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Work??? Feck that.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    CiaranC wrote: »
    Ok wertz, so if we want to introduce new examples or facets of the discussion should we run it by you by PM first?

    Do what you feel man...I'm just pointing out the foolishness of everyone discussing one case and basing arguments for or against that case on what has been posted about the case, only for someone to tweak the circumstances (hypothetically) and then use those tweaked circumstances as a basis for arguing that everyone who argued on the side of the OP, was wrong, or that their arguments were seriously flawed.
    I believe the laymans term is shifting the goalposts. Makes for great debate that...

    By the by, calling the woman in Donegal a scrounging c*nt is a little unfair of me...I don't know the girl, I only know what Senna has posted. The system is as much if not more at fault than this woman, but like it or not, she is claiming benefits on the back of being "available for work", but yet when offered that work, she's suddenly not already pointed out it is at the very least slightly fradulent...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭ytareh

    OP should NOT have reported her!!!The hypocrisy on this thread is sickening.People on their moral high horses expecting her to work for a tenner a day net !?I have a secure,well paying job and would have to think long and hard about what choice to make if I were in her shoes.Of course there's no shame in honest work , no matter how low paying ....BUT she has to weigh up her finances and make the best choice for HER.
    Maybe she's bettering herself ,doing a course ,volunteering ,minding kids etc ,maybe shes at home watching tv ,so what !?If you want to get irate about this ludicrous system then blame the politicians and people who voted for them not some ordinary woman .And ABOVE ALL dont be stupid enough not to realise that some/many/most business owners ,small and large, are overtly and covertly defrauding the state of millions if not billions through 'artistic licence' in their tax returns etc ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,973 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    ytareh wrote: »
    OP should NOT have reported her!!!The hypocrisy on this thread is sickening.People on their moral high horses expecting her to work for a tenner a day net
    Its really a difference between earning money and taking money. Plus one of them exponentially increases your chances for a higher standard of living. I'd chance my arm Bill Gates has worked a 70 hour week since he was 16.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    professore wrote: »
    PRSI, income levies, no medical card, no fuel allowance, no rent allowance, travel to/from work, etc etc.

    You get paid less if you work, obviously people are going to opt out of work when the rewards of social welfare are far greater.

    [quote=[Deleted User];60378194]That's exactly what's wrong with the country. It's seen as an entitlement rather than the last resort. I wish all the dole spongers would go live in the US for a while and see how long they last on their welfare. And no, I'm not talking about people genuinely desperate for a job, I'm talking about people like OP's former employee. Ireland really is an absolute joke. [/quote]

    It IS an entitlement, which the majority of people contribute to.

    I certainly never said that. I've no problem with my taxes going towards people who need the money. I do have a problem with people thinking they're too good for minimum wage jobs and choosing the dole over earning money. And actually , I DID lose my job last year. I moved to another country to find work, on my own. If I hadn't been in a position to move (kids, mortgage), I would have taken a minimum wage job. I certainly didn't sit around whinging about how the world owes me a living. It actually never even occured to me to just go on the dole. It's nice that it's there if I ever genuinely need it, as it should be, but I don't understand the sense of entitlement so many Irish people seem to have. Social welfare is supposed to be a safety net to protect people from poverty, not a lifestyle choice.

    Lol. good one... how anyone can see social welfare as a "lifestyle choice" is beyond me. You won't have much of a lifestyle on 204 a week...

    [quote=[Deleted User];60380316]No, I DO understand things in this country. That's what infuriates me. Did you read my post? I said I have no problem with people who genuinely CAN'T get a job. This woman was offered a job paying more than the dole and turned it out because 'it wasn't worth it.' That shows a tremendous lack of ethics and laziness. The dole is NOT a last resort if you are offered a job paying a good bit above minimum wage and you turn it down. How can you not see that? This particular woman has committed a crime by turning down work in favour of staying on the dole, so how exactly is she 'entitled' to it? She is fraudulently receiving taxpayer's money because she can't be bothered to work for a very reasonable wage.[/QUOTE]

    9.50 is crap money, I would work for it no problems, thing is, you are never given the hours you need. Most minimum wage jobs have their hours changed every bloody week. Just above minimum wage is not a reasonable wage, it is rubbish. It's not a crime to turn down a job while on social welfare. Remember that...

