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okaly dokaly here goes.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    I'm lucky enough to be in one of the most beautiful wild and rugged parts of the west this weekend. I set off on my run this evening undecided about whether to go 1.5 miles and turn back or keep running to the end of the road and turn back which would make the whole run over 6 miles. The fact that there is a 312 ft elevation in the first mile, then a longer descent down to sea level was putting me off... ie having to do it twice (higher and longer ascent on the way back- 359ft I think -I;ll check tomorrow). Anyway I got out there, decided to take it easy and see how it went. The first mile was indeed bloody hard and I walked the steepest (very bloody steep) bits. There was a flat bit at the top which was nice to run on but a bit rocky so I had to watch my step. The descent down to the sea was beautiful but was mostly on loose stone so there wasn't any speed involved at all. Given those circumstances I think 3+ miles in 34 mins wasn't bad!
    The return journey - ugh the wind in my face all the way and the long steep uphill meant lots of walking! The steep last mile descent was great despite the wind and once I was back on tarmac again and I felt like I flew down. return journey 37.14.

    5.59 miles mapped but there's a bit at the start/ finish hasn't made it onto the sattelite image but so I'm guessing at least .1m each way so probably 10k overall. 71.40 minutes in total =not bad given the terrain.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    monday - treadmill- 4 miles

    Wednesday- Boston Scientific 5k race :)

    I ran my short little bug legs off and finished in 28.20 (ish-awaiting confirmation). I'm absolutely delighted with that :D
    According to McMillan that would give me 46.42 in SoG but I was really slowing on the last k (5.48 compared to 5.25 in the first) so I'll be conservative and aim for sub 49.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    ^^ Congrats! :)

    If it makes you feel any more optimistic, when I ran 46.28 in the Raheny 5 I'd never run sub-30 for 5k. I reckon you should be targeting sub-47 as your to-yourself target for the Streets of Galway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    I reckon you should be targeting sub-47 as your to-yourself target for the Streets of Galway.

    Of course sub 49 is just my out loud target :D;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Well done littlebug excellent time:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Thursday - training- 4miles. Incorporated some strides into the first few laps but the legs were feeling the effects of Wed night's race so I just did my own thing for the rest of the session and took it slowly.

    Saturday- planned 6 mile slow run. Looked at the weather:(/ looked at the treadmill:(:( waited and had some coffee and finally there was a break in the clouds so off I went leaving the clan watching whobobwhatpants. This was a route I hadn't run before that someone had nicely mapped out on mapmyrun and I loved it. The first half was easy, a lot downhill. The second half was tougher with some testy enough hills but I ran the lot (though verrry slowly on the uphill. I'd say I was running comfortably for the first 5miles but started to feel it on the last mile when my nice distracting internal dialogue turned mostly to thoughts of "Gawd... am I not there yet". A very welcome shower appeared in the last half mile. I didn't look at my watch til I was back at the car.
    6.2 miles in 65.30.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 52 ✭✭chatoon

    Well done littlebug on some great training and really good racing...the races really do give you a great chance to push yourself that little bit more - all you have to do now is keep up the training and watch the seconds and minutes fall off your PB... you're right on form for the Streets of Galway, and I'm sure you'll do really well - best of luck...keep running!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    chatoon wrote: »
    Well done littlebug on some great training and really good racing...the races really do give you a great chance to push yourself that little bit more - all you have to do now is keep up the training and watch the seconds and minutes fall off your PB... you're right on form for the Streets of Galway, and I'm sure you'll do really well - best of luck...keep running!:)

    Thanks Chatoon. Yes I'm really pleased with where I am now... considering where I started from !:o I'm not expecting miracles at my age :p but reaching (and maintaining) a reasonable standard will keep me happy. I'll need to find a new target after Streets of Galway.. connemara is a long way off....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Monday- treadmill- 4.1 miles - 38 mins

    Tuesday- 3 mile loop slow- 30+ mins. Energy low.

    Thursday- training- almost 5 miles. Ran 4 of those miles with someone and we yakkety yakked the whole way- hardly noticed I was running and we still did it a bit quicker than I would on my own. Loved it.

    Friday I intended doing 3 miles today for the sake of bringing my mileage for this month up to 80 but....:( knees and ankes hurt. I'd planned 5 or 6 miles in the morning but I have a feeling that won't happen now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    after 3 days resting the joints and anti- inflamms then 6hrs driving today (with a stop at kfc en route :o) I absolutely needed to run today.

    Treadmill 3.2 miles. felt good- I think I'll be ok for Saturday but with a reminder to myself that this is all about getting and keeping fit and healthy and not about pushing my dodgy joints so hard that they give up on me...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Piddly weather so 5 miles on the treadmill inc 1 mile warmup at 10 min mile pace, 2 miles at about 9 min miles, a small bit slower for the 4th and the last one @ 10 min mile.

