bits by students. So why does that happen at UCD? Is it because a fundamentally different type of Irish early twenties student goes there? Of course not.

    But look at the way Trinity treat their students; allowed drink cans from their student bar, no constant intimidating security, students being trusted to run their <snip> in a grown up manner (you'd swear its a G20 job when the UCD ball is on with the restrictions, security, limitations across campus). The result is that immature students dont need to seize every opportunity to lash out and act the maggot. It reminds me of when you went in to 6th year in school, suddenly the messers who were constantly trying to get on teachers nerves, refusing to go along with anything, get treated with a bit more respect and more like adults and it placates them. Of course everyone should be able to act like that, but its human nature that there will be people who do need to be 'coerced' in that way. Instead restrict late bars on campus to once every x months, and watch everyone go absolutely mental at the idea of a rare opportunity "to go crazy."

    But let me guess, you'd be against cans in the bar (we've a drinking culture that simply shouldn't be encouraged and so the only way of cracking down on it is to restrict can drinking), you want the bold boys to smoke on the island in the lake (it was you who claimed to be able to smell smoke in the upper floors of the Arts block, and likened it to be people walking in human waste, right?), you're probably for the overly restrictive security and policing at events like UCD Ball that we've seen in recent years (what if someone trips and has an accident), gonna have a punt that you're all for students being banged up for drinking cans by the secret lake on a nice day (those hooligans are breaching numerous environmental littering codes).

    I'm fully aware I am putting words in to your mouth and apologise for doing so, but you certainly seem to "tow the line" anytime I've noticed your posting, but feel free to correct me. What I'm saying is that it's far too simple to say its a chicken and egg situation, that leads to the current attitude being adopted by the upper brass which cracks down on the above sort of thing, I'm sure you agree.
    That's the attitude currently adopted, and look where we are: buses being wrecked, people drinking to excess, fire alarms ripped out, feeling like you're walking through East Berlin with the amount of security, an incredible lack of atmosphere and sense of fun around the place....the list goes on.

    Instead of perhaps looking at WHY we have those problems, we get people bleating on about bull**** health&safety rules, agreeing with current restrictions, encouraging greater restrictions, and instead whinging about vital issues like a sign for the Restaurant not also being as gaeilge.

    Summary for tl;dr: when bad shít happens on campus people say OMG this is why you need earlier closing times/no cans/greater security/DNA swabbing of students/checkpoints in to the res...and yet bad shít continues to happen. Why not change that approach which clearly isn't working, to the approach adopted by another college fifteen minutes away that doesn't have these problems.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,456 ✭✭✭Jev/N

    If you set out to have a "beach party" in your apartment, you deserve to suffer the consequences, whether you were involved directly with the fire alarms or not. Putting paddling pools full of water and bags of sand in a top floor apartment is "taking it too far", it's not like it was just a normal session which snowballed from there!

    With regard to the visitor rules, the safety issue comes into it where if there's a fire and everyone is counted by the R.A, but there are extra visitors there unknown to the R.A and unaccounted for, who could be still in the building.
    As I said before, I had people over plenty of times when I was there and while I do understand why the rule is in place, they could have a system where you sign in the visitor (like in other colleges) and then the R.A's have you on a list and know you're in the building

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭vote4pedro

    Jev/N wrote: »
    With regard to the visitor rules, the safety issue comes into it where if there's a fire and everyone is counted by the R.A, but there are extra visitors there unknown to the R.A and unaccounted for, who could be still in the building.
    As I said before, I had people over plenty of times when I was there and while I do understand why the rule is in place, they could have a system where you sign in the visitor (like in other colleges) and then the R.A's have you on a list and know you're in the building

    Or how about a letter from your parents or parish priest? Or, and this will sound crazy, how about treating people like adults?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,151 ✭✭✭Thomas_S_Hunterson

    They should persue those responsible for the crap that goes on rather than introducing unreasonable rules that apply to everyone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 911 ✭✭✭994

    Jev/N wrote: »
    If you set out to have a "beach party" in your apartment, you deserve to suffer the consequences, whether you were involved directly with the fire alarms or not. Putting paddling pools full of water and bags of sand in a top floor apartment is "taking it too far", it's not like it was just a normal session which snowballed from there!

