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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    No hook?

    no hook, no chalk, no belt. no no no deadlift :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    strict press
    60kgs x 6,6

    side laterals

    DB shrugs
    42.5s x 12

    bw x 12,12

    neutral grip chins s/s cable rear delts
    blow all reps + 2 x 12

    neck harness
    +5kgs x 50

    captain of crush grippers
    no1 for a good few
    no3 for LOL wake up and apologize for even trying

    Easy enough little session, elbows a bit off so didnt go mad with reps. gonna work the strict press back up over the next few weeks.
    Lots of new equipment in the gym now, few cool machines that I really shouldn't use but will, DB's up to 75kgs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Missed benching yesterday, might be my body autoregulating itself because it knows my elbow and wrist aren't happy.


    25kgs x 12,12
    55kgs x 12
    75kgs x 8
    85kgs x 6
    95kgs x 3
    105kgs x 3
    115kgs x 3,3

    140kgs x 3,3

    3 x 15.. decent enough ROM

    BB Rows
    60kgs 3 x 12

    Hung over and not really bothered. Squatted wide stance for the first time in aages.
    Weighed in at 92.4kgs this morning. It's hard to tell how this has effected my strength atm because I'm taking it pretty handy. It's made GHRing considerably easier. I think going in and benching 135 at 90 for 1.5x bw shouldn't be too hard, I THINK!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Comprehensive warmup involving stuff for my elbows and wrists

    Strict Press
    20kgs x 12,12
    40kgs x 12
    50kgs x 6
    60kgs x 3
    70kgs x 3,3

    Seated unsupported wide grip OH press
    20kgs x 12 + wrist curls x 20
    30kgs x 12 + wrist curls x 20
    40kgs x 12

    Side lateral machine
    plate30 x 15,15,15

    BB shrug
    40kgs x 20
    60kgs x 20
    80kgs x 20
    100kgs x 12
    120kgs x 12
    140kgs x 12

    DB shrug
    22.5s x many

    It becomes very apparent when I wide grip OH press just how dominant my tri's are when I take my standard close-ish grip. Shoulders have always been weak for me, and all OH pressing I do is cg, where I'm able to minimize shoulder involvement. Doing the wide grip OH presses will surely make me better at everything else and are a worthwhile 'assistance' movement. Just did them sitting upright on a bench... 1337 core stability.

    The mono is gone from the gym so presumably that's the one being used in this GPC meet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Comprehensive warmup

    20kgs x 6,6
    60kgs x 6,6
    80kgs x 6
    100kgs x 3
    120kgs x 5,5

    Speedy sumo pulls
    70kgs x 3,3
    90kgs x 3
    110kgs x 3
    130kgs x 3
    140kgs x 3,3,3

    DB row
    22.5 x 12
    40 x 12,12

    Seated DB curl
    12.5s x 8
    15s x 8
    20s x 10

    EZ vertical preacher
    30kgs x 10,10

    Ham Curls
    3 x 12

    Leg Ext
    3 x 20

    Trying to squat wider stance low bar. The first rep is generally good, but then I can't help but move the bar into a higher position. Even when I consciously try to hold it there, it'll either hop up or somehow slide up so I have to finish the set higher bar. However, to the best of my knowledge a one rep max only involves the one rep, so I could be okay :). I think making an effort to angle myself a bit more forward could help to compensate the wider stance.
    Sumo deads were easy, sumos are all easy up to 180ish, then they get heavy as hell fast. Double OH grip all sets very easy again but I suppose it's only 140.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Comprehensive warmup

    20kgs x 20
    50kgs x 12
    60kgs x 8
    80kgs x 5
    90kgs x 5
    100kgs x 3
    110kgs x 1
    paused 120kgs x 1
    paused 135kgs x 1... 1.5x bw
    90kgs x 10,10

    CG bench
    60kgs x 12

    Incline Bench
    60kgs x 12

    New wide grip machine fly machine
    3 x 15

    Weighed in at 90kgs, so there's finally the elusive 1.5x bw bench. Felt goddamn heavy, and the main thing the weightloss seems to have effected is just overall stability under the bar. Elbow felt crap so kept the other stuff light and avoided tricep stuff altogether. May have also hurt my lower back benching because the right spinal erector is tight as hell now.

