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Twin flames, your thoughts and experiences

  • 22-05-2009 6:54am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭

    Can people post their thoughts and experiences on their relationship, Iappreciate some feedback, that would help me understand mine, so it seems that not many people i know in this country have heard of this connection.

    Please note its not a romantic la le la relationship.It something that is just not from this world, its simply in those words as it means.

    It can be your mother, father, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sisiter, companiion etc.

    It's two halves of the same souls, where they spilt at the beginning of the universe,they interdimensionally are one, but in the physical they are separate entities or bodies. They can incarnate as on in physical and one surrounding you within the soul comic realm guiding your path.

    Signs to watch out for
    • Instant knowingness of each other
    • unfinished business
    • complete uncondiotional love
    • complimentary features or even opposite in physical
    • Naturally imitate each other
    • Can feel each other no matter the time or distance
    • The intensity is almost unbearable
    • Sychroinisation in meeting each other
    • have parellel lives
    • People can sometimes see you both as one, or get the duality vibe around when you are in the same presence
    • You will be both be exactly complimentary and opposing in your personalities
    • Your of the same person, and you will pick up the mirro of each other
    • You both have a passion and spirituality in each other you will never encounter in another being, as they are not you.
    • Your love will help other souls to unite as one,
    • Your cycles and biorythms will be in synch
    • You will be telepathic
    • Both use their connection as an example and a service to the cosmic balance.
    When twinflames meet, they integrate the male and female aspects of themselves into each other. So they become one. Duality collaspes. Polarisation of man and woman collaspes. You dont think in polarisation, when two of you are together you become one literally because you are one. One soul dispersed joining as one again as part of the divine plan

    Anyone experience this? This is of relationships questioning,

    Some links for people who don't understand it and might be quick to dismiss or laugh at it:rolleyes:

    When twin fales unite, their connection becomes complete. When this happens fufillment is achieved. This inspiration and onenss is then gravitated throughout the cosmos so more souls will join and neet their twin conterparts. This separation is very much the nature of the universe as it expands. But in time all will unite to zero point. This is the purpose of the twinflame.

    It is NOT ROMANTIC LOVE although you can experience romance if desired, but this connection is pure love and of divine nature. Loving you and that is. It is not to be confused with lust or obsessive love "i need this man or girl balony" It is not a crush and it is not just a physical relationship it extends on all levels imaginable. If you have met your twinflame, consider yourself very privelaged as your given a divine purpose and your resonation and frequency is attracting your twin counterpart as your soul would be very evolve in this scenerio. Not every soul has twinflame as not every soul is separated by half where one soul recarnates onto another realm leaving your other soul lieing idle or in another domension.It is not common for twinflames to recarnate on the one planet at the same time, unless they speicfically choosed to reincarnate for their dualaity purpose.

    It is said that most twinflames will unite coming up to 2012, when our planet shifts again. It is already shifting due our world moving into a new galactic day. Our 6th galactic day. So the planet on every level is changing from the bottom right up. These are cycles and some soulsa rea in snych with this and some are not. Twinflames play a major role in these cycles.

    Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, if you have any queries on this subject please feel free to pm your questions.

    I asked Berethiul to post this message from personal forum to here, a few times oh well, I took the responsiblity and time and time to put it here for you all :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    I encountered my twin soul/twin flame a few years back - think it is three years now. We have not, as of yet, met in person. However the similarities, were mind blowing at first. We are both the youngest of three, being the only girl, have the exact same birthday (ironically I was supposed to be a twin), went through similar experiences around the same periods of our life. When we talk it's like telepathy going on - we ask each other the same question, or say the same thing pretty much simultaneously. Also, remember, the number 11 is common with twin souls - my number in numerology is 11.

    The relationship can feel intense, due to having experienced nothing like it before. Also, bare in mind, even though we come from the same source, twin souls are still 2 complete individuals. I hadn't actually realised about the 2012 aspect, however have jokingly said to my twin soul, about how it would be cool to finally meet in person in 2012. We were hoping to meet end of last year, early this year, however due to financial pressures, that did not materialise for either of us.