    With regard to the visitor rules, the safety issue comes into it where if there's a fire and everyone is counted by the R.A, but there are extra visitors there unknown to the R.A and unaccounted for, who could be still in the building.
    As I said before, I had people over plenty of times when I was there and while I do understand why the rule is in place, they could have a system where you sign in the visitor (like in other colleges) and then the R.A's have you on a list and know you're in the building

    It shouldn't matter what you do to your apartment or what you put in it, so long as it's clean when you move out. Your fire thing is nonsense, because the RA has no way of knowing in the first place how many residents are staying in a block on a certain night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,456 ✭✭✭Jev/N

    994 wrote: »
    It shouldn't matter what you do to your apartment or what you put in it, so long as it's clean when you move out. Your fire thing is nonsense, because the RA has no way of knowing in the first place how many residents are staying in a block on a certain night.

    It may be nonsense, but that's supposedly the reasoning behind it. I never said I was advocating it at all, just stating that they were the rules

    @vote4pedro - I've been to other colleges and stayed over in apartments, the signing in thing is done in other places for insurance reasons or whatever, I don't know the finer details, but it works

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,803 ✭✭✭El Siglo

    Having a pool party in your gaff on campus, is retarded, you wouldn't do it in your parents house i.e. your own 'home', you definately wouldn't get away with it in privately rented accomodation, very simple case of pool party + arse hole(s) = kicked off campus. If he had any sense, do it on the last day of term or exams, innocuous enough times, feck all people still around either gone home or studying or both.

    Something I want to clarify before I go into the rest of this post, there's nothing wrong with drinking, it's not very healthy but neither is most things these days, and drinking is as much a part of being a student as essay, societies, and! I just want to get this out of the way, in case of anyone getting their knickers in a knot!
    With regards the issue of being treated like children (I refrain from the use of the word 'kid', kid is a young goat), there is too much security here, very intimidating, there should be cans served in the bars, alcohol consumption should be a free enterprise, and if you act like a retard then you face the consequences. The place has become a mini-police state, security is good and all but, it is way over board. However, there are a lot of complete f*cking fools (considering the numbers in UCD etc... this isn't a hard concept to grasp) who act like retards on a daily basis, these c*nts are ruining it for us all, wrecking the bus shelter, throwing snowballs at random people, having a ridiculous pool party etc... It's one thing to be treated like a child but it's another thing to act like one. Don't give security and the authorities the chance to treat us all like sh*t (we get this already in the real world), don't act like fools, don't 'act out' for the sake of it, pick your battles so to speak. Most of the time the people to act like retards are of course 1st years, they're stupid, still in that "I'm going to University College, Dublin", ucd scarf wearing phase. Most of the rest of us i.e. 2nd, 3rd/final year people would just like to have a laugh without being hassled, unfortunately these cretins are ruining it. Anyway whatever happened to just getting a few dozen cans, a guitar or ipod and just relax, we're always in a hurry to get twisted or we want to look for attention, such as the retard with a pool party!;)

    End of rant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 597 ✭✭✭Tayto2000

    vote4pedro wrote: »
    You strike me as being the type of person in primary school likely to come out with "Teacher, teacher, john hasn't got his homework done".

    Pointless, irrelevant, ad hominem. Next?
    vote4pedro wrote: »
    How do you know I'm privileged?

    You're in third level, yes? You didn't for example have to enter the labour force straight after school?
    vote4pedro wrote: »
    Look at how Trinity works, no snow riots, their <snip> passess off without people needing to wreck their beautiful college grounds, no buses being smashed to bits by students. So why does that happen at UCD? Is it because a fundamentally different type of Irish early twenties student goes there? Of course not.

    But look at the way Trinity treat their students; allowed drink cans from their student bar, no constant intimidating security, students being trusted to run their <snip> in a grown up manner (you'd swear its a G20 job when the UCD ball is on with the restrictions, security, limitations across campus). The result is that immature students dont need to seize every opportunity to lash out and act the maggot. It reminds me of when you went in to 6th year in school, suddenly the messers who were constantly trying to get on teachers nerves, refusing to go along with anything, get treated with a bit more respect and more like adults and it placates them. Of course everyone should be able to act like that, but its human nature that there will be people who do need to be 'coerced' in that way. Instead restrict late bars on campus to once every x months, and watch everyone go absolutely mental at the idea of a rare opportunity "to go crazy."

