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Kev's Training Journal



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Mr. O 2015

    Best idea ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Dynamic Day


    Leg ext. s/s Hamcurls
    light 3 x 20 3 x 20

    Hip mobility stuff

    Squat, fast reps - came up about 90% of the way and went straight back down w/ no rest at top
    50kgs x 3,3
    70kgs x 3,3
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 3,3,3,3,5
    120kgs x 5

    Speed pulls
    110kgs ~10 x 3... 30 sec rest

    Farmers walk
    60kgs per hand ~45ft x 10... PR :D

    Felt MUCH better today than I have in ages (that must be the 3grams and 5 A-bombs a day kicking in :D).
    Everything was retarded easy, and very fast. It's always said but the difference sleep and food makes should never be taken for granted. I actually didn't eat protein for a few weeks to help me study (seriously, your brain works better without it), and was just phsically fcuked for a while there, but now after 3 normal days I'm feeling good again, weights coming back on.

    So the weekly plan is something like this:
    Day 1: Squat or Deadlift heavy. GHR. Leg press. Abs.
    Day 2: Bench heavy. Dips. Chins. Triceps. Biceps.
    Day 3: Speed squats as above and pulls. Farmers or Tyres.
    DAy 4: Speed Bench or DB bench or both. Log press or Strict press. Maybe incline every other week. Rows. Chins. DB flies. Biceps.

    Will probably also do power snatches and cleans some days.

    Westside on paper, not in practice.

    Was reading back through the log and picked out pretty much everything I've done that worked, and plan to combine parts from it all. This includes the attempt at westside, the cycle up to the 2nd CFT, and elements of 5/3/1. Will do this for probably 5 or 6 weeks, then either test maxes, or take an easy week and go into sheiko or smolov and then test maxes. I at least want to work for a squat and deadlift PRs. Not too sure what will happen with bench, because the 142 was done after smolov for it... If I could get back to 140 I'd be happy (not really bacause that's crap).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Mr. O 2015

    Best idea ever.

    It would be good alright but unfortunately I'm not from Offaly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lighter Upper

    20kgs x 12,12
    50kgs x 12,12
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10
    90kgs x 10

    BB rows
    60kgs 5 x 5

    Arnold presses
    15s x 8
    22.5s x 8
    27.5s x 8,8

    Parallel grip Chins s/s rear delt kettlebell flies
    x 5,5,4,4 some weight 4 x 12

    RG tricep pressdown s/s DB front raises
    plate 35 x 12,12,12 7.5s x 10,10,10

    Hammer Curls
    17.5s x 8,8,8
    22.5s x 8

    CG pulldowns
    3 x 12

    Benching: Discovering how to bench in this gym. The trick is to get your feet seriously back underneath you, so your driving more downwards rather than to the front if that makes sense, seemed to let me balance alot better anyway without slipping. Timing is just off though at the moment, I seem to just be deliving power to the wrong areas at the wrong time. 90 is seriously light but I'm making way too much work of it. Took it easy on that last set, there's way more reps there.
    Plan to go low reps with the BB rows for a while. Kept it super strict and all the way down to the floor with a short static at the top (so call them pendlays if you want). 60 was again very light but this is pretty much a new movement to me and I want to get about 6 weeks out of it. Add 5kgs a week.
    Chins were worthwhile.
    The rest was me trying to get through the caffeine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Heavier Lower

    Some bike

    hip mobility every which way

    60kgs x 3,3,3
    80kgs x 3,3
    100kgs x 3,3,3

    60kgs x 3,3,3
    110kgs x 3,3
    150kgs x 3,3
    170kgs x 1
    180kgs x 1

    3 x 10 (more or less static holds at about 15 degrees)

    Leg press
    80kgs x 10
    120kgs x 10
    160kgs x 10
    200kgs x 10
    240kgs x 10

    Decline abs
    3 x 12

    Easy moneys. 190 in 2 weeks so on and so forth.. alternating heavy squats and deads at the weekend, with the reps/speed pulls day during the week.
    GHRs are still crap but felt maybe 0.03547% stronger today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    paused 110kgs x 1