    Will try to come back to this later, but feel free to ask any questions.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    I encountered my twin soul/twin flame a few years back - think it is three years now. We have not, as of yet, met in person. However the similarities, were mind blowing at first. We are both the youngest of three, being the only girl, have the exact same birthday (ironically I was supposed to be a twin), went through similar experiences around the same periods of our life. When we talk it's like telepathy going on - we ask each other the same question, or say the same thing pretty much simultaneously. Also, remember, the number 11 is common with twin souls - my number in numerology is 11.

    The relationship can feel intense, due to having experienced nothing like it before. Also, bare in mind, even though we come from the same source, twin souls are still 2 complete individuals. I hadn't actually realised about the 2012 aspect, however have jokingly said to my twin soul, about how it would be cool to finally meet in person in 2012. We were hoping to meet end of last year, early this year, however due to financial pressures, that did not materialise for either of us.

    Will try to come back to this later, but feel free to ask any questions.

    Thanks for your experiences, and can i ask since you met yout twinflame did you feel inspired to recconnect the divine source to this world within the absense of beeb around your twin the physical??

    Well 2012, relates to the cosmic cycles all coming to a head, this aspect is important with twinflames, as twinflames are cosmic connections of duality. Everything in the universe yearns to reconnect and join as one ever since the big bang. Its coded within the DNA of the twinflame experience to reconnect once they meet one another again. Their mission is to reconnect this planet with the source for 2012.

    I'm very surprised you were born on the same day "techincally your not physical twins" and i've never heard a story where you were born on the same date on earth. I was always told that twinflames never incarnate on the same time. Oh well It may proved alot of people wrong on this theory.

    BTW, you meet your twinflame as if its preordained, when you do, dont skip the opportunity. The divine gave me I think 5/6 times to meet mytwinflame in the most weirdest and bizarre of places when i was growing up. To The point I was meeting members of his family here and there. Even the datelines are simalar whenever we met. I always knew when within a 2 months we were going to meet, but never knew when and when we did, I wa#s totally unaware of bumping into him. We are two males and its so freaky. When I see him, its like its my twin or me walking past. The only difference between us is we are physically different and hes strong where i am weak, and I am strong where he is weak. We don't meet now, as I live away from home.

    During school there had been funny schronisations aswell, this was long before I knew anything about twinflames. Like things that happened or doing certain things and him only to do it next without been aware I just did the same thing the day before. We rarely spoke it was all non verbal and telepathic. Infact cus of this we avoided each other. people dont just so happen to meet and start telepathically feeling what the other was feeling.

    The strange thing about it, Whenever I do come home, I think people are realisng there is that twin thing going on between the two of us. The energy is just very powerful, and its way to obvious to ignore to myself anymore. Its purpose is too bring people together as what ive done all my life.

    But having said all that, I'm happy and im living life to the full. I learnt so much about the twinflame experience. It goes far beyond physical. The greatest feeling that stems from it. Is TIME AND DISTANCE bears no meaning. It's the greatest feeling in the universe. When two meet it is as one expression as I would describe it.

    "Out of this world" "two are one" You are looking at yourself in another person you know what the other is thinking and you just start of from when you last met. Time and the physical world seems like an illusion. This can be seem scary. But these connections are a universal bond, for all that exists.

    Ever since I found the term Twinflame I realised what it is. I do alot of cosmic work ever since. great soul therapy:)

    As My relatives say why do you do alll this selfless work, what about you?
    I say doing all this work for the world, does all whats within for me. Sparks my soul and creativity. This world is not about one soul, its all of us on this planet working to make our existence more harmonic in the we are here. This planet is only a vehicle, so there is no point in being selfish about it.

    Would love to hear more stories.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    I encountered my twin soul/twin flame a few years back - think it is three years now. We have not, as of yet, met in person. However the similarities, were mind blowing at first. We are both the youngest of three, being the only girl, have the exact same birthday (ironically I was supposed to be a twin), went through similar experiences around the same periods of our life. When we talk it's like telepathy going on - we ask each other the same question, or say the same thing pretty much simultaneously. Also, remember, the number 11 is common with twin souls - my number in numerology is 11.

    The relationship can feel intense, due to having experienced nothing like it before. Also, bare in mind, even though we come from the same source, twin souls are still 2 complete individuals. I hadn't actually realised about the 2012 aspect, however have jokingly said to my twin soul, about how it would be cool to finally meet in person in 2012. We were hoping to meet end of last year, early this year, however due to financial pressures, that did not materialise for either of us.

