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Star Trek 2009 - What did you think? **POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT**



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭Klingon Hamlet

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    L31mr0d wrote: »
    lol, I assumed this was just JJ paying homage to the original movies.

    I'm not being nitpicky here but where did the original movies have lens flares? I'm genuinely curious, as opposed to being a d1ck:)
    Although it was overused, to the point where it was noticeable.

    More than that...I found myself squinting through the flares. I honestly think that he went way overboard (he admittd that himself). It tended to blot out the characters/scenery. I constantly found myself adjusting---interesting gimmick but that's all it was.
    In regards to the red matter I completely just wrote off that whole future sequence as throw away, so much about it didn't make sense.

    The supernova threatened to swallow Romulus, so Spock was going to create a black hole to suck up the nova like a hoover. Of course, a planet without a sun becomes a dead planet very quickly and nastily, but one assumes a mass evacuation was underway.

    Red matter was just another McGuffin (see: Genesis Wave, Trilithium, protomatter, cloak-while-firing/ antimatter bombs, thaleron radiation). However somehow I found JJ made it simple to visually understand: red goo that reacts with the outside universe by creating a black hole. Nice.
    Some nice touchs I did like, like the origin of Bones name and also the origin of the whistle sound Kirk used in the TOS when he's sending out a general announcement on the enterprise.

    I think the Bones thing was actually a bit cheezy but the conversation was an excellent way of canonising up-til-now noncanon backstory, i.e. McCoy being divorced and joining Starfleet to start anew.

    The whistle I think was more an homage than anything else.

    Did anyone else think that at the very beginning, with the Kelvin slowly panning upscreen, and the haunting bleeps echoing across space, it seemed eerily similar to Sunshine? Not in a plagiaristic sense, but just the solitary ship, the burning hot sun, the polarising screen, the sudden appearance of another ship, the science experts suddenly getting sh1t one may agree but it just seemed similar in an interesting way to me. It instantly seemed more real, more gritty than any other Star Trek film too.

    My major disappontment was the Big Bad. Nero was under used. His ship was difficult to fully grasp (long, twisting rods springing from a messy superstructure? The comics claimed it had been modified with Borg harvesting tech, interesting...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Just back there from the 9pm showing in stockholm. good atmosphere couple of people in uniforms nice to be amongst such a quantity of people enjoying the show.

    Enjoyed it very much myself was suprised
    by no reset
    . Thought Bones was very good. Feel like another viewing is in order.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭Klingon Hamlet

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    Woden wrote: »
    by no reset

    Huh?! You mean you were surprised that
    the altered timeline wasn't fixed
    ? Surely that was the point?

  • Registered Users Posts: 330 ✭✭Irishtrekkie

    yes that was another thing that stood out about the supernova. Also wouldn't the Romulans have a least some forewarning if their star was about to go nova??? I mean if they've mastered warp surely they're going to know the lifespan of their own star. However this could be the opportunity to formulate a plot for the second film, perhaps in Spocks timeframe some conspiratorial enemy of the Romulans/alpha quadrant has a star busting device and the resultant energy released would threaten entire galaxies.
    I think the Bones thing was actually a bit cheezy but the conversation was an excellent way of canonising up-til-now noncanon backstory, i.e. McCoy being divorced and joining Starfleet to start anew.


    They really did pull Red matter out of nowhere . The Supernova did more then threatened Romulus is destroyed it and was going to destory Vulcan too in the Future. The romulans did have some idea the star was going to blow , but thought they had more time , they only began evacuating romulus very late, hence nero's wife dies.
    Plus in the future Spock as ambassador to romulus was the one telling them the star was going to blow.
    but they did not believe him (same old not trusting the vulcans).
    Also Vulcan in the furture was the only planet with the red matter , so by the time they got it from vulcan, it was
    too late the star went bust.

    Romulus is gone in the furture or at least it was , i mean timeline is changed now so it might not be destoryed , but then nero would not have come back ?? but no its not a paradox cause because nero came from different future.

    And I agree with you Klingon Hamlet that canonisiong the bones back story was great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Huh?! You mean you were surprised that
    the altered timeline wasn't fixed
    ? Surely that was the point?

