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Christmas bonus - gone!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,579 ✭✭✭aare

    I think, surveying the wreckage this morning, the government have avoided a fair, overall, cut of up to 10% in the base rate of social welfare at the expense of less obvious, indirect arbitrary cuts that seem set to have the effect of pushing the most vulnerable over the edge, into debt, homelessness, destitution, and maybe worse, at the end of some month, and leaving the least vulnerable relatively untouched, rather than all claimants, across the board, having to accept a lower standard of living on a week by week basis (that would have saved more money)...and yeah...under those circumstances, a week off from penury at Christmas would have been a REALLY good thing...

    GOOD JOB FF...that'll work...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Helix wrote: »
    exactly, so why are people giving out about not being able to go out every week?

    Dunno, but that was the lifestyle last year... Not the case anymore, people will find it hard to get used to ;)
    nedoo wrote: »
    Its a short term thing, the aim should be to have a job in 8 months time!!! Why should anyone get a bonus for doing nothing, I work 10 hour days and dont get one!

    The government could afford to pay for these bonuses a few years ago, so they did. It's to help out people that really had nothing. Buying something for their children at Xmas, having a decent Xmas dinner, you know? They cannot afford it now so they take it away. IT's not a big problem to be honest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭gcgirl

    Lets step away from the whole dole here what about the grannys & grand-dads that are being hit here Too! Most of them worked for a very small amount!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 midletonmagpie

    To Whom It May Concern
    I am writing as a recipient of Disability Allowance for long term illness who is also in receipt of Rent Allowance Supplement.
    I am completely taken aback by the Government’s slashing of the Christmas Bonus and Rent Allowance Supplement when so many people are going to be so adversely affected by this crazy decision. I am therefore calling on all of those so heavily reliant on both of this benefits to join in the campaign for the restoration of the Christmas Bonus and to stop the cutting of the Rent Allowance Supplement.
    In relation to the Christmas Bonus, any person who has ever received it has put it straight back into the Irish economy by supporting local Irish business in their communities such as department stores, toy shops, discount stores, or used it to pay bills, etc, etc. In other words, none of us ever hid it under the mattress or certainly never went on luxurious holidays using it. It was recycled straight back into the economy. It is strange then, that at what is considered to be the most income generating time of the year for such businesses, that this Government would seek to remove such potential from them and in doing so, deprive the Exchequer of vital Christmas revenue.
    I find it rather bizarre that on the one hand, the Government has been bickering at us to “shop local” and “keep business local” and my personal favourite, “do our patriotic duty” by supporting our local shop owners, etc., while on the other hand, the Government has now essentially stolen that very ability at one of the most busiest times of the year when many shops and stores make the most money.
    Aside from this most obvious issue, the sheer reliance that tens of thousands of Irish Citizens and Irish Families have on the Christmas Bonus is incalculable, now more so than ever.
    I therefore propose the following and I request that all persons reliant on the Christmas Bonus to join this particular campaign. I propose:
    A) That all shop owners, discount stores, etc., make available their surplus stock of Christmas cards from 2008 immediately;
    B) That all those reliant on the Christmas Bonus send a Christmas card to The Minister for Social Welfare and The Minister for Finance, in addition to, EVERY FIANNA FAIL AND GREEN PARTY CANDIDATE IN THE LOCAL & EUROPEAN ELECTIONS IN THEIR CONSTITUENCY, AND ALSO, TO EACH FIANNA FAIL & GREEN PARTY SITTING T.D./SENATOR IN THEIR CONSTITUENCY;
    C) That in the Christmas cards to both Ministers, parents/grand-parents get their children/grand-children to sign the cards so as to let those two know exactly who they are affecting;
    D) That in the Christmas cards to their Fianna Fail/Green Party local election/European candidates and to current sitting Fianna Fail/Green Party T.D./Senator, that they demand a personal statement from each of them either agreeing or disagreeing with the decision to steal the Christmas Bonus and that such a statement be made by Friday, May 8th ,and also that such a statement be done so in a public forum such as in a newspaper or in Dail Eireann or Seanad Eireann. If no such statement is made or the person agrees with the theft of the Christmas Bonus then publicise that person’s name and deal with them at the June election;
    E) That if the Christmas Bonus is not reinstated that all persons reliant on it go to their Community Welfare Officer in November and lodge a Supplementary Needs application for Christmas expenses and that they also go to St. Vincent de Paul for a Christmas voucher;