    4 x 10

    Lying Tricep ext.
    30kgs x 10
    35kgs x 10
    40kgs x 10,10

    DB laterals
    7.5s 3 x 12

    some light hammer curl / arnold presses

    RG curls
    20kgs x 15
    25kgs x 15,15,15

    Couple of minor pains going on atm: lower left lat, upper right lat, right rear delt region... probably slipped a few discs aswell.
    But anyway bench was easy, didn't want to risk my shoulder coming out of position so left it at 110, the plan was only to do 120 for a single anyway so no big deal. Decided against doing chins aswell, seen as there probably what wrecked me in the first place.
    Dips were better than last week. So were tri exts.
    Trying to go strict on these laterals, I'm seriously weak at them so hopefully bringing them up will bring the bench up. (I secretly believe the GHR and these laterals will address my weakest points and therefore give me PRS).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Dynamic Lower

    Oly Squat
    100kgs 6 x 3

    110kgs x 3,3,3
    130kgs x 3
    added heavy chain
    130kgs x 3,3,3
    took away chain
    130kgs x 3

    Sumo deadlift
    110kgs x 3,3,3

    Snatch Grip Shrugs
    60kgs 4 x 25

    Neck Harness
    w/ 5kgs x 80

    Good session. Form on deads is a bit off atm, was concentrating on getting down low the last while and that's not really working. I think I'll stop thinking about this and resort to just picking the bar up off the floor like I used to. Used chains just to entertain myself, must have added about 15-20kg at the top, speed was still good anyway. 10 sets of triples with straight weight starts to get boring fast, so some sumos and chains and bands here and there should be fun if nothing else.

    BW is coming back up, 103kgs right now. 'Dieting' fairly well, 300+g protein per day w/ varying carbs and fats. ~4 meals, 1-2 shakes w/ peanut butter, usually some junk, fish oil, glucosamine + chondroitin, animalpak, pre-workout creatine. That's about it. I'll refrain from starting a food diary in here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Dynamic Upper

    Speed bench
    40kgs x 3,3
    60kgs x 3,3,3,3
    added bands.. not sure what they were but they brought the bar down fast and that's the main thing
    60kgs x 3,3
    70kgs x 3,3
    80kgs x 3,3,3

    Seated Wide Grip rows
    up to a heavy set of 8
    dropped down 2 x 12

    Vgrip pulldowns
    10th plate 4 x 12

    Log Press
    log x 6
    + 20kgs x 6
    + 30kgs x 6
    + 35kgs x 6,6,6

    4 x 20

    Chuck V's x a few

    Alternate DB curls
    15s x 8
    17.5s x 8
    20s x 8
    25s x 5
    20s x 10

    Solid benching, blew them all up.. bands were interesting, took a set or 2 to get into but then felt great. Will either increase bands or weight or use chains next week, or just straight weight, whatever as long as it's slightly heavier and still fast.
    Technique is coming back together now big time, was benching like an idiot for a while there. What I have to do is spend enough time warming up with just the bar, giving time to getting the arch right and finding my traps and lats on the bench, then I'm good to go.
    For the assistance stuff I wanted to do BB rows and chins but am still nursing my right rear delt region, so played safe with machines.
    Log press was retarded easy, but again being safe.
    Gonna be doing a ME type squat session with a group on Sunday, which I'm apprehensive about because you know the way I don't really like to go heavy? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Da Za

    Nice meeting you yesterday man, good seminar wasn't it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Da Za wrote: »
    Nice meeting you yesterday man, good seminar wasn't it!

    You too dude, yeah it was very good. Some of the stuff really got me thinking. Best money I've ever spent on anything to do with training.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Floor Press, pinkies on rings, good pauses
    60kgs x 6,6,6
    70kgs x 3,3
    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 3
    110kgs x 1
    120kgs x 1,1

    x 12,12,12,7

    Lying Tri ext s/s Barbell curl
    20kgs x 12 +12
    30kgs x 12 +12
    35kgs x 12 +12
    40kgs x 12,12 + 12,12

    5kg bells 2 x 20

    Floor press was alright, couldn't really set up how I'd like i.e. had to more or less flat back it because of the slippy floor and my lack of flexibility, but felt alright anyway.
    BW is 104kgs right now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldowns
    4 x 12

    with purple bands
    bar x 10
    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 3,3,3
    80kgs x 3,3,3

    DB bench
    22.5kg bells x 30,30

    60kgs 4 x 8

    RG BB preachers
    25kgs x 15,12,10rp6

    Machine Shoulder Press
    light 4 x 10

    Rear delt and right arm didn't feel great at all.. better than last week, but still didn't push anything hard.
    On the plus side my back and elbows feel fine all of a sudden.
    Moral of the story is, something always hurts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    "Does a lion warm-up before taking down a gazelle?" - Woody Harrelson in Zombieland

    60kgs x 6,6,6
    80kgs x 3
    100kgs x 3
    120kgs x 3
    130kgs x 3
    100kgs x 5,5,5

    Speed Pulls
    100kgs 8 x 3

    Hamcurls s/s Leg Ext. s/s Calf raise standing
    2 x 15 2 x 15 2 x 15

    gym closing time.

