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okaly dokaly here goes.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Cheers Meno,
    Taper sounds good. I wasn't sure what the general rule of thumb is for HM.
    I've a feeling I won't be going beyond half marathon distance.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec


    Whenever I need to look for advice on running I reach out for “Tergat”

    Here is what he has to say on tapering/reducing mileage coming up a race.

    Your training has been going great of late. A PB recently, that should give you confidence. Are you doing your LSR’s at the right pace? Maybe check the pace with McMillan (another favourite of mine). Based on your time in Athenry he has your long run at 10.52 to 11.52 min/mile so you are at the ragged edge with a 10.53, particularly if you have not covered that distance before. (BTW He also has you at 1:36:54 for the 10 mile and 2:08:41 for the HM)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    mcs you know you're absolutely right. That run wasn't much slower than my other shorter runs (now having a facepalm moment :rolleyes:). It's one thing being knackered for a few days after a race but for my (and familys) sanity sake being that knackered for a few days every week is not on!
    I had looked at the Mcmillan site before but I think I reached the point of not seeing the wood for the trees.
    Next one will be slower.
    I don't think McMillan is taking the hills in Connemara into account with that prediction so I'll stick with 2.15 !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec

    littlebug wrote: »
    I don't think McMillan is taking the hills in Connemara into account with that prediction so I'll stick with 2.15 !

    It's only 30 sec per mile at the end of the day. Run for your 2.15 and see how your feeling 1/2 or 3/4 way along and maybe push on if conditions/gravitational pull/prevailing wind/geophysical strata allow.

    Keep the faith;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    2 days off and I was good to go again this morning. Tomorrow is track night and I know I won't get to run on Friday or saturday and sunday is questionable so I decided to go for a medium slow run (6.2). Rather than clock watching I decided to run by heart rate with an effort to keep it under 160. That turned out to be easily done (easier than a few weeks ago anyway). Though it did feel really slow it also felt comfortable. The only time the HR went over 60 was on a couple of the hills. The last 2 miles were nasty as I was facing into really bitterly cold breeze so the pace was even slower here. All in all 6.2 miles in 1.12, ave pace 11.47. Average HR 157 which, if I go by Working Heart Rate, is down at the lower end of the aerobic zone so I'm very happy with that.

    so yeah ehhh... running slower to run faster at the minute:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    track night.

    1m warm up, 3x400s with 800 recovery, 1m warm down. total 4.25 miles.

    Really enjoyed this tonight. I haven't run 400s intervals before. I won't break any records but happy enough with my (non) speed 1 (2.06), 2 (1.52:)), 3 (2.16).

    Ave HR 176
    Max 189 :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    After a weekend of drunken debauchery good food, fine wine and the best of company I was having trouble motivating myself into getting out and running in the cold. I had just about convinced myself that I would do a few lazy miles on the treadmill later when I logged on here and saw that Captain Slog had well passed me on the 1000 mile challenge :eek: I can't be having that so I donned my running gear, hat and gloves and out I went. No garmin as it wasn't charged so I just wore Mrbugs stopwatch. 6.2 miles in 1:05:30. Faster than last week but not too fast for that distance.
    I haven't quite caught up with the captain yet but I will tomorrow when I take to the hills :)

    Some sesamoid (so the internet tells me) niggly pain lately which was definitely felt after about 4miles into this run. I suspect Saturday nights heels didn't help :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec

    littlebug wrote: »
    I logged on here and saw that Captain Slog had well passed me on the 1000 mile challenge :eek:

    Can't even turn yer back for a weekend, eh?
    I can't be having that

    Littlebug declares WAR :eek:
    No garmin as it wasn't charged

    Be prepared at all times;)
    I haven't quite caught up with the captain yet but I will tomorrow when I take to the hills :)

    Leaving already?
    Some sesamoid (so the internet tells me) niggly pain lately

    So you have the Internet Pain Diagnostic Plugin installed:D

    En Guard, Littlebug:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    So you have the Internet Pain Diagnostic Plugin installed:D

    En Guard, Littlebug:P


    No just the bit that tells you the proper names for the sore bits. Sesamoid sounds slightly more interesting than "base of big toe":D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    littlebug wrote: »
    Some sesamoid (so the internet tells me) niggly pain lately which was definitely felt after about 4miles into this run. I suspect Saturday nights heels didn't help :rolleyes:
    I had that before, turned out it was caused by my 3 year old boots being completely worn out. Stopped wearing them and it went away. Probably is your heels that caused it!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    I had that before, turned out it was caused by my 3 year old boots being completely worn out. Stopped wearing them and it went away. Probably is your heels that caused it!