    Yeah exactly I knew nothing about it going or followed anything to do with the development of the film etc. I was half expecting them
    to be consumed by the singularity in the end and to be spit back out and all live happily ever after

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  • Registered Users Posts: 78,414 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    Music was unfortunate in places as it overlapped wtih conversations.
    Clare_Guy wrote: »
    Riiiiiiggghhhtt! So it'd be favouritism by placing the best student in the flagship of the fleet?
    It wasn't the flagship - it wasn't even commissioned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,031 ✭✭✭jahalpin

    "I like this ship. It's Exciting"
    When I saw the trailers, I thought that this film looked terrible, however, I've seen it twice now and it is actually very good.

    It is the second best Trek film after The Voyage Home (ST4)

    I have an Unlimited Card, so I'll probably see it a few more times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭Klingon Hamlet

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    jahalpin wrote: »
    It is the second best Trek film after The Voyage Home (ST4)

    What?! The Voyage Home is so creaky and awkward!:p (All in good fun.)

    What about Star Trek II: "Khaaaaaaaaaaaan! Khaaaaaaaaaaaan!"
    Or Star Trek VI: "Let them die!"
    Or First Contact: "The line must be drawn here!"

    The new film captured the large-scale epic feel of those films, but added the one thing missing from all the other films: an abundance of humour. This film re-introduced the madcap sense of fun that was interwoven with the Original Series, but disappeared as soon as they were transferred to the big screen.

    Personally I think this film can only get bigger and more popular as days go by. I believe alot of non-Trekkies and indeed outright haters-of-scifi will love this film.

    But seriously, Star Trek IV?! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    How could anyone not love a film with a poster like this


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭Klingon Hamlet

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    How could anyone not love a film with a poster like this


    Arrrgh that poster copied-and-pasted the rainbow-beam from Star Trek: The Motion Picture!

    Plus, why did Spock have the uniform on...? It's so schmaltzy and "quaint", urrrgh, a true reflection of its times. Sorry but that film irritates me more than Star Trek V. Yeah, I said it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    Arrrgh that poster copied-and-pasted the rainbow-beam from Star Trek: The Motion Picture!

    Plus, why did Spock have the uniform on...? It's so schmaltzy and "quaint", urrrgh, a true reflection of its times. Sorry but that film irritates me more than Star Trek V. Yeah, I said it.

    Final Frontier was a Shat film, how could it be the worst. I quite liked it in places, except for the Uhura dance. Notice the punk with the boom box, in IV.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 222 ✭✭chrussell

    Ok I'm sorry but.
    The motion picture was sh*t,
    Wrath of Khan was brilliant,
    Search for spock was sh*t,
    The voyage home was ok,
    dont even get me start on how sh*t the final frontier was,
    The undiscovered country was very good,
    generations was crap,
    first contact was brilliant,
    Insurection was bad,
    nemesis was great and
    Star Trek xi was brilliant

    Granted I grew up in the TNG era and I'm only 20 but i firmly believe that this latest film is the best yet, and the Wrath of Kahn is second with first contact holding its place in third. These three films have good storylines, great sequences and a fantastic villan. The only thing about the older films was you kind of needed to see certain episodes of TOS and TNG to understand the whole thing. Like if I hadnt seen Kahn in TOS I wouldnt have had a clue who he was or seen picard being assimulated by the borg in TNG I wouldnt have completely understood his hatred for them. I brought my best friend to see XI and he hasnt a clue about star trek but he got the film and loved it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭Klingon Hamlet

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    Nemesis was a great screenplay written by John Logan, turned to morbid drivel by its soulless director, Stuart Baird. Check it out at 2:30:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 325 ✭✭Derek Coleman

    "I like this ship. It's Exciting"
    I really loved this film. I hate the use of time travel now cause its been done to death but I understand it was necessary. I hope they now leave time travel in the past!! see what i did there.

    Has anyone else realised that The ICONIC fight between Kirk and Spock on Vulcan can now not happen. :eek:. At least not on Vulcan. Pretty much everything we have seen is now to be over writin by this new timeline which is very liberating for future films.

    I think reimaging this franchise is a stroke of genius. Every Star Trek fan is a fan of the Original Series but not every fan of The Original Series is a fan of Star trek. (there's always exceptions). Thats confusing but there's logic in there somewhere.

