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IO Trip report. - WARNING Contains Name dropping



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,724 ✭✭✭eoghan104

    Firstly, apologies to the opening post. I was more having a go in jest than actually having a go.

    However, Eoghan. Do I know you? I don't believe I have had the pleasure yet? To say that I represent everything wrong with poker is a but lewd. A sweeping statement like that surely needs to be backed up.
    Ok Im sorry for the sweeping statement, ive never been introduced to you just seen you and some of your mates at a table once and wasnt impressed with the attitude and behaviour on view.

    Maybe it was just a once off, my apologies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,755 ✭✭✭tylerdurden94

    Nice little read, wouldnt even bring the wife with you? Im sure she was real happy :p As you say always next year, well done again.

    Was gonna say something about Rorys post but alot has been said already so i will leave it at that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 723 ✭✭✭destroyer

    Down a few buy ins and have essays to be handed in. I felt like a bit of controversy and a laugh really.

    I am indifferent to the post and shouldn't of wrote anything like that.
    Apologies once again and hope they are accepted.

    Hope this appears as shouldn't have in those essays!
    Maybe that is a bit pedantic and certainly OT, but seeing as it is "bash spencerjames day" I'll post it anyway:D :D:D.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭max_power

    Fair play, good honest fun post. I think i actually did my work experience where you work. If i remember correctly you spent a lot of time asleep on the couch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,142 ✭✭✭Whyno

    Good report...Typical first timer in a big tourney...Next year ya`ll be more the wiser and less booze and your own game will see ya get on better...
    Anyone else care ta post their own trip reports?
    If i put mine up the suicide rate of boards may go up :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,079 ✭✭✭smurph

    Whyno wrote: »
    Good report...Typical first timer in a big tourney...Next year ya`ll be more the wiser and less booze and your own game will see ya get on better...
    Anyone else care ta post their own trip reports?
    If i put mine up the suicide rate of boards may go up :D


    Thursday 9th April, Super Satellite-
    As part of the package we were booked in from Thursday until Tuesday so I decided to play the bingo game that is the super satellite rather than go to the pub... I spent €600 total and got my stack up to 75K and then folded practically every hand until the ticket (left it a bit scary with only 1.5 Big blinds left), but hey, what the hell.. €3,500 in the back pocket. Martin didn't want to play the main event as he has been on painkillers, with dodgy ribs. We had a few beers at the bar and went to bed

    donkey.jpgMain Event - Friday 10th April 2009

    What a dissapointment it ended up being. My table was very tough.. Neil Channing, last years winner, Rory Rees Brennan (although he looked unwell), and Paul (Pabloh) from Boards to my right, Jason Tompkins ( young guy who came 2nd in the Deepstack GJP tournament earlier in the year)I had gone up and signed up for the Paddy Power Sole Survivor and got my sweatshirt and teeshirt. I was extremely nervous for some reason, don't know why, but I just needed to relax a bit more. first hand of note is the 50 100 level and Paul raises utg to 350, I call with AcJc, flop comes down Ad 4c 7h, he bets out 800 I call, Kc comes on the turn, he bets out 1.5k, at this point I have top pair and drawing to the nut flush, I call, river is a brick, he bets out 2.5K, I called. The river call is pretty pathetic, im not beating anything, he is not going to be trying a 3barrell bluff so early in the tournament. Im down to 6,200. The next level is pretty ****ty, any of my raises are getting snapped off, and already i feel like it's going to be a ****ty day.

    at the The 75 150 I have raised twice with AK and got check raised on a small flop..... hand there are 2 limpers to my sb and I look down at 2 black Aces and raise to 700, everyone folds, tits..... at least I pick up a pot, and im at 3,800 at this stage, and it's the last hand before the break.. Rory Reese Breenan opens utg for 350 and gets 3 callers, Im on the button and look down at pocket jacks and make it 1200, Rory makes it 2,800, and I ship my reamining stack over the line and im up against KK and no donkey miracle for me. gone before the first break... Gutted. After getting my early setback I never settled, no excuses just poor
    play, Paddy Power sole Survivor, lol I didn't make the first break

    Headed to the bar and myself and Martin were having a few beers with Damien Kent and Steven and Denis (they were soooteed, ex dealer from the Fitz). He was talking about a game on in a hotel in the Curragh, run by WAD Events it was a €115 freezeout with a 15K stack and 30 Minute clock, sounded great, and it certainly beat venting out on the Cash tables (the rake was a bit scary too), so we made the road trip to the Strand house Hotel on the Curragh. There were 156 runners for this...

