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4 Peaks Challenge-New date-Anyone interested??

  • 07-05-2009 4:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 314 ✭✭

    Hi all,

    Focus Ireland have announced a second 4 peaks challenge happening between Fri 18th - Sun 20th September 2009.
    Check out the website here,

    Im looking to put together a team of 3-5 walkers, and 2 drivers to do the challenge. I am an experienced hill-walker, and I have a driver lined up.
    (Im male age 25 by the way)

    Id love to do this but need 2-3 more walkers, and also one more driver who's willing to drive 800 miles in 3 days. Its for a great cause, and it will be a great weekend.

    If anyone is interested and has some decent experience with hill-walking/hiking, and has a good level of fitness, please either p.m me or reply to this thread!!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!
