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Kev's Training Journal



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Squat, with belt
    160kgs x 4

    Incline db's
    38s x 8

    Db curl ss rolling triceps ext.
    Light 3 x 12

    Buried the squats and felt pretty strong, for me, but the 5th rep either would have been a failure or a horrible grinder good morning.
    Incline presses felt pretty heavy, would be doing well to hit 40s for 8 next week.
    I think that recent bit of dead lifting twice a week has helped my squat quite a bit, lower back/abs stability and shape feels good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Cg lat pulldown
    Plate 90 x 10. Pretty strong

    Speedy deads
    140kgs few triples. Not so speedy tbh.

    Paused 100kgs x 10 solid, tight reps.

    Seated laterals ss seated hammers
    10s 3 x 12. Light and easy

    My bench touch and go reps pr with 100 is 17. That might seriously be under fire next session, might go a bit heavier for a single, basically just so 100 feels super light then. It's a plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M


    140kg triples for speed

    120kgs x 1
    100kgs x 18, tng PR

    Curls ss side laterals
    Light 3 x 12

    Happy with the little bench pr, not exactly textbook reps, just banged them out fast, but that'll do, pig.


    Paused 100kgs 3 x 6

    Face pulls ss rope curl
    Light 3 x 20

    Short on time so didn't squat or pull. Benched and curled though and that's what really matters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldown
    Plate 100 x 8.. Very heavy, crap form, possible PR or at least PR territory. Who counts this type of lift? Me.

    Deadlift, no belt
    170kgs x 5. First rep was mint, then just went back to my old ways of making it a 2 part lift. Need to set the hips on every rep and not get carried away just because I can get away with it. Had a few more reps in the tank.

    Wanted to bench but out of time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    102.5kgs paused 3 x 6

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Deadlift, no belt
    175kgs x 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Pause 105kgs 3 x 6

    Superset seated curls, rolling tri ext, lateral raises
    3 x 12 super light

    Sparred 5 x 3mins with my brother. Right wrist is not very happy, when I press my hand back or put it in a push up position it's pretty damn sore. Will just ignore it and hope it goes away. Usually works.
    Bench was solid.
    Still doing very little assistance stuff, I think the assistant stuff I benefit most from is leg and glute/adductor stuff. I think this is due to my build, in that benching alone will pretty much bring up all the big bench muscle groups, dead lifting aswell for that matter takes care of itself too. However I realise my squat will feel crap if I'm only squatting, whereas if I get a few sessions of leg isolation machines all of a sudden the squat starts to come together. Likewise I'll see it in other people; if they're built to deadlift then assistance lifts aren't really necessary, except maybe if they're very advanced and hitting their 'potential', but that same lifter could be really need loads of sets of flyes to put themself in a position to bench properly. Or maybe I haven't a breeze!

    Edit; I mean that from a bodybuilding point of view aswell as a getting more weight on the bar sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    100kgs paused x 6
    105kgs paused x 6
    110kgs paused x 6

    Hammer row machine
    85kgs x 12,12,20

    Face pulls
    Light 3 x 20

    Hammer curls
    20s 2 x 12

    Lay pulldown
    Plate 75 x 12 super slow negatives for some reason

    Pretty strong on the bench today, 110 felt very easy.
    Light assistance just doing whatever I want for a pump.
    My right hamstring/upper calf is in bits, spent two solid days at a desk and low and behold I get up with a messed up leg. Turning into an old man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Paused 115kgs x 5

    Face pulls
    Light 2 x 30

    Oh db ext ss shrugs
    25kgs 3 x 20 and 25s 3 x loads

    Blasted the first 4 reps on bench up but fell apart a bit on 5, may have been good for a tough 6th, think 120 might be a bit optimistic for a decent paused set right now. So will either work up to a heavy paused single or start cranking up tng reps again, whatever feels good on the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    120kgs pause x 4

    Machine hammer row
    90kgs x 20,20

    Seated hammers ss laterals
    Light 3 x 12

    Bench was crap, but when I did this for 5 I had wrist wraps and elbow sleeves versus nothing now, so I'll go ahead and believe that would have been 2 reps extra right there, plus it was early in the morning etc

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Pause 110kgs x 5

    Face pulls
    Db curls
    Oh db ext
    2 x 20+

    Some abs

    Easy bench sesh. Every session the warm ups just involve high reps with the bar, then plus 20kg every set to 100 for 8-10 reps. Leg is feeling a lot better, have been foam rolling a bit which has helped, might squat Friday and see how it holds up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    100kgs 3 x 10

    Hammer curls ss front raises
    3 x 10


    Nothing to report, standard issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    High Incline DB bench
    32.5s 3 x 10

    DB curls ss oh DB ext ss DB shrugs
    3 x light weight high reps

    plate20 x 30

    Leg is feeling 99%, just gonna give it a few more days before abandoning my Jane Fonda upper body routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Pretty busy the past week

    few little push up, pull up, and abs sessions at home.

