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Doing what needs to be done...

  • 23-05-2009 10:50pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭

    Hiya boardsies,

    Y'all wouldn't believe how much I've learned on this forum over the past year. It's been fantastic and helped so much. I've been slipping into a few bad habits of late, so think I need to post up here to refocus so that I keep things going in the right direction.

    I have somehow managed to incorporate exercise and pushing myself and working out into my life over the past year. These days I can’t imagine not working out! Big thanks to all of the boardsies whose postings have helped, taught and inspired me. I think the trick is to change your self image and then the rest just falls into place. Anyway, I reckon that if I managed to quite smoking, become an exercise junkie, learn to run (Couch to 5km) etc there’s no reason I can’t sort out my diet! So here goes. I thought about posting this in the Nutrition Forum, but having lurked in Fitness for so long, I feel like I belong here at this stage :D

    So, Goals:
    1. Sort out my diet.
    Currently 119lb, goal approx 112 lbs. I’m 5’4” (female, age 37) with a small frame. I seem to both gain and lose weight/muscle/inches/fitness pretty easily tbh so no excuses!
    I feel good, move faster and have better coordination and energy at a lower weight. Not too hung up on the number – I want to maintain my muscle and strength, so I think it’s really just about fixing my diet to drop body fat!

    I really need some accountability: recently I’ve gone off the rails with junk food, nights out with too much wine (which just kills the next day’s diet completely), snacking on carbs late at night and not getting enough veg. I lost about a stone and a half over the past year – mainly through exercise and tracking everything I eat on Fitday, buy it’s been creeping back on again due to bad eating habits. I do love my protein though, and am aiming for approx 40:30:30 Carbs to Protein and Fat, sticking to around 1600 cals per day.

    2. Maintain exercise habit
    Well, I really mean up the ante a bit… When diet is back on track I’d like to start achieving some more focused specifics, hmmm maybe 5km in under 25mins? Finally learn how to swim properly, start to lift?
    In the meantime I’ll continute to take a lot of classes in the local gym, do some rowing and jogging and also take the occasional dance conditioning and yoga classes to chill down and keep flexible and calm!

    Ooh, what a preamble...



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,043 ✭✭✭me_right_one

    Fair play to you!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Ha ha, fair play to the dedicated types who make it past the first few posts ;)

    Triple espresso with same in skim milk
    Smoothie made from frozen blueberries and raspberries, kiwi, 30g Slenderpro protein, 20g oats, 10g flax seeds and probiotic yoghurt.
    Small fillet steak. Mmmh. Some green salad.
    BBQ at friends but did ok with half portion beef lasagne, half a baked potatoe and a glass of white wine.
    Tablespoon peanutbutter
    Total approx 1,500cal. C: P:F:A% 40:27:26:%

    Circuit training, very easy class, hot and sunny afternoon so trainer was taking it easy and focusing on form etc
    Jogged 30 mins after, dead slow, approx 9kph, with my heavy legs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in skim milk
    Smoothie made from frozen blueberries and raspberries, kiwi, 30g Slenderpro protein, 20g oats, 10g flax seeds and probiotic yoghurt.
    Protein shake and blackberries
    Skipped, out all day and hadn't plan ahead. Must get some emergency rations for the car. Was so hungry that I dived into a bag of tortillas at 10pm in a cookie monster type frenzy.... Not good.