    As a single male in my mid-thirties and having been on the housing waiting list of my local town council since July 1997, I will never be housed despite all of the evidence and supporting materials supplied to the local Town Council over the years at its demand. In fact, when I took the matter before The Equality Authority and The Ombudsman, both sided with the Town Council and determined that under Section 66 of the Housing Act, the Town Council was quite entitled to discriminate against single men being housed.
    As a result, I am forced to rely on the Supplementary Rent Allowance for the flat I am now living in. On Christmas Week 2008, I received a letter from my Community Welfare Officer stating that from January 2009, my Rent Allowance was to be reduced by E5.00 per week.
    When the cut-backs to the SRA were announced yesterday, no figure or methods was given to determine what way the rate should be cut. I was told this morning (Wednesday 8th April) to the Rent Allowance Section at Abbey Court House in Cork that the suggested cut-back was going to be E6.00 weekly with Landlords being asked to “consider reducing rents accordingly”.
    When E5.00 was taken off my SRA in January, it was the same amount across the board – in other words, a family living in a rented house getting the full amount determined for them under SRA were also being cut of E5.00 despite the fact that they would be in receipt of Children’s Allowance, Early Childhood Supplement, and the normal weekly rates of Social Welfare.
    I am a single man, no dependents, on the single rate yet for this cut-back, I will be treated in terms of the amount deducted as if I had a family with additional payments such as Children’s Allowance.
    I therefore propose the following for all those reliant on Supplementary Rent Allowance. I propose that:
    A) Any reduction be immediately appealed by you;
    B) That you lodge a fresh housing application to your local authority AND the likes of Respond! citing the effect the cut-back is having on your life and go to the likes of Threshold for legal advice;
    D) That you lodge a Supplementary Needs application for food with your local Community Welfare Officer on a weekly basis
    These measures can be equally applied to all of the other cut-backs this Government has made which are going to do nothing but crucify the Irish Citizen.
    This Government has done absolutely nothing to spur job creation, encourage small enterprise, or secure the basic needs of the Irish Citizen and accordingly, must now be gotten rid of. The only ones they have benefitted are their banking buddies and developers, many of whom, are members of Fianna Fail or in the case of developers, have great influence in local authorities including family members who are elected representatives/civil servants.
    In the June elections, demands answers from ALL of your candidates irrespective of their party membership but especially those from Fianna Fail and The Green Party. Demand accountability from your current “Public Representatives” and if they do not want to answer you or couldn’t be bothered to address your questions, make sure that you take care of them in June.
    If you go away and elect any Fianna Fail/Green Party candidate in June, you will be guaranteeing them very lucrative expenses in addition to their own incomes from well paid jobs that many of them have and are very seldom seen again once they get in – and certainly don’t have the manners to help you when you go to them begging.
    Likewise, do not be taken in by some Councillors who claim to be “Independent Fianna Fail” or who claim to have left Fianna Fail because of some “moral ground”.
    Make them pay, make them answer and get out onto the streets.
    Thank you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83

    Jesus not matter what they do there will always be a ****in campaign. Every sane person realises cuts, and taxes are required yet once it hits them its suddenly becomes a oh not not me attitude. Tax that guy over there.

    Who the **** do you want to pay to get country working again. The workers have already taken a massive hit in extra taxes they can't shoulder all the f*ckin hardship or the country won't go anywhere. Not to mention the fact a large portion of people employed are already taking hits to try keep their companies a float.

