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Who going to win Galway local elections?

  • 02-05-2009 2:03am
    Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭

    Read in local paper that Fianna Fail candidates are getting stick on the doorsteps. Are they going to suffer on polling day. I reckon that they are goign to lose at least two seats on Galway County Council. One in Connemara and one in Tuam. Will probably hold onto their two in Galway city. Any views?


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,815 ✭✭✭✭galwayrush

    FF deserve a hammering.:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    I agree with galwayrush. FG not much better either, both all out to protect their own interest. Dont think jose conneely will do to well in galway west. he s in trouble for rezoning own land or something like that. never seemed too interested in doing something for people unless his friends or election time.
    I think SF candidate in south connemara will do well, but sorry his name has left me for the moment. and other SF candidate Coyne, not doing too bad in north connemara. Independents too will do okay i think cos if people want to show their protest at the way gov is treating its most vulnerable and poor, its the only way they can do it.
    Anyone have any thoughts?:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 352 ✭✭fergalfrog

    I have decided to spoil my vote in the local elections. We don't need these people. Any decent size project has to be ratified by the Government anyway. They have very little remit to make decisions or even decide where their own budget goes.

    I know we need certain services to be implemented by local Government but in the last election we elected 1,627 county councillors, city councillors and town councillors. Do we really need this many considering all the salaries and resulting expenses they claim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    I personally think you're mad spoiling your vote. First of all only those counting see this, so its not passed on to politicians. :mad:
    Furthermore, while you do not want same people in again, you are more or less giving them a free vote in (as all those who do want them in will make sure to vote for them).
    Best thing to do is look around and watch what all the candidates are "promising" or stand for...what have they done so far for their communities even before they ever were elected, weed out the parties you do not want to vote for and those that don't impress you. And even if that leaves only one or two, well then only give a one and two. You do not have to put all 9 or 10 preferences. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 352 ✭✭fergalfrog

    But what if I don't want any?

    You have made some good and valid points but we have a bloated political system in my view and so one way to show my opinion on this is to either spoil my vote or not vote at all.

    If I don't vote it simply looks like I didn't show up. In spoiling my vote I am saying I want none of the above.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    I dont actually disagree with you re: politicians, but we are actually allowing FF and others to get away with it bu spoiling our votes or not voting.
    Then pick the one or two least likely to win and give him/her No 1, as a protest vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Stroke Politics

    The Fianna Fail vote is clearly going to implode. In many cases across the country, a Fianna Fail vote will be a wasted vote, with no chance of returning a candidate.

    Inda Kinny is clearly not up to the job of being Taoiseach. FF voters should switch to Labour if they don't want to see a FG govt. FG have backed most of the bad decisions made by Fianna Fail, critically the Banks Guarantee. Labour opposed it from the beginning, and both parties who proposed and seconded this bailout need a good kicking in June....

  • Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭dec25532

    Agree with Catherine, Fianna Fail in for a bit of a wake up call. Yes, Josie Conneely to lose his seat in Connemara with Connie Ni Fhatharta being threatened by Tom Curran (pity about his politics). Tom Reilly to lose in Tuam and the party may not win a seat in Oranmore. Fine Gael to gain three on Galway County Council, I suspect

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    I eally don't want to see FF doing well as they have really sc***ed the lower paid. No idea of what its like on the ground for regular people. However dont want to see FG either as just the same. Eillen Mannion here, is all out canvassing (FG) but really annoying people by barging in to confirmation meals etc... dont want her in. :mad:
    Labour sounds good however be very careful, they have kind of linked themselves to FG, and might do a deal with them, even though their beliefs are meant to be different. I haven't seen or heard about any policy document they have to deal with economy/unemployment either if they got in.:(
    Sinn Fein however has a great policy document which is about 200-300pages long which really makes sense on how to feed the economy, provide jobs and so on...(a bit similar to USA one really). Furthermore they do not live in ivory towers with €100,000 salaries. Every SF councillor and TD only keep the average industrial wage from it, the rest goes back into the party to pay for offices etc...So they know the meaning of living on the average industrial wage...which incidently is more than what I earn, but a more acceptable wage I think. :rolleyes:
    If the goverment is so worried about the amount its spending on public servants wages, why dont they cut theirs by half..Its the biggest drain of all, not the council workers/teachers/nurses and other ancilliary staff. :(
    Pension levy is a joke, I only earn enough to pay €4.50 a week in tax, yet I have to pay €40 a week in pension levy, which I cannot claim back in medical/education expenses and also pay €48 a week towards my pension which after 32 yrs will be a measly €179 a week. So they are painting us all according to their earnings and pensions. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 199 ✭✭Tinder

    I agree with most of the comments and see FF getting a real hammering I have never seen their logo so small during a election campaign although don’t think SF will do all that well, don’t think they live in the real world and most of there policy documents are wishy washy with no real knowledge of finance and economy, what have they done in NI since walking into power apart from facilitating a talking shop? Mary Lou has one of the worst attendance records of all European MP’s. They tend to go for the lower income less educated voter. It annoys me the way they play on peoples’ fears and playing the race, crime and immigration card.