    Total approx 1,300cal. C: P:F% 50:27:23:%

    Went for a lunchtime run in the park with a GAA type fit buddy of mine. Was totally shocked at how hard he pushed himself (and me) :o Ran about 30 mins and finished with a tonne of lunge/squats/burpees etc And a few hill sprints to finish.
    Think there was a lesson in there somewhere about not getting comfortable with your routine, but was too tired to figure it out properly ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in low fat milk
    Banana and probiotic yoghurt.
    Steak and bread roll and teeny bit of salad and mayo. Cheese after.
    Skipped, couldn't eat properly all day... Feeling queasy, have a sad feeling it was due to the shock of exercising with a pro yesterday. Tragic :o
    PWO shake

    Total approx 1,200cal. C: P:F% 30:35:35:%

    Tone class in the gym, then 5 mins rowing machine, 30 jogging@9kph.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in low fat milk.
    Smoothie mix of probiotic yoghurt, frozen blueberries and strawberries, kiwi, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Chicken and mushroom risotto
    Baked chilli chicken
    Small PWO shake after run, mixed seeds with chilli, tablespoon peanut butter

    Total approx 1,500cal. C: P:F% 40:35:25:%

    Long (for me) job, about 50 mins but dead slow. That's probably the longest I've ever jogged, I'm usually in a rush to get it done with and go too fast too soon and run out of steam! Stretched out and did some crunches afterwards. Go me. :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Triple espresso with same in low fat milk.
    Smoothie mix of probiotic yoghurt, frozen blueberries and strawberries, kiwi, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Sambo: cheese/chicken
    Chicken, onion, light philladelphia, chilli and garlic fried up and stuffed into a wholemeal pita.
    Oat bar, few tablespoons of mixed seeds with chilli, two, three, uh-oh, that's four glasses of white wine...

    Total approx 1,700cal. C: P:F:A% 36:25:21:18%
    Total approx 1,820cal. C: P:F:A% 34:23:20:23%
    (Yes, think I am being slightly obsessive here, but might as well get it right eh?)

    None. Rest day :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in low fat milk.
    Smoothie mix of probiotic yoghurt, frozen blueberries and strawberries, kiwi, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Pack of (lf) crisps, tablespoon of peanut butter and couple tablespoons of mixed seeds. Yep, slightly hungover this morning, didn't quite get the auld lunch planned... :rolleyes:
    Salmon fillet. Wholewheat pita with tzatsiki. Mmmmm. Sooo tasty, been OD-ing on chicken last few days so hit with fish and red meat cravings
    Two (big) glasses of rosé

    Total approx 1,500cal. C: P:F:A% 36:22:28:14%

    Lunchtime 1hour circuit class. Seriously went for it, was hot and exhausted and very pink by the end! Been living with the fear that I'm running with my GAAAllStarTrainingBuddy* again next week, and don't want to disgrace myself again.
    *He's not really, just to me :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in low fat milk.
    Oat crunch cereal with added hazelnuts and almonds and lf milk
    Two homemade oat/protein/walnut/blueberry muffins. Straight out of the oven. Put the other 10 in the freezer for next week.
    Mussels in white wine/garlic sauce. Wholewheat pita and tzatziki. Teeny salad. Two small glasses of proseco. T'was lovely, we ate outside in the sun.
    Protein shake just to improve my stats!

    Total approx 1,500cal. C: P:F:A% 42:22:25:11%


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Triple espresso with same in low fat milk.
    Smoothie mix of probiotic yoghurt, frozen blueberries and strawberries, kiwi, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Salmon fillet.
    Homemade burger. Delish, quarterpounder made with M&S lean mince, onion, poppy seeds, egg and few blueberries .
    Glass of red wine
    Total approx 1,500cal. C: P:F:A% 23:35:35:7%

    Spinning class. Few push ups, squats, lunges and crunches after. 30 min jog, about 9kph. Still feeling good after it. Or could just be bank holiday bliss...

    So that was week 1. Looking back my diet is worse that I'd realised, think I need to focus on getting in more veg and dropping the fat/alcohol %s a wee bit. Didn't know I drank so much either. Hmmmm. :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Week 2. Woohoo
    Triple espresso with same in low fat milk.
    Smoothie mix of probiotic yoghurt, frozen berries, kiwi, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Pe workout type of rushed affair: protein shake with milk and oats and banana.
    Last of the homemade burgers. Quarterpounder with cheese.
    Total approx 1,500cal. C: P:F:% 26:37:37%

    Met a friend in the park for a run. Was hot so took it fairly easy (phew) but threw in a few sprints along the hour's session. 'Bout a half hour slow jog with a few sprints and crunches and squats thrown in. Very survivable, didn't go purple in the face or think I was going to throw up or die this time....

