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Junior Cert Boardsies '09



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,553 ✭✭✭soccymonster

    Of course im right :D
    So could we check our results on the web if we wanted to?
    Your so lucky you have a neighbour that your friends with. I live beside 4 ten year olds and a 'lovely' girl (meh!) :P so im really on my own while my sis is away..:(
    yea it was on rte2. I love harpers island:D
    The last castle, whats that? I only have the 4 channels, no sky :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    Yeah I guess it does! I don't know what I'll do, depends if I'm at school on the day, and how I feel about it at the time. Do you still have your PIN?
    Anyway, The Last Castle was on RTE1 the other night. I feel for you with no Sky...but in a way you're lucky because when I come in after school it's nearly impossible to drag myself away from the TV. This year with the added complication of boards it's gonna be even harder. :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,553 ✭✭✭soccymonster

    Yeah, i still have my pin...somewere?!
    I love being the oldest of 3. I get to do anything i want :D Well not anything but more then da other 2.
    I dont really mind not having sky. Theres usually nothing on those 500 channels anyways and i usually discover programmes i would have never noticed on RTE lol.
    Well, i wont go overboard studying or anything this year. Gonna relax.. :D
    I think i better edit my last message on my neighbour coz if she sees that and puts two and two together then ill be in trouble. :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    Grand lol, I'm gonna edit mine, because with nearly 3000 views it's making me abit antsy about writing an autobiography in this thread (you'll have to buy it in bookstores people ;) ).
    Sky is awesome, I love the documentaries although there is a SHEDLOAD (see what I did there) of rubbish like bloody low-budget African sitcom channels, and fevourant religion channels even the pope and all the cardinals put together would find abit over the top.
    I've been told atleast 50 times now to work hard in 5th year or you'll regret it in 6th year. I'm not gonna kill myself but I'm definetly not gonna sit back and relax. I fell behind in maths for doing stuff like that in 2nd year and ended up having to pretty much learn some 2nd year stuff again which was a pain, like sets! And I still messed up the question in the maths paper (left out a number in the equation...)! :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,553 ✭✭✭soccymonster

    By shedload, do you mean sihtload? Sory, i actualy cant see what you just did there.. Im sooo slow. Its unbeleivable sometimes :P
    i had to get grinds in maths coz i was too lazy to bother doing my homework as my teacher never checked it so i just pretended dat i didnt know how to do it when she asked me to explain the answer on the board! So.. Yea! Ar you doin HL maths since your goin for med? Better not give away too much of yourself on this. You dont know who could be reading it LOL :P

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    That was what I did...instead of saying shítload I said shedload. :P

    I had to get grinds too...but by god they were useless. I forgot to show up about 1/2 the time. I just kept practicing and doing exam questions and it came to me. :) Lesson: You get good at maths not just by learning, but practicing. That happens to me loads! I'd be half-asleep in class and then the teacher would ask me to continue on reading something or translate something he/she just translated on the board. God how much times I've been caught out with that one...
    *deep inhale* Well...I'm going to do my best, I hope I can stay motivated. My plan is to do pass Irish and honours maths. But I've heard so much scare-stories, it's very demotivating. I'm not the worst at maths but I'm but no means the best. I'm expecting a B in my JC. What about yourself?

    Yeah ya do. They're watching us. :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,553 ✭✭✭soccymonster

    Im always caught out. Or in history when we were supposed to read and learn 2 pages for homework (which i never do coz i hate history. And who does reading homework?) and then he asks me questions and i never know the answer!! Grrr..
    Your doing pass irish? Gosh, im doing pass maths witou a doubt but im hoping for a C in the junior cert. I got 40% in my mock so a C would make my mam proud :D Haha..
    Do you do lcvp in your school?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    Ohh I could nearly always remember my history learning from the previous day, our teacher was legendary tbh, we barely used the book! He just gave us out notes. The book is full of shít you don't need. For science did you have a book called Science Today? It was HUGE and full of crap you'd never need. I always "forgot" it because it weighed down my bag so much and I couldn't get all my books into it. Selling my old JC books now to a younger neighbour starting. Changed loads of the books now, 3 (well, 4 by now) years is so long ago! Can almost remember that first day...infact I can remember my first day of 1st class and senior infants in primary school...good times...good times...
    We didn't have a maths mock but I did dire in my Christmas tests. I got like 54% but she bumped it up to 55% so I could get a C. I didn't go to sleep until like 2 the night before, was absolutely knackered for the exam, got a mental block on a theorem (which my teacher proceeded to kill me for) and worst of all, I forgot my calculator so I was absolutely doomed. I came out of it with no doubt in my mind I'd failed it, I ran out of time for the last 2 questions (out of 7) and made a shambles of another 3. It showed my the importance of attempt marks though. Good times.

    God I can ramble on, can't I? No, no LCVP where I am! I'm not too pushed, it's only worth it if you get an honours grade (70 points) in it. Do you have it?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,553 ✭✭✭soccymonster

    Yea we have LCVP. Will prob do that or japanese to replace (cant think of right verb) for pass maths.
    No we didnt have science today we had some other big blue book with lots of cool facts and cartoon pictures. LOL!
    Yea, you can ramble on! :P I can rember the day i moved from limerick to clare and went into my new class. Haha.. I rember lots of stuff actually but i wont bother saying them all just incase someone recognizes me. LOL!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 481 ✭✭coldwood92

    I luv boards

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 870 ✭✭✭overmantle

    Can be a bit addictive tho!!