    Interesting. I'd agree with you on this to a certain extent, the damage in Belgrove that triggered the res clampdown was (I think anyway) a reaction to the fact that the end of term was controlled that year - nothing like it happened in 2007 because of the great end of term day that was had. But your fundamental point is that if everything was completely relaxed, there'd be no problems at all - I don't think that's true. Lessons should be learned from Trinity I agree, but the analogy isn't perfect, they are very different in terms of layout and location not to mention physical size.
    vote4pedro wrote: »
    But let me guess, you'd be against cans in the bar (we've a drinking culture that simply shouldn't be encouraged and so the only way of cracking down on it is to restrict can drinking), you want the bold boys to smoke on the island in the lake (it was you who claimed to be able to smell smoke in the upper floors of the Arts block, and likened it to be people walking in human waste, right?), you're probably for the overly restrictive security and policing at events like UCD Ball that we've seen in recent years (what if someone trips and has an accident), gonna have a punt that you're all for students being banged up for drinking cans by the secret lake on a nice day (those hooligans are breaching numerous environmental littering codes).

    LOL :pac:

    Play the ball, not the player, this isn't about me. I was impressed with your previous argument, then you come out with this guff. I've resisted the line by line answer (Although sorely tempted ;)) but I will say that you've got me wrong. I am in favour of following the rules (They're what allow a population of ~25000 to get along in relative peace and harmony), but I also expect those rules to be reasonable, which a lot of them aren't - taking the Arts smoking as an example, I'd be in favour of proper smoking facilities built where they were supposed to be and smoke away fromn the front doors instead of the halfarsed stab at a few benches in the open and some mushrooms under the canopy which no-one is ever going to use.

    vote4pedro wrote: »
    I'm fully aware I am putting words in to your mouth and apologise for doing so, but you certainly seem to "tow the line" anytime I've noticed your posting, but feel free to correct me. What I'm saying is that it's far too simple to say its a chicken and egg situation, that leads to the current attitude being adopted by the upper brass which cracks down on the above sort of thing, I'm sure you agree.
    That's the attitude currently adopted, and look where we are: buses being wrecked, people drinking to excess, fire alarms ripped out, feeling like you're walking through East Berlin with the amount of security, an incredible lack of atmosphere and sense of fun around the place....the list goes on.

    I would agree with a lot of this alright, and I would especially agree with Sean_K, the response to a lot of the stuff you mentioned should be targeted enforcement, not a blanket crackdown. What exactly would you do to address these problems mentioned?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 jojoucd

    Heard there were to be better guest policies introduced with the gates this year. We have spent years banging on about the lack of security and now it is being addressed we protest and lose out on the benefits!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 494 ✭✭muffinman

    Tayto2000 wrote: »
    You're in third level, yes? You didn't for example have to enter the labour force straight after school?

    :rolleyes: come on...

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,564 ✭✭✭✭Frisbee

    Tayto2000 wrote: »
    You're in third level, yes? You didn't for example have to enter the labour force straight after school?

    Are you for real?

  • Registered Users Posts: 630 ✭✭✭liamygunner29

    anyone who has lived on campus will know like I do that more than half the R.As are on a serious power trip where common sense is rarley applied, for example this evening me and my mates where playing football outside and told we wernt aloud now this is bad enough but as like many first years im confused by this strike and i tought him been a 3rd year cud help so I asked him "should we go to college tomorrow?" to which he replied "i dont give a ****, just stop playing football" how bad is that? this has left me and other residents sick of there attitude and i admit that responding through more aggresive parties and actions is petty, its how students seem to retiliate.

    and in regards to siginin people in, whos going be bringin a girl home and run into the office to sign her in??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,403 ✭✭✭passive

    to which he replied "i dont give a ****, just stop playing football" how bad is that?

    I don't give a **** either. I guess it's pretty bad...
    and in regards to siginin people in, whos going be bringin a girl home and run into the office to sign her in??