    [quote=[Deleted User];60380756]Eh, 9.50 IS a 'good bit' over minimum wage. OP has told us how much he was going to pay her, and we know what the minimum wage is, so what exactly have I 'made up'?[/quote]

    A good bit, relative to what? The minimum wage is 8.65, 9.50 is not a good bit over that, by any means.
    And as for what you posted, yes, I still think that is unethical. I know some people have it harder than others, but what if everyone in the world took that attitude?

    Who cares about ethics when it comes to survival? Ethics and survival do not belong in the same sentence :eek:
    Who would be paying for all these single mothers and people who don't think it's worthwhile to work for 'only' 9.50 an hour? Do you think only company executives and stockbrokers pay taxes? The point is that people need to take responsibility for their own situation.

    They sure do, so lets start with the bankers and politicians who contributed a substantial amount to this mess, no lets no, lets give them raises and bonuses for the botch job they did and take it out on the taxpayer... again...
    I've worked hard through college, after college and will be working my way through my Masters

    Ah... you're a student, why didn't you say that before? Now I understand where you are comming from... :rolleyes::rolleyes:
    because I'm not 'entitled' to a penny from the state.

    Based on what exactly? Are you just speculating? Have you checked it out?
    I'm not entitled to a medical card because I've always worked.

    What? You are not entitled (sorry you said social welfare is not an entitlement, anyway...) to a medical card because you have always worked? I must have missed that requirement. Something tells me you have never applied for any social welfare, because you know nothing about it.
    I'm as poor as anyone on the dole. Why should my taxes be subsidising someone who chooses not to work?

    See, here's the thing, that tax is not yours, it never has been and never will be. It is the governments money. It's an idea that people need to get out of their heads.
    Yes. She is a criminal.

    No she's not.

    She's claiming social welfare, not because she can't find a job, but because it doesn't suit her?

    Would you work for less money because of ethics and pride? I know I wouldn't. Again, the people get the brunt of it when the system and government are at fault...

    [quote=[Deleted User];60380916]Right, OK, so let's all quit our jobs then. You think 9.50 is peanuts, so I'm obviously insane for working for not much more in a job requiring a college degree and postgrad cert. Let's all stop working until meanies like OP agree to pay us 30 euro an hour for a standing behind a counter, because that's what we all deserve, damn it! Sure, money grows on trees, doesn't it? What is this 'earn' word people speak of, I don't understand it![/QUOTE]

    9.50 is peanuts, and you work for little more than that in a job that requires a degree? Is it an arts degree? I am afraid you are getting rode up the hole there...
    Post edited by Mike on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    How is she working a for a tenner a day?
    The mistake too many people make is considering the dole/rent allowance to be a basic wage entitlement and anything above that to be a bonus.
    If she's doing anything you mention above, volunteering, babysitting, whatever, then she isn't available for work and technically has no right to be claiming at all.

    What if she decides the best choice for her is to shoplift her groceries or drive off without paying for petrol to make ends her circumstances suddenly make it okay to break those laws too?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Overheal wrote: »
    Youre demeaning yourself to the level of a child when you are on the dole.

    GTFO, seriously and don't come back here with that sh!te...
    So lets assume for a moment everyone is as "rational" as you. Everyone decides to quit their jobs. Businesses decide to shut down. After all your man a few pages ago was commenting how his brother makes quite a bit more on the dole than he does running his own business. So? Whats left? You take for granted the woman you pay for your milk every week and the business that makes your bread. The lads that operate the ESB and even the lads that operate this website. If they all decided its too much work for too little pay, there wouldnt be a society left.

    Assumption is the mother of all fcuk ups. You are also assuming that everyone is on minimum wage, which is not the case so this peice of tripe you posted doesn't mean anything. It is a complete joke what you are suggesting...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Wertz wrote: »
    How is she working a for a tenner a day?
    The mistake too many people make is considering the dole/rent allowance to be a basic wage entitlement and anything above that to be a bonus.
    If she's doing anything you mention above, volunteering, babysitting, whatever, then she isn't available for work and technically has no right to be claiming at all.

    What if she decides the best choice for her is to shoplift her groceries or drive off without paying for petrol to make ends her circumstances suddenly make it okay to break those laws too?

    I am pretty sure it's ok to turn down a job, for the right reasons. Comparing someone on social welfare to a theif... well... it's very very stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,973 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    GTFO, seriously and don't come back here with that sh!te...

