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Work??? Feck that.



  • The Irish attitude to work is seriously f**ked up. You really think 9.50 is bad pay for an unskilled job? It's grand pay, even considering the cost of living. Ever stop to think that maybe the dole is way too high? I just can't believe anyone would turn down a job because they can just claim the dole instead. The dole is meant to be the last resort, not an option if you can't be bothered putting in an honest day's work! I would most likely be better off if I went home and claimed the dole, but I have some pride and self respect, ffs. I prefer to contribute where I can instead of leeching, and where is sitting at home on the dole going to get anyone? Even a badly paid job can provide you with experience, a reference, new skills, someone to go every day.
    Yes I am bitter, you got that right. I'm bitter that I'm working 6 days a week to make money just to pay my bills, but I'm also being hit left right and centre by levies, taxes etc.

    Then these ****ing wasters on the dole come along, pay no taxes, get grants and allowances left right and centre, and for what? For being a pack of lazy bastards. Not even a solid hour of work in a week and they are being treated better off than the people who are trying to make an honest hard earned living.


    And then you get people blaming the government for setting the dole too high. The last time I checked, there was something called personal responsibility and ethics. I wouldn't rob money out of a cash register that was left sitting open, and I wouldn't claim money from the government unless I genuinely could not find a reasonably paid job. And by reasonably paid I mean minimum wage. The Celtic Tiger has ruined this country, and now we have a pack of spongers who feel entitled to over 10 euro an hour to operate a cash register or serve burgers. Yes, there are many who NEED the dole right now. The woman OP is talking about is another leech, and she deserved to be reported.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    zudo wrote: »
    Pay her a decent wage then. I'd rather work any day than draw the dole. But when companies are jumping on the bandwagon and paying ****e wages, I'd say fcuk ye too!

    Have you any idea how much it actually costs to employ someone in Ireland?
    The 9.50 p/h probably translates into about 500 quid a week by the time holidays, employer PRSI, and a whole host of other overheads are taken into accont.
    Depending on teh nature of the OP's business that could be a lot of cash to have to find weekly...going by the rate of pay, it's probably not overly skilled nor overly taxing so should be easy enough to fill.

    The cost of employing someone in this country is a barrier to actually creating jobs. My business is doing okay at the minute, and tbh I could do with taking on someone at least it stands, the way things are, if/when I take someone on it'll be for cash (I don't really care what the attitude of the forum to that is)...otherwise I simply can't get someone to work with/for me and it damages my business and means I can't take on work.

    This thread reminds me of some girl who called liveline the other week giving out about IKEA, where she'd attended for interview, gotten the job but then discovered that her pay rate would mean that she was better off on the dole, by the time childcare and transport costs were taken into account.
    The system is broken beyond fixing. No actually the country is broke beyond fixing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,582 ✭✭✭✭TheZohanS

    O'Coonassa wrote: »
    Like Irish companies profit margins.

    Have a look around, Irish companies are closing at a dramatic rate.
    O'Coonassa wrote: »
    It's surely an insane setup but who would work for a tenner a day?

    She wouldn't be working for a tenner a day, she would earn nearly that in ONE hour.

    Senna you did right to report her, I'd have done the same.

    She's willing to take free money yet she's not willing to contribute to the running of our hospitals, education system etc through paying taxes.

    People like that are parasites.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 798 ✭✭✭bobbyjoe

    She's only doing whats best for herself which is what everyone else is doing. She's obviously looking for work just needs a higher wage. Ratting on her was low.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,582 ✭✭✭✭TheZohanS

    bobbyjoe wrote: »
    She's only doing whats best for herself which is what everyone else is doing. She's obviously looking for work just needs a higher wage. Ratting on her was low.

    She's claming the dole when she can work, that's low.

    If the government cut the dole in the next budget because of scroungers like her it will effect those that really need the dole, that's low.

    The OP was right in reporting her, if more people did it then the state would have more resources to spend on things that really matter like the childrens hospital in Crumlin.

    Do you think it's fair that innocent children like Biggin's child have to suffer because scroungers like this woman and using up the States limited funds?

    I don't.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 241 ✭✭Ouijaboard

    DarkJager wrote: »
    Yes I am bitter, you got that right. I'm bitter that I'm working 6 days a week to make money just to pay my bills, but I'm also being hit left right and centre by levies, taxes etc.

    Then these ****ing wasters on the dole come along, pay no taxes, get grants and allowances left right and centre, and for what? For being a pack of lazy bastards. Not even a solid hour of work in a week and they are being treated better off than the people who are trying to make an honest hard earned living.