    You have been asked to find €204 before December. That means you have 8 months to save €204. €25.5 a month, 6.38 a week, 91 cents a day. Here is your first tip to save this money. Get off the f*ckin internet the electicity alone will run you that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,361 ✭✭✭Boskowski

    NTLsucks wrote: »
    did u ever think someone of us might'n t want a job? there is such thing as the right not to work in soceity you know. what are people who dont want a job supposed to do for xmas now that the bonus is gone?

    But as it happens that also earns you the right of not having much. That so difficult to understand?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,361 ✭✭✭Boskowski

    NTLsucks wrote: »
    u mightnt realise it but not all of us can afford to buy presents and have a bit of a laugh in the pub without it..the bonus gives us the opportunity to enjoy xmas like other members of soceity.

    To be honest I don't agree with that money being regarded as the free ticket for a student life. In your case the welfare payments should be just enough so that you get by with housing and food and shouldn't leave you with a single penny for a can and 'a bit of a laugh'.
    Maybe then you would learn to stop acting like a spoiled child and take your life in your own hands. Get off your bum, get your act together and stop whining.

  • Registered Users Posts: 323 ✭✭MariMel

    It is not only those on the dole that will lose this extra payment at xmas.
    It is also One Parent Families. I have received this extra payment last year and on one other year that I was not working. I havent worked since Jan 08 and the bonus was a god send when it came to being able to buy my sons presents.
    Before anyone says anything.....I am not some crazy person, like one of my brothers and his wife who spend €600 each at xmas on their children..... I used my extra week;s payment to buy ALL my xmas shopping....with €10 left over to buy myself a treat. I rarely if ever buy myself clothes unless they are on the sale rack.

    I have one or two other points to for soem people saying that the fact i have internet access that i shoudl get rid of it.....I pay less than €5 a week for my connection....I dont smoke......I rarely drink......I go out maybe 5 times a year. Am I not intitled to something for myself. My son doesnt go bills are paid.

    I used to work....full time or part time.....working full time and paying for childcare while doing so....made me only €10 more a week than i am coming out with now....and i was on more than the minimun wage.

    As for those of us who have had well paid jobs and are now looking for anything......I have applied and been interviwed for 3 cashier jobs.....I want to work......but havent gotten any of them.....I am too qualified they so much for people saying...we shoudl be happy working in McD's or the likes.....when such places wont hire us.

    As for Fas......have you seen the selection of courses available????
    I am not mathemtaically minded enough for an accounts course....but their is little else available locally.

    Enough of my rant.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 midletonmagpie

    As always, when the likes of murphy83 there are about, their one-sided view of the world becomes apparent and he can't express a civilised view without abusing everyone in the process. Fair play though, at least he has the basic intelligence for mathematics which leads me to believe that he is one of the Celtic Tiger's kittens.

    I truly hope that mr murphy never falls in life or looses his job or for what ever reason, is forced to rely on social welfare because it is obvious to me that he is the kind who looks down his nose on anybody who through no fault of their own finds him/herself in a particular situation.

    How blessed he is then to have such a life.

    If he had the intelligence to read the post properly, he would have been able to make sense of it and see how so many people out there relied on that pittance that he claims to be so great, but, seeing as that his is the "myself alone" mentality, then all I can do is pray for him and hope his privilege existence continues.

    If he does fall however, I hope the shock of that new reality sinks in so deep that all he has is fear - absolute fear and a lack of confidence in what the future may bring.

    Does the man himself not realise the impact the Christmas Bonus had on the economy at that time of the year - those who got it, spent it again in local shops etc., thereby recycling it back into the economy. Then again, as I said, if he had read the post with a bit of intelligence, he would have seen this.