    Will try to come back to this later, but feel free to ask any questions.

    Are you genetic twins? I got that thought from the start. Genetic twins are NOT twinflames. Just so you know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    No, we're not genetic twins, lol. I was supposed to be a twin, but was not, so we reckon that a last minute switch was made for whatever reason, but the beauty in all of this, is on our time on this plane, nothing is for certain. We will only truly know what our connection truly is when we depart this life. However when I found out the existence of twin souls, it made so many things click together for us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    No, we're not genetic twins, lol. I was supposed to be a twin, but was not, so we reckon that a last minute switch was made for whatever reason, but the beauty in all of this, is on our time on this plane, nothing is for certain. We will only truly know what our connection truly is when we depart this life. However when I found out the existence of twin souls, it made so many things click together for us.

    Well that I can relate too, I dont dwell on the twinflame thing at all. We have to focus on the physical and carry on with our lives. It certainly made me rethink about everything that is and not just life. Twinflames are awfully challenging in the physical. There were times I say its just my imagination, and the very next thing my twin just walks pass, like it was meant to happen exactly as it were. I learnt some of my hardest and yet most obvious lessons with my twin on this planet. I think when you experience the twinsoul relationship, its exactly like a mirror of you in every way. All the mirroring is reminding you that every part of the cosmos is an aspect of you. Its the laws of the universe where duality comes to one.

    When I realised this, It seemed that the higher power choosed me to know this. I dont get why others dont get these experiences? I know some know exactly what I'm talking about, but it does seem that the large percentage of the 6.5billion people dont have souls or at least dont think they have souls.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Got out of the car in town, Literally, had 10 things to do.

    It so happens at that point My twinflame was walking just beyond me further up the street:( I couldnt catch up to talk i was running the other way I dont think I was even seen anyway. I had myself convinced it was not him. But right when I got out of the car the universe just vomited the scene in front of me knowing I couldnt meet up.

    These concidences just drives me up the wall. !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 211 ✭✭starchild

    i have not met my twin but i completely believe in it, thanks for posting your stories , they make really interesting reading

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Its quite a story, goes back a few years now. But I'm not posting my experiences;)

    When I'm much older, I will let the universe bring me the right time.

    Through the knowns, was the unknowable, became the unknown to be known.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 rylaine

    I believe I have met my twin flame. First time I saw her, I couldn't explain it... but I was drawn to her like I have never been drawn to anyone in my whole life or ever thought I could be. I knew I loved her straight away. We are complete polar opposites of each other, but when we are together we work so well although it has been hard to find balance at times. When she feels sick I feel sick. I sense her even when we're not together. We call and text each other at the same time all the time. We have tried to and been sucessful at reading each others minds. We say the same things at the same time, and my favourite think that we do, is have interconnected dreams it's crazy!

    Like just this morning, I wanted something to eat, all we had in our press was stale cookies (ya, i've been lazy about shopping this week!) So I had one and went back to bed. My girlfriend woke up telling me she was having dream about cookies, holding up a half empty packet and shouting are these stale to me?! ha.. another example.. Last year I wanted to get her a kitten as a surprise. We're big animal lovers. Found one that sounded perfect in the free pages of the paper. Picture of the cutest little ginger kitten I knew she'd love. Rang the guy and was all set to get him in the next couple of days. That day my girlfriend started telling me about her dream the night before about this little ginger kitten, that i gave her that she loved so much. Totally freaked me out, gave her the kitten the next day!

    We're 2 girls and we've been together for over a year and a half now, and I feel like she saved my life. I was headed in a very bad direction before I met her. Since we've come together I feel complete and happy like I never have ever before in my life. Being without her hurts, even for just a little while. I have read up about twin flames before and understand how rare and intense they can be. I believe that's what i've found and it's awesome :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭togster

    Can too intense if you don't know what it is.

    Also i don't believe a twin flame makes you complete. You are complete to begin with.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    togster wrote: »
    Can too intense if you don't know what it is.

    Also i don't believe a twin flame makes you complete. You are complete to begin with.

    No we are not

    We were never complete only pre big bang. All souls and all sorts of matter has dispersed and expanding in a chaos fashion.

    Some souls are complete as one fragment.

