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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Been in bits this week, soon as the cold windy weather started my sandy vagine kicked off.

    Today - light thai pads with the brother for about an hour. mostly holding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Seated db press
    22.5s x 10,10,10

    Cg bench
    70kgs x 10

    lat pulldowns

    machine row

    rolling tri ext

    no real plan whatsoever. just getting a pump on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants

    Kev M wrote: »
    bw is down at 86kgs now.

    Jaysus for the size of ya you must be pretty lean at that weight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    kevpants wrote: »
    Kev M wrote: »
    bw is down at 86kgs now.

    Jaysus for the size of ya you must be pretty lean at that weight?

    Haven't checked any %'s but safe to say a lot of fat has been lost, but muscle too due to backing off weights and not eating like a maniac. Structurally I'm only a small guy so eating to be over 105kgs was a bit ridiculous.

    Actually at 85 now so a good 20kgs from my heaviest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    BJJ 1 hour:
    arm bar from side control
    triangle from side control
    in half guard to side control
    winner stays on drill

    Have done nothing for the last 4/5 weeks or so, just finishing college and didn't train in any way shape or form. Also the fact that my right hand has been in bits hasn't helped, my knuckle is badly bruised and is very uncomfortable to hit the pads or bag, but the thing is I was still able to use it, and did, which in retrospect was pretty stupid because it's taking aaages to heal now. Strangers on the internet say knuckle bruises can take 8+ weeks to heal, and who am i to not believe them...
    Plan to do bjj twice a week for the meantime, add in some striking stuff when my hand feels better, or maybe try and teach myself how to kick.
    bw is at 86kgs, expect it to come down further now that I'm not sitting in a chair all day anymore.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Star jumps x 100

    Split squats x 100

    Push-up position DB row s/s DB clean and press
    13kg DBs 3 x 12

    Upright row s/s 21s s/s push-ups against bands w/ feet on step
    27kgs 3 x 20 s/s 3 x 21 s/s 3 x 20

    OH BB shrugs s/s plate lateral hold thing
    light 2 x 20

    Abs - twisting crunches x 30

    That was pretty much cardio. Today should really be a cheat meal day, but it's kinda been a cheat month, nevertheless it would be a shame not to give pizzahut delivery a go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    1.5hrs bjj

    learned a choke from sc. get opposite arm out of way using creeping hand and get head on mat, shimmy legs across and out and turn head up.
    Rolled several times and was as bad as bad can be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Time to update log again. Haven't been lifting at all in recent times, except for some push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups.
    Training has revolved around boxing, mostly shadowboxing and heavy bag by myself in my garage, with the odd session out with my brother on pads or sparring.
    Did a good few more muay thai sessions in bridgestone in arbour hill, great gym, couldn't recommend it enough.
    I'm running/skipping most mornings and after re-reading Lance Armstrong's books I have a strong urge to get into a bit of cycling :D.
    Haven't logged recently because there's not much of a progression to follow other than hours put in doing the aforementioned things.
    I've just acquired a bench, barbell, adjustable DB's, an EZ bar and 120kgs of plates, so will once again be curling my days away and telling the world about it on here. No squat rack so I guess leg day will just have to be high volume lunges :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ok so what the last post says still pretty much applies.

    Boxing session tonight looked like:

    comprehensive warm-up involving running and throwing balls

    5 x 3mins on heavy bendy bag

    5 x 3mins sparring

    loads of abs

    As I mentioned in the last post I've also busted out the old road bike and cleats for the first time in years and dusted off the cob webs (literally). Have been doing 100+ km / week for the last 4 weeks involving general travelling and a hard time trial style session once at the weekend. Nothing crazy just getting fitter and maybe ultimately one day hit the EPO and win the Tour de France because apparently that's all you need :D. Lance Armstrong til I die, livestrong people! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ffs just lost a big post to the interweb that i cant type out on the phone again. Basically: had a fight, won by stoppage, drunk and tired, about to do time trial style session on the bike, pray for kevin.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Training as of late has been running most mornings, cycling once or twice a week. Pushing the last few weeks for more ballsout shorter efforts vs. longer endurance stuff. Like a run could be 3k, then numerous sprints, then another 3k. A cycle could be ~50k, with some hard hills and all-out sprints. I'm recording stats which is good to keep track of PRs etc. on specific segments, and is also a great way increase your odds of getting hit by a car. Doing boxing training but haven't been doing full sparring at all, just body shots, it's far from the real thing but the real thing reduces my ability to function in day to day life so it's its just not worth it for what I want to get out of it which is just fitness and maintaining some sort of upper body while getting fit and shredded!

    Ended up in a gym last week and busted out some OH strict press and benching for the hell of it. 50kgs x 12 OH not too easy and 80kgs x 12 bench pretty easy. Terrible in the grand scheme of things but I know that I'm at least maintaining some base of strength to work with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Here we go again.