    My strategy for this game, was to relax and enjoy the game and drink plenty of Vodka, then I realised it was self deal, ****. I never play self deal games, they usually put me on monkey tilt.. But if in Rome, as the saying goes, and to be honest my table was pretty good at dealing so there was not a problem, and in fact we had very few misdeals.

    The only bit of advice I would give the organisers, get dealers in and even more people will come. The room was spacious enough and had a good buzz about the place, and people were there just enjoying themselves, having a few beers and playing cards, what more would you be doing on a Good Friday. Anyway played my big cards strong and got a few jammy pots, one where I flopped a flush and a guy shipped his 18K over the line drawing dead with Qh9h on an all spade board. I made the last 20 and was above average in chips when a deal was suggested to take 100 of top 5 prizes to pay 16-20 people, it was 3.30 am in the morning, and I usually wouldn't agree to this, but kept the mouth quiet, as I would have been the only objector, martyr im not.. The prize structure was as follows:
    1. €4900
    2. €2500
    3. €1300
    4. €1000
    5. €800
    6. €720
    7. €650
    8. €600
    9. €500
    10. €450
    11. €430
    12. €300
    13. €300
    14. €250
    15. €200
    16. - 20th €100

    I got really good run of cards and made it to the final table 3rd in chips, I managed to knock out all the players up to heads up play and felt invisible, A deal was offered heads up but I wanted to go for the win, ended up 2nd for €2,500 which was brillant. Definitely if they can get this dealer dealt, it would be one to look out for. Eddie Walshes better half Jemma, came 2nd in the Ladies event in the Irish open, so well done her, so we headed back to citywest with Damien still trying to figure out how I luckboxed my way to 2nd place lol, while himself and Martin were getting slapped around the Cash tables. We had breakfast and went to bed (kind of reminded me of Vegas).

    Saturday 11th april - Omaha game -

    I sat down, I watched 2 scandi maniacs potting blind for all the re-buy levels, I had 1 re-buy, I left, I drank loads of beer and played the cash.

    Sunday 12th april - Ladies Event 99 runners + €1,500 event - 209 runners

    Decided to play the Ladies event, as I had never played in one of these before, I didn't last to the end of level 2, lol.... blinds are 50 100 and few limpers, lady on Button makes it 200, I call in the SB with pocket 2's.
    flop comes down 2 8 9 rainbow, I check and its checked around to her, she bets out 200 (into a 1K pot), I re-raise to 850, meanwhile 2 other players in the hand didn't see my re-raise and had already put out their 200 (confused yet???) I sure was.
    One of the other players folds, but one calls, original raiser folds.
    Turns is Jd, I ship as there is enough in the middle at this stage to take, but nope she calls and turns over Q 10 for the nuts, mmmmm nice catch, and im at the bar in double quick time, 2 vodkas later and im in the cash game, and work up enough to play in the €1,500 event.

    My starting table has Paul Smallwood, Paul Spillane, a good lag english pro to my right, and Dan Harrington on my table aswell. To be honest I was a little bit star struck, I mean he is the reason im playing cards.. I move my stack up nicely, picking my spots well and am on about 9K, when this hand happens.
    Blinds are 100 200, and I make it 600 utg with pocket 10's
    Dan Harrington calls in lp
    flop comes down 10h 8h 2d, I bet out a weak looking continuation bet, he stares me down for about a minute and folds... soul reading for the win, Dan Harrington gets knocked out shortly after this, and a lula scandi gets moved to the table, with a Paddy power bag tied on his head, sort of like a hat kinda thing, and he has a laptop on his legs, and is multi-tabling, online while playing this game.. what next.... Anyway Donal the TD spots it and he is told to turn the laptop off... could you imagin if it was allowed, there would be 3 hands played a level...