    I can see Labour doing well and I think the likes of Colm Keaveney will do well, a young dynamic family man who lives amongst the people, I think a FG Labour & Greens would be a good combination.

    Just as aside has anyone read any of the literature coming through the letterbox, I think our politicians and the people printing the leaflets can’t spell, the level of literacy is appalling…

    I don’t think anyone should spoil a vote it is a waste of time. Just means your opinion and voice will not be counted, if you spoil your vote or don’t vote then you should never complain about politics again because you choose to opt out of the system.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,199 ✭✭✭muppetkiller

    I see the usual Posters up with lots of old fake smiles telling me to vote for them etc... But not one of the posters state why ?
    I have no idea who any of these people are , not one has called to my door to give me a valid reason to vote for them. I don't see them in the streets trying to meet people on the ground either.

    If they do call to my door I'm also not going to accept them telling me what they are going to do if they get elected, I want them to explain to me what they've actually done in the past to warrant my vote.

    So far to date I will not be voting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    I agree with Tinder Re: spoiling vote or not voting. As far as I am concerned if you do that, you cant say a word about state of affairs as you are as much to blame.
    As a matter of interest, Mary Lou's attendance record was taken during her last says it all. Should never take everything you are told at face value...especialy at moment. As for their new policy document re: econmy, it is anything but wishy washy, the best I have seen from any party so far with real numbers which do check out. So do look it up.
    And makes real sense.
    Also be aware that Northern Ireland has a devolved goverment, practicaly taking the power away from the politicians there...and since the Uk gov is looking after its own, it does not go out of its way to promote SF. Once again, dont take evrything at face value especially when it comes from reporters who are anything but neutral.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    to muppettkiller
    Canvassing is only starting in earnest at the moment, no FF person has come to my door either aifraid I guess, all they have done is put leaflet in letterbox.
    As for stating what they stand for on space, thats what the leaflets and canvassing are for. Also you are not giving new person a chance if you only willing to see what they have already done. Hard balance to get I know but I guess thats the way it works.

    Now to previous writter
    FG/labour/greens????must be a joke! I do not want FG anywhere near gov, most own the pubs and apartments which are over charging us. Dont like their policies either. Greens? no thank you. they are the ones who want to charge us €200 a year for parking in the car park at work (rather than the streets) that want us to pay extra car tax...but no sign of providing alternative public transport for the likes of us in the middle of nowhere or worse expect us to cycle in the dard and rain 20 miles twice a day with the kids in tow instead...and want the water meters put in...Some might be able to afford this but I cant and while I am all for some of the thinking re: public transport but you have first to provide the infra structure. Greens no good anyway, have not said boo to FF so far! I would like to see a mixture of independents+Sinn Fein+Labour in, but honestly dont think it will happen this time around...Anyway no harm in dreaming! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭dec25532

    Is it not interesting to see the likes of Tuam FF councillor Tom Reilly erecting posters without the party logo. He says it was a printing error but it is hard to accept this as being a reasonable excuse. Even in his other posters, the party name is hard to read and he doesn't mention the other candidates for Fianna Fail standing in the electoral area. Tis every man for himself at this stage . . . and particularly as far as Fianna Fail is concerned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,707 ✭✭✭serfboard

    dec25532 wrote: »
    Is it not interesting to see the likes of Tuam FF councillor Tom Reilly erecting posters without the party logo. He says it was a printing error but it is hard to accept this as being a reasonable excuse. Even in his other posters, the party name is hard to read and he doesn't mention the other candidates for Fianna Fail standing in the electoral area. Tis every man for himself at this stage . . . and particularly as far as Fianna Fail is concerned.

    So many people have noticed this. I even heard Christy Moore on the radio talking about it. They are embarrassed to be in Fianna Fail, and they obviously now consider that being in Fianna Fail is an electoral liability.

    I had a Fianna Fail councillor canvassing around my door about 1 month ago - gave him a rollicking but he tried to divert it saying "Well, I'm a local councillor I work very hard on the ground .... "

    I also agree with other posters. Please vote and don't spoil it. It was hard got. If you don't like any of the main parties vote for some independent - obviously so long as they are really independent and not somebody who missed out on party selection and resigned in a huff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 199 ✭✭Tinder

    Cathrtin, you are a SF girl, I can tell, and fair play to you, you should be out canvassing for them, or maybe you are. Their economic policy really does not make sense though, they pretend to be like Robin Hood and they say they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, not raise taxes and spend more. Re attendance, did she not have a baby in 2005/2006, not doing women any good blaming her lack of work-rate on having a baby. Anyway I don’t think there will be any way for you to see through the fog and fair play to you for your loyalty.