    It was a bit niggly before that but the heels definitely didn't help and today was the first time I was aware of it while running. I tend to live in sketchers pretty much all the time so I don't think it's shoes causing it. If it doesn't ease up in a week or so I'll go back to the physio. No harm in having a pre-craughwell tune up anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug


    I was wrong about the sesamoid thing. Nope I have a much more interesting sounding thing going on... functional hallux rigidus otherwise known as wonky big toe joint(s). So I've been manipulated and lasered and my big toe is all strapped up. I have to go back tomorrow for more of the same and for a biomechanical analysis and cast for orthotics. I've been strongly advised not to run until I get them (about a week) because I'm risking acute injury if I do. I should still be ok for Craughwell but I'll have missed the last long run this weekend so by race day it'll have been 4 weeks since I've done anything over 6 miles.
    It can't be helped I guess.... :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec

    Sorry to hear that LB. Hope yer back on yer toes soonest.;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    littlebug wrote: »
    functional hallux rigidus

    Yikes, if that's as bad as it sounds, then you're in trouble!! Hope it clears up for Craughwell, see you there! For some reason, I'm finding myself full of niggles these days, no sooner is the hamstring cleared that I have a bloody groin strain. Very annoying :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    ronanmac wrote: »
    Yikes, if that's as bad as it sounds, then you're in trouble!! Hope it clears up for Craughwell, see you there! For some reason, I'm finding myself full of niggles these days, no sooner is the hamstring cleared that I have a bloody groin strain. Very annoying :(

    It's a bit of tongue twister alright and I think it probably sounds worse than it feels at the minute but google hasn't exactly inspired me with confidence. ! I'll ask better questions of a real person tomorrow! My physio thinks all my niggles are stemming from my feet and the way I land so hopefully the orthotics will sort me out. Have you had physio? Something seems to go everytime I start to go above 6-7 miles so maybe I just need to stick to the shorter stuff.

    You probably won't see me in Craughwell... you'll be back in Connemara by the time I get round :D Don't forget it's mother's day ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Cheers for the heads-up on Mother's Day, had noticed the increasing mentions of it in the papers but wasn't entirely sure which Sunday it was. Speaking of mothers, am not entirely sure I'll be at Craughwell yet as my wife is expecting child no. 2 on the 20th, and she was early last time out! Might be bringing the phone with me for the race!

    I've been to the physio alright, she sorted the hamstring but it seems to be one niggle after another. I suspect it might have something to do with my questionable experiment of moving from a heel strike to a midsole strike. As for orthotics, I used to have awful problems with plantar fasciitis when I started running a few years back, but orthotics sorted it out. Hopefully, will do the same for you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    ronanmac wrote: »
    Speaking of mothers, am not entirely sure I'll be at Craughwell yet as my wife is expecting child no. 2 on the 20th, and she was early last time out! Might be bringing the phone with me for the race!
    :eek: and second babies can be quick too! I hope you have someone out there on standby just in case !

    I'm just back from the physio and got the cast done for the orthotic. She explained it all nicely to me.... My right leg is slightly shorter than the left so the left is overpronating (a lot) to compensate so it's putting more pressure on the big toe joint... which already seems predisposed to stiffness (as is the right only to a lesser extent). I won't run for a few more days and maybe do a couple of easy treadmill runs next week just to keep me ticking over til I get the orthotics.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    9 days since the foot first started hurting and despite no running it's no better.... in fact it's worse. The orthotics won't be ready till the end of the week and with the fear of stress fractures weighing on my mind I took myself to the GP who agreed that it needed to be ruled out. So 1 set of x rays later there's nothing showing up now but my foot is all strapped up again and I have to go back in a week as stress fractures can sometimes take a while to show up on x ray. so... all the advice so far:

    1. Physio- don't run until I get the orthotic.
    2. G.P. if no stress fracture- take pain relieving drugs and run (don't miss the race since I've trained for it.)
    3. A&E doc don't run for another week.... x ray again.
    4. A&E nurse (whiile she strapped up my ankle :confused: if it starts feeling better don't even bother coming back in for the second x ray.

    While my inner fool kinda likes the idea of drugs'n'running my more sensible husband suggests I should listen to my body rather than any of the above and remember that connemara half has been my target all along and if I need to miss another week running (and thus craughwell) in order to be connemara fit then so be it.
    In the meantime I can feel the lbs piling on despite sticking my lenten no crisps or coke pledge.