    Some souls are split in half, thus the creation of twinflames. The twinflame energy is unique because your experiencing a feeling of completion and separation all at once in the present tense. IN other words. The intensity allows you to feel what its like for the universe to split apart and re join again.. This process takes trillions of years to happen. This is the potency of a twinflame. You may not remember physically all your soul journey but you will feel it in each other in both of you simultaneously. The twinflame process is vitally important to the universe. People who incarnate with their twin on earth desire to bring the universe together again.

    Your complete with your twin. The truth is you never really were separated, only in a phyisical sense this maybe the case.

    If you have a twinflame, it' advisable to tease it out and let it happen if it's part of your purpose. it's not a connection you can play with at all. Its not a romantic relationship. It's about facing you.

    Its the most intense relationship one can have, because everything around you embodies you and what you are. Your twin is everything you are but just not in your body.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭togster

    I disagree.

    No one can make you whole. You are complete when you are at one with the universe. No one or no thing can make you complete.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭MysticalSoul

    Prior to meeting my twin soul I felt complete, however now know this was an illusion. I was complete in the run of the mill way of things, however since meeting my twin soul, I have learned so much more about who I am as an individual. However, if she were no longer part of my life, I would feel at a great loss - as we come from the same source.

    It can sometimes feel intense, which at the start did freak me out a little - too many similarities in things we share, and speaking the other person's thoughts etc.

    Twin souls are NOT the same as soul mates. Twin souls can be, but is not always sexual. My twin soul is in a relationship, where she is extremely happy, and her OH knows of our kinship, and is accepting of that. He may not understand it, but is open to the possibility, which is important for soul twins.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    togster wrote: »
    I disagree.

    No one can make you whole. You are complete when you are at one with the universe. No one or no thing can make you complete.

    Lucifer/ANU, and varies higly evolved dark entities dissagrees with the way the Universe is.
    But he still has to play by the rules of the Universe regardless. The universe operates with light and darkness. Both need each other to sustain and survive.

    The laws of the twinflame, is the same laws of expansion and subtraction. Its like matter splitting. It's like a double star system. its like a physical twin in the womb.

    They come from the same source and split (by the nature of the universe)

    They are never truly complete separated. They may feel complete and my complete the purpose as separate components. But they will join as one when completion arrives. infact that is, will form back as on.

    Completion of the universe means perfection. And that is a long way away. if you understand the nature of twinflames. Then you would understand this feeling. You will feel this completion and sense of returning home when you meet him/her/

    I also agree with Mystical. I've known my twinflame along time on earth in the physical sense. And we have been both in relationships and went our separate ways and Its weird that I don't feel threatened and vice versa or feel the need to be around each other. The only thing that I find frustrating is that no one understands it. No matter what happens between the both of us. I just severe ties. I actually tried and its useless. I've let go the past and the physical side of it (I hope) To help me grow as in individual and feel a completion in my half. I do agree with Togster about feeling complete physically and independantly. But the laws of the universe wil come to one anyway. So we are all going to meet at one ponit eventually. Twinflame are literaly still in a way living a duality. This duality is what speeds the evolution of these souls

    I find the whole twinflame thing facinating. Most souls wouldn't understand the concept at all.

    A lot of people confuse this "with the love of their lives":rolleyes: If you think this is the case, your going to end up reallly reallly dissapointed.

    I find twinflames come to earth for specific divine purposes, and these purposes are incredibly hard and intense to go through. Its never stationed or static. These energies cause such great traumatic turbulence it's like the whole Universe collapsed in time and distance when you confront your twinflame. It can be a really difficult path. This is why twinflames is not just some "happy fairtayle"

    Its always and I mean always The correct polarisation of joy and sadness, completion and separation.

    When you both reach supreme evolment, it is then you will meet your twin complete as one.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 120 ✭✭Sandy2004


    I believe we all belong to a soul group.. and you may have many members in this soul group that you are at the same stage of soul progression. But yes there may be a twin flame also... whether he/she belongs to the same soul group, I dont know?

    I have met my twin soul.. when we met, he was the male version of me.. we have scars in the same positions, we had the same upbringing, same circumstances etc... it is frightening...
    If I broke out in a spot, he would literally have the same one.. but in opposite.. as in looking into a mirror...

    We think for each other.. ill be thinking of something and he will say it.. and vice versa.. he doesnt believe in metaphysical stuff.. so I just have to ignore it.. (and smile to myself!)

