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borderline personality disorder/bpd



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    howdy folks - there's lots of unregistered posts on this thread. This is just a note to say that if you post here unregistered, one of the mods has to approve it before it can be seen. it's just a formality. however, we don't always remember to check the posts queue - if it's been a day or so since you posted and your post isn't shown, feel free to pm me in the strictest confidence and I'll approve or explain.


    ps - welcome back sunshine :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 e27

    b12mearse wrote: »
    Is this disorder brought on by trauma?
    Ive been told by a psychologist that specifcally sexual abuse is linked to developing bpd.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 brokenwings

    :eek: where do i start?? im 26yrs old. i was diagnosed with bpd at 15 which i am told is too young but they labelled me!:mad: i have been to hell and back a million times over. so many hospital addmissions, for suicide attempts, for a lot of self harm... alcohol, drug abuse... my parents had no choice but to throw me out because things got so bad. i have been in the services 11 years now and it is still a daily struggle. i have been lucky in some ways being able to see counsellors, some who have helped, (some who have not :confused:). my parents are not well off so i have been attending public services, when i was twentyone i was offered or ordered to attend dialectical behavioral therapy (after, psychologists, cbt etc. ). :o i went along, got evaluated... for the 1000th time and they accepted me straight away. i was one of the the first to do it :rolleyes:... it involved group therapy, once a week and a therapist, who i also saw once a week and had daily contact with. it was heavy going and in the first few months i had done alot of damage to myself, like i was fighting this and didnt want the help. i completed the group and continued one to one but slipped further back, i still dont know why... they let me come back a second time. things are not as bad as they used to be but if i had the chance to start again, i wouldnt be so stupid and id fight for and through it... thank you for taking the time to read this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 bec88

    i just got diagnosed with bpd. unfortunately i'm in the process of training to be a psychiatric nurse. been told i can no longer do it. I was under the care of a psychiatrist before i entered the course and was discharged a year and a half ago. I wish some1 had said something to me before this as i've been doing the course for 3 years. it just highlights how bad the irish mental health service is that they refuse to label a person with borderline personality disorder so they dont need to treat it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 borderline girl

    to bec88, that is terrible that you cannot continue with your nursing, WHO told you u cannot do the course??!?! i have been diagnosed with bpd and bipolar ll and hav been told by a psychologist and a psychiatric nurse that there would be no problem me studying to work in the mental health field be it a psychiatric nurse, psychologist, etc.

    that just smacks of discrimination IMHO :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭degausserxo

    Bec, perhaps you were just advised not to continue for a while, rather than told that you weren't able to do the course at all? I was told last year that any sort of education would be totally out of the question for two years by my psychiatrist (advice that I hated and refused to accept at first, but was ultimately the best decision for me).

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    emir27 wrote: »
    I have a formal diagnosis of borderline personality and would love to hear form anyone else with this diagnosis. also from anyone who know of someone in their lives who have been diagnosed:)

    I have being dignoised with borderline personality disorder. It very hard to deal with unless you can get a friendly doctor who will help you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    emir27 wrote: »
    Hi, great to hear Im not alone here!! Ive not found any forums here yet addresssing bpd. will keep looking though! I was diagnosed over 10years ago but I pretty much ignored the diagnosis. I thought it was just an umbrella term used when they didnt really know what was wrong. I now take it alot more seriously! Its a difficult disorder no doubt, I really needed psychological support and my life has begun to open up dramatically since I found a really superb pyschologist who has had alot of experience treating bpd. I think its vital to get help from someone very experienced and around awhile!
    I would love to hear how you are managing your symptoms. I'll keep you informed if I find any good forums! take care, you're not alone in this thing :)
    How and where did you find this pyscholigist?:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    The biggest and most helpful thing you can do for someone like a friend who has bpd is to help make them feel safe and secure, i feel that a lot of the psychological distress and emotional distress comes from a lack of feeling safe and secure in yourself and your surroundings/enviornment. I have bpd and staying in touch with my feelings and trying to mother myself and self soothe give myself the right to feel better helps me a lot and i try to do that as much as i can and not just when my distress levels go through the roof and i can barely rememebr my own name.
    People with bpd need understanding friends friends and family that can reassure them when they feel insecure and very wobbly. I dont self harm myself thank god but it is ruining my life and holding me back. Because it is a personality thing it affects all aspects of your life.... The biggest fear BPD suffers have is being abandoned and they will do anything to avoid feeling or actual abandonment as they deep down feel that there is something wrong with then or that they are BAD. in some way... I understand it, my bpd, but it doesnt help me feel better, and feeling better is what its all about isnt it?
    I suffer from bpd and was lucky or not so lucky to attend a course which was done in conjuction with Trinity College and Belfast University, and when I finished I had some skills, but still find it hard to deal with certain things, I do feel insicure and find it hard to talk about it unless it is to follow sufferers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 lightangel