    The trouble these days is there are plenty of people who paid their taxes and their dues over the past 10-15 years to prop up our sham of an economy and now see themselves on the dole through no fault of their own and are unfortunately being painted with the same brush as the anto's of this world who never intended working at any stage in their lives.

    Lots of people now see themselves on 3 day weeks or week on week off scenarios and i'm sure when it comes down to it each and everyone of them is questioning whether their current financial position is viable in the long run. Plenty of highly skilled workers too, Its insane to think an unemployed mechanical engineer or a pilot is going to go out and clean toilets now for the good of the economy.

    At the end of the day it comes down to looking after number 1 and i'm 100% sure the op would have done the same thing as this girl did if he was in the same situation. To think he was doing her a favour by reporting her is ridiculous. Why is she treated like dirt if she paid her dues when times were good. She is more than entitled to claim her dole while she maybe gains a skill or looks for a job which pays better in the long run and maybe offers her a chance of promotion or better prospects in the future.

    With some people here you'd think the extra 250K people that landed on the dole in the past yr or so are all at home drinking dutch gold while getting stoned sitting down to the afternoon show. Some people are in dire straights being severely stretched financially, in danger of losing their home, considering emigrating for work and the long term good of their family etc.. Not everyone can share the same enthusiasm in cleaning toilets, or working in McDonald's as some on here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    Good points cougar1...personally speaking I think the PRSI dole and the "free" dole, should not pay the same rates.
    People that have been working steadily before and/or throughout the boom but who now find themselves on the scratcher, having paid all that tax and social insurance should be entitled to an income that will ensure a transition from have to have-not...but when we give these people the same 205 quid that the guy down the road that hasn't worked in decades gets for the same week, then where is the incentive for those long term claimants to actually get work?
    The PRSI dole is too low (compared to the rates that have been used to build up the fund) and the free dole is too high (far too high), to encourage those on it to ever bother to try coming off it...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭O'Coonassa

    TheZohan wrote: »
    Have a look around, Irish companies are closing at a dramatic rate.

    Hopefully that'll leave room for less greedy entrepreneurs resulting in less high demands for wages and less need for SW payments to be set so high in order to provide a decent enough standard of living.
    TheZohan wrote: »
    She wouldn't be working for a tenner a day, she would earn nearly that in ONE hour.

    She would effectively be working for a net increase in her income of a tenner a day. It's futile to argue otherwise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,582 ✭✭✭✭TheZohanS

    O'Coonassa wrote: »
    Hopefully that'll leave room for less greedy entrepreneurs resulting in less high demands for wages and less need for SW payments to be set so high in order to provide a decent enough standard of living.

    She would effectively be working for a net increase in her income of a tenner a day. It's futile to argue otherwise.

    What a ridiculous post.

    Income :
    1. The amount of money or its equivalent received during a period of time in exchange for labor or services, from the sale of goods or property, or as profit from financial investments.
    Her income would increase by over €300 each week.

    Dole is not income.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 798 ✭✭✭bobbyjoe

    TheZohan wrote: »
    She's claming the dole when she can work, that's low.

    If the government cut the dole in the next budget because of scroungers like her it will effect those that really need the dole, that's low.

    The OP was right in reporting her, if more people did it then the state would have more resources to spend on things that really matter like the childrens hospital in Crumlin.

    Do you think it's fair that innocent children like Biggin's child have to suffer because scroungers like this woman and using up the States limited funds?

    I don't.

    Don't think its fair to call her a scrounger she made the right decision for her situation. Maybe she will find something better than what the op is offering.

    Whats happening with Crumlin is a disgrace but put the blame where it belongs not on individuals trying to get by the easy target.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 Magic8

    Anyone who thinks that the dole is too much or that minimum wage is ridiculously high has obviously never had to survive on it. And by survive, I mean actually run a household in this country and be responsible for every last bill, rent, food and any emergency that might arise.

    Someone did the sums and came out with 380 a week I think? That's a weeks rent/mortgage in a small apartment in some parts of Dublin. That girl could face losing her house without whatever supplements she's claiming. And I don't blame her for not wanting to do that particular job for that money - I've worked in the service industry and you're worked like a dog for peanuts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 396 ✭✭jape

    [quote=[Deleted User];60372490]I wouldn't rob money out of a cash register that was left sitting open, and I wouldn't claim money from the government unless I genuinely could not find a reasonably paid job.[/quote]

    One is a criminal offence, theft.

    The other is a legal method of receiving money from the government.

    Such a great analogy.

    If they government decided to make all your income levies/taxes/prsi/etc completely voluntary, would you still pay them out of "pride" and love for your nation? My hole ya would.
    Post edited by Mike on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭O'Coonassa

    TheZohan wrote: »
    Dole is not income.

