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Returning from injury



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Today (REUB)

    A; db bench; 10x10, 15x10, 20x10x2.

    B1; lat pulldown; 65x10,60x10,50x10
    B2; rear delt flyes; 5x12,10,10.

    C; seated db press; 12.5x10,10,8.

    D; bench machine shrug; 80x12,12,14.
    (couldn't superset these)
    E; preacher reverse curls; bar+10x10,10,10.

    quick session, in and out in about half an hour. Nothing exciting but I finally got the reverse curls to work, actually felt a pump in my wrists!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard


    A-incline bench; 20x5,40x5x2, 50x4,50x5, 40x10 (wider grip for last set).

    B-db bench; 12.5x12x2.

    C1-seated cable row;55x12, 70x12x2.
    C2-db powerclean;5'sx10x3.

    D- bench machine shrugs; 100x10x3.
    E- reverse grip preacher curls; bar+10 12,12,9.

    Today should've happened ages ago, this week got away from me completely, stupid christmas party. At least I know some new people now. Probably deadlift tomorrow, might skip repetition day and go straight into max upper again monday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Sumos; 60x5, 90x5, 80x5, 100x3, 130x3, 140x1.

    sldls; 60x10x3.

    pull thrus; 65x10x3.

    pulldown abs; 55x20, 65x18.

    Dunno if I made too big of jumps in weight or it was the early morning or what but my back wasn't that excited to pull today. Stopped at 140x1 because it didn't feel like I could comfortably go higher. disappointing session really. Starting to reconsider my gcg membership, I spent an hour on the bike so far today for a half hour session, the commute is a bit much. The first house i was in this semester was right on the border of acceptable I think, and the move has added more time to it. On the other hand the college gym wasn't very well set up and the squat rack is ****, plus they won't allow me access to the good room with the power racks. So I don't really know what to think atm.

    In other news, I saw a guy curling in the squat rack, wearing a belt, using 5kg bumper plates on the bar. You got to give him credit for that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard


    incline press; 20, 30, 30, 40, 50, 52.5 (all x5)
    55x3, then some singles and doubles with little rest and another set of three at the end.

    Seated cable row. 50x10, 60x10x2.
    SS w/
    facepulls 40x12x3.

    bb shrugs; 60x12, 80x12x2.

    bb curls; 20x10, 30x10x2.

    Happy enough with the pressing, could probably have taken 60 with a spotter. Decided to keep doing singles and doubles to get extra work in, rather than failing on a set of five. Am fairly sure my pressing is slowly improving so that's something.
    Tried doing the shrugs behind my back but my ass was in the way! :eek:
    Also realised that I've done more shrugs on this programme than I ever have before.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard


    snatch grip dl; 60x5, 80x5, 100x3, 120x3, 140x1,1, 150x1(pr), 150x1(sumo).

    sldl off a 20kg plate deficit;

    hack squat machine;
    80x10, 100x10,20.

    some pulldown abs

    Happy enough to say that's a pr, its 10kg off my best conventional pull and done without a belt. Plus its 5kg up on two weeks ago. Back felt very good today too which was nice. couldn't get set up with the pulldown and gave up, but didn't care.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    150kg snatch grip???


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    Nice, I've only tried snatch grip Dls a few times, theyre pretty tough, so I would imagine your conventional is well over 160kg now

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Cheers lads, I would hope my real dl is better than 160 but the sumo I did after the 150 snatch wasn't too encouraging. In saying that I don't think I set it up well at all. There was a good article on elitefts recently about the sumo, I sometimes don't think about my set up enough before I pull.
    Also my pb was tempered somewhat by the big bodybuilder using 150 for several easy sets on the bench! :eek: He's a bit of a monster in fairness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 703 ✭✭✭jayoo

    So any more thoughts on moving back to college gym. They have added a preacher machine for biceps, its super duper cool.

    I think you should come back would be super awesome

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Lol thanks for the vote of confidence! I have been thinking about it, probably wouldn't happen til February though I dunno. I need to look into the club joining plan too.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 703 ✭✭✭jayoo

    Have been spelling them wrong DOHHHHHH,
    Cossack squats

    have been doing them holding plates

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    First day back in about a month or more, can't believe I let things get away from me like that.

    Front squats- worked up to 90x3, then a couple of back off sets.
    partial zerchers- again worked up to 90, 2 or 3 reps for a couple of sets.
    pull thrus and pulldown abs. couple of sets each, nothing spectacular.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    cgbp- worked up to 62.5x2,1, set of 50x8,4 afterwards.
    bb rows- 50x8x3, supersetted with rear delt flyes, 4x12x3.
    preacher curls.

    Shrugs are usually on this day but I'm not that bothered about them. Might add a set or two of dips and chins at the end from now on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Today went something like this;
    machine rows 30kg,70kg

    speed pulls; worked up to 100x3x2.

    lat pulldown; 55kgx8.

    tried some btn push presses, worked up to 50 for a few sets. Weight was handy enough, need to work on controlling the bar on the way down.

