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Sleepy bus driver



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,792 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    No, I agree. I don't mean to trivialize the issue at all. Just because the issue isn't cut and dried, it doesn't mean it can't be defined, and it certainly doesn't mean it doesn't matter. But it is a bit harder to get a grip on.

    We live in a market economy and attitude and tone certainly do matter. Customer service is undoubtedly part of a bus driver's job.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 551 ✭✭✭meanmachine3

    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    at the same time you say you wont bother to answer people who understandably are peeed of waiting on a bus that doesnt show, im more than a little confused by that logic.
    most people when peeved about a no show normally vent their anger at the next bus that comes along , ranting and raving about the previous one not showing up, that their late for work etc.
    if somone comes along and asks politely then i have no problem trying to help out but when someone comes along demanding an explanation then thats when courtesy goes out the window. and believe me it's very rare that you get a polite passenger asking this sort of thing in fact i'd go as far as saying only about 2-3% are polite when it comes to a no show of buses.
    in most cases we are not aware of the bus being of ahead of us unless someone says it. in some cases we're left in the dark for hours.
    read the o.p.'s first and second post. he used terms like "the driver was lying across the back seat asleep. So i knocked till he woke up" and "And the príck didnt even apologise". what did the driver do wrong, what has he to apologise for, is it becuase the 10.30 didn't show up which he wasn't driving or is not responsible for.
    i can safely say that the driver who he's had a go at in here wasn't the 10.30 driver. in the very unlikely, now extemely highly minutely 1000/1 event that i'm wrong i will apologise.
    i just want the o.p. back here to ask him was the driver he's lambasted here, the 10.30 driver.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    most people when peeved about a no show normally vent their anger at the next bus that comes along , ranting and raving about the previous one not showing up, that their late for work etc.
    if somone comes along and asks politely then i have no problem trying to help out but when someone comes along demanding an explanation then thats when courtesy goes out the window. and believe me it's very rare that you get a polite passenger asking this sort of thing in fact i'd go as far as saying only about 2-3% are polite when it comes to a no show of buses.
    in most cases we are not aware of the bus being of ahead of us unless someone says it. in some cases we're left in the dark for hours.
    read the o.p.'s first and second post. he used terms like "the driver was lying across the back seat asleep. So i knocked till he woke up" and "And the príck didnt even apologise". what did the driver do wrong, what has he to apologise for, is it becuase the 10.30 didn't show up which he wasn't driving or is not responsible for.
    i can safely say that the driver who he's had a go at in here wasn't the 10.30 driver. in the very unlikely, now extemely highly minutely 1000/1 event that i'm wrong i will apologise.
    i just want the o.p. back here to ask him was the driver he's lambasted here, the 10.30 driver.

    Well sorry man, but your totally wrong there. In any job involving dealing with the public its a basic part of the job and integral to customer service to be able to deal with irate customers, FACT, so either you ignoring are what you company tells you or they just havent trained you how to deal with such customers, neither would surprise me.

    What kind of humour do you expect anyone to be in left standing waiting on a bus that doesnt show, people in all walks of life have to deal with these situations every day, and just because you dont like their tone, doesnt mean you should reply with anything other than politeness, its your job, not theirs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,993 ✭✭✭✭Wishbone Ash

    the driver is the only person from the bus company that the customer will ever meet or talk to
    I totally agree with you but find myself frequently apologising for the misleading claims made by my company in their advertising. The "suits" in the office make up this stuff and the drivers have to bear the brunt of the public's annoyance when they are found to be untrue
    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    Apologies again for double posting, iv no idea how to multiple quote
    Click on the icon beside the 'quote' icon (looks like inverted commas) on each post you wish to respond to. Then click on the 'reply' icon. The posts you wish to reply to will appear in your post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 413 ✭✭dsane1

    Just my 2cents here from a regular traveller point of view on bus eireann . If there is a problem i dont have a go at the driver of the bus ,he has enough to do and i want him/her as relaxed as possible to take me safely home .
    It is easy enough to contact the complaints dept if i feel its warranted .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    An interesting thing happened on my way to the forum yesterday (Wed).
    Travelling,as is my wont,by Luas Red line on a lightly patronized journey circa 0910 we arrived at Kylemore Road stop.

    All was going swimmingly until the Tram gave an abrupt jerk as it made to pull away from the platform.

    Oh Oh sez Alek,have we struck an iceberg ?
    Not a bit,two midle aged soberly suited fellows had legged it from the ticket machine and one had managed prevent the doors from closing to facilitate his slower companion.

    Usual oul stuff :o

    However wat happened next had me scanning the Tram for signs of Givyjoe81.

    The Tram Driver came over the PA and thanked the passengers who had jammed the doors thus causing the Tram to miss it`s signal and delaying everybody on board !!

    Well done I sez to myself,as I watched the two captains of industry wince as they looked everywhere except at the faces of their nearest fellow travellers.

    Well done to that Tram Driver for showing that he at least DID care as to what went on behind him.

    I half-expected a Givyjoe like person to rap on the Cab door and remonstrate with the driver,but no joy :)

    Mass Public Transport is one of those odd things which does not lend itself to "normal" methods of operating.
    Givyjoe is a great lad for pointing out the primacy of the individual customer who should be prioritized above all else....."I pay your wages" etc.