    I am afraid you are in the minority re FG, although I do see Enda being replaced by Richard Bruton and George Lee moving into economics/finance and the health guy, whose name escapes me right now. I think they have a really strong team there.

    I recon the greens are doing a good job on environmental issues which is why they were voted in for remember (not to keep an eye on FF). Most of us pay water rates already and I believe everyone should, pay for parking, I don’t think is the responsibility of the state to provide and maintain a free parking space for public sector workers. Take UCHG hundreds of parking spaces for staff and patients and visitors have to queue for up to an hour to get into the place and pay through the nose for the privilege.

    Re independents, I don’t think in the long run it is worth voting in Independents, they will rarely have the balance of power these days and SF, Lab and Independents would not last kissing time, to many private interests all wanting funds for small town projects, although that would benefit the three of four towns it would not be in the national interest, I believe we need strong leaders who can handle the local and international economic crisis and have an unblemished (as politicians go) record.

  • Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭dec25532

    Unfortunately Tinder is right about voting independents and while a lot of them will get elected in the locals, Fine Gael and Labour will benefit most. Fianna Fail could well be down to just two seats on Galway City Council and as few as seven on Galway County Council. I see that Michael Crowe and Val Hanley have also ignored the Fianna Fail logos on their advertisements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭Stroke Politics

    Will Michael "The Stroke" Fahy top the poll, or is he running at all?

  • Registered Users Posts: 23 catherin

    Hey Tinder,
    where have you been? this thing of paying €200 for parking at work has nothing to do with public sector workers! it is for everyone and anyone who work in a place that had the foresight to provide parking for their staff rather than expecting them to clog up the streets, in one of the cities. Such as medtronics in Galway or any other factory..nothing to do with public sector...told ye the media is brainwashing ye.

    Might be in the minority with FG but I dont think they'll last the distance. I have seen nothing concrete as far as economic plan except for backing FF with the banks...won't even go there. What are they doing for the likes of the students for eg. I know someone (21 yrs old) who has to leave college this yr cos he cant afford the extra expense and refused grant by a couple of euros. So he's going to go on the dole and get €200 a week for doing nothing and next year will be able to apply for a grant and get it in full. So instead of giving him a grant for €170 next yr (€30 less than dole) he has to claim unemployment for a full yr so he can get t next yr???where is the long term thinking.
    Some more examples: they are laying off council workers, not even money to fill potholes now as they are keeping it all in dublin, and instead giving it to those on FAS. Dont get me wrong I have no problem with FAS but they get paid the dole+ a weeks allowance frrom FAS, every 2nd week + whatever they can earn the other week, and then they put more people on dole in the process???

    Mark my word, FG gets in and there will be worse unemployment. Them and FF are mostly landlords or publicans and I have not seen my rent or my children's rent going down.

    They have never done anything for me locally, or for that matter even as much as shown any interest in anything to do with the regular working person. Furthermore if they go ahead with their health policy it will be compulsory for everyone to pay for healthcare twice. People forget that this is what their stamps are supposed to be for, but no they also want us to have to buy health insurance. Where will this leave those who already cant afford to live on the minimum wage.

    As for greens getting in as far as I can tell was a protest vote. Did you not hear how low they have tumbled. They have done little of importance for far. I am all for the environment and a better way to deal with certain issues especially when it comes to energy etc... but all they seem to come up with is how to tax people for just about everything.

    With all this talk of prices coming down I have yet to see it in my area, shops still charge the same as before, petrol is going up every single week, my pay packet is shrinking so much that If this dont stop I will have to tell my daughter she has to leave jobs here so what's in store for her but the dole!

    However I do agree with what you said about independents, or even the SF/labour/independent coalistion, just said would be nice...anyway this is not national election just local and european.

    Two last things...Re: Mary lou, thought they said this was 2007, they were on about? maybe got it wrong, Anyway not sure about this but does she not have 2 kids???
    And as for me being an SF person, no, but I do believe in true equality and equity for all. Too many people are socialy excluded through no fault of their own and with no way out, while at the same time others are getting way too much money for what they are doing. This money gives them too much power, which goes to their heads and they totally loose touch with reality. The way the goverment is going we are supposed to be able to live on fresh air.

