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We're on the road again...

  • 30-05-2009 7:22pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭

    Right so, i've decided to start this log to give myself a bit of extra motivation and to track my progress. Have been thinking of doing this for a few weeks now, but exams got in the way. Now that the exams are finished, I may get cracking.

    Basic goals from this are to get stronger and put on muscle. In the long term, I may be interested in competing in either powerlifting or bodybuilding, but for the moment i'll be focusing on the short term goals. Current stats are as follows: Height 5'10"; Weight 84kgs (just over 13 st); body fat 12% (measured on Monday).

    Todays Training - Session, legs/ squat day
    Was quite hungover today which is never helpful in terms of training but I got out to the gym, which is half the battle, and managed to lift reasonably well.

    Always making sure i'm going below parallel. Knees have been feeling great recently, really think the benefits from these exercises have been class for my knees.

    Set 1: 60kg x 8
    Set 2: 85kg x 6
    Set 3: 95kg x 6
    Set 4: 100kg x 4
    Set 5: 105kg x 4
    Set 6: 110kg x 3

    Hammer Strength Leg Press
    For those of you not familiar with hammer strength machines, they are machines that use plates and the left and right sides move independantly.

    Set 1: 40kg per leg (80kg total) x 8
    Set 2: 45kg per leg (90kg total) x 8
    Set 3: 50kg per leg (100kg total) x 7
    Set 4: 55kg per leg (110kg total) x 5

    Lunges with olympic bar

    Set 1: 23kg x 10
    Set 2: 28kg x 10
    Set 3: 33kg x 10

    Thats the 1st day of the log completed, not ideal due to the fact that I was hungover but at least I have the ball rolling on this. Any advice or general feedback from y'all are always welcome.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Monday 1 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock.

    Back/ Deadlift day

    Set 1: 80kg x 10
    Set 2: 110kg x 6
    Set 3: 130kg x 5
    Set 4: 140kg x 5
    Set 5: 150kg x 3
    Set 6: 155kg x 3

    The 155kg is a PB and felt quite heavy. I've only been deadlifting heavy (heavy in the extent that I find it heavy) for about 2 months and my PB is still going up quite quickly. Obviously, there will come a point where I plateau, which I don't think is too far away. Just wondering at what point/ weight should I start using a belt or wraps for the heavier sets to keep pushing my PB up?

    Wide grip Pull ups

    Set 1: 5 reps
    Set 2: 4 reps

    Ordinarily I would do a 3rd set but i was in a bit of a hurry so I moved on.

    Lat Pulldowns

    Set 1: 67.5kg x 8 (Wide Grip)
    Set 2: 75kg x 5 (Alternate grip)
    Set 3: 75kg x 5 (Wide Grip)
    Set 4: 82.5kg x 3.5 (Alternate grip) (as in I did 4 but the 4th one was pure bullsh*t, didn't get the full range of motions)

    Seated Rows (Super-seted with facepulls)

    Set 1: 62.5kg x 10
    Set 2: 62.5kg x 10
    Set 3: 70kg x 7

    Facepulls (Super-seted with seated rows)

    Set 1: 30kg x 10
    Set 2: 30kg x 10
    Set 3: 30kg x 10

    I wanted to get in a few sets of 1 arm rows but as explained earlier, I was in somewhat of a rush with it being a Bank Holiday Monday so I ran out of time.

    Overall, I was happy with the session and the PB on the deadlift. Hopefully I can push it up a couple more kgs next week!! We'll see!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Tuesday 2 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Chest & Biceps/ Bench Day

    Bench Press
    20kg (warmup) x 8
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 6
    85kg x 4 (PB by one rep)
    70kg x 5
    60kg x 6

    Incline Dumbell Press

    25kgs x 7
    27.5kgs x 7
    30kgs x 6
    32.5kgs x 5

    Cable Flys (Super-seted with Decline bench Press)

    25kgs x 10
    25kgs x 10
    30kgs x 8

    Decline Benchpress (Super-seted with Cable Flys)

    43kg x 10
    53kg x 10
    58kg x 5
    On the last set here, I was going for 7-8 but I massively failed, had a feeling this might happen so I got a spotter; much like last week where Kevpants was the unfortunate spotter who witnessed my failing. I believe his exact words were: "Now that's failing, you were shaking and all".

    This was interesting because the it was very close to closing time so I had very little time left - I did the below in literally 12 minutes! Consequently, due to lack of breaks in between sets, I wasn't able to do as much as normal. Still, better than not doing them at all.