    Our table gets broken and im moved to another tough table. there is a tighty mctight player to my right, Charlie Harvey from the fitz in seat one, zeik tuite from Cork at the table and 2 french players.....

    My stack is hovering around the 12-14k mark, and then this hand happens.... tight player to my right raises to 1,200 utg (blinds are 200, 400) I look down at QcQh and re-raise to 3,600 its, folded around to charlie Harvey who ships for 15K..... original raiser folds... I fold my Queens face up after a long think.

    Maybe folding was too nitty, but showing my fold, was atrocious play... and I became a marked player for it, I got a few raises snapped off, so I had to change my thinking big time, and I started snapping off a few myself.

    So I struggle and strugge with 12-15 big blinds all night, and then we get down to the last hand... blinds are 500 1k with a 100 ante, I look down at pocket 6's utg, and raised to 3.5K leaving approximately 12K behind. folded to the button who pushes.... sb bb fold..... do I take my chance or fold and come back tomorrow with 10 Big Blinds.... took my chance and called, was up against AK, Ace on the flop and im toast. Aaaaaarrrgh, I went out in 54th. There would have been a table draw and maybe a small chance to get a bit of momentum going. If's and but's...

    Really enjoyed the game, but folding the Queens face up was the worst thing I did the whole weekend....

    Went to the bar and had a chat with Paul "bling bling" Marrow, I have never seen a man to wear so much bling in all my life, he had a lavender suit, shirt with real diamonds on them, and 2 different coloured shoes, as you do. He is one of the funniest guys to talk to, the place was buzzing.

    Monday 13th April - Charity Event- 150 runners

    Played this game really badly, got my chips in the middle so bad it wasn't even funny, I cracked KK with AJ, my KQ split a pot with KK (I got runner runner straight) so when I eventually did get my chips in the middle ahead, I knew I was doomed, and My top 2 pair were never going to hold up against a flush draw. Phil Baker (who finished 9th in the main event) did the charity auction at the break and he was absolutely amazing, a natural.. Everyone seemed to enjoy the weekend, and im delighted that there 150 runners for the charity event,

    Once again Paddy power put on a great event, fair play to them. I would just love it if they made the Main event 15K starting Stack and the side event 10K starting stack next year, it would just be the icing on the cake.... Roll on next year, hopefully I'll qualify again and not be so nervous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,156 ✭✭✭cuterob

    was a good trip report, was funny, nice to have something different than the usual boring, ego massaging, crap theory based, bad beat story laiden trifle, that is usually written, good stuff newbie

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,097 ✭✭✭✭zuroph

    Holy crap thats amazing...
    You survived a drinking session with Lisa!!! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭YULETIRED

    warning to kids: too much exposure to poker can make you come out with phrases like the above :rolleyes:

    BCB out shopping for some nuts .
    I want a bag of nuts, but not yer average nuts, I want The NUT Nuts. Ya know like, WALLnuts, they are my favs
    NUT nuts? I've no idea what you mean sir however we only sell Cashew nuts here.
    Cashew? Just cashew, I've no other outs? Feck it. I'll laayve it so
    Ok have some Walnuts here after all sorry about that.
    Ah feck ya, I knew you had the nuts, you slowrolling fecker, trying to pawn me off with those bag of spanners,
    I didn't fall for it, did I? Ya country hick ya. Ya donk, ya ..
    Excuse me strange man , please leave the shop, not only are you annoyig but your jumper is upsetting me parrot.
    My trip report 88th in the Sat so no cigar. Made 150 Euros profit in the cash and went to see The boat the rocks and despite the critics hammering it, I loved every minute of it, super movie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,142 ✭✭✭Whyno

    YULETIRED wrote: »