    One last thought for ye to ruminate on: the politicians are public servants right? so they tell us and they are paid from public funds...but do you know that they have exempted themselves from the pension levy? the same people who get 2 or 3 huge pensions before they even retire...I think that says it all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭dec25532

    Will Michael "The Stroke" Fahy top the poll, or is he running at all?

    Stroke is running alright and will win a seat. Many expect him to top the poll following his recent publicity but I think that the public at large are fed up of this sort of behaviour and he may not get the vote many expect he will. Pat Hynes will top the poll in Loughrea, if not Peter Feeney of Fine Gael. Bridie Willers will win a seat as well as will Michael Regan of Fianna Fail but that will be the only FF seat in the Loughrea area. FG look like winning three and Willie Burke in Portumna should hold on as well.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭suimhneas

    i cant stand the greens, not one of them have worked the land or worked the sea all raised with a silver spoon in their mouths, the most they can claim to be is rich kid hippies. they are the root of all that is wrong in this country, stupidity v common sense.

    Its not the small farmer or the small fisherman that's destroying the environment but its them thats getting hammered with these stupid rules and regulations, hit the big time farmers and the big time fishermen ( don't think they exist anymore) Encourage everyone to have their own little plot of land and get them growing their own fruit and veg, allow people to have their own little boats and catch a few fish for themselves, they wont destroy the stock levels. these skills fishing and farming dying before our very eyes and the next generation will be the ones to suffer as a result

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,472 ✭✭✭tred

    Jim Cuddy in the oranmore claregalway area is doing great work. Id like to see him get in again, hes done a power of work for the area. I think hes running as an independent.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 248 ✭✭thedragon

    I think the same Jim has always been a good man.Always.

  • Registered Users Posts: 809 ✭✭✭dec25532

    Yeah, Cuddy will top the poll in Oranmore Electoral Area, no doubt about that. Jarlath McDonagh of FG a certainty too. Dolores Kilroe is a dish and she should get the nod for Fianna Fail and Michael Carey will probably get one for FG. That should be the four sorted out in Oranmore although I think Fox in Claregalway could be a dark horse!

  • Registered Users Posts: 335 ✭✭In my opinion

    catherin wrote: »
    I eally don't want to see FF doing well as they have really sc***ed the lower paid. No idea of what its like on the ground for regular people. However dont want to see FG either as just the same. Eillen Mannion here, is all out canvassing (FG) but really annoying people by barging in to confirmation meals etc... dont want her in. :mad:
    Labour sounds good however be very careful, they have kind of linked themselves to FG, and might do a deal with them, even though their beliefs are meant to be different. I haven't seen or heard about any policy document they have to deal with economy/unemployment either if they got in.:(
    Sinn Fein however has a great policy document which is about 200-300pages long which really makes sense on how to feed the economy, provide jobs and so on...(a bit similar to USA one really). Furthermore they do not live in ivory towers with €100,000 salaries. Every SF councillor and TD only keep the average industrial wage from it, the rest goes back into the party to pay for offices etc...So they know the meaning of living on the average industrial wage...which incidently is more than what I earn, but a more acceptable wage I think. :rolleyes:
    If the goverment is so worried about the amount its spending on public servants wages, why dont they cut theirs by half..Its the biggest drain of all, not the council workers/teachers/nurses and other ancilliary staff. :(
    Pension levy is a joke, I only earn enough to pay €4.50 a week in tax, yet I have to pay €40 a week in pension levy, which I cannot claim back in medical/education expenses and also pay €48 a week towards my pension which after 32 yrs will be a measly €179 a week. So they are painting us all according to their earnings and pensions. :mad:

    Heard Adams on the television saying that muck about the Industrial wage and went on to proudly boast that his driver gets paid the same as him. How many on Industrial wage are provided with a car and a driver? No motoring expenses for Mr. Adams. Who on Industrial wage can afford an expensive holiday home in Co. Donegal? Please do not be conned by their BS about wage SF probably pay for their designer suits as well. Most condescending negative shower whose big claim is they brought peace to our land.

    Wrong we did when we demanded it! They just stopped shooting and bombing. We took to the streets especially after Warrington and told the Fcukers that they were not doing it in our name.

    SF are a party when they adopt a budget on a local authority, when they make financial decisions, when they become constructive

    At last Christy Burke saw the light.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 JackyJoe

    Still reeling from the fact that we now have tweedle dee and tweedle dum
    on the city Council in Galway.

    "Stone the Crows (Crowes)" as the saying goes. And Ollie has'nt a flippin
    clue about politics.. not that many have I hear you say, but business
    must surley be slack in his PUB.. for him to come out from behind the
    counter and join the brother. He has no record what so the hell is he going to help the people that voted for him. "I pity the fool"