    Assumption is the mother of all fcuk ups. You are also assuming that everyone is on minimum wage, which is not the case so this peice of tripe you posted doesn't mean anything. It is a complete joke what you are suggesting...
    You assume the woman who works the till at the newsagents is somehow getting the suggested 500 euro a month to treat her to get the fcuk out of her house and contribute to society? Thats the tripe tbh. There are thousands of people in Ireland working for the minimum wage and its not because they arent eligible for the dole. Its called Work Ethic, and Self Respect.

    Ok then. So not everyone is not on the minimum wage. But how did they get up above the minimum wage? Luck? Sexual favors? Or Hard Work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 ilikerashers

    I am pretty sure it's ok to turn down a job, for the right reasons. Comparing someone on social welfare to a theif... well... it's very very stupid.

    Completely agree here. People who are too "morally responsible" to take the dole are asking to be shafted, and will continue to be shafted by every business/goverment they'll ever meet so I suggest maybe a lifetimes supply of vaseline?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,909 ✭✭✭✭Wertz

    Well I'm pretty sure that in order to qualify for dole payment, you must be available for work...being accepted by a potential employer would mean that you are available for work...turning the post down means that you are effectively declaring yourself unavailable for work, yet you still wish to be entitled to the payment that you're technically no longer entitled to...

    How is it very stupid to compare social welfare fraud to thieving? It's a stretch, granted, but for everyone claiming dole payments who aren't entitled, someone is handing over that money in taxes every month, taxes that could go someplace else...(let's not get into the argument about how so much of our tax is frittered away on waste in the public services, on bankrupt banks, on farmers etc)
    Basically breaking small laws to further yourself be it small time fraud or small time thievery shouldn't be tolerated by society at is, for the simple fact that everyone is perceived to be taking a bigger piece of the tax pie, and normal Joe Soap paying his way, is the one footing the bill....

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Relevant

    ytareh wrote: »
    OP should NOT have reported her!!!The hypocrisy on this thread is sickening.People on their moral high horses expecting her to work for a tenner a day net !?.
    She is not working for a tenner a day!! At the moment she is being supplemented by social welfare while she is "actively seeking work" It is called "job seekers", not "reasonable entitlement for sitting on your hole"

    By being on the dole she is removing €204 per week(not taking SW costs in to account) Therefore the state has a balance of -204.

    On the other hand if she was to work she would be getting €380 per week. Of this 254 is going to her and the rest, €136 is going to the state. That means the state has a balance of +136

    (assuming 9.50 per hour, 40 hour week, net increase in weekly take home of 50)

    Therefore, by working she is also contributing to the running of the country rather than scrounging from it!

    By the way i don't feel that everyone on the dole is scrounging, but if you are offered a job and dont take it you are a scrounger!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,995 ✭✭✭Sofiztikated

    Iamxavier, Social welfare fraud is a crime. She is committing a crime. Therefore, she is a criminal.
    That woman has no reason not to take that job.
    Yes, the system is flawed, but she doesn't have to take advantage of it.

  • You get paid less if you work, obviously people are going to opt out of work when the rewards of social welfare are far greater.

    Indeed. So what do you suggest then, should the government cut social welfare because people are too weak to resist taking it when they don't genuinely need it?
    It IS an entitlement, which the majority of people contribute to.

    It's an entitlement for someone who cannot find work, not someone who is picking and choosing what kind of work they want to do.
    Lol. good one... how anyone can see social welfare as a "lifestyle choice" is beyond me. You won't have much of a lifestyle on 204 a week...

    It IS a lifestyle choice for many people in Ireland. Are you blind? If the dole is so awful then why have the shops been staffed by Poles and other foreigners
    for the last ten years? Because for some reason, Irish people think it is preferable to leech from the state rather than take jobs which are 'beneath them.' And remember that's 204 a week plus rent allowance, fuel allowance and all the other little 'extras' provided by the taxpayer.
    9.50 is crap money, I would work for it no problems, thing is, you are never given the hours you need. Most minimum wage jobs have their hours changed every bloody week. Just above minimum wage is not a reasonable wage, it is rubbish. It's not a crime to turn down a job while on social welfare. Remember that...

    Crap money in relation to what? It's great money compared to what you earn for unskilled work in most places, including places where the cost of living is similar or even higher than in Ireland.
    A good bit, relative to what? The minimum wage is 8.65, 9.50 is not a good bit over that, by any means.