    I find I am learning more intense lessons with my twin soul.. because you are mirroring yourself constantly.... only drawback is, that you may want to change them a bit too much, or at a different pace than they are ready to grow... but other than that.. it is a beautiful union knowing your other half.. is literally your other half!!

    We are complete individuals.. and complete as a couple... we are not co-dependant on each other...... IMO that would have a drastic effect... we can only grow seperately (although there maybe some influence)...!

    I did the workshop "Your soul plan" with Robert Schwartz last week.. it was brilliant...

    He researched the fact that we predetermine our souls plan (each incarnation) before we arrive on earth.. He has talked to several mediums who have overhead prebirth planning conversations etc... very riveting stuff!
    Conversations from souls discussing who will play what part and what lessons are to be learnt!

    I think depending on what lesson you are here to learn, it may or may not involve your twin soul! I'm just lucky knowing I have mine by my side (in this lifetime anyway!)......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    No matter how evolved or prepared I think I am, meeting my twinflame in the physical is really scary ****.

    The feeling is like we bump into each other like we just crossed worlds. Earth is like so mundane and 3D to handle this connection.

    Does anyone have this kind of feeling? I know when I meet my twinflame I don't have to say anything at all. Everything is present and already layed out if you will. I still find the whole thing really weird to the point I'm feeling other people pick up on this intensity between us.

    I could be just over thinking I don't know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Abhainn-Rivers

    My understanding of twin flames are those soul ties which are based on eros or sexual love. Then there is the soul-mate/soulmate of more modern lore that many think as being our "other half". Then there is the soul-family or group we tend to travel with as we work through Karmic issues (and I mean Karmic not Dharma as I don't presume to understand that so much)

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Abhainn-Rivers

    mysterious wrote: »
    No matter how evolved or prepared I think I am, meeting my twinflame in the physical is really scary ****.

    The feeling is like we bump into each other like we just crossed worlds. Earth is like so mundane and 3D to handle this connection.

    Does anyone have this kind of feeling? I know when I meet my twinflame I don't have to say anything at all. Everything is present and already layed out if you will. I still find the whole thing really weird to the point I'm feeling other people pick up on this intensity between us.

    I could be just over thinking I don't know.

    Without sounding crass but I've had this a few times usually with deep running connections to people I care for. The first few times it did give me that feeling of being away from all else and really out there. But they are human relationships and so they weren't without faults just sometimes takes longer to see.

    I don't mean to infer this will happen to you but becoming enamoured by the romance (not meaning romantic) of the relationship combined with deep connections could account for much of what you were experiencing. I say this because I always think it better to cherish such connections is honesty with oneself and others involved.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    My understanding of twin flames are those soul ties which are based on eros or sexual love. Then there is the soul-mate/soulmate of more modern lore that many think as being our "other half". Then there is the soul-family or group we tend to travel with as we work through Karmic issues (and I mean Karmic not Dharma as I don't presume to understand that so much)

    NO that is incredibly wrong. Really really incorrect.

    Twinflames, is the other half of your soul. The soulmate, is souls of the same family group. Mainstream cock up ****, uses the word other half as your soulmate. Your soulmate is NOT your other half. A soulmate, can be a karmic tie, a family friend, a marriage or a close union of another like minded soul.

    Twinflame means you in another. Other half. It doesn't mean anything sexual at all. Sexual connection only is relevant to twinflames as a meeting of both in the physical and experiencing sexual love to unite their energies. Sexual energy is of the lower based chakras.

    The twinflame works from the violet chakra and heart chakras. A twinflame can you be of the same sex and it can be common for good reasons. Since Twinflame are of the highest cosmic union. Having these relationships in marriages and opposite sex partner can make this relationship far to messy and firery. Twinflames are not normal happy go lucky banter relationships.

    They are spiritual connections showing the example of completion of two halves as one. The spiritual purpose of twinsouls on earth is show this example to other souls incarnated here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    Without sounding crass but I've had this a few times usually with deep running connections to people I care for. The first few times it did give me that feeling of being away from all else and really out there. But they are human relationships and so they weren't without faults just sometimes takes longer to see.

    I don't mean to infer this will happen to you but becoming enamoured by the romance (not meaning romantic) of the relationship combined with deep connections could account for much of what you were experiencing. I say this because I always think it better to cherish such connections is honesty with oneself and others involved.