    However,when it comes to mass-transit we need to consider a different dynamic.
    It is not feasible for a mass-transit system to operate effectively in a Passenger Always Right mode,for to do so invites chaos.

    Public Transport users,of whatever mode,simply have to accept a set of operational strictures which,although restrictive individually,serve to facilitate the greater operational good.

    Thats why,for example,our flirtation with "Hail and Ride" was somewhat brief as it rapidly became a free for all with those whose expectation was of a personal taxi service to their hall door,even if it was two doors down from the last stop.

    So well done Veolia Irl for instilling a sense of purpose into at least one of your Tram Divers,pity theres not a few more !! :P

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    AlekSmart wrote: »
    An interesting thing happened on my way to the forum yesterday (Wed).
    Travelling,as is my wont,by Luas Red line on a lightly patronized journey circa 0910 we arrived at Kylemore Road stop.

    All was going swimmingly until the Tram gave an abrupt jerk as it made to pull away from the platform.

    Oh Oh sez Alek,have we struck an iceberg ?
    Not a bit,two midle aged soberly suited fellows had legged it from the ticket machine and one had managed prevent the doors from closing to facilitate his slower companion.

    Usual oul stuff :o

    However wat happened next had me scanning the Tram for signs of Givyjoe81.

    The Tram Driver came over the PA and thanked the passengers who had jammed the doors thus causing the Tram to miss it`s signal and delaying everybody on board !!

    Well done I sez to myself,as I watched the two captains of industry wince as they looked everywhere except at the faces of their nearest fellow travellers.

    Well done to that Tram Driver for showing that he at least DID care as to what went on behind him.

    I half-expected a Givyjoe like person to rap on the Cab door and remonstrate with the driver,but no joy :)

    Mass Public Transport is one of those odd things which does not lend itself to "normal" methods of operating.
    Givyjoe is a great lad for pointing out the primacy of the individual customer who should be prioritized above all else....."I pay your wages" etc.

    However,when it comes to mass-transit we need to consider a different dynamic.
    It is not feasible for a mass-transit system to operate effectively in a Passenger Always Right mode,for to do so invites chaos.

    Public Transport users,of whatever mode,simply have to accept a set of operational strictures which,although restrictive individually,serve to facilitate the greater operational good.

    Thats why,for example,our flirtation with "Hail and Ride" was somewhat brief as it rapidly became a free for all with those whose expectation was of a personal taxi service to their hall door,even if it was two doors down from the last stop.

    So well done Veolia Irl for instilling a sense of purpose into at least one of your Tram Divers,pity theres not a few more !! :P

    Thats an abosolutely pathetic attempt to veil a personal 'attack', troll much??

    I dont think my complaints such as being forced to jump from a moving bus are unreasonable, and your attempts to paint me as such are truly mingboggling, seen as i have not demonstrated myself to being unresonable your above post seeks to magic me into situations were i am doing so. So where I can give many examples of inappropriate behaviour which i have witnessed from DB drivers, (and have posted links to experiences of others) you simply make up situations where i (or sorry, people like me!) allegedly show how of touch, or wrong they are, funny if nothing else. (im attacking the post, not the poster!!!)

    Dont believe i ever issued the words the customer is always right, or anything close to it, but your post does give some insight to apparent siege mentality which Bus Drivers seem to undergo if anyone dares to challenge their 'superb' customer service skills.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,792 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    There is an important difference between Dublin Bus and Veolia/Luas. Veolia/Luas is reasonably operationally efficient and that shows results in the service they provide and in the results they produce for money and carryings.

    Dublin Bus does not have this strength.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    Veolia/Luas is reasonably operationally efficient and that shows results in the service they provide and in the results they produce for money and carryings.

    Dublin Bus does not have this strength.

    Tis surely the truth,however the superficially appaling difference can be somewhat diulted by the difference in operating conditions and the arrangements governing its method of operation.

    The existance of the Iron Rail and dedicated possession do count for something.

    However I suspect many posters simply see it as a "Militant Staff" issue as used to be the case with member of the Garda Siochana many years ago.....remember the ACAB graffitti which could be found adorning most large housing estates ?

    As for Givyjoe......
    Thats an abosolutely pathetic attempt to veil a personal 'attack', troll much??

    There`s nothing pathetic about it.....cos there`s no attack.
    If I want to attack or take issue with Givyjoe`s,or any posters views I`ll do it head on and upfront.
    I`m describing a Luas scenario which I encountered that I felt was germane to the general tenor of the thread.
    Describing the thoughts which went through my head as I listened an watched the scenario develop is surely not tantamount to "Trolling" or "personally attacking" ?
    but your post does give some insight to apparent siege mentality which Bus Drivers seem to undergo if anyone dares to challenge their 'superb' customer service skills.

    Givyjoe,and the rest of the boards community,are free to interpret my posts as they see fit.

    If "insights" into Bus Divers mentalities can be divined from my posts alone then I am suitably overwhelmed at my descriptive powers....BTW, I`m assuming Givyjoe is referring specifically to Bus Atha Cliath drivers here,or has he widened the net somewhat since the "Private" Bus Driving fraternity started to post also ?

    And I make no claim to possess "Superb" Customer Service skills,all I do is provide a service as close as I can to acceptable.
    However,in the 17 years I`ve been attempting it I have yet to discover the secret of unravelling the mysteries of Human Nature.