    I was diagnosed almost two tears ago, though it's only recently I decided to find out what BDP is, as my counsellors said not to focus on labels, the hospital never bothered to define it and my doctor gives me a eyes up to heaven response. Learning more about this condition has made me feel less blind. Though I don't share this much except with one friend as she has a background in counselling. For the rest of my friends when I'm having an episode I lock myself away in my house, this usually lasts 3-5 days. I feel disconnected, confused, spaced out, flashbacks, distrust in myself and others, binge eating, sleeping too much (escapism) anxiety, fearful, lonely, alcohol abuse. I don't take medication because it made me worse ie Xanax, seroxat , diazepam . Is there any kind of group therapy out there? I attend a counselor but that isn't bdp directed. I have attended st James hospital with a pyschotherpist 5 years ago but after almost 8 months his contract wasn't renewed so he went back to UK and st James didn't follow through. When I overdosed again 2 years ago I was admitted and released 5 days later withca phone number for my current counsellor , who is child abuse counsellor. I find this counsellor very nice but know I hold back and also can find it very hard to carry out tasks if I'm having an episode so I feel I'm going round in circles. When I'm not having an episode, which are at least once a month, I feel very positive, self aware and functioning. The episodes seem to wipe all that out. And I become house bound and people avoidant. Thanks for taking the time to read this

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    for those of you looking for forums with others who suffer with BPD, I highly recommend Mental Health World forums:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Graham74

    Hey all,

    Just 6 weeks out of hospital and BPD is what the team I was under reckon I have. Hopefully I will get onto a local DBT programme. Still suffering from Depression and some addictive behaviours.

    Has anyone found a good support in South Dublin? Would anyone like to start a support group? Possibly facilitated by a professionel?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 jessica99

    Hi all,
    My sister was recently diagnosed with bpd and I was wondering if anyone out there had any advice as to what I should be doing or not doing to help her.
    I have just moved away from home to start college so I dont live with her anymore but I still want to be there for her. Anyone have any ideas what I could be doing to help her from a distance?
    I always feel like Im doing and saying the wrong things around her so Im desperate for any suggestions from anyone out there who has been through this before!
    She is also bulimic and she is cutting herself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭pheasant tail

    jessica99 wrote: »
    Hi all,
    My sister was recently diagnosed with bpd and I was wondering if anyone out there had any advice as to what I should be doing or not doing to help her.
    I have just moved away from home to start college so I dont live with her anymore but I still want to be there for her. Anyone have any ideas what I could be doing to help her from a distance?
    I always feel like Im doing and saying the wrong things around her so Im desperate for any suggestions from anyone out there who has been through this before!
    She is also bulimic and she is cutting herself.

    well,ive also bpd but ive yet to meet someone that doesnt have a mental illness and that can really help as they dont understand,but thats not your fault,its great you wana help and i wish some of my friends where the same as you!

    For me anyways,i hate when people ask too many questions like if they see the cuts on my arm etc,dont ask why or dont even say stop,just kinda pretend you understand and accept thats her way of coping,tel her never be afraid to lift the phone and ring you even if she just thinks shes feeling down. Little things often help me like make up a lie that you met someone with bpd and that he/she said its really difficult but it does get easier and give it time,get help,not alone etc..Its sucha difficult illness and dont be offended if she pushes you away,for me when i tell people im good and im okay it often usually means the opposite but everyones different,sorry if this sounds all stupid and useless im just about to fall asleep,if i can think of anything else that might be of help to you ill come back to this,,all the best!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 jessica99

    Hi pheasant tail,
    Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply to my post but not to be offensive or disregard your advice I dont feel very comfortable pretending or lying to my sister.
    She already has trust issues with me because I was the one that told our parents about her (because I was concerned and confused) after she asked me not to tell them. She was really mad!!! So I promised never to do anyting like that again I feel I have to be as honest with her as I can be now.
    What you said wasnt stupid or useless at all! I think she does the same as you, says shes fine when I know shes not, and again like you i feel she hates being asked about it.