    Got into the gym for half an hour last night:

    Ham Curls
    light 2 x 50

    Leg press
    200kgs x 20,20 Dodgy leg held up no bother.

    DB press
    40s x 10

    Lateral raises
    light x 12,12

    17.5s pause at top with slow negatives x 10,10

    If I get up early in the morning I'll go gym and try some light deads, let's be honest its nearly 2am and that won't happen, it'll be Thurs night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Deads without the belt
    160kgs x 5,5

    100kgs paused x 5,5,5

    Curls ss tri ext ss rear delt flye
    Light 3 x 12

    Good and fast, deads felt good considering I haven't done em in about a month, will see how squats feel Friday

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ham curls
    light x one million

    Squat beltless
    100kgs x 20

    DB bench
    40s x 12,12

    DB hammers ss oh tri ext ss rear delts
    light 3 x 12

    few planks, crunches etc.

    Warming up on squats my dodgy leg got dodgy, lower ham/upper calf, felt like both. Just decided to do comfortable reps.
    Couldn't get on the real bench so did some db's, good craic and all, pump up sesh, trying to work the negatives not just smash the reps out, think there's more gainz that way, or not because Branch Warren is all big and he only believes in positives.
    Then I got the gun show on the road, bit of rear delts because you're supposed to for the bench and they're good for the traps too brah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Sumo beltless
    160kgs x 5,5

    105kgs x 5,paused 5,5

    Db row
    36kg db x 20,20

    Bb shrug
    60kgs x 50,50

    14s. Right up, left up, left down, right down. Alternate in that fashion Til failure. Makes 14 feel heavy fast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    105kgs x 20

    Leg Press
    210kgs x 20

    Ham curls
    light x loads

    Incline DB press
    32.5s x 12,12

    Assisted pullups neutral grip
    3 x 12

    Cable curl s/s rope pressdown s/s rear delt flyes
    light 3 x 12

    Good little session, just going by feel really.
    Have it in my head that 120 x 20 squat would be a good goal for the next few sessions. PB would be 17 now, and with a belt. Today's set wasn't so bad, and was beltless, so should be on the cards.
    Did DB's because I wasn't bothered waiting for the bench.
    Did assisted pullups with 3 or 4 plates because I can be strict basically, not that I can do many unassisted in any case, but this lets me get decent reps without momentum and ripping my shoulders up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    crunches, planks, leg raises

    Ham Curls
    very light x 50+

    Deadlift, no belt
    200kgs x 1
    110kgs few sets messing about with form

    105kgs x 10.. pretty weak benching today, no pop

    Assisted pussy boy chins
    3 x 10

    DB curls
    3 x 10

    Watched a video on deads from Richard Hawthorne, made me realise how soft my knees can be locking out, so was trying to address that. The bar was getting a bit too far in front of me in the last 3 or 4 inches before lockout however. Hamstrings really got engaged. Treated the lift more like a 'push'. Watch his technique vids. Some good stuff and a different way of looking at things.
    I need to be benching more than once a week to keep my strength up, or more so keep the technique super familiar.
    Gonna start every session with a few sets of abs, basically because Kai Green does.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ham curls and abs warmup

    Squat beltless
    110kgs x 20

    107.5kgs x 10

    Assisted Chins
    3 x 10

    Hammer strength bench
    100kgs x 10,10

    Trying to do more weight for 20 next time will be more mental than anything. Just need to do it, no thinking necessary.
    Benching went alright, nearly failed rep 9, then for some reason paused the 10th and needed the spotter to finish. I think if I repped a bit faster I'd have more reps, but we're after the gainz.
    Hammer bench is good for the pec pump, bad for the shoulder health.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Abs warmup