    BCB out shopping for some nuts .
    I want a bag of nuts, but not yer average nuts, I want The NUT Nuts. Ya know like, WALLnuts, they are my favs
    NUT nuts? I've no idea what you mean sir however we only sell Cashew nuts here.
    Cashew? Just cashew, I've no other outs? Feck it. I'll laayve it so
    Ok have some Walnuts here after all sorry about that.
    Ah feck ya, I knew you had the nuts, you slowrolling fecker, trying to pawn me off with those bag of spanners,
    I didn't fall for it, did I? Ya country hick ya. Ya donk, ya ..
    Excuse me strange man , please leave the shop, not only are you annoyig but your jumper is upsetting me parrot.
    My trip reort 88th in the Sat so no cigar. Made 150 Euros profit in the cash and went to see The boat the rocks and despite the critics hammering it, I loved every minute of it, super movie.

    Your not well Willie are ya :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,477 ✭✭✭newbie2

    max_power wrote: »
    Fair play, good honest fun post. I think i actually did my work experience where you work. If i remember correctly you spent a lot of time asleep on the couch.
    That would be me allright........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭max_power

    Ha yeah, Danny and the lads still around playing hearts and chuckling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,477 ✭✭✭newbie2

    Nice post smurph. WP in the sat.
    max_power wrote: »
    Ha yeah, Danny and the lads still around playing hearts and chuckling?
    Still pissing away lunch hours playing cards alright.;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,724 ✭✭✭nicnicnic

    the history of these type of threads seems to have died a bit on boards, I've always enjoyed them seeing an event from a load of different perspectives always appealed to me.

    my weekend from my blog

    What a great way to spend Easter weekend the Irish Open poker festival has become. I've always been fond of the city west as a venue and you have to hand it to Paddypowers they put on a great show. Luckily enough theres enough entertainment on offer to keep you occupied if you exit the tournament early as my 2009 IO appearance was rather brief.

    We canceled the golf due to bad weather Thursday so six of us went to the Asian restaurant for dinner. Keith McFadden drew the short straw for the €300 bill and immediately proceeded to do a grand playing pitch n toss to Flipper trying to win the dinner money back.

    I stuck to my no hangover plan and was in bed by 1.30 having drunk one pint. I woke at three, my body under attack by some virus or reacting badly to the oysters I had at dinner. I put in a horrible night of sickness and got back to sleep about eleven the following morning for two hours. Bops who I was rooming also put in a different type of sick night doing his total konkers in the supersatt and later the cash games. He was heading down home to reload when I was finally getting some kip.

    I dragged myself down to the poker area about 1.50 and thought very strongly about unregistering. If theres one thing experience of playing these multi day events has thought me its that you cant win them on day one. With that thought in mind I decided to try and just get through the day. I get to my seat and know two players at the table, Mick Muldoon and Jamie from Limerick. I'm not exaggerating here when I say if I was asked before the game to pick a player that I would least like to have direct position on me, the player I'd pick without hesitation would be Muldoon, but that was where I got him.

    My Open consisted of two hands. About 30 minutes into level one six players see a raised pot, I hold 3h5h on the button. The initial raiser bets 575 on a 4d 6h 9h flop and I raise to 1825 quiet happy to go to war with an over pair. Muldoon throws a spanner in the works by shoving from the small blind. As much as I like a gamble I'm not calling them off in this spot, I was thinking 7h8h which was murdering my hand, he told me a couple of days later he had AhJh which was just killing it.

    My exit hand was 60 minutes later, I'm playing 7k and pick up my first starting hand of the tournament in QQ. I smooth a 300 open and the 500 raise from the BB, flop of 2c3x4c goes C/C, I call 1500 on the turn and a river shove to be shown AA. I don't mind how I played the hand as I didnt think my opponent had a small range pre and I was happy to get them with the Queens at any stage in the hand.

    By 6 O C the bar was littered with most of the top poker players in the country. I'f I had to do a list of 20 Irish players I gave a chance to in the tournament about 17 of them were out by level four. Maybe the novelty of having the bar open on good Friday was just to enticing.

    Saturday consisted of a hugely enjoyably game of golf with Marty Smyth and Paul Spillane from Boyles. Bruces came out well on top in this one with me winning 14 skins. I spent the rest of the day having a few beers and watching the Masters.

