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Post a video of your swing



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 308 ✭✭jampotjim

    GreeBo wrote: »

    Stopping this one at 3secs the club seems to be way inside and laid off, as you said, swinging around yourself. Do you hit a lot of pulls?

    You do seem to get a nice crisp contact though. :)

    Bad shot tends to be the push right which comes from all caught up inside..

    My striking is normally quite good but am really trying to get everything a tad more upright have a lesson tonight so going to start working on it...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 643 ✭✭✭kagni

    mchammer wrote: »
    Is this the way forward!! - Stack & Tilt!:)

    Mmmmmmm - probably not:)
    Baddeley and Mike Weir (the two biggest names using Stack and Tilt) have both given up on it and gone back to their old golf instructors.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 265 ✭✭WaldenByThoreua

    Enjoyed looking at the various swings here so Ill post mine.

    Ps Theres some very nice actions here...Gorfiled's is like butter and Niall's has a lot of potential...

    Well heres me slappin it around after basically a year off... iron driver

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,429 ✭✭✭Mr. Larson

    Giving this a go. All feedback welcome. My posture looks ok-ish at setup but my back is slouching a bit before and at impact. Not maintaining a straight back. not sure if that is a really bad thing or not. Weird looking at yourself on the telly :)

    With a Hybrid...

    With Driver... Standing a bit too far away?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭stumpypeeps

    I'm certainly no expert, just looks like you need so sort your footwork and hip rotation a little. You seem to stand up a little on the back swing.

    Looks pretty solid otherwise, nice tempo.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭Iangolf

    Yes I do stand a long way from the ball, But I find if I stand closer, i lose swing speed and control.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭stumpypeeps

    Certainly a touch of Moe Norman about your set up. You bloody give it a right slap.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,587 ✭✭✭gerire

    Yes I know i play kak handed; but apart from that please.....

    6 iron hit last month

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 263 ✭✭Mr check raise

    i'll have mine up later. its a cross between John Daly and Ians^^. Basically built for goin into the rough:p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 877 ✭✭✭blackwaterfish

    im developing a bad case of youtube sideways video neck here.... for whats its worth.... this be me hitting a hook.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 48 RoscoBosco93

    6 iron, very upright posture i know. Playing off 12

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 806 ✭✭✭Niall09

    Bump! :)

    Around 5 years ago, I was getting lessons from the pro and he used to video my swing and put them on a site called V1 Golf Academy. Anyways, I stumbled across the site today and logged into it to see if my swings were still there. And they were. So I made a little video of all the clips of my swing. They were in the period from 4/2/2006 to 20/7/2007 (aged 14 - 15). I would have been 14 years old. Looking at my records on golfnet, I went from 17 handicap to 8 handicap.

    I'm now 19 and havent played much golf in the past 18 months but I'm slowly getting back into it. So I recorded my swing some time last's a bit all over the shop, but I'm working on it! Am bringing out the camera tomorrow so will maybe post another tomorrow night.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,059 ✭✭✭Trampas

    Niall do you hit a draw?

    Seems like you start everything down the right.

    Maybe it is just the camera position

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 806 ✭✭✭Niall09

    Trampas wrote: »
    Niall do you hit a draw?

    Seems like you start everything down the right.

    Maybe it is just the camera position

    I do usually hit a draw, but I've really been struggling with a push lately (Only with the driver). Although I think a fair bit is down to my aiming.

    Went out for a few holes today, and got a few more shots. First is iron shot head on. And then a driver from behind again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    Finally decided to stick one up.

    /edit ouch, unfortunate still there on the second video...waayy inside.

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  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Jul3s

    What are you off Greebo?, your backswing is really slow, I almost fell asleep watching it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    Jul3s wrote: »
    What are you off Greebo?, your backswing is really slow, I almost fell asleep watching it.