    So week 2, must keep reminding myself to improve my diet and get some veg in. Gotta train myself to eat some green stuff. Apparently it can be done (even if you're a born carnivore). :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Mug of regular coffee with milk. Homemade protein/blueberry oat muffin.
    Half a chicken/bacon sandwich and some crisps at a catered work meeting. Bleugh.
    Wholemeal pitta with salad and feta. Apple.
    Chocolate protein shake with milk and peanut butter.

    Total approx 1,400cal. C: P:F:% 42:27:31%

    Pump class at the gym.

    Not jumping up and down with energy like I usually am, bit tired. Think it's just crap diet for today and not sleeping enough missing my morning espresso... Aka Post bank holiday blues!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in skim milk.
    Smoothie mix of lf probiotic yoghurt, frozen berries, kiwi, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Two chicken filets, coated in egg and breadcrumbs and baked with chilli
    Salad with salmon
    Total approx 1,600cal. C: P:F:% 50:30:20%

    None. Got stuck working late so went health food shopping instead! Missed it though...
    Next week I need to start tracking some run times or something, need a bit of an exercise challenge.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Oooh the pressure of logging everything!
    Feeling a bit bad about this one but I know if I dodge the bad days there's kind of no point in this...

    Double espresso with same in skim milk.
    Homemade oat/walnut/blueberry muffin
    Blueberries and Alpro chocolate soya yogurt
    Roast beef sandwich on brown bread with garlic mayo
    Cheese plate, inc nuts and grapes, bit of salad, glass of white wine
    Banana, oat bar

    Total approx 1,600cal. C: P:F:A% 37:18:29:16%
    Not too bad after all really, all that snacking, felt like I was eating all day!

    None. Have actually a few bruised ribs at the mo, nothing serious just should have gone by now as it's been a few weeks. Think I over stretched them again doing crunches the other day 'cos it hurts when I sit up so was bit nervous about exercising 'til they're better. But think the whole excuse thing is a bit crap... And miss d'aul exercise buzz.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in skim milk.
    Smoothie mix of lf probiotic yoghurt, frozen berries, kiwi, strawberries, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Homemade walnut/blueberry/oat muffin. Apple.
    Wholemeal wrap with alfalfa sprouts, lf cream cheese, lettuce, onion and poached salmon
    3 Mr Freezes. So good, and beats chocolate!. 2 slices of cheese.

    Total approx 1,600cal. C: P:F:% 50:30:20%

    Circuit training, was good, included skipping which I haven't tried in decades... Don't quite have the cool Rocky skipping moves down (yet) :D
    Decided was possibly being a bit precious about a few bruised ribs, and of course did actually feel better after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in skim milk.
    Smoothie mix of lf probiotic yoghurt, frozen berries, kiwi, raspberries, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Chicken dipped in egg and coated in spicy oat crumbs, baked with olive oil (boards recipe find woohoo, was delicious)
    Salad with beansprouts, broccoli sprouts, tomatoes, onion and poached salmon. Wholewheat crackers with cheese. 2 glasses red wine
    2 Mr Freezes. Might need to get a handle on the new Mr Freeze habit :p

    Total approx 1,600cal. C: P:F:A% 38:24:23:15%
    Still trying to get used to the salad/green thing!

    Visited a friend's gym and did a body pump class with her. Fun, and good for motivation but not as intense/fast as my usual circuits! Did a 30min slow jog on the treadmill at high incline after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in skim milk.
    Smoothie mix of lf probiotic yoghurt, frozen berries, kiwi, raspberries, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    3 packets of SunBites....
    Dinner at friends: roast chicken, potatoes and veg, 2 glasses white wine
    2 chocolate hobnobs
    Total approx 1,600cal. C: P:F:A% 45:20:24:12%

    Not great, but not too bothered, sometimes days just turn out like that...