    If this is too much hassle for you, your priorities are all wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,043 ✭✭✭Leprachaun

    dyl10 wrote: »
    You were making the same defense of those idiots with the snow.
    Maybe you should still be in secondary school? :)

    No,maybe I should be in college since I have already completed seconday school. Just because I don't get pissed off every time someone has a bit of fun,it doesn't mean I don't want to further my education.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,043 ✭✭✭Leprachaun

    vote4pedro wrote: »
    You strike me as being the type of person in primary school likely to come out with "Teacher, teacher, john hasn't got his homework done".

    How do you know I'm privileged?

    Look at how Trinity works, no snow riots, their <snip> passess off without people needing to wreck their beautiful college grounds, no buses being smashed to bits by students. So why does that happen at UCD? Is it because a fundamentally different type of Irish early twenties student goes there? Of course not.

    But look at the way Trinity treat their students; allowed drink cans from their student bar, no constant intimidating security, students being trusted to run their <snip> in a grown up manner (you'd swear its a G20 job when the UCD ball is on with the restrictions, security, limitations across campus). The result is that immature students dont need to seize every opportunity to lash out and act the maggot. It reminds me of when you went in to 6th year in school, suddenly the messers who were constantly trying to get on teachers nerves, refusing to go along with anything, get treated with a bit more respect and more like adults and it placates them. Of course everyone should be able to act like that, but its human nature that there will be people who do need to be 'coerced' in that way. Instead restrict late bars on campus to once every x months, and watch everyone go absolutely mental at the idea of a rare opportunity "to go crazy."

    But let me guess, you'd be against cans in the bar (we've a drinking culture that simply shouldn't be encouraged and so the only way of cracking down on it is to restrict can drinking), you want the bold boys to smoke on the island in the lake (it was you who claimed to be able to smell smoke in the upper floors of the Arts block, and likened it to be people walking in human waste, right?), you're probably for the overly restrictive security and policing at events like UCD Ball that we've seen in recent years (what if someone trips and has an accident), gonna have a punt that you're all for students being banged up for drinking cans by the secret lake on a nice day (those hooligans are breaching numerous environmental littering codes).

    I'm fully aware I am putting words in to your mouth and apologise for doing so, but you certainly seem to "tow the line" anytime I've noticed your posting, but feel free to correct me. What I'm saying is that it's far too simple to say its a chicken and egg situation, that leads to the current attitude being adopted by the upper brass which cracks down on the above sort of thing, I'm sure you agree.
    That's the attitude currently adopted, and look where we are: buses being wrecked, people drinking to excess, fire alarms ripped out, feeling like you're walking through East Berlin with the amount of security, an incredible lack of atmosphere and sense of fun around the place....the list goes on.

    Instead of perhaps looking at WHY we have those problems, we get people bleating on about bull**** health&safety rules, agreeing with current restrictions, encouraging greater restrictions, and instead whinging about vital issues like a sign for the Restaurant not also being as gaeilge.

    Summary for tl;dr: when bad shít happens on campus people say OMG this is why you need earlier closing times/no cans/greater security/DNA swabbing of students/checkpoints in to the res...and yet bad shít continues to happen. Why not change that approach which clearly isn't working, to the approach adopted by another college fifteen minutes away that doesn't have these problems.

    Stick it to the man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 630 ✭✭✭liamygunner29

    passive wrote: »
    I don't give a **** either. I guess it's pretty bad...
    In fairness mate, whats the point in replying if thats all you have to say like?? never a first year? its people like you that people cant stand always taking the high ground. Get over yourself, I was just recalling an earlier incident and if you think that R.As should be worried about stuff like football, while been ignorant to students who paid good money to stay here, than maybe you should consider applying for the job. Im sure your self-righteousness will fit right in with the rest. Don't get me wrong there is reasonable and good but I can't see you being the most popular.

    passive wrote: »
    if this is too much hassle for you, your priorities are all wrong.

    you are an idiot. Maybe your too smart and busy too be pulling girls but as a first year and im sure most of my friends and neighbours would agree bringing ladies home should be very high on our priorities list.

