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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict Press
    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 12
    50kgs x 6
    60kgs x 3
    65kgs x 6,6

    BW x 8
    + 10kgs on weight belt x 8,8,8

    Seated laterals
    7.5s x 12,12,12

    Rear delts
    7.5s x 12,15,15

    Front raise
    7.5s x 12,20

    RG preachers
    25kgs x 12,12,12

    BB wrist curl
    20kgs x 30

    Vgrip pressdowns
    2 x 30

    Elbow and wrist has been at me the last 2 days, think i hurt them doing front squats... but they held together no problem tonight anyway.
    Strict OH's were fine, strength is back up in them now. If sets of 5 go easy at 70kgs next week then I'll be right up near PR levels.
    Dips weren't so bad, dropped a set to give the elbow a rest. Should be on for +15kgs next week, 3 x 6-8.
    Most importantly though, it's taken 4 years, but I've finally mastered rear delt training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    70kgs x 6,6
    110kgs x 3,3
    130kgs x 3
    150kgs x 3
    160kgs x 1
    167.5kgs x 5,5

    110kgs x 5,5

    Yates row
    70kgs x 8,8,12

    Lat Pulldown
    worked up in 12s til I couldn't get 12

    Decline abs
    3 x 15

    Seated calves
    15kgs x 15
    30kgs x 15
    40kgs x 15

    Concentrating on getting tighter on deads.. and lower.. and more arched.. Techneek.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    80kgs x 8
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 5,5... paused last rep

    CG Bench
    100kgs x 5,5

    ~30 degree incline DB's
    25s x 8
    35s x 8
    40s x 8

    OH tri ext.
    25kgs x 10,10,10

    Incline DB curls
    17.5s x 12-8-4

    Was in good form today. Pretty much murdered every set, apart from the curls - they were brutal.
    Getting stronger at these low incline DBs.. actually doing them seems to do the trick, who'd have thought? Serious pec exercise they are. Superior to flats and high inclines for the chest, and I'd say that would apply to most people because it's an angle they just haven't pressed at much or at all...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 5
    120kgs x 3
    135kgs x 1
    145kgs x 1
    152.5kgs x 3,3

    Oly Squat
    125kgs x 5,5... some paused

    Front Squat
    60kgs x 5
    70kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5
    85kgs x 5
    90kgs x 5.. handy PR

    Ham Curls
    plate35 x 15
    plate65 x 15,15

    Standing Calves
    50kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10,10

    Ab machine
    3/4stack x 12
    stack x 10,12-6

    Side Bends
    30kgs x 15
    40kgs x 15

    Glute Machine
    plate65 2 x 15 at both positions

    That took a while, tired now. Squats - went as well as they could have really because warm-ups felt crap, 2nd set better than first @152.5. Depth is good, past parallel by ~3-4 inches. Stance is close enough, which gives me the good depth. I think maybe next week I'll go a bit wider and look for exactly parallel, unless I'm feeling very very good.

    BW 103kgs first thing this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict Press
    20kgs x ...
    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 3
    65kgs x 3
    70kgs x 5,5

    BW x 8
    + 5kgs on chain belt x 8
    + 15kgs on chain belt x 8,8... PR

    Pec Dec
    2 x 20

    Side Laterals
    7.5s x 12,12

    Rear Laterals
    7.5s x 12,25

    Front Raises
    7.5s x 12,12

    Tri Pressdowns
    plate40 x 20,20

    Incline Hammers
    17.5s x 12
    straight into regular seated hammers
    x 10

    Yeah so.. when I strict pressed 84.5kg I had previously done 70 for sets of triples and the odd difficult set of 4-5. Todays sets went up pretty easy.. indicating I should be good for a PR soon, but won't rush it, will keep on working towards 'peaking'....
    Dips.. not bad, first rep with 15 was a shock to the system but then grand.
    Gonna probably cut back the assistance stuff now over the next 3-4 weeks, or at least keep the total sets low e.g. 2 instead of 4 for crap like laterals and curls.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    70kgs x 6,6
    110kgs x 6
    130kgs x 3
    150kgs x 3
    170kgs x 1
    175kgs x 4,4

    120kgs x 5,5

    Yates Row
    70kgs x 12
    80kgs x 12

    Lat Pulldown
    plate7 x 12
    plate10 x 12
    plate13 x 10
    plate15 x 8
    plate12 x 10