    Sadly, though, for many of such privileged out there, their existence is that they will only ever know how to sneer and defecate on others less fortunate, but alas, all glory is fleeting. Funny, isn't it the case that such priviledged are the same ones who have wrecked our country????

    Let me know when the time comes mr murphy what dole office you will have to go to to sign on or what hospital you visit for your treatment if like me you have become long term ill. I will say a prayer then for you that someday, you might enjoy your privileged, closed minded lifestyle again.

    God bless the truly ignorant - they only have themselves to blame.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 211 ✭✭bobbiw

    NTLsucks wrote: »
    look man, why are you coplaining about someone else, can you not mind your own business? just because you are feeling like a bit of a fool cos you are jealous of this guy having a holiday while you work like a chump theres no need to take it out on people who are far worse off than you.

    anyway i think it could be time to lock this thread, i think the nonstop criticisms of the poorest members of soceity shouldnt be allowed. im done with this thread anyway.

    Despite the fact that this NTL Sucks fellow is probobly a troll noone would disagree that he/she should have all benefits stopped.

    people like this do not deserve to get any benefit, they, their family and their children should be forced to starve to death rather than receive a penny (or cent) from the taxpayer. They should be forced to do community service and made to wear a badge that says they are the scum of the earth.

    the caricture that he pretends to be is to be fair the lowest rung on the ladder of earth.

    Ireland needs to heavily cut back on all social services and healthcare to anyone who has not worked for the last two years. Make it like the USA.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 midletonmagpie

    Oh, by the way, murphy83, I use a laptop with a fully charged battery and my internet connection is wireless Meteor To Go for e20 monthly access through normal top-up bought in the shops.

    Don't ever again tell anyone to shut up or get off the internet. As well as being a priviledged little man who can't reply without abusing people, you also think you are a dictator.

    If you can't hack what people are saying, why don't you go back to your hole in the sand? Likewise, if you can't post without abusing people in the process, maybe it's time you were the one who got off the internet????

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    It's got nothing to do with "Screw the paupers" magpie. Let's put it this way - In the good times, the government said, "Guys, your countrymen are doing well, they're making good money, spending lots of money and bringing in lots of foreign money. We hope that one day you can join us, but for now, here's a bonus at Christmas time, you know cos it's Christmas like". And the same was true in plenty of companies too.

    Now the fact is, "Sorry guys, look we're not taking in as much as we thought we would, in fact it's dropping by the day, and we expect your numbers to increase. So we can't afford to give you a bonus payout". And guess what, the same is true in many companies too.

    You're not getting a bonus because the money doesn't exist. Live with it, that's life.

    There are a lot of employed people who've had bonusses removed but who considered their bonus to be part of their salary, and are now screaming because their salary is down. But their salary isn't down - a bonus is just that - a discretionary payment which is made in the good times and taken away in the bad times.
    This dole payment was a bonus, and guess what - we're in the bad times so you don't get it.

    If someone considered a "bonus" to be a core part of their remuneration package, they're an idiot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83

    No my problem is that every time the government have announced cuts the people that have been effected have started campaigns and strikes. Apart from the private sector workers who are taking the majority of the pain through taxes, and pay cuts, and lay offs.

    Pension Levy = Strikes.
    Reductions in Bus staff = Strikes.
    Reduced social payments = Campaign because they can't strike.
    Health Cards being means tested = protest.

    As for me being a celtic tiger kitten. You could not be more wrong. My family struggled for years to get by. My brother is currently unemployed and has been since the recession first starting hitting, my mates are getting let go right left and center. I see the effects of this recession every day.

    I have been working since I was 15, went through college working, and worked hard to keep my job in the current climate and made smart choices to do so. i.e Working for a small Irish company for less money but increased job security rather than go to a multinational and earn more money but would probably be out on my ear by now.

    I have taken a pay cut to help keep my company going. I am taking tax increases to try keep the government going. I may be out on my ear come the summer unless things improve greatly. I may be on the dole before Christmas. So I may very well be effected by this.