    Also tried some floor press lockouts in the rack, was able to do 90 for a few singles. Put a reebok step in the rack but wasn't able to budge it. The step makes proper floor press rom, definitely going to use this again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard


    worked up to 100 for two singles on front squat (pb).
    edit:two sets of eight w/60kg here after the singles.

    did zerchers partials up to 100 too, but fell forward on one rep (light enough too!) and tweaked my back slightly. Nothing serious and it isnt my spine thats hurt but I cut things short because of it, and just did some planks and stretching. bit of a bummer but hopefully its not a big deal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL


    worked up to 100 for two singles on front squat (pb).

    did zerchers partials up to 100 too, but fell forward on one rep (light enough too!) and tweaked my back slightly. Nothing serious and it isnt my spine thats hurt but I cut things short because of it, and just did some planks and stretching. bit of a bummer but hopefully its not a big deal.

    Zercher squats with a bad back is like something i'd do!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Lol they're just a partial rep, few inches really, I'm hoping they'll be a nice assistance for my deadlift. Besides it wasn't the lift itself that was the problem in this instance, it was not paying attention keeping control of the bar. We'll see how things go, tbh its pretty impossible to find a decent hamstring or posterior chain lift that isn't going to stress the lower back, so I just have to find the best fits you know?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,640 ✭✭✭podge57

    Ive always liked zerchers off pins too. For me, the safest way to do them is starting a bit above parallel and with a really wide stance. This seemed to put most of the emphasis on my hams and PC

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Yeah that's exactly how I'm doing them podge, feels sort of like a box squat to me, in terms of the emphasis on the hams as you say.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    This morning;

    machine rows; 40x10x2, 70x8x2.

    cgbp; worked up to 65x3.

    db bench; 20s'x15,6,6.

    turkish get ups; 10kg db, 4 or 5 reps on each side.

    curls with a bar that was left loaded nearby

    some med ball swings (weight room too crowded at this point to do these there)

    Decent session, was surprised to get 3 reps, possibly had more but without a spotter wasn't chancing it. going to move to floor press next week. TGU's are something, didn't necessarily feel it in my abs at the time but they are hard work.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Speed deads; 60x3,2,80x2x2,100x2x2.

    seated gms;

    inverted rows;

    face pulls 23.75x10x2.

    db swing; 12kgx20x4 (two sets each side).

    first rep of each 100kg set was a bit hard to break from the ground, will either stick to the weight or drop it slightly, really want to get as much speed off the ground as possible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Quick session today;
    db bench; 12'sx12, 16'sx12, 22x8,6.

    chest supported row, supersetted w/db power cleans;
    22x10x3, 6'sx12,12,10.

    rolling db ext; 14'sx12,16'sx8x3.

    There was some sort of indoor cricket comp on in the gym today so it was full of trinners students and northies. Should've done a bit mroe today but was in a rush to be home for the game. Like the idea of the chest supp row but in practise it just doesn't do much for me. Possibly doing each arm separately would be different, might try that in the future.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    yesterday evening;
    back squats; 40,50,60,70,80,90x5.
    100,110x3, 120x2.


    gym was packed and was late to meet my gf so left it at that, even though I could've done with some pulldown abs or something to calm the pump in my lower back, it was pretty painful. Calmed down after a shower though. put the safeties on the rack for the 120 but if anything they threw me off, just got to figure out how to walk the heavier weights out and I should be able for much more.

    floor press; worked up to 75x2x2.
    floor press rack lockouts; worked up to 85x3x2.

    bb row, ss w/rear delt flyes;
    60x10x3, 6'sx10x3.

    pinwheel curls.

    Really like the floor press on a reebok step set up, I can vary where the bar sets from about an inch off my chest to a couple of inches. lockouts were just a couple of inches rom really but like them, I don't often get to handle heavier weights safely. dunno about the bb rows, I never really know what I'm hitting with them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard


    speed deads; 50x4,60x4,70x3,80x4,90x2,2, 100x2, 105x2,2.

    seated gm's; 32.5x8, 50x10, 60x8x3.

    tgu; 12kg db, 4,2, each side.

    pulldowns; 45x10, 55x10x3.

    decent enough session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    how do you find seated Gmings brian? i get the impression that itd be easier for your back to round on them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    Yeah my back might be rounding but don't think its a big deal. I think because I'm sitting and my back is supported my lower back doesn't fatigue like it does with regular gm's. 60 would be a lot to handle (for my lower back) if I had been standing, but seated I'd be confident of even more in the next weeks. Plus today I started to get some leg drive out of the hole which was good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    machine row; 40x10x2, 70x10x3.

    db bench; 20'sx10x2, 24(or 26?)8,6,6.

    db power clean;4's x3 sets of loads.

    btn press.

    rolling db ext; 18'sx10,6,6,6.

    gym was busier than I expected so wasn't able to do stuff in the order I wanted to. btn press is not a good idea after bench and db pc's! didn't go heavy though so at least I didn't hurt myself. shocking form in the gym today, saw one guy doing front squats by holding the bar in his hands, and another guy being shown db front squats by an instructor was all over the place (not his fault) but the dopey bollox who's supposed to be a 'trainer' wasn't even watching him and didn't correct anything. couldn't believe some of the **** he was getting the young fella to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    Hey do you want to annoy the gym instructors. Im gonna ask them to show me the olympic lifts, all of them , in great detail

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,165 ✭✭✭✭brianthebard

    JJayoo wrote: »
    Hey do you want to annoy the gym instructors. Im gonna ask them to show me the olympic lifts, all of them , in great detail

    Omg that's ****ing brilliant, have to do that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    Overhead squats will be very funny, We should ask them to spell squat:)
    Ah no thats mean, there all lovely boys. I am suprised that none of them have a clue, you would imagine that at least one person with an interest in lifting would work there.