    Finally Im not intrested in a big speel of a response, trying to like all cool and putting me down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 82 ✭✭Kat Slater

    I'm all for treating people like adults, but TBH the kind of immature idiot who rips fire alarms out of the wall is more than likely going to act like that anyway, whether free cans are offered in the bar or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,403 ✭✭✭passive

    In fairness mate, whats the point in replying if thats all you have to say like?? never a first year? its people like you that people cant stand always taking the high ground. Get over yourself, I was just recalling an earlier incident and if you think that R.As should be worried about stuff like football, while been ignorant to students who paid good money to stay here, than maybe you should consider applying for the job. Im sure your self-righteousness will fit right in with the rest. Don't get me wrong there is reasonable and good but I can't see you being the most popular.

    In fairness, "mate," there are plenty of better places to play football, like the big f*ckoff field 20 feet from most of the residences, and you were probably being a loud douchebag and disturbing people who were trying to get some work done. I have no desire or intention to be an RA, but I'm immeasurably glad to know I wouldn't be popular with people like you if I did go for that kind of job.

    Do you think maybe he was looking out for all the other students who paid good money to stay there, and were trying to study?
    you are an idiot. Maybe your too smart and busy too be pulling girls but as a first year and im sure most of my friends and neighbours would agree bringing ladies home should be very high on our priorities list.

    Finally Im not intrested in a big speel of a response, trying to like all cool and putting me down.

    I have no need whatsoever to be pulling random girls at the minute, I'm happy to say, but if I did, I wouldn't be put out by the hassle of having to sign someone in, or plan ahead, or pay a small fee, or whatever. I'd care about getting laid. That's what I meant about your priorities being wrong ;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 338 ✭✭33% God

    In fairness mate, whats the point in replying if thats all you have to say like?? never a first year? its people like you that people cant stand always taking the high ground. Get over yourself, I was just recalling an earlier incident and if you think that R.As should be worried about stuff like football, while been ignorant to students who paid good money to stay here, than maybe you should consider applying for the job. Im sure your self-righteousness will fit right in with the rest. Don't get me wrong there is reasonable and good but I can't see you being the most popular.
    I'm a first year too, living on campus. We were throwing a rugby ball around outside one night and were told to stop. Fair enough. We were making noise and occasionally the ball would hit a window or whatever.
    We walked the couple of meters out to the Merville pitches and could throw it around as much as we pleased.
    Surely you have much bigger things to worry about than being asked not to play football where people who are trying to study (it is around the time of the midterms and essays being due) can hear you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 664 ✭✭✭craggles

    Leprachaun wrote: »
    Stick it to the man.

    Basically yeah.

    You have all put way too much effort and time into arguing in this thread about some dope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 630 ✭✭✭liamygunner29

    fairness, "mate," there are plenty of better places to play football, like the big f*ckoff field 20 feet from most of the residences, and you were probably being a loud douchebag and disturbing people who were trying to get some work done.

    it is true that there is fields close-by but this wasn't wat you would think. I wasn't even playing, I was just walking out at the time, and it was only a couple of lads and the ball was low, even the other think your man is an arse. You have to understand how ignorant he was!! He just wanted to say something cause earlier on he came charging in when the fire-alarm went off, thinking he was going to catch us with a load of dope or something but w had nothing to do with it. So he needed to say something, most of the time they say nothing about football if you take it easy.

    I have no need whatsoever to be pulling random girls at the minute, I'm happy to say, but if I did, I wouldn't be put out by the hassle of having to sign someone in, or plan ahead, or pay a small fee, or whatever. I'd care about getting laid. That's what I meant about your priorities being wrong ;)

    Nor do I:)..and you make a valid point...I just think it kind of takes away from the whole thing, if you get what I mean?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 Winwood

    bnt wrote: »
    By all means have fun, but there are lines you don't cross. The "snow mob" went too far by rampaging across the campus, pelting people with hard snow and stones, and damaging equipment. This "pool party" crossed the line when property got damaged.

    You do not mess with fire alarms (fire exits, extinguishers, other safety or lifesaving equipment). What a drag, eh? "The man" doesn't want you to endanger your life and the lives of others? You can never say "oh, that equipment won't be needed" - that is not your call to make. Did you notice how the sympathy level in this thread fell off a cliff, as soon as you mentioned damaging fire alarms? You (or whoever) crossed the line there.

