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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Deloading Chest n Arms

    Paused Bench
    22kgs x 20
    42kgs x 12
    72kgs x 6
    82kgs x 3
    92kgs 3 x 3

    Paused Incline Bench
    22kgs x 12
    52kgs x 8
    62kgs 5 x 8

    plate15 3 x 20

    Rope pressdowns
    3 x 12

    4 x 8

    Rev Grip pressdowns
    4 x 12

    Hammer Curls
    17.5kg DB's x 8,8,8,20

    Not the best session, but shoulder felt good so that's encouraging. Didn't eat all day then right before training I had a KFC in the gym carpark... hardcore I know. Just aswell I did nothing heavy, because getting sick would of definitely been on the cards.
    Benchin and inclines were easy, as they should be.
    Pecdec was so light you'd literally get more resistance flapping your arms in a windy field, but actually managed to get a decent stretch doing it.
    Tricep stuff was fine. Hammers were very easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Paused squat (no belt)
    20kgs x 6
    60kgs x 6
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 3
    120kgs x 2
    140kgs x 2
    130kgs x 2
    130kgs x 2
    130kgs x 6

    60kgs x 10,10,10

    Messed around with form on speedy sumo pulls.

    Wanted to leg press aswell but ran out of time. No big deal. Squat feels strong right now. Pauses were good. Wanted to keep with a weight that moved with at least some speed, 140 was probably a bit slow.
    SLDL absolutely blew my spinal erectors up.. pain! Haven't been getting the low back pumps the last few weeks deadlifting so thought I was in the clear but obviously not. Had to drive home with the seat laid back like a gangster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Shoulder isn't happy today. Not bad moving in a horizontal plane, but feels cr^p moving OH. Gonna go see the physio me thinks, because it's been on and off the last few days and is just p!ssing me off!
    Was suppose to do shoulders today, but mightn't have been a great idea... Went to the gym anyway and did some arms, scap dips, light pulldowns (which didn't hurt at all), Ab pulldowns. As wendler would say this session was completely vag.
    I hate shoulder problems because I really can't get my head around them.. The shoulder is just a tricky complex mechanism. Worst case scenario: the physio will give me a list of exercises, none of which will make a difference, and actually might make it worse.. he/she'll then recommend I go to an orthopaedic surgeon, who'll recommend an MRI, and then most likely recommend surgery, and tell me not to press weights anymore..
    At least I'd finally start building a squat then though..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Sumo Deadlift
    72kgs x 3,3
    112kgs x 3
    152kgs x 3,3,3

    Rack Pulls (on metal step)
    72kgs x 3
    112kgs x 3
    152kgs x 3
    162kgs x 6

    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 12
    50kgs x 15,15,20

    Seated DB curls
    12.5kg DB's 4 x 12

    EZ bar curls
    30kgs 3 x 12

    Deads were easy enough, just using the light belt for the top sets. Sumo could be better than conventional for me after training it for a while, kinda like wide stance squats, not as fast off the floor but more consistent and comfortable.
    Bench was kept very easy, shoulder felt pretty good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Light Upper Body

    Cable rows
    worked up to plate 82.5 x 12,15

    50kgs x 12,12
    60kgs x 15

    Rolling DB ext.
    10kg DB's x 12,12,20

    RG Tri pressdowns
    light weight high reps

    Straightbar pressdowns
    plate 45 x 20,20

    Straightbar cable curls
    plate 45 x 12
    plate 50 x 12,12

    17.5kg DBs x 12,12

    Moving blood without agravating my shoulder.
    Focusing on doing slowish negatives, slight pauses, and fast positives.
    Think I'll start going heavier next week.

    Walking more than usual lately. Every morning for about an hour, and then again most nights. Making a small effort to lose some bodyfat, doing the morning walk on just protein, and not eating like a man posessed which I was doing while smolov benching.
    BW is at 104.4kgs, so I'm down a few pounds in the last 2 weeks anyway.