    Nowhere was this more apparrent than on my last and first visit to Berlin when our return journey to the Airport via the S-Bahn was interrupted by Rail Repair work and a hugely amusing Bus Replacement operation.

    Train arrives into last station and hundreds of passengers laden with luggage stumble about in total confusion,even the natives could`nt quite grasp what was going on.....cue a Railway Lady rambling through the carriages posting up notices advising of the disruption....War ensues as the native Germans round upon her in no uncertain terms.

    I should mention that as the train pulled into the station,a uniformed official waved away TWO empty buses which had been on stand which allowed a nice 15 minute wait before two more buses arrived back,by which time ANOTHER train had arrived.

    A sharp altercation then took place between one of the Bus Divers (:rolleyes:) and the official and the driver strolled away to the office.
    We now had two buses to ferry two trainloads of people to the airport something even Teutonic efficiency balked at.

    Thankfully we had allowed plenty of time for such eventualities and made our flight in time,but I was very aware of others who were not quite as well padded,time wise as were.

    During all of this,not a single official,rail or bus,took the slghtest bit of notice of ANY of the milling throng ,NCLUDING the German passengers,who from what I could tell were given the briefest of customer service responses.

    So yea,Givyjoe,I`m happy enough that I do a reasonable job,not perfect,but not as totally bereft of customer service "skills" as you have been inferring since post #1...It`s give and take win lose some ?

    Or perhaps SickCert was correct after all :D

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    AlekSmart wrote: »
    Tis surely the truth,however the superficially appaling difference can be somewhat diulted by the difference in operating conditions and the arrangements governing its method of operation.

    The existance of the Iron Rail and dedicated possession do count for something.

    However I suspect many posters simply see it as a "Militant Staff" issue as used to be the case with member of the Garda Siochana many years ago.....remember the ACAB graffitti which could be found adorning most large housing estates ?

    As for Givyjoe......

    There`s nothing pathetic about it.....cos there`s no attack.
    If I want to attack or take issue with Givyjoe`s,or any posters views I`ll do it head on and upfront.
    I`m describing a Luas scenario which I encountered that I felt was germane to the general tenor of the thread.
    Describing the thoughts which went through my head as I listened an watched the scenario develop is surely not tantamount to "Trolling" or "personally attacking" ?

    Givyjoe,and the rest of the boards community,are free to interpret my posts as they see fit.

    If "insights" into Bus Divers mentalities can be divined from my posts alone then I am suitably overwhelmed at my descriptive powers....BTW, I`m assuming Givyjoe is referring specifically to Bus Atha Cliath drivers here,or has he widened the net somewhat since the "Private" Bus Driving fraternity started to post also ?

    And I make no claim to possess "Superb" Customer Service skills,all I do is provide a service as close as I can to acceptable.
    However,in the 17 years I`ve been attempting it I have yet to discover the secret of unravelling the mysteries of Human Nature.

    Nowhere was this more apparrent than on my last and first visit to Berlin when our return journey to the Airport via the S-Bahn was interrupted by Rail Repair work and a hugely amusing Bus Replacement operation.

    Train arrives into last station and hundreds of passengers laden with luggage stumble about in total confusion,even the natives could`nt quite grasp what was going on.....cue a Railway Lady rambling through the carriages posting up notices advising of the disruption....War ensues as the native Germans round upon her in no uncertain terms.

    I should mention that as the train pulled into the station,a uniformed official waved away TWO empty buses which had been on stand which allowed a nice 15 minute wait before two more buses arrived back,by which time ANOTHER train had arrived.

    A sharp altercation then took place between one of the Bus Divers (:rolleyes:) and the official and the driver strolled away to the office.
    We now had two buses to ferry two trainloads of people to the airport something even Teutonic efficiency balked at.

    Thankfully we had allowed plenty of time for such eventualities and made our flight in time,but I was very aware of others who were not quite as well padded,time wise as were.

    During all of this,not a single official,rail or bus,took the slghtest bit of notice of ANY of the milling throng ,NCLUDING the German passengers,who from what I could tell were given the briefest of customer service responses.

    So yea,Givyjoe,I`m happy enough that I do a reasonable job,not perfect,but not as totally bereft of customer service "skills" as you have been inferring since post #1...It`s give and take win lose some ?

    Or perhaps SickCert was correct after all :D

    Well Mr SmartAlex perhaps you could explain why, if you were not trolling, or looking for a response from me, you felt the need to mention my name, no less than THREE times in a 'story', completely unrelated to me, my posts, or even that of the original poster??

    And I dont believe I ever specifically identified YOU as having substandard customer service skills??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    Well Mr SmartAlex perhaps you could explain why, if you were not trolling, or looking for a response from me, you felt the need to mention my name, no less than THREE times in a 'story', completely unrelated to me, my posts, or even that of the original poster??

    Mea culpa,mea culpa maxima,I was under the impression that one`s posting opinion on a public forum thus left one amenable to responses of all kinds,including attempts to devine one`s reasoning and deductions ?

    However,I am prepared to admit that in your case JoeGivy,I may have been mistaken and apologise for the slight you may feel.

    However,I must continue to take issue with your assertions,such as this....
    And I dont believe I ever specifically identified YOU as having substandard customer service skills??

