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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    Great Benching - Congrats!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Oly squat
    Oly squat paused
    Front Squat
    Front squat paused
    Hack Squats
    Leg Press
    Leg Ext.
    Ham Curls

    Light session. All pretty high reps, mostly 12s, some 20+.

    I partially tore my lat :). Went to the physio because I've suspected it for a while but ignored it, it's not that bad, just hurts to rotate the upper body and stretch. So a light two weeks could be a good idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    General fappery


    Upright SG rows
    really light

    really light

    Farmers Walk
    few runs with 80kgs per hand

    CG lat pulldowns
    really light

    Really light session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Standing Alternate DB press
    20s x 10,10,10

    Lateral raises
    5s x 12,12,12

    Hammer Curls
    17.5s x 12,12

    Alternate DB curls
    17.5s x 12

    some bike ~ 20 mins

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    BJJ for 1.5hrs

    Did some rear naked choke and general rolling. Didn't have a clue what I was doing, so was basically just trying to survive.

    Depending what my schedule's like over the next while I might try and do weights 2x and bjj 2x per week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Kev M wrote: »
    BJJ for 1.5hrs

    Christ... not another one :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Rear Delt DB's

    Alternating Standing DB press

    Incline Bench

    Side Laterals

    Rope pressdowns

    DB curls

    Very light weights, high reps...
    Sick/Stressed/not bothered the last few days so did nothing. Couldn't really eat the last 2 days and I'm feeling it now. Will hopefully get the ball rolling again with an eddie's tonight.

    Gonna go see Alcest, if you haven't heard them, you should.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    DB row
    20 x 12
    30 x 12
    37.5 x 12,12

    Seated Cable Row
    plate5 x 15
    plate8 x 12,12

    Rack Deadlift from just below knee
    70kgs x 12
    120kgs x 10
    160kgs x 10

    Seated calves
    went to failure alternating legs non-stop w/20kgs

    Decline abs
    2 x 20

    Not a very intense affair.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Going for the pump

    DB bench
    15s x 12
    27.5s x 12
    32.5s x 12,12,12

    Incline DB bench
    22.5s x 12,12,12

    Cable Flies
    plate20s 7 x 12

    Seated DB curls
    17.5s x 12,12,12

    BB preachers
    20kgs x 12
    30kgs x 12
    40kgs x 8,5 ghey
    30kgs x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    60kgs x 12
    80kgs x 5 or 6 x 8-12

    Smith Squat heels about 4 inches apart ATG
    40kgs x 12,12
    60kgs x 12,12

    bw x 12 reverse lunges x 12
    w/ 15kgs x 12 reverse x 12

    Leg Ext.
    plate9 7 x 12

    Decline abs
    2 x 20


    2 x 30

    Glute machine
    2 x 30

    Started squatting, right hamstring wasn't happy, spent some time doing hamcurls to fix it which didn't work lol, so took it pretty easy. Put on oly shoes and just worked on isolating quads really, which is no harm for me.
    Did the 'fst-7' style thing on the leg ext, similar to cable flyes the other day. Basically just 7 pump sets of 12 with moderate weight and 25-30 seconds rest between sets... groundbreaking technology i know.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldowns
    1/4 stack x 20
    1/2 stack x 12
    3/4 stack x 12

    DB row
    22.5kg x 12
    30kgs x 12
    37.5kgs x 15

    Cable Row
    plate5 x 12
    plate9 x 15

    Rack Deadlift, from knee
    70kgs x 12
    120kgs x 6
    170kgs x 12

    DB pullover
    22.5kgs x 12
    30kgs x 15

    Incline Curls
    10s x 12
    15s x 10 super strict + 3 cheated up and slow negatives

    BB curl
    20kgs x 12
    30kgs x 10 + 3 as above

    Decline abs
    2 x 20

    side bends
    22.5kgs x 20

    Bombed through that HIT style, just a set or 2 warmup then an 'all-out' set without much rest in between anything. Hold the static, slow negatives etc. Was actually a good session so will stick to this for a few workouts upping the weight til I can't get probably 6 with good form.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    DB bench
    20s x 12
    30s x 12
    37.5s x 6+