    9.6 at the moment from a 'high' of 8.1 last year :(
    Any faster and it all goes pear shaped for me, given up trying to fight it.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Jul3s

    GreeBo wrote: »
    9.6 at the moment from a 'high' of 8.1 last year :(
    Any faster and it all goes pear shaped for me, given up trying to fight it.
    Yea I'm the opposite my tempo is fairly quick and could do with slowing it down a bit.
    On 2nd vid, while the still shot shows you a bit inside, you're in a good position at the top of the swing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 493 ✭✭hades

    Jul3s wrote: »
    What are you off Greebo?, your backswing is really slow, I almost fell asleep watching it.

    You have an identical swing to a friend of mine playing off 5. Slow on the backswing, but as they say... you don't hit the ball on your backswing so it doesn't matter how slow it goes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    Jul3s wrote: »
    Yea I'm the opposite my tempo is fairly quick and could do with slowing it down a bit.
    On 2nd vid, while the still shot shows you a bit inside, you're in a good position at the top of the swing.

    Yeah was happy with that alright, shaft is level and pointing down the target line, so I guess in theory it doesnt matter how I get there.
    it does explain why the pro was trying to get me to swing more upright though :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭G1032

    hades wrote: »
    You have an identical swing to a friend of mine playing off 5. Slow on the backswing, but as they say... you don't hit the ball on your backswing so it doesn't matter how slow it goes.

    Yes it does matter. There's no rhythm to his swing. Then again I'm no pro so what do I know, but off the top of my head I can't think of a tour pro with such notable differences in the speeds of his backswing and follow through.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    G1032 wrote: »
    Yes it does matter. There's no rhythm to his swing. Then again I'm no pro so what do I know, but off the top of my head I can't think of a tour pro with such notable differences in the speeds of his backswing and follow through.

    I would disagree that there is no rhythm to my swing, its slow back sure but slow doesnr mean no rhythm!?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭Adiaga 2

    In the top vid it looks like your weight is still on your left side - kind of like the stack and tilt method. I wouldn't say it has no rhythm but looks more coached than natural. You obviously work a lot on your technique.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭Adiaga 2

    G1032 wrote: »
    but off the top of my head I can't think of a tour pro with such notable differences in the speeds of his backswing and follow through.

    Ryan Moore and Woody Austin have notably slow backswings.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    Adiaga 2 wrote: »
    In the top vid it looks like your weight is still on your left side - kind of like the stack and tilt method. I wouldn't say it has no rhythm but looks more coached than natural. You obviously work a lot on your technique.

    Its funny really, never had a lesson in my life until last year, had 3 since! I had figured out myself that I get better results nit shifting weight back more than 50 %

    Pro actually recommended it without me mentioning it so im happy to continue.
    Dont work in technique at all to be honest, my swing has had that slow back since I started as a young fella

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    I looked at your swing this morning and TBH honest I was not going to say anything about it because it would be bad form to be giving someone with such a good swing comments other than Fair Play. It's a pretty good looking swing and looks effective IMO.

    One thing I would say is it dose look like you take the club back on the inside. But as far I as I aware thats a common trait of the more centered technique you are using. Obviously not that much of a problem since you are a single digit handicapper. Just I would be carefull not to over do it in case you get stuck etc. Other than that you deliver the club very well so I reckon them pins need be well tucked away ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭G1032

    Adiaga 2 wrote: »
    Ryan Moore and Woody Austin have notably slow backswings.

    Hardly great advertisments for having a very slow backswing.
    Moore: Turned pro in 2005 - 1 win
    Austin: Turned pro in 1986 - 5 wins

    Thats a combined 6 wins in 31 years. Not brilliant really!!!
    GreeBo wrote: »
    I would disagree that there is no rhythm to my swing, its slow back sure but slow doesnr mean no rhythm!?