    Your initial complaint regarding a sleeping bus driver,then expanded into further allegations concerning Bus Drivers speaking to each other in Traffic,Bus Drivers forcing you to jump from a moving bus before reaching the stage of opionating on the general lack of "Customer Service" ethic across the spectrum.

    Your posts have at all times been somewhat vitriolic in their emotive descriptions of your fate at the hands of the Busdriving fraternity...
    you prob wonder why no one has ANY sympahty when you lovely chaps decide to go on strike at the drop of a hat, seriously, how on earth do you defend this prime example of disgraceful conduct from yet anohter joke of a driver
    Shocking carry on and indicative of DB's culture. Lazy.
    There were numerous incidents with this guy, not just me personally but i remember my ex gf telling me about one morning on her way to work being screamed at by the same 77 driver. Complaining didnt really seem to work as the guy was still on the route for as long as i used the service.
    Perfect example of DB culture, sitting on a bus on Camden street, stuck in traffic, two drivers stope opposite each other in traffic, one says "this traffic is a pain in the arse innit.. " other responds "yeah, but i dont care, we're getting paid to sit in it arent we.." i.e. who gives a fcuk.
    No i havent thank god, there on my list of companies that I will never work for including NTL, and recently added to that list AIB.
    What?! Is driving a bus really that hazardous? How many accidents do you have?!

    And to finish.......
    Please read again... DB DRIVERS.....You and your co workers here are constantly defending the poor service outlined by the people on here 'bitching and moaning', and while its understandable to a point, its pretty nauseating after while when posed with many differing situations, it seems that there is always an excuse or a reason deflecting blame away from your fellow drivers.
    You'll find me perfectly willing to accept they are of course great staff working for DB and wonderfull chaps, however there are simply an unfortunately large proportion of 'axholes' currently working in DB with far too much influence who are ruining it for everyone else.

    Thuis far,I have to say that I have not observed your willingness,perfect or otherwise to acknowledge that there are ANY Bus Atha Cliath drivers who simply get on with their job without becoming involved in daily Passion Plays with their customers .....but there we shall have to leave it I suppose :)

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 28,497 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cabaal

    thats unreal he is endangering people's lives if he's that bloody tired, he should be sacked or at the very least receive an official warning on his employment record

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    AlekSmart wrote: »
    Mea culpa,mea culpa maxima,I was under the impression that one`s posting opinion on a public forum thus left one amenable to responses of all kinds,including attempts to devine one`s reasoning and deductions ?

    However,I am prepared to admit that in your case JoeGivy,I may have been mistaken and apologise for the slight you may feel.

    However,I must continue to take issue with your assertions,such as this....

    Your initial complaint regarding a sleeping bus driver,then expanded into further allegations concerning Bus Drivers speaking to each other in Traffic,Bus Drivers forcing you to jump from a moving bus before reaching the stage of opionating on the general lack of "Customer Service" ethic across the spectrum.

    Your posts have at all times been somewhat vitriolic in their emotive descriptions of your fate at the hands of the Busdriving fraternity...

    And to finish.......

    Thuis far,I have to say that I have not observed your willingness,perfect or otherwise to acknowledge that there are ANY Bus Atha Cliath drivers who simply get on with their job without becoming involved in daily Passion Plays with their customers .....but there we shall have to leave it I suppose :)

    Allegations?? I made no allegations, mere examples of behaviour i have personally witnessed from DB drivers, simple as.

    You painted me as unreasonable with your little 'story' yet even with your cherry picking of exerts from my posts i dont believe you have even come close to justifying this accusation.

    And no I AM NOT, NOR SHOULD I BE open to all kinds of responses, i thought there were was a charter on here dealing with this kind of stuff eh?? I again draw your attention to the fact that I did not once specifically say you were this or you were that, whereas you MOST CERTAINLY DID. If you however had of offered me examples of poor customers service, as one of colleagues kindly did, then perhaps I would have been able to draw such a conclusion.

    Lets not pussy foot around it, the thread had pretty much run its course and you decided to have one last pop at myself, but I seem to have spotted your apology just there.

    As for my post regarding DB drivers 'speaking to each other' as if somehow thats what I had a problem with?! The reason I quoted this, as can be seen from the original post, was to illustrate the perceived culture of DB, with one possible decription being lazy, which I think such comments indicate, and the whole I dont care about anybody but me mindset.

    If however as you have done in tiny snippets, offered some examples of good customer service from yourself, I would/will be happy to give you the benefit of the doubt on such examples given here, and say fair play, doing a good job.

    Im not a stunt double for Keanu Reeves, so I dont think I should have to jump from moving bus, do you?! (However this is only one of many incidents!)