    Incline Bench
    45kgs x 12
    65kgs x 6
    85kgs x 6+

    Machine Bench
    plate9 x 12,12
    plate12 x 6+

    Incline flies
    10s x 12
    12.5s x 8
    15s x 6+

    HIT training for chest. Can't remember how many reps I got on the all out sets, but considerably more than 6, again going beyond failure and doing 2 - 3 forced reps with slow controlled (as much as possible) negatives. Bombing through sets with a minute or less rest. If you wanna get through your workout very fast and still feel like you were hit by a bus, this is the way to go. The machine press was brutal to do forced reps on, because it has the thing where you press the lever with your foot to take the resistance away, so you can go for a good few negative reps, not the most hardcore of machines admittedly but I don't care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Leg Ext.
    plate7 x 12
    plate10 x 12
    plate13 x 12
    plate17 x 20

    Smith squats, very close stance
    20kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    80kgs x 15

    Leg Press
    120kgs x 12
    200kgs x 20

    Ham Curl
    plate40 x 12
    plate65 x 20

    with babyweights, 2 x 12

    Seated calves
    20kgs x 12
    40kgs x 15

    Standing calves
    90kgs x 15

    Again, bombing away HIT style, that took about 40mins tops.
    Should have went heavier on the top sets because I was looking for a tough 12 reps, but wasn't sure what I'd be capable of after pre-exhausting quads. Up the weight across the board next time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    DB rear delts
    5s x 12
    10s x 12
    12.5s x 12,12

    Side Laterals
    10s x 12
    12.5s x 12,12

    DB shoulder press
    17.5s x 12
    22.5s x 10
    25s x 10 + 2f

    Cable lateral raise
    plate10 x 12,12

    BB shrug
    70kgs x loads

    Tri pressdown
    plate40 x 12
    plate50 x 12
    plate70 x 10 + 2f

    OH DB ext.
    20kg DB x 12
    27.5kg DB x 12
    32.5kg DB x 11

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat Pulldown
    plate4 x 12
    plate8 x 12
    plate12 x 12 + 3fr

    DB row
    22.5kg x 8
    32.5kg x 8
    40kgs x 12 + 3fr

    Cable Row
    plate5 x 12
    plate8 x 6
    plate10 x 12 + 3fr

    Rack deadlift, from knee
    60kgs x 5
    100kgs x 5
    140kgs x 5
    180kgs w/ straps x 12

    Leg Raises
    2 x 15

    Decline abs
    x 20

    Side bends
    22.5kg x 25

    Not the best session in terms of intensity in the last sets. Strength is coming back up in these particular exercises so it's hard to gauge what weight to use. I was shooting for 10 strict reps with pauses and slow negatives then 2-3 forced reps but was getting 12 strict too easy. Heavier next time.
    Been dieting well these last few weeks, basmati rice - chicken - prawns - oats - low fat milk - eggs has pretty much been the extent of it, with a few pints and 3 pizzas thrown in that i can think of, getting alot leaner, down to 98kgs this evening. Looking better sans clothes. But it's actually getting mentally quite tough now, mainly because the house is full of sweets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    DB bench
    20s x 12
    32.5s x 12
    40s x 10 + 2fr

    Incline Bench
    60kgs x 12
    85kgs x 8 + 2fr... pathetically weak

    Machine Bench
    plate6 x 12
    plate11 x 10 + 3fr

    Incline flyes
    10s x 12
    17.5s x 12 + 3fr

    Incline Curls
    10s x 12
    17.5s x 11 + 3fr

    BB curl
    20kgs x 12
    35kgs x 9 + 3fr

    Close rg curls
    20kgs to death

    Overall stronger than last week, except for incline bench which felt off today. Got some good working sets in on DB press and machine press, finished pretty much failing on the negatives at the pace of a standard snail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Been sick since last wednesday, couldn't eat much, but trained twice very light nonetheless. Feeling good today though, so will hopefully get back into the groove tomorrow.
    Getting leaner, bw 96.5kgs now and starving to death, but feeling 'healthier' and people are telling me I look better so I'll go for another few kilos til im happy with the mirror and then do a 'clean bulk'. No fat chicks.