    Squat beltless
    115kgs x 20

    120kgs x 10

    Snatch grip row to upper chest
    40kgs x 12,12,20

    Assisted chins
    3 x 10

    Rope pressdowns ss 20kg KB swing
    3 x 12

    Machine shoulder press
    light 2 x 20

    Shut my brain off for squats and made it happen, was very tough tbh. Also popped the bar quite a bit off balance on my traps and killed my right wrist mid set which didn't help. 120 may not happen, to be real about the situation.
    Light deads for some form work.
    Pulled the rows from a kai greene video. If you watch the train with kai back video you'll see.
    20kg KB is the heaviest in the gym :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ham curls and abs warmup

    Squat beltless
    120kgs x 20.. Reps PR

    Assisted chins
    3 x 10 @ 7.5kgs

    100kgs paused x 5,5

    Hammer strength bench
    100kgs x 12

    DB preacher
    3 x 12

    That 15 - 20 range was defo the danger zone.
    Now, I think it's about time to up the bench volume and work towards getting crushed by 160

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Lat pulldown ham curl warmup

    100kgs x 10
    110kgs x 8
    100kgs x 10

    130kgs x 10

    Assisted parallel grip chins
    @ 10 kgs x 10,10,10

    Db rows
    36kg db x 12,12

    DB preachers
    15kg db 3 x 12

    Went well, had more in the tank on the bench but no spot so played safe.
    Easy deads just building up and trying to get hard knees technique improved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Ham curls and abs

    Deads beltless
    130kgs x 10,10,10

    85kgs x 10,10,10

    Db row
    30kg bell x 10,10,10

    Parallel grip chins
    An assortment of terrible reps

    Kind of a deload sesh I guess

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Wide lat pulldown
    Plate 13 x 12,12

    Strict press 40kgs 7 x 10

    Incline curls ss oh db ext
    17.5s ss 30kg db 3 x 10


    Haven't done proper wide grip lats in years, felt good.
    Went for a fst7 style strict press routine, just as fast as I could, few breaths between sets then off again. 7 sets is key in fst7, it stretches the fascia and makes your muscles grow. 6 sets is not enough, and 8 is just too much. 7 is the scientifically perfect number. Because Phil Heath. You're supposed to do it with isolation exercises, so maybe I won't make any gains.
    Gotta keep doing the arms and abs, that'll pay big dividends come summer, when I'm at work in my suit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Deads beltless
    140kgs x 10,10

    90kgs paused 5 x 5

    Snatch grip upright row
    30kgs 7 x 10

    Pec dec
    4 x 12


    Still somewhat of a deload, working the bench back up.
    Fst7'd the upright rows, felt good, almost did 8 sets but stopped myself because that would be too much, in fact you'd have to do another 3 sets for it to be gvt.. So 8 or 9 sets are no use, but at 7 or 10 there's gains to be had.
    Great pec dec in this gym, one of those free motion ones, saves the shoulders and still allows the pump.
    Will need to mix up the abs routine a bit now as the standard planks and crunches are getting easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Parallel grip lat pulldown
    Up to plate 14 x 12

    Seated cable row
    Up to plate 14 x 10

    Db row
    25kg db 3 x 12

    95kgs paused 4 x 5

    DB preachers
    17.5 kg 3 x 10

    17.5kg x 12,12

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Squat beltless oly atg etc
    110kgs x 10,10

    Leg press
    140,180,220,260 kgs x 12 standard squat stance, then 20 straight away super close high on board stance.

    Leg ext
    Plate 9 x 12,12

    Seated calves
    50kgs x 20,20

    Standing calves
    50kgs x 20,20

    Squats felt godawful, but gave the lower back lots of work none the less ��.
    Leg press was brutal. Had to hover my head over a bucket a few minutes after. You want to go up to a weight where 10-12 reps will be very tough with textbook deep form, then when you're about to fail put your feet together at the top of the board and pump out 20 shorter rom reps. My skinny legs need this carry on.
    Was fried and couldn't manage anything on ext's or even really calves. Elite stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Was in bits this morning doms-wise, kinda knew that was coming, but had the time to train so did.

    Abs warmup

    Wide grip lat pulldown
    Up to plate 14 x 12

    Wide grip t bar rows
    Up to 75kgs x 12

    Seated cable row
    Up to plate 14 x 12

    Paused 100kgs about 6/7 triples

    Bodybuilding the back kind of hit style throwing the last 1/2 reps and getting negatives, working up bench pauses. All good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭Kev M

    Paused bench
    87.5kgs 4 x 6

    Pec dec
    3 x 12+ negatives slow control feel the deep burn etc

    Strict press
    45kgs 7 x 10

    Snatch grip upright row
    32.5kgs 7 x 10

    Tri pressdowns
    4 x 12