    Gosh what an unreasonable chap I am. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 551 ✭✭✭meanmachine3

    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    Lets not pussy foot around it, the thread had pretty much run its course.
    best ****ing thing you've said in this thread givy. now can some mod please lock it before i get an un-expected holiday. it's heading that way with all the ****e this guy is coming out with.
    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    Im not a stunt double for Keanu Reeves, so I dont think I should have to jump from moving bus, do you?! (However this is only one of many incidents!)
    did the bus driver push you out :NO
    did the bus driver hold a gun to your head and say "jump" : NO
    did the driver push you out : NO
    you jumped of your own accord, i had a kid on the R.V./H type bus once push the emergency button on the middle doors then jump out while i was going about 25kph. one to get up holding his arm. you know what, i'm ****ing delighted but it's a pity he didn't break his arm. reason : he would'nt be so quick to do it again.
    at the end of it you jumped of a moving bus.nobody forced you so please stop bringing it up. as i said i'm still waiting for the O.P. to come back :rolleyes:
    ahhhh **** it ,it'll be worth it
    only a muppet would be foolish enough to jump from a moving bus.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    best ****ing thing you've said in this thread givy. now can some mod please lock it before i get an un-expected holiday. it's heading that way with all the ****e this guy is coming out with.

    did the bus driver push you out :NO
    did the bus driver hold a gun to your head and say "jump" : NO
    did the driver push you out : NO
    you jumped of your own accord, i had a kid on the R.V./H type bus once push the emergency button on the middle doors then jump out while i was going about 25kph. one to get up holding his arm. you know what, i'm ****ing delighted but it's a pity he didn't break his arm. reason : he would'nt be so quick to do it again.
    at the end of it you jumped of a moving bus.nobody forced you so please stop bringing it up. as i said i'm still waiting for the O.P. to come back :rolleyes:
    ahhhh **** it ,it'll be worth it
    only a muppet would be foolish enough to jump from a moving bus.

    Mate perhaps you should give yourself a holiday, if you've nothing to offer but insults then why bother posting? If this thread now bothers you, then dont read it. All this sh!te?? I leave you with that one.

    Why did i jump, eh because it was my stop, what should I have done, waited til he got the hint and got off a half mile down the road, or at the next stop, should I have asked him to stop the bus? Perhaps, but isnt that what the bell is for?! (as i mentioned in earlier posts, if you had bothered to read them correctly, the bus was going perhaps 5-10mph) Hardly a deathdefying jump on the face of it, but gave me a surprising push towards my homeward destination once my feet touched the ground.

    If one is a muppet for exiting the bus in such circumstances, what of the driver responsible for bringing about the situation?!

    Oh you missed one thing in your blow by blow description of the event, "Did the bus driver stop the bus, as requested, allowing me to safely disembark?" NO!!!

    The reason I brought it up AGAIN, is to demonstrate that im not some unreasonable crackpot as was mystifyingly implied, oh plus Alex quoted it, so i was merely doing him the courtesy of once again explaining myself. Perhaps you could do us the same courtesy.:D Gosh man, I wonder are you this aggressive with the public out in the real world?!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭Cleopatra12

    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    Why did i jump, eh because it was my stop, what should I have done, waited til he got the hint and got off a half mile down the road, or at the next stop, should I have asked him to stop the bus?

    You are an adult, you could have chosen to remain on the bus and not jumped. The driver should not have opened the doors to allow this, he was in the wrong, but you still decided to pursue this course of action, therefore any injuries sustained were your fault as you could have chosen to refuse to jump and remain on the bus until such a time as it was safe to get off. You could have complianed to the driver that he did not stop at your requested Bus stop.

    No sympathy there mate! The 'he made me do it' argument does not wash with me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    You are an adult, you could have chosen to remain on the bus and not jumped. The driver should not have opened the doors to allow this, he was in the wrong, but you still decided to pursue this course of action, therefore any injuries sustained were your fault as you could have chosen to refuse to jump and remain on the bus until such a time as it was safe to get off. You could have complianed to the driver that he did not stop at your requested Bus stop.

    No sympathy there mate! The 'he made me do it' argument does not wash with me!

    I dont give a flying hoot if it washes with you or not! I was NOT an adult at the time either. Not looking for sympathy, far from it, merely demonstrating the blindingly obvious that the DRIVER was in the wrong, and no I would not be SOLELY responsible for my own inuries, the driver opened the door while the bus was still moving. But thats a whole different debate for somewhere else.

    Lets be clear, the issue is the fact the driver did not stop to allow me safely get off, whether I jumped or not isnt the issue, the driver simply didnt stop and by the time I had 'left' the bus we were well past the actual bus stop.

    Put it like this, if i had of made a complaint of this particular incident, do you think your bosses would be more concerned with me 'jumping' from the bus, or the fact that this guy opened the doors, but failed to stop the bus??

    Christ it is so hard for you guys to acknowledge when a fellow driver does wrong without it always somehow being the customers fault. :rolleyes:

    As I have pointed out this is only ONE of many unfortunate incidents I have witnessed but the one I chose to put forward.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭LiamD

    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    I dont give a flying hoot if it washes with you or not! I was NOT an adult at the time either. Not looking for sympathy, far from it, merely demonstrating the blindingly obvious that the DRIVER was in the wrong, and no I would not be SOLELY responsible for my own inuries, the driver opened the door while the bus was still moving. But thats a whole different debate for somewhere else.

    I'm inclined to agree, the driver should bear some of the responsibility because he opened the door whilst the bus was moving. Is it DB's policy to keep doors closed while bus is moving or is it allowed to have them open?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 551 ✭✭✭meanmachine3

    LiamD wrote: »
    I'm inclined to agree, the driver should bear some of the responsibility because he opened the door whilst the bus was moving. Is it DB's policy to keep doors closed while bus is moving or is it allowed to have them open?

    most of the doors on buses wont open unless the bus is at a complete stop. it's only the older buses like the RA and RV that the doors can open when the bus is far as i remember givy said it happened to him as a kid, but he did say it happened a fews back. since that time H&S has gone through the roof.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    Christ it is so hard for you guys to acknowledge when a fellow driver does wrong without it always somehow being the customers fault.

