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Try running when afraid of dogs



  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    4.4 miles in 41:22
    Not a great time but glad to be running back to back days, embrassed to think how long since I last did that

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    First Half Marathon done still waiting on official chip time but def did it in under 2 hours I reckon 1:59:00 ish, couldnt get the watch to stop afterwards for exact time.

    I hadnt been looking forward to this race at all, just wasnt feeling good about my running since the 10 miles. Usually the day before a race I make sure to drink loads of water and eat all the right things but not this weekend, if so many people didnt know I was doing it I would nearly have pulled out.

    Arrived in Longford Sunday morning and besides nearly throwing up at the state of a portaloo it was grand. It had a nice relaxed atmosphere and you could just join the start without pens and railings which meant you werent standing around for ages waiting to start. I started near the back as I wasnt planning on breaking any records and just wanted to finish. There was a couple beside me where the fella was wearing slacks and the woman jeans - thats how far back I was!

    For sub 2 hours I knew I needed 9 minute miles but was disappointed when I did the first mile in 9 mins as I usually tend to go out a bit faster to build a cushion for the hills. Did the second mile in 8 mins and then back to 9 mins for miles 3-8. Met the boyfriend at around mile 6 for some lucozade and a gel which I sipped for the next few miles. Lost a bit of time from mile 8-10 and was about 92 mins at 10 mile mark. I thought i'd fall apart at this stage as I havnt done many long runs recently but I actually felt fine and decided to just go for it. All my other races have been in dublin and nearly all in Phoenix Park so I always knew the course it was different not to know when the next hill was coming, think I prefer it this way!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 259 ✭✭goofygirl

    yay! go you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    thanks goofygirl, still delighted with it, just checked and official time is 1:59:08 which mcmillan equates to a 4:11:13 marathon....mmm something to think about;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    3.8 miles, forgot watch so no idea of time but felt like i pushed myself, didnt want to go as weather was crap but as always enjoyed it when i was out

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  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    5.3 miles in to google how to run faster for 10k race in two weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    5.3 miles in 45:14
    Happy with time, had planned on doing a long run last weekend but things got in the way. Have been doing a bit of work on my core instead, very very sore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Total 8.4k, didnt set watch til after first 200m so time of 44:57 relates to 8.2k or about 5 miles. Not a good idea to eat two portions of chocolate biscuit cake before running, but kind of worth it:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    5.3 miles in 49:05:eek:, wasnt prepared for the weather, it was just too hot for me, didnt have any energy at all. Had planned on doing 7 miles but passed the car at 5.3 and thought what good is two more very slow miles going to do me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Tried a tempo run tonight - 3.8 miles in 28:50, not sure if it was actually any faster than usual...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Just back from The Lakes 10k in Blessington and a new 10K PB, not sure of exact time but i think it was sub 53 mins which is a big improvement of sub 60 at the GIR:D.

    Really well organised race with good t-shirts, small water bottles, lovely muffins and lucozade at finish and a decent goody bag. Had nearly pulled out of the race yesterday, finished work for 2 weeks and wanted to go for a few drinks, came to a compromise just had the 2 and thought sure i'll give the race a go but not to expect too much. Nice flat course expect for a killer hill at 7k, that nearly had me in tears - would def do it again, especially now that I know where Blessington is - blasted sat nav didnt seem to!

    -Got official time of 52:48

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Congrats :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Was on hols for the past few weeks - managed a few short runs, but mostly it was too hot:D. Been back at work nearly a week and havnt done a tap but joined a gym this week and will go for a run tomorrow evening - writing it down so now I'll have to do it (bad habits can happen very easily).

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    8k in 44 mins on threadmill, nearly killed me, feeling the affects of the last few weeks excesses

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    8.03k in 46:18 mins...nearly killed me again...need to stop taking 5 days between sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    8k in 45:03, still killing me...think it could be the threadmill, its so hot in the gym i'm nearly sweating just walking in the door

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    8k in 45:15

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    8k in 45:04...followed by 10 mins on rowing machine, hope to get more into a routine this week

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Well that didnt happen - was sick the first week and only getting back to myself this week. Went for a run in Phoenix Park this morning hadnt been there since September and its gotten a lot colder with diversions and closed gates, wasnt sure how i was going to get out once i got in. Wore my new running gear from aldi/lidl (can never remember which is which) well its not that new but it was its first outing - black lyra leggings cosy and comfortable but black lyra long sleeve top kept trying to turn in to a belly top - after 50th time of yanking it down I just let it win.

