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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,548 ✭✭✭siochain

    Kev M wrote: »

    Strict presses felt like the first time back benching, all over the place and my right side is a bit weaker, maybe again down to boxing or just less tightness in my upper back or lat, but hopefully if I just focus on forcing form it will sort itself out in a few days just like bench did.

    Are you south paw?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    siochain wrote: »
    Are you south paw?

    Nope, just use my lead hand (left) much more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldown
    Plate60 3x12

    Strict press
    52.5kgs 7x5

    65kgs 2x20

    15s 3x10

    Tri pressdown

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Way too early this morning

    70kgs 2 x 20

    Just still bouncing them, not locking out. Was actually pretty tough im near ashamed to say.

    Strict press
    55kgs 8 x 4

    Easy. thank god.

    I might seriously have just learned to squat. only took about 7 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Today Benching moar than i squat 4 lyfe

    Lat Pulldown
    plate65 3 x 8

    Strict Press
    57.5kgs 9 x 3 1 x 4

    pretty easy, bit inconsistent with form, right side feels to be evening up a bit, just gonna keep cracking away at it.

    Squat, beltless
    75kgs 2 x 20

    bounced the first set, bitched out after 10 on the second because my lower back was pumped to bits, painfully paused out the rest of the set. All easy reps but just not used to the time under the bar. Might now go a bit heavier in the 8-10 rep range for a few sessions as thats 4 high reppers now.

    DB row
    35kg x 12
    45kg x 12 each side..

    Was gonna BB row but since it took quite a while to reconfigure the squat rack mechanism then do my sets, with two lads wanting the bar i just gave it up. hashtaggymetiquetteniceguy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Should really start doing a warm-up

    Squat, beltless
    60kgs x 10
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10
    90kgs x 10
    100kgs x 10

    Strict Press
    40kgs x 6
    52.5kgs 6 x 6

    BB row
    60kgs 2 x 20

    Lat Pulldown
    plate70 3 x 6

    Upright row
    30kgs 3 x 12

    Squat went well, all reps moved fast, form felt good, am managing to bury squats well below parallel with a wide-ish stance and stay in a good position which is something I used not to be able to do, a cue that's been unreal has been to pull my hips forward, because rather than thinking about all the small details I can just focus on this and everything else just happens automatically, might be of some use to somebody out there. Granted there's not actually much weight on the bar but it looks promising!
    Easy strict press and some light back work. Would like to think I could take a crack at a strict press PR in a few weeks but that might be being a bit optimistic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Kev M wrote: »
    a cue that's been unreal has been to pull my hips forward, because rather than thinking about all the small details I can just focus on this and everything else just happens automatically, might be of some use to somebody out there.

    That and pushing my knees out more have made a big difference!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Strict Press
    55kgs 7 x 5

    DB flyes
    15s 3 x 12

    Tri pressdowns
    3 x 12

    DB curls
    3 x 12

    Ab pulldown machine
    2 x 20

    Wanted to squat but couldn't get into the rack, will do so sunday morning.
    Strict press went fairly easy. Cleaning all sets from the floor, always every session.
    The rest was fluff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Lat Pulldown
    plate60 3 x 10

    Strict Press
    57.5kgs 8 x 4

    Squat, beltless
    up to 120kgs x 3
    then 80kgs x 20, bouncing as many as i could then pausing between reps at top for the last few

    DB row
    45kg DB x 12 each side

    some planks and leg raises and crunches

    Felt pretty good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Strict Press
    60kgs 10 x 3

    DB flyes
    10s x 12
    15s x 10
    17.5s x 10
    20s x 10,10

    DB OH ext.
    20kgs x 10
    25kgs x 10
    30kgs x 10,10

    DB curls
    few x a few

    Rope pressdowns
    light x about 50

    Hammer curls
    15s x 20

    Good God that pressing was boring. Went fairly easy. Bar speed was good. Was able to man handle the weight if I didn't hit a decent groove which was reassuring. Meh. Might go back to benching now. Or just do a max strict press session in a few days first.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Strict press
    bar x loads
    40kgs x 3
    50kgs x 3
    60kgs x 1
    70kgs x 1
    80kgs x 1
    90kgs x nope, nope

    Pissed off with that to be honest. Was a strong reverse curl and valiant quarter rep on both... Just technically didn't go about it the right way, was too upright on both atempts and didn't get my lats up and upper back tight enough. That and just wasn't strong enough.