    Apologies Givyjoe n all,I`ve been away from the cab for a few days and am playin catchup.

    It`s not difficult at all for ME to acknowledge that other drivers make mistakes.
    I can even accept that Bus Atha Cliath Drivers make mistakes too :eek: :eek:

    Should I write that in CAPITALS I wonder ..??

    Perhaps,to curry favour,I should also state that Customers are NEVER wrong.....NEVER....EVER......The customer,like the Pope is covered by a Bull which declares infallibility in all matters relating to their own wellbeing... Is that Ok ?.....I hope I`m not being unjust or perhaps not going far enough to acknowledge a universal truth ?
    Put it like this, if i had of made a complaint of this particular incident, do you think your bosses would be more concerned with me 'jumping' from the bus, or the fact that this guy opened the doors, but failed to stop the bus??

    Oh I have little doubt but that my boss would be wringing his/her (They vary from day to day) hands on reciept of such a complaint.
    However I`m also assuming that any such complaint would be made in a Factual and unembellished manner.
    If,however,based upon information available to Him/Her the boss made a decision in the negative to your complaint,Givyjoe,and wrote back to tell you to be more careful in future or to refrain from unsafe behaviour would you accept that ?

    Back in the day it a was a rite of passage for young folks to demonstrate their ability to jump off the platfom of a moving bus,thus allowing the driver to "Keep her Goin"......however times have changed and the danger of the Irish race being rendered extinct from falling off Buses made Health and Safety become our new governing principle.
    You painted me as unreasonable with your little 'story' yet even with your cherry picking of exerts from my posts i dont believe you have even come close to justifying this accusation.

    I dont think Givyjoe is "unreasonable" at all,and I really cannot see how I "painted" any unreasonableness on him..?

    My illustration was a factual description of a customer service occurrence in another juristiction which I witnessed and was party to.....I`m not really concerned as to whether Givyjoe considers it a "little story" except if he`s implying it as a response to top his "story"

    He`s made a series of complaints,allegations,observations which I,amongst others,do not take the same degree of issue with....In fact,as with the sleeping driver issue,the miserable wet weather would appear to have been the deciding factor in deciding the Anger quotient.
    As for my post regarding DB drivers 'speaking to each other' as if somehow thats what I had a problem with?! The reason I quoted this, as can be seen from the original post, was to illustrate the perceived culture of DB, with one possible decription being lazy, which I think such comments indicate, and the whole I dont care about anybody but me mindset.

    If however as you have done in tiny snippets, offered some examples of good customer service from yourself, I would/will be happy to give you the benefit of the doubt on such examples given here, and say fair play, doing a good job.

    I don`t quite know the reason for the need to qualify the bit about BAC drivers communicating with each other ? Speaking ? Speaking Loudly ? Shouting ?.....hey,communication in all it`s forms is a multi-facted art and if I manage to communicate my views to somebody else by whatever means it`s a success.

    I`m afraid I have to decline Givyjoe`s generous offer of the "benefit of his doubt" as in order to provide the verification of good customer service apparently required I`d never have anough time to actually DRIVE the bus,thus I might actually have people complaining and rendering the entire excercise pointless.

    I`m happier to judge my CS record on the responses of the vast MAJORITY of passengers whom I deal with each working day,many of whom I`ve come to know over many years of patronage...and nothing thus far written in this thread would prompt me to alter my method of operating. :)

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 690 ✭✭✭givyjoe81

    AlekSmart wrote: »
    Apologies Givyjoe n all,I`ve been away from the cab for a few days and am playin catchup.

    It`s not difficult at all for ME to acknowledge that other drivers make mistakes.
    I can even accept that Bus Atha Cliath Drivers make mistakes too :eek: :eek:

    Should I write that in CAPITALS I wonder ..??

    Perhaps,to curry favour,I should also state that Customers are NEVER wrong.....NEVER....EVER......The customer,like the Pope is covered by a Bull which declares infallibility in all matters relating to their own wellbeing... Is that Ok ?.....I hope I`m not being unjust or perhaps not going far enough to acknowledge a universal truth ?

    Oh I have little doubt but that my boss would be wringing his/her (They vary from day to day) hands on reciept of such a complaint.
    However I`m also assuming that any such complaint would be made in a Factual and unembellished manner.
    If,however,based upon information available to Him/Her the boss made a decision in the negative to your complaint,Givyjoe,and wrote back to tell you to be more careful in future or to refrain from unsafe behaviour would you accept that ?

    Back in the day it a was a rite of passage for young folks to demonstrate their ability to jump off the platfom of a moving bus,thus allowing the driver to "Keep her Goin"......however times have changed and the danger of the Irish race being rendered extinct from falling off Buses made Health and Safety become our new governing principle.

    I dont think Givyjoe is "unreasonable" at all,and I really cannot see how I "painted" any unreasonableness on him..?