    Played golf again Sunday with the same three ball. I asked Jude Ainsworth if he wanted to join us but he said that he was going to spend the evening trying to qualify for the SCOOP $10K that night. As he went on to win $963,000 and the title of SCOOP main event champion over the next two days he probably made the correct decision re the golf. I'm friends with Jude by default through his best mate Derek and its Derek that has for a couple of years now been telling me just how good Jude is. I think the whole world knows now, what a performance it was after watching the hole cards on stars tv.

    In the golf we played for percentages in the €1500 event. Marty, not a man that will be kept down for long owned myself and Paul in this round. It wasn't all bad though as although Marty got 10% of us we still got 5% of him which is never a bad thing.

    The €1500 game started at five and I intended to start aggressively and try get a big stack together. We had the novelty Jamie Gold on the table in full wsop waffle mode. He was good craic actually and played well enough except one retarded over shove over Cairan Burkes Queens open with A5os. Two aces later Ciaran was out and I was eyeing up Jamies stack. After three levels I had over twice my starting stack, felt on top of my game and was really getting into the tournament.

    Ten minutes into level four I was out. Andy Black whom I hadn't played with before had joined the table. I raise AKos under the gun and get two callers, Andy shoves for circa 7k from the sb. I insta shove as I'm very happy to take on his range here with th AK, his tens hold. A couple of hands later I'm playing 8k and 3-bet to 2500 with JJ from the button and call a shove. This time I lose to AK. I'm not 100% about the call with the jacks as this guys range was narrow enough tbh but I had set out to play aggro so I'll chalk it down to an aggro call.

    I was dissapointed not to go deeper in that game as I felt good about my game but these are the joys of tournament poker. As myself and Paul settled down in the bar to watch the last round of the masters we comforted ourselves with irony that although Marty won the golf he was the one that could end up handing over money. I also had 10% of my Brucepoker boss Paul Smallwood who was accumulating a nice stack.

    I hadn't had much to drink up to that point of the weekend but put that right Sunday night. The last thing I remember was about 5.30 A M telling the TV production people that every poker tournament has a story running through it and it was up to them to capture it. I hope I went to bed shortly after this as I can only imagine the level of bull**** to follow that.

    Monday was spent hungover railing Paul and heckling ( in a nice way ) Jamie Gold. Every time Jamie took down a pot he got a rendition of the chorus of the above Spandau Ballet song. Paul played a stormer in the €1500 finishing 5th for just shy of €20,000. He can be very proud of the finish is a brilliant field, he even managed to win two races against Jamie, WP m8 great result.

    Although the tournaments were very disappointing for me the IO is such a great social weekend you cant not have a good time. It was great to catch up with friends over the weekend esp my good bud Gavin 'Valor' Kelly who was home from Argentina. Bops won back the money he lost Thursday and had a miraculous cash in the PLO tourney for €1600, he had one bigblind when the bubble broke. Flipper did his stones but returned to Mallow confident in the knowledge that he is still the best poker and pitch n toss player in the country. All in all a great weekend but alas I'm going to have to wait at least another year before I become the IO champion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,071 ✭✭✭Jayminator

    Don't mean to offend but this is perhaps the most uninteresting, self indulgent drival of a thread Ive ever read.

    Its just a poker tournament.

    Wasted 8 minutes of my life reading this. Do I know you?

    You're UNREAL!

    I enjoyed the read.

    Although unlike above poster, it did not take me 8 minutes to read. But I have spent the last 10 minutes laffing me hole off at the above post.
    And I laffed even harder @ BCB's term the ''nut dickhead'' I think it was. That was ubber funny. Ah seriously though we obviously caught Rory on a bad day. The post does come across somewhat arrogant but underneath all that Rory is pretty cool and a nice lad. Cannot say arrogance would be a word I would use to describe SJ in the flesh. I would use words like pretty and cute TBH.

    Always next year newbie by which time the likes of O'Shea, Reesy etc may be your new heros. ( They are SJ's mates).