    Its €204 euro a week which you have eight months to save. Someone said there internet access costs them €5 a month/week. There is money right there, no to mention the cost of your computer and electricity. People should stop moaning and complaining and realise its not that much to ask. Seriously look at your lifestyle. I would be very surprised if nobody could save €204 in eight months by making one or two changes. Drink Water instead of tea/coffee or whatever, walk to more places, turn off you tv for an extra hour every night and read a book or go for a walk.

    They are going to be reducing energy costs next month so you should see a saving in your bills that will cover the cost.

    The fact of the matter is the country can not afford the current social services bid. This was a way of cutting the bill while giving people eight months notice. Jesus I had one month to learn I was losing 20% pay a month.

    Everybody is paying for this. Everybody. €204 a year is not a lot to ask.

    Oh and I advise everyone to make the changes now as more cuts are coming.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 211 ✭✭bobbiw

    Christmas Bonus was joke, why give benefits to someone who is a failure.

    This is the problem with the system, I remember some little tramp coming to try and rent my property, she had a kid and the goverment were going to pay for her to live in a four bedroom house.

    to be honest 30 years ago she would have had her kid put up for adoption and she would be working in a convent laundry.

    Still they call it progress.

    The hard working people of Ireland that have been hit with hard times deserve to be helped and receive as much support as possible to get back to work.

    the lazy scumbag wasters who have not worked in years should have no benefits for them or their children, their children need to suffer because of poverty and understand that they need to work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83

    Oh, by the way, murphy83, I use a laptop with a fully charged battery and my internet connection is wireless Meteor To Go for e20 monthly access through normal top-up bought in the shops.

    Don't ever again tell anyone to shut up or get off the internet. As well as being a priviledged little man who can't reply without abusing people, you also think you are a dictator.

    If you can't hack what people are saying, why don't you go back to your hole in the sand? Likewise, if you can't post without abusing people in the process, maybe it's time you were the one who got off the internet????

    What do you charge that battery off? Air.

    How much is the laptop worth?

    €20 euro a month * 8 is €160. Sure you are more than half way there.

    Maybe look into dial up it could be cheaper.

    My point was there are sacrifices you can make that will cover the cost, but people would prefer to have a moan instead.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭O'Coonassa

    Every sane person realises cuts, and taxes are required

    No, that is just the view of one particular school of economics ie: bail out the banks and industrialists and make the people pay for it. Others say the best way out of the recession is to give the people the money and let the market decide what banks and industries deserve to go down. IMO the latter option is the sane one. It's no good bailing out the corporate elite and saving their skins if there's nobody to buy their products because everybody has been taxed to the hilt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83

    O'Coonassa wrote: »
    No, that is just the view of one particular school of economics ie: bail out the banks and industrialists and make the people pay for it. Others say the best way out of the recession is to give the people the money and let the market decide what banks and industries deserve to go down. IMO the latter option is the sane one. It's no good bailing out the corporate elite and saving their skins if there's nobody to buy their products because everybody has been taxed to the hilt.

    Regardless of the banks, or industrialists there is a massive hole in our public finances that has to be addressed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭gcgirl

    bobbiw wrote: »
    Christmas Bonus was joke, why give benefits to someone who is a failure.

    This is the problem with the system, I remember some little tramp coming to try and rent my property, she had a kid and the goverment were going to pay for her to live in a four bedroom house.

    to be honest 30 years ago she would have had her kid put up for adoption and she would be working in a convent laundry.

    Still they call it progress.

    The hard working people of Ireland that have been hit with hard times deserve to be helped and receive as much support as possible to get back to work.

    the lazy scumbag wasters who have not worked in years should have no benefits for them or their children, their children need to suffer because of poverty and understand that they need to work.

    Not very helpfull and very condisending post!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 211 ✭✭bobbiw

    gcgirl wrote: »
    Not very helpfull and very condisending post!

