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Psychic/Mediumistic Circle and Spiritualist Meetup in Co. Cork

  • 12-06-2009 12:25pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3

    A Psychic and Mediumistic Development Circle is being held in Charleville, Co. Cork with the intention of developing individuals extrasensory perceptions, which covers a broad range of abilities from Clairvoyance (Clear-seeing) to Clairaudience (Hearing).

    In an informal space and with like-minded individuals, we perform thorough Grounding and Opening-up procedures for the betterment of our experience with Spirit. Connecting and activating your vital energy centres or Charkra's you can be sure that your Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit will recieve a thorough workout during the Circle! :-)

    If this group tickles your Soul's fancy and you would like to participate in our Circle or you would like further information, please contact our Circle Facilitator: Nicola on: 087-7404348.

    Nicola also run's a Healing Circle once a Month as well as a Spiritualist Meetup Group where individuals can discuss their experiences and share ideas over a cup of tea or coffee. Don't forget to ask her about these when you call!!

    Much love,

    Steven aka Riel.