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,187 ✭✭✭Flushdraw

    Why not....

    Arrive down Thursday night with Gill. Decide against playing the satellite and opt for a few beers and a bit of grub instead. Manage to play a bit online back in the room. Internet connection was the worst ive seen. IE and Firefox just kept crashing but despite that, not once did ipoker or pokerstars crash…very strange!

    Friday comes and this sucked…starting table has Phil Baker, Bomber Nolan, Tim Blake, Michael Greco, Liam Flood and a few foreigners at it. I never got above 10k at this table. Liam was on my right and usually got the raise in before me. I also had Greco down as being a target to 3bet but Liam 3bet him quite a few times before I got the chance. I took Liam on a couple of times but I never picked up a decent hand here all game so I couldn’t play a hand with any confidence. Few good bluffs and a few bad bluffs sees me hover around 5k-9k for about 5 hours.

    The biggest pot I won was Liam Flood raised to 300 from button. I called from SB with KQ..BB makes it 1425. Liam folds saying this smells fishy and he’ll let Tony deal with it. I oblige by making a backraise to 4k. BB thinks forever and folds. That was the biggest pot I won. All of 2k!

    The biggest pot I lost was I raised EP to 800 with 98s. Phil Baker calls on the button with AQ. Flop is Q 8 7. I lead for 1400 and he ships. I fold obv.

    Jamie Gold gets moved 2 to my left for the last 90 mins or so before I get moved. I’m not involved in another pot because I’m too short to raise fold and don’t want to ship with rubbish to pick up the blinds. 6.5 hours of poker and I didn’t play 1 hand to showdown. Most sickening tournament ever.

    Get moved to a new table with Paul Zimbler and Jeff Kimber at it. I only have 5k chips starting off but get a double up early on when I ship AKs UTG and get called by the BB holding JJ. Also manage to get another double up when player minraises UTG..2 callers and I call from BB with 8d6d

    Flops comes Kx 7d 4d. I lead for a pot sized bet of 4700 and Kimber ships. Its 4k back to me so I call and hit a 5d on turn to beat his 77.

    I manage to play a bit here and get quite involved. Still no AA, KK, QQ, JJ or 1010 but I have chips to make a few moves and re-moves. Was here about 45 mins and got moved again. Was enjoying the table and sick to get moved

    Played 8 hands at the next table and American Pantling won 7 of the hands with raises preflop. I get moved again 15 mins from end of the day. The only player I recognise is Ashley Hames, and I only know him from Sin City and his crazy assed antics!

    I finish Day 1 on 19,975 chips….146th in chips coming back.

    Day 2 and I get a good table draw. Pascal Peroit in seat 1, Anto O Callaghan in seat 2, me in seat 3…shorties in seats 4,5,6….Brooke-Pearce in seat 7..Patricia from Fitz in 8 and I don’t know the other.

    First hand of the day, I raise QQ Utg to 2200..folded to Patrica and she ships for 16k…I maybe make a dodgy fold here. At the time I was thinking this is always AA,KK maybe AK. First hand, nobody gone and she’s shipping over an UTG raise, meh… I get a couple of raises through and 3bets against Pascal Peroit. Tony Cascarino gets moved to my left. He plays a hand horribly against Anto and has a decent stack. Brooke-Pearce is also well stacked and I didn’t rate him at all. He got a big double up when Anto raises to 2800 UTG…Brooke called…LP makes it 8100..Anto folds and Brooke chips for 55k. LP has about 40k and calls but his AK cant outdraw the 44 of Brooke and he breaks the 100k mark.

    My exit hand….folded around to Pascal Peroit on the button who makes it 3k….i think for a bit and ship fro 23k from BB with Ad7d..He I flip over saying Oops..he frowns and shows A6o

    Board runs out A 10 6 A 8…..c’est la vie

    Chilled back in the room for a bit and then went for a wander and a couple of drinks. Went back about 8 and decided on a night of drinking and playing the Nintendo Wii that we brought along. Great craic and cheered me up!