    Next week I'm going to start focusing on 5km times. (Hopefully I still have one and don't fall over halfway through)...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Double espresso with same in skim milk.
    Smoothie mix of lf probiotic yoghurt, blueberries, kiwi, raspberries, milled flax, oats and protein powder
    Salad, filet steak.
    Dinner out: Half a pizza. Half glass of red wine
    Homemade blueberry/protein/oat muffin. 2 packs SunBites. Cup of blackberries. Tablespoon peanut butter.

    Total approx 2,500. C: P:F:A% 46:18:30:6%

    Could NOT stop eating today! 2,500 cal and could easily have packed a few '000 more in. Maybe it's the lunchtime training or just not sleeping enough? Whatever, tbh I'm kind of a fan of overeating every now and then if my body seems to be demanding it, keeps the fires burning or whatever. Anyway, must try and get a few long walks or long slow jogs in, burn off the food baby before it grows :p

    Circuit training, followed by pushups, crunches, stretching etc. Felt good, even though kinda sleep deprived. The weather was back to perfectly cool for outdoor training again, and the Park back to normal sun tourist free status!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    No coffee!!!
    Homemade blueberry/protein/oat muffin.
    Banana, protein milk smoothie before working out
    Filet steak, salad
    Wispa. Forgot how good these were.

    Total approx 1,100. C: P:F:% 43:29:28%

    No appetite today, probably still full from yesterday! Slept in too...

    Circuit training, followed by pushups, crunches, stretching etc. Short jog, approx 20 mins, didn't really break a sweat tbh. Might start jogging on a treadmill 'til I figure out pace/times/getting better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    No coffee!!!
    Smoothie mix of oats, mixed berries and fruit salad, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Salmon and potato salad
    Two chicken breasts with tomato and onion salsa
    Hot cocoa.

    Total approx 1,500. C: P:F:% 50:34:16%

    Went a bit cardio crazy: 5 mins rowing, 40 cycling then 30 mins on a treadmill. Might have overestimated my abilities and energy levels :o Managed 4.6 km in 30 mins, took a wee walking break in the middle for 2 mins. Next session I'll up the speed to 9.5kph and cut the walking break completely before getting to 10 kph and a 30min 5k. Treadmill seems harder than jogging outside, more boring... Anyway at least I have a target this way!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    No coffee!!!
    Smoothie mix of oats, mixed berries, banana, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    M&S Ready meal... Lemon chicken with rice.
    Salad with salmon
    Pack of crisps. Protein shake
    Total approx 1,500. C: P:F:% 50:32:18%

    Dance class! Ha, I'm not the most coordinated, but it was almost fun...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    that smoothie sounds awesome

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Mmmh, it's delicious. Frozen raspberries and blueberries and berry flavour protein powder. :pac: :pac: :pac: Nyum nyum.

    I read somewhere that blending up oats increases the GI (?) so I've been mixing them in whole, seems to work better alright, keeps you full for hours...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Back on the coffee, needed a jump-start.
    Usual smoothie blend of oats, mixed berries, kiwi, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Last blueberry/oat/walnut muffin.
    Three chicken breasts grilled with yogurt/tandoori paste/olive oil/lemon mix. Side salad
    2 glasses white wine. Cashew nuts.