    SG shrugs
    70kgs x 20,20,20

    Seated Calves
    20kgs x 12
    30kgs x 12
    40kgs x 12

    Decline abs
    x 12
    w/ 5kg over face x 12,12

    Deadlifts are pretty much clean pulls right now, because I'm obsessing about form. And Goddamn they are slow and in two parts, meaning I'm probably getting carried away starting the pull too low...
    I need to force myself to pull backwards more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    115kgs x 5,5

    CG bench
    105kgs x 5,5

    incline DB's ~30degrees
    35s x 8
    42.5s x 3... DB's were in bits, one handle bigger than the other, and the plates all shifted to the end, so I dropped em before killing myself, was gonna do about 8 but whatever.
    37.5s x 12

    Tri pressdowns
    plate50 x 12,12,15

    Rolling DB's
    12.5s x 12,12,12

    Incline curls
    17.5s x 10,10,10

    30kgs x 12,13

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    60kgs x 6,6
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 6
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 1
    150kgs x 1
    160kgs x 2

    Oly squat
    130kgs x 5,5

    Front Squat
    60kgs x 5
    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 1
    100kgs x 2... handy PR... like really handy
    60kgs x 10

    Ham Curl
    plate70 x 12,12

    Leg Ext.
    plate13 x 12,15

    Standing calves
    40kgs x 12
    80kgs x 12,12

    Glute machine, both positions
    2 x high reps

    Side bends
    22.5kg DB x 30 each side

    All squat sets may have been 5kg heavier, as I used the big squat bar which I want to believe is 25kgs....
    Wanted to front squat 100 for 5 but the bar just wanted to fall forward off me and when i pushed my elbows up hard my lat was cramping a bit, and since this was walked out of the mono and metal plates I really didn't want to drop it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict Press
    20kgs x 10
    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 5
    65kgs x 3
    70kgs x 1
    75kgs x 5,5.... PR-ish levels

    bw x 8,8
    + chain w/ 20kgs x 3-3... felt heavy
    + chain with 10kgs x 10
    bw x 12

    Seated side laterals
    7.5 x 15,15,15

    Rear delts
    7.5s x 15,15

    Seated front raise
    7.5s x 15,15

    Front Double Biceps curl w/ cables
    plate20s x 12
    plate25s x 12
    plate30s x 12 - plate25s x 6

    Tri pressdowns
    plate30 x 20
    plate50 x 20,20

    That had no right to be a good session, but was... strict press PR WILL go soon.
    Smashed my nuts cleaning the 70 up, basically went 'AWWWWWWWWWW" and pressed the rep shakey as hell. You have to learn to tuck...
    Got my pump on with the other stuff. There's something tremendous about hitting front double bi's right in front of the mirror.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    60kgs x 6,6
    100kgs x 3,3
    140kgs x 3
    160kgs x 1
    170kgs x 1
    182.5kgs x 3

    130kgs x 5,5

    BB row, underhand grip
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 12
    80kgs x 12,12

    Parallel grip lat pulldowns
    5 or 6 sets x 12

    SG shrugs
    60kgs x 20
    70kgs x 20
    felt crap so

    DB shrug
    32.5s x 20,25

    Lying leg raises
    3 x 15

    Seated calves
    10kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12
    45kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12

    Lower backs been fatigued the last few days, was considering not doing any deads this session, but decided to start anyway and felt okay so went ahead and did the prescribed reps without much bother.
    Nothing to report on anything else, other than training my calves just makes them smaller, so I must now face the inevitable and just get the implants.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 12
    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 6
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 1
    120kgs x 4,4

    CG bench
    110kgs x 3,4

    Low incline DB's
    12.5s x 12
    37.5s x 8
    47.5s x 3... heavy, wrist wasn't happy, but good contol, slow as hell negatives...

    Rolling DB's
    12.5s x 12
    15s x 12,12,10-4

    plate40 x 12
    plate50 x 12
    plate60 x 12
    plate70 x 12,10-6

    Incline DB curls
    10s x 12
    20s x 8,10,10-4

    BB preachers
    20kgs x 12
    30kgs x 10
    35kgs x 10-6
    30kgs x 6

    Wrist and hand are in bits, had to use wraps very tight on every set, which is a pain because I've been happy not using them the last while, which is maybe why my wrist is now fcukd , hmmmm.
    Anyway bench sets went pretty easy despite being paranoid about my wrist. Triceps felt the CG's straight away, was trying to hold the bar at the top for a while to get some time under tension, because the reps are so low.