    So do I not ask her how shes doing? Do I talk about other things instead to distract her? Is that not sort of ignoing her real feelings!?

    Would I be a greater help to her if I got more involved and encouraged her to talk even though she doesnt want to. Or should I try to carry on as normal with her.. doing and talking about the same things as always leaving all the more difficult and emotional stuff to the professionals?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,697 ✭✭✭nothing

    Hey everyone.

    Got diagnosed about a year ago, after 4 years without a proper diagnosis - a lot of humming and hawing between depression, anger issues, anxiety etc, but never an actual diagnosis.

    On the one hand, I was really happy to finally have a name for what was wrong, but I generally ignored it, sort of didn't want to know about it. Have been researching and reading about the condition for the last 4 or 5 months, in some ways it's helped - knowing I can do something about it, in other ways, well, it's terrifying.

    I recently read Borderline Personality Disorder Survival Guide, found they really broke things down in a way that a lay person can understand (albeit some of it was a little patronizing).

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with DBT here in Ireland? I have a great psychologist, but tbh I already seem to know more than he does!

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭pheasant tail

    Ok this is all my oponion,but my feelings towards the professionals yes there the only ones that can actually help in the end,but your paying them to be there and to care in regards to a friend or family and the person themselves knowing they really care like!!

    you ask of course but like the way it was often for me,someone asks me how am i,i reply fine,they ask really are you....yano like,id just send a text saying well hope your as well as you can be just thinking of you,,then theres probably a better chance of her hoping up like...i hate when my sister acts really happy around me when im always the opposite,its just the way she is but it makes me feel so differnt and jealous..

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭pheasant tail

    Well,i was kinda in the same boat as you,it took until my second admission for them to decide that it was personality issues causing depression and anxiety issues and they had thrown every tablet in the book at me like..

    Em i actually started that DBT last week with pschyologist,he told me to read a book on mindfulness first before i start proper,consists of 1 to 1 with therapist then a group team work thing or something,not really sure,he said its a long long road and you have to be very committed to it and put in the hard work!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 jessica99

    Ya your right pheasant tail about just sending a text so she knows im thinking of her, and I do think that the professionls are the only ones that can help her overcome certain things.. but knowing this doesnt make me feel less useless because I cant seem to help her.:(
    I think i kind of do what your sister does.. act extra happy around her even when Im not. Its like im trying to shield her from any other outside negativity, which doesnt really work of course. For me anyway I seem to always end up insulting her or upsetting her more when I try to help her or try and cheer her up. I feel like I keep saying and doing the wrong things and end up being an insensitive idiot around her. Sometimes I feel like it would be better for her sake if I didnt talk to her at all.:(
    Im glad you've started DBT. My sisters due to start it soon too. Good luck with it!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 whatthefcuk

    hi guys dont know if im cutting in here but my psychiatrist said to me that i might have bdp and i researched it and im pretty sure that i do to be hoest.

    im devastated! heartbroken but explains why ive never felt a core sense of self you know??

    just anybody wanting to talk about anything not even related to this but anything mental health wise please pm it would be great to talk to someone about this, im 19 in dublin and just want to understand what other people are going through as well


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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Also diagnosed with BPD, a few months ago, surprised it took so long, when in the last three years I have been better than I was for the previous ten! I have found an anti depressant that suits me very, very well, takes the edge off my anger, anxiety and quells most of my violent urges (towards myself and others).

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Xmasholly

    hi guys dont know if im cutting in here but my psychiatrist said to me that i might have bdp and i researched it and im pretty sure that i do to be hoest.

    im devastated! heartbroken but explains why ive never felt a core sense of self you know??

    just anybody wanting to talk about anything not even related to this but anything mental health wise please pm it would be great to talk to someone about this, im 19 in dublin and just want to understand what other people are going through as well


    Hey I also was diagnosed 18 months ago, if u need a chat pm me

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Xmasholly

    hi guys dont know if im cutting in here but my psychiatrist said to me that i might have bdp and i researched it and im pretty sure that i do to be hoest.

    im devastated! heartbroken but explains why ive never felt a core sense of self you know??

    just anybody wanting to talk about anything not even related to this but anything mental health wise please pm it would be great to talk to someone about this, im 19 in dublin and just want to understand what other people are going through as well