    Back to the power squattin. I will now work towards getting crushed under 220 because of that poxy goals for 2011 thread.

    Will probably train tomorrow aswell. Can only really manage one evening during the week. So speed bench/assistance then.. and the 'heavy' days at the weekend. Really need to write down a program with numbers and things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Incline Bench, about medium grip
    50kgs x 12,12
    60kgs x 12
    p for paused 70kgs x 6
    p 80kgs x 3
    p 90kgs x 3
    tng 100kgs x 1
    tng 110kgs x 1... token PR as L would say
    p 90kgs x 6

    Lying Tricep ext. s/s BB curls
    30kgs x 12,12,20 x 12,12,20

    Rear delt laterals s/s side laterals s/s DB OH presses
    5kg bells x many reps

    Decline Abs
    3 x 12

    I'm gonna call that a deload session. Soon as I unracked 90 on the incline I knew my shoulder still wasn't fixed, so didn't go crazy. 110 was fairly easy tbh. I think tng 90 x 9 is a PR, so today's p 90 x 6 is probably close to or better than that - and there was another rep or 3 in the tank. So the trick to improving your incline is to not incline.
    Didn't do dips as my shoulder would have died.
    Frustrated atm because it seems like every session recently has been plagued with at least one bodypart hurting.
    Pressed the 5kg bells pretty much to failure today aswell which was one of the gheyest things of all times ever.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Assistance Day

    Lat pulldown, parallel grip
    4 x 12

    Strict OH press
    20kgs x 20
    40kgs x 10
    45kgs x 5
    50kgs x 10,10

    Flat DB press s/s DB scap rows
    25kg DB x 12,12,20 x 12,12,12

    Snatch Grip shrugs
    60kgs x 30,30

    Rope cable curls s/s Tri pressdowns straightbar
    lightish x 15,15,15 x 15,15,20

    Went in with the purpose of minding my right shoulder.. it felt fine.. however my left shoulder was bothersome ffs... overall though the best I've felt in a while. Just got a pump on really.
    Forgot how much anything more than 3 reps on the strict press destroys me, regardless of weight.
    Next 3 days off, Bench Saturday, Deads and light squats Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 3,3,3
    40kgs x 3,3
    60kgs x 3,3
    70kgs x 3
    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 10,10

    CG Bench
    80kgs x 9... goin for 10 and burnt out on 9 ffs, was pretty pissed off then, so turned up the Avril Lavigne, and
    80kgs x 10.. like a joke, which made me laugh.

    Incline Bench, end of bench elevated about 4-5inches.
    60kgs x 3,3
    80kgs x 3.. wups was meant to be last warmup at 70
    75kgs x 10,10

    BB skullcrushers s/s BB curls
    35kgs x 12,12,12,12 and x 12,12,12,12-8

    Mad day today, almost didn't make it in to train.
    Shoulders felt good benching. Only noticed the rear delt problem slightly when incline benching.. might stop doing this and just go with DB's instead. Put the end of the bench on a reebok step to make me use less weight and also to protect my shoulders a bit. You'd think it'd be easier like this.. it definitely isn't. Increased ROM, harder to get tight etc...
    This is KIND OF week 1 of an Ed Coan bench cycle, but it's gonna be a bit or a lot modified so I won't associate it with him completely here at all. It's also very similar to a program a guy gave me a while ago (he's a half decent bencher to say the least) which just involves more weight less reps week to week... groundbreaking stuff I know..
    I can only train 3x a week now, maybe 2x some weeks.. but I've actually always made the best progress like this.. just keeping it retarded simple focusing on being strong increasing weights and eating enough. Problem normally is I like to train so naturally if I have time I'd do something every day which really just sabotages me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    That'd ed coan bench program is mental.

    I ended up repping 140 for fun and then both my pecs fell apart trying to do the 3rd last week hungover that day in raw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Deadlift Workout 1

    90kgs x 5

    up to
    175kgs x 1

    GHR (avec pathetic ROM) s/s Standing calves
    bw4 x 12 s/s lightish x 12,12,15,15

    Leg Press
    up to 240kgs x 12... right groin didn't feel so good so stopped these here

    Decline Abs s/s pinch grip training, for no reason other than Andy Bolton mentioning it and plates being beside the bench
    4 x 12 s/s Two 15kg plates facing into each other x 12,12,20,30+ seconds

    Easy day. GHR is the hardest thing by a mile.
    So back to alternating heavier squats and deads week to week, with the other done to an extent i.e. deadlift variation done on squat day, light squats done on deadlift day.
    190 in 2 weeks, 205 in 4, 220 in 6, PR attempt (or fail) in 8.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    That'd ed coan bench program is mental.