    ROFL, it's a crazy world you're living in. If it's money that comes in then it's income.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,255 ✭✭✭✭The_Minister

    Senna wrote: »
    Also, this is Donegal, were the cost of living is the lowest in the country, so €9.50 could be the equivalent of €12/13 in Dublin, its not a sh1t wage to start on.
    Don't let anyone tell you that that is a bad wage.
    I work five hours a week for €9 an hour (finishing up college, so didn't have time for more), and that is in Dublin.

  • jape wrote: »
    One is a criminal offence, theft.

    The other is a legal method of receiving money from the government.

    Such a great analogy.

    If they government decided to make all your income levies/taxes/prsi/etc completely voluntary, would you still pay them out of "pride" and love for your nation? My hole ya would.

    It IS theft to use taxpayers money you don't need or turn down jobs so you can receive dole or work on the side while on the dole. Stop fooling yourself. It's every bit as immoral as sticking your hand into a till and helping yourself, except you're robbing all of us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,582 ✭✭✭✭TheZohanS

    O'Coonassa wrote: »
    ROFL, it's a crazy world you're living in. If it's money that comes in then it's income.

    Your post is pure bliss.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    social welfare/dole/child allowance should be made in a such a way that people can only spend it on the basics like food/rent/esb/heat a voucher system maybe.because there a child s allowance might be spent on some good food for the kid instead of fake tan or a bottle of vodka for maa

    Agreed, but how do you measure this? One man might spend 70 euro a week on food, I would spend 30. My rent is probably higher than others etc etc. Giving people vochures and the likes simply will not work. They might be able to provide SW partially in vochures or something

    Overheal wrote: »
    and you can afford the internet...

    What's the problem? Even those on social welfare are allowed a life.
    €9.50 an hour is a perfect decent wage. Given that paying more could mean going out of Buisness for some companies. The Mentality of over paying people for crap jobs is exactly what got us into this mess.

    OP, what kind of Job is it, If I may ask

    No, what got us into this mess was greedy people, not those getting paid high wages for crappy unskilled jobs. Politicians ruined this country, developers ruined this country, those in power ruined this country, not it's citizens, we are just the scapegoats for all this mess.
    Dave! wrote: »
    Call social welfare

    I'm just finished college, and I'm probably eligible for jobseekers' benefit or something, but I don't plan on looking for a job until I come back from a holiday in 3 or 4 weeks. So I shalln't be signing on.

    Social responsibility is great

    How are you going to explain not applying immediately. I was given the third degree when I didn't apply right after college. Be carefull with that one ;)
    Dave! wrote: »
    Nah I'm just visiting relatives, so it's costing f*ck all

    But that's beside the point :) And that is that I'm entitled to benefit but not claiming it

    Good intentions, but life will prove that good intentions don't mean sh!t. Nobody is going to pat you on the back or pay you for your good intentions.

    A few weeks ago I went into the dole office, they asked why I wasn't claiming free travel, heating and rent allowance. I said I don't need it. I felt guilty, like I had done something wrong. I cannot understand this.
    Senna wrote: »
    She wont be anymore, hopefully she get feck all for awhile.

    As for the bleeding heart liberals on here, if she didn't want to work because she was putting her time to a good use like volunteering, the she would have said that. My conversation with her revolved around money, plain and simple, that was all she was interested in.

    Volunteering...Dont make me laugh:rolleyes:

    What's wrong with volunteering exactly?

    I can understand why people will not work for 260 a week. I know I would, because an extra 55 euro will make a huge differance to me :) On that low wage you can still claim some benifits like medical card and maybe some rent allowance.

    People are crying, dying for work. I dispise beatches like this, some people are just ungreatful to be honest.

    [quote=[Deleted User];60372490]The Irish attitude to work is seriously f**ked up. You really think 9.50 is bad pay for an unskilled job? It's grand pay, even considering the cost of living. Ever stop to think that maybe the dole is way too high? I just can't believe anyone would turn down a job because they can just claim the dole instead. The dole is meant to be the last resort, not an option if you can't be bothered putting in an honest day's work! I would most likely be better off if I went home and claimed the dole, but I have some pride and self respect, ffs. I prefer to contribute where I can instead of leeching, and where is sitting at home on the dole going to get anyone? Even a badly paid job can provide you with experience, a reference, new skills, someone to go every day. [/quote]

    What is getting really annoying and old is the "everyone on the dole is scum leeching alcho stoner lazy bastards..." bla bla bla... People who say this do not have a clue what they are talking about and need to wake up to reality :) I always hoped that people that say this would lose their jobs, that way they would know what they are saying is complete crap :)

    And then you get people blaming the government for setting the dole too high. The last time I checked, there was something called personal responsibility and ethics. I wouldn't rob money out of a cash register that was left sitting open, and I wouldn't claim money from the government unless I genuinely could not find a reasonably paid job. And by reasonably paid I mean minimum wage. The Celtic Tiger has ruined this country, and now we have a pack of spongers who feel entitled to over 10 euro an hour to operate a cash register or serve burgers. Yes, there are many who NEED the dole right now. The woman OP is talking about is another leech, and she deserved to be reported.