    DB rows
    lat pulldowns
    chest supported rows

    DB bench
    DB inclines
    machine bench
    DB Curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Leg Extension
    plate9 x 10
    plate14 x 10
    plate18 x 10

    Front Squat
    40kgs x 6
    60kgs x 6
    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 1
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 1... PR
    120kgs x 1... PR

    Leg Press
    200kgs x many to failure

    Lying Hamcurls
    plate65 x 12

    Super fast session, wasn't bothered doing reps on front squat (mainly because i always fall apart and want to drop the bar after about 3 reps) so just took some token PRs and a not so token 120 but there should be more there. Also managed to not get sick after leg pressing which was good because there's no bin and the owners are aggressive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Rear laterals

    Side laterals

    DB OH press
    20s x 12
    25s x 8
    27.5s x 12 + 3fr

    BW x 12, then to failure with some static holds and negatives, killed the tri's

    Straightbar pressdown
    plate40 x 12
    plate60 x 10 + 3fr

    OH DB ext.
    25kg x 14+1fr

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    also found out the squat bar i thought was heavier is in fact 25kg... So today I feel like I got a 5kg PR, best squat is bumped up to 187.5kgs :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat Pulldowns
    plate4 x 20
    plate7 x 12
    plate9 x 10
    plate12 x 10
    plate13 x 10
    plate9 x 10

    75kgs x 5,5
    125kgs x 5
    145kgs x 5
    155kgs x 5

    DB row, dead stops on floor
    20kgs x 12
    32.5kgs x 10
    40kgs x 15

    Cable rows
    plate6 x 12
    plate10 x 12 + some forced reps

    DB pullovers
    22.5kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12

    Good session. Getting back into deads from the floor for the first time in about 7 or 8 weeks, they felt alright, just gonna gradually bring the weight back up without going ape**** doing reps because I'll fall apart.
    Tried the DB rows with dead stops to kill all momentum and cheating, worked well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    DB bench
    20s x 12
    32.5s x 12
    42.5s x 10 + 1fr

    Incline DBs
    27.5s x 10

    Machine Bench
    plate7 x 12
    plate12 x 10
    plate14 x 8 + 3fr

    Cable flyes
    plate15s x 12
    plate20s x 12
    plate25s x 12

    Incline DB curl
    10s x 12
    17.5s x 10 + sat up and did 3 + then 1 arm with fr

    Preacher BB
    30kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12

    Hammers across body
    17.5s x 10ish + about 4 regular hammer fr

    Not the best. Forgot that particular pair of 42.5s don't even match, one handle is smaller and the plates are bigger so balance was off. If the 45s go for 10 next week I'll be happy enough.
    Still dieting (fading) away. How in the name of god I let myself walk around at a fatass 106kgs I'll never know. Deluded.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Leg Ext.
    plate7 x 12
    plate11 x 12
    plate15 x 10
    plate18 x 15

    Paused oly squat
    50kgs x 5
    70kgs x 5
    90kgs x 5
    100kgs x 5
    90kgs x 8

    Leg Press
    80kgs x 12
    120kgs x 12
    140kgs x 20

    plate45 x 12
    plate75 x 10

    w/ 5kg plates x 2 lengths

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    BJJ - 1 hour

    Not a clue what I was doing, have an arsenal of two moves to draw from, and can't really do one of them :). Basically just got control of peoples' arms by having a perhaps slightly superior strength level, until I fatigued, at which point I normally tapped. Rolled with two bodybuilders bigger and stronger than me and was really pushed to survival mode then, but managed to get a good rear naked choke in at one point.
    Would like to do more of this, but just don't have the time to give it the attentoin it needs atm with final year in college and work etc. Will likely give it a good go next summer, with some sessions thrown in now from time to time. The great thing about lifting is, I don't have to think about it at all, and can bang through sessions in ~45 minutes.