    I've just passed Belcarra (hmm someone hasn't been updating their mileage methinks:cool:) and Munstergal in the 1000 mile challenge. I expect MG to read this and overtake me again any-minute-now.....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Wednesday - 4 comfortable miles 41.15
    Thursday - 3 difficult miles 30.52

    Funny how I felt great last night and ran the 4th mile in 10.02 feeling like I could keep going and tonight I struggled with the exact same mile (but 3rd) in 10.36.
    rest day tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure if a day in Galway with the kids organising books, uniforms etc really counts as rest but at least I don't have to move fast. Roll on SoG on Sat :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,311 ✭✭✭xebec

    Best of luck with the SoG! Sounds like a great race and might be one I look to make a weekend out of next year :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    littlebug wrote: »
    Roll on SoG on Sat :D
    Good luck! I'll think of you when I'm doing my craptacular post-injury long run!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Best of luck tomorrow littlebug.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Bah... I just typed out a race report and then lost it... grrrr.

    Streets of Galway... the shorter version.
    Started near the back so there was much bobbing and weaving through the first few k. Actually I found I was passing people for a lot of the race.
    Loved loved loved every minute of the race..a slow start but I made it up nicely.
    Splits... 1. 6.03
    2/ 3. 11.30 (missed the 2k marker)
    4. 5.27
    5. 5.47
    6. 5.28
    7. 5.49
    8. 5.20

    so a bit all over the place but I'm delighted with my finish time just under 45 and a half mins. I really didn't expect that!
    My knees felt fine all the way through and still do... my left calf was a bit bothersome in the night and I feel a bit creaky now but otherwise all good:)

    Now... i've got a 10k pb to beat... when's the next race?:cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Well done :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Well done littlebug thats some great speed! There is a 10k in Scarriff, Co.Clare on 13th September. Might be a bit far away for you. Im going to do it with my sister.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Thanks Bally8,

    Scariff 10k
    "a stiff test to those looking to challenge themselves while also boasting the most stunning views of Lough Derg and the surrounding area" sounds hard :eek: but strangely enough I was considering the clifden 10k which is harder again... 5k 400ft uphill but I like the idea of turning round and running all the way back down again. :). Not exactly pb territory I imagine but I'm strangely drawn to it. I'll probably do one or other of these... i'll think about it.
    The westport 5k looks good too in the meantime.

    Left calf was sore after Sat so I took a couple of days off from running. Today was my first day to run again since Saturday- been sore and feeling like crAp for a couple of days. I'm away from home at the minute so I found myself a 3 mile loop and dragged my leaden legs around slowly.... still it's done.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    The guilt of having only run a measly 3 miles this week got me off the couch this evening. I decided to do my nasty 10k hill run again.... that's 300ft+ climb in the first 2k then descent to sea level (some on loose stone) and return 350ft+ in the first 3k with the Atlantic wind in my face. Last time I walked a fair bit of the steeper uphill. This time I decided I would run (albeit slowly) all of it and so I did.

    5k out: 34.57 (last time 34.14 I think- lol faster when I walked bits)
    5k back: 37.14 (last time 37.14 :D- I couldn't have done that if I was trying!)

    So all in all the whole run was slower when I ran it all :o but hey it's all an exercise in getting the legs used to running up hills. I suspect my downhill and flat bits were slower this time because I was so puffed.
    Come April I will sail over the HOTW :cool:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Sunday- went out on a lane I hadn't been on before which started out nicely but got narrower and rockier and eventually I was more climbing, falling and scrambling through brambles so all in all it was a walk more than a run but I enjoyed it.

    Monday- ran up the hill and over the plateau at the top a bit then turned and came back down. I've no idea how far it was but was out 29 mins.

    Wed- since I'm heading back home tomorrow I decided to do the full hill run, out and back. I pushed harder this time and was more confident of the terrain on the first descent on stones/ gravel. I managed to take 2 mins off either side and completed the 10k in 67.44 (faster than my mini marathon time ) which I'm pretty happy about given the terrain.
    I wonder will this hill practice have any impact on running in general.
    I'm undecided about Westport on Sunday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Friday- 4 slow and horrible miles.

    Sunday.... nota5k race. I'm not sure of my exact time but I think I was under 20.50. Word on the street was that it was 4k but I don't think it was even that. I've mapmyrun-ed it and at a push it's 3.89k but it's hard to map as the route went through woods. I think I'm happy with my time though it's kinda hard to tell :pac: It's all extra miles and that's never a bad thing.

    eta: I've been mulling over the figures and realised that IF that race was indeed 3.89k then I averaged circa 8min 36 sec miles. I knew I was faster than usual starting out and really felt it towards the end. Good job it was only 3.89k or I'd have collapsed but nice to know I can keep up that pace for a couple of miles. Now if I can work on maintaining it for longer....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Life kind of got in the way of running last week and I managed an embarrassing total of 3miles :o
    Back on track this week starting today.
    Treadmill- 1mile warmup @ 10min mile pace followed by some stretches. i wasn't altogether sure what I was going to do next so I ramped it up to about 8.06 min mile pace and decided to just see how I'd do. I surprised myself by managing to keep that pace for 3 miles (finished in about 24.38):D. I know it's the treadmill but it's still taken 2 mins off my previous 3mile treadmill best which can't be a bad thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    ow ow ow ow ow ow ow...