    We, as a country, could afford the high dole payments, now we cannot, I would gladly take a 10-15% cut. I could afford that, some can some cannot. Considering that rent has only gone down about 7% on average. Price of houses has gone down a LOT, but those on fixed rate mortgages are pretty screwed. Saying that people get paid too much on social welfare is difficult. We are a social welfare state. Just have to accept that. I rather a setup like Belgium, but that's not going to happen.
    Post edited by Mike on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    [quote=[Deleted User];60373421]It IS theft to use taxpayers money you don't need...[/QUOTE]

    Our government are the biggest theives then :P
    Post edited by Mike on

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭delllat

    i beleieve most of the peoplle who are saying they would gladly work 40hours a week to get an extra €50 are talking through their holes

    that wouuld be the financial equivalent of working for €1.25 an hour in a country where living expenses are so high that you cant buy anything with €1.25 anyway

    if there was any justice the minimum wage would be doubled to €18 quid an hour

    they way it stands nobody going to get off their arses for €1.25 an hour

    the system is fcuked ,people are only making the smart decision

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,942 ✭✭✭missingtime

    Interesting points about people finding jobs beneath them.

    I have a degree in computing and a CELT TEFL Certificate.. I have been a business analyst for a well known server and storage company and a team leader for a tech support company. I now work in a call centre for about 19.2 per year. Its v. low level customer support

    My friend who also has a degree in computing has been unemployed for 5 months because he couldn't see himself working in a job like mine. He's sent his CV in to me recently but there are no jobs where I am now.

    Another friend of mine who is being let go in 2 months asked if there were jobs where I am. I said "Maybe, I would see". He said "I wont do **** work though". I just smiled.

    If I dont work, I have to move home. Simple as. If I move home I will murder most of my family. My sister would survive only because she is in Australia.

    Time to wake up people.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    delllat wrote: »
    if there was any justice the minimum wage would be doubled to €18 quid an hour

    they way it stands nobody going to get off their arses for €1.25 an hour

    the system is fcuked ,people are only making the smart decision

    An 18 quid an hour minimum wage right now would **** the country in about a day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,942 ✭✭✭missingtime

    delllat wrote: »
    if there was any justice the minimum wage would be doubled to €18 quid an hour

    Business are closing, or going overseas, because they cannot afford to pay 8.30 per hour and you want.....never mind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    delllat wrote: »
    if there was any justice the minimum wage would be doubled to €18 quid an hour


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,835 ✭✭✭CamperMan

    I am self employed and in the last 12 months I have earned about €13,000, my brother is on the dole and with his rent allowance, dole money etc, he got about €21,500 for the past 12 months......... better off on the dole

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 35,943 Mod ✭✭✭✭dr.bollocko

    An 18 quid an hour minimum wage right now would **** the country in about a day.
    Business are closing, or going overseas, because they cannot afford to pay 8.30 per hour and you want.....never mind.
    Wertz wrote: »

    When shall we three meet again
    In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,942 ✭✭✭missingtime

    When shall we three meet again
    In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

    Dibs on lightning

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    delllat wrote: »
    i beleieve most of the peoplle who are saying they would gladly work 40hours a week to get an extra €50 are talking through their holes

    that wouuld be the financial equivalent of working for €1.25 an hour in a country where living expenses are so high that you cant buy anything with €1.25 anyway

    if there was any justice the minimum wage would be doubled to €18 quid an hour

    they way it stands nobody going to get off their arses for €1.25 an hour

    the system is fcuked ,people are only making the smart decision

    Lol... sorry dude but this is kinda funny :P

    The difference between 204 and 260 is massive. That would improve my life a LOT.
    CamperMan wrote: »
    I am self employed and in the last 12 months I have earned about €13,000, my brother is on the dole and with his rent allowance, dole money etc, he got about €21,500 for the past 12 months......... better off on the dole

    Fair play to you mate, I admire people like yourself. Keep at it, the rewards will be great. :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    CamperMan wrote: »
    I am self employed and in the last 12 months I have earned about €13,000, my brother is on the dole and with his rent allowance, dole money etc, he got about €21,500 for the past 12 months......... better off on the dole

    Sort of in the same boat as you mate...the best part is when things go pear shaped in our world, the bitches down the social tell you you're entitled to nothing.