    Having a deep connection, doesn't mean it's a twinflame...:rolleyes:

    You have clearly lost the plot on what the term even is.

    Good christ just stop please, and do some research. The only sane thing you said was your last line. Self honesty in such relationships is a must cherished trait to have. For self honesty is mirrored in your twinflame as he/she is you. If you don't he/she will only mirror example back to you. It's why twinflames can be the most endearing and most challenging relationships.

    It's the concept of ying yang.
    My ying
    My yang

    Vice versa.

    It is NOT romance. I'm not with my twinflame at all romantically. I don't NEED any connection in the phyiscal sense at all, to complete myself. You have to let go the need or want to be with your twinflame.

    For your twinflame is always with you. The bottom line point, is you have to realise that it goes beyond the physical sense in every way.

    You clearly haven't a bloody clue of what it is.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,523 ✭✭✭✭Nerin

    Mysterious infracted.
    Dont be condescending to the other users.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Abhainn-Rivers

    mysterious wrote: »
    You clearly haven't a bloody clue of what it is.

    Least I can admit I don't. May I just point out that you crusaded against me for stating that twinflames are those we have a strong connection to but yet that has been the whole premise of your post in this thread thus far?! First, the ENTIRE matter of Twin Flames and soul-mates and the various other names associated within that whole paradigm differ from culture to culture and then person to person.

    There are no hard and fast rules on whether the Twin Flame is a romantic or platonic relationship. Indeed is some philosophies the perfect marriage was between twin flames romantically. You would be so good as to note that I speak from cultural perspectives not from any sense of authority over Karma and soul ties with others, to do so would be rather foolish not because one or both of us could be wrong but because people are extremely unlikely to agree.

    Also how in the name of creation can one be a "mirror" of the yin-yang energies (which traditionally reside within us all not externally). Yin-yang is a concept denoting polarity in balance not a mirrr which is the exact same.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,133 ✭✭✭mysterious

    May I just point out that you crusaded against me for stating that twinflames are those we have a strong connection to but yet that has been the whole premise of your post in this thread thus far?! First, the ENTIRE matter of Twin Flames and soul-mates and the various other names associated within that whole paradigm differ from culture to culture and then person to person.

    No it doesn't.

    A cherry is a cherry no matter what culture its grown in. A twinflame is a twinflame. The only difference with twinflames is you only have one other half. The same goes for everyone. You split a tree in half it still is the same tree no matter what twisted view is put upon it. The twinflame experience is the same for every culture. The culture is only of relevance to the experience of this world.

    Secondly, I didn't "just" say twinflames is based on strong connection. I never said this "was" "the" "only" way twins are connected. Stop focusing on small details and look at the whole info I have provided.

    The other half of your soul is the other half of your soul, there is no debate or ifs or buts about it.

    There are no hard and fast rules on whether the Twin Flame is a romantic or platonic relationship. Indeed is some philosophies the perfect marriage was between twin flames romantically.
    True love comes with, love, lesson, understanding and growth. For love is radiated back to you. The universe reflects you.

    Not "perfection". The idealogy behind twinflames means perfection. Perfections means completion. The nature of the twinflame is to return to the source in the end and the home coming would be the realism of perfect union. There is no such thing as the perfect marriege on earth. We live in a reality of chaos to order paradigm. Twinflames is not some sort of hollywood crush style love where you live happily ever after. The twinflame always were connected and always will be regardless whether they are in a relationship or not. Twinflames is generally noted for been an explosive passionate and intense relationship rather than a monotone lets get married type of a relationship. They are not really suited for the physical mundane reality at all. The only twinflames that I know of that do get married are souls who are highly evolved spiritually and can handle such connections on the phyiscal level. Twinflames come together in many lives for a greater purpose for the divine functioning of the cosmos. And that's the reality. Ask anyone who is in a twinflame relationship they will tell you the same.
    You would be so good as to note that I speak from cultural perspectives not from any sense of authority over Karma and soul ties with others, to do so would be rather foolish not because one or both of us could be wrong but because people are extremely unlikely to agree.

    The twinflame is a twinflame, it has nothing to do with culture whatsoever. It has absaloutely nothing to do with whos right or whos wrong either.
    Also how in the name of creation can one be a "mirror" of the yin-yang energies (which traditionally reside within us all not externally). Yin-yang is a concept denoting polarity in balance not a mirrr which is the exact same.