    Well if I was running the economy for the last 10 years there would be no crime, no gangs, no recession etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,869 ✭✭✭skearon

    OMG! :mad: ...and they are cutting rent suppliment, i can't belive this!!!!!


    Neither can I, they whole lot should have reduced when you consider the economic facts:

    Increases given last October assumed 3% inflation, we've had 4% deflation so a 7% cut could have been applied without affecting your spending power.

    €4 per week is less than the cost of a single pint of beer!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,579 ✭✭✭aare

    bobbiw wrote: »
    Christmas Bonus was joke, why give benefits to someone who is a failure.

    This is the problem with the system, I remember some little tramp coming to try and rent my property, she had a kid and the goverment were going to pay for her to live in a four bedroom house.

    to be honest 30 years ago she would have had her kid put up for adoption and she would be working in a convent laundry.

    Still they call it progress.

    The hard working people of Ireland that have been hit with hard times deserve to be helped and receive as much support as possible to get back to work.

    the lazy scumbag wasters who have not worked in years should have no benefits for them or their children, their children need to suffer because of poverty and understand that they need to work.

    I very much doubt if your view are representative...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭smileysurfer

    bobbiw wrote: »
    Well if I was running the economy for the last 10 years there would be no crime, no gangs, no recession etc.

    Jeeessh you sound amazing! :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 182 ✭✭akaredtop

    There are too many lazy B'astards in this country continuously looking for hand-outs. There should never have been a christmas bonus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,441 ✭✭✭✭ArmaniJeanss

    If he had the intelligence to read the post properly,

    Then again, as I said, if he had read the post with a bit of intelligence, he would have seen this.

    I struggled to read your first post, its formatted assways in whatever font its in and hurts my eyes.

    I made an effort though, and I saw something about how you are demanding a house, and complaining about how non-nationals are getting houses ahead of you? I didn't try to read any more.

    Who are you suggesting pays for this house by the way?

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,078 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    bobbiw wrote: »
    Well if I was running the economy for the last 10 years there would be no crime, no gangs, no recession etc.

    You'd be extremely lonely on your own.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭O'Coonassa

    Regardless of the banks, or industrialists there is a massive hole in our public finances that has to be addressed.

    Indeed but I'd suggest the way to address it would have been by using the money that has been given away on socialism for the very rich.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,078 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    akaredtop wrote: »
    There are too many lazy B'astards in this country continuously looking for hand-outs. There should never have been a christmas bonus.

    There are going to be a lot of genuine unemployed people in Ireland who will not have a Christmas as a result of this, unless SVdP comes up with something. For the fiddlers, it will be Christmas as usual - because they'll have a bit of spare from the nixers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    midletonmagpie and alanmurphy83, calm the hell down and stop sniping at one another.

    The only reason neither of you has an infraction right now is that I'm out the door in thirty seconds and don't have time to make sure either or both of you deserve one.

    You can have a civilised discussion without this personal sniping

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,579 ✭✭✭aare

    bobbiw wrote: »
    Well if I was running the economy for the last 10 years there would be no crime, no gangs, no recession etc.

    Mate of mine (let's just call him "Brian" - aw, c'mon, business is business, but yer mates are still yer mates) would very much like to pop round later so you can explain to him how you would have done that...and, don't worry, he'll be bringing his own biscuits...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,608 ✭✭✭Spud83

    O'Coonassa wrote: »
    Indeed but I'd suggest the way to address it would have been by using the money that has been given away on socialism for the very rich.

    Unfortunately not. First the banks are needed for business to survive. If the banks collapse a lot of business would too and a lot more people would be on the dole increasing our social spending.

    Secondly the public finances need to be balanced. If we borrow money to pay them this year which is what you are suggesting as we borrowed money to help the banks then we need to borrow again next year, and the next year and the next year as so on. The EU will not allow this, we have been given 5 years to get our borrowing in order.