    Single arm bicep curls (standing)

    12.5kgs x 12
    15kgs x 9
    17.5kgs x 5

    Ez bar standing bicep curls

    25kg x 10
    25kg x 10
    30kg x 7

    Cable Curls (Single grip)

    25kg x 12
    30kg x 9
    35kg x 8

    Overall, I was quite happy with this session. Main aim was to do a good bench/ chest session and get the biceps done for the week as well. Was happy that I got 4 reps out of 85kg on the bench press, might be able to go for 90kg next week or the week after; we'll see!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Thursday 4 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Legs/ Squat Day

    Todays session was unusual in that one of lives great mysteries was explored, that being: How many accountants does it take to load a squat rack. The apparent answer being 4.


    Set 1: 60kg x 8
    Set 2: 90kg x 5
    Set 3: 100kg x 5
    Set 4: 110kg x 4
    Set 5: 115kg x 3
    Set 6: 80kg x 7
    Set 7: 90kg x7

    After set 5, I explored my form and with the help of 2 helpful observers, I decided I wasn't going to the depth required by powerlifting standards. The advice I was given by said observers not only allowed me to go to the required depth on sets 6 & 7 but enabled me to get more reps than previously. Will be working on maintaining that form from now on.

    Hammer Strength Leg Press

    Set 1: 40kg per leg (80kg total) x 10
    Set 2: 45kg per leg (90kg total) x 8
    Set 3: 50kg per leg (100kg total) x 6
    Set 4: 55kg per leg (110kg total) x 4

    Lunges with olympic bar

    Set 1: 25kg x 10
    Set 2: 30kg x 8
    Set 3: 35kg x 8


    Ab curls (with hands extended straight)
    Set 1: Bodyweight - 15
    Set 2: +5kg plate - 10
    Set 3: +7.5kg plate - 7

    Seated reverse ab curl (probably not the correct name)

    Set 1: Bodyweight - 10
    Set 2: Bodyweight - 10

    Was quite happy with this in that I really think i've added to my squat with the tip I got this evening. It's so hard to judge your own form and when somebody checks it out for you and pinpoints an issue, it's great. Leg press was fairly consistent with last week while lunges were actually a few kgs higher, god I really hate doing lunges!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Friday 5 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Shoulders & Triceps

    First time i've ever actually tried this split. Primary reason for this is that it has become too much to do triceps (or anything for that matter) after doing back, now that i'm taking my deadlift a lot more seriously. I'm still not sure about combining shoulders & triceps but one thing I will say in favour of it is that I felt an abnormally huge pump straight after training.


    Shoulder Press (Seated dumbells)

    Set 1: 15kgs - 12
    Set 2: 25kgs - 8
    Set 3: 25kgs - 5
    Set 4: 25kgs - 3
    After set 4, I began to notice that I was still feeling an imbalance in my left shoulder, which is really putting me off my shoulder press. So I decided not to go any higher and make sure that I was doing the technique right. Maybe it's a case that my left shoulder was still stiff and that I need to warm it up a bit more. I must give Hanley's Diesel shoulder warmup a go!
    Set 5: 20kgs - 5
    Set 6: 20kgs - 5

    Lateral raises (Superseted with Bent over Lateral raises)
    Set 1: 7kgs - 10
    Set 2: 8kgs - 10
    Set 3: 8kgs - 10
    Set 4: 9kgs - 9

    Bent over lateral raises (Superseted with Lateral raises)
    Set 1: 7kgs - 10
    Set 2: 8kgs - 10
    Set 3: 8kgs - 10
    Set 4: 9kgs - 8

    Barbell Shrugs
    Set 1: 60kg - 10
    Set 2: 80kg - 10
    Set 3: 90kg - 7
    Set 4: 80kg - 10
    Set 5: 80kg - 8

    Set 1: 30kg - 10
    Set 2: 30kg - 10
    Set 3: 30kg - 10

    Side Plank with low cable pull (Clearly not the correct name:pac:)
    Set 1: 20kg - 12
    Set 2: 25kg - 10
    Set 3: 25kg - 10


    Single arm standing Tricep extensions
    Set 1: 12.5kg - 10
    Set 2: 15kg - 8
    Set 3: 17.5kg - 4
    For some reason, my left elbow hurts like hell when I do this exercise and only this exercise. Maybe it is inducing tendonitis - Anyone ever get this when they do this exercise???