    Really don't know what direction to take my training right now. Might just whip out the 531 spreadsheet and run that for a few cycles.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    5/3/1 time

    back to C3W1 Military 5 day

    22kgs x 12
    32kgs x 12

    42kgs x 5
    52kgs x 5
    57kgs x 8

    Incline bench
    50kgs x 8
    60kgs x 8,8
    paused 60kgs x 8,8
    paused 70kgs x 8

    DB laterals
    8kg DBs 4 x 10

    5 x 12-16

    Seated DB press
    17.5kg DBs x 12,12,12, paused 12

    Shoulder felt okay, went pretty tight grip on military which seems to save the shoulder alot.
    Gonna go with 531 for a while : sun military, mon deadlift, weds bench, thurs squat.
    I got as far as cycle 4 on it before, but am gonna cut it back one because 1. it'll mean lighter easier military days while my shoulder is fixing itself. 2. I'll be in a good place to take heavy singles or doubles after the work sets if I want 3. high rep deadlift sets need re-adjusting to and I might kill myself if I go ape**** with 160+ straight away. 4. I'm probably not gonna do the 531 template on bench day anyway.

    Flipped tyres the other day which I forgot to log here. 400 and 600lb tyres... good fun. Apparently I'm a natural tyre flipper... too bad my deadlift sucks balls :D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Where'd you find those?!

    EDIT: The tyres that is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    A friend o mine got them a good while ago from that recycling centre/scrapyard in Blanch/Coolmine. Behind the main skips that you see when you go in, is a yard full of old discarded tyres. He's a breakdancer :D.
    Want to get one myself, but the parentals don't like the idea of it in the garden unfortunately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    5/3/1 C3D2

    Deadlift 5 day

    Sumo Deadlift
    72kgs x 8

    112kgs x 5
    127kgs x 5
    light belt on
    142kgs x 10

    Rack pulls (off silver step, bar about 2 inches below knee)
    112kgs x 3
    142kgs x 3
    162kgs x 3
    182kgs x 1
    belt on
    192kgs x 1
    202kgs x 1
    212kgs x 1... PR to work up from now I guess.

    Cable Rows
    plate85 4 x 10

    Vgrip Pulldowns
    plate75 5 x 8

    Straight cable curls
    plate45 5 x 10

    Hammer Grip cable curls
    plate45 5 x 10

    Fun session.
    Top sumo set was fairly easy, could of done more but kept some in the tank.
    212 on the rack pull is the most weight I've ever held onto, it wasn't particularly difficult tbh. I'll go out on a limb here and say I could pull more than that off the floor, but of course that means nothing til it's actually done...
    Enjoyed all the cable stuff, got a good pump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3D3 Bench 5 day

    42kgs x 12
    62kgs x 10

    77kgs x 5
    87kgs x 5
    97kgs x 12... rock solid, left some in the tank.

    DB bench
    30kg DBs x 10,10,10,12

    DB flyes
    12.5kg DBs x 12,12,12,20

    BB Skullcrushers
    2okgs x 8
    30kgs x 8
    35kgs 4 x 8

    RG cable pressdowns
    plate30 4 x 12

    Donkey calf raises
    plate90 x 90.... wanted 100, didn't get there, every rep after 60 was hell.

    Good session. Nothing heavy, but as heavy as I've went on bench in the last 2 weeks.
    Bench technique is in a good place right now. Pulling my legs as far as possible back under the bench. This definitely reduces leg drive for me, but also makes my shoulders feel tight and safe. With my legs out in front I get much better drive off the chest, but the bar ends up much further back towards my face which has to be bad news for shoulders, slightly more power or not...
    Haven't DB pressed in ages, took a set or 2 to find the form again here, more weight next week.
    The rest was a good pump up.
    Actually did the first 4 exercises all on the one bench, and went out to the jacks with a belt left over the bar.. damn I'm so selfish and ignorant :cool:.
    Donkey calves destroyed me, probably not the best of ideas. Could barely press the pedals driving home and was cramping to bits.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Stop leaving shit in the tank. What are you a fúcking oilman

    nice benching

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Stop leaving shit in the tank. What are you a fúcking oilman

    nice benching

    Cheers. Won't leave much in the tank tomorrow. 122.5 squat. Best with 120 is 13.. So 13+.. could be rough seen as I haven't done a hard set over 5 or 6 reps in a good while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3D4 Squat 5 day