    Managed 5.3 miles in 52:16 which is brutal but in my defence it was windy and i'm still a bit chesty from flu. I have found that unless I have a race coming up I can be a bit lax with the training so have signed up for the Athenry 10k on Stephens Day (will be home in the west for christmas) to keep me motivated for the rest of the year, a lot of work to be done to come anywhere near my time from the Lakes 10k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Well went for a walk/hike in Howth yesterday approx 5/6k in 90 mins. Walk was nice but burst into tears twice due to the sheer volume of dogs not on leads which were everywhere and all wanted to smell/follow/eat was put into hypnotist first thing this morning, enough is enough:o

    Gym this evening - 5k in 30 mins -slight gradient of 1.5%
    20 mins on bike - 6k

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  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Threadmill - 8k in 44:17 - yeah finally breaking 45 mins again:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 162 ✭✭bourne99

    Just a quick story - when I was about 4/5 years old, my neighour used to walk his Highland Terrier dog by our house. I thought it was the nicest looking dog ever and of course one day I tried to pet it. I leaned down, put my hand out and CHOMP! He nearly took my finger off. Blood everywhere etc., which as a young kid was a bit of a fright. Now, secretly after that I developed a bit of a fear of little dogs in particular, you know those ones that bark like morans for no reasons. As a young boy who constantly cycled EVERYWHERE with a group of other guys, you can appreciate that having such a fear is a little hard to accept. When I was cycling on my own, I used to avoid certain paths/roads that I knew had particularly nasty dogs - there was this Yorkshire Terrier in particular that used to cause me all sorts of upset and it would charge at me like it was nuts! I can still remember the fear I would feel, that sinking, heartbeat-skipping fear!
    Anyway, one day, when I was about 8 or so, I had a crash on my bike when this particular dog came legging it after me. I hit a kerb, went over the handlebars and I was all cuts and bruises (a regular thing back then!) and in tears. For whatever reason, I just flipped out and disctinctly remember my thoughts of 'I'm going to kick that dog!'. So, I ran back at him as fast as I possibly could and to my utter amazement and shock, the little jerk ran off. Then as I turned around and went back to my bike, he came running/barking back at me again. So I turned around and ran at him again and once more he ran off - and I realised that if I kept facing/running at him, he was afraid of me.
    Well, after that, I used to purposely go cycling/running at him and any other dog that would ever bark at me - and to this day when it happens, I just stop and march towards the dog if they're causing problems. Now, I don't know what an angry alsation/doberman would do, but these little morans or 'barkers' as I call them, they always back away. Ironically where I live now, the neighbours have just bought a little barking jerk just like the ones I used to see as a kid. I have great fun with him now!
    You could try an experiment sometime and leg it towards some dogs and see what happens!!? Anyway, maybe that's not much help, I hope it is. Suppose it's nice to hear similar experiences at the very least!

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Thanks for that Bourne99, great story. If im feeling particularly brave next time I meet one I might try that .... or I might be terrified and do my usual freeze up. Still waiting to get the hypnotist appointment sorted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Had planned on a long run today but was due a visitor so had to cut it short. 5k in 26:50 - felt grand until 3.5k when I got a stitch in my side, hadnt done anything different this morning maybe the pace was a bit faster??

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Gym session - Since Ive started going to the gym this year I've only really used the threadmill so I thought I'd mix it up a bit tonight - 30 mins on cross trainer (harder than it looks!!), 20 mins on bike and 3k in 17 mins on threadmill.

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    you're supposed to go to gym tonight

    but i dont want to, i'm wreaked and just want to sit on couch and eat junk

    no think of all your hard work

    i dont care

    ok how about a quick 5k and then junk?

    alright, but im not going to enjoy it

    5k in 27:45

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭beamgirl

    Right so last two weeks have been a write off, the less said the better.

    Got on a threadmill today and did 10k in 58:22, thrilled with that - I havnt run that far since September which is disgraceful. I was actually surprised I could still do it, I think I might finally after a year have a certain fitness base so if i miss a week or two I dont have to start from stratch again, this was news to me!
    Okay going to be positive from now on while my training over past few months has been patchy to say the least (think alot of this, besides crap weather, is I lost my Zen which I used to always use when running and Im finding it hard to motivate myself to go running without any music or radio at all) but besides that Im a lot fitter than I was this time last year, im actually running a race on stephens day (the parents wont know whats going on) and If I maintain my fitness until year end I can start the new year strong, (hopefully with a new Zen, or find the bloody one I misplaced).