    Skull Crushers
    Took very short breaks in between these so I didn't get as much on the last set as I would have liked.
    Set 1: 30kg - 10, then 6 presses
    Set 2: 35kg - 8, then 6 presses
    Set 3: 40kg - 4, then 3 presses

    Dips (superseted with machine tricep extensions w/ rope grip)
    Set 1: 10
    Set 2: 10
    Set 3: 8

    Machine tricep extensions w/ rope grip (supersetted with dips)
    Set 1: 22.5kg - 10
    Set 2: 22.5kg - 10
    Set 3: 30kg - 7

    Realising now that I did quite a lot, still I think it worked well and I got it done within an hour so happy days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Monday 8 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock.

    Back/ Deadlift day

    Set 1: 60kg x 8
    Set 2: 100kg x 6
    Set 3: 130kg x 4
    Set 4: 140kg x 4
    Set 5: 150kg x 4
    Set 6: 160kg x 3

    The 160kg is another PB, up 5kgs from last week. However, I was dissapointed that I couldn't get the 3rd one, got it about half way and I just couldn't pull it. I asked this last week but noone answered so i'll ask again. At what point/ weight should I start using a belt for the heavier sets to keep pushing my PB up? Also, do people think it would be a good idea to do ancillary exercises such as SLDL or other exercises to help specifically with my deadlift.

    Wide grip Pull ups
    Set 1: 4 reps
    Set 2: 5 reps
    Set 3: 4 reps

    Lat Pulldowns
    Set 1: 67.5kg x 8 (Wide Grip)
    Set 2: 75kg x 7 (Alternate grip)
    Set 3: 75kg x 6 (Wide Grip)
    Set 4: 82.5kg x 4 (Alternate grip)

    Seated Rows
    Set 1: 62.5kg x 10
    Set 2: 62.5kg x 10
    Set 3: 70kg x 7

    Single arm row
    Set 1: 27.5kgs x 17
    Set 2: 27.5kgs x 14

    Seated dumbell powercleans
    Set 1: 7kgs x 10
    Set 2: 7kgs x 8

    Was happy enough to get the PB on the deadlift but I would have liked to get 3 reps. I think i might be reaching the point where i'll be hitting a plateau sometime soon. I'll still be trying to get 165kgs next week but we'll see on that one!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Re: Belt, its kinda up to yourself TBH if you feel you need it then get it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Set 1: 60kg x 8
    Set 2: 90kg x 5
    Set 3: 100kg x 5
    Set 4: 110kg x 4
    Set 5: 115kg x 3
    Set 6: 80kg x 7
    Set 7: 90kg x7

    After set 5, I explored my form and with the help of 2 helpful observers, I decided I wasn't going to the depth required by powerlifting standards. The advice I was given by said observers not only allowed me to go to the required depth on sets 6 & 7 but enabled me to get more reps than previously. Will be working on maintaining that form from now on.

    You're welcome!! ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    I thought i did alot of volume but i've a pain in my face reading your logs!! mad amount a stuff! I love it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    I thought i did alot of volume but i've a pain in my face reading your logs!! mad amount a stuff! I love it!

    Is that a good thing, doing the volume of stuff I'm doing? I'm fitting every session into an hour pretty much, so I don't think i'm over-training?
    Malteaser! wrote:
    You're welcome!!

    Thanks again on that one. I didn't want to go naming names, so I said i'd allow yourself and Hanley to have a bit of anonymity! I'll be squatting again tomorrow night so I'll let you know how I get on with incorporating your advise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Tuesday 2 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Chest & Biceps/ Bench Day


    Bench Press
    20kg (warmup) x 12
    Set 1: 70kg x 6
    Set 2: 80kg x 5
    Set 3: 85kg x 5
    Set 4: 90kg x 4 (PB with 90kg!! Get in!!)
    Set 5: 75kg x 4 (WTF, that last one must have really taken it out of me)
    Set 6: 70kg x 6

    Incline Dumbell Press
    Set 1: 25kgs x 10
    Set 2: 27.5kgs x 7
    Set 3: 30kgs x 6
    Set 4: 32.5kgs x 3

    Cable Flys (Super-seted with Decline bench Press)
    Set 1: 20kgs x 12
    Set 2: 25kgs x 10
    Set 3: 30kgs x 8

    Decline Benchpress (Super-seted with Cable Flys)
    Set 1: 43kg x 10
    Set 2: 53kg x 10
    Set 3: 58kg x 5