    Ying yang
    Is polarity like light and darkness which you are correct reisdes in us all. The twinflame mirrors you the most for your twinflame is you. When you look in the mirror who's looking back at you? You?! exactly. Since I know I have a twinflame, whenever we meet we actually mirror the other, and its comes with great awareness and understanding to realise the meaning of this. Your twin knows you, hears you, feels you, understands you, all because he/she is you. So when your down and he/she witnesses it he/she will experience it too. This is mirroring. In psychology people we are close to we mirror unconsciously.

    The separation of twinflame is because of the polarity of the universe. All matter in chaos and conflict. The twinflame is the polar opposite too you, and where you are weak or strong he/she will mirror the same or the opposite of you. The same can apply to people around you. Everyone in your life is an aspect of you whether your aware of it or not.

    The twinflame connection is about completion. The universe separates and expands in time and will eventually collapse into one dense ball of matter. I.e completion. The nature of the twinflame is the unconscious, conscious part of existence where the soul is separated in two and incarnates on the same plane of existence as the other half. This relationship is the twinsoul connection.

    Culture is nothing to do with this concept as a whole. Culture is personality and the matrix world around you, the soul is the same before it came here and the same after it leaves here as is the other half of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 65 ✭✭Abhainn-Rivers

    Not "perfection". The idealogy behind twinflames means perfection. Perfections means completion. The nature of the twinflame is to return to the source in the end and the home coming would be the realism of perfect union. There is no such thing as the perfect marriage on Earth.

    What idealogy is this now? Because you just told me not to look at any idealogies. I presume you mean yours? If so no thanks I'm quite happy with my own. I accept that the "home-coming" would be the perfect union but following that logic you're suggesting that when you meet your Twin Flame there will be some grandeois realisation and you will what? Become enlightened and shed this Earthly coil? Hmm forgive me if I remain somehow skeptical. Also the idealogies or philosophies I mentioned before identify union as marriage and not an Earthly one at that. Sorry if my comment mislead you I had figured you for more well-read than that.
    Twinflames is not some sort of hollywood crush style love where you live happily ever after. The twinflame always were connected and always will be regardless whether they are in a relationship or not. Twinflames is generally noted for been an explosive passionate and intense relationship rather than a monotone lets get married type of a relationship. They are not really suited for the physical mundane reality at all. The only twinflames that I know of that do get married are souls who are highly evolved spiritually and can handle such connections on the phyiscal level. Twinflames come together in many lives for a greater purpose for the divine functioning of the cosmos. And that's the reality. Ask anyone who is in a twinflame relationship they will tell you the same.

    All of which supports my claims that it is the accepted ideal that a person eventually marry their Twin Flame. This is the desired union. Once again I never mentioned Hollywood crush or any such thing. And since most marriages don't have the happy ever after it's an odd thing to claim they are monotonal. Most are multitonal! lol
    The twinflame is a twinflame, it has nothing to do with culture whatsoever. It has absaloutely nothing to do with whos right or whos wrong either.

    Never said it did, what I said was that how one characterises it does have to do with the culture that one is brought up in and many people would not thank you to contradict that statement. Why are you agreeing with me again in a tone that suggests we are still argueing?
    Since I know I have a twinflame, whenever we meet we actually mirror the other, and its comes with great awareness and understanding to realise the meaning of this. Your twin knows you, hears you, feels you, understands you, all because he/she is you. So when your down and he/she witnesses it he/she will experience it too. This is mirroring. In psychology people we are close to we mirror unconsciously.

    Okay here's where I am bound to anger you but this has to be said. What you describe sounds oddly like some codependancy issues in motion. Why would you want someone that mirrors every action, thought and feeling you have? I'll state this plainly, I've had at least 4 cases between dear friends where we felt one another physically and could sense each other's location (I live in Ireland and they abroad) and YES these were intense, and neither of us needed to witness it. If it weren't for having so many in close proximity to one another I'd have said they were my Twin Flame, especially the first but he turned around and betrayed me.

    I don't dispute the existence of Twin Flame merely urge you to examine your examination process. Also considering you've been rather intolerant to my posts thus far I shalln't be responding further and wish you many blessings. x

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,523 ✭✭✭✭Nerin

    i think we'll leave it there. :)

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