    Hopefully this film lives long and .......... you know!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    Having seen it again yes I think its a pretty good film despite its minor flaws. Trek is vital again, it held up well on a second viewing. The science end I can excuse, perhaps red matter is manufactured, in any case star trek science never made any sense whatsoever, the supernova may have been some weird anomaly so again I'll let it pass or maybe Spock just didn't remember the events correctly, it was 25 years on after all.

    The fight on Vulcan still happens. TNG introduced the multiverse idea so essentially this is another ST universe linked with the old one we're familiar with since it exists within the multiverse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    The science end I can excuse, perhaps red matter is manufactured, in any case star trek science never made any sense whatsoever

    I think what was most jarring about it was the fashion in which it was presented. It's clichéd at this point but the usual process is they introduce some made up science, give some convoluted techno babble to explain it, then someone listening does the viewer a favour by breaking it down into a rather simplistic analogy. They didn't even bother to shed any light on red matter, even just saying it was artificially created or they had extracted it from tinmans engines would of sufficed :pac:

    What is odd though is that JJ is clearly using the Star Trek method of introducing pseudo science in Fringe, with Walter feeding the techno babble and his son Peter breaking it down for the audience. I found it odd he wouldn't use this same approach in Star Trek XI
    I'll let it pass or maybe Spock just didn't remember the events correctly, it was 25 years on after all.

    No it's been 25 years for Nero not Spock. Spock came through later so when he tells his story to Kirk it can't be more than a few days since he traveled back in time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    L31mr0d wrote: »
    I think what was most jarring about it was the fashion in which it was presented. It's clichéd at this point but the usual process is they introduce some made up science, give some convoluted techno babble to explain it, then someone listening does the viewer a favour by breaking it down into a rather simplistic analogy. They didn't even bother to shed any light on red matter, even just saying it was artificially created or they had extracted it from tinmans engines would of sufficed :pac:

    What is odd though is that JJ is clearly using the Star Trek method of introducing pseudo science in Fringe, with Walter feeding the techno babble and his son Peter breaking it down for the audience. I found it odd he wouldn't use this same approach in Star Trek XI

    No it's been 25 years for Nero not Spock. Spock came through later so when he tells his story to Kirk it can't be more than a few days since he traveled back in time.

    oh yeah sorry forgot about that:o

    Yeah, I guess so but maybe they were staying true to the spirit of the original where there was very little technobabble or explanation. Thats what Patrick Moore once said he liked about it, they never bothered with explaining anything.

    Spock got one hell of a rough time throughout this film though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 325 ✭✭Derek Coleman

    "I like this ship. It's Exciting"
    I'm delighted there was no Beverley Crusher/Katherine Janeway character breaking everything down into idiot proof explanations. I actually would have a complete different view of this film if they started explaining red matter and black hole science. It was done perfectly. I just accepted Red matter did what they said it did and that was it. Ha.

    I forgot to mention the best bit of the film......

    The Kobayashi Maru test. I thought that was hillarious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    I'm delighted there was no Beverley Crusher/Katherine Janeway character breaking everything down into idiot proof explanations.

    It was usually Riker or La Forge that tended to churn out simplistic analogies in TNG. Data also had a knack of verbally spewing out a wikipedia article whenever some obscure event or procedure was brought up in conversation.

    Pseudo science and techno babble is what made TNG, but I suppose it wasn't really a big part of TOS, so I guess it was in keeping in that sense.


    I think the favourite bit for me was when Vulcan got destroyed. From that point on there was a dichotomy in my mind as to whether or not they would hit the reset, on one hand I thought they couldn't let something as immense as Vulcans destruction still be in place at the end, but then I didn't want the whole plot of the movie to be made void by changing everything back. They toyed with the reset button at the end, when it looked like the Enterprise was being pulled into the black hole, but when it was over I realized the writers had done the right thing, it was like a weight was lifted. Where ever they go from here they are in the present, knowing that the future hasn't happened yet and that I know nothing about it is actually a relief.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    I thought the destruction of Vulcan was cool. It radically alters the political balance in Star Trek. The Vulcans have survived and there will be a colony and maybe even a new vulcan but I thought it was very dark and powerful for the Vulcan to suddenly become endangered.

    The Koboyashi Maru scene was by far the funniest. Something really cool about this film: I saw Nemesis again last night and the appearance of Janeway was an automatic fail! This film has cast off the old shackles of boredom and perfect procedure and re-introduced fun to Star Trek. I thought there was a bit of a Starship Troopers vibe going on too. On second thoughts this is a 9/10 for me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,238 ✭✭✭Spon Farmer

    Or First Contact: "The line must be drawn here!"