    Now it is time to carb rampage until I am immobilised.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    NIIIIIIIICE!! High5!

    coming to the beers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    NIIIIIIIICE!! High5!

    coming to the beers?

    Cheers, I'll have to see about the beers, coming into the final weeks of my thesis now and have reached the age where a hangover leaves me with anxiety and the shakes for about 4 days :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Comprehensive warmup

    Strict Press
    20kgs x 20
    40kgs x 12
    60kgs x 5
    65kgs x 5,5

    Seated unsupported wide grip press
    20kgs x 20
    40kgs x 12
    45kgs x 10,9... not gonna lie that wasn't easy

    Side lateral machine
    plate30 x 15
    plate50 x 12,10

    BB shrugs
    140 to failure

    DB shrugs
    2 x 12

    Rear delt cables s/s neutral grip chins
    3 x 12 + 3 x a low number of bad reps

    Elbow and wrist feeling better, not 100% though. Still wearing wrist wraps for pretty much everything.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    sick the last few days, so didnt do much

    practiced box squatting
    60kg 4 x 15ish

    Hang power cleans i.e. swinging reverse grip curl from neutral standing position
    50kgs x 3
    60kgs x 1
    70kgs x 1
    80kgs x 1
    90kgs x 1
    95kgs x 1... PR lol

    Box squatting could be an interesting endeavour when my health returns.
    I don't and never have had the flexibility to rack the bar in the clean grip position. I can catch it in front of my face and then get it onto my upper chest and thats about it. No interest in forcing my dodgy wrist under right now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    In my last post I mentioned feeling sick, well that went from bad to worse. I had an undiagnosed condition when I was 9 that had doctors stumped, very very similar to ataxia, that had me in hospital for weeks. Basically my coordination went bye bye and I couldn't really move, and that decided to come back to say hi again while I was playing fifa and suddenly couldn't work the controller anymore or get the man on the screen to move. As soon as I felt that familiar feeling and realised what it was I managed to also start having panic/anxiety attacks that lasted for a few weeks on and off and were honestly the closest thing I've ever experienced to an actual living hell. I'm logging this sh!t on here because I feel it's relevant and tbh I just don't really care what anyone's judgement on the matter is. So anyway I got to spend some quality time enjoying the Irish private healthcare system the last few weeks, went through all the same tests and rehabilitation crap I did 13 years ago (none of which helps anything) and then I just started to get better by resting, same as the first time. Right now I'm very much on the mend, not 100% but getting there. Went to the gym today and benched, squatted, OH pressed, all light but god I was happy to be able to do it!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Have you tried going Paleo...??

    In all seriousness, I can only imagine how terrifying all that is. Probably some form of eliteness auto regulation. Maybe ease off on being strong?!

    What's the fix, just chill out and wait to get better?

    Stay strong dude :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    Have you tried going Paleo...??

    In all seriousness, I can only imagine how terrifying all that is. Probably some form of eliteness auto regulation. Maybe ease off on being strong?!

    What's the fix, just chill out and wait to get better?

    Stay strong dude :)

    Yeah the fix seemed to be just to sit it oit really. It's a fluid build-up and swelling around the brain. Doctors dont know the cause but some have said it could be to do with an accident wjen i was younger or simply just stress. Whatever it is i know how to get through it now anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    100 pushups
    2 x 10 pullups

    This is indicative of how much weight i've lost. 1.6x bw bench could be on the cards now :)

    Also i have teh bad doms from yesterday which is pathetic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Punched the bag

    Skipped the rope

    85kgs 4 x 4 yes this was very easy

    60kgs x 10
    70kgs x 8
    80kgs x 4... right hamstring was not happy so stopped it there

    Strict press
    45kgs 4 x 4 yes this was very easy

    EZ curls
    40kgs x 8,8,8

    17.5s x 10,10

    Rope pulldown abs
    3 x 20
    light 3 x 20

    Thinking of working the lifts back up going 4x4 two or three times a week on bench, strict press and squat, once on deadlift maybe, just starting light and adding 2.5 - 5kg per session. Like that 5 x 5 program, but I've always preferred the number 4.