    Wow, this thread really went off at a tangent huh? Personally I think the guy should have expected to get into trouble for the pool party (fine or eviction) and that the size of UCD necessitates a stricter approach than other universities (if perhaps done in a more delicate/subtle way than is currently the case).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,158 ✭✭✭Stepherunie

    it is true that there is fields close-by but this wasn't wat you would think. I wasn't even playing, I was just walking out at the time, and it was only a couple of lads and the ball was low, even the other think your man is an arse. You have to understand how ignorant he was!! He just wanted to say something cause earlier on he came charging in when the fire-alarm went off, thinking he was going to catch us with a load of dope or something but w had nothing to do with it. So he needed to say something, most of the time they say nothing about football if you take it easy.

    Before you go off on RAs you should try being one. Anyone living on res will tell you how at some point they had to get the RAs up to deal with **** - they do that on a daily basis and can often be subjected to verbal abuse, threats of physical abuse and have to deal with anything from out of hand parties to medical emergencies.

    Oh and the reason for the no football rule is immensely simple. UCD Res - squares with lots of windows. Footballs being kicked = lots of broken windows. Expensive, annoying and dangerous.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 bastardable

    What the hell, is this a forum for mature soc?
    I am a personal friend of Hugo and was with him the whole time while it was being planned.
    He did the most noblest of acts by sacrificing his gaff for a session, now this is a sound thing to do when your offering up your house to your close mates but Hugo opened up the party to anyone he knew.
    All he wanted was a bit of craic. In terms of the pool and the sand. This party was so well organised we researched that we found out the max stress the floors in Roebuckk could take so that we could enjoy the party.

    The smoke alarms are a different story, I can catagorically say that the only thing that Hugo regrets in relation to those is that he didnt put johnnys over them.
    Those fire alarms can take a stupid amount of smoke before they go off, its just a pity that some twats are addicited to nicotine (exact quote from RA: ''you would have gotten away with it if you hadn't been smoking'')

    Right so to wrap up preceedings I would like to personally extend an invitation to Leprachaun to next years pool party which will be bigger and of course better, as it was the only post that saw the party as the fun it was

    Leprachaun, pm me for details.

    Peace out,


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,567 ✭✭✭mloc

    ...his gaff...

    And therein lies your mistake. It's not his gaff. He may live there, but it is not his gaff. He has less rights of ownership than most privately rented accomodations, so he was not sacrificing "his" gaff, but merely violating the terms of staying in UCD's gaff, for which he should be rapidly kicked out.

    We have enough idiots floating around campus as it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,403 ✭✭✭passive

    He did the most noblest of acts by sacrificing his gaff for a session, now this is a sound thing to do when your offering up your house to your close mates but Hugo opened up the party to anyone he knew.
    All he wanted was a bit of craic. In terms of the pool and the sand. This party was so well organised we researched that we found out the max stress the floors in Roebuckk could take so that we could enjoy the party.

    The smoke alarms are a different story, I can catagorically say that the only thing that Hugo regrets in relation to those is that he didnt put johnnys over them.

    Any linguists here to help pinpoint the "is a wanker" markers I've noticed in this composition?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,043 ✭✭✭Leprachaun

    What the hell, is this a forum for mature soc?
    I am a personal friend of Hugo and was with him the whole time while it was being planned.
    He did the most noblest of acts by sacrificing his gaff for a session, now this is a sound thing to do when your offering up your house to your close mates but Hugo opened up the party to anyone he knew.
    All he wanted was a bit of craic. In terms of the pool and the sand. This party was so well organised we researched that we found out the max stress the floors in Roebuckk could take so that we could enjoy the party.

    The smoke alarms are a different story, I can catagorically say that the only thing that Hugo regrets in relation to those is that he didnt put johnnys over them.
    Those fire alarms can take a stupid amount of smoke before they go off, its just a pity that some twats are addicited to nicotine (exact quote from RA: ''you would have gotten away with it if you hadn't been smoking'')

    Right so to wrap up preceedings I would like to personally extend an invitation to Leprachaun to next years pool party which will be bigger and of course better, as it was the only post that saw the party as the fun it was

    Leprachaun, pm me for details.

    Peace out,



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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 338 ✭✭33% God

    He did the most noblest of acts
    I take it we're not an English student then :p

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