    It's almost a euro higher. Not as if it's five cents higher.
    Who cares about ethics when it comes to survival? Ethics and survival do not belong in the same sentence :eek:

    It's impossible to survive on a minimum wage job now, is it? How do you figure that out? I do wonder how many of my family members have managed to raise kids with both parents in low paid, unskilled jobs. Have you ever been outside Ireland? Have you ever been to a country where you are expected to work for a living and welfare really is the bare minimum?
    Ah... you're a student, why didn't you say that before? Now I understand where you are comming from... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    If you could read, you'd see I'm working full time. Was made redundant and moved to find more work. I said I also worked (and paid tax) during college.
    Based on what exactly? Are you just speculating? Have you checked it out?

    Yes, checked it out.

    What? You are not entitled (sorry you said social welfare is not an entitlement, anyway...) to a medical card because you have always worked? I must have missed that requirement. Something tells me you have never applied for any social welfare, because you know nothing about it.

    I have looked into it and was told I was not entitled because I worked. And I said it wasn't an entitlement when you didn't need it. Stop picking and choosing your arguments.
    See, here's the thing, that tax is not yours, it never has been and never will be. It is the governments money. It's an idea that people need to get out of their heads.

    And where did that money come from? From the sky? If all of us had your attitude, there would not BE any dole money to hand out!

    Would you work for less money because of ethics and pride? I know I wouldn't. Again, the people get the brunt of it when the system and government are at fault...

    Yes, I would. There is a lot more to working than simply earning X amount of money. Sorry that you can't see that.

    9.50 is peanuts, and you work for little more than that in a job that requires a degree? Is it an arts degree? I am afraid you are getting rode up the hole there...

    Peanuts compared to what? How much money do you think people should earn for unskilled work?

    I'm working in a fairly badly paid job at the moment because there isn't much out there and because I'm going back to college this year. It is enough for me to survive on and save a little and provides me with a lot of experience, I meet interesting people, I have something productive to do every day and it's something I can continue to do part time to fund my Masters. But of course you think I'm an idiot because I should be at home watching Jeremy Kyle and whinging that there are no jobs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭delllat

    theres no point complaining about some slapper refusing a paid job when theres generations of skangers being bred into welfare families who have never worked and never will

    I know a guy in dublin whos 30 now and he has never paid a dime in tax his entire life as he has never worked a single day ,both his parents are on welfare and his girlfriend just had a kid

    he has a nice free house in dublin,cable tv and broadband and has enough cash to buy a bag of cans every day and other luxuries that you wouldnt assume someone "broke on the dole" could afford

    i know another family in the south inner city and the parents along with all the kids are claiming and have been way before the recession when there was heaps of jobs

    these kind of people know exactly what can be claimed and exactly how to claim it and there are scores of families like this in every council estate

  • Registered Users Posts: 481 ✭✭Fiend-Foe

    Senna wrote: »
    I hired a member of staff two weeks ago on trial, she was on the dole for the last year and she turned out to be a very good professional worker. So last week i offered her a full-time job and she accepted it, no surprise there, seen there are very few new jobs in the area.
    Then today she came into me and said she cant take the job as she worked it out and she is better off on the dole than working a 40 hour week, earning a bit more than minimum wage. To say i was mad was an understatement, first its a disgrace that someone can earn more (or only a bit less, when taking all the other benefits that come with the dole) by laying on their ass all week at the tax payers expense and second that we are allowing this system to continue.

    I think i might phone social welfare tomorrow and tell them she has refused a job, i would hope her dole would be stopped, but i doubt they would do feck all.

    Just a rant and its not the first time someone has refused work as they wanted to stay on the dole.

    Mods feel free to lock thread, probably no need of more dole threads.

    Would you have taken the job in her position?

    Could you not have offered to up her wages by €Ƽ0 so she wouldn't be losing out?

    To be honest this girl doesn't sound like the type who is just sitting about, she was more than willing to work until she did the maths. Who in all honesty would take less money to work a 40 hour week when they barely have enough to get by on in the first place, it doesn't make any sense.

    I'm sure she will keep looking to try find something better. People have financial commitments. It doesn't make any sense to leave yourself at a loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 35 ilikerashers

    the government has inflated dole so much it doesn't make sense not to avail of it. Make hay while the sun shines and all that. Its £60 in the UK and 205 euro here, alot of welfare boys have been getting fat over the years and it's about time someone brings it down. Salarys are getting cut everywhere so why shouldn't the dole?