    Hi, im 30, diagnosed 18 months ago, working with a psychotherapist, following cognitive behavioural therapy route. Have to say it is really helping. Reakon I have it min 12 years, but suffered from problems with my nerves from very young age, sniffing, got my adenoids removed at 9 years old, didnt solve the problem -suprise suprise Mam! Went to a few councellors from ages 9- 26. Grew up with parents or a mother who hated my father, they're still together! My father i think has aspergers or something like that with a intellectual disability, completely illerate and a few other issues in my childhood. Got pregnant in leaving cert year to a guy who i now know is bi -polar, and ended up in uk in abusive relationship which led me back home to eire at age 18. Suffered 6 bad months of depression while working part time, then went to college for3 years, parents practically raised my baby who is now 12. At 19, went out alot, drank alot, made a show of myself quite alot, slept around looking for affection, scared men off by being obsessed, lost friends through saying inappropriate things or getting angry, called Glenn Close by my nearest and dearest friend as a joke, i had never seen the movie, little did i realise it was so accurate, lost jobs from saying inappropriate things, black and white thinking, extreme visions of myself, from narcisstic thinking to suicidal thoughts thinking everyone would be better off without me, including my son who lived by then with just myself. No maternal bond with my son, just taking care of him coz society says i should, scaring him with my bouts of anger, depression. People who dont know me think I have it all, on my good days im quite pretty, bright articulate and engaging on my worst days, im ugly, fat, angry, depressed, confused, who would bother wanting to know me? On a lighter note, i have many more good days than bad now, changing my internal thought process, instead of having the "F**k it attitude, now I do examine if its worth the hurt i cause and inflict on both my family and myself?" Sometimes it is, more often than not it isnt. Hope this helps explains my bdp a little better

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭pheasant tail

    Well xmas holly :)

    Just read all that and sorry to hear about all that but sure at least your getting some good days in and hopefully it last longer as time goes on! I can relate so so much to whaat your saying there,youve really summed up BPD there,and all it does to you and aall the spin off effects,all them little things that add up to make each day in life so so difficult,depression/low modd being the worst,messes up your whole thinking :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭saa

    was wondering is anger or outbursts always a symptom as in if someone fits all the symptoms except anger is it something else?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Xmasholly

    Well xmas holly :)

    Just read all that and sorry to hear about all that but sure at least your getting some good days in and hopefully it last longer as time goes on! I can relate so so much to whaat your saying there,youve really summed up BPD there,and all it does to you and aall the spin off effects,all them little things that add up to make each day in life so so difficult,depression/low modd being the worst,messes up your whole thinking :(

    Hey Pheasant, yeah totally, ive come along way in 18 months, the reason i sought proper help was my because my partner, who I had been with for 18 months at that time, said either u get help or im gone. This is the man who i am now engaged, the only one who has stuck around ever. I dont mean i would date just anyone, hes the polar opposite to me, laid back but really understanding at the same time, if he hadnt pointed out that i am worth knowing, worth loving and worth being with even with bpd, i think i would still be on my own. My relationship with my son is much better, its still really hard the love for him is still feigned but im hoping one day i will feel it without forcing myself too, i recently had a new baby with my fiance and the difference in the maternal bond is staggering, i adore this little bundle of joy so polar opposite to my feelings or lack of feelings towards my son, its so sad. Feeling serious guilt since the day my new baby was born. I didnt think I was capable of it and now that i know i am, makes me so sad for my son. I started him in therapy 6 months, because I dont him to end up like me. BPD is developed, your not born with it

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Xmasholly

    saa wrote: »
    was wondering is anger or outbursts always a symptom as in if someone fits all the symptoms except anger is it something else?

    Hey Saa,
    on diagnostic criteria, outbursts of anger are part of it. To be honest the best way to find out is going to psychologist or pyschotherapist for a few sessions. I have always known I different emotionally from my friends, i take things to heart much greater, need more affection and re affirming than most ppl i know but yet i sabotage most of my relationships coz i know they will leave anyhow. Well I did.... I am in a much better place now. The problem with any developed disorder is you can revert back to your developed natural reactions when faced with a traumatic event, a break up, argument, perceived threat or insult, critism. BPD is just a defense mechanism ppl develop emotionally to not get hurt.
    The problem is it effects all / most of your relationships, family, friends, work colleagues etc. The best part is that you can and will get control of it if you find the right help for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,282 ✭✭✭MyKeyG

    I'm a little confused regarding BPD. It seems a lot of the symptoms can be attributed to any one of a number of different mental disorders. I have had CAD for the past two years but I often wonder about BPD.