    Time to get back on food again, mars bars and bananas just aren't cutting it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ran some laps

    Shadow boxed

    Hit the heavy bag

    Squat machine s/s Parallel grip chins
    60kgs 3 x 8 s/s 3 x 5

    Bench s/s machine rows
    80kgs s/s plate9 3 or 4 x 8

    Shrugs s/s Tri pressdowns
    80kgs s/s plate 7 3 x 15

    Crunches x 50

    More or less a cardio session. Light and fast.
    Was advised to try the squat machine because it wouldn't hurt my hamstring, and this was good advice. Good machine too, basically replicates an oly squat except is easier on the back.
    My reverse grip chins are a lot stronger than neutral grip. This could be because rev grip allows more bicep involvement and lets the elbows be kept in tighter, but I really like the neutral grip for the lat involvement I get.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    An agility drill I made up

    Skipping rope

    Heavy bag

    Squat machine s/s neutral grip chins
    60kgs x 5 bw x 5
    70kgs x 5 bw x 5
    80kgs x 5 bw x 5
    90kgs x 5 bw x 5... very easy stuff

    Strict press s/s Upright row
    30kgs x 5 30kgs x 8
    40kgs x 5 30kgs x 8
    50kgs x 5 30kgs x 8
    50kgs x 5 30kgs x 8... same

    Incline Bench s/s Alternate DB curls
    paused 60kgs x 5,5,5 20kg DB's x 10,10,10

    Taking care of business with my premium membership :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants

    Kev M wrote: »
    In my last post I mentioned feeling sick, well that went from bad to worse. I had an undiagnosed condition when I was 9 that had doctors stumped, very very similar to ataxia, that had me in hospital for weeks. Basically my coordination went bye bye and I couldn't really move, and that decided to come back to say hi again while I was playing fifa and suddenly couldn't work the controller anymore or get the man on the screen to move. As soon as I felt that familiar feeling and realised what it was I managed to also start having panic/anxiety attacks that lasted for a few weeks on and off and were honestly the closest thing I've ever experienced to an actual living hell. I'm logging this sh!t on here because I feel it's relevant and tbh I just don't really care what anyone's judgement on the matter is. So anyway I got to spend some quality time enjoying the Irish private healthcare system the last few weeks, went through all the same tests and rehabilitation crap I did 13 years ago (none of which helps anything) and then I just started to get better by resting, same as the first time. Right now I'm very much on the mend, not 100% but getting there. Went to the gym today and benched, squatted, OH pressed, all light but god I was happy to be able to do it!

    Just read this now man sorry to hear you've not been well. The ataxia thing sounds terrifying but I bet from your perspective the anxiety attacks were worse than the condition itself. I'm the fucking poster boy for anxiety so don't hesitate to give me a shout if you need to bounce anything of someone who's infinitely more nuts than you'll ever be!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    kevpants wrote: »
    Just read this now man sorry to hear you've not been well. The ataxia thing sounds terrifying but I bet from your perspective the anxiety attacks were worse than the condition itself. I'm the fucking poster boy for anxiety so don't hesitate to give me a shout if you need to bounce anything of someone who's infinitely more nuts than you'll ever be!

    Thanks Kev, appreciate it. And yeah you're absolutely right, the attacks are the worst, batsh!t crazy things that they are, but I think I have their number now.