    22kgs x 12
    62kgs x 8
    82kgs x 5

    97kgs x 5
    112kgs x 5
    124.5kgs x 15.... PR

    Leg Press
    paused x 12,12
    then fast x 12,15

    HS HamCurls
    15kgs x 12
    25kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12,12,12

    Ab pulldowns
    plate82.5 x 12
    plate97.5 x 12,15

    That finally puts the squat over 180 on the rep max calculator. Fairly strong set, left a little oil in the tank. Spotter said I could of got 20, but thing is I also woulda probably got sick mid-rep. Squat is the strongest it's ever been for me now I'd say, which is awful on any meaningful scale, but at least it's more than I bench again :). I think 200 this year is a realistic goal....

    I forgot how much the 5/3/1 four day a week kicks the cr^p outta me... gonna rest up the next 2 days, run the dogs on the beach and stuff.

    And bw is at 103.5kgs now... the power of a carb-free morning walk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3W2 Military 3 day

    47kgs x 3
    57kgs x 3
    62kgs x 8

    Incline Bench
    65kgs 5 x 8

    DB laterals
    10kg DB's 4 x 10

    Rear delt machine
    4 x 12

    3 x 12

    Seated DB press
    20kg DB's 4 x 12

    Very hungover/still slammered.... Tough session with the light weights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3W2 Deadlift 3 day

    Sumo Deadlift
    60kgs x 8,8
    115kgs x 3
    135kgs x 3
    light belt on
    150kgs x 8

    Rack pull (silver step, bar 1.5-2 inches below knee)
    110kgs x 6
    130kgs x 4
    140kgs x 4
    light belt and straps on
    170kgs x 4,4,4,4

    Seated cable rows
    plate45 x 8
    plate75 x 8
    plate90 x 10,10
    plate82.5 x 10,10

    Vgrip lat pulldown
    plate60 x 8
    plate90 x 8,8
    plate75 x 8,8

    Straight bar cable curls
    plate25 x 10
    plate50 5 x 10

    Pinwheel curls
    15kg DB's x 6
    20kg DB's x 6
    25kg DB's x 6
    20kg DB's x 10

    Alright session.
    Deads and rack pulls were okay, hips seemed to want to start the pull in a fairly high position, but whatever it was alright.
    Doing the rack pulls overhand grip with the straps is actually harder for me than just using alternate grip with no straps... seems to pull me forward more.
    Cable rows were fine. Went too heavy on the pulldowns, was only meant to do up to plate 82.5, and tbh the sets at plate90 weren't great form-wise.
    Cable curls were class. Pinwheels were cr^p, should have stuck with the cable hammers from last week, lesson learned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Pinwheels are win, what are you talking about?!? Do you do them fairly strict or with a bit of english?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Pinwheels are win, what are you talking about?!? Do you do them fairly strict or with a bit of english?

    They normally are a good movement for me, but I think doing them at the end of this session was just overkill. Always go as strict as I can, maybe some swing for the occasional last rep or 2.

    I think I've sort of stalled with the free weight curls, and am getting much more out of cables right now..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    I think it's because you're more likely to fight the negative with the cables.

    Also cable hammers just feel like win.

    Says me with my no arms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3W2 Bench 3 day

    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 3
    wrist wraps on
    100kgs x 10

    DB bench
    32.5kg DBs x 10,10,10,10

    DB flyes
    17.5kg DBs x 10,10,10,10

    BB Skullcrushers
    2okgs x 8
    30kgs x 8
    37.5kgs x 8,8,8,8

    RG cable pressdowns
    plate35 4 x 12

    OH tricep cable ext.
    plate45 x 10
    plate50 x 12,12,12

    Not feelin it today so just gettin it done. Benchin was easy. That'll do pig.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    I think it's because you're more likely to fight the negative with the cables.

    Also cable hammers just feel like win.

    Says me with my no arms.