    I'm almost half entertaining the idea of swimming lessons....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec

    littlebug wrote: »
    I'm almost half entertaining the idea of swimming lessons....

    Or borrow a bike?

    Any pain that affects the way you run/walk should not be ignored. In your circumstance I would focus on my goal (Connemara) and do or not do what needs to be done in order to be fit and ready to get to its start line.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Or borrow a bike?

    Any pain that affects the way you run/walk should not be ignored. In your circumstance I would focus on my goal (Connemara) and do or not do what needs to be done in order to be fit and ready to get to its start line.

    Yeah I know you're right :( I must contact mrak to see about deferring my entry til next year if possible. I can look forward to a proper mothers day instead :D

    Re borrowing a bike.... well I could get my old rust bucket out of the shed :o Cycling would be my preference over swimming but since it's not just weight bearing activity but anything that involves bending my toes up that increases pain (e.g. my very bad habit of driving with my foot over (not on ;)) the clutch) I'm not altogether sure cycling would be a good idea either..... but jeez it's been a while so I'm not sure. I'll do nowt for another couple of days and maybe haul the bike out and see.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    3 tentative treadmill miles. Foot still niggly but no worse after the run. The jury is still out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    Fingers crossed littlebug:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,450 ✭✭✭meathcountysec

    Bally8 wrote: »
    Fingers crossed littlebug:)

    Just don't cross them toes;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Just don't cross them toes;)

    :D I couldn't even if I want to ;) (the clue's in the name- hallux rigidus)

    Today was decision day. 6 slow miles through the woods. I picked a short loop and did 3 laps so I would never too far from the end point should I decide not to continue. When I say slow I mean ... really slow (12 min miles). The toe joint felt fine until after about 3 miles. It really hurt for about a minute and I thought I was done but hey presto the pain just disappeared again. More annoying was a blister that formed just under the arch of the left foot. After 4 miles the right knee/ ITB area started hurting a bit but it wasn't bad and it's fine now so I'll assume it was just complaining a bit having not been used much for a couple of weeks.

    So that was my decision run and I still haven't made a decision. I'm more positively inclined towards craughwell now. Only for the blister I would have been ok to keep going.... but then again at 12 min miles I would! I'm tempted to do craughwell but treat it as a(n) LSR rather than a race. Hey if I'm last I'm last and it'll save someone else the embarrassment :D
    My orthotics that were supposed to be ready last thursday still haven't arrived :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    littlebug wrote: »
    I'm tempted to do craughwell but treat it as a(n) LSR rather than a race.
    Hehe, I was supposed to do that at the Frank Duffy 10 mile last summer because I was just coming back from an injury. Got bored after 5 miles though and cranked up the pace, ended up with pretty much a 6 minute negative split... :pac:

    Best of luck with it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Hehe, I was supposed to do that at the Frank Duffy 10 mile last summer because I was just coming back from an injury. Got bored after 5 miles though and cranked up the pace, ended up with pretty much a 6 minute negative split... :pac:

    Best of luck with it!

    I was actually thinking about that this morning:D! What time did you do in the end?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    littlebug wrote: »
    I was actually thinking about that this morning:D! What time did you do in the end?
    Ran 1:37 for that, I think. However I'll blow that out of the water the next time I race a 10-miler, my usual training time for the distance now is 1:30-1:32. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Well hurray for brighter evenings :)

    Decision run number 2 and I can honestly say I haven't enjoyed a run as much for months! I don't know why... whether it was the realisation the further I ran that I'm ok for sunday :D or just being on the road for a shorter run (rather than track or trail).
    It ended up being a sort of tempo run, speeding up for miles 2 & 3 with much of mile 3 under followed by a slow 4th mile.
    Niggles, though there , weren't really bothersome and I felt completely exhilerated for pretty much the second half and for ages after the run :D
    I have been such a bloody moan lately.. apologies to anyone who has been reading :o
    sooo.... bar disaster over the next couple of days I think I'm good for Sunday. It will probably be a struggle after 6 miles but hey its not meant to be a walk in the park. I predict I'll be in the last ten home but hey who cares.

    My psychological plan of action is to run 3 x 3 miles + the last mile as a technicality ;). I'll set targets for each of the 3 sections as I go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    10 mile race.


    start line to finish line- about 1.39.30 ish (ya forgot to turn off the watch. Official time will be more as it took 20-30 seconds to get to the start line (not chipped).