    Skipping rope

    Shadow boxing

    Squat machine s/s parallel grip chins
    50kgs x 5 bw x 5
    70kgs x 5 bw x 5
    90kgs x 5 bw x 5
    100kg x 5 bw x 5

    Strict press s/s shrugs
    40kgs x 4 90kgs x 15
    50kgs x 4 100kgs x 15
    55kgs x 4,4 105kgs x 15,15

    Pushups s/s hammers
    w/ med ball x 20,20 15s x 10
    w/ red band x 15,15 20s x 10,10

    Preachers s/s pressdowns
    2 x lights sets

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M



    heavy bag

    strict press s/s hyper ext
    60kgs x 4,4 bw 4 x 10

    Squat machine s/s lat pulldown
    up to 110 kgs x 5 up to plate13 x 5

    Shrugs s/s pushups
    100kgs 3 x 10 bw x 12 light band x 12 medium band x 10

    Retired my old bag mitts as they're ten years old and falling apart. Struggled with the new ones a bit because their shape feels a bit strange but was getting the hang pretty quick.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    i may have missed this over the years...but did you box before?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    i may have missed this over the years...but did you box before?

    Yeah i did a bit years ago in my early teens. Just started doing it again there because i have access to facilities really, but am loving getting back into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Footwork drills

    1-2, 2-2 drills forwards and backwards

    1-2 with 2.5kg plates square stance

    Heavy bag


    forgot my skipping rope

    No training the last week or so as I was imitating studying for exams, which still aren't over but I'm getting very tight sitting at home so had to do something. Just did about 1hr in the gym today. The good old jab straight doesn't feel very good, having trouble really rotating, probably due to tightness but I'm not gonna overthink that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Last Night

    3 laps GAA pitch
    3 mins star jumps
    3 laps GAA pitch

    Why am I even logging this? Because it nearly killed me, that's why.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Short warm-up

    Shadow boxed

    Heavy bag

    Double ended speed ball, crazy thing it is

    Practiced low bar squats w/ 80kgs, just multiple sets of 3-5, easy as it should be just going for speed and trying to find some consistency. Put on the light belt for the first time in a while, down 4 notches with room to spare HAHAHAHA.

    Parallel grip chins s/s Pushups
    3 x 5 s/s bw x 12 w/ band x 12, to failure 20ish

    Want Triceps? Do pushups using bands hands fairly close together. They make you hit harder and improve speed too. Fact.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Shadow Boxing

    Heavy Bag

    Skipped rope

    Incline Bench s/s Cable rows
    70kgs x 5,5,5 some pauses s/s plate9 x 10,10 plate10 x 10

    Side Laterals s/s DB curls
    3 x 10-12 each


    Pretty short session on my lonesome.

    Trying to bench after boxing is not easy. Like 70 felt light, but I was just in bits.

    May go for a sparring session with my brother next week, or might give my conditioning level a bit more time to improve first, because I don't really want to be debilitated for a week or to wake up with a crowd around me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Boxing 1 hour


    10min warm-up

    30mins sparring

    10mins 'bodyshape' heavy bag

    10 mins DES ball

    Parallel grip chins s/s pushups with bands s/s standing DB presses
    4 x 5 4 x 10-12 4 x 10-12 light


    Not so bad

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    First day training in a good while, have been doing some general fitness stuff, hit the heavy bag a few times, did some light sparring twice, and that's about it. Everything today felt shakey but not bad otherwise (except squats which were sh!t). bw is down at 86kgs now.

    Light boxing warmup on the bag

    50kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 12
    80kgs x 12

    Incline Bench
    40kgs x 12
    50kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    65kgs x 12

    Seated chest supported row
    plate6 x 12
    plate9 x 12,12

    Tri pressdowns
    plate4 x 12
    plate5 x 12,12

    EZ curl
    30kgs x 12,12,12

    Push-ups with bands
    2 x 12

    Hyper extensions
    2 x 12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Seated db press
    27.5s x 8

    Cg bench
    60kg x 12


    v grip pulldowns


    tri pressdowns

    db curlz

    Thai pads about 6 x 2 mins

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    leg ext. s/s hamcurls

    incline bench s/s machine row
    67.5kg x 10 plate10 x 10

    Shrugs s/s front raise


    and will do thai pads in the morning for probably 30 mins on and 30 mins holding