    I know I can be paranoid and combative. I'm certainly given to fits of anger though there is usually an apparent provocation. In a nutshell. What should I be looking for?

    I've been to two councillors, a psychologist and a behavioural therapist and they never even mentioned BPD.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Xmasholly

    :eek: where do i start?? im 26yrs old. i was diagnosed with bpd at 15 which i am told is too young but they labelled me!:mad: i have been to hell and back a million times over. so many hospital addmissions, for suicide attempts, for a lot of self harm... alcohol, drug abuse... my parents had no choice but to throw me out because things got so bad. i have been in the services 11 years now and it is still a daily struggle. i have been lucky in some ways being able to see counsellors, some who have helped, (some who have not :confused:). my parents are not well off so i have been attending public services, when i was twentyone i was offered or ordered to attend dialectical behavioral therapy (after, psychologists, cbt etc. ). :o i went along, got evaluated... for the 1000th time and they accepted me straight away. i was one of the the first to do it :rolleyes:... it involved group therapy, once a week and a therapist, who i also saw once a week and had daily contact with. it was heavy going and in the first few months i had done alot of damage to myself, like i was fighting this and didnt want the help. i completed the group and continued one to one but slipped further back, i still dont know why... they let me come back a second time. things are not as bad as they used to be but if i had the chance to start again, i wouldnt be so stupid and id fight for and through it... thank you for taking the time to read this.

    My therapist said to me recently after 18 months of CBT of which i was convinced i was 80% cured!!!, when people with BPD finally reach a place of understanding the condition and awareness of how it effects people in life they start to feel really bad, down and depressed and sad(this happened to me recently!). When it finally hits them how the ppl around them feels so bewildered and confused and hurt because of all things the person with bpd has done to them to try to "avoid being abandoned", a path of determined dogged self destruction( I can vouch for that!), the person with bpd will start to modify their behaviour to stop hurting other ppl but when it is working, when they are controlling those emotional impulses then they come up against something, be it a small thing or an important thing they will slowly start to slip back into their BPD ways because its so much easier.
    Guys its easier to be BPD than Non BPD - being BPD is hard, a tough emotional rollercoster but guess wots tougher? Controlling the urge of jealously, rages, screaming, depression, anxiety, sickness,giving the silent treatment, saying sorry even if you dont mean it. It is so hard but it is worth it!!! I said to my therapist that the one thing I wouldnt change about BPD is it heightens my senses and my feelings. My therapist sought to agree to disagree on this one. His last sentance to me last week was ( quite a doctor phil moment but go with me on this one!)
    "People with BPD experience extremes of emotions, black or white thinking.
    "Did you ever consider that for all this time, you have never actually experienced the correct emotion and level of emotion for each situation you've ever encountered for life?" This statement blew me away!

    Im like HELLO???? You couldnt feel more emotion that I do, nobody I know feels as deep as I do but I think that is his point. Non BPD ppl do feel emotion but at an appropriate level, everything in my world is all white or black. From now on I wanna bring on the grey!!!!give each situation appropriate levels of emotion, it will be a learning curve!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17 Xmasholly

    MyKeyG wrote: »
    I'm a little confused regarding BPD. It seems a lot of the symptoms can be attributed to any one of a number of different mental disorders. I have had CAD for the past two years but I often wonder about BPD.

    I know I can be paranoid and combative. I'm certainly given to fits of anger though there is usually an apparent provocation. In a nutshell. What should I be looking for?

    I've been to two councillors, a psychologist and a behavioural therapist and they never even mentioned BPD.

    The criteria is strict enough for BPD, if you type in criteria for BPD it will come up, you must have min 5 to be diagnosed.In particular the fear the abandonment. To me the diagnosis is just a label to help me understand how i got to be like this. I had been through HSE system at 21 in local psychiatric clinic, but after 3 months didnt go bk to psychotherapy, went to councelling of my own back at 26 years old, then started private psychotherapy at 27 years old. To be honest dont want to be in the health service system, i have a prominent enough job in my town and can afford private sessions, would hate to think that clients may find out I have mental disorder.
    I really recommend you look at the diagnostic criteria then seek help from a psychotherapist, i dont think it matters who makes the diagnosis once you are benefiting from some sort of therapy. P.S my therapist diagrees with medication for BPD, but then I only have BPD not any co existing condition