    Ok. Fair enough. But it's not a uniform rhythm.
    I know one guy who had a similarly slow backswing and he played off 6 - 7 for years. He started getting lseeons and his backswing got just that little bit quicker. His overall rhythm improved. Now he's playing off 3.
    I also know several others, with similar backswings, who let's say don't play off 3 (or even 13).
    But if it works for you then thats all that matters I suppose. I'm certainly not anyone to critisise anothers swing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    G1032 wrote: »
    Hardly great advertisments for having a very slow backswing.
    Moore: Turned pro in 2005 - 1 win
    Austin: Turned pro in 1986 - 5 wins

    Thats a combined 6 wins in 31 years. Not brilliant really!!!

    Haha :rolleyes: their pro golfers what more do you want.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    You would be surprised what works ;) for comparison

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,278 ✭✭✭NapoleonInRags

    I guess mine won't seem so bad after that!

    All feedback welcome....

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,035 ✭✭✭IITYWYBMAD

    I guess mine won't seem so bad after that!

    All feedback welcome....

    You've a slight over-swing, which ends up with the club closed at the top. Your transition and strike look fantastic to be honest, but your position at the top means that you are trying to correct it on the way down, and delivering the club slightly open on impact.

    I'm presuming your natural shot is a fade?

    And the reason I know the above, is that it looks exactly like mine used to be.

    1 suggestion I would have, would be to try and practice with a 3/4 swing, with exactly the same rhythm, and try and close up your stance a little. See if it works for you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,278 ✭✭✭NapoleonInRags

    IITYWYBMAD wrote: »
    You've a slight over-swing, which ends up with the club closed at the top. Your transition and strike look fantastic to be honest, but your position at the top means that you are trying to correct it on the way down, and delivering the club slightly open on impact.

    I'm presuming your natural shot is a fade?

    And the reason I know the above, is that it looks exactly like mine used to be.

    1 suggestion I would have, would be to try and practice with a 3/4 swing, with exactly the same rhythm, and try and close up your stance a little. See if it works for you.

    Yep - spot on I have a natural fade, which can be a slice at times.

    Your advice sounds on the money - I'll give it a try. Cheers

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭G1032

    k.p.h wrote: »
    Haha :rolleyes: their pro golfers what more do you want.

    My point K.P.H is that, if the really slow back swing was the way to go then every pro would be swinging that way. But they're not.
    The two pros pointed out to me here are average pros at best. Of course you're going to find an exception to every rule.
    That slow backswing is not dong Greebo any favours.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    G1032 wrote: »
    My point K.P.H is that, if the really slow back swing was the way to go then every pro would be swinging that way. But they're not.
    The two pros pointed out to me here are average pros at best. Of course you're going to find an exception to every rule.
    That slow backswing is not dong Greebo any favours.

    I dont think that holds water, otherwise every golfer would have the same swing. Also, speaking as the only one who can really comment, the slow backswing works and works well for me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 27,450 ✭✭✭✭GreeBo

    I guess mine won't seem so bad after that!

    All feedback welcome....
    What handicap are you? Other than the above I would say that it looks like you might fan the club open on the way back, naturally this would also cause a slice/fade unless you time the roll over on the way down.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 85 ✭✭broders3

    Hey guys,interested to see what ye think. Its the 12th, par 5 in Corballis in January.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 366 ✭✭LostPassword

    broders3 wrote: »

    Hey guys,interested to see what ye think. Its the 12th, par 5 in Corballis in January.
    The general shape of your swing looks nice - the one thing that jumped out at me was that your backswing looked a bit narrow and your transition looked a bit quick. However, it's hard to say much in detail given the fact that the camera was so unsteady - next time place it on top of your bag and set it up properly rather than having somebody hold it*. Your head could be moving 4 feet in either direction and you wouldn't be able to tell in that shot.