    We've all been asleep for the last few years and are only waking up to the cushy number we've been paying for. Its morally irresponsible to pay tax to support such high standards and thats something we're all guilty of.

  • Registered Users Posts: 481 ✭✭Fiend-Foe

    the government has inflated dole so much it doesn't make sense not to avail of it. Make hay while the sun shines and all that. Its £60 in the UK and 205 euro here, alot of welfare boys have been getting fat over the years and it's about time someone brings it down. Salarys are getting cut everywhere so why shouldn't the dole?

    We've all been asleep for the last few years and are only waking up to the cushy number we've been paying for. Its morally irresponsible to pay tax to support such high standards and thats something we're all guilty of.

    I lost my job recently and have had to go on social welfare.

    Trust me, its no "cushy number".

    Not by a long shot.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Leave job seekers benefits alone, many people pay PRSI for years and years and now the system is there for them. And if I lose my job I'll be queing to apply for JSB the very next day. No shame, yes it is an "entitlement"

    But what to do with the long-term unemployed?
    Well we have FAS courses, Community Employment Schemes and probably lots of other schemes.
    So what's going wrong?
    If you are long-term unemployed why are you not in a FAS centre every day of the week and not buying bags of cans? :confused:

    Oh the outcry when the bonus was cut. Something that was 2% of the annual payment to an individual.
    Can't wait for the outcry when the job seekers allowance scheme is slashed for ALL applicants.
    And it will be cut and the media will scream about hitting vulnerable people but what is currently be done isn't working

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭Black Lead

    mikemac wrote: »

    But what to do with the long-term unemployed?
    Well we have FAS courses, Community Employment Schemes and probably lots of other schemes.
    So what's going wrong?
    If you are long-term unemployed why are you not in a FAS centre every day of the week and not buying bags of cans? :confused:

    FAS courses and Community Employment Schemes are extremely difficult to get on with very long waiting lists and they don't actually help you that much most FAS courses are just something to keep a person busy for a short while with no guaranty of employment afterwords. FAS has need a complete overhaul for years as it is a complete joke in actually helping unemployed people.

    As for the women who left the job because she was better off on the dole, Who can blame her I was the same before work part time for 180 a week or stay on the dole for 200 and get my medical card aswell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Relevant

    mikemac wrote: »
    Leave job seekers benefits alone, many people pay PRSI for years and years and now the system is there for them. And if I lose my job I'll be queing to apply for JSB the very next day. No shame, yes it is an "entitlement"
    But in this instance she is not seeking a job. She was offered and refused

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Relevant

    Black Lead wrote: »
    As for the women who left the job because she was better off on the dole, Who can blame her I was the same before work part time for 180 a week or stay on the dole for 200 and get my medical card aswell.
    How does it feel to be a freeloader?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 396 ✭✭jape

    the government has inflated dole so much it doesn't make sense not to avail of it. Make hay while the sun shines and all that. Its £60 in the UK and 205 euro here

    This UK comparison thing really annoys me, of the 30 OECD countries, 25 of them actually have higher dole payments than ours. The UK is one of the 4 who have lower payments than ours. If dole payments are to be lowered, then PRSI (which people on the dole pay for years before claiming) must be lowered too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 682 ✭✭✭kevinmcc

    You are all quick to start telling off the girl who wouldn't take the job but no-one actually knows what the job the OP offering is? Perhaps it is a bad wage for that job? Perhaps the management in the company are horrible to work for and the girl decided to tell the OP she was better off on the dole to get away from the place? A bit harsh of the OP to report her...why not report the scum who have been sitting on the dole years and not even looking for a job instead OP?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Relevant

    Ass wrote: »
    Well look. All I'm saying is that I have a pretty well paying part time job that I work so I have money during college. I also claim the dole because students have it pretty bad at the minute. Do I feel like a sponger? Hell no. I live a more enjoyable life because of it. Times as a student in Ireland can be pretty tough. It's easy to do, and its pretty much my entitlement to do so. We pay the money to the government in taxes, so it's pretty much our money that we're claiming back. Thats a rational financial decisions that I've made.
    How are you claiming the dole in college?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 396 ✭✭jape

    Ass wrote: »
    Well I can't tell you how because technically it's illegal and you can get banned for talking about that stuff on here. So....