    My illustration was a factual description of a customer service occurrence in another juristiction which I witnessed and was party to.....I`m not really concerned as to whether Givyjoe considers it a "little story" except if he`s implying it as a response to top his "story"

    He`s made a series of complaints,allegations,observations which I,amongst others,do not take the same degree of issue with....In fact,as with the sleeping driver issue,the miserable wet weather would appear to have been the deciding factor in deciding the Anger quotient.

    I don`t quite know the reason for the need to qualify the bit about BAC drivers communicating with each other ? Speaking ? Speaking Loudly ? Shouting ?.....hey,communication in all it`s forms is a multi-facted art and if I manage to communicate my views to somebody else by whatever means it`s a success.

    I`m afraid I have to decline Givyjoe`s generous offer of the "benefit of his doubt" as in order to provide the verification of good customer service apparently required I`d never have anough time to actually DRIVE the bus,thus I might actually have people complaining and rendering the entire excercise pointless.

    I`m happier to judge my CS record on the responses of the vast MAJORITY of passengers whom I deal with each working day,many of whom I`ve come to know over many years of patronage...and nothing thus far written in this thread would prompt me to alter my method of operating. :)

    Why i thought you were trying to paint me as unreasonable, was that you had my name mentioned during your story, 100% accurate im sure, that i would have probably being complaining on the side of the dozey passengers, which of course I wouldnt, I mean come on, most of us here can use common sense to judge what it is reasonable. I was of the impression my name was being dropped to paint me as unreasonable, thats is all!

    While I wouldnt ever dream of saying that customers are always right, its never quite that black and what, but there things which even before intro of H&S shouldnt have been done, including opening doors while the bus is moving.

    My point was that other DB drivers instead of acknowledging the blindingly obvious that the driver from my story was in the wrong, it was painted to somehow be my fault, my action took place after the fact so is irrelevant, but that is what others chose to focus on deflecting the blame away from said driver. Anyway, point made.

    As to your question I would certainly not accept that as a suitable answer to my complaint, as it again deflects blame away from the driver who was clearly the one responsible for the wrong taking place(bus not stoping), I merely as a kid at the time in a rush, didnt see myself as having a 2nd option, the guy had chosen to continue moving, had gone past the stop and wasnt stopping, and it would be highly inappropriate for any DB boss to suggest that I was somehow the orchestrator of the dangerous situation.

    You ring the bell, the bus stops, the door opens, anything other than this simple procedure is operating outside the rules of operation I would have thought.

    Finally I dont believe you have given me any reason to doubt your CS skills so far, as far as I recall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    You ring the bell, the bus stops, (At A BUS STOP) the door opens, anything other than this simple procedure is operating outside the rules of operation I would have thought.

    A VERY pertinent response from Givyjoe clearly outlining the situation as it is TAUGHT in the BAC Driving School.....NO Other Procedure is even close.......However I have added the words in parenthesis and rouged them up a bit for effect... :)

    As pointed out by other posters,my job does not equate with Rocket is Far Far more difficult,dangerous and uncontrolled than any branch of the Sciences can ever be.

    The entire relationship between the Bus and the Pole with the word BUS on the top remains the source of endless confrontation,arguement,and associated ill feeling.

    If one looks at the arrangement of Bus Stop`s along Dublin`s O Connell St one can see on a daily basis the faces of impatient,aggressive and frustrated Customers as they seek to be dropped off short of the Stop,due to traffic or other delays.

    I am regularly asked,sometimes pleasantly,mostly gruffly,to "throw us out there bud" or "Great Weather we`re having is`nt it.......U would`nt mind opening the door would you".

    These requests are all made by INDIVIDUALS,each only thinking of their own requirement..I however am looking behind the actual speaker to the rest of the queue,some of which most certainly will be unable to be thrown out anywhere except on to a flat kerb.

    On an approach to such a Stop,I am also scanning the Stop itself,to ascertain what awaits me there...opening the doors short of this can often provoke absolute panic as the more nimble make a mad dash for THEIR Bus..result = Total self-centred chaos laced with panic and hi-capacity for Disaster !......and entitrely the BUSDRIVER`s responsibility to manage :mad:

    When I began this career,as a conductor,I would speak for the driver,telling the customers how the driver could not open the door due to safety concerns,rules of the road and the Offences against the State Act 1939,almost none of which was accepted by those customer/s.....

    Now almost 20 years later my route of least resistance but most clarity is a very simple NO.
    From my perspective it works admirably...those who disagree with my decision still have to acknowledge it and those who respect it are clearly aware of it.

    Such a request is rarely,if ever,made by a non-national is virtually ALWAYS an Irish person who will demonstrate,yet again,the primacy of the INDIVIDUAL in our society...them foreigners know and accept that Public Mass Transit systems depend for their success on the willingness of that Public to accept the constraints of the term MASS TRANSIT.......IF any other more personal level of service is required......Take a Cab !!
    I merely as a kid at the time in a rush, didnt see myself as having a 2nd option,

    The situation with children is even more fraught for a Busdriver,as in addition to wrapping Children in protective foam,society has conferred a level of tolerance on the child which allows large numbers of them to impose their parents lack of thought or responsibility on everybody else...usually a Bus Full of passengers !!!......:D

    Again,my belief is in CLARITY, with a very clear requirement to impose a level of behaviour and order on children WHEN THEY ARE BOARDING......that establishes a clear set of indicators for the journey....well it does for me anyway.