    Lat Pulldown
    up to plate 70 x 10,10

    bar x loads
    40kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10

    100kgs x a few triples beltless buried and paused

    DB row
    45kg DB x 12,12

    Elbows and shoulders are sore. Should have warmed up. Couldn't bench properly at all as right elbow wanted none of it. Will warm up more next time. Should be an obvious thing at this stage. Should also swap out the pop tarts for protein shakes but what ya gonna do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Right elbow and both shoulders have been a bit iffy so have done blow all the last few days. Last friday went in and tried to bench for a while but ended up just fluffing about.


    DB flyes
    10s x 10
    12.5s x 10
    15s x 10
    17.5s x 10
    20s x 10
    22.5s x 10

    Front Squat beltless paused
    40kgs x 5
    50kgs x 5
    60kgs x 3
    70kgs x 3
    80kgs x 3

    Deadlift beltless
    60kgs x 5
    100kgs x 5
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 3
    160kgs x 1

    DB row
    35kgs x 20 each side

    Just doing some band pull apart and ytwl whatever type stuff also. Front squats felt good, bottomed them out completely like nearly touching the floor type of depth thats the only excuse I have for the light weight. Deads went easy, will do 180 beltless soon enough, that could be a pretend PR. Some might say flyes are a waste of time but my man jabs beg to differ.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Squat, beltless
    bar x 20
    60kgs x 20
    80kgs x 5
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 3
    110kgs x 1
    120kgs x 1
    130kgs x 1,1
    60kgs x bounced 20

    bar x 30
    40kgs x 20
    50kgs x 20
    60kgs x 10
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x paused 5
    90kgs x paused 5
    100kgs x paused 2

    Triceps pressdown
    5 x 12

    All went pretty well. Have a plan to do this session every week adding weight, with a deadlift session in the middle of the week, and then another squat and bench for reps day at the end of the week. Gonna do a 6 week run of it starting Monday and hopefully do the IPO meet in April. Right elbow feels crap benching so had to curtail the weight there a bit and then deciced against doing a max reps set of close grips, should be good for a 120 pause at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat Pulldown
    up to plate 70 x 11

    Speedy Deadlift
    100kgs x loads of singles

    100kgs x 5,5,5

    BB row
    60kgs x 20,20

    Upright row
    30kgs x 10,10,10,10

    BB curls
    30kgs x 10,10,10,10

    Leg Raises
    x 20,20

    All good, increase weight on everything next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Squat, beltless
    bar x 20
    50kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    80kgs x 5
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 1
    120kgs x 1
    130kgs x 1
    135kgs x 1
    130kgs x 1

    bar x 40
    40kgs x 20
    50kgs x 10
    60kgs x 10
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 5
    90kgs x 1
    100kgs paused x 1
    105kgs paused x 1,1,1

    CG bench
    80kgs x 10

    Triceps pressdowns
    plate20 x 10
    plate25 x 10
    plate 30 x 10,10

    Really tired, elbow better but still a bit bothersome, was as controlled as could be with all singles, very happy with squat depth, best I've done, however there is a definite issue with keeping tight. In order to position myself i compromise my upper body position, or my upper body isn't strong enough to keep itself together, either way I'm working on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Lat Pulldown
    plate40 x 20
    plate50 x 10
    plate60 x 10
    plate70 x 10
    plate80 x 10,10

    Deadlift, beltless
    60kgs x 5,5
    100kgs x 3
    120kgs x 3
    140kgs x 1
    150kgs x 1
    160kgs x 1
    170kgs x 1

    90kgs x 8,8,8

    BB row
    70kgs x 20,20

    Upright row
    35kgs x 12,12,12

    BB curl
    35kgs x 10,10,10,10

    Grand. Thats a session I can do without any injury bothers. All went well, will speed pull next week and add weight across the board otherwise, and go 180 beltless the following week, then likely add the belt in the following sessions to hopefully get up over 200.
    Was thinking about my squat last night, as you do, and have come to the conclusion that I need more quad and ham work. When I was squatting my strongest I was doing high intensity high rep ham curl and leg ext supersets as assistance. I know alot of people won't give these exercises much credit, but these people are probably built to squat. It's like doing tricep extensions for bench, and us tall skinny white boys need that sh!t.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Leg extension s/s hamcurls
    4 x 20