    Given 2 weeks of not running and 4 weeks since I last ran more than 6 miles I am delighted with that! I knew I would find it hard once I went over 6 miles and the hills in the second half didn't help much :rolleyes: I was over 10 min miles for the last 3 with a steadily increasing heart rate from 6 miles on.

    Oh yeah.... I have a brand new max heart rate of 204:eek: achieved on the finish line.

    Crackin' race and atmosphere despite the hills :D
    If I can muster up the energy I'll write a more detailed report later.:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Having had some sleep now I'm better able to write a more reasonable report:)
    I'll rewind to Thursday... I had my follow up x ray in the morning and was given the ok to run and my run that night confirmed to me that I was good to go. I was on my feet at work all day Saturday in my regular shoes and by the end of the day the toe joint was hurting considerably again so doubt kicked in and I decided to decide in the morning.
    After a good night's sleep my foot felt good and I knew I was generally ok in the Sauconys so I made my final decision to run. Given the lack of training over the 2 weeks I knew it would be tough after 6 miles but planned to try to run the first 6 in an hour and just take it 1 miles at a time after that. If I ended up walking some I would still be finished within 2 hours.
    So I rolled up to Craughwell and seeing all the traffic wondered how in the hell I would get parked but they had commandeered a field for the day so no worries there. I went to the registration tent and picked up my number - absolutely top notch organisation the way the registration area,tents etc were laid out. I saw the finish line beside the registration area and didn't let the fact that it looked like an uphill finish bother me... much:D

    After some time spent chatting to some friends and club mates everyone headed off to the start line... I left my cardi on a wall at the start line planning to go back up and get it after.

    And off we went. It took about 30 seconds to get to the start line.Though I had placed myself near the back we seemed to be moving very fast ... I thought the garmin was playing up at the start to be honest as I didn't feel I was moving as fast as it was telling me. But indeed yet again I had started too fast and this was to be my fastest mile (9.09). But I felt good and continued to feel good and maintained an average pace of about 9.30 for the first 4 miles. I'd joined with a small group who had a similar target to me so I stayed with them from about miles 3-6 ish I think which was great. By mile 5 I was tiring and also expecting the big hill so I slowed a bit and this was run in just over 10 mins. I also took one of the power shots that I'd carried in my hand at that point. Then there was the hill... good God who in the world said this was a flat course! That said I managed that mile just a few seconds slower than the fifth (10.08) and went through 6 miles in 58 something.
    The power shot may have helped then as my 7th mile was back down under 10 mins but it didn't last and I really started to find it rough. Though I had told myself I would walk if I had to, I didn't really want to.... and having got to that point with under 10 min miles I really wanted to aim for 1.40 ish. so I struggled on.... 10.20 ish for that miles and 10.35 for the 9th. I was a mess at this point. It felt like it was all uphill. My number had also fallen off so i had to fiddle about with pins in the middle of it all... plus the power shot had turned my hand into a big sticky gooey mess which was really getting on my nerves :confused: I thought the last mile would be a relief but it was just more uphill and I felt like I would never get there.
    I was joined by a friend who spurred me on for the last bit and I really pushed to speed up to the line. Head spinning as I walked through the chute I was told I was pure white and a nice steward asked was I ok and linked my arm for a few steps til she was sure I was :o I knew the heart rate data would be interesting. Given the lack of blood to the brain at this point I of course forgot to switch off the garmin:rolleyes: After a few minutes the world started to return to normal and I could revel in my glory of having just run 10 miles in under 1.40 :D

    As already said by the others there was enough food and tea/ coffee to feed an army and it was very welcome. I was also delighted to see my cardi in a box at the finish line :) Little things like that make such a difference! Absolutely great race and despite my struggle I will definitely do it again!

    My foot had felt fine the whole way round and the only niggle was a blister (actually last weeks blister which hadn't healed fully). My two "Ballyhaunis toenails" which never quite recovered from last summer have taken a bit of a battering but otherwise no injuries or pain! My new max heart rate is interesting but makes all the figures from the past few months make sense! I don't particularly want to go to the max again as it wasn't pleasant but hopefully with reasonable training in the next few weeks I'll be better prepared for Connemara.

    NOW..... all of the above said I have just got a call from A& E saying that they've reviewed my x ray and want me to come back in tomorrow :confused::( fuppin hell. Can't be much wrong if I was able to run 10 miles pain free (though the nurofen probably helped).