    Phew,this is tiring me out......Time for a Nap !!!!!! ;)

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 551 ✭✭✭meanmachine3

    AlekSmart wrote: »
    Now almost 20 years later my route of least resistance but most clarity is a very simple NO.
    From my perspective it works admirably...those who disagree with my decision still have to acknowledge it and those who respect it are clearly aware of it.
    very well put alek. recently i had the unfortunate pleasure of having a plain clothes check. my bus was fairly full. when this guy got off after identifing himself and telling me that i had just been monitored i pulled in after a few stops and kindly explained to my passengers what had just happened and the reason why most bus drivers are unwilling to open the doors in between stops.i went onto tell them that i could be sent back to the training school on how to learn to drive a bus again. man you'd want to see the looks on their faces ,most of their jaws dropped and were wide open. at least i got my point across to them and they then understood the meaning of NO. a few later came up and said they'd never of that (drivers being watched by plain clothes monitors).
    the reason i told my passengers was it'll make them think twice before asking to get off in between stops.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    the reason i told my passengers was it'll make them think twice before asking to get off in between stops.

    Good stuff MM3....Our colleagues really should make much more use of the PA.

    Whilst I do acccept that many are afraid of it being on and broadcasting their innermost and passionate thoughts throughout the bus,I tend to use it as a tool to ensure that EVERYBODY is aware of stuff that may be relevant.

    I notice how in your example the announcement worked to your advantage and I would say to take good note of that fact and develop a confidence in that Microphone !!!! :D:D

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,792 ✭✭✭antoinolachtnai

    There is a problem with clarity about all sorts of things on buses (of all flavours) in Ireland for sure.

    Ultimately I think the fault doesn't lie with passengers. There is an assumption that passengers know a bunch of things, when in fact they don't. The reason they don't know is because they've never been clearly and succinctly communicated to.

    One aspect of this is safety for sure. But there is also a lack of certainty amongst passengers about the fare system, the actual routes, and many other things.

    Simplicity, clarity and coherence are the keys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,005 ✭✭✭✭AlekSmart

    Simplicity, clarity and coherence are the keys.

    A big +1 to that sentiment.

    However I have a theory,still in development,that our native physchological make-up renders us totally unamenable to those very attributes,which I believe are the cornerstones upon which ANY effective Public Transport should be built.

    Some years ago I remember watching with interest the carry on at one of London`s deeper Tube Stations and being amused at how at strategic intervals on the way up,the norm of standing to one side (as described on the notices at the top and bottom) suddenly disappeared and several individuals would suddenly stand at opposites,blocking the passage of the rushing City Gents and Captains of Industry.

    This being England,the blocked persons had little difficulty in barging past with a brusque barked "Scuse Me Please " or "Do you mind".

    Whilst standing at the top awaiting my companion I fell into conversation with an LuL liveried attendant,whom I asked if he noticed how so few could manage to totally delay so many......

    "Yes Indeed" he said....."But That`s the Irish for you....they`re never in a hurry "

    I was surprised at his forthright description,but as I watched the people coming off the top I was aware of how many were carrying luggage with Dub and Snn tags ...granted that didnt make them ALL Irish,but in the greater scheme of things I feel it was a valid pointer.
    The reason they don't know is because they've never been clearly and succinctly communicated to.

    Again this is true,but it must be qualified by an acceptance that the Irish mindset is totally at varience with actually being TOLD stuff,especially if the telling is direct and unembellished with plàmas.

    In my experience other European people,particularly German,Dutch,Belgian or Austrian will ask direct brusque questions and fully expect a rapid answer in the same vein.

    Quite often an Irish person will ramble around the perimeter fence of the question before asking it in a semi-direct manner more befitting of John B Keane or Eamon Morrisey on a good night......having asked the question in this manner,any answer often needs to be crafted in a Myles na gCopalleen manner and often supplied in the form of another sub question.

    I`m sure that there are students doing PhD`s and other advanced studies on why exactly we value the obtuse and convoluted over the direct and simple.....I have No idea !!!

    Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

    Charles Mackay (1812-1889)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 170 ✭✭Cleopatra12

    givyjoe81 wrote: »
    Christ it is so hard for you guys to acknowledge when a fellow driver does wrong without it always somehow being the customers fault. :rolleyes:

    Please read my previous post more carefully. I did say the driver was in the wrong!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 302 ✭✭Lobster

    There was mornings when I drove to work, still feeling tired and it made me wonder, is this not as bad as having a pint or two?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭LiamD

    Please read my previous post more carefully. I did say the driver was in the wrong!
    You did also say that the customer should bear 100% of the responsibility for getting off the bus though, do you stand by that? What if the person had lost their balance, as can often happen when a bus is braking and fell out the door?

    I don't want to jump down your throat or any driver's throat, I know you guys have a hard job but I could relate to givyjoe's story. There have been times on my bus where I'm waiting to get off, the bus is still braking and the driver opens the doors without fully stopping the bus. The suggestion I take from the driver in this instance is that I should be getting off the bus while it is moving and that I'm holding him up if I don't. I always wait until it stops though, knowing me if I jumped off I'd jump straight into the bus stop pole, how embarassing.

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