    Single arm bicep curls (standing)
    Set 1: 12.5kgs x 12
    Set 2: 15kgs x 10
    Set 3: 17.5kgs x 5

    Ez bar seated preacher curls
    I really fcuking hate this exercise because it's just plain painful! I don't do it everyweek because of that but it's defo a good one for working the guns!
    Set 1: 25kg x 10
    Set 2: 30kg x 7 (that one really burned!)
    Set 3: 25kg x 8

    Cable Curls (Single grip) super setted with core exercises
    Set 1: 25kg x 10
    Front Plank: 60 seconds (counted in my head, nice and slowly)
    Set 2: 30kg x 10
    Side Plank: 30 seconds each side
    Set 3: 35kg x 8

    Was thrilled with the 90kg bench PR, and what was even better is that it actually felt pretty easy! Maybe it was just a good day or maybe its the fact that I took a day off between deadlifting and benching, I dunno. We'll find out next week, will be trying to build on this for sure!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Thursday 11 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Legs/ Squat Day

    This was a bit of a disaster of a session to be honest. Got quite bogged down with my squat. Thinking that I need to keep it at around 80-90kgs for a few weeks and make sure I'm doing well on that before jumping up too much. My knees had been irritating me this week, perhaps I overloaded them with my activity level.

    I also came to the conclusion that I have rubbish hip flexibility (from attempting to do front and overhead squats) and that this is something I really need to work on. I actually think that this is one of the contributory factors to my knee problems. Does anyone know much about this and the solution to it? Is continuing to practice front and overhead squats going to solve the problem or is there something else I need to do? Is it worth my while going to a physio about this?

    Set 1: 60kg x 8
    Set 2: 90kg x 5
    Set 3: 100kg x 3
    Set 4: 110kg x 2
    Set 5: 80kg x 5
    Set 6: 80kg x 5

    Front Squats
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5

    Overhead Squats
    20kg x 2
    20kg x 3
    20kg x 2

    I left it at this due to severe demoralisation!

    The front and overhead squats were not pretty and I found them very difficult. As mentioned above, I'm convinced that this is down to lack of hip flexibility. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 16,397 ✭✭✭✭Degsy

    Thursday 11 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Legs/ Squat Day

    This was a bit of a disaster of a session to be honest. Got quite bogged down with my squat. Thinking that I need to keep it at around 80-90kgs for a few weeks and make sure I'm doing well on that before jumping up too much. My knees had been irritating me this week, perhaps I overloaded them with my activity level.

    I also came to the conclusion that I have rubbish hip flexibility (from attempting to do front and overhead squats) and that this is something I really need to work on. I actually think that this is one of the contributory factors to my knee problems. Does anyone know much about this and the solution to it? Is continuing to practice front and overhead squats going to solve the problem or is there something else I need to do? Is it worth my while going to a physio about this?

    Set 1: 60kg x 8
    Set 2: 90kg x 5
    Set 3: 100kg x 3
    Set 4: 110kg x 2
    Set 5: 80kg x 5
    Set 6: 80kg x 5

    Front Squats
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5
    20kg x 5

    Overhead Squats
    20kg x 2
    20kg x 3
    20kg x 2

    I left it at this due to severe demoralisation!

    The front and overhead squats were not pretty and I found them very difficult. As mentioned above, I'm convinced that this is down to lack of hip flexibility. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

    I reckon those squats were just to heavy for ya man.
    What you need to do is concentrate on getting your form right and working with comfortable numbers before adding 20-30 justs doesnt happen that quickly.
    When i was spotting you yesterday it looked like your knees were letting you down on the higher weights...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Degsy wrote: »
    I reckon those squats were just to heavy for ya man.
    What you need to do is concentrate on getting your form right and working with comfortable numbers before adding 20-30 justs doesnt happen that quickly.
    When i was spotting you yesterday it looked like your knees were letting you down on the higher weights...

    Agreed, but I do think the lack of flexibility in my hips is putting undue pressure on my knees, which have both been damaged through injuries (not injured through weightlifting).

    I definately think my quads are strong enough to be able to squat what I was attempting but my knees on the other hand are struggling with the pressure of the weight. If theres one way of lessening that pressure, it's through increased hip flexibility. I will definately be taking your advice and dropping the weight back to 80-90 while I do that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Agreed, but I do think the lack of flexibility in my hips is putting undue pressure on my knees, which have both been damaged through injuries (not injured through weightlifting).