    Have been doing not a whole lot this last year, bit of cycling, bit of boxing. Bodyweight got down to 82kgs.
    As far as strength stuff goes I've been doing pushups and pullups and nothing else.
    I had not touched weights in over a year.. until last week.
    Just got the urge to lift again, couldn't tell you why, finishing Arnold's last book might have had something to do with it, maybe it's from watching powerlifting clips online, either which way I feel pretty intense about getting back into it right now!
    Am trying to stay conservative with the weights for a while to not cripple myself. I'm weak as a kitten, and there's a few things I'm noticing such as form is all over the place and my right side is weaker than my left by a bit. So getting back into this kinda slowly.

    Last Thursday

    Lat pulldown
    Plate 50 x 10,10

    72.5kgs 6 x 6

    Leg press
    up in 10s to 210kgs x 10

    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10
    100kgs x 5
    120kgs x 5

    Bicep stuff


    77.5kgs x 10,10,10,5

    Tricep stuff


    Lat Pulldown
    plate60 x 10,10

    60kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5
    100kgs x 5
    120kgs x 2
    130kgs x 2
    140kgs x 2

    82.5kgs x 6,6,6,6,6
    82.5kgs paused x 2

    Bicep stuff

    The gym I just joined is on my doorstep, so I'm giving it a go for convenience really. It's somewhat limited in that there's one squat rack and it's impossible to get a hold of, and if you do its got a high dipping contraption on it that seems impossible to remove. So squatting could be problematic, but for the moment I'll be content with deads and leg presses.
    I am kind of doing smolov jnr for bench, but tbh it is light to the point where I'm just doing the required reps in whatever amount of sets i feel like. Will come up with a plan for deadlift now that I have an idea where I'm at, 140 felt pretty easy beltless and double overhand. The bench itself is cushion soft and very low. The bars are also crap. But at the moment anything will do. 3 months membership here so if I put in the time and stay dedicated I'll probably go back to Animal after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    87.5kgs x 5,5,5,5,5,5
    and paused an easy double

    OH DB tricep extension
    20kg DB x 12
    25kg DB x 12
    30kg DB x 12

    Short session, plan was 32 reps with 87.5kgs so broke it up that way.
    Will deadlift tomorrow.
    Ass is enlarging at an alarming rate. Muscle memory is very real.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Squat, beltless
    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 3
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 3

    Leg Press
    up to 220kgs x 10

    Deadlift, beltless, double overhand
    60kgs x 5
    90kgs x 5
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 1
    145kgs x 1

    Ham curls
    3 x 10

    Leg Ext.
    3 x 10

    Had planned to just deadlift and row but gym was quiet so took the bar for a walk out of the dipping apparatus in the squat rack. Felt all over the place and left side of body is as i said before stronger than the right. But 100 went easy anyway. I think training boxing has given me this slight imbalance, as the left side does much more work. That, or all the masturbation.
    Deadlifts were easy enough. Grip feels better than I can remember it being over a year ago for whatever reason, maybe see above.

    Will bench and do back work tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Lat pulldown
    plate45 x 12
    plate55 x 10
    plate65 x 10
    plate75 x 10

    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    75kgs x 10,10,10
    75kgs paused x 6

    Deadlift, beltless mixed grip
    60kgs x 5
    100kgs x 3
    110kgs x 6,6,6,6,6,6

    BB row
    60kgs x 10,10,10

    Alternate DB curls
    15s x 10
    17.5s x 10
    20s x 10

    Hammer curls
    17.5s x 10
    15s x 10

    That was kind of the smolov w2d1 idea but spread the bench reps out like that rather than 6x6. Just going to fall into a similar plan for deadlift for the next 2-3 weeks getting the numbers off 150 as a pretend 1rm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    40kgs x 12
    60kgs x 10
    82.5kgs x 5,5,5,5,5,10

    BB row
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 10,10,10,10

    DB tricep extension overhead
    22.5kg DB x 12
    27.5kg DB x 8
    30kg DB x 8
    35kg DB x 8,5,5,5

    Rope pressdowns
    light x 50

    That bench was meant to be 80kgs 7x5 but left phone in car and got the weight wrong, doesn't really matter.
    Was going to deadlift again but hamstrings have been in bits so maybe on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭WHIP IT!

    Kev, when you say 'Deadlift mixed grip', do you mean you have one hand facing 'in' and one facing 'out' or do you mean you change your grip from set to set?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    WHIP IT! wrote: »
    Kev, when you say 'Deadlift mixed grip', do you mean you have one hand facing 'in' and one facing 'out' or do you mean you change your grip from set to set?