    I ended up repping 140 for fun and then both my pecs fell apart trying to do the 3rd last week hungover that day in raw.

    Oh sh!t yeah I remember that... I'm using 130 as a max though now, and might even back off on the weight increases slightly..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict Press
    52.5kgs 2 x 10

    Scap BB rows
    52.5kgs 4 x 10

    Dips s/s Lat Pulldown
    bw 4 x 10-12 some weight 4 x 10-12

    EZ bar OH tri ext. s/s rg curls
    20kgs x 12,12,12,15 x 12,12,12,15

    Seated rear delts s/s seated side laterals
    5s x 12,12,12 x 12,12,12

    Jesus that was easy....
    Shoulder feels 100%. Might go heavier again on the back stuff next time, but am really liking the scap stuff now so i don't know.. I'm still using full ROM, the rep just goes like: contract back fully - bring weight rest of the way up - short static hold - release weight down - let lats and upper back stretch down - and repeat.. as opposed to going heavy and: rip bar up..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 12
    60kgs x 8
    70kgs x 6
    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 1
    95kgs x 8,8

    CG bench
    85kgs x 8,8

    Low incline DB bench
    20s x 12
    25s x 8
    30s x 8
    32.5s x 8

    Lying BB tri ext. s/s curls
    20kgs x 12 x 12
    30kgs x 10 x 10
    40kgs x 10 x 10
    45kgs x 10,10 x 10,10

    Benching was easy as cakes.
    Went to the DB incline because feel the bb is likely to hurt me. Am using a low incline (about 20-30 degrees) because I'm weak as hell there... Think struggling with relatively light weights will actually be worthwhile and have some transfer to bench because it's a weak link.. as opposed to going 45 degrees and shouldering up heavier weights, which is really just assistance for OH stuff anyways.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x many
    60kgs x 6,6
    80kgsx 6,6
    100kgs x 3,3
    120kgs x 3,3
    130kgs x 1
    140kgs x 1
    145kgs x 1
    115kgs x 5,5,5

    Deadlift off deficit, bar on my laces
    70kgs x 3,3
    100kgs x 3,3
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 1,1,1

    HamCurl s/s leg ext. s/s seated calves
    3 x 12+ish

    Squats may have been slightly heavier.. 3 different types of bar, I believe a 20, a 22, and a squat bar that's 25ish.. was using the squat bar.. but then again it could just be 20. Point is, if i'm ever going for a PR.. I'm using the bar I think is lightest.
    Forgot to do abs... don't care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict press
    20kgs x 20
    40kgs x 12
    50kgs x 6
    57.5kgs x 8,8

    bw x 12,12,12,12.... happy with this, even though it's crap, but i am a fat boy.

    DB rear laterals s/s side laterals s/s front raises
    7.5kg DB's 3 x 10-12

    PowerSnatches / OH shrugs / upright rows
    many reps with 30kgs

    Tri pressdowns
    plate40 x 40

    Pressing was again retarded easy. Was only meant to be 55kgs but fcuk it i'm feeling like a rebel.
    Found some new form on the rear delt raise.. i'm seated, and only lean forward 45degrees or so, this seems to work good. Going over parallel to the floor only ever worked rhomboids for me. Goddamn I miss the rear delt machine...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    BB rows
    light 4 x 12

    CG chins
    5 x 5ish

    few oly squats

    BB curl
    worked up to a few bad reps at 60kgs then dropped to 40 for 10.