    Total approx 1,600. C: P:F:A% 34:34:20:12%

    Circuit training class.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Espesso and skim milk
    Late brunch:
    Smoothie blend of oats, mixed berries, passion fruit, kiwi, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Two wholemeal pittas with smoked salmon pate, poached salmon and some alfalfa sprouts with lemon
    2 glasses white wine.
    Pack of smoked bacon strips (M&S real smoked bacon, loads of salt though)
    Few teaspoons of peanut butter

    Total approx 1,400. C: P:F:A% 29:27:29:15%

    None. Lazy Saturday spent sleeping in and catching up with friends and general non-fitness related stuff!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Espesso and skim milk, homemade blueberry/oat/protein muffin (delicious and healthy, yes I am a genius :p)
    Late brunch:
    Smoothie blend of oats, mixed berries, passion fruit, kiwi, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Three wholemeal pittas with smoked salmon pate, poached salmon and some alfalfa sprouts with lemon
    2 glasses white wine spritzer (need to cop on a bit and cut down on da vino)
    Tablespoon of peanut butter

    Total approx 1,600. C: P:F:A% 37:25:27:11%

    Midnight snack:
    Wholemeal pitta with light creamcheese and roast chicken. :o

    Total approx 1,900. C: P:F:A% 37:27:27:9%

    40 min jog. Reckon I did about 5 km in 30 mins plus slow 5 min warm up and cool down. Not feelin it but as always glad I made it out at least!

    So week 3 down. Next two weeks I'm gonna focus on turning the jogging into runs and keep up some momentum there. I love the gym classes an d buddy circuit session for motivation and having a bit of a laugh through... Work is gonna be c@%p for the next few weeks, (long hours, pressure, stress) which usually means that I go off the rails a bit spectacularly but I'm going try and keep on course this time round. Even got the healthy food in stock (yeah for M&S) and the gym gear all ready to go. Mite even try some yoga if I can squeeze it in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Espesso and skim milk, homemade blueberry/oat/protein muffin
    Late brunch:
    Smoothie blend of oats, mixed berries, passion fruit, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Wholemeal pittas with roast chicken and light cream cheese and garlic
    PWO shake, apple, small bar of G&B dark/mint chocolate

    Total approx 1,400. C: P:F:% 52:29:19%

    Monday lunchtime circuit training in the rainy park. Fun though!
    Quick trip to gym after work, slow jog 30 mins, 5 mins on rowing machine and few lengths of the pool. Total energy buzz today. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Espesso and skim milk, homemade blueberry/oat/protein muffin
    Smoked salmon and philadelphia on fibre/seed bread (x4)
    Twohicken filets with small portion brown rice
    Chocolate soya yoghurt, small bar of G&B dark/mint chocolate, tablespoon peanutbutter

    Total approx 1,500. C: P:F:% 32:31:36%


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    So back. Skipped two days: work work busy busy stress stress... Diet not toooo bad, (too much salty stuff and a few chocolate bars), couldn't bear to log it here tbh... I skipped exercise for three days tho and I felt rubbish because of it.
    Anyway back on track. Hauled myself down the gym today, enough!

    Espresso and skim milk
    Smoothie blend of oats, mixed berries, passion fruit, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Wholemeal pittas with poached salmon and salmon paté
    Roast chicken, salad, glass of white wine
    Cereal bar

    Total approx 1,400. C: P:F:A% 38:27:27:8%

    Circuit class, followed by a gazillion situps.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Espresso and skim milk
    Crunchy oat cereal with skim milk
    Wholemeal pittas with poached salmon and salmon paté
    Breaded chicken, potatoes with butter. 2 glasses white wine
    Crispy bacon strips

    Total approx 1,700. C: P:F:A% 32:24:31:12%

    5 mins rowing machine. 40 min jog.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭Aykina

    Espresso and skim milk
    Potato Rostis with sour cream
    Smoothie blend of mixed berries, protein powder, milled flax and yogurt drink
    Garlic/Breaded chicken filet
    Bowl of cherry tomatoes, protein shake, pack of M&S Smoked Bacon strips (they sooo good but 270 cal a pop and must have a tonne of salt...)

    Total approx 1,400. C: P:F% 32:37:31%

    Circuit class. Went for a run later, approx 35 mins 5km. Hmmm...