    I definately think my quads are strong enough to be able to squat what I was attempting but my knees on the other hand are struggling with the pressure of the weight. If theres one way of lessening that pressure, it's through increased hip flexibility. I will definately be taking your advice and dropping the weight back to 80-90 while I do that.

    OH Squats are coompletely different animals to back squats, im off now, but ill post what I think tomorrow!! it'll probably be crap!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Tuesday 16 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock.

    Back/ Deadlift day

    Set 1: 80kg x 10
    Set 2: 120kg x 5
    Set 3: 130kg x 5
    Set 4: 145kg x 3
    Set 5: 155kg x 3
    Set 6: 165kg x 2 - PB
    Set 7: 100kg x 6

    The 165kg is another PB, up 5kgs from last week. On the first attempt, I failed on it, then recomposed myself, went back and did 2 reps. It felt very heavy to be honest, the second one was a real battle. I can't see 170kg happening next time, particularly after a 6 day boozing holiday! Nonetheless, I have no doubt I will have convinced myself otherwise by the next DL session.

    Lat Pulldowns
    Set 1: 67.5kg x 8 (Wide Grip)
    Set 2: 75kg x 6 (Alternate grip)
    Set 3: 75kg x 5 (Wide Grip)
    Set 4: 82.5kg x 4 (Alternate grip)

    Seated Rows
    Set 1: 62.5kg x 10
    Set 2: 70kg x 10
    Set 3: 77.5kg x 6

    It was getting late and I was tired so I left it at that. This was the last session before I head away on holiday on Friday morning as I have stuff to do the next 2 nights. Next training session will probably be next Thurs or Friday and I will probably weigh 5kgs more due to excessive eating and drinking. Anyhow, I'll check back in after the hols, laters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Monday 29 June 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock.

    Back/ Deadlift day

    First day back in the gym since my holidays and I must say, I really struggled. My grip was not a strong as before I left and my hands were in bits. Also, I tired out fairly quickly - guess it's just a case of getting my body used to training again!

    Set 1: 80kg x 10
    Set 2: 110kg x 6
    Set 3: 130kg x 5
    Set 4: 140kg x 3
    Set 5: 155kg x 1
    Set 6: 100kg x 6

    Down from 165kg x2 on my last training day to 155kg x1. Aside from the grip not being as strong, my knee was a little sore, think I may have overexerted it while I was away!

    Lat Pulldowns
    Set 1: 67.5kg x 8 (Wide Grip)
    Set 2: 75kg x 6 (Alternate grip)
    Set 3: 75kg x 5 (Wide Grip)
    Set 4: 82.5kg x 4 (Alternate grip)

    Seated Rows
    Set 2: 70kg x 10

    Was gonna do more seated row sets but I felt too fatigued and decided to cut my losses and give my body a chance to recover for the next session. Hardest part over with now, it will be a case of getting back to the way I was before the hols and starting to make gains again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Thursday 2 July 2009 - Total Fitness Castleknock

    Chest & Biceps/ Bench Day


    Bench Press
    20kg (warmup) x 12
    Set 1: 75kg x 6
    Set 2: 80kg x 6
    Set 3: 85kg x 4
    Set 4: 90kg x 2
    Set 5: 70kg x 6

    Triceps really started to go on th 90kg, need to get them back into action with a session on Saturday. I definately think my chest could have taken 4-5 on 90kg.

    Incline Dumbell Press
    Set 1: 22.5kgs x 8
    Set 2: 27.5kgs x 6
    Set 3: 30kgs x 4

    Cable Flys (Super-seted with Decline bench Press)
    Set 1: 25kgs x 10
    Set 2: 30kgs x 8
    Set 3: 35kgs x 6

    Decline Benchpress (Super-seted with Cable Flys)
    Set 1: 50kg x 6
    Set 2: 50kg x 8

    Triceps were really giving way on the above.


    Single arm bicep curls (standing)
    Set 1: 12.5kgs x 12
    Set 2: 15kgs x 9
    Set 3: 17.5kgs x 6

    Ez bar standing curls
    Set 1: 25kg x 10
    Set 2: 25kg x 10
    Set 3: 30kg x 8

    Cable Curls (Single grip)
    Set 1: 30kg x 10
    Set 2: 35kg x 10
    Set 3: 35kg x 8

    Overall, not too bad. I expect to be motoring back into things next week. Knee is still quite swolen so I'll have to give the squats (and possibly deadlifts) a miss until that is sorts itself out.