    The new film captured the large-scale epic feel of those films, but added the one thing missing from all the other films: an abundance of humour.

    Star Trek I to VI had great humour in them, some classic comedy moments.
    It was the TNG movies that had none.

    Also, I liked First Contact - it was the only good TNG movie - but it had nothing in it that felt remotely epic. Like all the Picard's big screen outings it was a TV movie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,905 ✭✭✭User45701

    "Did you leave the parking brake on?"
    I still haven't mustered up the energy to reply to any star trek thread yet, ive read this one and the ones in the films forum (merge anyone?) Anyway i read them both and i am amazed at the amount of positive replies.

    Im actually very worried because if the rest of the world viewed the movie like the way boards did and some external links suggest that i am terrified that JJ will get to make another one of these movies

    When i have the time and energy i will explain why i dint like it - so many parts during the movie that where just woeful and made little sense.
    I'm delighted there was no Beverley Crusher/Katherine Janeway character breaking everything down into idiot proof explanations. I actually would have a complete different view of this film if they started explaining red matter and black hole science. It was done perfectly. I just accepted Red matter did what they said it did and that was it. Ha.

    I forgot to mention the best bit of the film......

    The Kobayashi Maru test. I thought that was hillarious.

    sorry i diagreed so much i felt like i just had to reply

    Ok - you need a detailed scientific explanation for the phenomenon because knowing as much about it as you can will enable people work out better tactics based on known facts

    Oh and the Maru test was one scene i had heard rumoured and i wasn't sure if it was in the film - it was terrible so badly done.

    I know that he did it completely different to established kirk because in the other time line kirk didnt even grow up on earth and the kirk in this movie had a different personality developed after the death of his father and having a different life so he didn't do the rest like kirk did - they used the same tatic to win it. Anyway the dialogue was **** in that scene and it just felt terrible and rushed as they just stuck it in there at the last min - the Maru simulation in Star Trek II was much better than JJ's "vision"

    I just hope they leave this as a standalone and make the next film/series occur sometime in the future in the already established star trek universe.

    Worst star trek movie so far - worse than insurrection. I just didnt enjoy it at all and i do feel robbed. Im not a super trekie - i dont own a costume or dress up but i have been watching it for a long time - i remember being 5 at home sick from school with chicken pox and that week was my first time watching it - TOS on during the day and i must have liked it because ive watched it ever since. Sure its had its week moments like fairhaven but even that was more entertaining than this - and im not just saying that to take a stab at this movie - ive seen the fairhaven episodes twice. The only reason i can think of to see this film again is so i have more ammo to use against it.

    it would take me so long to list what i didn't like about it - ill do it another time. i cant think of one character in the movie i liked either - even Quatro was a disappointment i was expecting a much better spock. i have been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of one positive thing to say about this travesty and nothing is coming to be - oh i did like way not only did the kill the red shirt but they made it so obvious he was going to die by establishing he had the explosives. that was a nice little nod to tos but all the other attempts at similarity where woeful.

    fingers crossed they don't make another - what is this called by the way?

    i mean say they made 4 of this pieces of **** and then even a TV series all in the same universe and with similar dialogue/action/acting/characters .

    How would you differentiate between the two in a conversation?
    Star Trek and - i dont know - JJ Trek?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence"
    User45701 wrote: »
    I still haven't mustered up the energy to reply to any star trek thread yet, ive read this one and the ones in the films forum (merge anyone?) Anyway i read them both and i am amazed at the amount of positive replies.

    Im actually very worried because if the rest of the world viewed the movie like the way boards did and some external links suggest that i am terrified that JJ will get to make another one of these movies

    When i have the time and energy i will explain why i dint like it - so many parts during the movie that where just woeful and made little sense.

    sorry i diagreed so much i felt like i just had to reply

    Ok - you need a detailed scientific explanation for the phenomenon because knowing as much about it as you can will enable people work out better tactics based on known facts

    Oh and the Maru test was one scene i had heard rumoured and i wasn't sure if it was in the film - it was terrible so badly done.