    Oly squat bounced
    bar x loads
    50kgs x loads
    60kgs x 20,20

    bar x loads
    40kgs x 30
    50kgs x 20
    60kgs x 10
    70kgs 5 x 10

    DB flyes
    15kg DB's 4 x 10

    Wanted to bench a heavy 6 x 6 and squat 85 2 x 20 but have to go easy on my elbow and shoulder. Started and right away knew it wasn't really happening. This program is quickly turning into deadlift proper then token everything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    60kgs x10
    70kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 1
    120kgs x 1
    130kgs x 1
    140kgs x 1,1
    Paused 120kgs x 2

    40kgs x 40
    60kgs x 12
    70kgs x 6
    80kgs x 6
    90kgs x 3
    100kgs x 1
    107.5kgs x1, paused 1, paused 1

    Cg bench
    82.5kgs x 12

    Tri press downs
    4 x 20

    Doing what I can without further hurting the shoulder. Squatting high bar, felt pretty good, should be good to keep increasing weight every week for a while and get the bar position a bit lower when shoulder is better, bench was easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    Lat pull down
    Up to plate 13 x 10

    Speed pulls
    105kgs loads of singles

    Bb rows
    75kgs x10,20,20

    Upright row
    40kgs x 12,12,12,12

    Bb curl
    40kgs x10,10,10,10

    The boring sesh. Rows were getting fairly rough, might go db rows next time or drop reps with 80

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants

    Doing the IPOs! Nice one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ham curl and leg extension super sets

    Paused front squats
    Up to singles with 90kgs

    80kgs loads of sets x 6

    Pec dec
    3 x 20

    Doing what I can, elbow again was acting up. Maybe should have spent the first few weeks after my layoff just lifting the bar. The max oh press and bench attempts within a few weeks probably weren't a great idea. Ah well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Front squats
    All reps buried and paused
    Few singles with 100kgs

    Few paused singles with 110kgs

    Cg bench 85kgs x 11

    Tri ext.

    Conservative effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldown
    up to plate 14 x 10

    Deadlift, beltless
    160kgs x 1
    180kgs x 1
    190kgs x 1
    140kgs x 5,5

    Cable row
    Up to plate 14 x 10

    Upright row
    40kgs x 12,12,12

    Preacher Machine
    4 x 12

    Made some sideways videos. Happy I did as it's pointed out some stuff to me. I knew I was rounding on the singles, but I felt like I was getting much lower and moving much slower. Made an effort to stay down a bit for 190 and actually felt better than 180. Although it looks the same. Lots to work on.




  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Front squat, paused
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs x 1
    100kgs x 2,3

    Bar x loads
    40kgs x 20
    60 kgs x 10
    70kgs x 10
    80kgs x 10
    90kgs x 10
    95kgs x 8
    100kgs x 5

    Good session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    140 x 5
    150 x 5,5

    80 x 10,10

    Upright row
    45 x 10, 10

    30kgs x 10,10,10,10,10

    Lat pull down
    Plate 70 x 12,12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Front squat
    Up to 110 x 1
    80 x 5 paused

    Strict press
    50kgs x 10, 10

    Pec dec
    Up to plate 9 x 12

    BB curl
    40kgs x 10, 10

    Tri pressdowns


    Wasn't really feeling it today, will look for a paused 120 fs soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Felt crap


    Front squat

    Strict press
    55kgs. 5x5

    Reverse hyper

    Side laterals

    Pec dec


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    few singles at 180

    60kgs x 20,20,20,20

    Upright row
    45kgs x 10,10,12

    40kgs x 10,10
    45kgs x 10

    Lat pulldown
    up to plate 75 x 10

    Leg Press
    200kgs x 10,12

    Ham Curls
    2 x 12

    Strength wasn't there at all today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Front squat
    Bar x loads
    60kgs x 5
    70kgs x 5
    80kgs x 5
    90kgs x 5
    100kgs paused x 1

    Bar x loads
    40kgs x 20
    60kgs x 20
    80kgs x 12
    100kgs x 1
    110kgs good pause x 1
    100kgs x 7

    Cg bench
    Few sets to failure with 70kgs

    Tri pressdowns
    Kept going up Til I couldn't get 10

    Missed the last week or so and diet has been sweets throughout the day, maybe a tesco meal deal around midday and a takeaway at night. Feeling good for it nonetheless. Not particularly fat right now either.