    I'd be careful of that, your college has your PPS number as do social welfare. They do random cross-checks on the 2 databases all the time. Otherwise do you not think the other 80,000 third level students have never thought of doing the same thing?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Relevant

    Ass wrote: »
    Well I can't tell you how because technically it's illegal and you can get banned for talking about that stuff on here. So....
    So what you mean is you are talking through your ass. No pun intended

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Iamxavier, Social welfare fraud is a crime.

    She is committing a crime.

    Oh yea, the crime of refusing to take a job, gotta look out for that one. Now, tell me, what crime has she committed exactly? This is laughable.
    Therefore, she is a criminal.

    Again, you are just making crap up... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    That woman has no reason not to take that job.
    Yes, the system is flawed, but she doesn't have to take advantage of it.

    Get off your high horse, she had every right to decline a job that will leave her worse off financialy.
    Relevant wrote: »
    On the other hand if she was to work she would be getting €380 per week. Of this 254 is going to her and the rest, €136 is going to the state. That means the state has a balance of +136

    Those figgures are completely wrong. Where did you get them from?

    Therefore, by working she is also contributing to the running of the country rather than scrounging from it!

    Minimum wage workers pre levy contribute very very little to the country.

    By the way i don't feel that everyone on the dole is scrounging, but if you are offered a job and dont take it you are a scrounger!

    If you are offered a sh!t job for sh!t wages then you have a brain...
    Overheal wrote: »
    You assume the woman who works the till at the newsagents is somehow getting the suggested 500 euro a month to treat her to get the fcuk out of her house and contribute to society?

    This sentence makes no sence to me...
    Thats the tripe tbh. There are thousands of people in Ireland working for the minimum wage and its not because they arent eligible for the dole. Its called Work Ethic, and Self Respect.

    Yea and who are these people in part time jobs? I tell you who, all the kids, students and foreigners. Those people who are not eligible for social welfare. Most of them jobs are only 15 - 20 hours a week. Which sucks balls. Don't give me that snobber "work ethic and self respect" sh!te, it's a load of balls in situations like these. 2 years ago you would have an argument, but that bullsh!t doesn't mean anything now. Worth ethic, LOL, self respect, LOL.... wake up.
    Ok then. So not everyone is not on the minimum wage. But how did they get up above the minimum wage? Luck? Sexual favors? Or Hard Work?

    Are you taking the piss or something?

    [quote=[Deleted User];60382416]Indeed. So what do you suggest then, should the government cut social welfare because people are too weak to resist taking it when they don't genuinely need it? [/quote]

    I am not running for government, I am not here to fix the problem, I suggest you talk to whoever you are voting for, I don't really care about the system, right now it works perfect for me. :)

    Most people are talking crap here, "I wouldn't take something that was easy to take, it's morally wrong" laughable crap. Wrongfully taking it is a differant matter.

    It's an entitlement for someone who cannot find work, not someone who is picking and choosing what kind of work they want to do.

    This proves outright that you don't have a clue about how social welfare works, your posts are personal opinions, nothing more. People on social welfare have every right to decline work.

    The op won't get anywhere reporting her. Nowhere at all.

    It IS a lifestyle choice for many people in Ireland.

    Nah, it's a minority.
    Are you blind?

    Is this a trick question?
    If the dole is so awful

    Where did I say it was "soooo awfull...". It's great :)
    then why have the shops been staffed by Poles and other foreigners for the last ten years?

    We didn't have the workforce for our growth. :)
    Because for some reason, Irish people think it is preferable to leech from the state rather than take jobs which are 'beneath them.

    Yea, 450,000 people in ireland won't work for less than 100K a year... I am one of those people :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    And remember that's 204 a week plus rent allowance, fuel allowance and all the other little 'extras' provided by the taxpayer.

    The level of pay is completely differant. Some get 80 a week, some 204, some get no extras some get all... you cannot say that everyone on social welfare gets the maximum allowance.

    Crap money in relation to what? It's great money compared to what you earn for unskilled work in most places, including places where the cost of living is similar or even higher than in Ireland.

    Who cares about other places. The money is still crap, in relation to the cost of life in Ireland. Especially in the likes of Dublin.

    It's almost a euro higher. Not as if it's five cents higher.

    Wow... an extra 40 euro a week. Prior to the levy it was better, now it is just crap.