    I know that he did it completely different to established kirk because in the other time line kirk didnt even grow up on earth and the kirk in this movie had a different personality developed after the death of his father and having a different life so he didn't do the rest like kirk did - they used the same tatic to win it. Anyway the dialogue was **** in that scene and it just felt terrible and rushed as they just stuck it in there at the last min - the Maru simulation in Star Trek II was much better than JJ's "vision"

    I just hope they leave this as a standalone and make the next film/series occur sometime in the future in the already established star trek universe.

    Worst star trek movie so far - worse than insurrection. I just didnt enjoy it at all and i do feel robbed. Im not a super trekie - i dont own a costume or dress up but i have been watching it for a long time - i remember being 5 at home sick from school with chicken pox and that week was my first time watching it - TOS on during the day and i must have liked it because ive watched it ever since. Sure its had its week moments like fairhaven but even that was more entertaining than this - and im not just saying that to take a stab at this movie - ive seen the fairhaven episodes twice. The only reason i can think of to see this film again is so i have more ammo to use against it.

    it would take me so long to list what i didn't like about it - ill do it another time. i cant think of one character in the movie i liked either - even Quatro was a disappointment i was expecting a much better spock. i have been sitting here for 5 mins trying to think of one positive thing to say about this travesty and nothing is coming to be - oh i did like way not only did the kill the red shirt but they made it so obvious he was going to die by establishing he had the explosives. that was a nice little nod to tos but all the other attempts at similarity where woeful.

    fingers crossed they don't make another - what is this called by the way?

    i mean say they made 4 of this pieces of **** and then even a TV series all in the same universe and with similar dialogue/action/acting/characters .

    How would you differentiate between the two in a conversation?
    Star Trek and - i dont know - JJ Trek?

    I kind of agree with you on certain points. It wasn't the highminded film I would like to ideally see, although trek has a track record of being dumb with in terms of science and plot. But I think the total change of scene was badly needed, especially for this one. It needs to go back and evolve the fundamentals of the Trek philosophy in the next film though but it mustn't get bogged down in them, otherwise it will be divested of its uniqueness. That was what struck me about Nemesis, Janeway appearing in it, the spectre of a lumpen history strangling the franchise with a leaden pace and irrelevancy. But its good to hear a different viewpoint. It will be interesting to see what peoples opinion of the film will be like in a few years when all the excitement has dissipated.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,043 ✭✭✭Leprachaun

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    L31mr0d wrote: »
    Saying they had a physical relationship in the academy is pure speculation, so I'm going on what is actually shown in the movie itself.

    It's not pure speculation. It's blatentley obvious.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,401 ✭✭✭✭Anti

    "I like this ship. It's Exciting"
    This for me is by fae the best film i have ever seen in my life. I seriously hope more like this are made and they dont drop back the the woefull TNG movies. Christ could you imagine a series with those actors !!

    I think they all played they characters amazingly well, especially bones and spock.

    If you have not seen thsi film... Go see it now !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭The Bull

    The film was really great but i do have one issue with it. Was it just me or did the rest of you notice the constant flashin on screen almost like when a person look up at the sun for a second and gets blinded. I know it pro was to give the effect of been in the action but It reallty anoyed me to the point that when i came out of the film i was feelin the effects of it for an hour or two after, I would say that anyone that suffers from Photosensitive epilepsy should think twice before goin to the movie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 325 ✭✭Derek Coleman

    "I like this ship. It's Exciting"
    It was never gonna please everyone but it looks like its pleased most people. I'm already hoping they stick to this kind of story telling in future films. Fast Paced fun with explosions and Kirk fighting aliens. The minute I hear the words Prime Directive I'll start to panic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,988 ✭✭✭Johnny Storm

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    User45701 wrote: »
    ...Worst star trek movie so far - worse than insurrection. I just didnt enjoy it at all and i do feel robbed...

    C'mon, dude. :cool: Let's face it: you liked "Enterprise" :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 172 ✭✭Badboy1977

    "You will always be a child of two worlds"
    Saw it last night. Have been a Trek fan since late 1970s. Thought it was very good. It moved smoothly-no real rough moments. Except Nero-thought he looked like a common gardner celtic fan/thug not a guy who can cause inter galatic mayhem!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 444 ✭✭goldenbrown

    "Did you leave the parking brake on?"
    cracker, and that quote about space, a new addition to the american prose cannon of hemingway and steinback, :)