    Didn’t play any more poker for the weekend and just had dinner and drinks the Sunday and left on the Monday. Was still a good weekend and thanks to Ciaran and Boylepoker, and thanks to Noel and PP for putting on a great show.

    Switched on my o2 phone on Tuesday and had a text from Lisa from Boyles asking to join the crew for a drink…..I guess the same drinks newbie had before the event!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 602 ✭✭✭bobbyg

    I am getting f**k all work done today with all these trip reports, keep them coming!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,836 ✭✭✭connie147

    Well done all of ye on the trip reports. Very enjoyable reading!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,079 ✭✭✭smurph

    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,071 ✭✭✭Jayminator

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    Unlike spencer james smurph eh. The arrogant prikly

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,724 ✭✭✭nicnicnic

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    yeah I thought he was a grand chap, no doubt he loved playing here

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,079 ✭✭✭smurph

    Jayminator wrote: »
    Unlike spencer james smurph eh. The arrogant prikly

    lol, stop now......
    I thought Jamie Gold was going to be a little arrogant, but he looked like he was enjoying himself....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,187 ✭✭✭Flushdraw

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    Yeah i found him quite decent when i was at his table. He got caught bluffing twice but neither hand involved any speechplay. The only hand i see him react to was Liam Flood raises to 1200 from LP..Gold said he's not going to hang around and ships for 9k..Flood calls with AK and Golds QQ hold up. He was amazed at how the AK was played. A few hands later, an unknown gets it in with AK v QQ again, and Gold is flabbergasted about people overplaying AK!

    What i did find funny was when Gold was getting a massage. He made the girl clean the "leather rest thing" from head to toe a couple of times before he'd use it. At the same time, we were to be the next TV table so the producer dude was taking names...

    "And your name is Sir?"
    "And you're from what country?"

    Floody and Beppe got the same treatment tho ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,297 ✭✭✭ionapaul

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious
    Everyone who met him thought he was pretty sound - it is the only way someone who wants to make it as a sponsored player should be, to be fair.

    Good reports so far :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,070 ✭✭✭Ollieboy

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    Seen him interview a few times in the states and thought the exact same. He admit that the tv coverage of the WSOP made him out to be a total dick, but a lot of people felt that was ESPN fault and not his.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭YULETIRED

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    Railing his speechplay eh?

    Curiously I had David Poole on my Sat table on Thursday but didn't see sight nor sound of him after that. Did anyone see him around afterwards on the weekend.
    It seems strange that he would just play the Satt and then bugger off. I hope he arrived home safely and didn't run into someone like with a CHIP on thier shoulder.

    can't get this tune out of my head since

  • Registered Users Posts: 787 ✭✭✭Samoa Joe

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    I interviewed him for the Hu on the blog and had great craic with him. He is a genuinely nice guy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,341 ✭✭✭✭Chucky the tree

    smurph wrote: »
    did anyone else think that Jamie Gold came across as a really nice bloke.... Railing his speech play and watching him playing cash was one of many highlights of the weekend. He came across as a really nice guy, not at all pretentious

    I've always been a bit bemused by the hatered for him. I've never seen him berate, slowroll, be igorant or even get pissed off at a player so it suprises me he is hated so much. He is a giant luckbox but that's hardly his fault and he certainly seems to be very good at the speech play. He's certainly no Hellmuth anyway.

    Great read on all the trip reports too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭thedini

    yeah was watching the live feed and Gold seemed sound, that fella Bradshaw on the other hand.:rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,156 ✭✭✭cuterob

    trip report:

    didnt try to qualify for the irish open, not even one sattelite, which i'm annoyed at myself for, went there the friday and saturday evenings, railed my bud jos tompkins until he cashed and also railed chris russsh until he cashed, cash rake was pretty lol so didnt bother playing it, went to the jackpot for the 2nd time in my life and lost some money, cried myself to sleep wondering how i didnt win against what were some of the worst players i have ever seen in my wtf? there has to be people living off the cash games in there?? other than that i hope to play at least decent sized tourney this year and stop being a lazy bum

    worst report ever