    Agree 100%

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    100 x10 = nice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    c3w2 squat 3 day

    100kgs x 3
    115kgs x 3
    heavy belt on
    130kgs x 10

    Paused leg press
    160kgs x 8
    200kgs 2 x 8

    Glute and adductors superset
    (3 x 12) + (3 x 12)

    Ab pulldowns
    plate97.5 2 x 12

    Side bends
    30kg DB 2 x 12

    Not with the system at all today, headache sore throat tired etc. Probably should have taken yesterday and today off, but have my 2 days off now so it's all good.
    Squats were.... comfortable. Was literally planning on just doing the 3 reps right up until I got under the bar, but just kept going til I thought the form and speed started to deteriorate. Wanna go for 20 reps at 120 soon.
    Cut the rest of the volume in half due to my current illness :).
    Bodyweight at 102.9kgs this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    100 x10 = nice!

    Thank you sir.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3W3 Military 1 day

    32kgs x 10
    42kgs x 8
    52kgs x 5
    57kgs x 3
    67kgs x 6

    Incline Bench
    72kgs 5 x 8

    DB laterals
    12.5kg DB's 4 x 10

    Rear Delt machine
    plate30 x 12
    plate35 x 12,12

    plate45 3 x 15-20

    Seated DB press
    22.5kg DB's 4 x 12

    Military not so good today.
    Incline benching easy.
    12.5kg bells were heavy for laterals... that's bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    C3W3 Deadlift 1 day

    Sumo deads
    62kgs 2 x 8
    112kgs x 5
    127kgs x 5
    light belt on
    142kgs x 3
    heavy belt on
    162kgs x 1
    182kgs x 1
    192kgs x 0 fukn w00t

    Conventional deads
    light belt on
    142kgs 3 x 3

    Seated cable rows
    plate45 x 10
    plate60 x 6
    plate75 x 6
    plate97.5 x 10,10... PR levels I'd say
    plate90 x 10,10

    Vgrip pulldowns
    plate45 x 8
    plate75 x 6
    plate90 x 8,8... better than last week
    plate82.5 x 8,8

    Hammer cable curl
    plate35 x 10
    plate50 5 x 10

    Preacher barbell curl
    20kgs x 8
    30kgs 3 x 8

    Training hasn't been great the last while, there'd be a number of factors contributing to this, the most prominent being (hopefully without getting too personal here) going out drinking too much, getting no sleep, and problems with women... Hopefully college starting back soon will get some balance back for me! :)

    Sumos were truly suck-ass... like all pretty slow. On the set at 192 I hit my knee pretty hard and ended up missing the rep. I think I was getting down too low which completely killed my speed off the floor. The set at 182 was easy, but RIDICULOUSLY SLOW... On a positive note, that was a sumo PR lol. Don't know whether I'll keep pulling sumo next cycle, have a think on it over the deload week.
    Everything else was okay, seem to be getting very good at cable rowing, form has gotten rock solid.
    Gun stuff was alright, cable hammers make me happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Actually looking at last week's deadlift day, got 150 x 8 handy enough.. which gives 190 on the rep max calculator.. plus the fact that that set was done in the light belt.. whereas todays missed rep was done with the heavy belt..


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Kev M wrote: »
    Actually looking at last week's deadlift day, got 150 x 8 handy enough.. which gives 190 on the rep max calculator.. plus the fact that that set was done in the light belt.. whereas todays missed rep was done with the heavy belt..


    Telling ya.... sub max efforts with sumo pulls don't predict anything!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    Telling ya.... sub max efforts with sumo pulls don't predict anything!!!!

    hmmm.. so doing sumo in 5/3/1 is probably a pretty bad idea... balls

    Just as well this happened now though.. as opposed to several cyles later and loadsa wasted reps!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Kev M wrote: »
    hmmm.. so doing sumo in 5/3/1 is probably a pretty bad idea... balls

    Just as well this happened now though.. as opposed to several cyles later and loadsa wasted reps!

    Sumo in general's a load of sh!te raw!!

    Your convo pull's been coming on great. There's no harm pulling sumo for a while to get hip strength up because your conventional pull won't drop off that much, but ultimately I think you should be looking to pull convo. It's the same path myself and Kevpants went down actually... Same with Brutusthebarber!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    Sumo in general's a load of sh!te raw!!

    Your convo pull's been coming on great. There's no harm pulling sumo for a while to get hip strength up because your conventional pull won't drop off that much, but ultimately I think you should be looking to pull convo. It's the same path myself and Kevpants went down actually... Same with Brutusthebarber!

    Words of wisdom taken onboard, cheers!