    Have to say I don't really like the low rep stuff right now.. Was happier doing the 10, 8 and 6 weeks.. So after this program finishes I'll probably just keep going with it except in 4 - 6 week runs of higher reps, that way it let's me focus more on bodybuilding while still being conscious of getting stronger...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    60kgs x 10,10
    100kgs x 6
    120kgs x 6
    140kgs x 1
    150kgs x 1
    160kgs x 1
    167.5kgs x 1
    140kgs x 5,5

    Front Squat
    60kgs x 5
    70kgs x 5,5,10

    Leg Press
    4 x highish reps

    Standing calves

    Leg ext.

    Ham Curls


    Ab Machine

    160 and 167.5 were fairly slow, wrist was not happy so had to go with a higher bar than usual and closer stance which got me some serious depth but also the tendency to go forward a bit. I'm also going to go ahead and believe all sets were 5kg heavier than listed, because da big bar.
    Might get the knee wraps out next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    OH strict press
    20kgs x 10
    40kgs x 10
    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 6
    70kgs x 3
    75kgs x 1
    80kgs x 3,3... token PRs

    BW 4 x 10

    Side Laterals
    7.5s x 15,15,15

    Rear Delts
    7.5s x 15,15

    Parallel Grip machine press, grip about 5 inches in front of face, hits front delts hard
    plate90 x 10,10,10

    OH tri ext
    20kgs x 12,12,12

    RG EZ curl
    20kgs x 12
    25kgs x 12,15
    30kgs x 12-8
    25kgs x 8

    Cable Front double bi's
    30s x 12,12-4

    Wrist still no likey, wraps on tight.
    80s went alright, 85 next week would be a small (0.5kg) PR.

    Ass is in pieces from legs yesterday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    70kgs x 10
    110kgs x 5,5
    150kgs x 3
    170kgs x 1
    190kgs x 3

    150kgs x 5,5

    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10,10

    Lat Pulldowns

    Seated DB shrug
    25s x 15,15,15

    Seated Calves
    25kgs x 12
    45kgs x 15
    25kgs x 30

    x 12,12,15

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 20
    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 3
    110kgs x 1
    125kgs x 2
    130kgs x 3

    CG Bench
    115kgs x 3,3... paused last rep

    Incline DB's, low incline
    22.5s x 8
    30s x 8
    40s x 4
    47.5s x 4
    40s x 10, might have just been 8, but lets go with 10

    Rolling DB tri ext.
    12.5s x 12
    15s x 10
    12.5s x 10

    Preacher BB
    20kgs x 8
    30kgs x 8
    40kgs x 10-4-3
    30kgs x 10

    Incline DB curls
    12.5s x 8-4-5-4

    Benching was good, pretty much at PR level now, so I think it would be a good time to back off and do the 2 x 10 next week, then max the following week. A paused 140 and tng anything over 140 is what I want tbh...
    CG's were fine.
    The top set on inclines was heavy, but one rep more than last week. I find going very slow on the negatives at that incline really works the pectorals hard and makes your rack grow.

    Wrist/hand is still in bits, wrapped super tight for everything til my hands went blue which was uncomfortable as hell but got me through the session no problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 3
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 3
    150kgs x 1
    160kgs x 1
    170kgs x 1
    182.5kgs x 1... PR
    100kgs x 15,12

    Leg Press
    160kgs x 40

    Standing Calves
    90kgs x 12
    100kgs x 12-4

    Was planning on doing light reps today and maxing next week, but fcuk it just did it today instead. 182.5 was brutal, it's a patheticly small PR (2.5kg), slowest squat of my life, and I very nearly missed it, in truth 185 wouldn't have went. Definitely got depth, accidentally more depth than I'd planned in fact.
    Feel pretty dead now like I could sleep for a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict OH Press, previous PR was 84.5
    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 6,6
    60kgs x 6
    70kgs x 3
    80kgs x 1
    85kgs x 1... PR
    90kgs x 1... PR

    Dips bw x 15,15

    Machine Press
    2 x 20

    Wide grip tri pressdowns
    2 x 20

    Front double bi's cables
    3 x 12 and ape**** rp'ing

    RG curls
    30kgs x many

    Finally got 90, the pressing part was strong-ish, the clean/reverse-curl was dodgy as hell. That's actually a clean PR too... but then again it's not really a clean. I'd say another few kgs might have been there, but I'm happy to have got this.
    The rest was fluff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 769 ✭✭✭Da Za

    That's a nice overhead press!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭Parsley

    nice job! what's the bodyweight lately?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    That's nice pressing!!

