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Vista keeps loosing my Wireless Connection - please help!

  • 20-05-2009 1:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭

    Hi Folks,

    Hopefully someone can help me solve this. I have a PC with Vista HP. I use a USB Wireless dongle to connect to my Eircom BB. If I leave the PC for a while the connection is gone and I have to restart the PC to get it back. I have a laptop also, but this problem does not happen on the laptop.
    I have tried another dongle in the PC to see is it a dongle problem, but it happens to both. I do not have both dongles attached at the same time. If I keep using the internet, the problem does not seem to happen. The PC does not use sleep mode, and I have disabled the "Allow windows to turn off this device to save power" option in Power Management settings in the device properties tab.

    Wierd one, eh?

    I have tried both the Buffalo KG54 and the Zyxel G202 adapters.

    Kind Regards