    Neck harness

    Did this at home. light back then max effort curls lol. Did chins off a thick wet slippy bar, really hammered the grip.
    Diet's been awful recently. BW is 103kgs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 20
    40kgs x 10,10
    60kgs x 6,6
    80kgs x 6
    90kgs x 3
    95kgs x 1
    100kgs x 8,8

    CG bench
    90kgs x 8,8

    Incline DB's (lower incline, ~30degrees)
    12.5s x 8
    22.5s x 8
    32.5s x 8
    35s x 8

    Lying tri ext. s/s one arm bb curl
    40kgs 4 x 10-12 bar 4 x 10

    Form on the bench is good right now. This once a week business and then dips, delt work and light tri's on a separate day during the week seems to be win for me. Finally feeling comfortable on this ice-rink midget bench aswell.
    CG's were never in doubt, grip is most of thumb on smooth, I feel any closer just makes it to awkward i.e. wrists and elbows wanting to party.
    I'm fcukin crap at low incline pressing, so again bringing this up can only bring good things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hip mobility machine
    every way x 15

    100kgs x 3,3
    120kgs x 3,3
    150kgs x 3
    170kgs x 1
    190kgs x 1
    200kgs x 1

    Oly Squats
    60kgs x 10,10
    80kgs x 8
    100kgs x 5
    110kgs x 5,5

    4 x 12... slightly better ROM than usual, stilll crap

    Standing Calves
    3 x 12

    Ab machine
    worked up to most of stack x 15-4-1

    Glute Machine
    3 x 15 on both positions

    Side bends
    22.5kg x 12
    32.5kg x 15,15

    Not great really. 200 was never in doubt, but has felt better. Normlly when i pull i always tend to go forward, like the bar never touches my shins... just the way I'm built.. now today I really forced it backwards and dragged it up my shins, but this absolutely kills my speed from the floor.. I just don't know. Should have videoed it because I'm told it was fast.. I tell you it didn't feel fast!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict OH press
    20kgs x 10
    40kgs x 6,6
    50kgs x 6
    60kgs x 6,10.... was meant to be 6,6 but was feeling good

    bw x 10
    + 5kg on chain belt x 10,10,10,10... am happy with this, 10kg next week

    seated rear delt raises
    7.5s 4 x 12

    side laterals
    7.5s 2 x 12

    tri pressdowns s/s cable curl
    3 high rep sets

    Very tired today, was contemplating giving this one a miss, but actually had a good session.
    Strict press is coming back to me, just following a similar approach to bench atm, so will work towards a PR attempt in 5-6 weeks going up 5kg a week. Finally getting 90kg would be good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    60kgs x 8,8
    80kgs x 8,8
    90kgs x 8,8

    cable rows
    ~3/4 stack x 10,10... this is a fooking heavy stack

    lat pulldowns
    up to a heavy set of 10

    seated calves
    15kgs x 15
    25kgs x 15
    30kgs x 20

    kneeling pulldown abs
    up to plate 80 x 15,20

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 8,8
    60kgs x 8
    80kgs x 8
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    105kgs x 5,6.. paused last rep

    CG bench
    95kgs x 5,6

    Incline DB's.. slight incline ~30degrees
    15s x 8
    22.5s x 8
    32.5s x 6
    37.5s x 10... few pauses in there

    Lying BB ext.
    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 12
    45kgs x 12,8

    One Arm BB curl
    20kgs x 8
    25kgs x 8,8

    Form benching wasn't great, was slipping a bit and bench was actually rocking backwards when I pressed the weight which was just dangerous... That said, it was retarded easy. Loads of reps there, but doing my best to stick to the program, just had to do an extra pause at the end to basically sabotage myself. The big benchers were in throwing down today so I had to at least make 105 look easy... Also a guy who's a bit on the strong side squat 340kg x 6 below parallel raw and make it look easy, 6th rep as strong as the 1st..
    Happy with the low inclines, getting stronger at them now.. definitely more worthwhile for me than trying to go heavy on the incline BB.

    Diet's been great the last few days, so I decided to have a huge cheat meal this evening, and feel like I'm gonna die now..
    Should be good to squat in the morning though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x whatever
    60kgs x 12
    80kgs x 8
    100kgs x 6
    120kgs x 3
    130kgs x 3
    140kgs x 1
    145kgs x 3,3

    Oly squat, some reps paused
    120kgs x 5,5

    Front squat
    60kgs x 5
    70kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5

    Crap ROM GHR
    3 x 12

    Standing calves
    50kgs x 12
    70kgs x 12,12

    Ab machine
    nearly full stack x 20
    full stack x 10

    Side Bends
    22.5kgs x 15
    32.5kgs x 15
    35kgs x 20

    Glute machine, 30 reps per set, first 15 on high position, then straight into 15 on low position.
    plate35 x 1 set
    plate65 x 2 sets

    Solid day. Getting good depth on squats, like at least 3 inches below parallel.
    Then olys were good and strong.
    Then fronts suck balls, but were easy.
    Will work towards a PR attempt in the coming weeks, and more than likely automatically lose enough depth to make it happen along the way...
