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Where's that 6-pack?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Pics this morning:


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    8 chinups in the first set yesterday - yay!

    'm thinking of changing my chin-up routine a bit, go for 5 reps for as many sets as possible, rather than giving my all on the first one, then attempt max reps every couple of weeks.

    Also increasing calories a little bit by getting some fat from EV olive oil

    I hope to be under 90 kg this Saturday for the first time in... some years!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    89.3 kg, -0.8 kg this week

    I increased my calories, eating 2000 cals/day and the weight loss does not seem to have slowed down. I burned 2674 cals/day.

    Measured bf% 11.5%, mirror says ~14%.

    I've added peanut butter whenever I'm low on any given day, 570 kcals/100g yum! Also made protein bars using the recipe from another thread. Got the Myprotein choc nut whey, tastes like a Ferero Rocher shake :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    2nd pic = Badass traps

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Am I estimating my bf correctly, 14%? Even though calipers give 11.5%, I've read that the Jackson-Pollock formula that I use here:

    normally underestimates by up to 3% when compared to a DEXA scan.

    Warning trap pic! :pac:


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Thought I'd post my lower body workout today:

    warmup bar x 10, 50kg x 4
    worksets 70kg x 5, 60 x 6, 50 x 7

    warmup 50 kg x 10, 80x 4
    worksets 100x 5, 90 x 6, 80 x 7

    I started into Reverse Pyramid training, after warmup, directly the heaviest set x 5-6 reps, take 10% off, x 6-7, take 10% off x 7-8.

    Knees are acting up so I;m not pushing squats too heavy, I'm only trying to maintain muscle mass while on the diet.

    Previous Leg workout I did sumo deads because of dodgy right knee.

    Measurements tomorrow morning :|

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Still sore from the leg workout, probably will postpone the upper body to tomorrow. I'm thinking of buying a foam roller, some people seem to get good results from it, and Kingfisher Renmore doesn't have them. Maybe I should ask will they buy some...

    89 kg yesterday, -0.3 on last week. Slower than I would like, but the mirror shows good improvements. Calipers resulted in a bf% of 10.2% :rolleyes:, so I'm going with ~13.5%

    yesterday's macros:

    calories 2,220
    Fat 99.5 (40%)
    Carbs 143.0 (26%)
    Protein 187.6 (34%)

    On Thursday I'm off to a 1 week carb-up in Tenerife :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Upper body

    Chinups: 7, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2 a few times between other exercises

    60kg x 5
    60 x 5 wider grip
    60 x 4 narrower grip
    50 x 8
    50 x 7

    various shoulder presses, 3 sets of 40 kg x 3

    rack pulls
    50kg x 8
    80 x 5
    100 x 5
    120 x 3
    130 x 3
    140 x 1

    Wanted to see what 1.5xBW feels like... heavy.

    Maybe I'll join the race to 170 for rack pulls :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Sep 8, before holiday: 88.6 kg
    Sep 16, after 1 weeks holiday: 91.1 kg
    Sep 18, 3 days later: back to 88.6kg, lost water weight

    Today Sep 25: 87.7 kg
    BF% measurement: 8.71
    Reality: 11.7

    We had a huge meal in Tulsi last night (Chicken Pasanda, pilau rice, garlic nan), after eating only ~550 calories for the day. Same weight today as yesterday morning, so all good.

    0.9 kg lost in a week, a bit much, but at the starting point I probably still had some water weight after the breakfast and dinner deserts. I'll continue with 2k- 2.2k cals a day for the next week.

    Today I'll train fasted for the second time. First time was on Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    2pm-fasted workout

    3pm-30 grams hazelnut choc whey

    4pm-meal1: 150g fried salmon, 120g mash potato, 200g cottage cheese, 100g Tiramisu

    8pm-meal2: 4 scrambled eggs with 2 tbsp yogurt, 100g grilled chicken breast, 200g low fat cottage cheese, small piece of bread

    11pm-smoothie: 75g frozen raspberries, yogurt, 125g skim milk, 30g choc whey

    Totals: 2,164 calories
    protein 211.4 40%
    fat 91.3 38%
    carbs 121.7 22%

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Your BMI:

    A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy.
    The healthy weight range for your height is between
    lbs and
    Your weight is within this healthy range.

    Looks like I was overweight until today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,477 ✭✭✭✭Raze_them_all

    BMI can't differenciate between fat and muscle. Pay it no attention. Body fat % is what matters

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Updated pics:


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    full body workout:

    Chins: BW x5, x5, x5, x4
    Dips: BW x 5, x10, x10, x8
    Squats: 50kg x 8, 70kg x 7
    OH press: 40 kg x 8, x6, x5, 30 kg x 10, x 10
    hang cleans: 40 kg x 10, x8, 30kg x many

    Keeping all muscles exercised more important than increasing weight while dieting. Happy enough with the dips, seem to be progressing nicely.

    Only had 30g whey before workout, not sure if this almost fasted training is working out as smootly as I'd like - felt really tired a few times during the workout.

    Also started the OH presses and hang cleans one or 2 weeks ago, I like the pump I get in the shoulders.

    I'm not doing deadlifts atm because of the ungodly recovery time I need after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    re-starting the log to keep track of weights session to session.

    full body yesterday

    DB bench press
    24kg x 8, x7
    26kg x 6, x5

    x5, x5, x7, x4

    warmup, 60kg x 3, 70kg x 3, 80 kg x 3

    smith BNP
    30kg (not counting bar) x7, x7, x7

    cable crossover
    warmup, 16.?kg x10, 18.?kg x7, 21.?kg x7, x5

    barbell row
    60kg x10, x10

    abzzz 55kg x5, 65kg x8, 75kg x8

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky


    DB press
    24kg x10, x10, 26kg x 6

    Incline DB press
    26kg x 6, x6

    Cable xover x 10, 23kg x8, 23kg x5

    x5, x5, x5, x5

    BB row
    50kg x10, 60kg x10, 70kg x10

    Back extension
    55kg x13, 105 kg x10, 85kg x10

    Abzzz x many

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    Bench Press
    40kg x13, 50kgx 10

    x10, x6, x10

    50 x6, 60x3, 70x3, 80x3, x3, x1, x1

    cable xovers
    13kg x10, 16 x10, 21 x10, 23x8, 26x8

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    DB bench press
    26kg x7, x7
    28kg x7, x6

    x8, x10, x8, x5

    50kg x6, 60kg x3, x3, 70 x4, 80x4, 90x2

    BNP 30kg x7, 7, 7

    Cable xover
    13 x10, 16x10, 23 x8, 26x8, x7

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    incline DB bench press
    26 x7, x7
    28 x7
    30 x7

    x10, x5, x8

    BB row
    50 x12, 60x12, x10

    70 x5, x5, x5

    cable xover
    13 x10
    18 x8
    23 x10
    26 x8
    26 x6


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,961 ✭✭✭rocky

    DB bench press
    max 30kg x7, x6

    Cable xovers
    max 28kg x10

    inverted rows
    x15, x15, x10

    max 70kg x5