    It's impossible to survive on a minimum wage job now, is it?

    Where did I say that?
    How do you figure that out?

    I didn't figure it out, you put words in my mouth O.o.
    Have you ever been outside Ireland?

    Plenty of times.
    Have you ever been to a country where you are expected to work for a living and welfare really is the bare minimum?

    Yea they sucked balls... would never in a million years live there :)

    If you could read

    I can read...
    you'd see I'm working full time. Was made redundant and moved to find more work. I said I also worked (and paid tax) during college.

    Masters = student = college...

    Yes, checked it out.

    There is a reason why you are not entitled to it, you haven't paid enough tax, still living at home with mammy? There are reasons...

    I have looked into it and was told I was not entitled because I worked. And I said it wasn't an entitlement when you didn't need it. Stop picking and choosing your arguments.

    News flash, people who work can also claim social welfare and the medical card.... :eek: You earn more than the tresh hold if you are unable to get it. You can also claim for differant types of medical cards.

    And where did that money come from? From the sky? If all of us had your attitude, there would not BE any dole money to hand out!

    If everyone had my attitude the world would be a much much better place.

    The money came from the citizens, but it was never theirs... if it was, there would be no tax :eek:

    Yes, I would. There is a lot more to working than simply earning X amount of money. Sorry that you can't see that.

    Abraham Maslow, born over a hundred years ago, came up with a "heirarchy of needs", I am quite familiar with the differant reasons as to why people work. Unfortunately I do not believe you would work for less money to save your pride. People who do this are pretty foolish, and in fact, BLIND themselves...

    Stop being so concerned about my eyes, they are perfect.

    Peanuts compared to what? How much money do you think people should earn for unskilled work?

    Minimum wage, that's what it is there for, unskilled work. The money is still peanuts. Peanuts compared to a decent wage. which is only about 22K a year. Still that is not that great. Min wage nets you about 15K a year... that's a right poxy amount of money to live on.
    I'm working in a fairly badly paid job at the moment because there isn't much out there and because I'm going back to college this year. It is enough for me to survive on and save a little and provides me with a lot of experience, I meet interesting people, I have something productive to do every day and it's something I can continue to do part time to fund my Masters. But of course you think I'm an idiot because I should be at home watching Jeremy Kyle and whinging that there are no jobs.

    Where did I state that you should be doing that? I love how people put words in my mouth. Stop doing that.

    You gotta work through college, I had 3 jobs at one stage while sitting my ordinary degree final exams, but that's just me. I have always had at least one job most of the time I had two. I would like to have even one job now, but it is pretty difficult... actually it is extremely difficult. Dole is fine for me for now, like most people on the dole, it is a temporary thing.

    Problem with fas is that it is SH!T... you have to be unemployed for a year to get any course, numbers are seriously low for the courses, they chop and change and cancel when they want if there are any problems, and they don't let anyone know about it. Fas is the biggest waste of money...
    delllat wrote: »
    theres no point complaining about some slapper refusing a paid job when theres generations of skangers being bred into welfare families who have never worked and never will

    Why is she a slapper?
    ...there are scores of families like this in every council estate

    Ah yes, the infamous council estate syndrome. Social welfare is isolated to only those in council estates... lol... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    Post edited by Mike on

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Relevant wrote: »
    But in this instance she is not seeking a job. She was offered and refused

    What??? Sometimes I wonder about our race...

    WTF are you talking about? How the hell do you think she go to an interview stage? She went to buy a loaf of bread and got offered an interview???
    Relevant wrote: »
    How does it feel to be a freeloader?

    Who are you to judge? GTFO...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 111 ✭✭Black Lead

    Relevant wrote: »
    How does it feel to be a freeloader?

    How I am a freeloader ? My employer wouldn't give me the hours I needed and the dole office wouldn't help me either because I was working more than 3 days.

    I have bills to pay and if unemployment helps me more than employment then I'll be unemployed and there is allot of people in this positon, the social welfare system needs to be overhauled starting with getting rid of the 3 day week and have it based on hours rather than days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,995 ✭✭✭Sofiztikated

    Iamxavier, we agree on this, someone that commits a crime is a criminal, yes?
    Well the crime there is this. She is of sound mind and body, able for work, offered a job, accepted said job, and then decided it wasn't for her. She then wanted to go back on the dole where she left off, thus making a fraudulent claim. Fraud = crime.