    * I have an i-phone which just happens to sit perfectly snuggly and securely into the front club-division of my bag - perfect height and totally stable, just wedge the iphone in there, place the bag behind you and swing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 340 ✭✭judosean2005

    Hey guys this is my Golf Swing.
    Ive only been playing for few weeks so any suggestions would be great
    be gentle ;o)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 63 ✭✭Careful Now

    I'm only 5 "2" but think that having low height helps in golf as you get more of an appreciation of the contours of the course and in particular the slopes of the green.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭kermitpwee

    broders3 wrote: »

    Hey guys,interested to see what ye think. Its the 12th, par 5 in Corballis in January.

    You have too much weight on your left side at setup, simple as that!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭kermitpwee

    GreeBo wrote: »
    I would disagree that there is no rhythm to my swing, its slow back sure but slow doesnr mean no rhythm!?

    Just had a look at your swing mate, I have played with a few players with slow backswings and it's no harm. I would have thought that you would be better than a nine handicap, one thing i have noticed is that you are losing height in the baclswing. If you look at your head at setup and on the way back you are not maintaing your height so you must find that you have very little space at impact as a result. I am not a pro but have been to a few! If I was to analyse your swing I would say the following.
    All your problems stem from the fact that you have to much weight on your left side at setup, as a result on your downswing you must try to hit up on the ball and squeeze it from the inside. If I was you I would try a 50 50 setup and see how you get on, I feel you will have lots more space at impact. When I refer to the weight i mean with your lower body, because your right hand is lower on the club your upperbody will have a slight tilt. Golf monthly can suggest 60 40 etc but for you I would go 50 50.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 340 ✭✭judosean2005

    bump for help

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    bump for help

    Hi Sean. Only a few weeks ..? Your not doing too bad so you look like you have decent coordination anyway .. And you take the club back on a good line so you have a good swing plane and deliver the club at a good angle of attack. Thats a really good place to be starting from.

    Rather than have people comment on random inconsistencies in your swing it is best to call it a blank slate and start from the beginning. So that means starting with the grip and posture. From what I can see they both look ok but maybe not perfect so I think the best thing is to do a bit of googling and start with them(Also google spine angle in golf swing). It will stand to you in a few months when you do them naturally and don't have to think about them as much when you move on to more advanced development in your swing.

    Also one thing I find worth informing beginners about is Lag. So do a bit of googling about lag in the golf swing. this is the technique that allows pros to swing in balance and make it look effortless and still it hit it miles. Most armatures including myself search for distance by over swinging with a death grip. If you understand how lag works it will allow you to stay balanced and still hit it far two very important things. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 579 ✭✭✭chalkie 501

    I'm only 5 "2" but think that having low height helps in golf as you get more of an appreciation of the contours of the course and in particular the slopes of the green.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,677 ✭✭✭staker


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 333 ✭✭jj72

    Impressed with some of the swings on here. Let me know what ye think of
    My own and any tips always appreciated. Cheers

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 12,808 Mod ✭✭✭✭Keano

    jj72 wrote: »
    Impresses with some of the swings on here. Let me know what ye think of
    My own and any tips always appreciated. Cheers
    I cannot really comment too much as I'm a beginner but you might want to "show your studs" as the say for a bit longer. It all seems a bit rushed. You are nearly running after you tee the minute you stroked the ball.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 333 ✭✭jj72

    I cannot really comment too much as I'm a beginner but you might want to "show your studs" as the say for a bit longer. It all seems a bit rushed. You are nearly running after you tee the minute you stroked the ball.

    I wasnt in the posing mood :):) Any other comments or tips guys??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    Well lads anyone here ever deal with the problem of head dipping on your backswing and how to sort it..? can't seem to shake it , I'v been doing it for quite a while now .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,472 ✭✭✭stockdam


    You seem to be tilting your hips....your right hip and right knee move back along the line.

    Try swinging with a feeling that you are just turning your shoulders and your hips are resisting a bit (your hips will turn but hopefully not slide back along the line). So less movement and feel like it's a turn of the shoulders above a stable base.

    It's easy for lots of people to give you lots of advice.......most like mine will be quick and probably incorrect. I'd go to a pro and get him/her to work with you.

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