    Delts and Tri's

    Rear delt raise
    7.5s x 12
    12.5s x 12
    15s x 20... most with crap form

    Side laterals
    10s x 12
    15s x 15... again most with crap form

    DB shoulder press
    15s x 12
    22.5s x 12
    27.5s x 6
    30s x 10.... 8 good reps, a little touch on 9, fr for 10

    One arm cable lateral raise
    plate10 x 15,15

    plate30 x 20
    plate35 x 20

    DB shrugs
    20s x 20
    32.5s x 25

    Rope Pressdowns
    some weight to failure with fr's

    OH rope extension
    plate20 x 12
    plate30 x 12
    plate40 x 15

    Probably went too heavy with the isolation stuff today, was just throwing the DB's about really.
    DB OH press is coming back up, I think my best is 37.5s x 5, so still a bit off that but it might go in 2-3 weeks. Especially if I do it first in the session.
    Tricep stuff was crap, should have done dips instead.

    I fear I'm going to be in bits tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    V grip Lat Pulldowns
    plate4 x 20
    plate7 x 12
    plate10 x 10
    plate13 x 11

    60kgs x 5,5
    110kgs x 5
    135kgs x 5
    155kgs x 3
    165kgs x 3

    DB row, dead stops on floor
    20kgs x 12
    32.5kgs x 10
    42.5kgs x 10

    Cable rows
    plate7 x 12
    plate11 x 6 rp 3

    DB pullovers
    20kgs x 12
    25kgs x 12
    32.5kgs x 12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    DB bench
    22.5s x 12
    32.5s x 12
    40s x 6
    47.5s x 6 + 1fr

    Incline DBs
    22.5s x 10
    30s x 14 + 2fr

    Machine Bench
    plate7 x 12
    plate11 x 10
    plate14 x 8 + 3fr

    Cable flyes
    plate15s x 12
    plate20s x 12
    plate25s x 12

    DB curl

    Preacher BB


    No 45s for benching so made do with 47.5s, got a good set out of them.
    Incline benching was much stronger than last time, I'll put that down to taking a longer rest period before the set.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    neutral grip chins
    bw strict x 8,8,6
    bw strict then kipping about the place x 10

    Rear delt raises
    10s x 12
    15s x 20

    Side laterals
    17.5s x 12

    Standing DB press
    20s x 10
    25s x 10

    3 x 20

    Tri pressdowns
    few heavy sets


    Oly squat paused
    75kgs x 6,6
    85kgs x 6
    95kgs x 3
    105kgs x 3
    115kgs x 3
    125kgs x 3

    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10
    90kgs x 10
    100kgs x 10
    105kgs x 10...PR

    DB curls
    10s x 10
    15s x 10
    22.5s x 10

    crap ROM x 10

    Leg ext.
    fst-7 style 7 x 12 with light weight 30 seconds rest

    Not been training much this last 10 days or so. Still pushing the diet. I'm getting ridiculously light, 94kgs now :D. Lightest I've been in years. Will check fat %s soon, just don't wanna worry about it while I'm still progressing doing the minimal atm.
    No structure to todays session whatsoever.
    Knees hurt squatting but weight felt good.
    Benching I just kept going up in sets of 10 til 10 got tough. Bench strength is definitely down a bit but pretty happy with that little reps PR because I haven't benched (with the bar, have been flat DB pressing) in 6 weeks or so. I think if I keep my bw below 100 and get another bench cycle in I could sail past the 1.5x bw mark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Strict press
    20kgs x 10
    40kgs x 10
    50kgs x 8
    55kgs x 8.. no bother, just getting back into this.

    Side laterals
    7.5s x 12
    15s x 12
    one arm at a time 20s x 12.. cheat city

    DB Shrugs
    25s x 20
    35s x 30

    Facepulls s/s neutral grip chins
    3 x 15 + not many reps all to failure

    also attempted to do dips but my left elbow didn't want to know about it today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hip machine
    every way x 12

    few sets @ 100kgs

    up to 180 for a handy single double oh grip

    DB row
    35kgs 2 x 12

    EZ bar curl
    15kgs x 12
    25kgs x 12
    30kgs x 12
    35kgs x 12

    well, grip feels strong, that's something right

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    No hook?