    Did you see the vid of Grahamer cleaning and pressing a 374lb axle?!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldowns
    4 x 12

    140kgs x 10,10

    chest supported row
    3 x 15

    70kgs x 25
    70kgs x 30

    Takin' it easy :cool:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Parsley wrote: »
    nice job! what's the bodyweight lately?

    103.87kgs right now

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    That's nice pressing!!

    Did you see the vid of Grahamer cleaning and pressing a 374lb axle?!

    Yeah, it's ridiculous, but I wouldn't expect anything less from him really!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Kev M wrote: »
    103.87kgs right now

    RIGHT now? Or last time you checked?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    RIGHT now? Or last time you checked?

    Right now, i have a scales beside me here :). Keeps me busy :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    20kgs x 20
    60kgs x 10,10
    80kgs x 10
    90kgs x 10
    100kgs x 10

    CG Bench
    90kgs x 10,10

    Low incline DB's
    32.5s x 10,10

    Lying BB ext.
    30kgs x 12,12,12

    DB curls
    15s x 12,12,12

    30kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12
    45kgs x 7-3... that felt heavy :mad:
    30kgs to absolute death

    So that was the deload bench workout.
    Regular bench was simples, this is the lightest 100 has ever felt, paused the last rep easy. A reps PR should go next week if nothing else!!
    CG bench is a strange one, i really suck at reps at it. Like triples and doubles go a lot easier, but then the triceps fatigue and become the limiting factor for anything more even with relatively light weight. Higher rep cg's will be something to work on in the future anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Very close stance squat ATG
    60kgs x 10,10,10
    70kgs x 10,10
    80kgs x 10,10,10.... many pauses

    Front squat
    70kgs x 11

    Leg Press
    160kgs x 20
    200kgs x 20

    3 x 12

    2 x 50

    Standing Calves
    one million

    Squatting like this is interesting. I'm in no way built for it, however it pumps the fcuk out of my quads, as opposed to usually just everything else except my quads. I really let my knees go forward which is never done normally. Only thing is anything over ~120 could kill me like this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict press
    20kgs x 10,10
    40kgs x 10,10
    50kgs x 10,10

    bw x 12,12

    Lateral raises
    7.5s x 12,12

    Rear Delts
    7.5s x 12,12

    DB shrugs
    20s x 30
    32.5s x 25
    37.5s x 25

    Tri pressdowns
    plate40 x 20,20

    Seated incline DB curls
    20s x 8,8,8

    RG 21's
    BB x 2 sets


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Kev M wrote: »
    A paused 140 and tng anything over 140 is what I want tbh...

    20kgs x 20
    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 3
    110kgs x 1
    125kgs x 1
    140kgs x 1
    150kgs x 1... PR
    paused 140kgs x 1... PR
    100kgs x 17... PR
    60kgs x 17

    DB flies
    15s x 12,12

    Lying tri ext.
    30kgs x 12,12

    RG pressdown
    3 x 15

    Standing DB curls
    3 x 12

    ape**** rest pausing 40kgs
    30kgs x 15

    That'll do pig.

    Intended to video todays lifts, brought the camera and everything. However when mentally preparing myself/going to get my spotter I didn't want to be fiddling with a camera.

    150 was slow but solid, felt quite heavy at the bottom, but form stayed very tight.
    140 paused was actually pretty easy, very happy with this. Decided not to go for any more. That's for another time.
    The strategy for the reps set was to bang through 12 fast, then hold the weight at the top and reset between reps. Worked quite well. Failed on 18.
    Then it was necessary to drop to 60 to get the big pump that I've been deprived of these last 8 weeks of benching.
    Had to lift off all sets myself, because random spotters can give terrible hand offs. Starting to think this might be the way forward though because it lets you be consistent with getting the weight out tight.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Eh WHAAAAAAAAAT???! That's huge. Well done!!