    One in one out. Gonna do it this way because I'd be afraid that if I stick with double overhand until the weight gets too heavy and forces me to go mixed, my right arm will get injured because it's not used to the position. Used to always do warmups double oh and then mixed for working sets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    What I gone and done tonight

    40kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    80kgs x 5
    87.5kgs x 4,4,4,4,4,4,8

    Deadlift, beltless
    60kgs x 5,5
    100kgs x 5
    120kgs x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5

    Lat pulldown
    55 x 8
    65 x 8
    75 x 8
    85 x 6... too heavy really

    Alternate curls
    20s to failure

    the same

    3 sets of crunches

    3 sets of planks with the raising of the leg in an alternate fashion

    Bench was easy. Nearly got sick deadlifting. had banana and big latte for drive to gym but forgot about them and had them right before lifting. Face got ridiculously hot and red. Didn't take more than a few seconds between deadlift sets, just put it down, did a 5 or 6 yard pace back and forward, and went again, was light but took a lot out of me. Want to do a PL meet, afraid I'll only squat 60kgs though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    This Morning

    40kgs x 20
    60kgs x 12
    75kgs x 6
    92.5kgs x 3,3,6,3,5,4,4,2

    Skipping 10 minutes

    92.5kgs for 30 reps, broke down that way, all pretty easy, few pauses in there. That's it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    80kgs 6 x 6

    just messing around with stance width and bar placement.

    Reverse BB curl
    30kgs x 12,12,12

    BB curl
    40kgs x 12,12,12

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Reverse curls. Epic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Hanley wrote: »
    Reverse curls. Epic.

    An old favourite. Yeahh budddy!

    At an ungodly hour this morning

    Lat Pulldown
    plate35 x 20
    plate50 x 12
    plate 65 x 12,12

    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 12
    82.5kgs 6 x 6

    BB row
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 12,12,12

    Hammer Machine Row
    80kgs x 12,12

    Have notions of going over 135kgs at 90 or less in the near future. Would be a PR of sorts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    40kgs x 20
    50kgs x 12
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5
    87.5kgs 7 x 5, few pauses in there

    Cable Crossover
    3 x 12

    OH DB extensions
    20kg DB x 12
    25kg DB x 12
    30kg DB x 12
    35kg DB x 12

    Tri pressdowns
    3 x 12

    Pretty handy, will leg press, deadlift, row and curl tommorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    few triples with 100kgs, beltless

    few singles with 150kgs, beltless

    BB row
    80kgs x 10,10,10

    I don't know how to squat. Knees out, break at hips, drive head back, it just doesn't work.
    Deads were pretty easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    This Morning

    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 12
    82.5kgs x 3,3
    92.5kgs 8 x 4

    Upright row
    Light x loads

    All pretty easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Lat Pulldown
    plate30 x 10
    plate50 x 10
    plate70 x 10
    plate80 x 10

    Deadlift, beltless
    60kgs x 5
    100kgs x 5
    120kgs x 1
    140kgs x 1
    160kgs x 1

    BB row
    60kgs x 20,20

    BB curl
    40kgs x a few sets

    Reverse BB curl
    30kgs x a few sets

    Some light Glute machine/reverse adductor stuff, felt great, hips are seriously tight..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    97.5kgs 10 x 3

    Upright rows
    3 x 12

    Cable crossovers
    3 x 12

    Tri pressdowns
    1 x 50

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    60kgs x 10
    75kgs x 8
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 1
    120kgs x 1
    130kgs x 1
    100kgs x 9

    Deadlift, beltless
    60kgs x 3
    100kgs x 3
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 1
    150kgs x 1
    160kgs x 1
    170kgs x 1

    BB rows
    60kgs x 20,20

    Bench feels close to as strong as ever at this bodyweight, 90kgs. I did 135 at 90 about two years ago and may of had more in this session but didn't have a reliable spot so left it. Feeling pretty good any which way.
    Deads were alright, felt like i was rounding a bit much on the 170 but whatever I'm a skinny white boy what can one expect.
    The plan is now to focus more exclusively on military presses and squatting for the next 5 weeks or so. Will try and keep assistance/bb'ing stuff minimal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    This Morning

    Strict press, military press, whatever
    50kgs 6 x 6

    60kgs 3 x 20

    Snatch Grip SLDL
    60kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5
    100kgs x 5,5

    Upright Row
    Smaller bar + 27.5kgs 3 x 12

    Strict presses felt like the first time back benching, all over the place and my right side is a bit weaker, maybe again down to boxing or just less tightness in my upper back or lat, but hopefully if I just focus on forcing form it will sort itself out in a few days just like bench did.
    Didn't lock out any squats just bounced them, trying to find a good consistent groove, which I might just have done. It's time under the bar which I need now more than trying to just force heavier sets that are all over the place. I think.
    Workouts will look like that for the next few weeks with 2 or 3 assistance movements picked out in the above fashion. They will mostly be BB rows, lat pulldowns, abs, curls and tri extensions, upright rows, sldl, maybe some incline DB's, maybe some leg isolation machines.