    So I took the leap and did my longest run yet (a massive 7). A very slow 7 I should add. Hips have been a bit niggly and this run hasn't helped :( Time to think about physio.
    Connemara is a long way off so I'm not sure if I should be increasing my distances now or working on increasing speed over shorter distances (or a bit of both). work and life in general have become busier so I've no definite race plans for now so I'm feeling a bit target-less :confused:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    littlebug wrote: »
    ow ow ow ow ow ow ow...

    So I took the leap and did my longest run yet (a massive 7). A very slow 7 I should add. Hips have been a bit niggly and this run hasn't helped :( Time to think about physio.
    Connemara is a long way off so I'm not sure if I should be increasing my distances now or working on increasing speed over shorter distances (or a bit of both). work and life in general have become busier so I've no definite race plans for now so I'm feeling a bit target-less :confused:
    No harm in getting up to 8 or 9 miles, just don't do it every week. Maintain a holding pattern, and do 8 one week, 9 the week after, then drop back to 5 the next week. Why don't you make getting up to 10 miles you target? Great progress btw.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    No harm in getting up to 8 or 9 miles, just don't do it every week. Maintain a holding pattern, and do 8 one week, 9 the week after, then drop back to 5 the next week. Why don't you make getting up to 10 miles you target? Great progress btw.

    Thanks Krusty, that sounds sensible. If I aim to be able for 10 miles with reasonable ease by chistmas then the move to 13 after that mightn't be too difficult.
    So my general weekly training will look something like this..
    1x long(er) run building slowly up to 10.
    1x track session (fit4life) generally involving some form of speedwork.
    1x hill session (starting next week-cnoc mea)
    1x treadmill- depending on what else I've done I'll vary this between doing a fast 3 (+warmup / cooldown) or a slower 3/4.

    Race wise I have already sought and been given permission ;) to do the Fields of Athenry on 26th December. Between now and then I'll wait and see what the work and family timetables allow for. There's a lunchtime 5k in work in october that shouldn't upset the apple cart too much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    So much for my grand plans :rolleyes: Continued hip pain curtailed the running and I saw a physio today. The verdict is that I have a wonky SI joint ( I knew that) exacerbated by 1 leg slightly longer than the other and further exacerbated by the running. She did some soft tissue work, dry needling which felt odd and showed me some good stretches and sent me home with an insert for the shoe on the other foot. She said not to run for a couple of days and then take it handy and ease up a bit on the mileage for now. I've another appt next week... today we were just working on the symptoms... still have to address the big joint issues.
    All for the greater good I guess :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    So far so good.
    Thursday- training- I just did my own thing and took it easy- 3 slow miles and the hip help up. I could feel it but the running didn't seem to impact on it or vice versa. In fact the only time I really felt it was when doing stretches which involved putting all my weight on the left leg.

    Saturday- beautiful evening and I couldn't resist. I went over to my lovely 10k route intending to stop and just enjoy the walk at the first sign of pain. I felt it over the first 20 seconds and then not again til I sat in to the car to go home :D Really enjoyed the run - slow though it was. 10k in 65.21.

    Tomorrow I've a local 8k fundraising family walk thingy. The kids will be with me so I definitely won't be running so do i count it in my 1000 miles or not ???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    littlebug wrote: »
    so do i count it in my 1000 miles or not ???

    too bloody right I will. I ended up just having my 7 year old wth me on her bike and the little minx kept making me run :rolleyes:

    so I've been running 3-4 times a week and today I wore the same shoes and before I was halfway in (and most of the first couple of miles was walking) I could feel the blisters forming. Both heels skinned, the right one pretty badly so:eek: The only difference was the socks... just regular socks, not "running" socks.
    The positives of the day are the I have found a lovely quiet new route that I didn't know about and I know my daughter can cycle that far (and blinkin' fast too!). She loved being out with me and I really enjoyed her company.
    I mapmyrun-ed the route when I got home and it's 5.4 miles. I noticed a few little lanes going off the route too so there's potential for extending it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Tuesday: Cnoc Mea 2.5 miles. I was good for going for a second loop but for the blister so I took the cautious approach and quit after one.

    Thursday group: 4 miles total.

    Sunday: well and truly back on form. Set out at 8am. The intended loop was 8.6miles but I was plannning on running 7 and seeing how I felt after that.. either walk home or wait for mrbug to come and get me:o After the first .5m it was a steady uphill for over 2 miles which was hard but once that was done the rest was easy. The views, nature and wildlife made it easy except for the curlew that scared the living daylights out of me. After 7 I felt ok so kept going though I was back to uphill at that point. Made it home in 1.32.01. The legs are absolutely fine- a bit stiff around the hips but the physio and stretches seem to be keeping it in check. :) Sure if I can run 8.6m it's not that much of a step up to 10.
